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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  May 13, 2020 1:15am-2:01am PDT

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mavment this is easy way to solve math problem. you from k.g.b., pooh, math problem disappear. as countries around the world prepare to open up schools, the question is how can they do it safely? this viral video from china is giving us a glimpse of a possible future. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> trevor: all right, that process seems really effective, but, sweet lord, it took forever! i mean, goddam, throw in an avocado mask and you've got a full spa treatment. by the way, this might work in china, but good luck trying this at an american school.
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all right, hold on, everybody, i want to spray your shoes real quick. are you crazy? these are air jordans. i'm standing outside the window. trying to mess with my sneakers? although new york city is at least a month away from reopening, the new york public library has released an album of all the authentic new york city noises that people haven't been able to hear for two months, including traffic noise, subways, construction, and even crowded streets. although, if they really wanted tock accurate, they should also include sounds of people booing the knicks, a bike rider slamming into a car door, and then 20 minutes of taxi drivers saying they won't go to harlem but they won't say why. you know why but they won't say why. by the way, i'm really impressed a library is putting out this album. think about it, noise is the sworn enemy of libraries. this is like a movie theater giving out free netflix passwords. you guys can watch this at home,
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you don't really need to be here. most people never thought they would miss the sounds of new york. that made us realize that after quarantine is over we're going to miss the sounds of lockdown, too. so we put together an album of our own just to help us remember. >> one day the pandemic will be over, but how will we remember these good times? introducing the sounds of quarantine. we've compiled all the sounds that you will miss when life goes back to normal. sounds like family togetherness. >> goddam it, can daddy have five minutes to take a dump?! >> the neighbor's musical talents ). horrible music ). >> romance. >> why do you not want to have sex? >> it hasn't been two weeks. >> corona can come through the pipes! >> rituals. ♪ happy birthday wash your
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hands ♪ ♪ happy birthday wash your hounds ♪ >> and teamwork. >> bill, you need to log back in. let's all log back in. >> order your copy and we'll send you a bonus track, morning recovery ( crying ) >> daddy needs more time to poop! >> trevor: enough of sunshine. let's get into into the headlines. last week, president trump's justice department unexpectedly dropped charges against michael flynn, trump's former national security advisor and the original angry bird. even though flynn pled guilty to lying to the f.b.i. as part of the mural investigation, trump says the investigation itself was the real crime and the ringleader behind it was former president barack husain jihad obama. and yesterday trump explained his theory of the case. >> mr. president, in one of your mother's day tweets you apeeferred to accuse president
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obama of the biggest political crime in american history. what crime are you accusing him of and do you believe the justice department should prosecute him? >> obamagate. it's been going on for a long time. it's been going on from before i got elected. it's a disgrace what's happened. if you look at the information released, from what i understand, it's only the beginning. some terrible things have happened and should never be allowed to happen again. >> what is the crime exactly? >> the crime is obviously to everybody. read the newspapers, except yours. >> trevor: that's just weird. according to trump, obama committed the worst political crime in american history but trump won't tell us wha what the crime is, because it's so obvious you don't even need to ask. even though everyone needs to ask. trump is treating obama less like a criminal but more like they're in a whraiption and like
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obama messed up. you know what you did wrong! mr. president, i'm sorry, whatever i did. >> my friends were right about you, never date a leo! trump is pulling the classic parent move. i remember when i was growing up, i would be getting beaten and i would say, what's is this for? they would say, you know what it's for. i don't know what obamagate is. trump doesn't know either. i think he learned from watergate things he doesn't like should have the word gate after it. obamagate, saladgate, ericgate. trump needs to worry about himself. today the supreme court will hear arguments that will determine whether criminal investigators will be allowed to dig through trump's laundry.
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>> -- simply, should congress have access totop's tax returns and how does presidential immunity extend to a presidential investigation. >> president's lawyered tax returns and financial documents have to be withheld from three different congressional committees and a new york prosecutor saying the demand is politically motivated. >> trevor: that's right, within weeks, the supremes will decide whether the president can keep his finances secret or if he has to open up and show us the goods. and, honestly, at this point, trump only has himself to blame for this thing even getting this far. i mean, he's resisted releasing his tax returns for so long he's made it into a secret that we have to know what's in there -- tax crimes? a treasure map? a drawing of boobs? one thing that's always amazed me is how long it takes these issues to get to the supreme court. we have been talking about this guy's tax returns since 2015, and now, five years later, the
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supreme court is on the case. you think the d.m.v. moves slow, the supreme court is out here, like, and now for case 874, new york versus president reagan. >> president reagan? president reagan. >> he dead! >> okay. moving on. and finally, it's been a while since dr. fauci, america's virus bay, has made an appearance at the white house coronavirus briefing. but if president trump was trying to keep the spotlight off him, it didn't completely work because today fauci was back on a bigger stage. >> one of the nation's top doctors is warning reopening the country too soon could lead to more outbreaks. dr. anthony fauci told the senate health committee he's worried little spikes might turn into full outbreaks. >> my concern is that states or cities or regions will attempt,
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understandably, to get back to some form of normality, there is a real risk that you will trigger an outbreak that you may not be able to control, which, in fact, paradoxically, will set you back not only leading to some suffering and death that could be avoided but could even set you back on the road to try to get economic recovery. >> trevor: because of trump's antics, he keeps having to come up with new ways to say, please stay inside, or you might die. basically, what dr. fauci is saying is that we need to think of corona like a sports injure. yes, you want to get back on the field as soon as possible, but if you get back on the field too soon, you could get injured. you could get injured again, and even worse this time. and then what? then your career is over. huh? and now you're just a gym teacher telling fifth graders about how you could have gone pro. fauci has said this to trump a million times, but i bet this time trump is way more likely to listen because now he's watching
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it did on tv. normally when you're talking to him in real life, he's too distracted by how much he wants to watch it on tv. i feel bad for dr. fauci. it feels like he's always got to be the responsible adult in the room. that must suck for him. he's a human being. he's got other sides. you know, i like doing crazy stuff, too. one time, instead of my elbow, i sneezed into my arm. the c.d.c. was not happy. all right, that's it for the headlines. after the break, did you know that coronavirus can come for your toes? well, stay tuned and we'll find out why. chips ahoy! wants me to announce their delicious new cookie with hershey's milk chocolate. so just imagine allll this. but with chunks of allll that. can we get a visual? new chips ahoy! cookies made with hershey's milk chocolate. enjoy lower calories.
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you know, covid 19 is like the michael jordan documentary, it feels like it's been in our lives forever, but we forget how new it actually is and, because it's new, scientists are learning things about it every day, which is what we're going to catch up on in our new segment "what to expect when you're infecting." ♪ ♪ when we think of covid 19, what do we think of? disease of the lungs, right? but now we're learning that it can also be a full-body workout. >> so far, the one predictable thing about the new coronavirus is that it's unpredictable. it first got our attention by damaging the lungs. now doctors are finding it can wreak havoc throughout the body. one way by causing blood clots,
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for example in the legs. >> a limited study of 214 covid patients in china found more than a third suffered neurological symptoms. the most common, loss of taste and smell, dizziness, headaches, even unconsciousness, and, in rare instances, strokes. >> doctors are see ago new potential symptom of coronavirus and it's not exactly pleasant. it's known as covid toes. doctors treating patients are noticing red or purple leagues and swollen toes in younger adults. >> trevor: yes, it turns out that coronavirus could negatively affect almost every part of the human body, including your toes. and i'm sorry, but toes? toes? one minute corona's in the lungs and now in the toes? it's wrecking our toes? i mean, coronavirus is like one of those artists who gets selected in every category. it's like how old town road was somehow nominated for best country, best hip-hop and best supporting actor in a tv series. viruses should be like fetishes,
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you choose one body part and go all in. you can't be into lungs and toes. me, i choose elbows and that's that. how come there's no cool corona symptom? like, yeah, it hits your lungs, but it also changes people's hair. then at least we get instagram posts from tom hanks. it's true, i have corona. and we're not just learning about how the virus affects the body, we're discovering new ways it can infect your body. for instance, we all knew about coughing and sneezing and touch you can face and running your nose on toilet seats. turns out, there might be another way this bug is spreading to us all. >> a new study by johns hopkins shows covid 19 can infect patients through their eyes. researchers say virus droplets can latch on to the eyes ace 2 receptors and start targeting cells that way. they also think tears could transmit infections from person to person. scientists believe this is why some covid 19 patients have
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reported pink eye symptoms. >> trevor: yep. apparently, you can also catch coronavirus through someone's tears. and my only question is, why are people crying into each other's eyes? i mean, we all have our thing but who's calling their crush, hey, you want to come over and watch soldiers reunite with dogs while rubbing our eyes? if that's true, we have to take extra precautions. you have to stay at least six feet apart while watching "this is us" and for -- and we know the virus can spread through tiers, saliva. there's another bodily fluid you bhai want to watch out for. >> a study from china found traces of coronavirus in the semen of infected men. not clear whether coronavirus can be transmitted through sexual activity. researchers found evidence of covid in six out of patients
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studied. four were infected and two still recovering. traces are present in all kinds of bodily fluids. >> trevor: scientists have found coronavirus in semen. and i guess now we know why it spread so quickly in the new york city subway. this is such bad news because it means sex is even more risky now. you can catch corona, you can catch s.t.d.s and scariest of all, you can catch feelings. i still think about you, sheila. how you going to do that to me? that's not the only bad news for guys because as you probably know, covid 19 has been much more fate fortunately men than women. coronavirus is targeting men harder than an old spice body wash commercial. now researchers might be starting to figure out why that is. >> one of the other mysteries of covid 19 is that it's deadlier for men than women. china, italy and south korea have reported higher death rates for men and the trend continues
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here in the u.s. why are men getting sicker than women? new research may give us a clue. >> it mas to do with a key enzyme that covid 19 uses to enter and infect our healthy cells. it's found in our heart, kidneys and other important organs. researchers took blood samples from thousands of heart failure patients, both men and women, and measured how much of the enzyme they found. men's blood had higher levels of the enzyme than women. >> trevor: are you serious? men might have an enzyme that makes us more susceptible to dying from covid 19 than women? and you know, honestly, i cannot believe that after all men have done for the world, starting the n.b.a., starting practically every war all by ourselves, this is our reward? i mean, i guess we had a good run. you know, we got to pee standing up, didn't have to go through childbirth, didn't have our co-workers explain back to us the things we just explained. it was too good to last forever.
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some dudes will bitch hard about how unfair coronavirus is. they will be in the i.c.u. being, like -- cough, cough -- this success, dude, there's no chicks here at all. what does this come down to? the underlying science is important, but for most of us, we really just need to remember how easily coronavirus is spread. one really simple new video is illuminating that in a way even nonscientists can understand. >> covid 19 has been described as the invisible enemy, but an experiment has shown new light on the virus. as natalia cooper explains, very simple ways to keep protecting yourself. >> a man's hands are covered in glow in the dark paint which represents the germs. he serves himself at a mock-up cruise ship buffet and so do other diners. after 30 minutes the lights are turned out and the spread is shocking. the japanese tv experiment finds the paint on multiple surfaces. it was on every person's hands
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and three of fair faces. imagine that paint is coronavirus. >> trevor: surprise, surprise! buffets are a great way to spread germs. yeah. you think you're getting all you can eat crab legs. no, my friend. coronavirus is getting all you can eat kyle. but that's why i don't use tongs at the buffet. everyone is touching those things. i go straight in with my hands. much more hygienic. i guess now we know why coronavirus has been exploding so hard on cruise ships. the cruise ship is just a giant buffet where you sleep over. that's all the new information we've learned about the coronavirus. and remember, while all of this might seem scary, it's good because the more we learn about this disease, the more we know how to fight it. so don't stress and don't lose heart. everything is going to be okay. we'll be right back. we're all screwed.
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i think i'm going to die. oh, did i stop the -- we are running our covid-19 technology response on teams. teams has given us the possibility to continue to innovate. i can bring them in, i can actually share my screen and show the x-rays. we can do that in a visit like this. we're living on teams. it's as simple as that. no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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does this make you oh, how about this? ok, we'll stop. just kidding, we're not gonna stop.
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not sorry. reese's to all the social-distancers, suddenly homeschoolers, and living room exercisers, we've got you covered. right now, get pizza hut's best delivery deal large pizzas with up to 3 toppings for just 9.99. choose contactless delivery or new curbside pickup at
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let's talk about fox news. it's the number one cable news network in the country and the longest serving member of the trump administration. if you don't live your life in fox world, it's easy to forget how influential fox news actually is. because a lot of what we're seeing around the country with people protesting stay-at-home orders, saying experts like dr. fauci should be fired, saying the coronavirus was created in a chinese lab to destroy america and also china for some reason, well, a lot of that stuff comes from fox. >> is there at least the possibility that the chinese have developed some type of
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biological weaponry and that's what got loose with all of this? >> we're probably not going to have an accurate count, but what the real death total is. >> there may be reasons people seek an inaccurate death count. >> if we wait for dr. fauci's seal of approval to reopen america, we may not have an america to reopen. >> we're not going to let you destroy this country or our way of life. we've worked too hard and fought too long to lose it to a wuhan. that's what i said, a wuhan virus that china knew about and intentionally protected chinese citizens, but allowed that virus to be released, putting the rest of the world at risk. >> trevor: damn, fox news is so paranoid! it's like the entire network took a bad edible that's been kicking in for, like, 25 years, and they're not just paranoid. fox is actively spreading more misinformation than a sex ed class taught by mike pence -- then the husband kisses his wife, no tongue, and god puts a baby in her belly, and they keep
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their pants on because, downstairs, there's nothing. what a lot of people don't know, and this is really embarrassing, is that "the daily show" is actually related to fox news. yeah, we found out janine pirro is actually desi lydic's aunt twice removed through her grandfather on her mother's sister's side. as any good niece, she checked in with aunt janine to see how she's handling quarantine and i don't think she's doing great. >> hey, aunt janine, just wanted to check in on you, see how you're going. >> thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> yeah, yeah, of course. how are you holding up with all this covid stuff? >> covid is being used as a cover to fund liberal progressive programs. >> okay, you know what, aunt janine, can we just please not get into all the conspiracy stuff right now, talk about anything else? >> how about destroying supreme
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court justice nominee with rules that wouldn't get past a fifth grade government class. >> i.d. rather not, no politics. >> just not in tune with america. >> hey, come on! i mean it! ( silence ) pretty dress. looks like your shoulders are gift wrapped. like, what shows are you watching? we have been camming up on jersey shore. have you seen it? >> gyms, hair salons and tattoo parlors. >> close. gym, tan, laundry, gtl. we have been binging. it's hard to stop watching. >> why let them have that power over us. >> bun escapism? >> that is stunning to me. >> okay, just wanted to make sure everyone was safe and healthy. >> the rumors are kim jong un of north korea is gravely ill. have you heard anything? >> no. i don't have any intel in the
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north korean government. you have groceries and everything you need? we're mostly just doing delivery, like dim sum. >> the chinese government brought us to our knees with this virus allegedly let out of their lab. >> okay, you know, look, i can'- >> look what they've done doto us. >> if you can't have a normal conversation, i'm just going to have to go. >> impeachment. >> nope. bye. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, desi. you're great fake niece. when we come back, i'll talk to the one and only ricky gervais about how he is handling the lockdowns. stay t
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♪ (vo) love. it's what we've always said makes subaru, subaru. and right now, love is more important than ever. in response to covid-19, subaru and our retailers are donating fifty million meals to feeding america, to help feed those who now need our help. its all part of our commitment to our communities through subaru loves to help. love, it's what makes subaru, subaru.
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hey allergy muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one... and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec muddle no more. ♪ bang bang, there [agoes my bang bang, ♪ ♪ i want my bang bang, i want my bang bang ♪ ♪ go bang bang ♪ there goes my bang bang, ♪ go bang bang, there goes my bazooka ♪ ♪ ♪ go bang bang, there goes my bang bang, ♪ ♪ i want my mind blown, i want my mind blown ♪ ♪ go bang bang, there goes my bazooka ♪
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no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card. it's just nice to have something to look forward to. well, break out the good plates and tell the kids to wash up, because it's sunday dinner, even if it isn't sunday. we aren't keeping track of days anyhow.
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"the daily distancing show." earlier today, i spoke with actor, comedian and show creator ricky gervais about his new netflix series and his thoughts on living in the corona era. check it out. ricky gervais, welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> hi. how's it going? ( laughter ) >> trevor: um, before we talk about the show coming back for season three on netflix, congratulations on that, i just want to talk to you ablife. where is ricky, what is ricky doing? you always seem like the most interesting person i know who's always doing random things. are you just staying in the house? is that you now? >> yeah, well, i'm doing what i'm told. i'm going, you know, an hour's exercise a day. luckily, we've got a garden, so i can play badminton and ping-pong. i'm a writer, i could do that. but apart from the tour being postponed, it's made a lot of difference to me. i never liked people coming to the house, so that's good.
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but this is good. i don't have to get dressed and go to a studio. i've probably done nor publicity for the show than usual. i'm usually drinking wine by 6:00 naturalling netflix. so the evenings literally haven't changed. but you know what, joking aside, you won't hear me complain not when nurses are doing 14-hour shifts risking their lives. you know, it's, like, i know i've got it easy compared to most. so i'm just getting on with it. you know, what can you do? >> trevor: we're always reading news about different countries, and the one thing i've learned whether from south africa or moving to the u.s. is oftentimes the news doesn't actually match up with what's happening in the country. i wondered what is the sentiment in the u.k. right now? we read things about boris, about the country being confused by stay alert or stay at home. we're reading about how the u.k. is responding. what's the actual sentiment or the mood you're feeling from
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your friends and people in the country? >> well, i think -- i think everyone feels like, you know, they're in the same boat, and i think most people want it to be over, and i think everyone i know is doing the right thing. you know, people haven't seen their families for six weeks. i mean, i think the big thing is, apart from the risk and worry about your family and yourself and everything like that, i think people wish they could have a date. it's like it turns into kids. we keep going, are we there yet? are we there yet? and no one knows. no one knows when it will be over. we don't know what will happen. will we come back? we don't know. can you get it twice? no one knows anything. so i do feel -- i do feel for the people who go out there and talk to nation and tell them something, and the truth is they don't know. you know, i think that's the problem. if someone says it's,
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september 1. people go, okay. fine. see you september 1. but it's just not that easy. >> trevor: are you guys also experiencing, like, just a wave of misinformation now? because yiflts like -- i don't know if you're feeling the same thing, i know it's online but i don't know if it's the same in the u.k. like, i feel like i always thought something like coronavirus or aliens or whatever would happen to us and we would come together as human beings. i truly have been shocked at how, like, the virus has become politicized. some people just don't believe in the virus, some people do. >> well, of course. everyone needs someone to blame, it's your fault, and, of course, people use it, and you're right, you think it would be like an alien invasiony it was humanity against this thing. but, no, the things thing is people fighting each other for toilet paper rolls. this was day one. these are the sort of people that if the plane crashed,
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they'd start eating each other. and i'd go, we've got sandwiches! don't eat each other yet! it's fine! ( laughter ) also toilet rolls? i would give my last toilet role for a bottle of wine if it was the end. honestly. i would be drunk and wiping my ass on the grass. who cares about toilet rolls? that was day one! what are you doing? society broke down the first day, and then people went, okay, okay, we can do this. >> trevor: yeah, a lot of people, it's interesting because one thing you've always said about yourself is you don't like getting involved in politics, you've never been a soapbox person, you've never been somebody who's, like, au, this is ricky gervais. you love telling jokes, you love making fun of people and life and making tv shows, but you've gotten more political over the years or talking about it because it's gotten crazier, and one of your tweets went viral, one of your old tweets. it seemed like you predicted the
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future. you said the fact they have to put "do not drink bleach" on containers let you know donald trump can become president and he had his own bleach thing. you saw how that blew up. >> i say that tweet wasn't political. it was ago ignorance and stupidity and it became political, obviously. but, again, i don't think it's i've become more political. it's, if people aren't acting like they should, if people in power aren't doing what you think is the right thing, you have to be an adult. i don't want to be an adult. er people to run the country correctly and do the right things and i can knock around and i can be an idiot. i want to be the one getting told off for stuff. i don't want to be the teacher saying, you can't do that. that's not my job. that's no good for me. i want to be the idiot in the back to have the class getting in trouble for doing the i don't think thing. when the world is in danger you
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can't do that. you have to be sensible, and it really annoys me. >> trevor: one thing we can't deny is ricky gervais has more heart than most people would like to admit and it comes through in your shows. "after life" is another example where people cry, laugh, experience a range of emotions that are really human. for those who don't know, it's a story of a man played by yourself who has lost his partner, and she's gone but left him messages about how to carry on in life and he goes, i'm going to be an asshole to the world, and the world slowly starts propping him up. it's renewed for season three and congratulations. i know at lot of fans are happy about it. tell me about not just the show but why we always see so much heart in the shows you create because it doesn't seem like that would be ricky gervais but that seems like a common thread in everything you make. >> yeah, everything i've done has been about humanity, really. i think comedy is best. it says we're all idiots.
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so that's all right. but things -- but some things are more important than, you know, being smart and clever, like being kind, you know. and everything i've done has been quite existential. it's about the end of your life and are you leaving the world in as good a state as you found it. everything is about what's the point. and this is explicitly existential. he's lost everything. even the title "after life" is sort of a play on words because he doesn't believe in a an after life, so he hasn't even got that, that his wife's in heaven, he hasn't got that. and there's a line where he says i know she's nowhere but i'd rather be nowhere with her than somewhere without her. that's a play on the after life. he thinks this is after his life has ended and he lost himself.
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after the first series, i've never had a reaction like it. i don't mean the size of the reaction, i mean the emotional connection. people would come up to me on the street and say, oh, i lost my brother three weeks ago or i lost my mom before i watched it and it really helped. i realized everyone's grieving recently or now, and you don't get over it. >> trevor: it almost feels presient to time we're living in now. the world for the first time in history, we're all experiencing a shared grief in way world wars didn't create. everyone in the world is experiencing some effect from lockdown, some effect from losing somebody, some effect from losing their life the way they lived their family -- >> i think you're right. i think most people, it's made them start realizing what the most important things in life
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are, and i think it also makes you appreciate the mundane things in life. i mean, the show is so all about those things can save you, you know. it's got walk the dog, it keeps him alive. he talks to people. it keeps him alive. those little things. i'm missing things i didn't do. i didn't go buy newspaper, i can't wait. i can't stand outside a cafe. i want to do the things i didn't even do. yeah, you want your life back. that's what you want. >> trevor: yeah, i think that's all everybody wants. rickey, thank you so much for the time, man. good luck out there. stay safe indoors, enjoy the wine, and hopefully i'll see you in person sooner than later, my friend. >> yeah, can't wait. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. before we go, please remember the covid pandemic has taken a serious toll on many people's mental health. here in the u.s. the disaster distress helpline is trying to address this crisis.
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they have consers trained to help with mental health needs specifically in this unique situation and if you're able to and would like to help, please donate whatever you can. if you'd like to support in new york specifically, then you can donate to ncywell which is also providing free confidential mental health support. until tomorrow, stay safe, wash your hands and remember, if you're home-schooling your kids, don give them detention because then you just have to spend more time with them. now here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i encourage all businesses that are allowed to open to do so only if they (~bleep ) follow the guidelines to keep west virginia safe. >> five hours later -- >> today at our news briefing, this was an audio glitch, and it sounded like that i had said a bad word.
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captioning by captionmax - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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this cup has your name on it. if you love chocolate most, this cup has your name on it. not literally, that would be a logistical nightmare. especially if we used last names- woo, then we'd have to do both sides. reese's lovers. yeah, they're back.
2:00 am
- mm'kay, kids, we have something very serious we need to discuss today, mm'kay? it appears that some kids in school are getting high by choking themselves. some kids call it the choking game, mm'kay, but choking yourself is bad, mm'kay? don't--don't do that... mm'kay. - you can get high from choking yourself? - [grunting] - school children are often experimenting with dangerous ways to get high, mm'kay, like sniffing glue, guzzling cough medicine, huffing paint, mm'kay. but they're all bad. mm'kay? - my cousins in florida said kids in their school get high off of cat pee. - cat pee? - that's not true. you can't get high off of cat urine. can you? - well, it's not actually cat urine. but male cats, when they're marking their territory, spray a concentrated urine to fend off other male cats,


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