tv The Daily Show Comedy Central April 29, 2019 11:00pm-11:37pm PDT
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guy (on radio): the lutherans brought their banana bread, but fred nordquist had no appetite. he was thinking about his pair of new boots. it's been 10 years, after all, and as he told mrs. nordquist, it would take two years to get comfortable with the new boots. >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody! thank you so much for tuning in! thank you for coming out! yeah! yeah! oh, yeah! let's do it! let's do it! let's do it! all right, let's do it, let's make a show! i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight is the mayor of south bend, indiana, and you've probably seen him on the
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campaign trail, pete buttigieg is here, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) yes, i am so excited. we're going to talk to him about everything -- reparations, mike pence, what it's like to be one of only 600 democrats running for president. so exciting! ( laughter ) but before that, we've got to catch up on the news and today, my friends, there is a lot of news. i'll be honest, i don't know if we have enough time to catch up on all the news. nobody does. not enough time is just the right amount of time for a little segment we call "ain't nobody got time for that." ( cheers and applause ) president trump loves bragging about the records that he set as president -- higher start, lowest unemployment and bestest brain ever. and over the weekend he add a new record to the list. >> "the washington post" says that president trump's lie counts since entering office has now hit five digits. the newspaper fact checking team says trump has now told more than 10,000 lies or misleading
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claims. this is a remarkable number for a u.s. president to reach. >> that's right, folks. since he took office, the president has officially lied over 10,000 times! ( cheers and applause ) yeah! whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo! ♪ ♪ yeah! so exciting! yes! yes! oh, man! what an exciting day. president trump has officially told over 10,000 lies, or as he says, that's right, i've told over 1 million lies! ( laughter ) you realize how crazy this is, right? in f you average it out, this means trump has told an average of 12 lies every sing daily of his presidency. ( laughter ) that's a ridiculous number. if trump was pinocchio, he could probably tell you what it smells like in china. that's how far that is. ( laughter ) what's even more impressive is
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those 10,000 lies don't even count the times he told eric he loved him. doesn't include that. ( audience reacts ) it's only public lies. only public lies. and look, and look, i know all politicians bend the truth, but trump clearly has no relationship with the truth. if he sees truth on the street, he's probably, like, and you are? ( laughter ) so if we had more time, we could probably go into details on all of those lies but, unfortunately, life expectancy. so let's move on to another story affecting the white house, the mueller report. >> tensions are flaring between top congressional democrats and attorney general bill barr ahead of his house judiciary committee hearings yesterday. bar is threatening to skip hearings over his apersons. democrats propose panel go into close session to discuss the redacted sessions of -- sections of the report that barr is objecting to arguing, that closed testimony rarely remains
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private. >> trevor: the mueller story is getting out of hand now because the attorney general is refusing to share information with democrats in congress which is wild because he's america's top cop but basically he's like, i ain't no snitch! i ain't telling you shit! ( laughter ) knotting you do to me is worse than what trump will do to me! ( laughter ) now, in case you haven't been keeping up, right, william barr over here, he isn't just a mid life crisis harry potter, no. ( laughter ) he's also one of the few people who's seen the full mueller report, and the democrats want him to tell them what's under all those redactions, yeah, because the report, that's what it looks like. we've all seen it. it looks so dark, looks like last night's episode of "game of thrones." you can't see shit. you're, like, what was that? it's, like, the first people to die in the battle was h.b.o.'s lighting crew! what was that? ( laughter ) assayed from redactions, another sticking point is the democrats want to use lawyers to question barr at the hearing instead of
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doing it themselves. if that happens, barr is threatening to pull a no-show, which i will be honest with you i totally understand. yeah, introducing a lawyer to any situation puts people on edge, yeah. any situation. someone's like, would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow? yeah! may mi lawyers will be present. ah, actually i'm on a diet forever. ( laughter ) now if we had more time, we could delve into how complicated the fight is because on the one hand democrats legally have the power of subpoena barr for testimony. on the other hand, if there's a threat someone would leak classified information, barr should be worried. but now we have to cover the world's most famous leaker. that's right, r. kelly. >> r. kelly's defense attorney says charges against the r&b singer need to be dismissed since he can't read. kelly was charged in a civil case for alleged sexual abuse but he didn't show up for course and his attorney is saying he was served papers while he was
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in jail. since kelly suffers from a learning disability, he didn't understand what the papers are about and, trfer, didn't act on them. >> trevor: yes you heard that right. r. kelly is saying the reason he didn't show up to defend himself in court was because he can't read, and i'm sorry, that doesn't sound like a valid excuse. there are so many other excuses i would have accepted like, i don't know, google maps was down so i couldn't find the courthouse, or i got trapped in the closet, couldn't get out, or i didn't want to go because maybe you would put me in jail. that's a good excuse. it's also surprising for r. kelly to come out publicly and say he can't read. although now we know how he got his name. his teacher was probably like, all right, robert, spell your name, and he's, like, r -- yeah, i'm just going to go with r. r. from now on. ( laughter ) now, on any other day, we would spend time roasting r. kelly for how he suddenly brings up a reading disability when it's his day in court, but we don't have time to get into all that,
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because pretty soon we'll all need that time to get where we're going. >> uber drivers are planning to go on strike in seven major cities next month to protest low pay and bad working conditions. on may 8, no rides for customers. the protest coincides with uber's first day of trading on wall street. >> trevor: okay, wait. so uber drivers are strike because of poor working conditions? it's your car. ( laughter ) that's a bit weird. i mean, that's like a home school teacher going on strike -- this school is small and the kids are dumb as hell! ( laughter ) we support you, mommy! shut up! ( laughter ) but, okay, jokes aside, i understand why some uber drivers are going on strike. many complain that after
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expenses they don't make a living wage. so for 12 hours, in some cities, there will be no uber. and i get what they're trying to do. i don't know if anyone will really notice, all right. 12 hours? like, that's how long it usually takes for me to get an uber. i don't know about you but it's, like, oh, god, he's turning the wrong way. no, now on the haivment yeah -- he's on a flight to japan? are you -- oh, man! this asshole -- oh, he's reconnecting with his family. oh, oh, they were estranged many years ago, they decided to bury the hatchet. so happy for him. one star. ( laughter ) so if you live in philadelphia, los angeles or d.c., get red request for an uber strike. if you need a ride to the airport that day, get ready to find out who your real friends are. with more time, we could get into a larger conversation about the downsized economy. is it right they keep rabbits in cages? we don't know?
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n international news, there's so much going down. in sri lanka, the government is in disarray after the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. in spain, last night's ease election results are in and the far-right anti-immigrant party won enough votes to get 24 seats in parliament. that's insane. plus this is spain's third election in just four years, which is crazier. even their term limits come in tiny portions -- little bit, little bit, little bit! ( laughter ) and, like, i'm sad. we don't have time to cover all the news all over the world because the biggest news that's got everyone talking is from the universe. >> "avengers" fans assembling and smashing records over the weekend bringing in an estimated $1.2 billion in its global debut. any spoilers were highly
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discouraged. buffalo bills running back lesean mccoy not getting the memo and tweeting the ending. angry fans starting an online petition to end his contracts and ban him from seeing future marvel movies. ( laughter ) >> trevor: oh, wow! come on, lesean mccoy, you tweeted out the ending of "avengers"? who does that? how would you like if i tweeted the end of your football season, spoiler alert, the bills don't make the playoffs. not cool. now it's not going to be a surprise anymore. ( laughter ) in my opinion, nobody should be talk about a movie after it ends. if you have to talk about the movie, do what black people do and talk during the movie, all right? yeah, that's what i love about going to black cinemas. they do spoilers in realtime -- oh, shit, bruce willis is a ghost! that's what i'm talking about. we're in the movie together. i know i'm passionate about this. i hate spoilers. i hate spoilers. it's one to have the biggest reasons i've considered becoming amish because if you're amish
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you never have to worry about spoilers ever. (amish) je jeb, have you seen te movie? don't spoil it! ( laughter ) for more we turn to roy wood, jr., everybody! ( cheers and applause ) >> hello. hello. >> trevor: with "avengers" and "game of thrones" this weekend, feels like every conversation has turned into a spoiler min minefield. what can we do? >> first off, you can stop complaining about spoilers! i'm sick of you people! if you don't want spoilers, go see the movie! that's it! tired of the excuses! oh, i got a job! i got a child! so do i, but i still chose to go see "avengers" at 1:00 in the morning opening night. yes, i missed work. yes, my kid miss eds his
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doctor's appointment and didn't get vacs nairktsd yes the whole school got measles, but the point is either you want it or you don't. >> trevor: are you serious? roy, it's impossible for everyone to see a movie on opening weekend. you have to be respectful of all the people who haven't siebt yet. >> how am i supposed to know who hasn't seen the movie yet? i want to talk about the movie. here's an idea -- when you introduce yourself to somebody, tell them how far along you are in your favorite shows. just say your name, then tack that on attend. right at the end, right at the agenda pronoun. lte try it. hello. i am roy. he, him, "game of thrones," season six. ( applause ) >> trevor: that's actually dope, now i know everything about you. that's nice. >> yeah. >> trevor: i would be, like, hello, i'm trevor, he-him, "breaking bad," season 2. >> season 2? don't get attach, everybody dice. every character.
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>> trevor: you just spoiled "breaking bad" for me? >> that's another thing, if it's been more than five years, we didn't spoil it! you took too long! ( cheers and applause ) expect me to keep quiet on shit you should have known by now. let's run through a couple of classics. darth vader is luke's father, frayedo gets whacked and kevin spacey was the bad guy all along. >> trevor: i haven't watched "the usual suspects"! >> i'm talking about kevin spacey in real life. >> trevor: i can't tell the difference because you're spoiling everything. you know what? it's actually assholes like you that ruin social media, i'll tell you that. >> social media was built on assholes like me. what do you suspect from social media anyway? it's the wild west. nazis, woke people, fake russians, you they they're all going to come together like hey, we all have our differences but let's not spoil mrs. maisel for trevor! ( laughter ) instead of complaining about
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social media how about this? stay off your phone. take a walks, smell the flowers, your child has measles, he needs you! >> trevor: people's children have measles because of you. whatever, fine. i give you social media. you have to agree on this, it's not cool that some people go out of your way to spoil movies for people. >> that's fair. i'm with you on that. if you've seen the movie, don't be a dick about it. and if you are a dick about it, be ready for the consequences. >> when they said don't spoil the end game, they meant it. the cast and crew of "avengers" warned fans to keep the secrets to themselves. a moviegoer in hong kong actually got beat up after yelling spoilers to fans after he walke walked out of the thea. ( applause ) >> yes, trevor, now that was a situation where somebody should have gave him the ending to his story, because if i was there, i would have pulled the diewtd to the side and said, hey, man,
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spoiler alert, you about to get your ass beat. >> trevor: roy wood, jr., everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) there's nothing more important than the education of a young mind. except maybe being first in line to the grand opening of the world's largest rollercoaster. the volkswagen atlas. more room means more fun. i got it! what? what? l.a. bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. ridin' scooter! l.a. baby! l.a. baby! be a booker you're welcome. at
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you're welcome. oh, sir. that was my grandma's. don't worry, ma'am. all of your stuff is in ok hands. just ok? they don't give two and a half stars to just anybody. here you go. what's this? it's your piano. hold this for a sec. we don't have a piano. no.. but the neighbors do. just ok is not ok. especially when it comes to your network. at&t is america's best wireless network according to america's biggest test. now with 5g evolution. the first step to 5g. more for your thing. that's our thing.
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♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is the mayor of south bend, indiana, and the youngest candidate running for president in 2020. his memoir is called "shortest way home: one mayor's challenge and the model for america's future." please welcome mayor pete buttigieg. ( cheers and applause ) ♪
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>> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," mayor pete. >> thank you. >> trevor: so good to have you here. it has been quite a ride for you man, a whirlwind. three months ago, most of the people in the country did not know your name. now, as it stands, you are sitting at number three in the polling. ( cheers and applause ) why do you think your candidacy is catching on like wildfire? >> i think it's actually all the same reasons that made my candidacy kind of unlikely -- the fact i'm a mayor at a time when people are frustrated with washington and looking for different sources of leadership. >> trevor: right. >> the fact i'm from the industrial midwest which is a place democrats have sometimes struggled to connect with, and the fact i'm from a new generation, which i think raised eyebrows early on but i think is one of the reasons why it makes
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sense to do this, and i think all of those things we thought might be constraints when we got into it have actually helped demonstrate i'm not like the others and i represent something different. >> trevor: i think you are not like anybody, to be honest. no, because when you look at, like, your resume and your story, it genuinely seems like you were created in a lab specifically to run -- ( laughter ) -- no, i mean, this is who mayor pete is. listen to this. you have someone who is a rode scholar, gay, speaks multiple languages, from the heartland, you also have executive experience. what's the major scandal? where are the bodies, in the basement? >> no bodies. >> trevor: is that just you? is that how you've lived that life and that happened to coincide with the presidential campaign? or is this what you've cultivated in your life? >> no, most of the turns in my life came as something as a surprise. even when i was interested in
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politics as a student, i never would have guessed local government would have been where i found a lot of meaning. i never would have guessed moving home to south bend, indiana would have been how i would find purpose and make my fortune,eth not a financial fortune, but that my professional life would be so full tiling filling. >> trevor: right. >> so much of this is the element of surprise. five or ten years ago, if you had said let's have a 30-manager gay mayor from the midwest for a presidential candidate. >> trevor: it's almost as if you came about in a time when society is in place. >> nobody in the last 200 years would someone like me fit in a presidential campaign. we're living in the moment. i think when you're deciding to run, you look at the moment, you look at the constituency, the district or the city or the country or whatever office you're running for, say what does it call for in this moment. and to my surprise, too, at first, i realize that this is a moment that just m.i.t. might
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call for somebody like me. >> trevor: would have been part of a conversation that has really spread like wildfire in the country and it's spread like wildfire on tv as well, in the media. people speak about mayor pete. some people have said, you know, the reason you get so much media coverage is not unlike joe biden or bernie sanders, even though some people say you're benefiting from white male privilege where the media wants to cover you and candidates who maybe would be of different skin colors wouldn't get the same level of coverage, do you think you're benefiting from that or do you think there's something else that gets the people going that puts you in the spotlight? >> well, i'd like to believe it's my qualities my message, but i have been reflecting on this because one of the things about privilege, especially white privilege or male privilege, is you don't think about it much. it's being in an out group where you are constantly reminded of it. it's not when you are in a majority or privileged group. so i try to check myself and try to make sure that i understand
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the factors that help explain why things are going well. again, there are lots of ups and downs. we're having a good moment and a few good weeks, but i'm under no illusion that it will stay like this definitely. we'll have a lot of challenges from here and early voting next year and hopefully to the nomination and the election. but i think there's a media environment that pushes people into lanes whether they comfortably fit there or not and i think it's simply harder for candidates of color or female candidates. i'm very mindful of that. the only thing i know how to do about that from where i'm sitting is to try to be true to a message and vision that's meaningful and be as respectful as i can to the others. i don't view myself as having components but competitors, and i think each of us needs to compete based on what we have to offer. ( applause ) >> trevor: i'm going to keep you around because i want to get to some of your ideas for america's future. don't go away. after the breakers we'll be
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chatting more with mayor pete buttigieg. we'll be right back ( cheers and applause ) [thinking] they made the original, hot? [thinking] ♪oohh, hot stuff all over my nachos♪ ♪walkin' like a taco ♪driving over potholes ♪hotter than a pot roast ♪fingers on my hot chips ♪red handed come on man ♪now i'm a need some chopsticks ♪speaking of desire babe ♪preachin' to the choir ♪man my tongue is doing fine ♪but the roof is on fire
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♪tell me why ♪i never wanna hear you say ♪i want it that way the original, now it's hot. my name is bailey and one day cj had to move away. let us know where you wind up. bailey, bailey when you come back the next time take care of cj. and then i was back. and i had a promise to keep. [ bark ] with each new life i would protect cj. [ bark ] where did you come from? loving people is my purpose but bringing them together that's my journey.
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♪ 'cause you ♪ oh you got what i need amazon's got everything you need and free shipping for all. welcome, everyone. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." we're still here with 2020 presidential hopeful mayor pete buttigieg. in your book, you share your stories, you talk about your life, especially as mayor. what i loved is there's an anecdote about you sitting at the desk for the first time saying, it's day would be, what do i do, where do i begin. >> yes. >> trevor: what would your day one be as president? obama said i'm going for healthcare, i'm going to shut down guantanamo. trump said i'm going to build a wall. everybody has their idea of day one. none seem to cleave it but everyone haas the idea of day one. what is yours?
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>> i think day one you launch a package of democratic reforms to strengthen our democracy, making voter registration easier and seerdz to get to follows, but launching things that will take years to achieve, launching the reform to the electoral college based on the idea that you may think is simplistic but you want to give the presidency to whoever gets the most votes. >> trevor: right. >> launching a commission to propose measures to depoliticize the supreme court. big, deep structural reforms that need to happen, right? ( applause ) not because i'm under any illusion that they can get done even in h the first days or years, but we need to remind everybody that one of the most elegant features of our constitutional system is it's designed to be capable of self-healing and reform because every other issue that's so urgent, i think climate tops the list, gun reform, education, you name it, is going to be very hard to deal with if we still have such warping of our democratic system itself.
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>> trevor: more recently, you have been thrust into the news in and around issue regarding voters who are black. you know, people have said, mayor pete, feels like you have a blind spot when it comes to black voters in america, be it the fact when south bend's economy rose up, black people stayed in poverty. you know, you've had issues in and around conversations around the black police chief. what do you think you're going to do or how you going to appeal to black voters? >> i think a lot of it is important to outreach. there are people who will find their way to you and those are your core supporters, and there are people who will never hear from you unless you reach out to them. this was important for me back home. not everyone knows south bend is a racially diverse city. we're about 40, 45% nonwhite. we had very painful issues in my first days and months as mayor in policing. we have a lot of racial ini quality around the city, not
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because we want to, but good intention are not enough. you have to have intentions around your policies. we're working on everything in south bend from black entrepreneurship to investing in historically disinvested neighborhoods. i think same thing has to happen at the national level. the racial inequities are not an accident they are in many cases the consequence of racist policy, which means we have to have not just non-racist but anti-racist policies if we ever see these things equalize in our lifetime. i may not be able to convince every voter to be for me, but i need to make sure that every voter out there knows that i'm for them. ( applause ) >> trevor: it's interesting that you say that and you've commented so much on policies and ideas that you would have for the nation. when you speak to voters who are concerned about your experience or lack thereof, how do you respond to that? >> i actually think experience
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is one of the best reasons to vote for me. that sounds cheeky at my age, but the experience of being a mayor of any size city, but especially of one in indiana where there's no city manager, one minute we can talk about development incentives and the next parks and recreation controversy over moving a duck pond. ( laughter ) that's when you get the call -- >> trevor: did you move the duck pond? >> we're working on that. ( laughter ) it's a long story, but it's got to move. the ducks will be better off. but just when you're having a good laugh about that is the when the phone call comes in about a racially explosive officer-involved shootings where you don't have the facts and you have to decide what to say on toafltion hold the community together. you learn the job has not just a policy element, not just a management element, but also this intaxable part, the moral part of just calling people to their highest values. it's actually probably the thing
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we're most grievously missing right now in the white house, and we really need it. it really matters. ( applause ) >> trevor: one thing i've always enjoitd about you from the begin is you're not afraid to jump into the sticky side of a conversation, and i've always appreciated your ability to take a step back and go, yeah, maybe i could change that. the book is fascinating, your campaign is proving to be as fascinating, thank you so much for joining us on the show. >> thank you ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: the memoir "shortest way home" is available now. mayor pete buttigieg, everybody. we'll be right back ( cheers and applause ) ♪ this is game fuel.
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it's domination in a can. taste like loser tears. new mountain dew amp game fuel. victory in a can ♪ and i owe it all to you the most delicious union of all time, is back. kentucky fried chicken and waffles, for a limited time at kfc. kentucky fried chicken and don't just dream book your next vacation.. ♪ be a booker at ( cheers and applause )
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well, that's our show for tonight. thank you so much for tuning in. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> i spend a lot of time sailing. that's when you learn stuff because you're at the mercy of the elements, you know, you get close to god and stuff. it's the same as directing in that there's a certain amount that you have that's in your control and there's a certain amount -- a lot of certain amount that's not in your control, but you're able to try to guide and navigate the whole thing. welcome to "the jim jefferies show." in a landslide victory, a comedian became president of the ukraine this week. though, it's not surprising. everyone loved his netflix special, "potatoes." he was like... ♪ you say potatoes, i say hkkk! ♪ but on a side note, i'd like to book some gigs in the ukraine. if i visit, it would be an honor for you to open for me, mr. president. but keep it to a tight eight minutes, mate.
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