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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  May 5, 2020 7:00pm-7:45pm PDT

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social distancing show with trevor noah. >> as bad as things may seem right now, it's important to remember that the world hasn't technically ended yet. i mean it's going to happen but you have to figure we have at least a few weeks left. so in the mean time let's think positive with a little ray of sunshine. let's kick it off with a story that will make everyone smile, well, everyone except the coronavirus. this lady has seen a lot in her life. she survived the spanish flu, early in the last century and now at 101 she has just beaten covid-19 it. >> call her supergranny. angelina friedman proudly shares i am 101 years old and i beat covid-19. the westchester, new york woman, not only beat the coronavirus at her nursing home but plifd through the 1918 spanish
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fluvment her family says she possesses superhuman dna. >> do you feel good. >> yes, i do. thank you. >> good. >> damn, this woman lived through the spanish flu and beat coronavirus? not to mention that in 2010 she also beat bieber fever, she was one of the lucky once. coronavirus must be embarrassed. you got beaten by a 101 year old woman. i bit coronavirus is there like she didn't beat me, i let her win. one thing is clear, if you have ever given your grandmother a world's greatest grandmother mug, confiscate it immediately, sorry mee maw, turns out you ain't shit. and por good nurks in the last few weeks some countries have slowly been emerging from their corona hibernation, and now even italy hardest hit countries is starting to open up. >> after eight weeks of silence, today the streets of italy are slowly coming back to life. construction sites, factories and parks reopening.
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italians will be able to travel locally and order takeout. joggers allowed once again to run in parks long off limits. in rome's form flower market the florists have returned. cafes like the cafe greco, the oldest in rome can once again serve coffee. >> in 260 years has this cafe ever been closed? >> never, never closed. >> not even during world war ii. >> no. >> trevor: it italy is getting back to worka. that is such great news, man. because there is a lot of work to be done in italy. corona really messed up that whole country. the towers were falling over, streets were flooded, the ruins, it's a mess over there right now. i do worry about italy because italians are all about kition and hugging. but with coronavirus, still out there, they can't do all of that. how are they going to show affection, huh? because i mean we can replace handshakes with elbows, but that doesn't work forth italian kiss.
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>> good to see you gee vane. -- basically what i am saying is post coronavirus, every country is going to have to become russia. we do not touch. we do not kiss. when i make love i just stare so hard at them that they can feel it. >> another fun story, every day we're hearing how animals are thriving without us. but in japan, it turns out that there are some animals that just miss our face. >> a japanese aquarium is asking people to make video calls to their eels, why? to remind the sensitive creatures humans exist and don't pose a threat. with a largely human-free environment the last couple months aquarium staff say when keepers try to check on the garden eels they hide in the sand, in a bid to reacquaint them with humans they are setting up tablets and asking eel enthusiasts to connect with fies thyme. >> trevor: because, the zoo
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wants people to video chat with the eels so that they remember humans and don't view them as a threat when people come back. although if you ask me, reminding the eels about humans will have the opposite effect. why is the ocean so small? oh, right, the humans put us in a water tank. >> you know what the good news is, eels are perfectly designed to video chat. because if anyone tries to flash their penis, the eels are not going to be phased. they will just be like oh, look at that, another eel on the call. very strange eel. so small and so pale. you must be sick. all right, that is it for ray of sunshine. let's get straight into the headlines. >> all right, as the coronavirus is, let's start with china. since covid-19 emerged from wuhan suspicions about the origins have been rampant. and today the u.s. department of homeland security leaked a report that when the outbreak
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started, the klein ease government hid the severity of the problem in order to hoard medical supplies before other countries could stock up. >> i should have known that china was up to no good. my fortune cookie tried to warn me. they always seem vein. i just see signs every where you know what china is accused of is doing that friend your shitty friend does when they call you from a party like hey, don't bother come together party no one is here and late you are you see a selfie where they poohed themselve sitting at a table with rihanna and you are like what the hell. oh, it just happened and i forgot to call, there was nobody, and then there was everybody. ha ha, i wish were there. in other news one of the biggest winners of the coronavirus pandemic has been am glofnlt the world's largest online retailer and the only store where you can get baby food and a dildo in the same order. the net worth has gone up billions but people on the ground are having a terrible
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time with infections spreading through amazon warehouses faster than prime delivery employees are demanding more protective equipment and sanitizer as well as hazard pay and paid sick leave. which seems fair. and now one prominent amazon vieses president has quit in disgust. saying that the company has created a climate of fear by firing protesting workers instead of addressing their concerns. a move that he describes as quote chicken sthit. mi not going lie, he has balls because most of us wouldn't call amazon chicken shit. they have your home address and can leak your shipping history. i would never mess because everybody would know i bought a dildo and baby food, it sem bar rasing because i don't have a baby, i just like the texture. >>. >> a great insult and something you can also buy on am gloorntion they really do sell everything. if you have been getting board with coronavirus and you wish there was anything else going on to think about, well, be careful
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what you wish. >> killer hornets invading the u.s. and canada. asian giant hornets also known as murder hor nets spotted spotn washington state and they prey on honeybees that pollinate much of our food. these hornets grow up to two inches long, roughly five times the size of a bee and in japan where they originate they reportedly kill up to 50 people each year. their giant stingers capable of piersing a beekeeper's suit. >> the manned i believes, there you request sort of see them are pretty large. they are very, very sharp, and that is what they use to de cap date-- decapitate bees and mash up the thorax into a meatball they call it and fly it back to feed to their larvae. >> what? telephone stand actual [bleep] telephone murder hornet, murder hornet. i want to go back to the days when the craze yeses animals were keyboard cats. it was actually pretty good because right now 2020 mother
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nature is out of control. a killer virus is one thing. but murder hornets? sounds like someone is combining the scariest words what is next, nunchuck wolfs, okay, i was picturing wolves holding nunchucks but i guess that would be weird too. murder hornet just sounds like psychos. they cut off the heads of bees and mash up the thorax into meatballs and if fly back to feed their larvae. i thought only rudy giuliani fed his family that way. if you ask me, these hornets are just being unnecessarily petty. going around decapitating bees. how about-- get it, z, day 49, guys. i'm strilging. and finally over the past few weeks, rumors have been swirling over the health of kim jung-un, north korean dictator and
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disgraced former member of the teletubies. well now after tons of speculation about whether he was dead or sick or in a medically induced food comma the dear leader has reemerged. >> the are for 20 days the world wondered where is kim jung-un. >> now north korea state media appearing to show the country's mysterious leader visiting a newly completed fertilizer plant. joined by his trusted sister. >> president trump appears to have confirmed that kim jung-un is indeed alive and well. the president saying i for one am glad to see he is back and well. >> yes, of course trump is happy kim jung-un is back. thank god, i'm no longer definitely the worst person on earth. now it is debatable again. >> by the way, if you ever have to use a phrase i for one, it means you are about to give some messed up shit. it is never something good strks always like i for one think we
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should leave the dead prostitute in the trunk and go to the casino as we planned. but yeah, according to north korean media kim jung-un is alive and well and didn't have any type of surgery. and personally, i don't know why i wouldn't believe thevment he looks like the same old kim to me. now i know that some people are saying that north korea could have aired old footage of him but the truth is that north korea, there is no way to tell. that country is 30 years behind the rest of the world. kim jung-un could come outlining if i weren't alive right now, how could i be holding this brand new vhs of terminator 2, so it looks like that is the end of the death speculation for now. i will be honest, i almost feel bad for the guy. imagine your health was so bad that every time you stayed in the house to chill, people were like oh, he dead. that is it forth headlines. when we come back we'll see how america is reopening is going. and why the grim reaper went to the beach. stick around. hello, son.
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distancing show. while nations like new zealand and south korea seem to have kroarvetion the situation in america isn't clear. on the one hand the number of infections in new york have been dropping steadily by is great. but what is alarming is the opposite has been happening in many states around the u.s >> when you look across the country it's really a mixed bag. there are certainly cases falling in the tri state regionaround new york city. around the nation, hospitalizations and new cases continue to rise, there are about 20 states where we see a rising number of new case, illinois s maryland, indiana, virginia, north carolina, tennessee, a lot of new cases on a daily basis, while mitigation didn't fail. i think st fair to say it didn't work as well as we expected. >> trevor: yeah, it turns out coronavirus is a lot like a broadway musical. starts out big in new york and months later, a much worse version pops up in peoria. i don't even understand how these mid western states are failing at social distancing.
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the whole state is already social distancing. everything is spread out. you have to get in a truck and drive 17 miles just to infeblght someone. a bit of a sneeze coming on, we should head to the hendersons, make this count. >> it goes to show that the spike in coronavirus in america was not a unified a proavment i get it, america is a big country and a country that likes to argue. it is hard to get everybody on the same page, you know. forget coronavirus. imagine if america tried to order a pizza together. some people would want topping, some no topping, some people say pizza is a hoax and some is say-- you would think an increase in cases would mean that now is maybe not the perfect time to open everything up. but many states in america are saying hey, man, summer is not going to enjoy itself. >> with the start of a new month comes a wave of caw sthus reopenings nationwide. >> some states now opening gym, hair salons, retail stores. others offering malls, theaters and golf kowrgses.
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>> i'm at miramar beach, and today say pretty big day. the beaches are fully reopened for the first time in more than a month and while some are happy, some are not. one of those people is florida lawyer daniel. >> down here today to try to make a point that we need to i think it is premature that we open our beaches. >> trevor: wow. walking around florida as the grim reaper. that must have freaked people out. because you know there had to be some 90 year old grandma who saw him like i'm ready, grim reaper. take me. all i have is my grandkids and i hate them. >> what? >> you can all see him too? oh, that was just nana's medication talking. now look, i appreciate the effort this guy is making but at the same time, i don't think the grim reap certificate going to scare that many people. this is florida it god sent alligators to make people stay
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out of the water and they responded by wrestling them. but it turns out people on the beach might be the least of america's worries. because there are other groups doing much crazier things. >> tonight across the country outrage, protestors demanding states reopen their economies in maine, oregon and kentucky. >> the passion protestors gathering tightly by the hundreds, freakily without masks. >> on friday, california's capitol approximate, 30 arrests as protestors face off with police. >> protestors armed with assault rifles storming the capitol in michigan. >> >> trevor: damn, only in america. do protests start by storming the capitol with assault rifles. i mean you try calling, writing a letter, using armed rebellion is the last step. it which way to the suggestion box, i feel bad for all the governors trying to enforce the shutdowns stvment like herding cats but more difficult because some of those cats have-- i know
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a lot of people probably saw this and said man, if black people were holding guns and shouting at police, that protest would end badly. but guys, please, that is not true. protest wouldn't have ended badly, there wouldn't be a protest. the black people would have been pulled over on the way there. now we're not denying trump has encouraged these, he tweeted the states need to be liberated. he said the protesters were good people and the governor was wrong and should negotiate. and even as america's coronavirus death toll has zoomed past trump's predictions of what the total death toll would be, trump hasn't changed his mind. the only thing he has done is move the goal post. that is. >> that is one of the reasons we're successful, if you call losing 80 or 90,000 people successful. but it is one of the reasons that we're not at that high end of the blame as opposed to the low end. >> that number has changed. you said. >> it's going up, i know. >> i used to say 65,000. and now i'm saying 80 or 90 and
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it goes up and it goes up rapidly. but it is still going to be, no matter how you look at t at the lower end of the plane, if we did the shutdown. >> trevor: you see guys p this is the art of the deal. you start by saying 60,000 americans will dierks coronavirus counters with everyone, and then trump moves it up to 90,000. who needs a vaccine when you have a deal make ther good in the white house, am i right? i'm not right. this is what happened, trump got his numbers super wrong. and instead of just admitting it he picked a new set of numbers to try and seem right. and i hope that trump doesn't say-- that must suck for people that work at powerball. >> i won the lottery. >> no, sir, you actually picked the wrong numbers. >> well, i want to change them to the right numbers. you guys do this every time a try to claism you treat me worse than. >> in isn't the first time trump has shifted his predictions.
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in in fact the only thing we have been able to rely on trump for is throwing out estimates that keep on changing. >> if we didn't do it, you would have had a million people, a million and a half people, maybe two million people dead. but we're going towards 50 or 60,000 people. >> it looks like we'll be at about a 60,000 mark. >> 60, maybe 65,000. >> 65,000 people, 70,000, 75, 80, 80 or 90,000 people. >> minimum numbers of 100,000. and i think we're going to beat that. >> if we could hold that down as we are saying to 100,000. >> we have between 100 and 200,000, we all together have done a very good job. >> trevor: and that z is why donald trump will always be in the top five president of all time. maybe top ten, you know what, possibly top 30rbgs he is in the top 45. thefn i would say he has done a very good job. don't go away, because after the
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break, jab oukee young white examine the cham engs gay young men have in donating blood and i will talk with dr. fauci from duracell optimum will be right where you need them... today. tomorrow. the day after that. and the day after packaging designed to make storage easier. duracell optimum.
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daily social distancing show. during this pandemic, there have been a lot of people who have gone above and beyond. donating their money, their time and even their blood. but as our own jaboukie young-white reports, for some people it's not that easy to be a hero. >> with a vaccine still about a year away, medical experts are looking at other ways to treat covid-19 patients and there is one thing right now that seems to be working. >> con val esence plasma. >> con val es ent plasma. >> plasma. >> actually the plasma of recovered covid patients is the one thing right now more valuable than. >> if you have recovered from covid-19, doctors want your blood. so i sat down with two people who might be able to help. do you still have covid or how does that work?
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>> no, i'm good. i was cleared. i have been without symptoms for about 30 or 30 some days now. so i have been symptomfree for coronavirus for about three weeks, i am basically recovered. >> you can explain what con val es ent plasma is. >> where people donate plasma to get other people better. >> right, right. that is the therapy that madonna uses on her face where she takes the blood of her 20 year old-- to look younger. >> so it is not exactly that. but what happens is people who have coronavirus, their immune systems develop antibodies against the virus and the treatment gives those antibodies to people dying from the disease so that the antibodies can fight the virus for them so they can recover. >> wow wow, that is really dope that you donated plasma and took time to think about other people during a pandemic. >> that's pretty laudable. >> we didn't. >> it's not quite that easy. >> well, why is thap.
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>> i'm gay. fda says that we art allowed to donate blood. >> so you can't donate blood because you are gay. >> pretty much. >> oh, here we go. back in 1983. fda banned gay men from donating blood, during the aids crisis which was another disease that the government didn't do anything about until it was-- in 2015 the ban was lifted but if a gay man wanted to donate blood he couldn't have sex for 12 month. but now in the middle of this pandemic, the fda relaxed the policy o just three month of abstinence. like where are you going to have a man who hasn't had sex in three months. >> so i am actually eligible to donate for the first time since i was 18. >> oh, boo. >> so after a few rounds of screening i was given an appointment to donate. >> so what are gay blood drives like, like is everybody on molly and listening to the new dua lipa album. >> it wasn't quite like that.
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after i arrived and was preparing to donate through the new york blood center they asked me why i hadn't donated since i was 18. i volunteered i was gay and that is when they told me they are not yet recognizing the new relaxed definitely, and so they weren't willing to accept my donation. >> wowvment they are making it really hard for you guys. you know, if you want nem to take your blood, you can't just reveal that you are gay. you are going to have to-- with a straight guy. >> what do straight people look like. >> so first let's take a look at your outfit. i will need to you stand up and twirl around, not twirl, spin, spin around. >> okay. >> so i've got this. >> okay. >> is this your straightest outfit right now. >> i you are trying to say i'm looking for a girlfriend. also you have any clothes that your mom bought you? >> no, no i don't.
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>> no? >> plaid, do you have any plaid, more plaid, no plaid. >> yeah, but it's really cute. it's like exactly. >> no, no. >> how about any boot cut jeans. >> no straight cut. >> do you have any shoes that look like they're too casual for formal events and too formal for casual events and scufd up and they look like they are the only shoes that you have owned for the past decade. never mind, you can have a seat, have a seat. let me hear you say, just say bro. >> like if i say take my it blood bra. >> there it s mi there, so call, recall skater, '90s, i'm there and i'm sold. i believe you. >> yeah, the thing is we shouldn't have to pass as straight. straight. >> what do you mean. >> so being gay or bisexual isn't a real risk factor for hiv. say you have a straight man who has had sex with a hundred women in the past month, and never used a condom, that person can
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still donate blood but if thereg sex with his husband and wearing condoms, that person can't. >> yeah, i think at the end of the day we need science and not stigma to make decisions about donor he linl-- desh lige ability. >> fda is telling us if you are gay, the only way you can be a good, clean, charitable person who donates blood, is if you don't have sex. >> so until the fda comes around, we just have to keep our fine, fabulous blood all to ourselves. >> >> trevor: thank you so much more that. and in some good new, one of the men jaboukie interviewed has since been able to donate his plasma to a private hospital. hope fleef the federal guide lines will change soon to make that more common. when we come back, my gels will be dr. anders tegnell, sweden's chief epidimiologist, stick around, we'll be right back. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you.
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and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you.
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earlier today i got the chance to speak to dr. anders tegnell, the chief epidimiologist for the country of sweden. we talked about how they have taken a different approach in swend. they haven't imposed lockdowns and they haven't imposed any quarantine it but it is working, well, there is only one man we could ask to find out. >> dr. tegnell, thank you so much for joining us on the daily social distancing show. you are chatting to us from a train station right now s that correct. >> a train station in sweden. >> trevor: are you commuting, are you out and about. >> yes, i'm comeulting from my home, sh. >> trevor: okay. sweat enis an interesting outliar in the world. where most countries in the world have decided to completely lock everything down, keep people indoors and shut down the country, sweden has gone for a different approach. sweden has decided to keep the country fairly open, but require citizens to social distance themselves to remain responsible
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to limit gathering totion below 50 people and i think you know like older people are meant to stay at home, et cetera. tell me about what swi enis doing and then would you mind explaining to me how sweden came to that decision differently than everyone else in the world. >> instead of closing it down completely, we tried to look at different situations where we know that it is most dapg rouse like in restaurants. then regulated restaurants to have seating so are you not crowds. you need to have social distance between people so one and a half meters between people sitting down and a lot of responsibilities on the restaurant owners. another is told everybody to stay home from stadiums, even if someone is slightly ill, stay home and because financially trmingz now adays you get paid even if you stay home when are you sick from the first day.
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it the government comanged quickly. so it is great incentive for people staying home if they feel ill. we have done a lot of things to limit social contact among the elderly, giving advice to them to stay home and stuff like that. so instead of closing down the whole society, we looked at society and closed down the aspectses of society where we think and know from other diseases, i think that's had a great affect in many ways because it enables health systems-- it has other feshts for people travel only 60 pergs of the normal travel, a lot of change. yearly epidemic of flu suddenly stopped when we did these measure, in the middle of the normalway. in that way, it is smart and we had used what we normally use, it is really telling people to
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take responsibility and sort of do the things to keep them safe in diminishing there this threat. >> i think that is historically worked. >> tell me about what is happening in sweden. what have you seen from the numbers in and around the coronavirus. do you think sweden has it under control. do you think sweden has seen the worst of it. >> i think in sweden, tho fp in the surrounding area, being half the population of sweden-- we have had quite a big number of people being ill in the last two months. while many other parts of sweden including the big cities on the west coast and south have had not very many cases at all. but in stockholm and surrounding area we have had a fair amount of cases. we think we are up to about a quarter of the population have been infected so far. deaths have been down in a
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fairly slow manner. but the number of cases has been fairly constant for at least one month by now which means the health care, it is very different from today than it used to but they have kept on working. everybody is treating the needs, the hospitals kept on working and in terms of care, have at least 20% of the beds free at any given time. so in that respect, it has been successful. we managed to keep the level of spread on a level below the threshhold of the outbreaker which is important. >> trevor: people look at the numbers of countries around sweden and they go, they're death rate is far lower in terms of coronavirus. sweden's numbers are higher but if you look at other countries like italy and spain, et cetera, they have higher numbers than sweden so when you say swed sen
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successful, how do you measure that success. are you just looking at the numbers of deaths or looking at it holisticically what does that mean? >> i think we're trying to look at it holisticically. it is something we worry a lot about and it is very much related to give people hope. people extremely susceptible to it, we know there are a number of things-- we are working with a lot of agencies involved and have seen some improvement. but it has very much to do with. >> i think the good thing is telephone it is very important. we objection genated, to keep people work, reducing.
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>> ve v been trying to take a more holistic approach to this. >> there have been reports coming out saying that there will be herd immunity achieved in stockholm over the coming weeks. what does that mean for you and what are you hoping herd immunity will achieve for sweden? >> i think we are not sure any country will ever achieve because that z-- i some of immunity in the population like 20, 25 perption which we are reaching will have a great effect. sol i think there say possibility of easing some of the restrictions. the immunity level of the population has such a slow spread.
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some elderly people-- many things we can then ease up a bit on. >> trevor: if somebody said dr. tegnell, you know, your numbers we understand your methodology, we understand everything you are trying to do but having triple the death rate of countries like no end denmark means that you put some lives above other lives, do you think that the that is a decision epidimiologists splash governments need to make, is it an easy decision to make. because i don't think anybody has the right answer in this regards but i would like to know how you got, how you and your team is got to that place where you said you know what, it is worth the risk. we want preem to still be working and we understand that that might lead us to have a higher death toll i initially. >> we never calculated that deaths tomorrow. we calculate more people
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beingic sick. >> many countries-- -- obviously not enough, so we are not pushing anybody's living above nibbles. that is not the way we are working, we are trying to-- as soon as possible in this troublesome time. >> trevor: that is really interesting because that is not how it is being reported. i'm glad you said that, it is interesting to hear it from somebody in sweden. because telephone swed sen doing something differently, because populations around the world are getting age state-- agitated because people are growing in unrest, protest, people want to go back outside, they wants to work, et cetera, et cetera, people are now using swedens the
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example. if somebody said to you, dr. tegnell, people want to it take sweden's model and apply it to a country like america, would you have an opinion on that. >> not really. i mean i'm sure there is something from sweden that can be, and some things are not. i think some things would increasingly clear. we are more-- it is not something that is very effective. it needs to be very much remote-- some things definitely, building up trust between the agency and population is something that takes a long time to trust level has always been high. we are 70, 08 pergs of the population thinks they are doing a great job. only 5, 10% doubt what they are
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doing. and we find people have more better and better-- more and more people are keeping social distance and this kind of thing swit opposite of what you are seeing in other country, people are revolting, people are more and more in line. >> trevor: well, doctor, thank you very much for your time. i hope you catch that train and good luck with the rest of your fight against the virus. >> good luck to you. >> trevor: thank you for your time, dr. tegnell that is our show for tonight. before we go, please remember its covid pandemic has devastated communities around the world but the international medical corps is helping those communities rebuild and recover. and if you are able to, and would like to help them in their global outreach, please donate whatever you can. and if you would like to support the response here at hem in new york city, please donate to the nyc health care heroes for providing care packages to our health care workers, hospitals and temporary medical facilities. until tomorrow t stay safe out
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there. wash your hand, and remember, also wash your feet, they are the hands of your legs, here st, your moment of zen.k. >> may the fourth be with you. dwight schrute (voiceover): for the inaugural sabre store. [horn sounds] and i, dwight schrute, am in charge of the entire operation. if i can prove myself today and the store is a hit with the media and nellie sees this, the vice-presidency is mine.
7:44 pm
hey, are you holding this chair? because i feel like i'm going to fall off. yes. yes. i'm not wearing the right shoes for this. ok. we went over this. ok? your tiny fingers make the best knots. hey, strangers. so stoked for the sabre store opening. hey. my name's tabitha. i'm camped out in front of the sabre store so i can be first in line for the new pyramid. psst. it's me, erin. dwight had me pretend to be a hipster to create hype. and it's working. there's already people camped out behind me. [theme music] nellie bertram: test launch day, people. now, i would like to fill you in on a little secret about me to inspire you today. now i know you probably all think i'm this patrician goddess. but here's the truth. i was born in the little working class town of basildon.
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and until the age of 32, (chav accent) i talked like this, which was bloody horrendous, innit? i came from dirt. no, lower than-- what's lower than dirt? loam, magma, mantle, outer core, inner core? yeah, thank you. loam, bloody loam i came from. i hit rock bottom when i auditioned for the spice girls. i didn't even get a call back. which spice girl? the black one. i never stood a chance. ok. now think about my journey here today and let it inspire your journey. ok. nellie, thank you. thank you so much. yup. today is press day. and press is going to make or break this store. and for a tech company, press can only mean one thing, bloggers. dossier on bloggers. bloggers are gross. bloggers are obese. bloggers have halitosis. you're going to love them. ryan is going to be the main event today. he is the pitchman who is going to give


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