tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 24, 2020 1:15am-2:00am PDT
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and a council of geniuses with all their future-- - it's okay sir. the toran ra has revealed the answer to your problem. we can retroactively make your son's agreement invalid. - okay! finally! how do we do that? - it's very easy. you'll simply need to join apple. - no! i don't want to join apple. i like my pc. - but if you join, we can make your son's account into a family account, and then you have to iapprove all his agreements. - come on, it's not that big a deal. will you just stop resisting and join the rest of us in the future? - ugh! all right, fine. i'll sign up with apple. - kal-if-fee! gerald broflovski, do you agree to let apple track your location at all times? - [exhales] i agree. - do you agree to give apple access to all your personal information, including but not limited to your favorite movies, songs, and books? - i agree. - do you agree to care about your membership and prove that you care by purchasing applecare?
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[bowel movement] - [muffled screaming] - heh heh heh! dude, humancentipad is awesome! - sir, sir, we have a problem! - what? what do you mean we have to take it apart? the boy's agreement isn't valid? - sorry, we have to recall this. - what? hey, that's mine! - i don't care what the geniuses say! damn it, i'm trying to create the future here! - we are all trying to create the future! i'm part of the future now too. i have sat with the council of geniuses, performed the toran ra, and i've even been to me. mr. jobs, you have done so much for the world. you have helped connect everyone to each other. clearly, this is the future. but--but can't we just slow down and enjoy the present a little longer? - you know something? i agree. audience: aww!
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[smooch] - come on, we'll get you separated, little boy. guess you won't be eating japanese food for a while, huh? [chuckles] - hey! hey, what is this, some kind of sick prank? i get the greatest thing ever just to have it taken away? why did you do this to me, god? next time you're gonna get my hopes up, could you please take me to a grease monkey? 'cause i like to get lubed up before i get [bleep]! huh? some lube would be nice! or at least a courtesy lick, god! how about a little courtesy lick next time you decide to [bleep] me? [sobbing] >> trevor: hey, everybody. welcome to another episode of "the daily social distancing show." i'm trevor noah. and it is now week five of the george floyd protests against police brutality, and month four of being stuck in my apartment recording the show. now, new york city is actually in phase two of reopening, which means many people can go back to their offices.
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however, i am not yet going back to the office, because that's exactly where corona thinks i'm going to go. to beat the virus are you have to think like the virus. in tonight's episode we talk to seth stoughton, and d.l. hughley, and what it's like to be black in america. first let's catch up on today's headlines. welcome to the "daily social distancing show." >> announcer: from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show," with trevor noah." >> trevor: let's kick things off with immigration. it's the reason your food has flavor, and how the president met 66% of his wives. when donald trump ran for office, his platform was that he opposed illegal immigration.
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>> and i want people to come into the country, but i want them to come in legally. >> trevor: that's right, big guy. but after taking office, he began restricting legal immigration, too. and now, thanks to corona, it looks like he's taking it all the way. >> tonight, a new round of immigration restrictions from the white house. president trump has signed an executive order blocking entry into the united states for at least four types of visas, including the h1-b visa for high-skilled workers. >> they're going to press pause on a lot of these visas for foreign workers coming into the united states because of the high unemployment rate in the united states, they say. senior administration officials saying they want to see an america first economic recovery that starts with americans. >> trevor: that's right, folks, for the time being immigration into america is basically shut down, which is not just going to hurt new immigrants. it's going to hurt a lot of americans, too. as a major study concluded, longs-run economic growth in
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america would be considerably dimmed without the contributions of high-skilled immigrants." let's be honest. if you actually wanted to save american jobs, you'd have to build a wall to stop robots. if you've seen movies, you know that robots are unstoppable killing machines! and as an immigrant, personally, i'm torn. on the one hand, i feel like this is yet another example of this administration's xenophobia. on the other hand, it gives me the perfect excuse to not let my african cousin come crash on my couch. "yeah, sorry, sizwe, you can't come in. "hawu, trevor, but i'm just a tourist. this doesn't affect me." "yeah, but i don't want to take chances. i don't want to make trump angry." what did you know? is he not angry now?" moving on to technology news. when the coronavirus pandemic began, a lot of americans hoped there would be a way to use smart devices to automatically alert people if they'd been in contact with anyone who tested
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positive for the virus. it would be the ultimate fusion of high tech and public health. well, we're not getting that, but we are getting this: >> apple watches will soon be able to tell a user if they are washing their hands long enough to prevent the spread of covid-19 and other illnesses. apple says, in the newest watch update, it will let you know how long you're washing your hands. it will set a countdown for 20 seconds, which is how long the c.d.c. recommends we should all wash our hands. the watch will vibrate when the 20 seconds are complete. >> the watch will use motion to detect handwashing and then use audio to confirm it by listening for running water or the squishing of soap. >> trevor: just when i thought apple's best days were behind them, they come up with this! because i am sick and tired of singing "happy birthday" every time i wash my hands-- mainly because it makes me hungry for birthday cake. so then i eat a birthday cake, but then i get icing on my hands, which means i have to
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wash my hands again, which makes we want more birthday cake, and now i have diabetes! i will say, one thing that concerns me is how the apple watch is supposed to detect that you're washing your hands. and, i mean, if it's going to use hand-washing motions" and "squishing sounds," seems like a lot of teenage boys are going to be getting interrupted all day long. also, evil villains are going to hate this new feature. "and that's how we'll finally destroy the world! ha-ha-ha-ha! >> siri: 15 more seconds. >> ha-ha-ha... >> siri: 10 more seconds. >> this isn't fun anymore. >> trevor: and finally, let's talk about the c.i.a. it's america's premiere intelligence agency and probably the reason for all the fireworks you're hearing at night. and now it might also be your next job: >> the c.i.a. is looking for new spies by putting out this ad and several other versions. the agency says the ads will run
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nationwide on entertainment, news, and lifestyle streaming services. ♪ ♪ >> it only takes one new piece of forward intelligence, and everything can change in an instant. >> hey, i think i found something. >> your achievements, while unknown to the public, are critical to our national security. >> this translation is technically accurate, but in this context it really means this. >> the nation-- >> we got it. >> is counting on you, to discover the truth. >> i'll call the white house. >> start a career at the c.i.a. and do more for your country than you ever dreamed possible. >> trevor: okay, this whole thing is weird. why is the cia making recruitment ads? if you're such good spies, surely you already know who you should hire. i don't want the cia asking me to apply. i want them knocking on my door and saying, "we saw how you played fifa, trevor. we think you have what it takes to join the c.i.a."
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"i knew it!" and, also, don't put your contact info at the end of the ad! finding out how to contact the c.i.a. should be the first test. if you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be in the c.i.a. and, look, i also get that get they want to make being in the c.i.a. look cool and dramatic, but when it comes down to it, being a c.i.a. agent is basically just being a "real housewife," only you gossip about terrorists. ( housewife ) "so i just heard that al-qaeda in syria raided the home of abu malek al-tali because he tried to break up with them. what a bitch." he's coming. now, the reason the c.i.a. is running this ad is because they're trying to recruit a more diverse workforce, and they're having trouble competing with silicon valley for employees. and although i see what they are trying to do, i still believe they could have been a little more honest about what a job at the c.i.a. entails. so instead of hoping, we tweaked the ad for them. >> the world is full with danger
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and the c.i.a. needs your help. now, we need your help to untrain them. there's chaos all over south america. yeah, maybe it was all those coups we did, but with your help, maybe we can uncoup them. and while you're at it, gary has my flash drive. i need to you get it back. it's got all my vacation photos. the world we live in today is filled with threats, unheaval and turmoil. and we made a lot of those things worse. >> didn't we also, fill the inner cities with crowds? >> we don't talk about that. >> the c.i.a.: we broke it, help us fix it. >> trevor: ha-ha, we totally burned the c.i.a. all right, someone's knocking at my door. i gotta go check who that is. but when we come back, we're going to talk about what it's like to be black working in corporate america. and d.l. hughley is joining us on the show to talk about what
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show." as the black lives matter movement has rapidly gained traction over the past month, it's not just celebrities and instagram models who are jumping on board. corporate america has also decided to finally step up. but while companies are posting messages of support for the black community, many black people who work in these companies are asking them to put their monies where their mouth is. >> big name corporations sharing messages of solidarity, but many are calling on them them to practice what they preach. >> employees at places like estee lauder and adidas speaking out against the lack of diversity and equality in their workplaces despite public
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messages of support from the company's c.e.o.s. >> in a video, nike said, "don't pretend there's not a problem in america." critics point out that all of nike's executives are white. >> you cannot say "black lives matter" publically when you don't show us black lives matter within your own homes or within your organizations. >> trevor: yes, that's right. if you have ten followers on twitter, and you tweet "black lives matter," maybe that's the best you can do. but if you're a major corporation that hires thousands of people, you can actually show that black lives matter in a material way that goes beyond your social media feed. on their own, corporate tweets are useless. no one's going to stop being racist because spaghettios told them to. like, it's not enough to just be "black lives matter" in these tweets. you've got to be black lives matter in these streets. you've also got to be black lives matter in these sheets. okay, maybe i didn't think that last one through. but you know what i mean. but the question is why are african americans so under-represented in the
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american workplace? well, let's find out in our brand new segment: "this black american life" ♪ ♪ why aren't more african americans hired in american companies? is it because they're lazy? is it because they're uneducated? or is it because offices are just way too cold? well, despite what your racist uncle might post on facebook, the truth is, for many black americans, getting a job is almost impossible, and it's because their blackness stops them from even getting in the door. >> blacks are the last to get hired and first to get fired >> >> white males are hired based on potential. blacks are hired based on demonstrated accomplishments. >> going back a quarter century, statistically speaking, very little has changed for black applicants. whites receive, on average, 36% more call-backs than african
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americans and 24% more call-backs than latinos. >> thousands of made-up resumes were mailed to employers, identical, except for the names, half black-sounding, half-white. the results? black-sounding names were 50% less likely to get follow-up calls. >> trevor: wow, racism never takes a day off. if you have a black-sounding name on your resume, you're 50% less likely to get called in for the interview. imagine if america had that same policy when picking a president. that would have screwed things up. "barack hussein-- next, next, next. john edwards-- now this guy sounds like he's got it." and that's the thing i wish more people understood: black people are asking for equality, not charity. they're not asking people to hire black people just because they're black. they're asking companies to stop not hiring black people just because they're black, because even with the exact same qualifications and a resume that's exactly the same, the only thing that blocks people is
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having a black-sounding name. i mean, why would anyone even want a workplace with no black people in it. you need at least one person who knows how to dance at the office party. and, also, what if zombies show up? you want them to kill you first? so it's enough of a challenge getting your black foot in the door of corporate america, and if you're lucky enough to find your way into the office, good luck finding the ladder. >> only 3.2% of executives and senior leaders in the u.s. are african american. >> there are only four black c.e.o.s in the fortune 500-- only four-- and no black women. >> there are too few opportunities for african americans to rise to the top, to have the opportunities to serve in leadership positions. >> there is a promotion gap. at every level going up, it becomes less and less diverse, more white. >> when i don't see those that have been in the company for "x" amount of years, not hold certain titles, there places the doubt in my mind.
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>> representative al green asking a pointed question to major bank c.e.o.s. >> if you believe that your likely successor will be a woman or a person of color, would you kindly extend a hand into the air? >> trevor: okay, that was just awkwrd. from the way those bank c.e.o.s reacted, that congressman might as well have asked them to raise their hands if they've ever seen mike pence eat a flaming hot cheeto. not a single one of those banks thinks it's even possible that a person of color will run the company. that says a lot. i mean, if you ask me, every bank should be run by a black woman, because banks are out here losing trillions of dollars-- credit default swaps, mortgage scams, and after their screw-up, average people lose their homes. meanwhile, black women are out in the streets every day
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figuring out how to make a dollar stretch into 10. i'll tell you right now, if my grandmother ran a major bank, she would have been the one bailing america out. "oh, the economy crashed? oh, baby, let me see. i've got two trillion there. there you go. you bring back my change. now, if you're one of the few black people who have made it into corporate america, congratulations. your reward is working every day with some people who have no idea how to act around you. >> "microaggressions" describes indirect or subtle discrimination. and if you are on the receiving end, it can be as hurt will as anything overt. >> white people will come up to me and say "you speak so well." right, "speak so well." or, "you're very articulate." >> in my own experience, "you don't sound black." well, what do "sound black" and "sound white" really mean? >> "you're not like the others," and stuff like that. and you think about it because "you're not like the others"? well, what are "the others"? >> the assumption is always going to lead in that i know less. >> my manager turns to me and says, "well, isn't your hair so
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big because all of your intelligence in there? and physically grabbed my hair. >> trevor: yeah, every day, black people have to navigate a workplace filled with people who don't even realize they're doing something offensive. "you're so intelligent it must be in your hair"? this is what you get from living in a segregated society. instead of knowing black people and black culture, you've got white folks interacting with black people like they're making contact with e.t. "hello, my friend. do your people shake hands?" >> "nah, (bleep) coronavirus." and it's because millions of white americans don't have the first clue of how to interact with their black coworkers or to just be normal around them that black people in corporate america have to spend an inordinate amount of time making white people feel comfortable. >> for those of us who have been in corporate america, we have to be able to exist, and not only exist, but to really thrive in two totally different cultures, this idea of double consciousness.
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>> our blackness isn't accepted in a lot of spaces that are critical for our success. >> intelligence is often linked to whiteness, so black people are often encouraged in professional settings to use a-- quote, unquote-- "white voice," a.k.a. "code-switch." >> i turn it on. i have to be my best un-authentic self in order for me to relate to my white peers. and i have to make sure that i can talk about subjects that relate to your lifestyle that had absolutely nothing to do with mine. >> i speak two languages. i speak english, and i speak white. >> because a lot of what we do are things to make white people feel more comfortable around us. >> trevor: yeah, so many people take for granted that black people in the office are not just focusing on the job. they're focusing on not being perceived as threatening or disruptive or "too black." and so you try your best to blend in with the whiteness that's around you.
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that's not something that white people ever have to worry about. i mean, white kids don't even "code switch" when they talk to their parents. "what up, dude? yeah, i'm crushing 'call of duty.' hold up, my mom's calling. yo, dude, what up? yeah, bro', i'll crush my homework when i'm done." i'll talk to you later, mom. bye. so to corporate america, if you really believe in rooting out systemic racism and supporting black lives, then i say to you, examine your own actions within your companies before history leaves you behind. or as i would put it if i wasn't in the office, "you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. don't go away, because after the we'll be talking about policing with seth the fighting spirit is one we all share. amanda nunes wears hers with pride. from standing up for herself against the doubters, to being the only woman in her mma training gym... amanda refused to let stereotypes get in her way...
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whether inside the octagon or out. since 1925, we've proved that it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of. modelo. the official beer of ufc. sixty-two thousand seven hundred and ten dollars and thirty-one cents. sofi allowed me to refinance all of my loans to one low interest rate and an affordable monthly payment. and i just feel like there's an end in sight now and that my debt doesn't define me anymore. ♪ sofi is helping me get my money right. ♪
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show." earlier, i spoke with former police officer and investigator seth stoughton, who studies policing at the university of south carolina, and who co-authored the book "evaluating police uses of force." professor seth stoughton, welcome to "the daily soc distancing show." >> thank you for having me. >> trevor: let's get straight into it. you worked in policing. you understand what it's like to be a policeman and you studied it. what do you make of america's current police situation. is it overblown or somewhere in between? >> it's not as bad as it used to be but it's not as good as it could be. we have seen a lot of progressing with american policing. it's better and different than it was 50 years ago, but it's not really as much better than it was five years ago, or 10 years ago, as we should be. so i think people are right to
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keep their attention on it and deimprovement. >> trevor: when we look at policing and you look around the conversations of "defund the police" or "abolish the police," a lot of the argument is too much money has been put into policing which doesn't get the required results. you have a different idea of what policing should be. what is that, exactly? >> so i and others have really tried to push this idea of "guardian policing." and guardian policing is a service-ooriented approach, whee the values, the principles that underlie policing, that help agencies figure out how to deploy their resources, help individual officers figure out how to deal with a particular situation, should be grounded in the desire to serve and protect community members from innecessary indignities and harms. and the important part is that includes the unnecessary indignities and harm that result from policing itself.
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>> trevor: you can't look at policing in america or anywhere in the world without looking at the origins of policing and what it was intended to do-- help rich people keep poor people away from their stuff. when you look at policing today, you see vest i thinks of it-- how tickets are given out. who police choose to enforce. how they choose to enforce. is there a way to-- do you have to rebuild something from the ground up? >> one of the things we need to remember is we don't have a race issue in policing. we have a race issue in society that gets reflected and often magnified in police encounters. it's not going to be enough to just focus on policing. we also need to think about how to improve society and the way that we as a society depend on police. we have put police into the position of dealing with these issues, dealing with these social problems. >> trevor: right. >> and so many connections
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between race and poverty and the ways we've criminalized some substances, right, the difference between crack and powder cocaine, for example. i do think we can build atop a bad foundation. i think what it requires us to do is repair that foundation, both in society and in policing. and this is why i think we need cultural change within policing. it's not enough to just say, "let's keep doing what we've been doing but tweak it a bit." we need to reimagine the culture of policing itself. >> trevor: from what i've read, it seems like a lot of police training is based around a worst-case scenario pup know, a lot of police training s, all right, we're going to teach you how to conduct a traffic stop, and at any moment someone can pull out a gun. we'll teach you how to handle a domestic dispute, and at any moment someone can pull out a gun." it seems police are trained to expect the worst in any
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scenario, so when anything happens in real life they, g, this is exactly when i've been trained for." is that an accurate problem? >> it is. it varies. but certainly, fear-based training is a major obstacle to collaborative, democratically accountable policing. it's very difficult to tell an officer, "everyone that you ishts of interact with is able to and possibly willing to kill you," and at the same time tell the officer, "so go out, make friends, be nice and, you know, engage in community policing." there are some major mixed messages there. and if you ask most officers, "is policing safer today than it has been or is it less safe or is it about the same?" what you hear, almost inevitably, is it's worse than it's ever been. and that's because within policing, we provide and reinforce this message of threat
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and danger that the evidence doesn't really bear out, but it's a very, very powerful narrative, and a very powerful rhetoric that's difficult to resist. >> trevor: yeah, it really feels like we're living in a world where, you know, police feel like they're under assault, and so are responding like a force that is under assault. it also feels like society is torn between these two worlds where, you know, they've been given this false, like, choice between zero police or zero law enforcement in any way, shape, or form; or an extremely militarized force. what are some of the tangible things that have been done that have improved policing? >> i think there's a whole mess of reforms. there are legislative reforms at the federal level. we need better data. the feds could pass legislation that incentivizes states to do the data collection that we need to really get a very granular
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understanding of policing. we need better legal frameworks at the state level for officer certification. the idea of wandering officers, who are fired or who resign and from one agency only to go work at another agency should terrify everyone, including folks who are supporters of good policing. we need to get a handle, frankly, on some of the union contract provisions that provide significant procedural saich guards to officers that can make it very, very difficult to identify, investigate, or discipline officers who have engaged in misconduct. and we can do things at the local level, not just as another law, ordnances, but police agency policies. the new orleans police department epic program. it should be's no-brainer. it should be a first step for agencies across the country. >> trevor: a lot of what
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people complain about with policing is the day-to-day interactions, the way police treat communities of color, the way police treat black people, the way police treat poorer white communities as well. they have said they agree with defunding the police because we have felt the brunt of it." o>> at risk of sounding like a broken record, it has to be baseed in the culture. we can change that social and legal framework. but even that, i think, is not going to be enough without that cultural change. maybe the bigger thing here is figuring out where we have overused police. because one of the complaints that i'm sure you've heard, we don't just have complaints of overpolicing in marginalized communitiess. we also, at the same time, we have complaints of
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underpolicing. the cops are focusing on drug crimes and they're stopping everybody, but they're not paying any attention to the robberies or the auto thefts, right. >> trevor: right. >> that's because the police, least in those communities, are not actually responding to what the community cares about. that's a basic failure of democratic institutions. and, unfortunately, a lot of the insular nature of policing, a lot of that adversarial "us versus them" mentality, make it very easy to reject criticism or ignore calls for reform. >> trevor: well, i think what you're saying is it's tough for a lot of people to hear because it means the problem is a lot bigger than they'd like to admit. but tairnlgt that's true for many issues. looking at it through the lens of society, figuring out what police are doing on behalf of society and going from there. professor stoughton, nunchuck so much for joining us on the show, and stay safe out there. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate the opportunity?
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daily social distancing show." my next guest is comedian and radio show host d.l. hughley. earlier, we spoke about what it was like testing positive for covid-19. and his new book "surrender, white people," which is available for pre-order now. >> welcome to "the daily socially distancing show." >> i wish i had been a little more socially distanced myself. >> trevor: i see you performing on stage, and the next thing i see d.l. hughley, like, fainted on stage or passed out. people are carrying him off the stage. i was panicking. at that point did you know-- did you feel it happening or did you just wake up in the hospital? >> no, i knew what was happening-- i didn't know that i was passed out. but i felt faint before i went on stage, and i was trying to tell, bo, my opening act to extend a little longer so i could get it together. but i guess they didn't hear me, and they brought me on stage. i was weak the whole time. i passed out, and we go to the
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hospital where they tell me i was dehydrated, my electrolytes were low, and they had a battery of tests, and they told me i was positive for covid, which was the most-- like, i just-- i didn't understand how, because i didn't have any-- any of the classic symptoms that, you know, they ascribe to covid-- no, you know, flu-like symptoms, no cough, no shortness of breath, no loss of taste. i just lost consciousness, i guess. it's not a good thing, no matter what. so i guess-- i guess that was, you know, one of the things. and then it was funny, because when i got back to the hotel, i had to be in the hospital for a day, and i got back to hotel. and the hotel is like, "now we want you to leave." ( laughter ). >> trevor: d.l., on the real, i wouldn't-- i wouldn't ask this of anyone, i wouldn't say this
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to anyone else, but i keep it real with you-- why are you out doing shows when there's coronavirus? >> >> exactly! literally-- ( laughter ) what the hell was i-- it was actually for a charity. and, obviously, i missed it. but i had-- i had gotten really sick in january and i thought that i had had it then. as a matter of fact, i was supposed to test for the antibody this week. i really assumed that it would be cool, and i was,ob, very wrong. so i think, you know, i just blew it. i made a mistake. >> trevor: i understand make where you're coming from. it's this invisible thing. everyone is like maybe, maybe not, government doesn't tell us. what would you say to somebody who thinks like you and says, "i'm going back out there and i'm going to live my life as usual." >> i think now i would say two things. one, i think everybody needs to be tested, everybody. because i had no idea what was happening, and i had no idea
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what was going on. and the other-- and i think that's primarily because we don't have, like, a uniform-- where i live it's despitedly different than where i performed. i could never have performed in los angeles because we're not open for that. but the gig was in-- i had a gig in texas, i had a gig in nashville. what i had to do was go to states where they clearly don't give a damn about their people. i should have known. i should have known! when they don't care about their people, they're sure not going to care about a stranger. >> trevor: oh, man! >> i should have known then. but i kind of thought, okay, it will be cool, and everything was socially distanced. and we took our temperatures and oxygen levels and i just thought it would be cool. it very clearly was not. >> trevor: let's talk about the book. the title is already provocative, classic d.l. hughley. "surrender, white people!." what are you saying in the book? i know it's a satire and i know you're talking about race relations in america, talking about systemic racism, you're
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talking about oppression, you're talking about reparations. what do you hope people get from the book? the title is provoc tich. >> when i say "surrender, white people!," it's not in a military sense. even though we're arguing over monuments-- everybody right now there's a heightened awareness because of what happened to ahmaud arbery, breonna taylor and now george floyd. everybody is keyed up about that. but we want to keep monuments. everybody who recoiled in disgust with what happened to george floyd, but they want to keep monuments of men who did far worse, far worse. we have-- we have men who performed surgery on black-- enslaved black women with no anesthesia have statues. every dude that has a statue and riding around on a horse hated black people. and so, if it's no big deal that we want to change, why do we
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want to keep the vestiges of what we were? and the ideas of why we are like we are. because policemen are really doing in our community what they always have been supposed to do. they didn't know their mission changed. they're supposed to keep us where we are and do that by any means necessary. they different have any notion that their idea of policing in our communities was going to change and it did it on a dime. and i think we have to let go of these notions. there are people who believe it is the way they were born that made them superior in some way. if you believe that, there's really no way to move on. there's really nowhere to go if you believe it's your inherent, god-given right. and the book is just that in a comedic way. i'm writing peace treatys. peace treaties don't really give anybody anything. they give the people that win the ability to say, "disomething good." what they basically get is for us to shut up about race. they get to go, "shut up about
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it." >> trevor: >> trevor: what would you say is the first step then? obviously, people are talking about defunding the police. people are talking about having conversations in hollywood, conversations in corporate america. what are some of the other steps you would like to see people take? where do you even begin to have meaningful conversations that move things forward. >> you had people like bank of america saying they were going to give $1 billion to end discrimination, but wouldn't it be better if you said "yes" on a couple of home alones. all of these gestures-- maybe people's hearts are in the right place, but just be fair. if you know our schools are terrible, why would you underfund them? if you know that we red line areas, why would we allow that? if we know there's a bias in the medical field, why do we have it? so more than just, you know, tearing stat use down and wearing t-shirts, do the right thing. >> trevor: get out there
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