tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central July 30, 2020 11:00pm-11:45pm PDT
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michael... >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily social distancing show, i'm trevor noah. it's thursday, july 30th which means we're now just 95 days away from the general election. so if you are black, you probably want to start waiting in line now. anyway on tonight's episode president trump casually floats canceling democracy. michael kosta investigates the smartest poop you will ever meet and we'll talk about the life and legacy of breonna taylor. so let's do this, people. welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. >> trevor: let's kick things off with the bad news. or as it is known these days, the news. >> america surpasses 150,000 deaths. the staggering toll with florida, california and texas
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breaking single day death records. >> the u.s. economy shrank at a 32.9% annual rate in the april, june quarter, the worst quarterly plunge ever. >> the labor department says 1.43 million americans filed jobless claims last week. it's the second straight week new unemployment claims have risen. >> lawmakers are still at odds over another stimulus bill with added unemployment benefits expiring tomorrow. >> talks are actually going backwards, not forwards, two months after democrats agreed on their plan, republicans still can't seem to agree on what they want. >> trevor: guys, i don't want to overreact but i'm starting to worry that trump is not going to make america great again and i think i could see what the problem is here, guys. see, the economy is cratesserring. but the covid deaths are rising. so clearly what america needs to do here is just switch the titles on these two charts. see? now the economy is up, and covid is down.
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everything is fine. you know one of the most de pressing aspects of this situation is how badly the republicans are blowing it. deaths are mounting. job losses are risk again, benefits are running out tomorrow and they just started to come up with a plan like a few days ago. like if your government can't help when things are thissed ba, then you don't really have a government. are you just paying people to watch this shit along with you, it is bad enough millions of unemployment people are about to lose the $600 a week lifeline they have been getting. but in the mean time the coronavirus death toll is still rising by a thousand people every day. and while president trump has done his best to ignore the victims, this morning the pandemic claimed one of his prominent friends and supporters. >> this just in to cnn. trump ally and former u.s. presidential candidate herman cain died after battling coronavirus. cain attended president trump's june 20th rally in tulsa. and recently bragged about the president's independence day
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celebration writing quote masks will not be mandatory for the event which will be attended by president trump. people are fed up. >> trevor: look, regardless of what herman cain thought about the coronavirus, every loss of life to this disease is tragic. and hopefully this will serve as a wake-up call to a lot of people who shared herman cain's mindset. coronavirus doesn't care about your political party. it doesn't care if you like trump. it doesn't even care if you believe it's real. it is real. and it is deadly. so socially distance whenever you can and please wear a mask. >> you can enwear a mask sarcastically for all i care, look at me, i'm wearing a mask, i'm so much safer now, that's fine, just put it on. so with the economy in crisis mode and deaths continuing to soar, obviously this is bad for president trump's re-election hopes. and today trump came up with a brilliant new strategy for the election. just don't have one. >> fox news alert, some breaking news this hour. a tweet from the white house, president trump tweeting out a
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short time ago on the upcoming presidential election. >> with universal mail-in voting, not absentee voting which is good, 2020 will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history. it will be a great embarrassment to the u.s.a. delay the election until people can properly securely and safely vote, question mark. >> to be very clear the president cannot do that. the constitution is unambiguous about this. that congress, not a president who may have their own self-interest in mind, gets to decide when the leader of the united states is elected. and to his other point, there is no evidence, of course, of wide spread voter fraud through mail-in voting even in states with all mail-in votes. >> trevor: that's right, trump isn't actually allowed to delay the election. although not being allowed to do something has never stopped him before. like we'll still have the election on november 3rd. but he will probably just add a hundred days to august. and sure, maybe the court
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overturns it, but that might not happen until august 73rd. i mean this is an an kurd suggestion, i no he, we can't reschedule the election, for starters, both candidates are like 200 years old, we have to keep things moving. i'm not even sure if trump understands what an alarming proposal is, this is basically the move of a dictator. trump is casually throwing it out with a tweet with a bunch of question marks, be a group text to bail on happy hour. hey y'all, november 3rd is not great, maybe we reschedule to 2021. what do you think? huh? and just by the way, do you remember a few years ago when i said trump was an african dictator? yeah, yeah, people acted like i was crazy. but this is how it starts. first they just suggest that maybe you postpone the election. then they suggest that some of the votes are not valid. and pretty soon they're saying you know what is really unfair, that there are two political parties, why are there two political parties. let's just have one. then you don't have to worry about making all these decisions
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any more! america is mine! and oh and by the way, i don't know if you remember but three months ago joe biden predicted that trump would try to delay the election. and this is how trump react offed back then. >> i never even thought of changing the date of the election. why would i do that. november 3-rd. it's a good number. no, i look forward to that election. and that was just made up propaganda. >> trevor: oh, i love me some fake trump outrage. how dare you. i won't sink that low for at least three more months. and just by the way, november 3rd is a good number. what does that have to do with anything. elections aren't decided based on whether the date say cool number. if it was, every election what be held on june 9th. but look, regardless of an insane tweet, the chances are that trump will not be able sto move the election which means he's going to have to am could up with a plan to win it the old-fashioned way. by using race.
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>> president trump is facing scrutiny for his words about suburbs. he made the comment while housing rule aimed at fighting racial discrimination, as trump works to court white su pur ban voters with. >> there will be no more low-income housing forced into the suburbs. i abandoned and took away and just rescinded the rule. >> the obama era rule forced local governments that receive federal housing funds to assess patterns of racial housing discrimination and submit plans to eliminate it on wednesday the president tweeted i'm happy to inform all the people living their suburban lifestyle dreams that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low-income housing built in your neighborhood. your housing prices will go up based on the market. and crime will go down, enjoy. later in texas the president reaffirming that message. >> i have seen corn flict for years. it's been hell. for suburbia. we rescinded the rule three days ago, so enjoy your life, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your life.
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>> trevor: okay, first of all suburban lifestyle dream sounds like the world's lamest katy perry song but in case it wasn't clear. trump is saying he is going to stop black people from moving too white people's neighborhoods. i mean it's not even subtle enough to call that a dog whistle. it's too loud. more like a dog steel drum. i won't let the black people live near you. ♪. >> now look, i don't know why having black people move into your neighborhood is a bad thing. but apparently, it is so scary that trump campaign has already made it into a horror movie. >> they were living the dream lifestyle. they thought the high property values would never end. until one day, from the team that brought you migrant caravans comes a whole new-- fear, what happens when your street goes from suburban
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i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪finally! the crispiness of ritz and the bold taste of cheese... together in one perfectly "critzpy" bite. well, a few bites. who's gunna eat just one? new ritz cheese crispers crispy, cheesy, critzpy ritz been there, done that. twice your cousin. from boston. karen, i'm just gonna say what everyone here is thinking. you look smokin. total smokeshow. and they never did find his finger. they had to close the pool for like an hour. ♪ i brought a date. name's sam. dig in. love is like boston lager. rich, complex and it's over too soon. right, chrissy? oh my god. ♪
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theyeah, they're identical.e. oh my god. actually, they're not. house 2 also has antioxidant vitamin c. antioxidant... -then we'll take house 2. congratulations! given the choice, why wouldn't you choose the one with antioxidant vitamin c? choose vizzy hard seltzer. show. you know as the world caming to over the past few ponts to protest against racial injustice the name george floyd has been chanted all over the globe. but there's another name which initially didn't get a lot of attention but has slowly become the kalleing call for people crying out for justice and change. and that name is breonna taylor. >> public pressure is now mounting, with protests and
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celebrities speaking out. >> breonna taylor's life mattered. >> do you know what happened to breonna taylor. >> celebrities from ali wong, kerry washington and cardi b saying her name. >> do you foe breonna taylor's story, her whole story. >> i want her family to know and i want the state of kentucky to know that we feel for her and we want justice. >> the wnba dedicating the season to social justice. >> we are dedicating this season to breonna taylor, an outstanding emt who was murdered over 130 days ago. >> for the first time in 20 years oprah winfrey is giving up the cover of her o magazine, putting the late breonna taylor on it instead. >> trevor: yes, from lebron james to oprah winfrey, meghan markle to the wnba, the tidal wave of sport for breonna taylor has been swelling day by day. and this support has even spread to social media platforms like instagram and tiktok which is
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fan task tu but it also comes with downside, because if you are online you have probably see breonna taylor turned in another meme whether it is putting her name on a -- or mentioning her dead in some caption over a random selfie. and the truth is, this is like a weird amalgam of a fie a few things. you have this relatively new phenomenon of using social media to push for justice and reform which is good. but the downside of that, the downside is social media is a medium that doesn't always use do sincerity as well. it doesn't do self-lessness well, it struggles to give-- it the gravity it de servings. so you have maybe well intentioned people who want to keep the name trending and breonar taylor get social justice but essentially using her name as a punch line. the reason obama didn't-- today on the show, as painful as it is, i wanted to take the time to either remind people or inform
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people about the stories breonna tay already. in the as a slogan or post on your social media feed. but as a human being. breonna taylor, she is more than just a movement, a hashtag or a moment. >> the 26 year old was an emt working in emergency rooms at two hospitals and helping respond to the coronavirus outbreak. >> she loved to help people. breonna loved family. she just was-- she was a very sweet person. and she went out of her way for anybody. >> 26 and full of life. this is breonna taylor. etched in her family's memory, dancing with friends. >> everything going to be all right. >> sunging her favorite song, buying her dream car. >> she loved life, she loved to be around friends and family. she just, she had it figured out. >> that's right. breonna taylors with a friend, a daughter, and emt worker,
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working to help save people's lives and apparently one hell of a tiktok dancer. and by the way, it's actually nice to see the news covering a black person's death at the hands of plises by using their good pictures, not that one picture that makes us look like we robbed a bank, we know breonna taylor was a great person because if she had jay walked once the news would have been like freak jay walker and occasional emt breonna taylor was sadly killed by police. so for 26 years breonna taylor lived her life to the fullest. but then on a random night out of know where the louisville police department turned her into a statistic. >> on march 13th as breonna and her boyfriend kenney walker lay asleep in their bed, plain clothes police officers broke down their door using a battering ram, on a no knock drug warrant. kenney thinking intruders were violently breaking in, grabbed his licensed gun. >> walker says they didn't say they were the police before he fired off a shot from a gun.
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the officers responded with a hail of gunfire. >> when the door comes off, hinges it happened fast. like it was like an explosion. >> walker said he purposefully aimed his gun towards the ground. sergeant john mattingly was strug in the-- struck in the leg and one of three officers who returned fire. detective brett hajjinson was standing outside and fired ten roundings through a closed and curtained patio door. according to louisville police chief, his blind shooting displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life. the gunshot went through walls, windows, bullet holes were found everywhere, in the kitchen, bedroom, in a neighbor's department with small children nearby. multiple neighbors called 911 asking for police, only finding out later it was the police. >> you know almost every time we hear a story involving a police shooting i'm always shocked at how badly trained and not in control the police seem. breonna taylor's boyfriend was lying in bed, heard his door get
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smashed in, grabbed his legal fire arm and had the presence of mind to try and injure the intruder by aiming down. but the cops who were supposed to be trained professionals burst in like they get paid by the bullet. and for anyone who has the audacity to blame breonna boyfriend for shooting at the cop, please answer this. if america tells people to get a gun to defend themselves from the intruders but the cops are breaking down the door without knocking, what are you supposed to do. toll an innocent person there is zero difference of from a no knock raid a and home invasion. if someone busts down your door you will think they are intruder, no the no, the cops might be here or uber eats is coming in hot. it would be weird if you didn't use your gun in that situation. i mean if not them, what will you saving it for. to be honest, we shouldn't even be calling these things no knock raids. that gives them too much credit. we should just drop it and cul it what it is, a home invasion where police get to act like they are in a video game. the police break down the door without warning.
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they shoot breonna taylor eight times in her own house. and what makes the story even more tragic is that the cops should never have even been in that house in the first place. >> police got five warrants approved, four were for suspected drug dealers and suspected drug houses, lumped into that with similar language was the warrant for breonna taylor's apartment. under the suspicion she was involved with handling money and drugs for an alleged louisville drug dealer, her ex-boyfriend jamarcus glomplet she hadn't dated glover in months. a package police say they saw glover pick up at taylor's department was likely a pair of shoes according to the family attorney and despite what officers were told before the raid, breonna taylor certainly did not live alone. when it was all over, police found no drugs, no money in her apartment. >> before going too breonna taylor's home police were actually warned she would be very little threat if no threat at all. >> trevor: yeah, they used bogus intel, and they came in
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guns blazing. even though they knew she wasn't a threat. every step. way this investigation ran, the police screwed up. they made a million mistakes which is a million more than any black person is ever allowed to make. and honestly with the amount of mistakes that the police made throughout the entire process, i don't even know if it is fair to call them mistakes at this point. because a mistake is something you do by accident. but these cops blatantly ignored so many protocols and so much information, at some point it moves from a mistake to just actively not giving a [bleep]. and bad enough when you learn what these people did in the heat of the moment. but in a way what is even worse is what they did when they had the time to think. >> breonna taylor was alive for several minutes after police shot her five times. and for more than 20 minutes after taylor was fatally shot, taylor, 26, lay where she fell in her hallway receiving no medical attention according to
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dispatch laws. you see her boyfriend after the shooting being a rested here in the parking lot. police tried to charge him with attempting to kill police officers but those charges were later dropped. >> a recently released police disinlt report from that night is mostly blank. it claims there was no forced entry. it does list taylor as the vuk tim of a crime, under injuries it says none, even though taylor was shot eight times. >> trevor: it is one thing to quote unquote shoot someone accidentally eight times but leaving her on the floor without any medical attention, that isn't an accident. that is just a blatant disregard for black lives. and on top of all of that, the cops submitted a mostly blank incident report, really? you really couldn't think of anything that you could write on that report, not even oh, we [bleep] up. these officers were so bad they couldn't even solve the murder that they commit. and right now the attorney general of kentucky says that they are investigating breonna taylor's killing. but it has been four months. and in that four months they
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seem to find away to arrest somebody, it has bb four months since breonna taylor was shot and killed in her own home, so far no charges filed ginsz the three white officers involved. by comparison though, this week it took just one day to file felony charges against more than 80 protesters who went to the home of kentucky attorney general calling for justice in breonna's killing. >> every single day in america we're reminded that there are different criminal justice systems depending on who you are. there is one for the rich. and there's one for the poor. there is one for white people, and there's a different one for black people. and apparently there is also one for those who oppose police brutality and for those who commits it. i won lie, the one hope that i have seen from this is the protests are getting results. because a few months ago almost nobody had heard of this case. but now thanks to people taking to the streets and relentlessly
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pushing for justice, some changes are being made. including breonna's law. which bans no-knock warrants in louisville. but the truth is we have so much more work to do. because what happened to breonna taylor is not just a few bad cops, it st not even really just about the cops. it is also the legislature that gave them the power to break into houses, the judge that signed the warrant, the police department that didn't act against these officers and the county that charged the protestors for challenging these rules. in other words, what happened to breonna taylor wasn't a failure of the system, it was the system working as its intended. and that is why people are fighting for the system to be changed. we'll be right back. this... watch... tells... time and takes phone calls. and communicates with satellites thousands of miles above the earth and tracks your distance underwater
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social distancing show. with the rate of coronavirus keeps rising here in the u.s. there has been a raging debate about whether or not the official numbers are accurate, michael kosta investigates a new method for detecting covid that may solve the mystery in this incredibly scientific and mature report human excrement, is an important part of the digestive process and difficult to clean out of a wedding tuxedo but may be saving our livers. >> finding potential hot spot of the coronavirus through sewage, a method scientists hope will help us stay safe in the future. >> that is a bio bot, a tech company started by a few m.i.t. grads is doing right now, to treat this important story with the gravity it deserves, i decided to not make any juvenile poop jokes. >> i'm going to make two, two-- three, i get to make three
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poop jokes in this segment. but that's it. starting now. so bio bot is based on a very simple concept. everybody mes and poops every day. >> how do you know that. >> has every person you have ever met pooped and peeed. >> okay so it is not a formal study. >> we no that waste contains a rich source of information on our health and well-being. our doctors look at it all the time to understand things that are going inside your body. but every day we're flushing this information down the toilet so at by obot we're collecting samples at the waste water treatment facilities in our cities. >> you know what this reminded me of, when i take my dog for a walk and he take this giant load on the sidewalk. typically i will leave it there but sometimes i look at it and i say oh wow, looks like my dog ate a tennis ball there is
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yellow felt everywhere, maybe we have to take him to the vet. is that essentially what you are doing but for us. >> yeah, absolutely, exactly. in the same way that we can tell a lot about a person by analyzing their gut, we can tell a lot about a community by analyzing sewage. >> who came up with this? was this the germans am they love this kind of stuff. >> no, so this field, the field of waste water epidemiology has been around for about a decade or so, but bio bot is the first company in the world that is commercializing the technology. >> so poop has uses besides leaving an upper decker in the executive bathroom at work. funny, right? it also contains a wealth of information about any chemicals we con sum. >> we designed our first product around understanding the consumption of various different types of open yoad-- opioid drugs things like cochain. >> check. >> marijuana. >> check, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin. >> check wnd nicotin. >> only when i'm do number two t
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helps with the smell. >> let's talk about privacy for a moment. should i opt out of this by shitting in a bucket. >> what is great about sewage is when we collect a sample we actually can't tie that back to an individual person. >> okay, that's good. >> let's talk about covid-19. how did you start testing sewage for that. >> about two months ago when the scope of the coronavirus outbreak became clear we developed the method to actually detect the virus in sewage and also start to quantity fie it some of our initial findings actually showed that in a community in massachusetts there are about 450 confirmed clinical cases of coronavirus. and yet our samples on that same day suggested that there were up to 100,000 cases. >> so biobot launched a national campaign asking cities around the u.s. to send them their poop. at this point the company is
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working with waste treatment facilities in 42 states, and analyzing the crap of more than 10% of the population. >> so every time i a take a number two i'm tallly helping the country t is my civic doody. >> we imagine that this is going to become very critical data in helping governments evaluate when and how to reopen our cities again. >> as america reopens, waste water testing can tell us in realtime if covid cases are increasing and whether it's really safe to go back to normal life, like pooping at the office, in a starbucks bathroom or even on the street between parked cars. damn i miss that. >> there will be another public health crisis like the one today. and having something like this in place before hand can really act as an early warning so that we're not blind sided again. >> i know this is a hectic time and we appreciate your expertise, but i actually have
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to go, i have to drop my kids off at the pool, no, that is not a joke, stop. i'm serious, my kids have swimming lessons right now t say private pool. >> thank you so much for that, michael. so mature. when we come back, i will be talking to nadia murad, a human rights activist who survivorred being in prison by isis, so stay
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e daily social distancing show. earlier today i spoke with nadia murad, an iraqi yazidi human rights ak vus an nobel peace prize winner, we talked about how she sur is vived sighs is and advocacy for all the others of genocide and sexual violence. welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> thank you so much for having
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me. and it my honor to be with you and joining you today. before we start i just want to remind you viewers that today is the world's day against human trafficking. tand is our collective responsibility to end the human trafficking. and i hope everyone can help to he raise awareness about this top you can. >> you have spoken about this and i think that is why your story is so powerful. because many people thought of isis and you know, there was a point where it was all that was in the news. and once the larger caliphate was defeatedded, people thought the story was finished but you have been an advocate speaking out saying there are so many women who are still the victims of sex trafficking and sexual have a lens at the hands of isis, at the hands of this
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islamic state, that is trying to create terror through the abuse of women's bodies. what are some of the things that you think the international community could be doing to help? >> you know, i wish that our what is happening to us right now after six years of what i, i wish it was done when they killed baghdadi but it is not the reality. the reality is that we have until today we have 2,000 in ca. my sister-in-law, my niece, my nephews, we have more than 85 m% of the yazidi community displaced. our homeland is destroyed. and what, i just cannot just for one or two day, i just-- left
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behind a community that would not recover without the support of the international community. >> trevor: a year ago you met with the president of the united states donald trump and in the oval office. and i actually want to show a little clip of that meeting. >> i hope you can call or call the government to. >> but isis is gone. >> but if i. >> now it is kurdish. >> and iraqi government, if i cannot go to my home and leave in a safe place, and get my-- we cannot find a safe place to live. all this happened to me, they kept may mom, my sister and brothers. >> where are they now. >> they killed them. they are in the-- i'm still fighting just to live in safe. please do something. >> trevor: he had to explain to him the situation on the
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ground. since then have you heard back or has anything changed or has anything been done to try and remedy what is happening to the yazidi and especially the women? >> with the u.s. government we have been doing a lot of work. vice president mike pence, he from the beginning, he is a big supporter of our case, to yazidis. i think one of the most difficult challenges i have faced, is that my community was not well-known to other people. there is not a large presence around the world and it was difficult for me to exchange with them who we are, what happened to us. i think 20 days later i had again in france, in the g7, in france i think they got the message. and this was, this was my work
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for advocating for my community and many communities around the world, to make sure that people really know what happened to us. so they would try to do something like yazidi or others will not go through that. >> when we see images of people who are fleeing countries as refugees, oftentimes we are told the story especially in western media that these people want to look for a better life in another country but you talk about how much pride people have for their homeland. how much people want to go home. do you think that if the iraqi government and the international community could come together to fix these regions and rehabilitate what has happened, do you think people will come back? >> you know, i don't think those people that have already made it to europe or canada or other places will go back. because they are seeing other people-- but why i started to
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focus on my homeland as someone who was kidnapped, as someone without lived as a refugee, displayed is because i knew that no one is trying to take more refugee -- refuges and they can help us an other small communities and other countries for people can go back but without support and safety we cannot go back. i can't tell you that i'm not having to be a refugee after spending my entire life with my family, you always wanted to stay in your home and it is not something that i wish to not-- it's not that easy. >> trevor: right, the fk that you faced so many atrocities at the hands of isis, you have been through things that no human being koafer imagine going through, and yet you have used it to become an advocate for the
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change you want to see. and you're trying to move the world into a more positive place. where did you find the strength or what keeps you going in a fight that seems so unwinnable sometimes. >> since the first day, it's not something i can came from. i was a family that we were 11 siblings. my mother raised us on her own. she was a single mother. it was not easy for her. think came to me, my family, my community, they write us, they killed my mother. they my brothers who left behind them six widows with 21 minor children, like so many other people, many other yazidi families who are still waiting to to one day, to see
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our family members, bury them in our homeland. i don't think it is something that i want to do it. i am not happy with all these things because i was part of what happened. but i have no other choice. >> trevor: i guess that is the painful truth. you don't have a choice. and i feel like if everyone in the world felt like they didn't have a choice then hopefully government was step up and do something about it, and especially on a day like today, hopefully we can stand together and have the right people hear the message that we have to try and fight against sex trafficking and the trafficking of women around the world no matter where or how it is happening. >> thank you is much for having me. and forgive forgive pie english was not very good. to study haro finish high school,. thank you, everyone, thank you so much. >> trevor: thank you so much. thank you again for that nadia.
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well, that's our show for tonight. but before we gt i wanted to remind you that america is facing a nationwide poll worker shofortage. now because most poll workers are over 60 and coronavirus is still in the air, many of them are understandably not showing up. but fewer poll workers means fewer polling stations are open and means longer lines that not everybody can afford to stay an wait in. so the good news is most poll workers are paid and in some states poll workers can be as young as 16 to join in. now i just wanted to say thank you because over the past few weeks we partnered with power to the polls to ask all of you to join in if you can and over 60,000 of you have signed up. so thank you to all of you for giving your time to save your granny and protect democracy. if you haven't signed up yet but you want to jin, all you have to do is go to the link below. until next time, stay safe, wash your hands and now here it is, your moment of zen. >> and that's what john lewis
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teaches us. that's where real courage comes from. not from turning on each other. but by turning towards one another. not by sowing hatred and division but by spreading love and truth. what a gift john lewis was. we are all so lucky to have had him walk with us for awhile and show us the way. gd bless you all. god bless america. god bless this gentle soul who pulled us closer to his promise. captioning spons - wow. late every day this week. - we signed ceci up for this daycare, and it's on the other side of town.
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the traffic-- - why didn't i think of this before? did you know that there is a daycare center opening right here in this building? - now that i - isown the building, i'm looking for new sources of revenue. and a daycare center? [malicious laugh] well, i guess it's not an evil idea, it's just a regular idea, but there's no good laugh for a regular idea. welcome to the sesame avenue daycare center for infants and toddlers. - aah! - whoa! - you remember my cousin mose? - welcome, children. - were you painting in the dark? - wait, is this your place, dwight? - oh, no, no, i like to think of it as the kids' place. would you like a tour? - i don't think we really need-- - oh, let's take the tour, pam. - yeah. - come on. here is the language skills and cognitive development area. these are english, uh, letters. i see you found our magical toy box, jim. - these are actually forks and knives from the break room.
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