tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central April 16, 2020 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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but here's the thing about cage matches. sometimes you have to open the cage. and that is something that toby will never understand. captioning by captionmax i'm trevor noah and welcome to another episode of the daily social distancing show. today's officially day 30. yeah. day 30 of staying inside to try and prevent the spread of coronavirus. and here's your quarantine tip of the day.
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i know you are stuck inside. and i know it is frustrating but why not take this time to try and learn something new, you know, like how to play an instrument, that is what i have done, yeah, i have been learning how to play air guitar, i mr. play something for you t is one of my favorite songs that i have learned. >> one, two, three, four. wait, sorry, wait, let me start again. one, two, three, four, wait, wait, sorry, wait. let me-- oh, sorry, i was holding it the wrong way, hold on. anyway on tonight's episode why the unemployment system is a mess, jaboukie young-white defeats netflix and donald trump hands out the world's most useless permission slip so let's get into it welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's house in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. >> trevor: before we get into all the kroafers news let's
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catch up on fun stories in our daily dose of a ray of sunshine. is all right, let's kick things off with a story about zoom, the app that tells you which of your friends have book shelves and the reason every work call now looks like the beginning of the brady bunch. from the beginning of these shutdown everyone who can has been using video calling apps to work from home. but now a judge in florida is reminding people that just because you are at home doesn't mean you are not at work. >> one south florida judge is telling lawyers that they need to dress nicer for their zoom calls. broward county judge dennis bailey says he has been seeing people dress pretty casually. he said one attorney called in without a shirt on and a woman was still under the covers in her bed. one person was seen in beach gather while poolside during the learing. the judge wants everyone to treat court hearings as they were actually in court and dressed appropriately. >> trevor: okay, i am not
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going to lie, i am a little conflicted about in story. because look, on the one hand, i agree with the judge. just because you are stuck in the house and zooming in to work, doesn't mean all of a sudden you can dress like the before photo on queer eye. on the other hand, if you are stuck in the house and zooming into work, maybe we shouldn't have to pretend like this whole situation is dignified. i'm watching my roommate take a dump with the door open right now. it really doesn't matter if you wear a suit, it shows how simple human beings, someone changes their outfit and we act completely differently. that guy is a bathing suit, i can't take legal advice, oh, never mind, now he put a silk thing around his neck. that guy ask a professional something. now while some people are trying to keep up with the charade of normal life one family who is stuck in the house in north carolina just decided to lean into the craziness. by starting what they call the quarantine olympics. yeah. and this involves made up events like blindfolded toilet paper
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dodgeball and straw drinking water racing. and they have kicked off a brand new viral trend. whoa. >> trevor: okay, i am officially a fan of the quarantine olympics. and if you ask me, these sports are just as legitimate as the real olympic sports. because if we are honest all sports were made because people are bored and looking for stuff to do what is basketball, st just throwing a circle into a bucket. yeah, says lebron james, what are you going to do, come fight me. you can't leave your house. so if you think about it, drinking water out of a straw quickly while another thing is pouring the water, that will probably be its own league in six years and aunt becky's kids will pretend they were stars on the high school toilet paper dodgeball team. it will be a thing.
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and say what you want about white parents, but you can't deny that they know how to be fun. do you see them, in the living room, just throwing things with their kids. let me tell you something. there are no african families who are throwing toilet paper around the living room right now. even if african parents do allow quarantine olympics, all of the events will end up being chores. >> okay, everybody, that is great, now let's see who is the best at cleaning the kitchen. but dad, we want to throw toilet paper like in tiktok olympics. >> when you buy the toilet paper you can throw the toilet paper. until that time, let's see who is the best at cleaning the kitchen. >> trevor: okay, finally, my favorite story comes out of recall pennsylvania. where a 93 year old woman stuck in her house held a sign out of her window saying i sneed more beer. and then after her picture went viral coors sprang into action and delivered her ten cases of
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beer. and i'm really excited that this worked for her because i have tried the same thing. i had a sign outside my window for weeks and i got nothing. and this just shows that you can't judge a book by its cover. because if you think all people are just sitting around doing boring things like knitting or sudoku or reminiscing about having sex on the titanic. but this story changes everything. we have to thif old people differently. they are living life. in fact i think they need to add a different it message to the life alert necklaces, mrs. fletcher, are you okay, did you fall. no, i'm out of booze and i can't get crunk. send some immediately. i'm trying to turn up. all right. that is your ray of sunshine. let's catch up on today's headlines. >> in the wake of the united states experiencing its worst one-day coronavirus death toll president trump has been scrambling to find somebody to blame for why his administration took so long to act. es blames china, obama, carole
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baskin, hillary's emails for some reason. and yesterday trump turned his sights on the world health organization. yeah. trump announced that he would be withholding funding from the w.h.o. because he says they were too slow to acknowledge human to human transmission of the coronavirus, he says they were also taking too long to declare an international public health emergency. and he criticized them for praising china's transparency. now look, those may be valid criticisms. but it still doesn't explain why trump ignored his own advisors who were telling him to prepare for a major outbreak. they also don't explain why trump also praised china for their transparency. >> and even if you don't think the w.h.o. is perfect, the middle of the pandemic, the middle of a pandemic is not a good time to cut funding from a group that is an integral part of fighting coronavirus. yes, the organization is not perfect but in is not the time to cut them off. it is the same reason you don't give your uber driver one star
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during the ride. you do that shit after you are safe at home, not while doing 90 on the freeway. one star, one star? i will show you one star moater [bleep] and even if the world health organization acted perfect -- perfectly. i don't know what trump would have done differently because his white house is filted with a bunch of idiots and i know that is harsh but i only say that because they are. >> there could be other strains later on. this could come back in the fall in a limited way. this is covid-19, not covid 1, folks. so you would think the people charged with the world health organization facts and figures would be on top of that. >> trevor: seriously. this is covid-19 not covid 1? you know you would think one of the president's top advisors would know that it is called covid-19 because it started in 2019. not balls it is the 19th covid. kellyanne conway also think they
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call blink 182 because the first 181 blinks were taken? you know something is i think trump tells kellyanne conway to tell dumb things in purpose so he looks smart in comparison. kellyanne, i jaw told a reporter that shrek is the president of scotland. please go out there and say something dumber. i need you. >> trevor: that it for the headlines. let's jump into the big story. thanks to the coronavirus people are stuck at home, businesses have been shut down. and millions of parents have been forced to google how to kill your kids and getaway with it. and because sow many people are now unemployed, it is up to the u.s. government to step in and give people some assistance while they ride out the shutdowns that have been imposed nationwise. so today millions of americans beganareceiving a one-time payment of $1200 from the government. now remember, that is only for people with direct deposit. everyone else, will have to bait longer for a paper check to come in the mail.
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now trump wants every single one of these checks to have his signature on them. which they don't need. but he wants that. and so because of that, the checks could be delayed for an extra few days. yeah. and that's going to be another obstacle for those checks. because remember when the check what trump's name on it the bank will probably decline it it. now a one-time cash payment is definitely helpful but what many people in america need right now is unemployment benefits. and right now across america, the unemployment system has become kind of a disaster. >> tonight an unprecedented turn in the unemployment disaster, another 6.6 million americanless applying for jobless benefits last week alone. >> skyrocketing in just a month from a 50 year low to nearly 17 million seeking benefits in just the last three weeks. >> but that number is most certainly yunld reported. many have been unable to file. >> the problem, states don't have the staff to handle the unprecedented demand. >> i've tried at 1 a.m., 3 a.m.,
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5 a.m. and there's just no getting through. >> i calculated over 2,000 attempts to call. >> trevor: yeah, that's right, people have been spending all day, all day just trying to get through to someone on the phone at the unemployment office. it is like an evil twist, we are filing for unemployment has become these people's full time jobs. i mean that one woman, said that she tried 2,000 times. she called 2,000 times. that is insane. that is as many calls as a mom makes when something goes wrong in the city where you live, hi, love, i heard there was a car accident in new york. are you okay? yeah, i know you don't live there any more but i'm just checking. okay. okay. love you. bye bye. now obviously 17 million people becoming instantly unemployed is going to put strain on an unemployment system. but what hasn't helped is that america's unemployment system is built on technology that is one
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degree above amish. >> websites are crashing nationwide. >> kansas governor laura kelley admits the technology for the unemployment system is four decades old and is not working as it should. >> most states are still running on software that it is basically from 60 years ago. >> it the website is run using the cobol language developed back in 1959. >> i was born in the late 1970s. and so was our main frame system. >> the same computers that processed my unemployment in 1981 are the ones they are still using today. >> look at those phones. those phones are frlt '70s. >> >> trevor: that is some of old ass technology. do you even call it technology when it is that old? software written in the 50s. computers from the '80s. is and did you see those phones yes, younger viewers of the show, those are phones. look at those things. so old the only thing they look like they call is the past. >> hello? black people? yeah, whatever you do, don't get on those boats.
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free buffet, no, no, still, don't get on those boats. now i know a lot of people out there are going to want to use this as an example that government is all a big bloated bureaucracy that can't get anything done. >> so here is the thing. if america looks just over the border, you will see what happens when the people in government actually work to make government succeed. >> for those who have stopped working and lost their income due to the outbreak, the canada emergency response benefit will pay a taxable $2,000 per month up to four months. >> three and a half million people apply, introduced just a week ago, the government says to date about 90% of claims have been processed. >> it just started on monday and two days later many are receiving the $2,000 payments into their bank accounts but somewhere are telling us they received more money than they expected. >> trevor: okay, you know what, canada, i feel like now you are just rubbing it in. are you not only giving people their money quickly and efficiently, you are also giving them more money than they expected?
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it i feel like canada is always trying to one up america. america has health care, canada has yeuferst universe health care. america has college expensive college, canada has affordable college. america's president has a little color to his facial, canada's leader went all the way, they are always beginning. >> before you say this is all koaf fault and there is nothing the american government could have done, consider this. many other developed countries facing the same shutdowns have cut right to the chase and prevented mass unemployment from happening to begin with. how did they do it? well, the governments of the u.k., denmark and france paid companies to keep workers on a payroll and subsidized 80 to 90% of their salaries. yeah, that's what they did. meanwhile, america's like a lot of you assholes complaining about being broke but you still walking around with two kidneys. ain't nobody stopping you from selling one of those. so with unemployment system buckling d-- shall buckels and coronavirus causing almost 20
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million people to lose their jobs, anyone could be forgiven for losing all hope. but i will say this, while america might not have the most efficient government, one thing that this country has in droves is a willingness to help one another in a time of need. >> some bar owners are going to extreme lengths to make sure their employees are getting paid right now. this bar in georgia has been stapling dollar bills to the walls for years and the bar's owner decide todz take down each dollar bill one by one to pay her employees. >> an act of kindness in a town of iowa raises spirits at a time it is needed most. the anonymous person gave every household in that town about $150 worth of gift cards. >> mario salerno owns rougherly 80 apartments in his hometown, so he decided this month to waive rent for everyone. 200 tenants and is he not collecting. >> i said don't worry about paying me, worry about your neighbor. worry about your family. >> yeah, that is how you know
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coronavirus has changed everything. even new york landlords now have a heart of gold. think about it. when have you ever heard flin say my landlord is amazing. that is like hearing someone say that fight on twitter really made me change my mind. and it's not just that amazing man who is doing his part. my landlord has also been doing everything he can to keep coronavirus from spreading. like he won't even come to my apartment to fix my sink for the past three years. social distancing. i see you, greg. so remember, folks, right now the government is trying to help people. but they're bursting at the seems trying to keep up with the fallout of this pandemic which means wherever we can, we have to try and help each other out. now if you will excuse me, i am going to use one much those old time traveling phones to give my five year old self some advice. >> hey, little trevor, you know toilet paper, you need to start hoarding it right now. we'll be right back.
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back from the daily social distancing show, with everyone stuck in quarantine for a month, at some point you run out of things to do but if there is one person i know who knows how to keep himself end tainted it is jaboukie young-white, i gave him a call to see what he found out. yo, trevor. , what's up. >> trevor: what's going on, jab ouky young-white, happy wednesday if you say sto, i measure time in months now, happy march. >> trevor: it's actually april. >> if you say so. >> trevor: anyway dude, i wanted to call in and check with you and see how you have been handling quarantine so far, man? >> bro, i am so board, trevor, i'm so board. i beat all my video gaimtion. i just solved a jigsaw puzzle. i also sexted everyone in my
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contacts, so i watched everything on netflix, man. everything. >> trevor: you have one out of things on your queue i could recommend a few things that are really good. >> no, dudes, i mean i watched all the shows. i finished netflix. the entire thing. >> trevor: wait, you finished netflix? jaboukie, there is like a million shows on netflix. >> yeah, more like a 125 million. but the last ten million go by really fast actually. it was like i barely noticed. >> trevor: mi fascinated. so what happens when you get to the end of netflix. >> oh my god, trevor, it's beautiful, you just finish and then there is this bright light. and you just feel this sense of calm wash over you and then all of a sudden this guy appears and boom, it is the c.e.o. of netflix and you get your own tv show. so good. >> trevor: all right, i think you have been in quarantine for too long. if net pliks is done you ask
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watch over flat floars. >> i firned those, i did hultu, apple, crackle, acorn, quicki, tubi, mubi, squirkbox, no-sam. >> no-sam, what is no-sam. >> basically just every movie that doesn't have samuel l. jackson. >> trevor: damn, jaboukie, i feel like you have scraping the bottle-- dpsh bottom of the barrel. why don't you read a book. >> i was about to, but then i had a great idea. how about watch all the tv shows backyard-- backwards, everything becomes an entirely new steer like bleak breaking bad is actually a story about a drug dealer who reforms himself and becomes a high school teacher and then is cured of his can sander law & order is a tv show about anarchist cops that free prisoner. game of thrones is this really heavy tale about it terrible show that just gets better as it keeps going.
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trevor, you got to try it. you have to try it. >> trevor: wow. i have to give it a try. you make it sound really good. >> you have to try it you got to try it. >> trevor: all right, well, i have to go because i have to get back to making this show, have fun, man. >> all right, talk to you later, trevor, merry christmas. >> trevor: actually, it's april, you know what, never mind, merry christmas. thanks. i feel like i should send him a kal ender or something. anyway when we come back i will taub you can to the mayor of chicago, lori lightfoot. so don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.
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chicago mayor lori lightfoot and we talked about chicago's handling of the coronavirus and the national racial disparities related to covid spread and treatment. mayor lightfoot, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> my pleasure. >> trevor: let's jump straight into it. you have quickly become one of the busiest mayors in america. in an unfortunate time because coronavirus has really had a deep impact on chicago. the coronavirus that we've seen is having a disproportionate impact on communities of color, african-americans are dying at higher rates. 70% of the people who have died in your area are black whereas only 29% of the population is black. what have you been looking at and why do you think it is so important to look at this through the prism of race. >> one, we have to understand the full magnitude of the impact of this virus in our city. as we started to see these numbers and took a couple of steps. number one we are mandated that all providers who were doing testing provide demographic
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information. we were seeing about a quarter of the providers telling us they were testing, but not including the race and ethnicity information, which we knew was critically important. the other thing that we have done is made sure we are reaching out to these communities. we are looking at the areas where there is a highest concentration of deaths. highest concentration of infections. and we formed a racial equity rapid response team right away. that is taking a model of kind of community-based medicine that has been effective in a particular area of the city and then expanding that model to include a public health folks, people on the ground in neighborhoods, everything from the pastors to the block club, we have street interverntion workers who are normally work on stopping violence. we now enlisted thement in this effort. and really trying to be as hyperlocal as we can. we know that recall the city of neighborhoods is unique in their own ways and have strengths and challenges.
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so we have been learning even more about the newances of neighborhoods particularly when are you talking about black and brown neighborhoods. and to what support they need to be able to bring people into the health-care system, educate us about the virus and bringing people health, is what we have really been about. >> trevor: you have been about that in more ways than most leaders have. because you started actually driving around telling people, literally telling people to tbet back into their houses, to go back home when people weren't taking it seriously. this was on the ground mayoral work. and some of the psa you started release prg some of the funniest which i didn't think were real until i realized they came from you. one of my favorites was telling the kids who were playing bas et can ball, injure jump shot is not going to improve, stay home, why did you feel it was so important to get involved personally, and why did you use humor to try and get your message across. >> humor is kind the union fying thing, right? and in this really it dark time
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it we found that, and really just came up organically from other people, there is a bunch of memes that started once i closed the lakefront down, and building upon people's desire for content. this is a time when we would be heavily involved in sports and music and all of that, has been taken from us by really trying to curb the spread of this virus. so giving people hope and using humor is a great way to kind of break through the noise and reach people. i think it is important for the mayor not to just be seen behind the tv screen but to be out in the community, safely, of course. but to be present. >> one of the policies you have implemented in chicago, truly stood out for me. and it was highlighted by an issue that i think a lot of people overlooked during the time. and that is people who are trapped indoors or in houses or in any type of a bode with family members who may be abusive, specifically women.
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we have seen domestic abuse rate skyrocket all over the world. and you have launched an interestk initiative, you know, lift and uber are helping. what are you doing and why did you feel that you had to do it in the way that you did in. >> well, look, we know that domestic violence is a problem in the best of times and we were concerned about seeing an yup tick. so what we did in combination with uker and lift was train the hotline workers where people are calling because they want to get out of a dangerous or troubling family circumstances, to give them a special code that they cues to order a lift or an uber to take them anywhere to safety. it is a very simple and straight forward thing but we thought that that was really important. we didn't want the an sensor of a ride to be the reason why somebody felt compelled to stay in a dangerous domestic situation. >> trevor: i commend you for that, thank you so much for joining us on the show.
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and i genuinely hope that you get to help all of the people that you have been trying to. >> thank you so much, i appreciate you taking the time. >> trevor: thank you very much. >> thank you. >> trevor: thank you so much, mayor lightfoot. that sour show for tonight, before we go though, if you are able to help people who are going hungry because of this pandemic, please consider a donation to feeding america. they're trying to supply people who need food. and right now they're supplying food to millions of people in america every single day. and they could use your help even a dollar can help somebody get a meal. anyway stay safe, wear a face mask and remember, wash your hands before you pick upnose. i will see you again tomorrow, but first here it is your moment of zen. >> coming this easter, may 1st, soon, the a semblance of the greatest minds of our krivment it's the opening of our country task force or the opening our country council. the greatest super team ever a essentialed. with such heavy hitters like the
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