tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 17, 2020 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT
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- oh. okay. i was talking about... what do--what-- what's going on? >> from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show," everybody! thank you so much for tuning in! thank you for coming out! so good to have you! take a seat! wow, you guys are amazing! i'm trevor noah. our guest tonight is an an actor from "the vampire diaries." her new film is called "run this town." nina dobre is joining us! ( cheers and applause ) also on tonight's show, joe biden gets his improve back. america's longest war might be coming to an end, and the coronavirus is right behind you. so let's catch up on today's
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headlines. ♪ ♪ let's kick it off with coffee. it's the drink you have when you're sleepy so you can poop yourself awake. ( laughter ) but one coffee company is in trouble for how they get that coffee to you. >> the famous pitch man for a coffee giant george clooney is speaking out after that company was linked to a child labor scandal. >> as nespresso's ambassador, george clooney hack the face of the company, and now says he's saddened and surprised by child labor. they said progress have been made but clearly the board and the company still have work the do and the work will be done. >> trevor: nespresso accused of using child labor to make their coffee. disappoint bug not shocking, why else would the cups be so tiny? those aren't made by adults.
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( laughter ) this story made me angry because i hate child labor. one, because it exploits children and, two, if a kid messes up on the job, you can't get mad at them. you're going to look like an asshole. there's no accountability. the kid is, like, i was supposed to do a liver transplant but by mistake i had to take your kidney. and you're, like, what? i guess you dead your best. okay, all right, dr. kid. ( laughter ) it's odd why the news seems more concerned about what george clooney said than the c.e.o. of nespresso. it's like if mcdonald's was selling frozen beef and the the cree says -- and someone says, shut up! we want to talk to ronald! ( laughter ) good news from afghanistan, a phrase no one ever said. ( laughter ) america's never ending war with the tall bant might finally be coming to an end.
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>> america's longest running war could finally come to an end. over the weekend the united states signed a deal with the taliban to end a nearly two-decade conflict that gripped afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent u.s. invasion of the country. the agreement lays out a timetable for full withdrawal of u.s. and coalition troops from afghanistan after 14 months and the taliban says it will not plot future attacks against the united states or allies. >> trevor: this is a big deal the united states and the taliban might have a deal. and this is huge burks sides taylor twift and taylor perry, this might be the biggest news of the century. after 20 years and millions of dollars -- america's, like, we're taking out the taliban and bring back western democracy no matter how long it takes. and now they're lining, they
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ehey, we're leaving, just don't another 9/11. these two countries have been entwaind in a 20-year relationship, all right? we all know it's hard to walk away when you've spent that type time together. so, america, let me give you some lapping tips. ( laughter ) first of all, america, let me just say i'm proud of you. you've realized that you're in a toxic relationship with afghanistan and you're ready to get out. now i want to warn you, for a while, there's going to be a part of you that wants to go back and bum them in the middle of the night, but you stay strong. ( laughter ) you remember, no matter what you think now, there are plenty of other middle eastern country out there for you. ( cheers and applause ) and finally, in some local news close to my heart, new york city is saying farewell to one of its oldest residents. >> new york city is hanging it
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up, removing the last remaining pay phones from the streets. city workers will remove 30 pay phones in "hell's kitchen" alone by mid march and rip out the 3,000 more in the five bourroughs. did you know that were that many left? nu soon we will no longer have the pay phone which means we'll have to find somewhere ills to get hepatitis. i know we don't need pay phones anymore but they were a part of the landscape for so long. you could count on them if you locked yourself out of your apartment or if you needed to call the mafia. ( laughter ) superman, pay phones, it was cool when he changed in a phone booth. those things were gone. though actually, now that i think about it, he didn't have to use that. he could have just flown home and changed. now that i feel like it, i feel like superman was a secret exhibition is. he was changing in the phone booth because he got excited someone might catch him.
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oh, no, you saw me naked. now you're going to tell everyone, big dick superman. hope they don't call me that. ( laughter ) get out of here, superman, you pervert! okay, i have to go save a bunch of kids making tiny coffee cups. got to. go let's move on to the top story. ( cheers and applause ) the d. j. primary campaign, it's like love is blind but for democracy. and because the last few days saw major changes in the race, let's catch up on the latest development in another installment of world war d. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ all right, let's start off with the major news from saturday. it was a very important day for former vice president joe biden, and not just because he launched his new line of dentures called goat bitens -- joe bitens, strong enough to chew through
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malarkey. no, this saturday was the south carolina primary where biden desperately needed a victory and, boy, did he get it. >> biden's big win. joe biden gets the landslide victory he needed in south carolina. >> joe biden trounced bernie sanders getting more momentum going into super tuesday. >> biden and sanders are neck in neck. >> days ago the pundits declared my candidacy dead. now thanks to the heart of the democratic party in south carolina, i'm very much alive. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: yes, joe biden is very much alive, which isn't something candidates usually need to remind people, but -- ( laughter ) -- but that's still okay, it's a great campaign slogan. just take it, man. ( applause ) but, yes, thanks to to havewhelming support of black voters, biden isn't just in the race, he's back to being the favorite, which is an amazing turnaround, you know, but that's
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black people for you. black people can make anything popular again. think about it, before black people, biden was losing. then black people came in and now he's back on top. before black people, everyone was focused on boobs. then black people came in, how about butts? ( laughter ) then everyone was, like, oh, yeah, butts! yeah! joe biden's win in south carolina was so commanding, it didn't just put him ahead in the polls, it got three other candidates to drop out of the race. >> the moderate wing of this party seems to be moving at a pretty quick pace to all unit around joe biden. >> amy klobuchar announcing today she will drop out along with pete buttigieg and tom steyer over the weekend, buttigieg and quloab are now expected to endorse former vice president joe biden. >> trevor: yeah, first tom steyer dropped out, then pete buttigieg ended his historic run as the first openly roug robot candidate. we all know once a gay guy sets
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a trend, white women won't be far behind. so klobuchar dropped out, too. ( cheers and applause ) so if you're joe biden, these past few days are some of the west of your life. for biden, he's made the ultimate comeback. your opponents aren't just dropping out, they're also endorsing you, and to top it all off, joe biden's are now the number two dentures on amazon, right behind the donald trump's, best in the united states! ( laughter ) but don't forget, things might be looking out for biden but doesn't mean it's a done deal. he still has opponents, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and billionaire in a booster seat michael bloomberg. but the most difficult opponent joe biden has to overcome is himself. >> biden in a good position but his campaign plagued by more gaffs. >> all right, jack, thank you. >> all right, it's chris, but anyway -- >> chris, i just did chris. no, no, i just did chuck. i tell you, man, these are
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back-to-back. look, tomorrow is superstar -- tuesday. i want to thank you all. we hold these truths to be self-evident. all men created by -- go -- you know -- you know the thing. ( audience reacts ) >> trevor: yo... this is not good. ( laughter ) just in the past 24 hours, joe has gaffed everything from the name of a tv anchor he was talking to to the declaration of independence. and the name thing on its own is bad because interviews are sort of like sex, doesn't matter how well it goes, if you call the person the wrong thing at the end, the whole thing is ruined. ( laughter ) i don't know why biden is still bothering. my life hack is i stay away from people's names. i call everybody buddy. i never mess up. great seeing you, buddy! stop calling me, buddy, i'm your mother!
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you got it, chief! ( applause ) it just helps you out. that's just the name. messing up a famous quote from american history is a little worse than some reporter, you know. people notice. that's one small step for man, one medium coffee no sugar! ( laughter ) now, i know what you're thinking. you're probably thinking, trevor, if joe biden debates trump, it's going to be a disaster for the democrats because trump is going to eat him up. but when you think about it, it might not be so bad. yeah. because trump is the one person who won't know when joe has messed up. ( laughter ) yeah! ( cheers and applause ) joe will be on that debate stage with trump, like, all men are created -- uh, you know the thing. and trump will be, like, that's right, we all know the thing! it was a thing, the biggest
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thing! nobody knows things better than me! >> great point, joe biden! and he'll be, like, thanks, buddy! we'll be right back! ( cheers and applause ) what! she's ziplining with little jon? it's lil jon. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded. i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in debt. ah, sofi literally changed my life. it was the easiest application process. i refinanced with sofi and was able to cut my interest rate by 40%. ♪ student loans don't have to take over for the rest of your life. thank you for allowing me to get my money right. ♪
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it matters what you're made of. uh-oh, dead battery at your rustic rental. what if a little birdie told you it's switching time? thanks friend. switched up to twelve hours of battery life. switch to chromebook. (burke) we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a "gold medal grizzly." (sports announcer) what an unlikely field in this final heat. (burke) not exactly a skinny dipper, but we covered it. at farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. so call 1-800 farmers to get a quote. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." let's talk about the coronavirus. according to web md, you already have it. ( laughter ) now, every day, we learn more about how this virus is affecting the world, so let's check in on the latest coronavirus news in our ongoing segment, is this how we die? ( cheers and applause ) ♪ last week, we learned that coronavirus has been making its way through europe like a trust fund kid on a gap year. ( laughter ) after throwing italy into chaos, the next stop on the trip is paris. >> big changes in france today. the number of cases there has nearly doubled to 100. the government there really
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taking some pretty extreme measures. >> the french government banned indoor public gatherings of more than 5,000 people. that led to the museum shutting down. >> the health minister advising people not to kiss or shakes hands when meeting as president macron did days ago with italy's liter. >> trevor: come on, macron! italy's got corona and you're kissing their prime minister? that's three chances to get sick! healthy muah! healthy muah! dead, muah! ( laughter ) french people are told not to kiss each other hello, that must be hard. it's an engrained port of their culture. it's like telling new yorkers not to jack off on the subway. it's like saying hello. ( laughter ) greeting people with physical contact is not a good idea right
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now and black people are the only people really prepared for this. everyone is shaking hands, but black people have many different ways to greet each other. the distant head nod, that whole thing. you look sick, stay over there, you know. ( laughter ) and even when black people shake hands, it's so complicated that by the end of it the virus is, like, you lost me ton second -- i didn't get that part -- yeah, you got me. i don't know -- i'm out. i'm out. ( laughter ) now, while france is only beginning to grapple with how to contain the outbreak, korea is showing the world how it's done. >> t outside of china, south korea has the most coronavirus cases. they've come up with a new innovative way to test for the virus in the form of a drives thru. >> this is a free service that the city is offering anybody. i just took the test, actually. vehicles come through here and you get a questionnaire, you get your hands sanitized, and then you go through a number of stations here. >> trevor: damn, korea is
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advanced. they've got drive-through testing. apparently, they have screened more than 100,000 people for coronavirus, which is impressive, and probably the first time people going through a drive-through are getting healthier. ( laughter ) but also, why isn't america doing this? this is the land of the drive-through. yeah. drive-through fast food, banks, liquor stores. when i'm in a rush, i go to a drive-through therapist. stop being sad! thank you, goodbye! ( laughter ) whether drive throughs or something else, america has to figure out how to deal with this pandemic. apparently coronavirus has been here a while. >> over the weekend, health officials announced new infections in washington state, oregon, california, illinois, new york, florida and rhode island. >> in washington state, 13 paints diagnosed with covid-19.
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researchers in washington telling abc news, their analysis strongly suggests it's been spreading in the state the past six weeks. >> trevor: that's right. there's a chance coronavirus has been in america for weeks and neck realized it. yeah. it's like at the end of a sports movie where the coach is, like, guys, what you have been looking for has been right here all along. see, the virus is? your lungs. you shouldn't be playing basketball. you should be at the hospital. but this is really scary, and, so, for more on this health crisis and america's response we turn to senior medical correspondent roy wood, jr., everybody! ( cheers and applause ) i've got to say, roy, this virus has everyone so stressed out. i'm keeping this can of disinfectant to spray on everything. what else can we do to stay safe? >> stop, stop with that. first of all, trevor, don't panic. the most important thing to do is wash your hands. just wash your hands.
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and don't rush. you've got to wash them for at least the length of one verse of a cardi b song. i wash the front, then wash the front, girl, i make healthy moves. ( laughter ) and another thing, don't touch your face because you can make yourself sick, and if you are sick, remember to stay -- ( coughing ) -- stay at home! ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> wha -- wh a what? >> trevor: did you just corona-cough in my face? >> no, i just had some peanuts a minute ago. they stuck in my throat. ( laughter ) >> trevor: okay, because i'm watching you, roy, don't make me sick. >> i'm good, man. come on. as i was saying, it's important
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not to panic. check on your elderly neighbors, maketure -- ( stifling cough ) ( laughter ) ( clearing throat ) there's no need for concern. what you need to -- ( coughing ) >> trevor: aaahhh! corona! corona! corona! roy wood, jr., everybody! we'll be right back! ( coughing ) aaahhh! aaahhh! frito-lay variety packs presents
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geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. >>hmm! >>cookies! uhh, biscuits. >>mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there? oh it's my mum's secret recipe. >>you can tell me. it's a secret. >>is it cinnamon? it's my mum's secret recipe. call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i'll come back for the plate. we'the conference room.ore. saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. the speaker phone. the missing files. not in the room? then you're not in the know. well, this has been nice, but can we not? microsoft teams invites everyone you work with to work together. be seen, be heard, be there when you're not. share your files, and your opinion. and maybe even a happy little fruit guy.
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when you're ready to unleash the power of your team, open teams. >> trevor: welcome back to the "the daily show." my guest tonight is an actor who plays political aide to embattled rob ford in "run this town." >> did you report on that party a few months ago. the c.j. pack thing? >> i know about it but i wasn't on it. so no. >> all i thought -- i mean, besides don't cry, all i could think about was the c.j. pack thing. >> why? >> because we buried her. that woman, we said that she was crazy, that she had a vendetta. so nobody cared. >> trevor: please welcome nina
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dobrev. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ >> trevor: welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome! ( cheers and applause ) i like this. i like this a lot. do you just walk around with the hand sanitizer? >> i mean, i was watching your segment and i thought, you can't be too safe. >> trevor: you can't be too careful right now. >> yeah. >> trevor: what's interesting is you just came from south africa where we don't have the coronavirus right now. >> i left the only safe place on the planet. >> trevor: you did. i came to america and my friends back home are, like, oh, yeah, who's got viruses now? ( laughter ) welcome back from your whirlwind. i don't know how you're here or awake. you have been in south africa shooting a movie. you have been there how long now? >> i was there since mid january. >> trevor: and from your instagram, sounds like you're having the time you ever life.
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>> it feels like eve i haven't n on set at all. i've just been traveling and playing with animals. i love where you're from. we're going to have to switch places and i'm going to be become a resident. >> trevor: you visit my mom and tell her everything is good. >> yeah. >> trevor: this is a great deal. you flew to london and then paris. then you started following the coronavirus around. >> yeah. >> trevor: now you're back in the u.s. >> i might be the one spreading it, actually, so beware. >> trevor: you're bind it. it was there before you. but you're back and here to talk about a new film you're in predominantly called rob ford, a mayor from toronto, controversial figure, a figure that was larger than life and he was really, you know, i mean, a lot of people would say he was a bad man but it seemed like people treated him more like a joke than as a problem and as a politician. tell us a little bit about the story and why you chose to be a part of this film. >> yeah, i mean, i'm canadian and the film is about politician
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rob ford, like you pointed out. i thought it was an important story to tell because mainly, in a way, he was a precursor, he was foreshadowing what was about to happen below america's hat. we're the hat, right? >> trevor: you think he was a foreshadow to trump? >> well, in a way. everyone thought he was entertaining and hilarious and weird and didn't take him seriously, yet he did all these things. i don't know, i just feel like it was, like, a warning nobody really listened to. >> trevor: right. >> and it's, like, a cautionary daily that we just need to be more aware of, especially now going into the next election. >> trevor: it really is interesting because he was larger than life, he was charismatic in his own way, he was funny, he knew how to spin the news, and you play an interesting character who is one of the people affected by rob ford, a character based on a real, live person because rob ford had web who worked in his campaign and he was accused of
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saying and doing horrible things to them. your character plays one of these women who is almost forced to work in this environment because she can't find a job. when you're preparing for this role, so many things are going through your mind. how do you inform yourself about how this character is going to be played? >> well, i did my research as much as i could and, yes, she's loosely based on a real person. but in general people are going to school and getting these amazing degrees and working so hard and can't find work in their area of expertise. in her case she worked for rob ford. she was between a rock and hard place, essentially. she wanted to do what was right but she needed to make money and she felt like she had to be in this situation where she was being harassed in the workplace, and that conversation, obviously, has been highlighted and it's changing slowly, but this woman in real life, i mean, she stood up for herself and left the swaingsd didn't want to
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take this abuse anymore, and she was in a way a bit of a pioneer for the movement that happened many years later. >> trevor:eth a powerful story. you play the character well. if you are looking at a story that some people may gravitate toward the sadness of the story, but there is a triumph in it. what would you say that is for you? >> i think that the people -- i mean, hopefully, we can just get everyone that is voting right now -- i mean, tomorrow is the big day, right? >> trevor: super thursday ( laughter ) >> yeah, super thursday. so if anything, whatever your opinion is, whatever you believe in, just get out there and actually vote. every election is just as important as the next, and, so, i think that we all have voices and we all have opinions and we're entitled to them and as long as people go out and believe in what they believe in and fight for it, then that's like we just need to get to follows. > --polls.
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>> trevor: get to the polls. beautiful performance. say hi to my mom. "run this town" will be in theaters and on demand march 6th. nina dobrev. we'll be right back ( cheers and applause ) ♪ people ask me what sort of a person should become a celebrity accountant. and, i tell them, "nobody should." but, i just don't think you need a separate private plane. but i, but i want it! hey, buddy. what's the damage? i bought it! the waterfall? nope! a new volkswagen. a volkswagen?! i think we're having a breakthrough here. welcome to caesar's palace. thank you. [s♪x: ding] ♪ i don't know about you ♪ ♪ but i got to get it out ♪ i don't know how soon ♪ [sfx: chime] how much? cinco pesos vale. oh ok, thanks.
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[sfx: ding] ♪ but if we die, ♪ i want to bring the whole thing too ♪ ♪ ooooooh ♪ just another world that i gotta ♪ ♪ get a grip of and hold onto ♪ [sfx: chime] thanks. ♪ ooooooh [sfx: chime] [sfx: ding] [sfx: chime] [sfx: ding] no. uh uh, no way. ♪ come on. no. no. n... ni ni, no no! only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. don't forget, the more, "the daily show" is going live for super tuesday. so make sure to tune in. that's tomorrow, not thursday. now here it is... your moment of zen. >> i have won every place, every race, every time. i won every race back to elementary school, where my slogan, which i've abandoned, was all the way with amy k. all right, we're not going to use that one. my campaign sloan slogan was all the way with amy k., which i won't use nine more. >> all the way back to 4t 4th grade my slogan was all
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the way with amy k. i'm not going to use that one. i don't thinketh a good idea! >> and now david spade. [ applause ] >> spade: yeah, man. that's cool. very american. >> cool, yeahs i'm wearing my boox*ts. >> david: and what's going on with sketchers lately. you came at me five times. >> there's nothing wrong with a good sketcher. >> david: girls like it when you go well, for my back and
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