tv The Daily Show Comedy Central May 10, 2019 1:38am-2:15am PDT
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[groaning] - he did it! - oh, look, i'm back! - nice going, kid! [all congratulating] - the evil characters, they're all back behind the wall again! - dude, how did you do that, butters? - why, i just... used my imagination! all: aw! [laughter] - you know, i really have learned a lot, you guys. what kyle said about imaginary things being real, and butters using his imagination, it makes me think that-- well, maybe we all have the power to make things a reality. oh, why, look, it's me! and... and there's kyle. and what's kyle about to do?
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- cartman, don't. - oh, kyle! what are you doing to my balls? oh-ho, look! it's kyle sucking my balls! - dude. - oh, my god! - oh, kyle, you are gobbling those balls, aren't you? i told you you would suck my balls before this was over, didn't i, kyle? - that's sick. why are you sucking his balls, kid? - i'm not sucking your balls. that's imaginary! - no, kyle, i believe you said that imaginary things are real. - that's true. you did. - oh, look at you go, kyle! oh, you dirty girl. you love those balls. [laughter] - okay, kyle, that's enough ball-sucking. we need to get you boys home. - oh, look, kyle. you're choking on my balls. oh, you seem to be recovering now. oh, and you're just diving in for a second helping. oh, kyle! [cheers and catcalls] - i am not sucking cartman's balls! - whatever you imagine to be real is real. remember... ♪ i-mag-in-ation
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- [together] ♪ imagin-ation ♪ imagin-a-a-a-ation ♪ imagination - butters? butters! - huh? what? oh... oh, it was all just a dream. - come on, butters, time to get up. - oh, dad, i had the craziest dream. i saved all of imaginationland from running wild after a terrorist attack! - you were in imaginationland, butters. we've read all about it in the paper. the question is: what were you doing in imaginationland when you were supposed to be helping your mother clean up the basement? - you are grounded, mister! - aww. wait, i'm not grounded. - oh, yes, you are! - oh, yeah? - that only works in imaginationland. you're grounded!
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aw, shit. captioning by captionmax >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody! thank you so much for tuning in! i'm trevor noah! thank you for coming out! thank you so much for coming out, yeah! oh, man! so good to have you. our guest tonight -- our guests tonight are fascinating filmmakers with an incredible documentary about the foster care system. mark jonathan harris and deborah oppenheimer are joining us, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) sexism could win the presidential election.
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the second biggest economy in africa had its election and grand theft auto comes to real life. let's catch up on today's headlines. first up, over the past few weeks, there have been a slew of stories about how extreme police are in america. police in san diego, police in missouri and, of course, the fashion police who covered the met gala. ( laughter ) good lord, they were ruthless. ( laughter ) are you telling me a teacher doesn't camp? what did you wear to camp you (~bleep ) assholes. ( laughter ) but of all these examples of extreme police, a video that came out yesterday is one of the craziest things i've ever seen. >> newly released police video shows anaheim officers firing 76 shots in a busy residential neighborhood during a police chase last year. ( siren )
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(shots fired ). >> investigators call their actions alarming and irresponsible. prosecutors say despite this video, there was not enough evidence to file criminal charges. >> trevor: goddam! that cop fired 76 shots?! i don't know what training he got, but it was not at a police academy. police academies teach you how to control the situation, how to properly use your firearms and how to make sound effects. that was not from a police academy. ( laughter ) it's wild they say the prosecutors watched that footage and still couldn't charge the cop with anything. he fired 76 bullets all over the streets. at least you could charge him for littering. ( laughter ) i don't know even who he's like. he's shooting through the windshield. the window is right there! ( laughter ) yeah, just switch your gun to your left hand. you may not be as accurate but after the 70th shot, does it even matter? ( laughter ) the one piece of good news is that this guy has been fired.
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yeah. the bad news is now he's an uber driver. airport? don't worry, i know a short cut. bam-bam bam-bam! just visiting in bam, bam, bam, bam! ( laughter ) big tech news, one of the co-founders of facebook announces he thinks facebook should be broken up, yeah, which sounds like somebody is sick of seeing his ex's new baby photos. but seriously, though, i don't know how this would work. how do you break up facebook? would they split it up with all the things it does? so a facebook that just reminds me when my friends' birthdays are. a separate one that gives me wrong news and one that sells my data to russia. that's it? ( laughter ) you don't have to break up facebook. if you want to reduce facebook's influence, change the logo to make u it look like the snapchat app and no one
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uses it. ( laughter ) my dad works for snapchat! ( laughter ) news for pants, if you buy secondhand toys for your kids you may want to check what's inside the box. >> $40,000 worth of meth found by a child inside a lego box. police in south carolina say a woman bought the lego set at a thrift store in charleston and took it home to georgia. they gave the legos to a child who opened the box and discovered the meth. drug officials say the box could have been purchased in a storage auction before making its way to the shop without anyone questioning its contents. >> trevor: okay. i have so many questions. first of all, how did that kid know it was meth? ( laughter ) you're telling me there was some 7-year-old out there like, yeah, it's meth but it ain't the good shit. ( laughter ) seriously, this sounds like something that would happen in a movie. like it probably started out with some dealer who was like
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okay, go to the thrift shop, there's a box of legos on the third shelf on the right, the drugs are inside. they get there, it's gone. on the one side of town, where's my drugs, man? and on the other side, a kid punching his dad, where's my legos! i'm sorry, timmy, thought it was legos. shut up, go sell the meth so we can buy more legos! the kid will be up all night building a life-size empire state building -- everything is awesome, cool! ( speaking fast ) ( laughter ) let's move on to the top story. ( cheers and applause ) let's talk about south africa. my home country and place where i have many outstanding warrants. ( laughter ) yesterday, south africa held its presidential election, and i know you think we elect our leaders by holding them over the
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edge of a cliff, but that's just for the primaries. in the general elections, we to it like you, ballot boxes, polling places and people predicting the results before the votes come in. >> we've seen quite a number of opinion polls make predictions. we thought tonight we would invite a traditional healer. what do you think about this election? >> as i look into my kalabesh, the anc will be the ruling party again, and it will be 60.7%. >> trevor: wow. the ancestors are really specific, 60.7%. ( laughter ) yeah, wouldn't it be funny if it turned out she had an iphone inside the kalabesh?
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the results is -- the ancestors are really slow, hold on, hold on. ( laughter ) and before you use witch doctors, i would argue they're just as reliable as anyone on cnn. judging by a yard signs my gut tells me hillary will win by a landslide, i can feel it! ( laughter ) can you imagine being one of the ancestors and getting a question like this? go think about it. you're like a village chief who died 600 years ago, waiting to provide guidance about the mysteries of life and then you get a question like who's going to win the election? i bet you the ancestors are, like, what? how dare you waste my time with this! throw it away! oh, good, another question! what? will there be another sex in the city? goddam it, of course there won't be, carry on! now the reason this election in south africa is so important is
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everyone is waiting to see if the anc will hold on to their power. it could be close because south africa is dealing with many issues. some of which might sound familiar. >> south africa has the highest inequality in the world. researchers say more than 90% of wealth is owned by 10% of arches, while mainly white and 80%, mostly black, own nothing. >> trevor: decades after apartheid, south africa is still super divided along racial lines. i know the mandela movies make it seem like everything turned out okay. but after the cameras stopped it's, okay, go our separate ways, come back for the next movie. ( laughter ) many of south africa's youth feel their future isn't looking too bright. >> in the last three years, thousands of students have protested against higher universities and demanding free education for students --
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>> education in south africa has become so expensive, and they can't afford to study anymore. >> student debt continues to rise. government subsidies for students decline. >> trevor: students in south africa are so mad about the high price of college they're even burning down the schools in protest. which is one way to get rid of student debt. you can't owe the university if there is no university. ( laughter ) pretty smart. pretty smart. look at that, they literally set fire to a piece of their campus. american students might feel the burn, south african students just burn. wouldn't it be funny if we have an african bernie up there and he's like those college loans are too high. bring it down. burn it! burn it! burn it! ( laughter ) and this might shock some americans to see but do you know some south africans aren't too fond of immigrants either.
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>> 25 years into democracy. communities who feel let down by their government quick to blame african migrants for every social i'll. >> our local guys can't get jobs. >> goshers are bringing drugs and weapons to our poor communities. we don't want them here. we are not xenophobes, we just don't want them here. >> trevor: good lord, if trump sees that woman, he's going to fall in love. ( laughter ) he's going to be, like, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to my new head of vice gu-gu-ma -- lady gugu, everybody! lady gugu. ( applause ) oh, and speaking of trump, speaking of trump, south africa also has a popular anti-establishment politician in this election. his name is jewellously malimma, and if you think trump is bad, wait until you see how julius treats the press.
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>> these crooks were calling themselves journalists! the problem is we're not that advanced with our journalists. >> how do you reassure the foreign -- >> you must give me a chance to speak, unless you interpret this interview with yourself. you're a smart boy. you can't do anything. come out, go out! bastard! ( laughter ) oh, man! that is the best ending to an interview i've ever seen in my life. yeah, forget no comment. i'm going to go with that for now on. trevor, why did you wear a t-shirt to the met gala! bastard! you bastard! ( laughter ) and if you're one of those people thinking right now, you know what, trevor? this doesn't seem too extreme, he just hates the press, buckle up for this one. >> policeman, not thinking twice. shooting at black people. you want to shoot?
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thirsty to shoot? go to parliament. that parliament is full of thugs and criminals! go and shoot them randomly, don't select. i don't know what's going to happen in the future. i'm saying to you, we've not called for killing of white people at least for now. i can't guarantee the future. >> trevor: goddam! he just speaks about genocide like he's talking about remodeling his kitchen. maybe i will break down that wall, change the cabinets and kill all the white people. actually, you never know. maybe i'll leave the cabinets. you're right, you're right. ( laughter ) i hope it's obvious but i do not support the killing of all the white people, all right? ( laughter ) half my family is white. i would spend all my time at funerals. i don't have the time for that. so as it stands, the results of south africa's election are still coming in, and we won't know the winner until saturday. so best believe i will be
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clicking refresh on my kalabash until then. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) what! she's zip lining with little jon? it's lil jon. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded.
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who really likes crackerswould givand didn't have, is the same type of person who can help you quickly and easily get an appraisal on your car, because helping people is what carmax people are all about. or these. good thing they're sold literally everywhere business is done. i'm pretty sure you could buy them at a bank. not sorry. reese's. not sorry. [ pop ] [ pop ] [ electric sizzle ]ng ] [ ding ] [ dong ] [ whizzing whistle ] [ rubber duck squeaks ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." we are now just 544 days away from the 2020 presidential election. and there are now 21 democratic candidates in this primary race, which sin saifnlt look at all those faces, huh? look at all of those faces! who do you pick or choose? one up side, though, is there are also more women running than ever before. yeah. ( cheers and applause ) you might want to save your applause because, unfortunately, they're facing some unique challenges. >> you see this incredible surge of women across the country and, yet, the political coverage of
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this historic record number of women running for president is wildly skewed, and there has been studies that are showing not only that the coverage has been lower in terms of the numbers of hours, just the pure face time and discussion of female candidates, but when they are covered, they are covered in negative terms. >> trevor: that's right. turns out women aren't getting as much media coverage as their male counterparts. the question is why. to help us find out, we're joined by our senior gender issues correspondent desi lydic, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) so, desi, i have to ask, what do you think about female candidate getting less coverage than the males? >> well, i'm offended, trevor, not just as a woman but as a person -- who enjoys camera time. ( laughter ) >> trevor: yeah. desi, and you know -- >> no, no, no, no, no, camera, stay on me. stay on me. nice try, trevor. fanned male candidates aren't just getting less camera time.
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when they get coverage, people talk about them like this -- >> kamala harris, she's running for president, she does what she does, she's snitty, she did her little thing -- >> that's kirstjen gillibrand. she reminds me of a wafer that's colorless, odorless and you think what did i just eat? >> elizabeth warren is a scol. >> elizabeth warren has a likability problem. >> exactly la wouldn't answer questions, instead she just acted like she is beautiful -- uh, which is how she handles everything. do you think she's beautiful? >> what are those pipe smooch? not doing it for me. she's not going to make the next jane fonda fitness video. >> oooh, scaramucci with the burn! he's just mad she lasted longer
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in the gym than he did in the white house. ( cheers and applause ) you know what? instead of mocking female candidates based on their looks, scaramucci should be out looking for his neck. ( laughter ) but, you know, it's always been like this for female candidates. like when congresswoman shirley chisholm ran in 1972 -- >> the this is the "cbs evening news" with walter cronkite. a hat, rather a bonnet, tossed into the democratic presidential race today, that of mrs. shirley chisholm. >> trevor: that's right, she threw her bonnet into the race which is offensive and makes no sense. trevor, have you tried to throw a bonnet? >> trevor: i can't say i have. >> i have and it's not easy. i do a lot of hands maid kos play on the weekends. the press focused on her height, wait, shoes, even said she was playing vaginal politics which makes it sound like women just
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vote with our vaginas. we don't. i mean, i can hold a pencil with mine and certainly fill out a ballot, but i make my decisions, not her. yes, i know you're hungry, we're almost done. ( laughter ) there is just something about a woman running for president that brings all the sexism to the surface, and i don't have to remind you what happened in the 2008 election, but i will anyway. >> men won't vote for hillary clinton because she he re minds them of their nag wives. >> is there someone's voice sticks like an ice pick? hillary clinton. >> she's shrill, angry and needs to lighten up. >> when hillary clinton speaks, men hear take out the garbage! >> there's something that feels castrating, overbearing and scary. >> i have often said when she comes on television, i involuntarily cross my legs. >> first of all, that was
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horrendous, but, also, castrating, crossing your legs? tucker, what's going on with your balls? are they just a set of faberge eggs? are you scared you will lose them and they'll go into hiding with scaramucci's neck? ( laughter ) by the way, calling hillary a nagging wife is also offensive to wives because wives are awesome! ( cheers and applause ) look, we plan parties, we dry your fantasy football tears and not to mention all the birthday b.j.s -- bon jovi tickets for his birthday, men love that. >> trevor: i should give my brother a birthday b.j., then, that's dope. ( laughter ) he loves bon jovi. if this has always been the trend, doesn't seem like it's going to get much better for 2020. >> actually, there is one big difference that gives me hope. in 2008, hillary was the only woman running, so she had to carry the weight of all the
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sexism, but now there's at least five women, so they can share it. there is safety in numbers. that's why we go to the bathr together at bars and now we run for president. >> trevor: desi lydic, everybody! desi as a new special exploring gender equality around the world called "abroad" and appears monday night on comedy central. desi lydic, everybody! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) we're jack daniel's. ♪ the mellowest, ♪ liveliest, whiskiest whiskey from lynchburg, tennessee.
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if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking truvada without talking to your doctor. common side effects include stomach pain, headache, and weight loss. ask your doctor about your risk of getting hiv and if truvada for prep may be right for you. i wanted to do more. that's why i'm on that pill. truvada for prep. eligible patients may pay as little as a zero dollar co-pay. find out more at state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guests tonight are academy award-winning filmmakers whose new hbo documentary is called "foster." >> once a kid is taken from their parent, if they didn't have an issue before, they've got one now. and that's what i try to tell
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some of the social workers, i said once you took that kid away, they're going to become bitter, they're going to become destructive, they're become angry, they will have a lot of problems wrong with them because you took them from their comfort zone, from their parents, from their school, from their friends. you took them away and you expect them to be okay with that. they're not. >> trevor: please welcome mark jonathan harris and deborah oppenheimer. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: and congratulations on another successful documentary, which is, honestly, one of the, i think, broadest documentaries i've watched on the foster care system. a lot of time when we see stories on foster care it's often a news story and it's
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either extremely negative or positive, the great family, the worst family ever, but watching this you realize it is a much more complicated story than that. why did you choose this top income. >> mark and i had enjoyed working together with each other on into the arms of strangers and wanted to do something else. we were looking for a new subject, and i have one of these children in my life. i met him when he was six years old when i was volunteering in a local school. even then he was charismatic, positive and a leader in the class. when i asked the teacher what his story was, i found out he was living in an orphanage. he has been removed from his parents home. i went home sobbing and resolved to work with him. it's been 25 years, 31 years old now, and he's a great success story. i thought, i had never met a foster youth or encountered the foster care system and a lot of people i knew never encountered it either. >> trevor: it really is a fascinating story that took you through different journeys and
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lives. it's about foster kids, foster parents, social workers who change their lives or govern their lives and that clip is interesting because it's not as simple as you think. kids having a bad time at home, take them away, but that can become the problem. >> it's audit trauma to be taken out of your family, your home. those are the two big things that are a loss in a child's life, family and home, and then you're put into another home and, often, you're taken out of that home as well. 20% of the kids in foster care end up spending at least two years in foster care, and that's a failure. >> trevor: when you look at the foster care system in america, do you regard it as a success? do you regard it as a failure? or what do you think could be changed having spent, i think, four years on this project documenting the system inside and out? >> i think the foster care system is a reactive system.
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it reacts when kids are in crisis, after they have been hurt. a lot of kids say, i wish you had gotten to my mother and father before you took me out. we have to move toward a more public health model, a preventative model. intervention before crisis rather than intervening after crisis. >> trevor: what do you find are the best steps people can take to create successful foster environments for children? >> i think the importance of one consistent caring adult who sticks with a child and shares their successes and commiserates their losses is vitally important and it can make all the difference in a child's life. >> trevor: right. >> i think getting the parents the support they need, getting the foster parents the support they need and certainly giving the children the services and the support that we know that children need once they have been removed from their home and, also, we know that foster
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care is the result of neglect way more often than abuse. so if we can move toward preventing that from happening, that would be great. >> trevor: are there any misconceptions in and around the foster care system that you think need to be changed? >> there are stereotypes and judgments against the parents, foster parents, social workers, the children, and people believe it's the children's fault. they believe that parents do terrible things to their children. >> the children believe it's their fault, too. >> wow. >> they have no way of explaining what happened. it's also, i think you can't look at the foster care system in isolation. it's a symptom of larger social issues that are unaddressed -- poverty, drug addiction, mental health -- undiagnosed mental health, lack of opportunities, racism, all that is reflected in who ends up in the foster care system. >> trevor: one thing i know about documentaries is, you know, yes, they bring light to an issue, but oftentimes the
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filmmaker hopes to give the audience some sort of clarity or some sort of idea of how they can move the world forward. if somebody's watching this film, what is the one thing you would want them to take away? is it just the knowledge of what's happening or is it something you would want them to try and achieve? >> well, i -- as i said before, i think it's important to see that we have to do more to help the families, struggling families before they get to this crisis point. >> trevor: right. >> that would be one thing. taking children out of a family, it's only a temporary measure, that's not the final solution to these problems. >> trevor: well, i'll tell you this, it's a beautiful story that is as complicated as life is, and i hope everyone goes out and watches it. thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: "foster" is now available on h.b.o.
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