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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  April 1, 2020 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> trevor: hey, everybody, what is going on, trevor noah here. welcome to another episode of the daily social distancing show t is now day 17 of staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. but i've got some good news, everyone. coronavirus is officially over and we can all go back outside! ha ha, april fool's. ha ha ha, ha ha ha. it's not over. anyway, to tonight we're going to check out all the latest coronavirus new from around the world. fringes the virus is making malaysia sexist, ronnie cheang
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apgch catches up with andrew yang and president trump discovers the real culprit behind the pandemic. so welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's coach in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world sthvment the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. >> trevor: today is april 1st. known throughout the world as april fool's day. the perfect day to reveal a secret you have been keeping and if the person you tell reacts badly you can pass it off as a prank. honey, i've been sexting with your sister. >> what did you say? april fool's, ha ha ha. now this year as you can imagine no one is in the mood to be pranked. in fact governments around the globe including thailand and germany have warned their citizens not to spread hoaxes or to prank anybody relating to the coronavirus. and let's just take a moment to realize how crazy things have got en. that world leaders in countries
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like germany are like guys let's cool it wit da coronavirus, prank this year are not cool, don't be pranking anybody, okay, you can't be drunking your balls or telling people the coronavirus virus cure sin side your butt and they have to smell your butt. if you want them to smell your butt, just ask them, no pranks, okay, ja, good. in other new there are 900,000 coronavirus cases around the world and what is disturbing is some countries are experiencing a secretary wave of the crisis. for instance in hong kong they successfully social distanced so their numbers dropped, relaxed their quarantine rules and now they have been hit with a new wave of infections. yeah. a new wave of coronavirus. and i feel so bad for these asian countries because where there is coronavirus or godzilla, every time they think it's gone, it comes back again for another move. last time asian countries are deal waig second wave of coronavirus, other countries are dealing with a wave of their own
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stupidity. the malaysian government was forced to apologize after they issued guide lines which told wives that they should not be nagging their husbands too much during quarantine. which is obviously incredibly sexist but also people as stressful as quarantine s this is not the time for husbands and wives to be fighting each other, all right. husbands and wives need to come together to fight the true earn me, their kids. don't let those cute faces foot, they will shit on your ass and laugh while doing it mean while in the u.s. coronavirus cases have passed the 200,000 and the number of deaths has reached 4,000 doubling in just three days. but one thing i love about plaryk, is that even in the most difficult times, there are always people who try and find joy. >> in buffalo new york they are getting outside, having a block party every night dancing together while keeping their social distance.
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looks like fun. >> trevor: tell me that is not cute, i love this for so many reasons. one t is amazing to see people finding ways to connect with others while keeping their physical distance. and seeing this many white people dancing offbeat it almost makes you feel like the world is back to normal again, i miss those days. >> and also that is my dream party that they were having. yeah. the party where you can go out on your front steps, dance for a little bit and then when you are ready to leave, all you have to do is turn around and you are back home, sign me up. but let's move on to the big story, the white house, or as they call it in d.c., the bad part of town. the big story right now is that president trump who usually treats his daily briefings like the last scene in scar face came out yesterday and acted for the first time ever like he had also been reading the news. >> president trump just moments ago with a somber tone. >> president trump is taking this darker tone. >> he was as grim as he says through this entire crisis. >> i want every american to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead.
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we're going to go through a very tough two weeks. are you going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel but this is going to be a very painful, very, very painful two weeks. >> trevor: goddam, donald trump, for the first time at least sounds like he's afraid of this virus. and if he's taking it seriously, then we should be really scared. cuz i mean this guy takes nothing seriously. this is the same dude who said of the eclipse like it was a magic eye, who sang hakuna mama tata when assassinate aid general? iran, responded to a hurricane with a paper towel three point contest, the this is a side of trump we don't avenue enget, i haven't seen thim this so somer insurance plawry tomorrow held he was eric's father. >> maybe st because of the numbers. the white house has just released their first official projections of coronavirus deaths and they are terrifying.
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dr. birx and dr. fauci say according to their numbers even if america did everything right, we could still see 100,000 to $240,000 deaths from coronavirus. and i don't care what anybody says, that is a staggering number, even call of duty you saw that many dead, you would be like i think i'm playing that too much. i think i will switch to animal crossing for awhile. while the president may be grasping the gravity of this outbreak he and his allies continue to make excuses for why it took him so long to respond. >> mitch mcconnell, he said that impeachment diverted the attention of the government. do you think that in anyway this was happening and during the same time, did it divert your attention or the team's attention or vice president's attention. >> i don't like to think i did. i think i handled it very well. but i guess it probably did i mean i got impeached. i think, you know, i certainly de voted a little time to think being it, right. so when you say that, yeah. >> trevor: oh yes, in classic trump fashion the president wants to have it both ways.
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i acted properly with corona but i was also distracted by impeachment. but my response has been perfect, but impeachment is why i messed up. and i got to say if trump was so easily distracted from dealing with the looming pandemic, then that is bad news. because then america basically has a puppy as its president. one little thing can distract him. next time america wants to invade iraq they should throw a frisbee by his head, he will be distracted for a month. >> and if they are trying to seem like the government was stopped in its tracks because of impeachment. because the truth is trump found plenty of time to do the thing he wanted to do quhiel impeachment was happening. he impopessed new restrictions onism graition. he increased sanctions on iran. he unveiled a new peace plan for israel and the palestinians. and of course he had a lot of time to play a shit-ton of golf so unless he was searching for coronavirus nay sand trap i don't think this excuse checked out. and impeachment isn't the only excuse that trump has used to try and explain why it took him
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so long to try and stop the coronavirus outbreak. he also blames china for covering up the certificate-- serbiousness of coronavirus, and yet it is true china did sensor information about the disease in its early stages and that didn't help. but president trump was warned about coronavirus by his virses as early as january 18th. and he dismissed it for months. so as much as trump wants to blame china for downplaying the virus, he himself ignored all the messages that his experts were giving him. and he didn't ignore them once, he didn't ignore them twice, he ignored them countless times. like if we were back in bible times trump would have heard the imurning bush and then just throne water on it. >> finally that bush was so annoying, but to avoy taking responsibility for the government's slow response to coronavirus, trump has blamed impeachment and china. but as always, there is only one person who trump loves to blame for everything that goes wrong in his life.
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barack hughes ann obama. you see, trump has claimed that the reason america fell so far behind other countries when it came to coronavirus testing is because of-- that the obama administration made. the only thing is nobody has been able to find these rules that trump is talking about. so that means either trump is lying which is unlikely or it means obama did block trump from doing the test. but then he hid his evidence in the same place that he hid his birth certificate, magical kenyan strikes again. so trump is still making excuses for not reacting sooner to this crisis. but on the upside it seems like he is at least starting to act like he is taking the threat of this pandemic a little more seriously. and i hope he is taking it seriously because let's be real, this is still donald trump, people. all right? i wouldn't be shocked if he acted like this and then
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tomorrow he comes outlining april fool's, i will see you losers on easter. did you see me, i acted sad. ha ha ha. but let's move on. because as the federal government tries to figure out how to mitigate the fallout from the coronavirus youth break. they have decided to stimulate the economy by sending out cash directly to millions of americans. it is an idea that sounded very familiar to andrew yang. >> thanks, trevor. by the way, just cuz we're doing this from home doesn't mean you have to dress like shit. anyway, the trump administration is currently celebrating a coronavirus relief bill that would send most americans over $1,000 in cash. which is an idea that sounds necessary and strangely familiar. andrew, what the [bleep]. yo, the republicans stole your idea. >> oh, it's not my idea and i'm thrilled that they are doing it.
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>> but dude, there is your idea, literally your one idea, you were running on this one thing, and they stole it. >> well, you know, they are not going to do it in perpetuity, that would be my idea. they put it in place where we get it every month forever, then i would be up there, just clapping and cheerleading because all of this stuff is very overdue. >> remember when you first started you were talking about ubi, people called you crazy. >> it is am sth move towards socialism. >> stall going to stink, you are going to leuses your job, will you not have anything, so we will give you a big handout. i don't know that that will be inspiring to a lot of americans. >> do you think americans just needed to be pushed to the brink of death and economic collapse to realize that hey, maybe giving people $1,000 isn't a bad idea? >> on my campaign i was talking about how more and more of us where going to get sent home because technology, artificial
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intelligence, robots are going to do more and more of our jobs. and now we have all been sent home and we see that it is obvious that we have no way to help people survive this crisis but to put money directly into our hands. >> okay, but how much do you believe that this coronavirus is caused by were ai, is this the first step in global domination? >> ai had nothing to do with the coronavirus. >> it is just a coincidence, just a coincidence now we depend on computers more than ever. i am talking to you on a computer. i am also looking at porn on a computer, at the same time. because computers are great like that. you can multitask. >> computers are definitely transforming our way of life in ways big and small. but this virus is a totally different phenomenon. >> sorry, andrew, i didn't hear you, i was multitasking. so how do you stop this administration from [bleep] this
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idea up? >> we tell them just to keep it as simple as possible. money in our hands regardless of who we are, every month, until the crisis is over. and after the crisis soafer, just keep going. just say you know what, who knows, there could be another crisis around the corner. >> do you think we should add an extra $500 for all asians as a racial profiling rebate? you know, just each of us get maybe venmoed a few bucks every time a politician uses the term chinese virus. >> i do not think. so i think we should treat everone the same, ronnie. >> got you, let's talk about it in a chat after. i guess the last thing i'm wondering is when you look at what is happening out there, do you think it's too late? >> i wish we had acted before, ronnie, but it's not,-- never too late to do the right thing. we just need to start doing the right thing for our people. >> what, no, i mean is it too late for you to get back in the race to run for president, as an independent.
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>> we need to defeat donald trump in the fall 6789 i'm dedicated to doing that. and helping the democrats win in the fall. >> okay, got it. so we solve coronavirus first and then vote for andrew yang as independent for president of the united states, got it. >> no, that's not right. we take care of our people, get money into our hands and get donald trump out of there in the fall. >> whatever you say president yang. >> that's thanks, ronnie, not at all what i said, but stay home. >> sorry, i can't hear you. i have to close this window. >> trevor: thanks, ronnie, thanks andrew yang. when we come back i'll be talking with the governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer, so (vo) at sprint, our priority is keeping our customers, employees, and communities safe. during these uncertain times we want you to get the great service you expect without leaving the safety of your home.
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the daily social distancing show. earlier today i had the clans to speak with the governor of michigan gretchen whitmer about struggling to get the supplies her state needs from the federal
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government. and we got to chas about being called the woman governor by president trump. check it out. governor whis mer, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to join us on the to daily social distancing show. >> we are hanging in, we have a lot of challenging. there are a lot of people getting sick from covid-19 and we don't have enough masks and ppe for our first responders. i'm working my tail off to support them. >> trevor: your state now has last i checked the third highest cases of coronavirus in the united states. dr. fauci himself said that he is worried about detroit and michigan as a whole. do you have any estimates for why are you seeing such a rapid growth in the cases of your state? is it because of being a transportation hub, is it because of an explosion in test. what do you think is going on right now? >> i think there are a lot of things that contribute to it detroit is an international destination and it is with our big airport, you have a lot of
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people traveling in and out. we have got poverty issues as well, 40% of our residents live below the alice standards and poverty say preexisting condition. you don't have access to health care. you have higher rates of diabetes or cor nary disease. these are all things that exacerbate an illness. but covid-19 is without a cure, without a vaccine, highly con tablingous and deadly. we are finding that sph just growing exponentially despite all of these actions we have taken on the front end and that is why we need as much help we can go for more ppe or support for medical professionals. >> let's talk about getting as much help as you can get. right now across america it seems like there is a huge divide and a disconnect in understanding whether or not the federal government should be stepping up or whether or not the states should be going at it alone. we know that your state has been asking for supplies. it sounds like your state is not getting the supplies that it
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needs but then will are states like florida where they have gotten 100% of what they asked for and they have nowhere near close to be in the situation your state is in. does it feel like there are politics at play with regard to what relationship a state has with the president? >> all i can say is this. you know, the fact of the matter is it is on all of us to remember that the enemy is the virus, not one another. not the federal government versus the state. my experience is similar to that of a lot of other governors, republican and democrat, frankly, that we are not getting as much as we hope to from the federal government. so we have got to supplement that by contracting with anyone we can to find masks from, or test kits from. and we are ended up bidding against one another and st really a destructive way of going to fix this problem. a national strategy with a national buying power that actually ensured everyone had equitable access to what we need
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when we need it would be the wisest thing to do. but we are in this situation and governors across this country, i will do everything i can. so whether it is working with bigs inside michigan like the big three who are stepping up to start producing components for ventilators. we are going to see the arsenal of innovation is going to be right here within our borders. but we have a lot of work to do. the unfortunate thing is our need is right now. we have a need for not just ppe but for volunteers. we are looking for people to come into michigan and help us meet our need. any of your viewers who are interested in that can go to covid-19 and join the fight with us. because it has got to be all hands on deck. and we where a hot spot right now. >> jordan: it's hard to talk with you or speak with you and not ask you about the comments the president made about you. i think you have a shirt that might be exactly that.
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that woman from michigan, an extremely dismissive statement. and one that sparked a conversation across the country, you know, where trump flat out said if you are not nice to him he will not help you. i believe that vice president mike pence called you. is it difficult to be dealing with politics while at the same time trying to deal with a crisis? >> i don't think any of us has energy to deal with politics right now. all of our energy, all of our focus mass to be on meeting the needs of our people. people are dying. ef reef day we are announcing the additional people that have tested positive for covid-19. the number of lives that are lost. those are stories, those are people who have loved ones and family. those are people who rely on health-care systems to meet their needs. and front line providers who put their own health at risk to take care of others. i don't have any time to think about fighting anything other than covid-19 and that is pret
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sighsly why i say let's not fight one another. we are not the enemy. this virus is. >> jordan: right now we know we are chasing a few things. we are hoping to get a vaccine. we are hoping to find treatment forgs the virus, we are hoping to get ventilators and ppe for people treating the coronavirus. but beyonds that all most people can do is stay at home and stay away from other peesm. as a governor of a large state where many people work in blue clar jobs and work from paycheck to paycheck, do you worry about a tipping point where people no longer see the positive effects of waiting at home and say no, we're going to go back out into the streets. are you worried about that at all? >> of course i am. st a state order that we issue as governors. when i close doors i know that that means there are going to be people who get laid off. i know it means there will be businesses that will struggle to ever reopen again. i know that 1.5 million kids in my state are not in school and though need an education.
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and half of them get their meals at school because of free and reduced lunch. every decision we make weighs heavily and has ramifications. and i do worry that people will get impatient or start to get feeling cabin fever being at home so much. and yet we know with a novel virus for which in is no cure and no vaccine and it spreads incredibly aggressively and it is deadly, that the best thing we can do is not to see one another. that's really hard for people to get their mierns around. this virus can't transfer from one person to the next if we are not together. so staying at home is doing your part. stand is a sacrifice and we recognize that. but that is why it is so important that we make it easier for people to stay home. they are worried about paying their bills, worried about puttings food on the table. while making sure that we are able to have that kind of support that people need, it really important for the health of the individual, for the health of communities, for the
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health of our economy in the long run and that is why everyone has to do their part z trs i'm hoping everyone takes your word. hopefully the federal government will be getting you what you need. and good luck to you and your constituents. homefully we will be speaking to you on the other side. thank you so much for your time, governor. >> thank you, have a good one. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, governor whitmer, well, that is our show for today. before we go we want to keep reminding you that doctors and nurses out there need our help to get the protective gear that they need. so please if you can help, go to thrive globals first responders first and donate whatever you can to help them get ppe sco that the people saving lives right now can protect themselves. and if you want to help new york specifically you can go to new york mayor's fund covid-19 response and donate there. stay safe out there. wash your hands. remember to change your underwear at least once a week. and i will see you again tomorrow. now here it is, your moment of
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zen. >> some workers at the amazon fulfillment center in rom you lus are staging a protest. >> they should not be selling nonessential items. if people on the website all the essential items are sold out. until you restock and until you close this building, shut it down. dildos are not essential ylts. books for kids, yes, but dildos? - les: ♪ i'm goin' down ♪ to south park ♪ gonna have myself a time - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks ♪ without temptation - les: ♪ goin' down ♪ to south park ♪ gonna leave my woes behind - ♪ ample parking ♪ day or night ♪ people spouting ♪ "howdy, neighbor" - les: ♪ headin' on up ♪ to south park ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind - kenny: [muffled singing] - les: ♪ come on down ♪ to south park
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and you may remember us from your very first sandwich,esh, your move-in-day feast, your bold canine caper, your dinner in the dark, your mammoth masterpiece, (whispering) your 3:47am snack, and whatever happened here. oscar mayer is found in more fridges than anyone else, because it's the taste you count on. make every sandwich count.
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- hey there, richard! - oh, hey, gerald, new car? - yeah. it's a hybrid.
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i just...i just couldn't sit back and be a part of destroying the earth anymore. - well...good for you. - oh...thanks. - well, there goes the new high and mighty gerald broflovski. - yeah, ever since he got that new hybrid, he thinks he's better than everyone else. - you know, the emissions from a vehicle like yours causes irreparable damage to the ozone. i drive a hybrid. it's much better for the environment. thanks. - dad, can we go home? all you ever do since you got this car is drive around and show it off! - hey, is that a hybrid? - oh, yes. you've got one, too, i see. - yeah, i like to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. well, anyway, good for you! - thanks. - dad, i think ike is starving to death. - hold on, boys. we still have to go to the hardware store and hand out awareness citations to suv cars in the parking lot.


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