tv The Daily Show Comedy Central November 8, 2018 1:33am-2:05am PST
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this is secret clinical. this is not secret clinical. secret clinical. not secret clinical. a single use of secret clinical is the same as two uses of the leading invisible solid. twice the sweat protection, secret clinical. -(phone rings) -yeah. good news. you're back in my stable, and i got you the lead in a romantic comedy. who's the best agent in the world? what? i went through hell and back today, but it was worth it because i got you a job. aren't you excited? no. i don't know. i don't care about that. (stutters) you said you wanted a job.
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it doesn't matter. nothing matters. -what happened in malibu? -i got to go. (line beeps) need anything else? no, thanks, laura. go home. i'll see you tomorrow. are you gonna head out soon? where else would i go? ♪ (upbeat music playing) (phone ringing) voicemail: happy birthday, princess carolyn. (sighs) thanks, phone. you are 40. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: welcome to the daly show, everybody. i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. my guest tonight, my guest tonight from "new york" magazine, rebecca traister is here everybody. ( cheers and applause ) a really wonderful writer. she has a new book out about the power of women's anger. and i can't imagine anything women have to be angry about right now. ( laughter ) well, what do you think, justice kavanaugh? >> still like beer. >> trevor: my man. all right, but, first, yesterday was the midterm elections, which you probably know by now because instagram was full of people showing off their "i voted" stickers. like, yesterday, no picture was taken that didn't include an "i voted" sticker. even dick pics have a sticker on them. i know because i received many. ( laughter ) and as you probably also know, the democrats ended the night riding high. >> a power shift in washington. democrats take the house for the
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first time in eight years. >> house minority leader, soon to be potentially house majority leader, nancy pelosi, said her party's wins mark a new day in america. >> it's about stopping the g.o.p. and mitch mcconnell's assault on medicare, medicaid, the affordable care act, and the health care of 130 million americans living with pre-existing medical conditions. ( cheers and applause ) let's hear it more for pre-existing medical conditions. ( applause ) >> trevor: yeah! wooo! let's give it up for pre-existing conditions! diabetes, i see you, baby. ( laughter ) we got eczema in the house? asthma, make some noise. ( gasping ) come on, asthma! ( applause ) that's right, after eight years of being weaker than ben carson's coffee, the house democrats finally have a semblance of power.
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i honestly thought this was going to be today's big story, because now that the democrats have the house, there are so many questions-- you know, what is their plan for working with trump? will nancy pelosi reprize her role as speaker? will bernie sanders emcee my birthday party? ( laughter ) you know, questions we all have about the future of the country. so we thought today's news would be focused on all of that. but then, president trump stood up and said, "no, no, no. you guys might have taken control of the house, but the news cycle will always be mine." >> fireworks from the east room of the white house just a short time ago as president trump repeatedly clashed with members of the media. >> on the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist. some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists, now people are also saying-- >> i don't know why you say that. that's such a racist question. let me tell you, that's a racist question. i think you should let me run the country, you run cnn, and if you did it well, your ratings would be much better. >> if i may ask one more question. >> that's enough. cnn should be ashamed of yourselves having you working for them. you are a rude, terrible person. you shouldn't treat people that way.
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go ahead. go ahead, peter. go ahead. >> and-- and-- in jim's defense, i have traveled with him and watched him. he's a diligent reporter who busts his butt-- >> well, i'm not a big fan of yours, either. >> trevor: oooh! damn, that escalated fast. what happened there? pete alexander tried to be the guy who stepped in to stop the fight and ended up getting punched in the face. that's what happened. "mr. president, you're being inappropriate." "your momma's inappropriate." but, look, i mean, as troubling as this was, let's be honest, trump attacking the press-- this is something we've seen 100 times before. what we haven't seen is how the president plans to work with the new democratic house. >> i really believe that we have a chance to get along very well with the democrats. we should get along and get deals done. now, we can investigate. they look at us; we look at them, it goes on for two years. and then at the end of two years, nothing's done. now, what's bad for them is, being in the majority, i'm just going to blame them, you understand. i'm going to blame them. they're the majority. honestly, it makes it much simpler for me. they will be blamed.
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( laughter ) >> trevor: you know, as shameless as that is, i somehow appreciate that trump just told us his entire evil plot. ( laughter ) he's like a cliched movie bad guy: "and even if it's not their fault, i'll blame the democrats for everything! mwaaa-haah-a! mwaaa-haa-ha! mwaaa-haa-ha!" ( cheers and applause ) what are you doing? like, why are you telling us this? "because it's what villains do. they'll never see it coming! mwaaa-haah-a! and, now, to be honest with you, there are no highlights i can show you from this press conference that can do it justice, because it was an hour and a half of crazy trump at his finest. all right, he accused the media of dividing the country. he trashed republicans who wouldn't bow down to him. and he even threatened to investigate the democrats if they used the house to investigate russia or his tax returns. like, trump was raging mad.
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and then, what was hilarious, is that in the middle of all this chaos-- this is one of my favorite moments -- he had to take questions from a bunch of people who couldn't even speak american. >> so how you focus on the issue with japan. will you ask japan to-- >> i don't-- i really don't understand you. >> muslim women, one is voted to the house, which is making history. is this a rebuke of your message, do you think? >> i don't understand what you're saying. what? >> president erdogan said he will not follow your sanctions, he will keep buying oil from iran-- >> who said that? >> president erdogan, turkey. >> i know, i know. ( laughter ) >> trevor: i know, i know. "no, i know, i know. exactly-- i know, i know. you tell me first, but i know, i know, i know." what the hell is going on there? trump can't understand anyone with an accent? that would be so weird, because he lives with melania, okay? that makes no sense. ( cheers and applause )
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absolutely no sense. unless, unless that's probably why they're still together. it's like, "donald, i want divorce." "i don't understand what you're saying." ( laughter ) "i want divorce." "okay, fine, i'll get you a horse. every day she asks for a horse. so cute. she says she wants to file. you don't need to file for a horse. you can just get one, baby. i'll just buy you one." so now, so now, at this point of the day, we're like, all right, forget the democrats in the house. clearly, the big news of the day is now going to be trump and his fiery press conference. but then trump stood up again and said, "oh, you think i'm the story of the day? no, i'm the story of the day." >> cnn breaking news. >> breaking news, president trump suddenly fires the attorney general, jeff sessions, for the unpardonable sin of recusing himself from the russia investigation. >> jeff sessions forced to resign today at president trump's request. >> president trump fired attorney general jeff sessions. >> trevor: okay, now, that's not fair to president trump, all
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right. he didn't fire jeff sessions. he just said "rumpelstiltskin" and then the curse was broken. that's how it works. ( laughter ) and, remember, this is all happening in one day, you realize this? all of this is happening in one day. and this is huge news. the president has fired his attorney general. and i know there were rumors that this might happen. i mean, in fact, people were talking about sessions getting fired for so long, he probably already had a backup job. lined up. he's like, "it's, okay, i'm already assistant manager at baby gap. ( laughter ) ( applause ) but, but i want you to know i've recused myself from folding those onesies." ( laughter ) and the timing, yo, man, the timing is so brazen from trump. this is literally less than 24 hours after the midterms. he knew that this wouldn't look good for before the midterms. he doesn't even wait before he pulled the trigger on this thing. i think he could have made it seem like he needed to think about it first. it's like when you're in a relationship, and your
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girlfriend is like, "hey, if anything ever happened to me, which one of my friends"-- "karen." ( laughter ) "i didn't even finish what--" "what? what were you going to say?" "which one of my friends would you hook up with?" "karen, yeah, karen." "have you been thinking about this?" "no, it just came in my head now. yeah, karen on the beach in montauk." think about it, trump, fake it. and i never thought i would say, this, but i feel bad for jeff sessions. because apparently trump didn't fire him to his face or even call him. he just sent john kelly with a prewritten resignation letter. john kelly probably got the message, "do you want to do it the easy way or the omarosa way? which one is it?" and now just looking at trump and sessions, like, this is a strange story. there are so many reasons these two should have gotten along. they both don't like immigrants. they both do like white people. but there is always one big thing trump hated about
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sessions-- he recused himself from overseeing the mueller investigation, which meant he couldn't protect trump from mueller. and now with sessions gone, trump can finally appoint a guy he knows for sure will protect his ass. and what an ass. ( laughter ) a guy who could kill the mueller investigation if he wanted to. and from the looks of it, the guy trump picked for the job would be more than happy. >> the chief of staff to jeff sessions, matt whitaker, will be the new acting attorney general. whitaker told cnn last year that the new attorney general could reduce mueller's budget, make it so small that the mueller investigation would grind to a halt. >> i could see a scenario where jeff sessions is replaced with a recess appointment, and that attorney general doesn't fire bob mueller, but he just reduces the budget so low that his investigation grinds to an-- almost a halt. >> trevor: man, donald trump is so rock 'n' roll. so, he probably saw this guy on cnn talking about how he would squash the mueller investigation, and trump just decided to hire him. "yeah, dude from the tv. i want him and barney. i'm in." ( laughter )
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and his plan, this guy's plan to kill the investigation, is just that he would drain all of mueller's resources, which is the most passive aggressive way to kill an investigation. so mueller's going to show up at work, and he's going to be like, "we finally cracked the russian collusion case. time to print out the indictments." oh, we don't have printer ink." "yeah, we ran out." "oh, i'm so sorry." "oh, it's fine. i'll just fill it out online." "oh, we didn't pay for wifi this month." "you know what, it's okay. i'll just drive to kinkos." "oh, we sold the justice department's car." ( laughter ) by the end of the investigation it will just be mueller walking down the street making siren noises with his mouth, wee-woo-wee-woo. wee-woo-wee-woo. wee-woo-wee-woo. put your hands behind your back and imagine handcuffs. just because matt whitaker came up with a hypothetical plan to fire robert mueller doesn't mean that he actually thinks the mueller investigation has gone too far.
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except there is the fact that he also wrote an op-ed that was literally called, "mueller's investigation of trump has gone too far." ( laughter ) which to me is kind of a red flag. so, my friends, let's face it: the mueller investigation is in danger. yeah. and somebody tells that me right now robert mueller is in a bathroom stall trying finish his homework before they shut it all down. he's like, "i'm in here work!" and now, you realize all of this happened in one day, and one day after the midterms. and this is what freaks me out-- for the last two years, that's been trump when he's winning. now we're going to see trump when he's losing. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) the syeah!s up! yeah! sir, your order?
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it feels like a big win when you get a deal like this. introducing the new $6 classic meal deal, make a meal with one of these favorites for just $6. ♪ good movie of the year. tell me that don't smell good. i've never had fried chicken in my life. you people love the fried chicken. you have a very narrow assessment of me tony. yeah right. i'm good.
1:49 am
hey, debbie! what's the latest? i'm excited about sprint's new unlimited military plan. it gives veterans, active duty, and reserves 50% off family lines! wow! i can't wait to tell all my friends! and for each new account that gets activated, we'll make a donation to fisher house foundation. excuse me. did you say veterans can get this plan? yes, sir. what about guard and reserves?
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absolutely. (vo) how about special ops? (avo) this veteran's day, sprint salutes our military with our unlimited military plan. 50% off unlimited basic family lines for people with hearing loss, for the u.s. armed forces. visit into your own little world.k especially these days. (dad) i think it's here. (mom vo) especially at this age. (big sister) where are we going? (mom vo) it's a big, beautiful world out there. (little sister) woah... (big sister) wow. see that?
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last night's midterm elections brought a ton of historic firsts: first openly gay governor, first native american women in congress, first korean american woman in congress, first mayonnaise american senator in congress. if you ask me, if you ask me, the most remarkable trailblazer to win last night was in a small local race in nevada. >> a unique pick in nevada for the state assembly. well, a dead pimp, republican and legal pimp here, dennis hof, won nevada's assembly district 36 with nearly 70% of the vote. signs were posted at voting polls all over that hof had passed away, but that didn't stop the majority of voters from still voting for him. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> trevor: yes, you are-- you heard that right. a dead pimp won the election
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with 70% of the votes. which means at least there were at least 30% of voters who were like, "that's a step too far. i'll vote under a pimp and i'll vote for a dead guy, but a dead pimp? i'm sorry. this election is too important." who was the dead pimp running against that rural nevada wouldn't vote for him instead? oh, a democrat? "no, that's not going to fly." and the great part is that now the dead pimp is now a state the dead pimp is also a state assemblyman because he won the election. so, somehow, the most boring thing about him is the biggest surprise. it's like someone who is body builder, dracula librarian. you don't see it coming. and i don't know if a dead pimp assemblyman should be in office, but i definitely think it should be a tv show in prime time. >> he was a pimp. then he died. and now, he's an assemblyman? >> you can't expect me to balance these bitches and the budget at the same time. come on, man.
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>> this fall on hbo, the pimp assemblyman is in the state house and the whore house. >> that's my money, bitch. >> sir, i'm an energy lobbyist. i'm not a prostitute. >> you're absolutely right, that slipped my mind. let me rephrase the question. where is my money, lobbyist bitch. >> somehow, based on a true story. tuesdays at 8:00. >> hey, you're a ghost. how difeel that? oh! ( applause ) a we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪♪ i'm always going to be a maker. and i think a company is the coolest thing you can build. i'm adam, and i make robots. you never know when inspiration is going to strike. so i take my surface pro everywhere. part of an entrepreneur's job is to get stuff done. i like to do, like, four things at once. the new surface pro can handle all of my programs. i can paint, i can mold, i can code. i have it on all the time, it's fantastic.
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my guest tonight is a writer at large for "new york" magazine and bestselling author whose latest book is called, "good and mad: the revolutionary power of women's anger." please welcome rebecca traister. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> i'm happy to be here. >> trevor: congratulations on your new book, "good and mad: the revolutionary power of women's anger." so, rebecca, what do women have-- or do women have anything to be angry about in america? >> no, we're good. >> trevor: you're good? >> yeah, yeah. >> trevor: thank you so much for tuning in, everybody. it is really timely that this book would come out, not just after the midterms, but, really, after the brett kavanaugh hearings. it felt like that was a moment in america where many women's voices were being heard, and many women were saying, "hey, this story sounds familiar to me.
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we are never heard." what are you talking about when you say, "the power of women's anger"? >> well, in part, i'm looking at the history of women's anger as it has been expressed within political context in this country, and how that anger has often been... the catalyst for some of the social movements that have transformed the country, from abolition and suffrage, to the labor movement; obviously, to the civil rights movement, the gay rights movement, and the women's movement of the 1960s and 70s. at the beginning of so many of those movements, there were angry women, women angry at injustice, at inequality. but we're not very often told the story of their anger as having been righteous. we are told that women's anger is laughable, marginal, hysterical. >> trevor: right. >> women of color's anger is treated as volatile and dangerous, threatening. we're not encouraged to look at women's anger as something that brings us political progress. but it really has over and over again in this country. and so part of the book is an attempt to kind of tell that
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story and acknowledge the political consequences of women who are angry at inequality. >> trevor: how do women then use that anger in a way? i won't deny, i have also had to reframe how i think it it in my head. people get angry. people can use their anger in positive ways. but how do you then move it forward for them? how do you say to women, "this is how we use our anger in a way that doesn't get blocked by men." >> part of the trick is not telling women how to express or not express their anger. it's what you just said-- you have to adjust your ears in how you hear women's anger. we can't necessarily make our way through a system that doesn't make room for our fury. but we can start to listen to the fury of other women differently. and understand it as valid. we can start to listen to women's anger and think, wait, maybe that's pointing me to something that is breeken and needs to be fixed instead of she's crazy. and that's part of the message.
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>> trevor: before i let you go, the idea that women of color, black women, specifically, in america have been at the forefront of so many movements. >> from the beginning. >> trevor: like you saw with the roy moore election. you saw black women as a bloc have been focused and progressively minded. and so what you're saying then is white women need to take a cue from brack women. how do you begin that conversation? and is there a disconnect between white women saying, "we're the angry ones. we're taking this." and black women saying, "no, we've been angry. we got this." >> yes. ( applause ) yes, there is a disconnect. there's anger. and i believe that anger between potential allies needs to be expressed. and i'm not the first to believe this. this is what audrey lourde was writing about in the 1980s. the anger about racism in the women's movement must be expressed if we're to move forward and be product and generative in terms of where we want to go and form more solid
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coalitions. but it is absolutely true that black women who have seen no incentive from white-- they don't get patriarchy, and they don't get white supremacy. and that has, to some degree, permitted them to be the groundbreaking thinkers, organizers, leaders of so many progressive movements. and, yes, when white women get woken up, as they have over the past two years, that's necessary. that's correct. white women should be angry about inequity. not just that they experience but that other vulnerable people around them experience. but there is a tendency, because they have more power, to come in and appropriate and behave as though maybe-- we. ( whispering ) i am a white woman. >> trevor: whoa, whoa, whoa. stop the interview! ( laughter ) >> invented anger, right? that we need to-- that's part of what we need to talk about. no, no, we did not invent it. we did not create it. we did not create protest. and, in fact, it is crucial that we look to those who have been angry, active, progressive, and revolutionary before us for
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cues, direction, and leadership as we move into the future. and that's part of what happened yesterday. look at the women of color who were elected yesterday. ( cheers and applause ) that-- that-- that's one step. that's-- that's one step. we need to look at transforming our political parties and our activist coalitions and looking to women of color for leadership. >> trevor: thank you so much for being on the show. ( cheers and applause ) wonderful to have you. "good and mad" is a really amazing book, and it's available now. rebecca traister, everybody. we'll be right back.
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