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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  October 17, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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comedy central >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: thank you so much. welcome to the daily show, everybody, i'm trevor noah. thank you for tuning in. our guest tonight, our guest tonight, our guest tonight is a rising star in democratic
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politics, julian castro is here, everybody. a very charismatic young man, making waves and we'll be talking to him about his new memoir and plans for 2020. but first let's catch up on today's headlines. >> canada, or as americans know t plan b. is a country many americans en-- envy for its universal health care and handsome not crazy leader. and as of today canada's prime minister isn't the on thing that's smoking. >> the maple leaf is turning green. starting today canada, our neighbor to the north becomes one of two countries in the world to legalize marijuana for recreational use, fulfilling a campaign promise by prime minister justin trudeau. >> canada is now the biggest country to legalize marijuana creating an industry worth more than $4 billion. >> trevor: wow, congratulations, can darks this is great news for your economy about also great new force all canadians because now seth rogan can finally try weed, this is fantastic. i just assumed that they were
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already high all the time up there. i mean have you seen their horses? what the [bleep] and i'm happy for canada. but i'm not going to lie, as someone without lives in new york city, this story pisss me off. all these places are getting legal weed before us, like canada doesn't need weed, new york does. right now there are angry people walking around new york screaming at each other, hey, i'm walking over here! we need the weed! if the city legalized weed they would be like hey! i was-- i was doing something over, i don't know, you go, you go first, you go first. anyway, let's move on to news coming out of colorado where weed is also legal. but unfortunately, so is something else. >> next month colorado will vote on changing the language of its state constitution so it no longer allows slavery as a form of punishment. slavery is technically still legal in many states including colorado. part of colorado's constitution reed reads that there shall
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never be in this state either slavery or involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime. amendment a on the ballot this year would change the last part to a polish slavery completely. >> trevor: yo, america, america is real shady. you brag about ending slavery but then you keap it in the fine print? like when abraham lincoln wrote the emancipation proclamation i didn't know he was like, all persons held as slaves are henceforth shall be freed, terms an condition as plie, fre persons may be reenslaved-- we're going to get people working. slick move! (applause) finally, finally, we all love grandma's cookies but one student in california took it a little too far. >> davis police are investigating a bizarre incident that allegedly happened at a high school am a male student claims he saw a girl pass out cook wreas saying that she had used her grands mother's ashes to bake them. >> officers believe as many as
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nine students at da vinci charter academy high school ate the cookies. some who knew what was allegedly in them. >> trevor: now i know, i know, i know you might be thinking that this is disgusting, those kids aid the cookies knowing that they were granny ashes inside of them. but don't judge them, these are cookies, okay. would you have to be a psych o path to turn down cookies. like i don't know about you, i love cookie, if you offer me cookies i will always eat them, but they contain ashes, okay, but do they contain cookies, yeah, then we're good. if you give me cookies and tell me there might be dog poop, i will eat around, i will eat around the dog poorntion i will be that is the piece of the poop, how do you know that say piece of the poop, good point, i might as well eat that too, it is cookie. what i am worried about is what if these grandma ashies are the best they have ever had. then they will get addicted and one of their other grandmas will walk in the room, hey, boy, what are you doing be and they are be like hello, grandmother. lrmt,
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that's it for the headlines. let's move on to our top story. the mid term elections are now just 20 days away. and one of the unfortunate biproducts of that is we are going to be seeing a lot more of this guy. >> and i know what you are thinking, how is it possible to see more trump. cuz i mean he's already on the news, he's doing rallies, he's tweeting, he shows up in my dream where i'm marrying j.lo but when i lift up the vail it's actually trump. and i still go through it because our friends already flew out and i'm not going to loss the depoits. i'm not happy about it but case in point, since just yesterday, the president has given not one, not five but three separate interviews. i don't know why i said it that way but what's important is that president trump has been sharing his thoughts on a variety of topics including his favorite chinese hoax, climate change. >> yesterday when the soshtded press told him that scientists say it is an near a point where
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in can't be reversed. trump responded no, no, some say that. and some say differently. scientists on both sides of it my uncle was a great professor at m.i.t. for many years. dr. john trump. and i didn't talk to him about this particular subject but i have a natural instinct for science. >> trevor: okay. (laughter). >> trevor: okay, that's interesting. just in case you missed that, trump says he doesn't believe in manmade climate change because his uncle was a scientist and that means that trump has a natural instinct for science. now he also says he never spoke to his uncle about climate change, he just has the science knowledge, you know, it's in his blood, i think that is cholesterol but that's not the point. like none of this makes any sense. just because his uncle was good at science, doesn't mean that trump is good at science. that's not how it works. if a pilot has a heart attack, they are never like, is anyone on this plane related to a pilot? my cousin watched that sully movie once. all right, you land the plane.
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so trump doesn't believe in manmade climate change. and for the dumbest reason possible. but the question, the question that everyone is really after this week is does trump believe saudi arabia was behind the disappearance and likely murder of "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi, right? and even as evidence continues to pile up, trump has seemed extremely reluctant to blame saudi arabia. many people have suspected that it is because of money. and it turns out that trump also suspects that it is because of money. >> don't forget, saudi arabia is our parter in. they made the largest order in the history of our country for, outside, outside of our country for-- for weapons. so now people say well, we want to have you end that order. well, aren't we just hurting our own country. so we want to be smart. i don't want to give up a $110 billion order or whatever it is. it is the largest order ever given by an outside country, okay.
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and i don't want to give that up. >> trevor: you know, say what you want about trump, but he wears his moral bankruptcy on his sleeve. like he straight up, look, i know saudi arabia killed the dud but we are all about the benjamins, yo, these long ties don't buy them seftion, folks. because in all honesty, other presidents have also had to make these types of calculations but trump is the only one who admits it. lake i feel like if he was a doctor he would be like ma'am, we had to take your son off of life-support. oh no. is it because there was no hope left, no, my iphone needed a charge and i had this dope tweet, dope tweet i was wasn'ting to send. and president trump is so eager, so eager to protect his possible weapons order that not only has he said despite evidence that he believes saudi arabia's side of the story, he has also said that they are the real victims here. >> and on the idea of trusting the saudis, trurch said quote well, i think we have to find out what happened first. you know, here we go again, with you know, you're gillee until proven innocent. i don't like that. we just went through that with
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justice kavanaugh. and he was nnlt all the way. >> trevor: are you-- and he was innocent all the way. >> trevor: are you kidding me, you are going to bring brett kavanaugh into this. i like how trump away of dealing with an extremly sensitive issue is to bring in another extremely sensitive issue. he's like here to discuss school shootings, special guest speak erbil cosby, everybody. bill cosby. >> oh, the kids, with the guns and the boom boom binge. (laughter). >> trevor: i mean poor supreme court justice for life brett kavanaugh. he just got finished with giant controversy and now you're going to drag him into another one. i mean how do you feel about in, brett? >> i still like beer. >> trevor: my man. (applause) (laughter) but you know what is funny is in a way, what trump said captures the truth. in many ways, this is like the kavanaugh situation. trump says he wants to find out what happened but in reality he's already made up his mind.
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and you might be saying oh but trevor, how do you know that the saudi arabians killed him. how do you know they killed hip. are you not a detective. and that's true. but my uncle was a detective. (laughter) so i've got it in my blood. we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) the meeting of the executive finance committee is now in session. and... adjourned. business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. the powerful backing of american express. don't do business without it.
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how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. woooodang. woooo!!! dang. ha hah!!! we hide hotel names, so you can find four star hotels at two star prices.
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♪h-o-t-w-i-r-e♪ the we confess. we stole everything we could. from everything we've ever mastered. and put it here. the all-new lexus es. a product of mastery. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. what supdave? classic, dave. [ crunch] uh oh... [dave!ps worth it. doritos blaze. a bold flavor that brings the heat. >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. black women have been called time and time again the backbone of the democratic party. we're lively, voting in huge
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numbers but in 2018 they were also running for office in huge numbers. our own dulce sloan went to meet one such candidate to see what they are you against. >> the conservative 6th district is not where you would expect to find the black woman running for congress. or be. >> i am running for u.s. congress in the sibltion district. >> she shas her work cut out for her. not only is she running against tbreg pence, a conservative who is so white he makes his brer look like sug knight, her district is also 92% white. but remarkably she won the primary. >> i beat five guys to get here. >> without guys. >> five white guys. >> you beat five white guys. >> yeah. >> man, i feel so much better about thisician swa. >> i'm excited to run and wayne in this district. i know that i can win. >> black girl missed her magic. >> as the first black woman to win the nomination in her district, janeven is an inspiration but needs help that is where the dccc can come in. the democratic congressional campaign exe helps candidates
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with advice and money because you need lots of money to win. >> but there is one problem. >> i have called them personally and we have not had a response. >> what about email. >> no email. >> text. >> no. >> page. >> no. >> message. >> ve been rejected on all forms of communication at this point. >> so basically they broke up with you. >> they really didn't even give us that first. >> oh pi god, you got broken up with someone you hadn't been with in the first place. >> it hurts. >> this sun appropriate, you know what, i will be rit back. huh-uh. >> i wanted to talk to the dccc but they stood me up. so to find out why the organization was swiping left on a nice lady like janeven, i went to see their fompler bossman, steve israel and just in case he was single i got my hair done. >> i am trying to understand why the dccc trying to break janine heart. >> not about breaking her heart. i know how frustrating it is for her because so many candidates have that experience. but the democrats are going to
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be outspent by the republicans. and so they have to put their money into races that are competitive. >> you are telling me that the, is a broke dude but you have to prove that you are worthy for him to even call you back. broke dudes are always trash, they have the best-- time but they are trash. >> that broke dude is going to be the difference between a rubber stamp republican congress for donald trump or a check and balances congress for donald trump. >> i hear you. but you ain't even calling us back, steve. if i am running for your party, at least call a sister back, that's all i'm saying within it's not about not calling her back. everybody deserves respect. but have i to say at the end of the day, you make decisions not based on whether the candidate is a black woman or a white dude, you make decisions based on a cold-blooded assessment of what districts are winnable. >> do you think she's not going to win?
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i have to talk to her about this. >> turns out there are too many fish in the sea for the d triple krrk to fall in love with a long shot like janine, to break the bad news i had to let my hair dune. >> listen, they are going in another direction. they feel like maybe it's you an not them. >> they were saying that there was not a good chance that you would win. >> they haven't met janine lee lake, they would know, we can win. >> okay, janine might not win this time but if anyone could flip this maga hatred mayonnaise white blood white blue district it is someone like her. so the very least i could do was get her that phone call. >> hey, janine i want to give two words we don't often say, and that is thank you, thank you for running. i know it can be challenging. but are you not a enlo. i will support your campaign in anyway i request. >> you are welcome, america. cheergs chees plawrs. >> trevor: dulce sloan,
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everybody. we'll be right back. (applause) green book is the feel good movie of the year. we are privileged to present a great american artist. he has preformed at the white house twice. please welcome don shirley. i'm about to embark on a concert tour. do you foresee any issues in working for a black man? no, but i ain't no butler. and you, in the deep south? there's gonna be problems. in a divided time...
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come on, get out now. their differences... you never win with violence. i didn't like the way he was treating you. i've had to endure that my entire life. you should be able to take it one night. inspired an unexpected friendship. what you do, only you can do that. you want another piece? what do we do about the bones? we do this. [ laughing ] [ music stops ] pick it up tony. squirrels would'a ate it anyway. pick it up. hey, this one looks like a chmm...on. i don't see it. oh.. it's on. ♪ oh, now i see it. stylish. what do you see in your cheetos?
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♪ ♪please, let me catch my breath,♪ ♪let me catch my [breathing sound] ♪ok ♪please let me catch my [breathing sound] ♪let me catch my
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♪ ♪catch, come on ♪catch come on ♪catch come on ♪let me catch my [breathing sound] i'm always going to be a maker. and i think a company is the coolest thing you can build. i'm adam, and i make robots. you never know when inspiration is going to strike. so i take my surface pro everywhere. part of an entrepreneur's job is to get stuff done. i like to do, like, four things at once. the new surface pro can handle all of my programs. i can paint, i can mold, i can code. i have it on all the time, it's fantastic. we get to build toys for kids and change the world. it's a big deal. cats would do anything
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for the irresistible taste of temptations treats. what are you doing? hey, check this out. temptations - cats can't resist. (cheers and applause).t >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight is the former mayor of san antonio and secretary of housing and urban development for president obama. he's written a memoir called an unlikely journey, waking up from my american dream. please welcome julian castro. (cheers and applause) >> thank you. >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> good to be with you. >> trevor: this is so strange because we had your twin brother
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on the show and so i feel like i met you on the show but i haven't met you on the show. >> did he use his standard line that he, that i am a minute uglier than he is. >> trevor: is that what he says. >> that is what he tells people, yeah. >> trevor: this is an interesting time for you to be here, for you to be coming out with thisk boo. for you to be involved with politics in anyway, shape or form. let's start from the beginning, the way the book starts, waking up from my american dream, what does that mean to you, why that title. >> well, to me it means that in each generation in my family starting with my grandmother who came in 1932 as an orphan, we found out that it was not enough in america to just work hard and for your family to work hard. that you also needed to work to improve society. my mother became a mexican american civil rights activist. she ran for city council in san antonio when she was 23 in 1971. tried to improve things for the comeumentd. and then my brother and i have always seen public service as a way basically to ensure that
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people, they grow up in tough circumstances can achieve their american dream. it sls i think relevant today because what we see right now are young people across the country figuring out that they have a powerful voice whrrk it is the march for our lives students or any number of other activists, young people are leading the way, pushing us to get better again. against an administration that is trying to take us backwards. >> trevor: we are at a time when america is at a cross roads. 20 days away from the mid terms. everyone says that this is going to be a referendum on donald trump. when you look at voter breakdowns, you know, you are julian castro, and one of the things that people always speak to is like you are one of the faces that is emerging from the democratic party as someone who represents hispanic or latino voters, how do you think the democratic party and republicans themselves can get pem out voting. >> well, i think that folks need
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to reach out to those communities where they are, with the issues that matter to them. it can't be one or two candidates. and it just junt-- can't just be folks trying to gin up registration an turnout six months before the election. there has to be a massive and sustained of the to get folks in the hispanic community registered to vote and then to turn out to vote. >> trevor: right. >> and i think if that happens, not only is that better for the latino community, better for our democracy, but i think that it is going to be better for the party that can demonstrate that they can meet their needs. and i believe that is going to be the democratic party (applause). >> trevor: it's interesting that you kept your name as julian castro, in a time when your political opponents will obviously go after that they will go oh, another castro, fiddle castro, julian coming to take your jobs t is more of them. are you prepared for that, as something that you have actively chosen that you are not i'm julian castro.
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>> you know in the book i write that in school, when i was growing up in school, even though my name is julian, the teacher was call me julian. and it wasn't until i went to college where you can kind of define yourself, where i was like no, it's julian. but i was thinking the other day, because i'm considering running in 2020, that i have always had the accent over my a. in my name. >> trevor: right. >> that i bet if i did that on the sign, that that would be the first time that anybody has run for president with the accent, an accent over a letter. >> trevor: oh wow. not being afraid. >> something that simple but that is who you are and you should run as who you are. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: so let's-- let's talk about that little nugget that you just slipped this there. i will be-- on tuesday i will be running for president of the united states. >> i did not say that i would be. >> trevor: very casual, very casual, do i that all the time, yes, that i will be running for president of the united states.
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2020 son the horizon. people are looking going who will represent the democratic party. if you were to get to that point, do you genuinely believe that you could go toe to toe with donald trump understanding that there is no skeleton in his closet. like he is the skeleton in the closeted-- schos et. you realize there is not much-- do you understand the gravity of the situation. you are up against somebody who, like he is talking point proof. is he the teflon don, nothing gets through him. what do you think would you do differently in going up against donald trump. >> well, i would say two things, first of all, if i decide to run, i don't think that you are going to beat donald trump by trying to be donald trump. (applause) i watch a lot of boxing. if you watch boxing or sports or other things, you see that oftentimes people that are considered invincible are not beaten by somebody that has exactly the same skill set. they are beaten by somebody that
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has a different style. but maybe more importantly, it is the folks who have been hopeful and optimistic and painted a strong vision for the future that especially if democrats have prevailed, you think about in the modern era, kennedy or carter when he ran, when he represented a break from scandal or clinton when he ran, or perhaps the best example, br ak obama. so i think that the next nominee has to be able to stand up to donald trump and to call him out, but also to speak directly to the american people and offer a strong hopeful vision for the future. >> trevor: going to be exciting to see what happens. thank you so much for being on the show. an unlikely journey is available now. julian castro, ebb everybody. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. (applause
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stop fearing your alarm clock... with zzzquil pure zzzs. a drug-free blend of botanicals with melatonin that supports your natural sleep cycle so you can seize the morning. zzzquil pure zzzs. it runs on doritos. want to tr[dog barks]me machine? okay. yes! [humming, thumping] this is the greatest moment of my life! get out of my yard! [birds chirping] jimmy? you're so old. [crunch!]
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my dbut now, i take used tometamucil every it traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. (guard) whacontrolled fury.... freakish intelligence. wicked seduction. these endeavors will rattle your soul... and challenge the contents of your stomach. if that sounds dramatic... it is.
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(applause). >> trevor: that's our show for tonight, here it is, your moment
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of zen. pocahontas is on the war path this evening. >> her own trail of tears, it turned out old lia-wat haa could not come up with a sij american indian in her family tree it doesn't matter of fakea ja-wea is 1% indian or -9d 0% indian. >> i'm totally confused with how >> i'm totally confused with how this helps us in anyway at all. and the same thing goes for quarterly reports. they are unreadable. they're just numbers and boring and blech. so what i was thinking is that maybe we should have some sort of graphic. like if we have a bad quarter, put in a storm cloud. and when we have a good quarter... fireworks. or a race car. doesn't have to be use your imagination. (jim) there's this cube on the screen, and it bounces around all day.


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