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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  July 29, 2020 9:00am-9:45am PDT

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use two more years until i retire with full benefits and pension. and my wife and i, we have bought a little cottage on a lake. and i am going to get myself a stack of mystery novels, a box of cigars, and i am going to sit back and enjoy my life. - hey, jerry, april was just double-checking the lunch order. do you want the salmon or the twout? - twout! both: twout! twout! twout! displ hey, wes going on, everybody. welcome to "the daily social distancing show." i'm trevor noah. today is tuesday, july 28, and here's a tip for all of you who are tryig to eat out: if you want to go to a restaurant but are worried about removing your mask, just order soup. it'll seep right through it. anyway, on tonight's episode, senate republicans are helping fighter jets get back to work. lewis black would rather die than try outdoor dining. and president trump finally found someone to replace dr. fauci. so let's do this people.
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welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> captioning sponsored by comedy central from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the "the daily social distancing show" with trevor noah. >> trevor: the big news today is about helping people to survive the coronavirus shutdowns that have now forced them out of work. because, remember, corona isn't just stopping you from going to the gym to take mirror selfies. it's also decimated the world economy. now, countries have been taking different approaches to help workers during this pandemic. many countries in europe are paying businesses to keep their employees on the payroll even during shutdowns, japan suspended most tax collection for a year. and russia is even allowing all their election bots to meddle from home. and here in the u.s., congress passed a big $3 trillion relief package back in march, but with the benefits of package about to run out, congress has been struggling to put together something new.
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now, democrats have been asking for another $3 trillion to extend and expand the benefits that have been helping people. and now republicans have finally responded with something a little less generous. >> this morning, with tens of millions of americans out of work, senate republicans are proposing to slash emergency unemployment benefits by $400, a plan that would cut that extra federal payment from $600 to $200 a week, with republicans arguing additional payouts would discourage jobless americans from returning to work. >> in certain cases, people were paid more to stay home than they were to work, and i think that's something that the american public understands. we're not going to use taxpayer money to pay people more to stay home. >> trevor: man, i know steve ventriloquist dummy, but sometimes i wish someone would shove their hand up his ass and make him say the right things. because, look, it is true that some people have been earning more from these extra benefits than they were making at their jobs, but that's only because a lot of
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people in america don't make a living wage at their jobs. like, i'm honestly surprised this white house is so against paying people not to work. i mean, they've been fine doing it for the past four years. going back to work too soon is what spreads upon coronavirus, making it harder to go back to work. so the best way to go back to work is to not go back to work. if anything, the government should be sending everyone an hbo max password and a giant bag of weed. it's the responsible thing to do. and here's the thing: you can always argue about whether it's good policy or bad policy to just give people money. i mean, it's good policy, but you can argue about it if you feel like it. but one thing that's raising eyebrows is that while the republicans are saying they can't afford to give more money to laid-off workers, they are managing to open up their wallets for some way more questionable expenses. >> the bill is also coming under intense criticism for $1.75 billion allocated for a new f.b.i. building, something
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mcconnell said was included at the request of the white house. >> the president has called for the rebuilding of the f.b.i. building in downtown d.c. to occur on the same plot of land in which it currently exists. and why that's significant is because the trump hotel is right across the street from the f.b.i. building, so the concerns are the president is trying to keep that property controlled by the federal government to prevent another hotel from coming in there potentially and taking away business from the trump hotel. >> trevor: yes, while unemployment benefits are being cut, republicans have managed to find $1.75 billion to rebuild f.b.i. headquarters in their current location instead of allowing it to move. all of this was a direct request from trump because trump knows that as long as the f.b.i. stays across the street from his place in d.c., nobody can build a competing hotel next to his. and this is what's so frustrating about trump. when you tell him you can stop
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corona by putting on a mask, he can't follow the logic. "it's too complicated. but when he's working on a grift that will make himself money, suddenly he can see the matrix. "you put that there, the hotel, carry the five, billions of dollars." i find it so bizarre that trump is president, but still constantly pulling these low-level scams. what does he need the money for? the man lives rent free, he only eats stuff off the dollar menu, and his favorite hobby is staying inside watching tv. trump could finance his whole lifestyle with lemonade stand money. either way, at this point, trump has done so many corrupt schemes, eventually he's going to run out of lines to cross. he's going to need to seduce mike pence just to keep things interesting. "come on, mike. i don't even want it. i just want them to talk about something else." and it's not just the f.b.i. because while droopy mitch and his boys say america can't afford to help people survive, they did manage to scrounge a few billion dollars under the couch cushions for some shiny new weapons.
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>> and the g.o.p. coronavirus bill doles out billions for things that have nothing to do with covid-19. there's money for new f-35 fighter jets, missile defense systems, apache helicopters, surveillance planes, and other military equipment. >> trevor: fighter jets and missile defense systems? you don't need any of this stuff right now. coronavirus is your defense system. nobody is going to invade the u.s., especially when they're risking getting coughed on by some karen who thinks masks came from the devil. like, i just don't get why america is willing to spend so much money on a hypothetical war that might never happen, while still not spending enough on the war that's currently killing 1,000 americans every day. and the funny thing is these are the same republicans who shame black people for living in the 'hood and buying jordans. maybe you guys should get your priorities straight. first, you beat covid, then you can celebrate by bombing a small country. and, look, i get it. spending money on unemployment benefits is super boring compared to fighter jets.
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i mean, nobody is making movies about opening an envelope with a check in it. they're making movies like this: >> good morning, aviators. this is your captain speaking. today's exercise is dogfighting. >> what the hell! >> trevor: awww, yeah. i can't wait to see tom cruise get strapped into a kid's booster seat one more time, baby. now, as cool as a new fighter jet sounds, the real question isn't whether america should be spending pandemic money on the f-35. it's whether it should be spending any more money on the f-35. >> the joint strike fighter program has been plagued by years of design flaws and massive cost overruns. >> the pentagon's largest weapons program, the f-35 joint
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strike fighter, was grounded as it was being tested due to power problems. >> the u.s. military announced today it's grounding its fleet of f-35 fighter jets. the pentagon just refuses to admit that this thing is a failure. >> the pentagon even stopped it from flying within 40 kilometers of a thunderstorm out of fears its fuel tank could explode if struck by lightning. >> a new setback for one of the most advanced weapons in the u.s. arsenal: problems with cooling lines inside the fuel tanks. >> pilots flying the world's most expensive weapons system say their oxygen stopped working. >> the pentagon has grounded its entire fleet of f-35 fighters due to safety concerns. >> the defense department had discovered more than 800 software deficiencies. >> turns out, the f-35 fighter has a gun that can't shoot straight. >> something soft, fluffy and weighing less than an ounce brings the mighty f-35 to it's knees. and faster than the eye can see, it's ingested right into the intake fan. the aircraft has been instantly compromised. >> trevor: i'm sorry, come
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again? this program costs billions of dollars, gen rats tons of lucrative defense contracts and somehow always breaks down. sorry, the african in me just smelled a scam. yeah, that's what it is. it's insane how republican repue penalizing people for being unemployed. meanwhile, they're throwing billions of dollars at this thing, and it hasn't worked in years. i mean, even a bird can take this fighter jet down? that's so embarrassing. it's like finding out that the "titanic" was brought down by nemo. seriously, if a tiny bird can destroy a trillion-dollar jet, maybe the pentagon should stop trying to fly the plane and start weaponizing the bird. so while everyday people struggle just to make ends meet, weapons manufacturers are being paid billions of dollars to build a jet that is so riddled with problems, it's basically useless. in fact, the only thing the f-35 might be good for is adding a major plot twist to the new "top gun" movie.
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>> good morning, aviators. this is your captain speaking. today's exercise is dogfight. >> be right with you, maverick. taking off now. en route. ( engine stalling ) oh, no! come on, man! >> what the hell! >> can't get the plane to start. hold on, tom cruise, i'm coming! yes, i've already tried to restart it! no, don't put me on hold! >> sir, we're taking fire. where are you? >> your call is important to us. please stay on the line for the next available representative. ( sighs ). >> this is coming in too fast! i can't shake him! >> awwww! >> is that a bird? hey! get out of here! get out! this is a fragile piece of-- oh!
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no, may day! may day! hey, i'm going down! hey, man, come get me. i can't open it. the door won't open. oh no! oh! oh! i'm sorry, tom cruise. >> trevor: oooh. i'm still going to watch that movie. we need to take a quick break, but when we come back, we'll introduce you to the revolutionary doctor that trump trusts more than dr. fauci so don't go away. tuuck! you want a walk? come on tucker, let's go. tuck, tuck, do you want a walk boy? tucker, do you want to go out?
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this cup has your name on it. if you love chocolate most, this cup has your name on it. not literally, that would be a logistical nightmare. especially if we used last names- woo, then we'd have to do both sides. reese's lovers. yeah, they're back. then we'd have to do both sides. right now, switch to t-mobile and get four lines of unlimited for just $25 bucks a line. with access to america's largest 5g included. that's right. unlimited and nationwide 5g for the whole family for just $25 bucks a line. only at t-mobile. thethree-topping pizza for just $9.99... also the easiest. with new contactless curbside pickup, let us know when you're here
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without ever leaving the safety of your car. no one outpizzas the hut. ♪ and a touch of ♪ leantioxidant elation. ♪, ♪ clean caffeine, sweet like me, ♪ ♪ give your mouth a standing ovation! ♪ >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show." despite efforts to defeat it, coronavirus continues to be the biggest viral sensation that isn't on tik tok. so let's catch up on all the latest in our ongoing segment, "keeping up with corona." for months now, we have been dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. and the good news is many places are doing much better now than they were in march and april. the bad news is they're actually worse than they were last week. >> two european countries who thought they had the virus under control are now seeing cases
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rise. in france, cases were up by a daily average of 850 over the last three days, a higher number than when the country eased its lockdown. >> today's numbers do show covid cases going up. spain's infection rate remains high, with 47 cases in every 100,000. italy and germany's numbers remain lower, but also on the rise. >> australia has reported its highest ever single-day rise in cases. >> hong kong has reported another record daily spike of 145 new coronavirus cases. >> trevor: yes, people. after largely defeating the virus, many countries around the world are now facing the possibility of a second wave. it just goes to show you that coronavirus does not want to go away, like that weird party guest who won't take your hints. "man, it's so late... yeah, and i gotta get up early tomorrow so... give you a hundred bucks to get the (bleep) out of my house."
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it's als wild that plateses like hong kong are calling a second wave. you could fit all those corona cases on a school bus in america-- which, by the way, is betsy devos's "back to school plan." but i don't know what's more depressing, the idea of a second wave or the fact that america has handled the first wave so badly that it's going to have to deal with the second wave at the same time. like when you didn't finish your vegetables at one meal, so your parents saved those vegetables for the next meal and forced you to eat both. "i told you, mom, i'm not coming home if you're going to make me eat 30 years of vegetables! it's not humanly possible! in fact, as much as every country has struggled with covid-19, america is one of the only developed nations that never got the virus under control to begin with. over the past week, the u.s. had 15 times as many new cases per capita as canada and 12 times as many as europe. and one reason why it's still so out of control here is because of stuff like this:
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>> new this morning, governor cuomo is blasting a chain smokers concert that happened in the hamptons because there was no social distancing. video shows massive crowds gathered shoulder to shoulder in front of the stage and no space between people. >> a church in huntington beach defies officials and holds a service on the beach. hundreds of people gathered for the meeting last night. the group's website encouraged people to wear a mask and social distance, but as you can see in this video, people were not wearing masks, and they were definitely not able to social distance. >> police in new jersey busted a massive house party with 700 people. it took officers five hours to disperse hundreds of people from the packed airbnb. >> it was advertised on instagram as a mansion party with free booze, food, and a cash prize for a twerking contest. >> trevor: guys, i can understand getting corona because you wanted to see your grandmother or something, but getting corona because you wanted to watch a twerking contest! there is no reason to risk your health for that.
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unless your grandmother was in the twerking contest. then i can understand. you've got to support your nana's dreams. you know what i mean,nana? to you, girl? also, i understand that people want to go to church, but please people, don't hold church in a tight massive crowd! jesus is supposed to die for you, not the other way around. so, obviously, ordinary americans should be taking the pandemic more seriously. and they could be. but in their defense, it's hard to do that when this is the guy setting the tone from the top. >> overnight, the president went on a twitter spree. among the things that he shared with his more than 84 million twitter followers, a doctor saying you don't need to wear masks. she touted hydroxychloroquine instead. that video has since been removed and flagged by twitter as a violation. >> doctor immanuel here has a large number of baseless claims. she has hailed hydroxychloroquina the so-called cure for the coronavirus. "the daily beast" has also identified her as a pediatrician with a history of making-- quote-- bizarre claims about
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medical topics and other issues, often claiming very questionable things. >> sex is a spiritual transaction, so when you do it by yourself, demons come and join you. when you're doing it in the right way in marriage, god watches over it. >> trevor: okay, both of those situations are not ideal. i mean, obviously, i don't want demons joining me in sex, but i also don't want god watching me have sex. like, what if he's judging me? "cone on, trevor. i know i didn't give you much, but you can work harder than that." but, yes, despite having the world's top doctors at his disposal, trump has decided instead to trust a doctor who believes that people get sick because they masturbate and that vaccines are made from alien d.n.a. and, by the way, whatever you do, please don't start running around saying that african doctors are crazy. this doctor, who's from africa, happens to be crazy. you can't judge her to judge all
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african doctors. are the same way you wouldn't want the world to judge america's presidents based on one guy, would you? so, look, america has two choices right now: limit the spread of corona by following the science, or listen to the advice of internet randos like dr. demon sperm. coming up after the break, i'll try to take lewis black out to dinner. you don't want to miss this. >> let's open the schools, please. >> you said it, mr. president. in our fabulous back-to-school corona sale has the cool gear every kid needs. we have p.p.e., oshkosh bagosh hazmat suits, and crayons that double as nasal swabs. if your toddler is going to stick it up there you might as well get it tested. your child needs to score 100 on their test, 98.6 on their temperature check, pulse ox meters that come in five colors. and a lunch box with dr. birx. order now on
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yeahit' >> what do you tell parents and teachers who feel it's unsayer to go back? >> find yourself a new person whoever is in charge of that decision. >> and pick up some great new back-to-school gear. trolli. [bag crinkling] ♪ welcome to our land hey!♪ ♪ sorry about your hand ♪ but it's better in here, ya it's fun in here ♪ ♪ trolli, trolli, trolli ♪ trolli. [son] mom! yeah... [son] i fell. okay there's bandages in the cabinet. [son] i'm bleeding. grab two. sheba. what cats want.
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daily social distancing show." in new york city and around the country, restaurants are opening back up for outdoor dine. soy checked in with my good friend lewis black to see what thee thinks about all of it. check it out. yo, lewis, i've missed you man. what have you been up to? have you picked up any new quarantine hobbies. >> sure, if you call lying on the floor moaning a hobby. >> trevor: it sound like you need to get out of the house. you know, new york restaurants have outdoor dining. maybe we should meet up for lunch this week. >> i'm touched of all the people you're willing to risk your health for, you thought of me, your one friend most likely to spray spit when he talks. >> trevor: great, you're in?
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>> of course i'm not in! that's the dumbest idea you've ever had! >> trevor: i don't understand. >> first off, i have to put my pants on, and that's become exhausting. if and you're looking for another reason i don't want to eat outside. even before the pandemic outdoor signing sucked and now it's worse than ever. >> as part of new york city's phase two reopening plan restaurants have gotten the green light to welcome customers to dine outside. however, some business owners have complained it's drawing rode ents. now owners are asking city officials to step up sanitation efforts during the busy summer season. >> we're told massive-size rats have invaded the park. nearby restaurants offering outdoor dining are concerned. they're trying to keep their dining areas clean. >> we had this outdoor only seating. we need extermination. do it. >> can you believe that? i don't want to eat at a restaurant next to rats! they're fill filthy, they're
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carry disease and you know they talk too much about their personal lives. >> trevor: wait, did you just have that video clip ready to go? >> don't change the subject, trevor. i'm trying to warn you your next meal out will be fettucine allah plague. >> trevor: there have always been rats in new york. we can still enjoy a nice meal together. >> someone has watched that ratatuey movie one too many times. i have had it up to here with pixar's pro-vermin propaganda. fine, trevor. if rats don't deter you, how about the rest of mother nature. >> the biggest challenge outdoor venues may face is the weather. >> either it's an overcast day and nobody dares to go out, or it rains while they're out. and when it rains while they're out, we can't let them inside. >> you hear that? there's nowhere to go if it rains during your meal. so i'm supposed to eat a burger with one hand while holding an umbrella in another hand? that's not lunch. that's an olympic event. what if you're on a date? you'll have to decide between covering your fries or covering your girlfriend.
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she's not going to like the answer to that because in the pandemic, fries win every time. well, actually, fries win every time! no thanks. the only time i want to get wet while i'm eating is when i'm having my usual shower bake. >> trevor: i'm assuming that's when you eat bacon in the shower. >> don't act like you haven't done it, trevor. >> trevor: okay, but, lewis, come oman. who cares about a little rain? it's fresh air. we're stuck inside. we get to go out. honestly, i think it's worth the risk. >> look, this virus isn't only reason that eating outside is dangerous. it also comes with your more traditional hazards. >> with indoor dining postponed in the city, outdoor seating is one of the few options for restaurants to stay in business. >> but some places are serving customers in the street without any protection from traffic. >> sipping cocktails in the street-- this is curbside dining in hell's kitchen. >> some sprawnts have wooden barricades around their tables but others have less-stable barriers and then there are restaurants without anything
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separating their chairs from traffic. >> typically drivers are pretty good about being cognizant of pedestrians. >> you hear that? typically? cars are good at avoiding pedestrians. how reassuring to know i can have brurch with just a 40% chance of getting t-boned by a honda civic. i like that. it makes sunday morning more special. >> trevor: look, i hear what you're saying, but i think a lot of restaurants are putting up barriers to street traffic. >> no way. i mean, look at these barriers. a potted plant versus an 18-wheeler. i wonder who will win. >> trevor: all right, lewis, forget dinner. how about we just grab a drinj? >> great idea, trevor, it sounds fun and apparently illegal. >> governor cuomo announced stepped up social distancing enforcement making it illegal for restaurants and bars serve people alcohol unless they are also ordering a meal. >> if you're not eating a meal and you're just drinking then it's just an outdoor bar and
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people are mingling, and they're not isolated at individual tables. and that's what we're seeing. >> you can't have alcohol without a meal. alcohol is a meal! >> trevor: yeah, but, withtings with i understand that. if you're just drinking you can be wandering around talking to people, spreading germs. >> look, it's this simple. we could reopen the bars if everyone drank the way i do. stealing a bottle and locking myself in the bathroom. >> trevor: okay, well, then how about this? forget drinks and forget dinner. how about this? you and me, we'll just get on a zoom meeting and play some fun games. how about that. we can play "apples to apples." >> i'd love to trevor, but i'm busy that day. >> trevor: i didn't tell you the day, lewis. >> even better. bye! >> wait, lewis? thanks anyway for that, lewis. when we come back i'll be talking to beyonce's mom about voting rights. i did not misspeak. stay tuned.
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right now, switch to t-mobile and get four lines of unlimited for just $25 bucks a line. with access to america's largest 5g included. that's right. unlimited and nationwide 5g for the whole family for just $25 bucks a line. only at t-mobile. an extra 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies? >>wow...ok! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? idina menzel to sing your own theme song? ♪ tara, tara, look at her go with a fresh cup of joe.
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♪ gettin' down to work early! ♪ following her dreams into taxidermy! oh, it' attorney. ♪ i read that wrong, oh yeeaaaah! geico. save an extra 15 percent when you switch by october 7th. ♪ give it up for tara! when you switch by october 7th. ♪ no one knows where it comes from. hey! stop! ♪ why some have it... ...and some don't. it's the fighting spirit. it consumes fear... ...and weakness. it stands ready to fight, whatever shape the battle takes. [explosions & gunfire] because as long as there are battles... ...there will always be marines. ♪ earlier today, i spoke with tina knowles-lawson and leigh chapman from the leadership conference on civil and human rights. they wrote an open letter urging congress to ensure safe and accessible elections in
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november for all americans. we spoke about that letter, their hope for voting rights, and more. check it out. mrs. tina, leigh chapman, welcome to the "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you, thank you for having us. >> thank you. >> trevor: mrs. tina, i'm going to start with you. you penned an open letter to some of the most powerful people in this country, and in it, you shared so many emotions that many americans share, many mothers share, and many black mothers share, specifically. it was emotional. it was powerful. and the gist of it was the government needs to dedicate money to making sure that everybody has access to voting in the november general election. that was a big step for you to take. what did you hope to achieve from an open letter? >> well, i was hoping with the help of the mothers of the movement and the leadership conference, and some of my friend who signed on to the letter to just make some noise
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about it and bring attention and awareness to it. because, quite honestly, until i started working with the leadership conference i didn't even realize that there was a bill on the table and that it had been approved way back in may by the house of representatives, but that it was sitting ons mitch mcconnell's desk. and i just feel like our right to that money to create a safe environment for people to go out and do their civic duty, you shouldn't have to choose between the two. so it was really important and hopefully, you know, it brought-- it shined a light on that or connected the dots. >> trevor: yeah, that was one of the lines from your letter that really struck a chord with so many people and that was, "weird not have to choose between public health and a functioning democracy." many people do feel like that is going to be the choice that people need to make. it feels like that struck a chord with you on a very personal level. tell me why.
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>> absolutely, because of all the voter suppression, the recent-- the elections that they held and people were waiting for five hours. you know, 650,000 people were registered to vote and they had one voting location. i mean, it's just ridiculous. we're in america. and a lot of people contact-- contracted covid from being out. why could you have to decide between the two when, you know, the government is giving funds to companies, to big business, to help them out, and then you don't want to spend the money to help create a safe environment for us to vote. it's just like a no-brainer. i don't understand it. >> trevor: leigh, you have been instrumental in pushing this course forward. you know, yourself and mrs. tina have become a power duo in moving this idea through the halls of congress, and hopefully through the senate as well. what do you think people miss about this conversation? you know, there are a lot of people who will say, "i don't
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think there's an issue. if you want to wait to vote-- if you want to vote you'll wait to vote. i don't know why people are complaining." what do you think they're missing in the conversation. >> voting really needs to be safe and accessible. and we need to have a democracy where everyone can participate. and that's why we're calling on congress to pass the heroes act because it was provide an initial $3.6 billion in funding during this pandemic so states can mail absentee ballots to voters, so voters can have at least two weeks of early voting where they can safely social distance and cast their ballon. you know, it's so critical that voters have all options to cast their ballot this november. it's really a tragedy, because yesterday the senate introduced the heals act, which actually allocated zero funding for elections. and the next two weeks are going to be critical when it comes to making sure that this election funding is in the final stimulus package that actually passes congress. so that's why miss tina, the
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leadership conference, and our vote campaign is doing everything we can to drive calls to the senate, texts and tweets to make sure that voters don't have to choose between, you know, their health and their vote this year. >> trevor: there are a lot of people in america who are really concerned about the idea of mail-in voting. you know, obviously, the president doesn't help with his tweets and his messages, but there are many americans on the ground who say, "i just don't feel safe with this idea. surely we should go there to deliver our ballots i3 person. aren't we setting ourselves up for some disaster-- votes missing and tampered with." >> vote my mail is safe and secure. five states use exclusively vote by mail. it's something one in four americans used to cast their ballot in 2018. so we're advocating for increased vote by mail, but also increased ways where people can drop it off. like miss tina said, there are absentee drop boxes all across
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washington. california has it. we really need all options for voters to cast their ballots this year. >> trevor: as you said, so many states-- i guess it's a small amount relative to the larger number. are you worried at all that these states will be able to implement it properly. we have seen how american states can botch a new election or new idea, whether it be for the primaries or anything else. are you worried trying to do something new leads to ia disaster and adding more sparks to the flame already burning in this country. >> we are 100 days-- fewer than 100 days out from the election so it's essential that states receive this funding now. because time is running out. so that's why we've been pushing on congress because states need to be able to hire more poll workers. you know, states need to be actually able to purchase more machines, more absentee ballot scanners. so all this takes time and money. so that's why time is of the essence when it comes to making
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sure that states are ramping up vote by mail so voters can cast their ballots this year. >> trevor: it is going to be a contentious year, a year where everyone is watching the polls, even closer than ever before. and it feels like people are going to be in a place where when the election come around we may not know the results for a day, two days, three days, maybe even longer. are you worried at all about what that might do to the country when you have a president who has already started planting the seeds for the idea that mail-in voting is fraud? >> well, you know, what the president is saying through his tweets and through facebook, it's really a scare sactic, plain and simple. you know, turnout is going to be very large this year, and so it is going to take time for local election officials to process those ballots. so it's-- we all need to get comfortable with the fact that we may not know the election results for at least a week after election day. you know, i think americans are
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used to watching the news on election night and getting those instant results. >> trevor: right. >> but we need to let the process play out, let local election officials do their job and, you know, count those ballots. >> trevor: i have to ask you a question about what happened in louisville. that-- that became, like, a very strange point of contention for people in talking around-- about elections. everyone saw the lines. everyone saw people stuck outside. they saw how they had to extend voting hours. but at the same time, fors in louisville said, hey, we had one of the largest turnouts and our mail-in voting worked and really we had to compromise between mail had of in voting and having polling stations open. do you think it has to be a choice? does america have to choose between mail-in voting and having enough polling stations? >> not if it's funded. >> which is exactly what we're talking about. if there is funding available, then there is-- we just don't want to give them any excuses. but i don't think that you should have to-- that one should
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affect the other. they should both be available because it's our right as americans to have that choice. >> yeah, and louisville, kentucky, you know, there was one polling place for over 600,000 voters as tina mentioned earlier. when the polls closed we saw images of voters banging on the doors to get in. you know, when you're in line when the polls close, you're entitled to vote. so they eventually did get in but we shouldn't have long lines. we shouldn't have voters having to bang down the doors in order to cast their constitutional and fundamental right to vote. >> trevor: you're both on the front lines pushing this message in congress, throughout the halls. is there something that people at home can do if they want to help out. >> yes, you go to and "and still i vote" it will put you through the process to call the senators and we need to bombard them with phone calls. and don't give up. just keep going because, you
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know, this is just so important. it is important to all people. but especially black and brown people. there has to be a change, guys. >> and i would just add, you know, register to vote. check to make sure that you're registered. you know, over 17 million voters were purged from the rolls between 2016 and 2018 alone. so double check to make sure you're still on the voter rolls. you know, make a plan to vote, whether that's asking an absentee ballot or vote by mail ballot, whether voting early in person or on election day. know how you're going to get there. know where your polling place is. it's incredibly important we all participate this year. >> have your i.d., the proper i.d. make sure you have your i.d. with you. >> trevor: give them no excuses. thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you so much mrs. tina and leigh.
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that's our show for tonight, but before we go: america is facing a nationwide poll worker shortage and because most poll workers are over 60 and covid is in the air they are understandably not showing up. but fewer poll workers means fewer polling stations open, and it means longer lines that not everybody can afford to stay and wait in, especially in communities of color. but the good news is most poll working is paid, and in some states, you can be as young as 16 to do it. so if you're interested and have the time, this is your chance to save your granny, protec protect democracy and make some paper at the same time. sign up at the link below to learn more. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wash your hands, and if you're able, please twerk from home. and now, here it is, your moment of zen. >> with that objection, the material will be entered into the record. miss dean is recognized. >> mr. chairman, could we take a
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five-minute break. could we take a five-minute break, mr. chairman. >> no. >> that's a common courtesy, mr. chairman of every witness. >> i waited 45-- an hour for you this morning. i haven't had lunch. i'd like to take a five-minute break. >> mr. attorney general, we are almost finished. we-- we're going to be finished in a few minutes. we can certainly take a break. but-- >> you're a real class act. >> yeah. yeah, after this. if you still want one, we'll have a break. >> no, he wants a break now, and you just experienced rudeness. i think we're seeing it on display. ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind - ♪ ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbor ♪
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- ♪ headin' on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] - ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪


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