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tv   The Daily Show  Comedy Central  October 16, 2019 1:40am-2:15am PDT

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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back to the only tv show that thinks instead of raising the minimum wage, we should lower the maximum wage. next week, i meet an old man who built a rocket so he could see with his own eyes if the earth is flat. [ laughter ] [ audience murmurs ] man: hey! [ engine sputters ] holy shit! he did it! [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] who's to say that wasn't a successful mission? follow me on the four majors of social media. the boycott of the week is #boycottfistbumps. i got shows in different area codes -- 831 -- that's monterey, 916 -- sacramento, 702 -- vegas! the annual "tosh saves the world" charity show will be in vegas at the mirage on november 10th at a special time -- a 5:00 p.m. show. all the money will be going to charity. if you come to the 7:30 show, that money will be going to me. [ laughter ] finally, it's time for tosh's toe tips. that's tips for your toenails from tosh. [ audience groans ] oh, you got gross frito feet? [ laughter ] here's a little gadget to turn that toenail frown upside down. [ audience groans ] or just trim your nails on a regular basis before they get like that.
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up to you. if you can't afford that $15 device, you can always use an old pair of needle-nose pliers. [ audience "ohs" ] [ man grunts ] tosh: that's a simple life hack. toenails are the wisdom teeth of your feet -- you don't need 'em. now, just fill your sock with neosporin, and you're all set! goodnight! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ captioning sponsored by comedy central >> live from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, "the daily show" with trevor noah presents 2020, the field narrows from 10 to -- 12? wait, what? ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: thank you for tuning in! i'm trevor noah! thank you for coming out! it's exciting! the fourth democratic president del bait ended just moments ago and we are coming to you live, people! live right now! we're live! don't believe me? take a look at this newspaper. see that? huh? live! ( laughter ) now, we're going to talk about what happened in the debate, but if you watched, you know that this was not a normal debate. this thing was supersized. there were 12 candidates on stage, an all-time record, which is a little weird. candidates aren't supposed to multiply as the debates go on, so, please, america, remember to have your candidate spayed or
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neutered! we can't handle any more! ( laughter ) i think the democratic party is too nice. the g.o.p. would never do. this they're canceling entire primaries to lock out other candidates. the democrats are like a night on tuesday. sandals? come on in! ( laughter ) before we debate, all the pundits and commentators like to weigh in on what to expect. one always killed it. >> hey twitter world, yours truly. tonight we have the debates, 12 people on stage, telling us why we should vote for them. i just hope that they spend their time telling us about their qualifications and their plans and why they should be voted for and not waste time talking about innuendos and rumors about the guy next to them. >> trevor: yeah, man, jump shotting worse than innuendos and rumors. you know, people talking about
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who you're with and where your blood was found. let's focus on the issue! ( laughter ) so, coming in to this debate, there have been a lot of new developments. elizabeth warren has surged in the polls. joe biden and his son have become targets of the trump administration. bernie sanders had heart attack. last week pete buttigieg snuck into his first r-rated movie. ( laughter ) by far, the biggest development has been the impeachment inquiry into president donald trump. that was the first topic. >> i don't think this impeachment process is going to take long because i know a confession when i see it as a former prosecutor. >> this president had obstructed justice. >> this president on three occasions has invited foreign governments and heads of governments to get engage in trying to alter our election. >> we have to impeach this president. he lied to investigators, obstructed justice, fired james comey head of the f.b.i., tried to fire mueller.
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>> the president ten years or 100 years from now will look back at this moment and true the conclusion either that no one is above the law or that a president can get away with anything. >> trevor: i hear what you're saying but, the way the planet is going, in 100 years from now, the president isn't going to be worried about impeachment, he has going to be worried about the price of lizard blood. ( laughter ) biden's question was different. he was asked why it's not okay for a president's family to be working with foreign businesses and companies but it's okay for a vice president's family to do. i think i get where he was going through but it took a while for him to get there. >> look, uh, my son did nothing wrong, i did nothing wrong. my son's statement speaks for itself. what i think is important is we focus on why it's so important to remove this man from office. on the 17th -- look, the fact that george washington, on the first time he spoke after being
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elected president, what we had to worry about is foreign interference in our election -- >> trevor: one minute, it's his son, george washington, then the 17th -- joe biden is the only one who remixes his speech while he's giving it. removing the -- man -- on the 17th -- the fact -- the fact -- the fact that -- he has a weird thing he does. aside from impeachment, healthcare was a major topic tonight with the standard debate about whether the government-run insurance should be the option or the only option, but the thing that got the crowd going is when the o.g. of medicare stepped into the game and showed everyone why they should put respect on his name. >> the issue is whether the democratic party has the guts to stand up to the healthcare industry which made $100 billion in profits, whether we have the guts to stand up to the corrupt price fixing pharmaceutical industry, which is charging us
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the highest prices in the world from prescription drugs, and if we don't have the guts to do that, if all we can do is take their money, we should be ashamed of ourselves! >> trevor: yeah, yeah yeah, yeah! bernie sanders! ( cheers and applause ) no one speaks about healthcare with the passion that bernie does. i also have a suspicion that's the same speech he gave every time the nurse tried to give him pills. no more pills! i have got to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry! i just need a nap, i'll be fine! ( laughter ) probably didn't notice but one of the 52 candidates on stage was tom steyer, hedge fund billionaire and scarecrow from mars. ( laughter ) most people only know steyer from his tv adds where he calls on president trump to be impeached. it's a cool perk of being a billionaire, buy ads on tv and make everyone pay attention to what you're talking about. i would be, like, hello, i'm
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billionaire trevor noah, and my thai food was supposed to be here a half an hour ago, please someone call the restaurant and see where it is. ( laughter ) bernie sanders a few weeks ago made headlines by saying billionaires should not exist. so, of course, the moderators asked tom steyer an actual billionaire about bernie's comment and his answer is not what you would expect. >> senator sanders is right. there have been 40 years where corporations have bought this government, and those 40 years have meant a 40-year attack on the rights of working people and specifically on organized labor. i was one of the first people on this stage to propose a wealth tax. i would undo every republican tax cut for rich people and major corporations. >> yes, the billionaire just said the government needs to tax the shit out of billionaires. you saw bernie's face -- is this a crack? is this a joke? you can't take my thing! ( laughter ) you know, it seems weird, but when you think about it, it
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actually makes sense, if you're already a billionaire you don't want more billionaires. you would be, like, tax them, i don't want them becoming billionaires. the same way i think america has enough south african late night comedians. zero was too few, one is more than enough. we did it! apartheid! we get it! move on! one is enough! ( cheers and applause ) so the debate then moves to foreign policy, in particular president trump's decision to pull troops out of northern syria. and although all the democrats had different proposals on how they thought they'd handle the conflict in the area, they all agreed on one thing, that trump is doing it wrong. >> what this president has done is that he has sucked up to dictators, he has made impulsive decisions that often his own team doesn't understand. >> what he has done is wreck our ability to do foreign policy because nobody in the world will
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believe this pathological liar. >> this president is caging kids on the border and effectively letting i.s.i.s. prisoners run free. >> this president has turned the moral leadership of this country into a dumpster fire. >> we have an erratic, crazy president who knows not a damn thing about foreign policy. >> trevor: okay, okay, hold on. you may not like donald trump but you can't say he doesn't know a damn thing about foreign policy. unlike trump, not one of these democrats has calculated the country of namibia on their healthcare system. maybe because there's no country named that, but that's not the point. is point is not one of you can find it on a map! ( laughter ) since the debate was in ohio, the moderators also focused on the opioid epidemic which has ravaged the buckeye state and the candidates have different thoughts on the problem but many agreed on who should help solve it. >> let's go after these pharmaceutical companies for what they have been doing to destroy our country. they are nothing more than
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high-level dope dealers. >> until we hold those responsible, accountable for their actions -- purdue pharma, johnson adden johnson, we're going to continue to have the problem. >> the people who need to pay for the treatment are the people who got them hooked and killed them in the first place, the people who manufacture these opioids. ( applause ) >> trevor: yeah. i 100% agree with klobuchar. drug companies should have to pay to rehabilitate all the people they got addicted oftentimes on purpose. it shouldn't just be drug companies. every industry. you create something addictive, you should be responsible for making it harder to consume. like oreos. they're going to make those cookies so addictive, every fourth cookie, they should put a mouse trap inside. bam! slows the addiction down. i'll try again tomorrow. or porn, every hour they should
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randomly pop up a picture of your grandmother. hi, nana! the elephant in the room was bernie's heart attack. the moderators asked about it in a very awkward way. >> there is a question on a lot of people's minds and i want to address it tonight. you're 78 years old and you just had a heart attack. how do you reassure democratic voters that you're up to the stress of the presidency? if you're elected you will turn 80 during your first term. last month former president jimmy carter said he could not have undertaken the duties of the presidency at 80 years old. why are you so sure that you can? if you win the presidency, you will be the oldest president inaugurated in a first term. you will be 71. congressman gabbard, you are 38 and will be the youngest ever elected. should age matter when choosing a president? >> trevor: is it just me or did the moderators ask everyone about their health to hide the awkwardness of them asking
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bernie. bernie had a heart attack, but everyone! everyone! i get the part about asking people about being too old, but asking gabbard about being too young. are you too fit and vibrant for the presidency? is it possible you might die of young age? the weirdths part might be when kamala harris started a real life twitter beat. >> senator warren, i want to say i was surprised to hear you did not agree with me on this subject of what should be the rules around corporate responsibility for these big tech companies when i called on twitter to suspend donald trump's account that you did not agree, and i would urge you to join me. twitter should be held accountable and shut down that site. it's a matter of safety and corporate accountability. >> thank you, senator warren, you can respond. >> look, i don't just want to push donald trump off twitter, i want to push him out of the
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white house. >> but join me in his twitter account being shut down. >> but let's figure ow out dr. . no? >> trevor: someone's mad they didn't get a retweet. what's that? you didn't say the thing with me! elizabeth says, no, i don't care about that. i understand warren's point. we need trump on twitter. it's the only way we can monitor what he's up to. i don't want him doing that shit in secret. you have to think of twitter as a presidential baby monitor. the whole time you're looking, hold on, he's awake and wants to nuke a hurricane. i gotta go! ( laughter ) harris wasn't the only one picking a fight with elizabeth warren tonight. no, in fact, tas evening went on, the attacks on elizabeth warren only grew more intense. >> i want to give a reality check here to elizabeth because no one on this stage wants to protect billionaires, not even the billionaire wants to protect billionaires. we've just got different
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approaches. >> senator warren is more focused on being punitive or pitting some part of the country against the other. >> your signature, senator, is to have a plan for everything, except this. >> i appreciate elizabeth's work, but, again, the difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done. >> trevor: damn! elizabeth warren might have an even bigger target on her back now than joe biden, and it makes sense. i mean, she's risen to the top of the polls and, now, her competitors have their sights set on her. that was the big takeaway of tonight. they're coming for you, elizabeth. all i can say is i hope you've got a plan for that. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ♪
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halloween is awesome. [trick or treat] yes, yes, yes, yes. [screaming in fear] yay. [laughter] yes! thank you. ♪ c'mom and say it now. ♪ just let the words come out. ♪ give me your love. ♪ no calories. no sweeteners. all smiles™.
1:58 am
bubly sparkling water. crack a smile™. it's not fancy night out rich... it's fancy night in rich. ♪ life's rich. ritz (vo) ♪ the subaru crosstrek. dog tested. dog approved. subaru establishes national make a dog's day. helping hard-to-adopt dogs find homes.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: all the candidates were in ohio for the debate, but tomorrow they will head back out on to the campaign trail. steyer on a jet, klobuchar in a car she hijacked in the park lot. the campaign trail can be grueling on the candidates, but can also have a major effect on their families. >> a political campaign can be tough on a young family, with the candidates spending long periods away from home. >> it's a challenging thing to
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do to your marriage. we have been married just over a year. >> my wife is at home with our two boys. >> i just got a call from my wife amy, back in el paso, texas. even though this is the first day, i miss them terribly. >> trevor: yeah, it must be really tough to leave your family, and what's especially difficult is that most of these candidates won't even become president. so they're abandoning their families for nothing. ( laughter ) that's got to be a hard talk to have with your kids. hey, buddy, of course, daddy wants to see you grow up but he's got to spend the next two years interrupting people in diners and kissing other people's kids. ( laughter ) it's a great excuse deadbeat dads should use. hey, buddy, i'm going to be right back, i'm just going to run for president. my dad's dill still running! he's been running five years! ( laughter ) presidential candidates are put in a tough position, they need
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to go out on the road but don't want families to suffer. neil has a solution. >> is campaigning for president keeping you away from your family? you try to help america but who can help your kids? >> where's dad? he's in iowa, son. what's iowa? damn this kid's stupid! introducing leo devlin's family sitting. you take care of the white house. i'll take care of your house. i'll do your chores. i'll even fight with your wife. i don't want to spend the weekend at your sister's house! >> we just spent the week with your mother! >> don't talk about my momma. if you're a candidate that's a woman, i hang out with husbands, too. >> i don't want to spend a weekend at your sister's house. >> we just spent a weekend with your momma! >> don't talk about my mother! and if your family asks about
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you, leo's got your back. >> mr. leo, do you think my dad will show up for the big game today? >> hell, no, he's trying to be president. he ain't got time for your stupid-ass games, but i'll be there. don't take my word for it, listen to the satisfied customer. >> during my campaign for president, leo devlin took great care of my family. although i think he ate all my popsicles, but i can't prove it. >> and you never will. so get leo devlin's family fill-in to take care of your loved one. while you're touring the country, i'll take care of all their needs. >> come to bed, leo. gotta run. $85. you can get that from your momma. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> by the fairgrounds. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: we'll be right back. you've got to do it. and keep doing it. because there are those who don't. and those who do. let's do. kentucky eighty-five, they said he couldn't do it. you can't just introduce your new delicious kentucky fried wings in a football game!
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but, he did it. introducing my new kentucky fried wings in a football game. [cheering] now available in buffalo, honey bbq and nashville hot. from the creators of rudy ii, rudy iii. he's still colonel sanders but now he's got wings for sale. ♪ they say we're ♪ we say playful's never done ♪ don't fight the feeling just let it flow ♪ ♪ stack it up, rack it up, let it go ♪ ♪ i got a secret the world should know ♪
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♪ let's stay playful, oreo ♪ it's rukmini here from the new york times . hey, you see this?
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: my guest tonight co-hosts and executive produces "the circus" on showtime. she is also a cbs news special correspondent and contributing editor of the atlantic. please welcome alex wagner. ( cheers and applause ) welcome all right, let's jump straight into it. i have a question to ask because it's not a real thing, who won the debate? ( laughter ) >> you know, i feel like elizabeth warren survived the debate and is taking on a lot of incoming fire. >> trevor: right. so i'm going to say she won it. but it's hard when you have -- that democratic field, you made note of how many were on that statestage. it's like when you pour water on gremlins and they start multiplying, it's hard for people to get a word in edgewise. she came prepared to push back.
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i felt like she got more fire than she would even though technically joe biden up until a couple of days ago was the guy leading in the polls. what was amazing about the debate is how little he seemed to matter to the rest of the field. joe biden almost got no attention. >> trevor: is that a bad sign? yes, i think if you're joe biden -- >> trevor: because that means the other people don't think you're a threat. >> which you're not a threat. yeah, i think it is a gift and a curse, to paraphrase daisy, to be in the hot seat, right? elizabeth warren likes being acknowledged as the frontrunner. she doesn't like taking on all the criticism she got. joe biden i'm sure wishes a little bit more of the fire was coming his way. a remarkable turn of events. >> trevor: any standout in the debate where someone goes, wow, this is where you got the two or three percent bump that makes the >> it matters at this point. i think, you know, withb. bides
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descent, there is an opening for a centrist moderate candidate, and you saw a lot of emergency put forward by amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg tonight. they came with a lot of paprika on their oatmeal tonight because they were ready to go. >> trevor: and they kept saying as somebody from the midwest -- >> centrism, middle of the country, middle of the road, i'm not crazy. >> trevor: right. hat was basically the subtext of every one of their answers. they're cra, i'm not, vote for me because we need someone who's not cra to win. ened i think they had added momentum because biden is bruised at this moment. >> trevor: when you watch the debates, three hours of the people on stage putting forth ideas. what was interesting everyone was going back and forth, and every time cory booker would speak he would be going, guys, guys, guys, we shouldn't argue because the president like this,
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but that's a debate. >> that's a debate. ey were, like, don't speak to me in that tone of voice! didn't you get the homeo the point was to speak each other in that tone of voice? i do think there's an emotional battle unfolding inside the democratic party today which is how do you lead the country forward, what does the party stand for, and it's a big playing field between the center of the party and the left flank of the party and that needs to be litigated and that's what this primary is about, so, yeah, people should disagree because, at the end of the day, there needs to be someone that represents the democratic party and we don't know where the party is now. >> trevor: it's interesting you said the left flank specifically. just today, the news has come out that a.o.c. plans to endorse bernie sanders and appear with him in a rally in queens, new york, saturday. >> there's going to be a special guest!
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i was, like -- a.o.c. is cool, too -- >> trevor: but she doesn't rap, i get it. it does seem like a moment, you know, because bernie sanders is one of the big players in a.o.c.'s political life, and so, now, her coming after him sort of puts him on the pedestal of the left wing of the party. >> it's a blow to warren as much as a boon to sanders. the fact that warren is a woman and needs to be who the women endorse, but the fact she didn't get the endorsement is going to be as much of the story as bernie getting the endorsement. >> trevor: do you think it could help warren? you have a.o.c. saying i'm with bernie, you've got fox news and republican outlets who have been trying to paint warren as bernie, now a.o.c. says bernie is my person and a.o.c. is painted as the crazy left of the thing, and now elizabeth warren has carved herself out as, no, i
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have a plan but not as left as bernie, i'm also going to give you progressive policies, should help her. >> that's a seven-layer trevor,i think she's bummed she doesn't get the endorsement. there's some residual positive for her. ooment o.c. worked on sanders' campaign in 2016. she ran for office because she was recruited out of sanders' campaign, maybe he promised her a vice presidency. i'm kidding about that, i don't have any reporting that they're running together, although he would have to pick somebody pretty young. ( laughter ) all that to say i think it's an important thing for bernie to get the endorsement because there are a lot of doubts about his staying power in the race. >> trevor: we watched the fourth debate. are americans learning anything
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from the debates? is the needle being moved in any particular direction? when you're watching as an observer who's in the world of news but somebody who's involved in politics and an american, are you watching it saying that actually would move a needle? >> i think these debate series are getting dinged for being too many gremlins on stage, et cetera, i'm dinging them myself. but at the end of the day, i think there's some substantive debate about healthcare policy. didn't see anything about the environment or immigration but we've seen that in previous debates. i think when you have a bunch of people on stage who care deeply about policy and want to talk through it and understand this moment for the democratic party, so i think there is meat in there. i think there should be fewer questions like old person, are you too old? young person, are you too young? no person is going to be, i am too young! i am too old! take me out!
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i'm giving the questions a b means minus for the questions. >> trevor: good to have you. "the circus" sunday 8:00 p.m. on ♪ oh baby. ♪ c'mom and say it now. ♪ just let the words come out. ♪ give me your love. ♪ no calories. no sweeteners. all smiles™. bubly sparkling water.
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