tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central August 11, 2020 1:15am-2:01am PDT
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well tomorrow-- welcome to the daily social distancing show, i'm trevor noah it is monday august 109, if you are headed back to school now, remember get the bullies to cram you into a locker. from a medical standpoint that is probably the safest place you can be. anyway, on tonight's episode nasa is kicking racism out of space, jaboukie young white has found joe biden perfect vp. and why president trump deserves to go on mount rushmore, let's do this, people. welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is
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the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. in the wake of the black lives matter protests that swement the globe, people have started to examine every part of our society to try and root out the underlying biases that exist. from the police to corporate hiring practices and even pancake syrup. and with all the problems having been solved, now we are moving to outer space. >> nasa is re-examining some of the nicknames it uses for distant objects in outer space. the scientific community sometimes refers to those cosmic objects using unofficial names. nasa says the problem is that some of the names are insensitive and even actively harmful. for example, the nick nickname for a planetary nebula ngc2392 was eskimo nebula, they are also doing away with the term siamese twins galaxy used to refer to a
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pair of spirl galaxies in the virgo cluster. >> trevor: that's right, people. nasa is making space woke. and i'm fine with renaming stuff as long as they don't try and change the name of black holes. i don't want to hear no urban holes, or underprivileged holes, they are black and they are proud. if nasa wants real change, they should cancel the moon, yeah, i said it the moon is racist as hellk big white thing constantly following me around like it thinks i'm going to steal something at night, [bleep] moon. here is an idea for nasa. they always have budget problems and they are going to rename things in space. they might as well make money off of it. why don't they sell the naming rights of objects they find. >> this just in earth is on a collision course with the steak-umm100% all beaf steak frozen asteroid, may god have mercy. >> ahht is the steak-upm beaf asteroid. >> honestly any change to be more socially aware is progress.
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now that i think about t we should probably stop using the term alien all together. because what if they come down to earth and they are offended. >> welcome to earth, aliens. >> what? did you just call me the a word. that's so offensive. >> no, i was am not like that, i love et. moving on to international news out of lebanon. it has been a week since the tragic warehouse explosion in beirut that killed 200 people and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes. and now for the residents of that city, grief is turning into rage. >> overseas now to beirut where anger is boiling over, nearly a week after that devastating and deadly explosion. >> the ammonium night rate custom officials say was neglect ledge ently stored here despite repeated mistakesk may have been the spark for wider movement. >> protestors took to the streets throughout the book end and now at least three key government officials have resigned. >> their demand is clear.
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revolution. >> this weekend thousands of protestors called for a new government in lebanon and clashed with security forces. sent in to dispercent them. the demonstrators briefly occupied government buildings until they were pushed out. >> yeah, after discovering that government officials repeatedly ignored warnings about the chemicals that caused that massive explosion, the people of lebanon have taken to the streets. and believe it or not, this explosion is just the tip of the iceberg because for years now the people of lebanon have been complaining about rampant corruption in all levels of government and how bigger countries are using them as a political pawn. and you know things are bad when the people are saying look, if is not just about the explosion that blew up half the city. but lebanon is yet another example of this larger pattern around the world. of countries having to deal with multiple major crises at one time. deciding which problem to tackle first is like deciding what to watch on netflix. keep scrolling through and more
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and more shit gets added, i could have worn ftd island wasn't on this list a few moments ago. but let's move on. with coronavirus now spiking in the midwest, the u.s. has officially hit five million cases with more than 160,000 people dead. and with schools already reopening in parts of the country, a new report says that 97,000 children contracted the virus in just the last two weeks of july. but despite all of that, there are still a lot of americans doing stuff like this. >> there are growing concern this morning that tens of thousands of bikers converging on sturgis, south dakota could be taking part in the superspreading of covid-19. officials have added beds at area hospitals with fears that an uptick in the virus could be just weeks away. >> the sturgis motorcycle rally is at full throttle in south dakota. >> upwards of 400,000 bikers and guests jammed the region with
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few visible signs of the coronavirus pandemic. throngs of maskless bikers packed the street. >> large crowds packed together at concerts and bars, with very few masks in sight. >> trevor: yes, you see, some people look at the global pandemic and see the glass half empty. and some other people smash the glass on the side of their head and go whooo! because yeah, of course bikers don't care about coronavirus. these are the same people who already said [bleep] you to seatbelts and air bags. not following safety precautions gives them a rush. they would fly on the outside of a plane if they could. now look, on the one hand maybe bikers are less likely to catch coronavirus because they're riding outside. but on the other hand, they also like to ride in long lines. i mean, one person sneezes at the front and they're all screwed. if you ask me though, these bikers are going to be fine. have you ever seen a movie about the apocalypse, who sleft behind. bikers.
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the only people left behind, always bikers. they are driving around having a good time. i have seen mad max. there wasn't a single epidimiologist. now while the u.s. is struggling to get coronavirus under control, it is also continuing to deal with the economic fallout of the pandemic. and although congressional republicans eventually agreed with democrats that the country needs another round of coronavirus relief, the two sides have been unable to reach an agreement on what that should look like. >> nancy pelosi wants to extend the 600 dollars a week benefit. while mitch mcconnell wants to give people just enough to starve. luckily for america, there is an excellent deal maker who lives in the white house. but because she's busy in the rose garden her husband came up with this. >> this morning there is confusion and controversy about president trump's new executive actions on coronavirus relief. on saturday trump signed four executive actions that would extend unemployment benefits, curb evictions, provide relief to student borrowers and suspend collection of payroll taxes.
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but democrats are bashing the president's moves. they say he is exceeding presidential authority and that his orders actually accomplish far less than meets the eyewitnesses a lot of the claims president trump made at his new jersey golf club this weekend simply don't add up. he says he is preventing eviction but in reality his order directs federal agencies to consider whether halting evictions is necessary. even some republicans are accuse the president of making promises he constitutionally can't keep. republican senator ben sasse calls the president's executive action unconstitutional slop. >> damn, unconstitutional slop. i thought it was the inflight-- spirit airlines, the real joke is we don't serve meals, you have to give it to trump, he knows that congress is so good luck that they can make even him look good. >> it doesn't matter if his executive orders are illegal or toothless or completely unworkable. he understands that even the appearance of doing something is
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better than the appearance of going on recess in the middle of a recession which is what congress is doing. although congress will tell that you they aren't on recess. >> yeah, apparently they are just at home. but they will come back if there is a deal which there won't be because they're not working. but they're not on recess, so don't call it recess, they're just not working, which is not recess. just home. >> and don't get me wrong. some of these ideas that trump proposed are actually good ones. i mean suspending student loan payments makes a lot of sense right now and banning evictions is a great idea. even though i'm pretty sure that trump only wants that because he thinks it means he can't get kicked out of the white house. as for these other ideas trump has created a mess. he wants to extends unemployment insurance but even if he can convince the court that he is allowed to do that without congress, it only works if states agree to foot part of the bill. and by freezing the pay kol-- payroll tax he will either hit people with a huge bill when if is unfrozen or he might have to cut social security because
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it gets its money from the payroll tax. so in many ways, trump executive orders are like those coupons that you get, you know, where it says the good news in big letters. free value meal. but then on the bottom in small print it says if-- so once again president trump has tried to solve the problem and ended up creating a bigger meses. but if you are wondering whether he thinks he's doing a good job, well, here's one indication. >> president trump may be pushing to have his face added to mount rushmore. the president has been public about his admiration of the monument. he spoke there during the july 4th weekend. now "the new york times" says the white house reached out to south dakota's governor last year asking about the process of adding presidents. the governor is quoted as saying the president has expressed sincere interest in the idea. >> that's right. trump thinks that he deserves to be on mount rushmore.
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and honestly, i agree with him. i think we should put trump on mount rushmore. but not a carving, i think we should actually put him on mount rushmore. no phone, no internet, problem solved. actually, i wouldn't even mind trump's face being carved into mount rushmore, you know, just as long as they choose the right picture. because there are a lot of trump faces that i could get behind. you know, like how about trying to catch a baseball trump. or hair blowing in the wind trump. and who says it has to be a face. let's just throw trump's tennis ass up there. huh? the point is this could be the monument that finally brings all of america together. because liberals will look up and be like look at that ass and conservatives will look up and be like look at that ass. okay. we are have to take a quick break but stay tuned because jaboukie young white has found joe biden's vp. joe biden's vp. yeah, we'll be right back.
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download the xfi app today. been there, done that. twice your cousin. from boston. karen, i'm just gonna say what everyone here is thinking. you look smokin. total smokeshow. and they never did find his finger. they had to close the pool for like an hour. ♪ i brought a date. name's sam. dig in. love is like boston lager. rich, complex and it's over too soon.
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sit! i said sit! ♪ welcome back to the daily social distancing show. we're now just 85 days away from the 2020 presidential election. which make this a great time to start 3900 mile journey to your nearest polling location. it also means it's time for our continuing coverage of votegasm2020. in one week the democratic national convention kicks off. and joe biden will officially accept the party nomination and then say how happy he is to be at the grammy awards. it also means that any day now we'll be finding out who biden chooses to be on the ticket with him. >> joe biden is set to make his
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most important choice any day now, his running mate. the presumptive democratic nominee huddled with family at his home in ro ho both beach as he closed in on his most important decision, leading cam contendser kament alabama harris, susan rice and michigan governor gretchen whitmer who flew to delaware last weekend for an in-person interview. senators warren and tammy duckworth and congresswoman karen bass and val demings also still being considered. >> trevor: this is going to be tough. all of those candidates are definitely qualified to be biden's vp. but when making his choice biden has to consider all of their po tensioner landmines for him. susan rice has benghazi baggage. kamala harris was a strict prosecutor, gretchen whitmer is white and karen bass has made weird comments about fidel castro and scientology. so this is a really difficult decision. it is like the bachelor. except here there is a chance a
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black woman might get picked. and i understand that he has to be careful. but there is something ironic that joe biden is the one looking for a running mate with zero flaws. i don't know if she will, without. she said the wrong thing one time ten years ago. and if i know all black people, they won't like that. >> but look, only joe biden foes who he is going to pick. so guessing who it could be is just pointless speculation. so let's do some pointless speculation and to help us with that, let's go to jaboukie young white. jaboukie, thanks for joining us, man, there is no perfect choice in this, but who do you think biden should pick as his vice president. >> you know trevor, there is a very obvious choice here. and when we're looking at vice presidents you really want in general someone who exciting but specifically for biden we need someone diverse and someone who will round out the ticket. and the only person without can do that is cardi b. >> trevor: cardi b, the rap
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sner. >> yeah. >> trevor: you can't be serious. >> oh, no, yeah, i'm dead serious, trevor. i mean think about it. young people will vote for her. progressives will vote for her because she campaigned for bernie, all right. she's also diverse. she gets in the minority vote. and we're missing this part here in a lot of other candidates. she brings in a huge community that has exploded since the beginning of quarantine which is the horny community. >> trevor: i don't know, jaboukie, i mean i love cardi b but she can be real controversial. she just came out with a song entitled wet ass pussy. you know the republicans will use this to try and hit biden. >> okay, that's not his pussy, trevor, it's hers. and those conservatives are being hypocrites, okay. they just happened to watch the video on accident, and then accidentally watched the video again. and again and again until they just exploded online? >> no.
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that doesn't make any sense. and i mean they were fine. they were perfectly okay with trump saying that he would grash people by the pussy. they are trying to get kayne to run and kayne once said i will put the pussy in a sarcophagus, that is murder. >> trevor: okay, i guess that is fair but how does cardi b bring in voters for biden? i mean we don't know any of her ideas. >> well, trevor, the policy is in the music. you just have to listen. i mean if you watch the video, she is doing all of this in the factories she is super proworkers rights. and then on climate change, how do you think the pussy got wet in the first place? sea level is now vagina level. >> trevor: so you really, really think that cardi b should be biden's vp? >> definitely, trevor. look, i want biden to pick cardi b because think about how great it would be to sea cardi b on
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that stage in that dress debating mike pence. he would evaporate into a puddle of oat milk immediately. we just be like oh, oh, mother says i can't-- mother-- he wouldn't know what to do. he would malfunction. look. clearly cardi is the pick that america needs. she is someone who can inspire people, inspire women to believe in themselves. and take what's rightfully theirs. and she lets all of us know that in america we're ready for some big, veiny, thron throbbing, juicy structural change. cardi b for-- . >> trevor: jaboukie young white, thank you very much. when we come back i'll be tucking to representative pramila jayapal so don' ♪ i was born and raised on the river ♪
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social distancing show, earlier today i spoke with representative pramila jayapal, the cochair of the congressional progressive caw cause and thousand thor of the book use the power you have, a brown woman's guide to politics and political change. representative, jayapal, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> thank you, it is so great to be with you. >> trevor: you have a new book entitled use the power you have, a brown woman's guide to politics and political change. what are some of the tips and tricks you would teach a woman who wants to get into politics who has melanin in her skin. >> you know, congress does not look a lot like me, there are only 79 women of color out of 11,000 that ever served in the u.s. house of representatives. so it is different. we have to assert our voice.
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we have to use our power and we have to be ready for all the sexism and racism that we face when we walk into those halls. not superdifferent than other places we might have been in some ways. but you would think that the house of representatives, the people's house should be different. and it's not yet. so this is thanks to women of color everywhere, frankly, women in general, that when you come in, know that you have power. don't let somebody else intimidate you. they are most probably intimidated by you. and claim your space. but also be ready, you know, do the work, be ready because you will be subjected to far more than most of your colleagues. >> trevor: you have an interesting journey in that you came to the u.s. at 16 to study. 18 years later you became a u.s. citizen and are you now serving representing american citizens and nonamerican citizens alike. do you feel like there's ever a conflict of interest as an immigrant or as a u.s. citizen or do you think that that is a
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fallacy that people have created. >> yeah, it's very much of a fallacy, i think it's funny because 16 and now four years later almost, i'm not quite clear at 40 but i am now in the united states of america. this is my home, where am i supposed to go back to, so this idea that show you're never going to be american enough is ridiculous. and i think it's important that for those of us, there are 14 of us that are immigrants born outside of the united states, naturalized, serving in congress today, this is also an important part of the story of america. >> trevor: when you think about this country and the conversations that are being had now, i feel a lot of the times it is easy for people to say oh, the problem is on the republican side, that's where we are seeing sexism, that is where we are seeing racism. but we come to learn time and time again that saksism, racism, a lot of the problems we're facing in society aren't really party depend ent. how do you broach the topic with
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your colleagues who you feel like have blind spots when it comes to race or when it comes to gender or when it comes to immigration. >> i talk about this in the book. i do think we have to call it out within our own party. the way i approach it is you know, if it is with a colleague, i will talk to them directly if something happens. and i will try to race it, i will tell you that after the murder of george floyd, there was some very powerful caucus calls where i think many of our white colleagues in the caucus really had their own awakening. and you know, we talked about white fragility and we talked about some of the other concepts that it is really important for people across party lines to recognize what they have done to further the narrative of racist policy. and i think that that is just something that is coming to light over and over again. we see it very clearly. sometimes our colleagues don't. so when they are on our side, obviously you try to race it in the best way possible but sometimes you do have to take it on publicly and you do have to
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call out those policies when you see them. >> trevor: you have been probernie, you have been one of the people pushing the party predominantly to the left. and now joe biden as you comntded on on in the past where people aren't thukically wanting to vote for but will vote for because donald trump is the alternative. going into the election, how are you going to balance that message of saying to people yes, joe biden is not as progressive as we wanted but you have to vote for him. do you think that balances something that you can achieve? >> absolutely. i don't think there is any contradiction whatsoever. we have two candidates on the ballot. one is donald trump, one is joe biden. there is zero progress that is possible on anything that we care about with donald trump in the white house. he is a fascist zeno phobe who is destroying our constitution, so we have to get him out. and there is a critically important election. and so as i said to vice president biden, i will be rate there with him. i will be doing everything i can to support and get everyone to turn out for joe biden.
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and i will be pushing him. i will, you know, as soon as we get him in the white house and even before with these task forces that we had, we were able to significantly push joe biden to do things that he hadn't planned on to before. so he is movable. he is listening, and he does understand that we need turnout from young people, from folks of color, and i'm going to do everything i can to help get him elected and be right out front making sure that we continue to push for the policies that we need as a country. >> when you look at where america is headed right now, there are two things that are pressing for most people from what i see. number one is will the government find a way to continue the stimulus check, i would love to know if somebody who is serving in congress firstly, is there any progress that you are seeing in getting people the checks that they so badly need to survive and secondly, what are some of the conversations you are having in protecting and preserving
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america's election which might not be an election day any more, mighting be an election week, month, depending how long it takes to count mail-in ballots. >> on the relief, we have to trevor, i mean this is just crueltiy. my constituents, some are facing being kicked out of their homes. they don't have money to put food on the table. they don't know what to do with their kids. they are being pushed to go back to work or open up schoolsk this president is pulling pr stunts with some executive orders that do absolutely nothing. so where is the pressure for this? it is going to come from the people particularly in those republican states where there is a senator up for re-election. and that senator is going to say all of these people are not going to re-elect me. this is the power of the vote. and we need to have the cabbing of knee of voices across the country saying this is what is happening to me, cruelty. three and a half million cases just in the last 12 weeks, 16 3,000 deaths of americans.
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it is absolutely lunacy that this president and the republicans have refused to bargain, so that is where the leverage will come, people's voices and stories. on the second point, this is very important. this president is trying to undermine the election in numerous ways. he is, you know, refusing to give money to the u.s. postal service and if he doesn't do that then the postal service can't deliver the ballot. he refusing to put money into states so that those states that don't have mail-in voting can move to whatever they need to do. now we in washington state do. it's been incredibly successful. and you know, i think that the claim that the fraud rate is high is ridiculous. there was a study done that over 240 million ballots that were cast over the last 20 years, the fraud rate is .00006 percent. so we have to make sure that we are getting money into the system am but there is something
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else for everybody that is listening, vote early. as soon as you can vote, get your vote in. get your ballot in. because this is going to be critical. they will try to stop ballots from being delivered. they will try all kinds of things. last thing, what do we do if the president tries to retain power. we have, we're talking with top constitutional scholars and we're really going through all the different ways in which this could happen. it will take people in the streets if this happens and then of course all the court challenges that will be there. but at the end of the day, it's going to be about whether republicans will stand up to this president even as he takes the country in to fashionism and dictatorship. >> well, that's a bleak future and i hope we never have to answer any of those questions. thank you so much for joining you us on the show. >> thank you, trevor. >> trevor: when we come back, i'll be talking to the very tal ented michaela coen about her hit show, i may destroy you.
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welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> thank yous trevor. >> you have written a show that everybody has tried to describe. you know, you have created the show that has been a smash hit on hbo. i may destroy you. some people have called it tough viewing, others called it necessary viewing. hi one friend who says you have to watch this show. and i said what is it about. and they said it is about sexual assault. and i watched the show and i said no, this show is about everything. as the creator of the show, what is i may destroy you about? >> i think that you are right, i think it's about everything. i i feelize it doesn't work-- i think it is. >> it is interesting because like if it was a show about nothing thrk is really a show beferg for me because it is difficult at times to watch, not because it's hard to watch, but because of the questions that the show makes you ask of yourself, of society, of the
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things said or experienced or have done. and i think what really strikes a cord with a lot of people is you wrote a show that was loosely based on your experience with sexual assault. when you were writing this, did you go i'm just putting everything i have experienced into the show or were there moments where you thought this is what i would have done, should have done, or cod have done. or this is what i wish some of the conversations that had been head had around my real life. >> it is definitely very fictional but the assault is really not, not exact. i wanted to purposefully have a distinction so that my, my own experiences were separate to arabellas. but it is very fine where they differ, it is very fine but in terms of the journey of the character, yes, that is part reality, and partly fiction. >> right. >> some of the characters you have written in the show, in normal shows would just be the good guys. you know, like your character
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arabella has friends where one minute i'm like these are the most amazing supportive friends and then gi like wait, her friends are part of the story of sexual assault and i don't know how to feel about in, because she doesn't know how to feel about this. and there are times when you make me not like the lead character arabella where i go like she's being an asshole right now. and i know she is a victim of sexual assault but she's an asshole, am a lawed to feel that this person is an asshole even though they are a victim of sexual assault it is a very complex that you created. >> st, but i really wanted to try to see her as an asshole. >> for me that moment especially in episode 9, i need to understand that she is being an asshole, the point of that episode is that you can't just follow a hero blindly and arabella is the hero of the show, the hero of that episode but she is going to, i don't know if we can swear,
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maybes-- is in america she is go to [bleep] and i really wanted to experiment with how ugly we could make her and then i ended up making a halloween episode because i guess i'm also quite curious about the fault within myself. and it kind of, it felt like for me at stage that i tas writing, i had almost maybe forgotten the real ugliness that i can possess. and i think in life it is easy to forget, but especially when we're living quite traumatized life. it can lead you into binary thinking, so i feeded arabella to see were, like a true mirror of her amazing quality but also her really ugly quality she completely misreads the situation. she is not there for her friend. she is not seeing the nuance of the experience at all. yeah, i find it interesting.
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i find it interesting that you know, some of my friends, you know, are you not saying that like what he did was wrong, right. and it is like i'm not saying that anything is wrong or right. i'm just putting characters, and watching them, i'm allowing them to interact and i want us to watch and see how uncomfortable it is when it's not so easy to place yourself in a camp. it's really hard when you can see we're both sides are coming from. >> trevor: one of the most difficult conversations this show continuously has is the conversation about consent. there is no denying that the metoo movement has brought to the fore a conversation about consent. what is consent, how do we design consent. your show goes through that in so many different ways. we see, terry's character who has a three some that she cone sented to. but then upon discovering that the guy that she thought were
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just happen to be guys she bumped into, they planned this happen to be three some. we see this arabella character. she has consensual sex with a guy who takes off his condom during sex that she doesn't know about and he tries to make it seem like it was consensual and she's crazy. you have so many different worlds of consent that you are playing with. do you think that you found the answer or do you think the point of the show is to make us ask the question about what consent is. >> well, i think it's really simple. i think that is if terry or arabella or terry in the three some, if they have the full details of what they were experiencing, would they consent. with terry's consent if she met that guy and said hey, this is my friend. we are looking for someone to fall into our plan, we're going to pretend we're stranger and looking for someone to [bleep], are you down. she would be like i don't know,
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possible she might not be up for that. i think if someone said hey, yeah, great, i'm really glad you want to have sex and offered a condom but in the middle i will take it off when are you not looking, are you up for it. she will probably say no. this is why i call it a-- of consent because details are purposefully hidden from you, so that you consent. but if you saw the details you wouldn't consent. so i think legally this is sexual assault. legally this is rape. however, you jump from con shensz consent and the rules change, it is fascinating, isn't it. >> before i let you go, many of the women who work at the daily show have asked me to say thank you to you for displaying a woman's period with all of nuance that it deserves and not just landing on it as a punch line. so what i will ask as someone who loves the show, why did you choose to talk about a woman's period in the way that you did.
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>> yeah, well, one of the things i very much love is that that is one of the only moments of consensual sex in a series. and for me, again, it's like, if we're going to have consensual sex, it has to be interesting. i have to say something other than oh, two people having sex. so i thought that was a great thing to show. also, that is inspired by my real life. have i had wonderful experiences with guys who gave more all into my blood then i did when i was disgusted and they were like, it's period. so i thought it was nice to pay homage to those men. that not all men go ugh at periods, you know. >> i could talk to you forever, i thank you for being on the show. and thank you for creating what honestly in my opinion is one of the most crucial conversation starters than we can have around consent, around sex, around identity and generally.
1:59 am
thank you for joining me on the show. >> thank you, i'm a really big fan and it has been lovely to talk and meet you. >> thank you so much, michaela that is our show for tonight but before we go, there are a lot of groups out there right now working to protect and advance voting rights for the elections in november. one of those organizations is the alliance for youth organizing which is a national network of local youth-lead organizations mobilizing people to vote. if you can help them and would you like to join in their caution, then please visit the link below and donate whatever you can. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> president trump is denying that someone in the white house reached out about adding additional presidents to mount rushmore. the president denied the story on twitter but he did go on to say it sounds look a great idea to him. >> yeah, it's kind of crowded. >> super crowded. >> really, really crowded, so crowded. >> really, really crowded.
2:00 am
>> way too crowded. sorry. >> but seriously, what the >> but seriously, what the [bleep] captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting, "howdy, neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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