tv The Daily Show Comedy Central August 15, 2018 1:40am-2:10am PDT
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oh, yeah! ( gasping ) spain, 1478. the weapon of choice: the mace. it was the beginning of the spanish inquisition. even though it was begun with the best of intentions a number of very nice, innocent people were brutally punished and without a doubt the worst thing about the spanish inquisition was that nobody ever said they were sorry. how were they punished? oh, all kinds of awful ways. like what? well, sometimes they would strike you with one of these. sometimes they would make you lie on a bed of spikes and then pour boiling oil on you. ooh! mm-hmm, and sometimes, they would tie your arms and legs to four different horses and tear you apart. ( class gasp)ng cool. why, i feel like i'm being watched.
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joseph? jo-seph? what? dale: careful, joseph. i'm just here to play with bobby. i don't want any trouble. i could use a little help preparing the soil. why don't you spread the mulch? what's it made out of? paddle. and goat manure. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah! ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody! thank you so much for tuning in!
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i'm trevor noah! our guest tonight -- our guest tonight, former white house aide and current white house enemy omerosa manigault-newman is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) yeah, i heard she's been doing interesting stuff lately, and i can't wait to hear about it. speaking of which, let's get to today's headlines. this week, omerosa has been burning up the new news promotig her idea president trump is unhinged. he made her case. >> president trump said omerosa manigault-newman lied when she called him a racist who was heard using the y word on a tape. >> trevor: now, i know what you're thinking. it's weird for trump to say he's never said the n-word and also
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say mark burnet called him to reassure him saying there's no tape of him saying the n-word. what other things has mark called him to tell trump he didn't do? "mark called me to say i didn't do 9/11, folks, so suck it, bin laden!" ( laughter ) it fell to sarah huckabee sanders to assure the public president trump never said the n-word on tape. considering sarah sanders will usually lie about anything to cover for her boss her answer was surprisingly shifty. >> can you stand at the podium and guarantee the american people they'll never hear donald trump uttering the n-word on recording in any context. >> i can't guarantee you but i can tell you the president addressed this. i haven't heard it. >> you can't guarantee it? >> look, i haven't been in every
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single room? she's sounding like every time she leaves the room trump says it. ( laughter ) it's been said children are the future. they want the president, too. >> this 14-year-old boy is running for governor of vermont. ethan sonneborn is running as a democrat, high school freshman. he's taking advantage of the state law that does not set a minimum age to run for governor, you just need permission from your parents. >> i had a culmination of frustrations with politics as usual. >> trevor: you mean since you learned how to read seven years ago? ( laughter ) little man's not wrong but most of his life he's had a black president, you realize that, right? and by the way, this is the future of politics. everyone will have to run when they're 14 before they get caught up in scandal also. what dirt do you have, he dated
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a 13-year-old? yeah, that was last year. ( laughter ) i don't think there's a problem having a child as governor. we already have one in the white house. ( horns blowing ) >> trevor: yes! yes! ( cheers and applause ) in other news, while kids are acting like adults, adults are acting like idiots. >> l.a. times reports a man hopped over a barrier, quickly slapped a 4-year-old hip poe. hip poe's name was rosy, before running away. they're calling this trespassing since rosie does not appear to be injured. >> trevor: okay, this was a little funny but also very dangerous. those could have been hungry, hungry hippos. ( laughter ) seriously, the police are now looking for this guy and personally i don't think he should go to jail for this. i think jail is already overcrowded. i think they should send the
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hippo to his house and see how he likes it. yeah. that's what they should do. although it would be funny if it backfired and the hippo came out of his house crying, why did you send me in there? he slappedly ass again! you humans are heartless! let's move on. let's talk about something fun for a change. today is national creamsickle day! hurray! ( cheers and applause ) don't you want to celebrate with a creamsickle now? if you look under your seats you will see they're melted. you should have been here yesterday for national left handler's day. that surprise did not melt. here to celebrate national creamsickle day is dulce sloan, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) dulce. >> what's up? >> trevor: one thing i love about america is everything is a
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fun national something day. what's your favorite national day? >> i think mine is national i don't give a shit about national days. >> trevor: what day is that, dulce? >> it's every day. don't you know they make these days up just to sell you shit? >> trevor: just last week, dulce, there was black women's equal payday. >> oh, so you saying black women getting equal pay is the same as creamsickle day? >> trevor: no, no, i wasn't saying that. let's move on. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no! let's talk about plaque women's equal pay, you guys want to talk about black women's equal pay? ( cheering ) >> trevor: first, let's talk about creamsickles because i heard sometimes when you mentioned products on tv they send you free samples. >> that would be great. if someone out there owns equal pay, send me some! ( laughter ) trevor, on average, it takes black women 20 months to make what a white man earns in 12.
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with that ratio, if you putto olivia pope on 24, it would have to be called 39! ( laughter ) black women deserve equal pay because it's expensive. i've got to pay products for my natural hair, my fake hair. i wish i could use a three in one shampoo conditioner and body washes but i can't wash my hair with the same thing i wash my ass with! ( laughter ) isn't that something we should all believe? just two things! just get two things! >> trevor: i think it's also important for us to remember, dulls, that paying black women equally is right because it also allows them to buy more cream sickles. >> if you don't shut up saying cream sick also! shut up about these cream sickles, man, america, black women need to be paid more than anybody! >> trevor: wait, wait, wait! i thought this was about
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equality! >> no, i changed my mind. now i want more. ( laughter ) because we do so much for america. we keep child molesters out of office, we literally gave y'all royalty, and what would you do without black woman memes? all you would have is that blinking white dude. ( laughter ) all i'm saying is pay us what we're owed. now, if you will excuse me, it's national cream sickle day. >> trevor: dulce sloan, everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) ♪ even the very serious ronda rousey, ♪ (laughing)
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hold your applause. ( laughter ) you may not know this, but before trump became well known for making george bush look really good, the donald was world famous for his reality show, "the apprentice." in fact, at its peak, the show was so popular they made a version of it in more than 30 countries around the globe. >> "the apprentice" asia. >> you're fired. >> for that reason, sarah jane, you're fired. >> you're fired. >> it's time to go home. you are dismissed. ( laughter ) okay. i feel like that last guy didn't get the memo. you can't just change the catch phrase. it's your fired, not okay go home you're dismissed. that's what made the show so successful. it wouldn't be the same if 007 was, the name is james bond,
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james bond! no. the phrase is something trump pieo neared that spread around the world. same thing with his presidency. people are taking what trump did in the u.s. and rebooting it in other countries. pakistan just elect add new prime minister. i'll play you a bit of his back story and you tell me who he reminds you of. >> imran khan is a man of wealth and privilege. >> good looks. >> he was every girl's dream man in the '70s and '80s. >> what is it that proceeded a fantastic urge for the girls to beat a path to your door? i just try to make it as comfortable for myself as possible. >> trevor: are you seeing what i'm seeing? tell me that's not the pakistani trump tower. ( laughter )
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like, i feel like my eyes just got h.p.v. ( applause ) and even when you listen to the news coverage of imran khan, they may as well be describing an even more tan version of president trump. >> zero experience in government but he promises a new pakistan. >> khan widened his appeal by casting himself as a populist. >> imran khan represents a strong muscular national i'm. >> he adopted conservative positions on women's rights issues. >> he's able to conduct himself along the same speech -- >> trevor: amazing how it used to be a career ender and now it's a skill. pundits say he's able to contradict himself in the same speech which is really good and really bad. ( laughter ) the more you look, the more these similarities have spanned their entire lives. trump pizza adds, khan pepsy. trump three marriages, so did
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khan. khan lives in islamabad, i should have stopped but the rhythm kept can me going. ( laughter ) before elected, khan was embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal and got through it, like trump. for some strange reason, billy bush got fired again. poor billy was just trying to start a new life! now it would be one thing if the two leaders were the same but what's mind blowing is they used the same casting director to find their supporters. >> donald trump's rowdy campaign rally is getting increasingly violent. >> his followers are very, very young but are known for being very rude and very disruptive. >> there are thousands of people inside just to camp a glimpse of donald trump. >> thousands of pakistanis are waiting for they are here. >> a rock star reception for
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donald trump. >> pulling his plane into an arizona rally. >> imman's flyover whips them into a frenzy. >> trevor: i love how people are impressed which someone in an aircraft, like the 1920s. look! he's up in the sky like a bird! hey, everybody our leader! ( laughter ) don't get me wrong. i'm not saying imran khan is the brown trump, though it would be funny if trump woke up and was brown. that would be a great movie, him building a wall to protect us from himself. "we've gotta build a wall because i'm coming!" no, i'm not saying imran khan is the brown trump. i'm saying imran khan is one of the many leaders around the world following the successful format of the hit show called "the trump presidency," including aapparently using the same writers. >> people love me and you know what i have been very successful, everybody loves me. >> someone like me who is blessed with everything, who has
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everything, who doesn't need anything and who has so much love from these people -- >> that system is set up so that the crooked politicians can make sure they get somebody somethat's not, you know, part of what we're going. >> we're going to fight the status quo, this crooked politician, the alliance of the crooked, the crooked party. >> trevor: sounds better hearing trump's phrases with bollywood music in the background ( singing ) ( laughter ) so joint if prime minister khan will turn out exactly like president trump. all i'm saying is if you were planning to move to pakistan to escape trump, you might want to pick someplace else. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ music playing
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i love you iphone x. (sprintern) yeah, i love that you can unlock it with faceid. (sas-bot) love? who said that? i didn't say that. (sprintern) okay...well this just got... (sas-bot) okay! thank you. (sprintern) ...awkward. (vo) get the unrivaled iphone x for the best price. for people with hearing loss, now just $5 a month. visit doto be our next spokesperson?m he's so boring. hm. sounds like you're on the fence. why don't i just leave you my resume? yes, it's laminated. no thanks. you're hired! try caramel m&m's. ow. yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. yaaaayyy!!! aww. we hide hotel names,
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so you can find four star hotels at two star prices. h-o-t-w-i-r-e even the very serious ronda ♪rousey, ♪ (laughing) can't be serious with twizzlers. ♪ (laughing) i'm emma. and i'm claire. and we're the salmon sisters. we run our business from the boat. it's a really small space. this new surface go is the perfect size.
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♪ i love having something that i can hold in my hand. we're proud of this way of life. we're proud of the work we're doing. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight served eleven months in the trump white house before she was fired from her role as director of communications for the office of public liaison. now she's out with a new book "unhinged: an insider's account of the trump white house. please welcome omerosa manigault-newman. ( cheers and applause ) welcome. >> whoo! >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> i got to get all this jelly up in this chair now.
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( laughter ) >> trevor: you are one of the few people who i would say has managed to outtrump trump. ( laughter ) you've created a fire storm. you are covering the news, he's tweeting incessantly about you. let's go in on the book first before we get to the recordings. "unhinged," you talk about how you managed to create a distinction between donald trump pre-and post-presidency. you genuinely believed the donald trump you knew from "the apprentice" and the time you spent together would change when he moved into the white house, that he would stop telling white lies or leaving out truths or omissions. you genuinely believed that knowing him? >> i hoped he would rise to the occasion, to the greatest honor any person could have. only 45 people sat in that office. i thought he could actually rise to the occasion of being
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presidential. boy, was i wrong. i mean, every single day he dismantles the dignity of that office. >> trevor: the recordings have been an interesting twist and conversation in and around this book. >> yes. >> trevor: why did you feel you needed to make the recordings when you started making them? >> well, i have to be very careful because, as of today, donald trump has decided to sue me or bring litigation against me to silence me and to not allow me to tell my story, so i will answer your question but i don't want you to think i'm coy, i just have a whole host of attorneys who are tell me to not give trump the ammunition. >> trevor: i understand. >> but i will say, as you said, this white house has a credibility issue. if i were to tell you general kelly threatened me with court martial, you would say that's just another lie the white house has told. i knew i had to cover my back and document what i saw as an opportunity to kind of blow the whistle on a lot of the corruption going on in the white house, and i knew that i needed to document that corruption,
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otherwise people would not take it seriously nu do you ever worry about yourself? i mean, it's a very -- genuinely, this is an interesting position to be in where you have recordings from inside the white house, situation room, et cetera, nobody knows what conversations you have recorded. is there even a little piece of you that's worried about your safety? >> trevor, i will say this -- if you see me in a fight with a bear, pray for the bear. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: the recordings that you have are extremely, extremely high quality, and i know that you don't want to tell anyone how you recorded these conversations, but would you consider endorsing the product -- ( laughter ) -- so that women out there in the workplace who want to record things -- because, like, these
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are some of the best recordings we've ever heard ever. did you practice or is this jus- >> you know i can't comment on the tapes. ( laughter ) >> trevor: before i let you go, let's talk about the issue of racism and donald trump. in the book you say, when you first met with donald trump and you worked with him, you believe that he was racial and someone who, i guess, dealt in race, but you didn't think that he was racist. >> yeah. >> trevor: when he brought up obama's birth certificate and claimed that he was a secret muslim from kenya, et cetera, did that not say to you that this man was someone who harbored racist views? >> unlike most of america, i had a chance to take him to task on a lot of these issues, and i had a blind spot when it came to donald trump as i explained to you. i met him in 2003 when i was a young up and coming business woman, i wanted to lead one of
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his companies. he inspired me. i wanted to be a billionaire. i grew up in the west lake projects and i wanted to be wealthy and that's who i thought i could aspire to be, but boy has he been a great disappointment. and because i did have this blind spot and was blindly loyal, and i looked like the biggest dummy following this person because i didn't have that same perspective. and sometimes you have to step back in order to get a clear view, and i recognized that i was going down the wrong path with trump. >> trevor: in the epilogue, you give everyone a piece of advice, and you talk about how the president is putting us in a critical time in history, and what you say is he thrives on the conflict, he likes the insults, he loves fighting and mobilizing his base. >> yes. >> trevor: so what is the one insight you can give us into trump that isn't a scoop but rather something in helping us understand somebody you've known for 15 years, so if you were going up against donald trump as
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you are but not really, what would you suggest to people then? >> there's one way to shut donald trump down and that is to just don't give him the oxygen, and the oxygen comes from the clicks, the likes, the shock, the discussions. like when he attacked lebron james, and everybody was just, oh, my god -- donald trump enjoyed every moment of that. he enjoyed every single person that was shocked by his abrasiveness, his attack on this african-american male athlete which was his favorite go-to thing, he loved it and thrived off it. if you ignore him, you starve him of the thing he loves the most and that is controversy and attention. >> trevor: thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: "unhinged" is available now. omerosa manigault-newman, everybody. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ trevor: that's our show for
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