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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  January 24, 2019 1:38am-2:15am PST

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- no, dad. no, no, please. - we talked a lot and we know it's what's best for you kids. and, i don't know. - no, mom, sometimes you gotta--left turn. - people get older, stanley. and as you get older you realize the best thing to do is just stick with what you know. [landslide playing] - ♪ i took my love ♪ took it down ♪ i climbed a mountain and i turned around ♪ ♪ and i saw my reflection ♪ in the snow-covered hills ♪ till the landslide... - you were sticking these in your ass, cartman? all: ugh! - ♪ and if you see my reflection ♪ ♪ in the snow-covered hills ♪ well, the landslide will bring it down ♪ ♪ oh ♪ the landslide will bring it down ♪
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[laughter and metal clanging] - oh, that's good. i like that! [slide whistle ascending] big harry and mike in the morning talking about two and a half men. i think ashton kutcher makes it the show to be seen, mike. - yeah, but what about that movie dolphin tale? i am psyched for that! - dolphin tale! big harry and mike in the morning. let's hear from the band sledgejammer and their song-- [knock on door] - dude, we're gonna go see the new zookeeper movie. - zookeeper 2: zookeepier! - 'kay. coming.
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from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: thank you so much. thank you, everybody. welcome to the show, take a seat. take a seat. oh, wow, oh, welcome, everybody, welcome to the daily show, so good seeing you guys for the first time, wow. i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight emmy winning actor and father of olivia pope, joe morton is here, everybody. to talk about his new show, hopefully he will talk about how to remove a president without anyone noticing. also on the show tonight the state of the union has been canceled, no it hasn't, yes, it has. and have you ever seen a black cowboy, well shall you will on tonight's show but first let's
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catch up on today's headlines. #r the supreme court after brett kavanaugh became the fifth conservative justice people waited to see how his presence would affect the court's ruling. and now that he has finally sobered up, we're getting some answers. >> the supreme court has decided to allow the trump administration's partial ban on transgender people in the mim tear to go into effect for now as appeals continue. the scrus tises voted 5-4 in favor. >> u.s. supreme court agreed to hear a gun case for the first time in nearly a decade. it involves new york city's strik rules for carrying legally owned guns outside the home t gives the conservative majority court a chance to expand second amount. >> trevor: wow, the supreme court might legalize guns on the street of new york. the lines for hamilton got even more dangerous, i'm not giving away my shot. and you might be saying trevor, the law said it would allow new yorkers to carry their guns from one place to another.
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they wouldn't just be able to whip it out anywhere. well, new york laws says you can't just whip out your dick everywhere and we've all seen a dick on the subway, okay. so it it is a controversial ruling. and speaking of controversial rulings, this kreer super bowl is making a lot of headlines for who is not playing in the game. people are pissed that the saints got screwed over by a really bad call and now another popular team has been shutout. >> the marijuana company speaking out after its plan to advertise during the super bowl was turned down by cbs which will broadcast the pig game. >> the ad from acreage holdings for the benefits of medical marijuana, a growing number of states are legalizing the drug for med kation and rex rag ages prurps. >> cbs the network airing it it rejected the comrgs saying it doesn't currently accept cannabis related advertising. the nfl also has a strict policy against the drug. >> trevor: hold up, cbs says they don't accept cannabis related advertising am then you had come the super bowl has ads for taco bell and doritos, huh?
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and toyota camry, huh? oh, am i the only person who has gt enso high they bought a toy ka camry, just me? but i will say, i can see where why the nfl has a strict possee against weed it might affect all the steroids and numbing agents they shoot up the players with before the game. in fact, i have a conspiracy therree. i think the nfl doesn't want to support weed because their success depends on fostering aggression, yeah, they don't want weed around because then it will be like whose is this? way, whose is this. can you even own a house when life is just a cosmic blink, man? you know in my opinion now that weed is legal in many places, weed companies should be allowed to advertise on tv like any other drug. and just like other drug companies they should just include a list of the sired effects. >> do you suffer from stress, headaches or glaucoma or however you say that. then why not try weed.
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weed is a noninvasive motivational inhibbitier that distributes chill, chill vibes throughout the body. side effects of weed may include red eye, drowsiness, freak potatoe chipping, mario carth thumb, voluntarily inviting white guys with dreads into your home, thinking you found the meaning of life, dry mouth, and whatever this is. if you have been watching the big lebou-wsky for over eight hours, call the doctor, weed, be honest, you were probably already using it. >> trevor: that would be even funnier if you were high, man. (applause) and finally, finally this is honestly one of my favorites, here is an adorable story about old people living their best life. >> few people i think with less nature most cuddly creature is a puppy or colea-- couldala beer, all gater is this on your list, this is registered as an emotional sport animal, named wally, four and a half feet
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long, do you hug an alligator? i don't know, he lives in york pennsylvania and his owner telling the york daily record that wally is remarkably well temp terred and enjoys being petted just like a dog or a cat. >> trevor: whoa, white people having a good time in america. (laughter) you are going to take an all gate tore an assisted-living facility? and of course that alligator enjoys being petted. i would be happy too if my food came right to me and baif me a massage, like the one thing i will admit though is this may be a genius idea because you know how they say the secret to preventing dementia is to do things that stimulate the brain 6789 well, nothing stimulates the brain like having an alligator around. can i tell you every single person in this retirement home will be sharp as a tack, it is not going to be like i don't know where my glasses are, it will be like where did you leave your glasses, in the bathroom where the alligator was, that is where the glasses are. people walking like gertrude, do you know who this is that came to visit.
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>> yeah, my one armed granddaughter, the one bitten by the alligator. people are getting shit in that place. let's move to our main story. the record-breaking government shutdown is now in it's 33rd day. the feak are piling up, low income renters are being cut off from housing aid, welfare payments could run out soon and the government is so broke that they're selling ad space on the constitution. and now things seem to be moving in the wrong direction. because instead of debating the wall ar how to end the shutdown, politicians are arguing about a whole new issue. the state of the union speech. it it started when house speaker nancy pelosi told trump as long as the government stayed closed he should cancel the state of the union. and today things really escalated. >> president trump just minutes ago sent a letter to the democratic speaker saying he intend its to deliver his state of the union address to both chambers of congress next week, house speaker nancy pelosi sent a response moments ago to
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president trump. saying that she will not sign off on the state of the union address that the president was set to give next tuesday until the government reopens. an here is how the president just responded to that. >> the state of the union speech has been cancelled by nancy pelosi because she doesn't want to hear the truth. >> trevor: goddam, this is such a weird situation now. because the rule is the president can only give a speech to congress if the speaker nancy pelosi invites himment and she is not inviting him. but at the same time, this is done all trump. you can't tell him what he can and can't go. this is the same guy who popped up in the dressing room of the miss teen u.s.a. pageant. he goeses where he wants. and what are you going to do tell me what are you going to do if trump decides to shoip, huh, have a congressional bouncer stop him, is that what you are going to do be be like shoree, mr. president, are you not on the list, no, no, no, i was already in there, last year, i just came out for a smoke. i promise you, i was-- you can
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see my stamp, i just came out-- and then the door open force a second, nancy, nancy, nancy. she's pretending not to hear me t is a prank we play on each other. and for a moment, for a moment it looked like nancy was going to have to get a hold tore keep trump out of the house but this afternoon in a surprise move the president sur rendered. >> we're supposed to be doing it and now nancy pelosi, or nancy as i call her, she doesn't want to hear the truth and she doesn't want to hear more importantly the american people hear the truth. so we just found out that she cancelled it. and i think that is a great bloch on the incredible country that we all love t is a great, great, horrible mark. >> trevor: you know, sometimes when president trump speaks, he sounds like he's choosing the next words on his predictive text. you know, like, you know when you try to write a message based only on what your phone
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suggests, that is exactly what he sounds like, nancy pelosi or as i call her nancy is a great blotch on this country and a tremendous mark-- and by the way. i don't know if nancy gave trump a wedgie behind congress one day but she did something because she is the only person he hasn't given a nickname to. everyone else is crying chuck schumer, little markio rubio, poke montha elizabeth warren, lying ted, he's like nancy pelosi or as i call her, nancy. (laughter) (applause) and while they're fighting about where president trump is going to deliver his speech to the country, by the time this whole thing is done there may not be a country to deliver it to. >> day 33 of the government
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shutdown, the situation is growing much more dire. 800,000 federal employees still not receiving pay. >> irs employees say they expect-- a coordinate product test that could slow or stall taxpayer refunds. >> coast guard families barely getting by without paychecks. >> tsa is making a plea for 250 volunteer officers who would deploy to airports struggling with the excessive callouts due to the shutdown. >> fbi agents sound the alarm over the shutdown. they see serious damage being done. >> the fbi agent association say he had it cannot pay cough decks informants so they are losing valuable information about terrorists. >> trevor: all of that is not good news. especially the part about the fbi because the fbi can't do their job. they can't pay their snitches any more. yeah. that means that the snitches can't even afford stitches. only a bandaid that would leave a scar. you know what would be genius is if the fbi is saying they can't
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pay informants or go under quofer just to get criminals to drop their guard. because that wab a brilliant move, be like oh, we have no money so we are not there any more, yeah. like gang members are going to be like hey, man, are you a cop or something. like no, mank didn't you hear but about the shutdown. oh yeah, yeah, they have protections but it's not enough, man, all right, come on in, this is where we keep the cocaine, we're going to do a drive by shooting at noon, don't be late, man. >> trevor: it and because trump is failing in his negotiations with the democrats, his new tactic is to get the people on his side. not with better policies but with a catchy new slolgan. >> build a wall and crime will fall. this is the new theme for two years until the wall is finished under construction now, of the republican party. use it and pray. build a wall and crime will fall. >> trevor: i don't know what's worse, how dumb the slogan is or the fact that it took trump three years to come up with it. (laughter) cuz now i wonder how many other
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slogans rerejected before this one, if it is yellow let it mellow. it is the brown it is a rapist. and it turns out trump isn't stopping with just a rhyming slogan. he's unveiled a new mascot to go around the country and 2kru78 up support. yeah, and that mascot has chosen our show to make his first appearance so please welcome bricky the border wall. (applause) >> wow. wow. bricky. oh, bricky. >> hello, kids. president trump wants to keep america safe so don't forget, build a wall and crime will fall. >> but waitings bricky, what crime are you talking about in particular? i mean we know a border wall won't stop all the drugs, most of them go through legal ports of entry. >> yeah, well i guess a wall should just be part of a larger plan for a border security which will pass if the democrats show maturity. >> but yeah, but even trump has
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said that he would be happy with just a fence at high priority areas. at this point isn't a wall just a metaphor? >> well, look, the wall is really just a metaphor but if we-- but if-- no i can't think of a rhyme for metaphor, oh, imma screwed, [bleep] >> trevor: ricky y are you freaking out. >> the president said if i don't rhyme i will be sorry. he will send the kool-aid man to bust right through me. >> trevor: wait, wait, what? trump threatened you, like michael cohen? >> please, please, trevor, he's crazy, i fear for my life every-- what say crime for crazy? >> trevor: daisy. >> daisy, what are you an idiot. oh my god! i'm so dead. i need to hide. wait, you're black, can you cover me in graffiti? >> trevor: i'm sorry, what, that is so racist. >> oh, surprise, surprise, trump's wall is a racist.
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we got a real genius over here. >> trevor: you racist wall, get out of here, bricky the border wall, everyone, or as i call him, bricky. we'll be right back. >> oh no. >> oh no. (applause) hey, darryl! hey, thomas. if you were choosing a network, would you want the one the experts at rootmetrics say is number one in the nation? sure, they probably know what they're talking about. or the one that j.d. power says
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is highest in network quality by people who use it every day? this is a tough one. well, not really, because verizon won both. so you don't even have to choose. why didn't you just lead with that? it's like a fun thing. (vo) chosen by experts. chosen by you. get 50 million songs now with apple music included, on us. on both ios and android. it's the unlimited plan you need on the network you deserve.
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♪sit with me on a muddy clump,♪ ♪we'll sing a song of days gone by.♪ ♪ ♪come, come, come, come, come along now,♪ ♪run away from the hum-drum, ♪we'll go to a place that is safe from♪ ♪greed, anger and boredom. ♪we'll dance and sing till sundown,♪ ♪and feast with abandon, ♪we'll sleep when the morning comes,♪ ♪and we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs.♪
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♪we'll sleep when the mno, no, no.s,♪ oh... ooh. what is that? no, no, no. you got a virus. i have a virus? ♪ i'm missing this. did you try restarting it? mom. any key enter... space bar... escape. ♪ ♪
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daily show. statisticically this is still true, one in four african-american men will end up in prison in america. sometimes it is enough to make young black people give up hope, sphiems but not always, as roy wood, jr. reports from compton, california. >> compton, california, has long had a reputation as one of the most dangerous places in america to be a young black person in fact, compton's homicide rate is
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more than four and a half times the national average. but here there is a group who believes that they have the secret to keeping kids off the street. meet the compton cowboy, literally, black people in compton on horses in traffic wearing sandals with socks. >> that is perfectly normal. >> the compton cowboy began in the 19 '80s as the compton, jr. posse and after school horseback riding program at a farm in the middle of the city. the founder described it this way. >> we were in competition with gangs. so we had to provide the same things that gangs did, camaraderie, you know, extended family, a safe haven. >> myisha retired in 2017 but many members of the posse are still spreading her message and some fertilizer. >> all right so basically your gang, instead of bandanas and gang signs, y'all just leave horse shit everywhere around the neighborhood. >> that's how we mark our terrain. >> stop slobbering. >> that is how you leave our
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mark. >> but are you still a black man riding a half ton avenue through the hood, how are the cops not up your buttness did you can you say harry potter, that is how it is with the horse, like put on a cloak w the gangbangers and the police. >> so you just become invisible to all-- to all the bull shet. >> to you will a the bull s tsh, t. was about to to say that. >> can i have some of the weed you smoking. >> yeah. >> ku boy lil' wayne is right, even you are ride wig abuzz, st not like your horse will have a broken tail light and the cops damn sure ant searching that trunk but the they don't just protect you on the outside, turns out they can heal you on the inside. >> we are all traumatized seeing the shit we see, seeing people shot around you, people dying, i can't tell you how many conversations i have had with people who say man, my horse saved me. >> key ara the first cowgirl among the compton cowboys was one of those people. >> my little brother was killed to gang violence four years ago.
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sometimes when i can't function or articulate my words, and just really in a bad mood i just go to my horse, it is just that energy is just so peaceful. >> it is clear that taking care of horses can have a life-changing affect. i needed to fire my therapist and stock up on oats but what is the first step to creating this beautiful bond between man and horse? the first thing we got to do is clean the poop up. >> you ready to clean the poop. >> you open the poop make sure they don't gt no worms. this right here say good one. >> it is soild, you know. >> i would rather get jumped by the bloods than touch shit. skip all the turd whisperings it is time for this cowboy to saddle up. hee haw, did i say that right. >> queez this way and you will go that way. >> take the reign that way, like that, take your right hand and go that way. >> okay, i went left. >> i want to go left.
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>> i was so good, they gave me my own travel size starter horse. imagine i was an official member, i could give them some branding advice. >> y'all need a handshake. >> i let you make some noise.r e compton cowboy thinks you could also make it a career as a bare back rider. >> i rodeo professionally but that is not like being an athlete or comedian. >> i would be considered a professional athlete. >> to you professional professional. >> yeah. >> paycheck, cable bill. >> cash money. >> life skill. >> you win, they pay you, you ride for 8 seconds and they judge you on who rides the best. >> you have to go bare back and see if you can last 8 seconds. >> yeah, i can't make it 8 seconds bare back. >> in fact, bare back riding is 30 times more dangerous than profootball but no one gets a helmet, not even the horse.
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and he is one of the top 50 riders worldwide so i had to see him in action. shit got really real. oh, smooth, come on, tray, get up, get up. >> hey, hey. >> suddenly he was back on his feet. >> i had to go thank him for not dying. >> i got no words for you, man, other than respect, man. >> thank you. >> i'm going to get hit hard going down the road. >> oh my god. >> the east compton cowboys are some of the gravest, toughest, craziest people have i ever met. but there was still one thing about mr. rodeo that i didn't get. >> you are black and you grew up around danger. why would you add more danger on top of your danger. >> i would much rather get hurt
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that way than go out and be [bleep] up because a [bleep] and get shot out here. >> tjp, baby. >> i can't get with that right there. >> okay, (applause). >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody, we'll be right back. everybody, we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) look around. with artificial intelligence, we are not crawling or walking. we are flying. microsoft ai helps an architect bring history back to life. this is now. ai helps farmers grow more food with less resources. an engineer explores how ai can help the deaf see sound. innovation creates tomorrow, and tomorrow is here today.
2:05 am
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reese's. not sorry. people have been left to wonder what ingredients are in their beer. i shall put an ingredients label on every case of bud light! that was really great, did you get that? oh. was i supposed to be writing that down? introducing our new ingredients label. coming in february. rewards me basically so why am i sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse? because lets me do me. sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. you do you and get rewarded.
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(applause). >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight is a legendary actor who earned an emmy award for his role on scandal. he now stars in the new cbs series god friended me. please welcome joe morton. (applause) welcome back to the show. >> nice to be back, thank you.
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>> trevor: it's always great to you have. this san interesting chaining of pace for you. for five seasons on scandal you played one of the scariest human beings we have ever come across on television, the charismatic and yet conniving papa pope. >> yes, who inned the series by saying that telling a group of senators that in fact he was running the country. >> trevor: right. >> yes. >> trevor: a terrifying, terrifying thought and now you are on a new show, god friended me. >> yes. >> trevor: which is a really light, funny show that is just about people being good. >> it is interesting, i purposefully sort of wanted to find something that was directly opposite of what i had been doing on scandal, so now i play a pastor on god friended me. and the show itself is about the connectivity between people. >> trevor: right. >> and the opportunity to help one another, not to hurt one another. >> trevor: right, if i understand it correctly, i don't want to give any pieces away, but it is really a story about in guy who gets facebook messages from god. >> well, that's right, well, no, not from god, he gets facebook
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messages from an account on facebook called god. >> trevor: oh. >> that directs him actually to meet these people, these sphrangers stsh-- strange ares and go out and help him. >> trevor: right. a feel good story about people just being incentivized to do good. it taps into the innate nature we do have as human beings to help other people. >> yes, instead of having sort of the crime of the book or the victim of the week. >> trevor: right, right. >> we have friend suggestions of the week. and miles who is played by brandon hall goes out and sort of meets these people and finds out what their problem is and then very clearly tries to help them out. >> trevor: your character sphrug eled-- struggled with getting things right in his own life. >> absolutely, his son is an atheist and his daughter is gay gay is the beginning is how did that happen, what did i do wrong, then you find out his wife died and he kind of retreated into the church and didn't really take care of his kids the way he might have or should have and that's part of the conflict between he and his children. >> trevor: the show itself, you have a priest, you have a
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facebook account called god but i don't know if i'm wrong in saying this, it didn't feel like a religious show t wasn't like touched by an angel, i thought it would be the same thing t is just a show that has god in it and a priest but it is not a religious show. >> it is not at all it really is again about sort of the opportunities we have to help one another. god is in the title because the account is called god. >> trevor: right. >> as a matter of fact i think there is a guy on twitter who calls himself god t is pretty funny. >> trevor: yes. >> but in account actually sets up the show. as i say we have friend suggestions every week. and what you do is you del-of-into-- in a way there was a show years ago called the millionare where this guy as tot tell where the-- tell anyone where this check came from or-- this is sort of that same idea. only miles shows up and says i'm here to help you, people say why, what is your investment, and he simply says because i can. >> trevor: right. let me ask you something f you got a facebook message from god,
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and the message said hey, joe, i need you to go and meet someone and help them, what would you do? >> i think my first response, i probably wouldn't believe it. i would probably think somebody, which is what happened to miles in our show. >> trevor: but what if the account said joe, you are wearing green underwear right now. >> i think then i would get scared. >> trevor: right. let me ask you this before i let you go. you are one of the few actors who has been in hollywood for a long time working at different levels, grinding it out, experiencing success. as a black person in hollywood, how do you grapple with the, i guess, the con undrum that is progress and yet at the same time still lots of change that needs to be made? >> i think what hollywood is attempting to do is try to tell the truth about racism in this country. but the problem basically is we don't know how to talk about it. we the people don't know how to talk about it. it is evident in what has just
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happened with the native american man and this kid wearing a red hat. if it wasn't for one, the flt native american man, i think america has all kinds of guilt about native americans. >> trevor: rightfully so. >> and suddenly this man is precious and something to be honored. and this kid who is 16 years old, because he is wearing a red hat we now have all kinds of beliefs about who he is and what he is doing that may or may not be true. the same thing is true with black folks, right, you see a black man walking down the streeted and suddenly you may think all kinds of things about that man simply because the skin is black. and we never talk about it that way. it's always, we always talk about the excuse and not the fix. we always talk about the circumstance and not the guy who is, if someone were to call me a nigger that person we could say he is biased but it is the person standing next to him who doesn't say anything and allows that to happen that actually is the most dangerous. >> trevor: wow.
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thank you for bong the show, congratulations, god friended me, sundays at 8 p.m. on cbs. joe morton, everybody. we'll be right back. (cheers and ap ♪heels? (paul) no, luckily sprint's lte advanced network is now up to two times faster than before.
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and now their total lte coverage is 30% larger. (dad) really? (paul) yeah. (atlas) that's the guy that dies in the end. (avo) get up to two times faster speeds than before and now sprint's total lte coverage is 30% larger. for people with hearing loss, visit media access group at wgbh >> trevor: that's our show for tonight, here it is, your moment of zen. >> surek can i see it from their perspective. and also look, when nancy pelosi says the wall 1eu78 moral. we look at that and


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