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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  August 12, 2020 9:00am-9:45am PDT

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announced who he's picked to be his v.p. >> we're coming on the air with breaking news. democratic presidential candidate joe biden has made his choice. nbc news has confirmed that biden has picked california senator kamala harris to be his running mate, the first woman of color in history to be chosen for such a position. so the democratic ticket is biden-harris. >> trevor: that's right, people. joe biden has officially picked kamala harris to be his running mate. say what you want about joe, but the man went black and he's not going back. and i gotta say, i'm impressed that biden picked kamala, even after she destroyed him at that debate. in fact, part of me thinks he only picked her so that she can just never dust his ass in public again. this is an insurance policy. and i'm interested to see what the trump campaign's line of attack is going to be on kamala, because they're going to have a tough time. everything she's done in her career appeals to trump's base. "crafty kamala spent her whole
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career locking up criminals and filling up california's jails. she's even friends with cops. hold on. that actually sounds pretty cool. mike, is it too late to change you?" but jokes aside, congratulations to kamala harris. she is now the first black woman on a major party ticket, which is a great moment for her and for america. moving on from our next possible vice president to the next possible president of the united states: kayne west. since announcing his candidacy, the hip hop superstar and broke-looking billionaire has been scrambling to get on the ballot in as many states as possible. and, unfortunately for him, it's not going smoothly. >> kanye west's legal team is fighting to be included in er p. well, here's the problem, though. the wisconsin election campaign alleged the nomination paperwork was filed 14 seconds late. west's response was that 15 seconds after 5:00 on the deadline night is "not later" than 5:00.
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they argue the deadline includes anytime before 5:01. >> trevor: surprise, surprise. the guy who made "late registration" couldn't get his paperwork in on time. ♪ ♪ thank you, guys. thank you. although, if i'm being perfectly honest, this is a tough philosophical question. think about it-- if there's a 5:00 deadline to hand in your signatures, are you late if you hand them in at 5:00 and 14 seconds? like, is it 5:00 until 5:01, or is it 5:01 immediately when 5:00 hits, and you only call it 5:01 when the 1 is complete? i mean, this is kind of question i don't know the answer to, but what i do know is there's one person i don't want to didn't meaning of time with, and that's kayne west. ( as kanye ) "time was invented by the devil to destroy god, but it's also part of god, hehhh." and this decision by wisconsin is the kind of thing that when it happens to someone else, you're like, "hey, man, rules are rules. they said before 5:00, you
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didn't do it before 5:00. are rules." but when it happens to you, bullshit! what is this, communist china?!" but i don't know, man. kanye west might have just won my vote. because i want a government that believes that deadlines are "ish." you know? tax day? april 15th-ish. get them to us when you get them to us. expired license? eh, it was good a month ago. go on. get outta here. moving on to covid-19: the virus that's turned shaking hands into an extreme sport. the good news is the first vaccine has been approved for use in the general population. the bad news is it was approved by vladimir putin. >> breaking overnight, a surprising claim from russian president vladimir putin that a vaccine has been developed in his country and is already being given to people, including his own daughter. >> reporter: in the global race for a coronavirus vaccine, russia said today it's already won. even though it hasn't completed
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phase-three trials, that's not slowing russia down, which today registered and approved for use its vaccine while continuing to conduct human trials. >> scientists, including from the w.h.o., are urging caution, saying only extensive and prolonged testing can determine if a vaccine is effective and safe. >> trevor: okay, this is pretty shady, to say the least, because you see, vaccines are like ordering food: you want it quickly, but not too quickly. i mean, yes, i'm hungry, but if my delivery comes in under 10 minutes, was that my delivery, or something that was supposed to go out yesterday? also, let's be honest, has anything good ever come from a russian injection? i mean, the best-case scenario is you win an olympic medal that gets taken back two years later. and i know putin wants people to trust him by saying he gave the vaccine to his daughter, but is now one suspicious that he didn't give the vaccine to himself. because we don't know his relationship with his daughter.
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like, if trump gave the vaccine to his daughter, we'd know it's for real. but if he gave it to eric, then we all know what's up. so, look, the truth is that a safely tested vaccine is still probably months away. but in the meantime, here's something that might just hold you over: candy. >> trick-or-treating in doubt because of the pandemic. candy manufacturers are protecting themselves from potential losses for the biggest season. hershey has partnered with retailers to set up halloween merchandise earlier in the summer, in some cases, four weeks earlier. in addition to the longer season, hershey's is focusing more on family-size packs and fewer treats in halloween-specific packaging. >> trevor: this is classic america. the candy companies are like, "okay, because of corona, we've got to be prepared. let's plan this thing out early and let's make sure everybody gets access to candy." whereas, the election people are like, "i dunno. i'm feeling lucky. let's see what happens on the day." and as for halloween, i thought this whole year was halloween! every day, i've been wearing a
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mask and going through an entire bag of fun-size twix. what are we supposed to do in october? but i will say i really do feel bad for candy makers, especially oompa loompas. because let's be honest, if sales are down, they're going to be the first ones let go. and finding a new job right now as an oompa loompa... that's not easy to doom-petty do. >> do you think he was ( bleep ) those things? naaah! >> trevor: meanwhile, halloween isn't the only autumn tradition in jeopardy. college football season is right around the corner, and the battle over whether to play is getting more brutal than, well, college football. >> reporter: sacked? the leaders of college football holding emergency talks on whether to cancel the season. >> the big ten conference announcing it will postpone all sports. >> vice president mike pence saying in part, "america needs college football. it's important for student athlete schools and our nation. >> president trump took to
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social media saying student athletes have been working too hard for their season to be canceled. >> these football players are very young strong people and physically-- physically in extraordinary shape, so they're not going to have a problem. you're not going to see people-- could it happen? i doubt it. you're not going to see people dying. they get better very quickly, if they get it at all, so i think football's making a tragic mistake. >> trevor: donald trump truly has the strangest priorities of all time. 160,000 americans are dead? ( as trump) "it is what it is." college football might get postponed for a year? (as trump) "what a tragedy! if these kids don't get to bang each other's heads, you might never see another donald trump." but i will tell you this: if college football is being canceled, then you know coronavirus is serious because i've traveled through this country, and people in america will do anything for college
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football. if you told tennessee fans that their football stadium was going to be moved to the surface of the sun, they'd be like: ( southern accent ) "well, then i'll find a seat on the shady side, because this year is gonna be the vols' year!" but you know what, guys? instead of forcing college football, maybe now is the time for other college sports to have their moment. like, how about fencing? it's perfect for corona. you wear a mask, and the whole point is to keep someone away. seems like its time to shine! and this whole debate must be so confusing for college athletes. i mean, they must play during a pandemic, but they also still can't get paid. it's like they're considered too essential and also not essential enough at the same time. but despite the pandemic, there's still a chance that college football is going to move ahead. and because of that, college coaches have made a few tweaks to their locker room pep talks. >> look, men, i know things are looking bad right now. billy's all right got corona. steve's got corona, too. craig, you've got herpes.
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that's a different story. the point is, we're hurting. but let me tell you something. there's a little guy out there named donnie trump and all donnie wants it sosee you guys out there on the field so he can advance his narrative that he beat corona and everything is normal again. and i don't think that's too much to ask? do you? if you can't do it for donnie, then do it for all the money at stake here. not for you, obviously, but for me, and the university. so let's get out there and show whoever is in quarantine on the opposing team that this is our house! well, you'll have to do it anyway, or we'll take away your scholarship. break down on three! >> trevor: we're going to take a quick break, but when we come back, we'll tell you why the president is slowing down your mail. don't go away. >> okay, where are me now? where the hell did these people come from? who the hell are you? i want to go back. what is this-- what's going on here? what is he talking about? what are you talking about?
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what? what the hell is that? what's that? is that a camera? is that a camera? person, woman, man, camera, tv. it's great. it's science, important. rough ( bleep ). right now, switch to t-mobile and get four lines of unlimited for just $25 bucks a line. with access to america's largest 5g included. that's right. unlimited and nationwide 5g for the whole family for just $25 bucks a line. only at t-mobile. when you order a hot-and-juicy quarter pounder. a normal amount of napkins, just won't do. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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with the presidential election right around the corner, the big question is no longer, "will donald trump try to cheat?" it's now become, "how will donald trump try to cheat?" and with more americans than ever expected to vote by mail due to coronavirus, it looks like he's zeroing in on his plan. >> president trump is stepping up his effort to discredit mail-in voting as vulnerable to fraud, ramping up attacks on twitter and on television. >> i think mail-in voting is going to rig the election. i really do. they want to steal an election. that's all this is all about. they want to steal the election. there is no way you can go through a mail-in vote without massive cheating. >> democrats are pushing to expand mail-in voting and change existing voting laws to make it easier for people to cast ballots at home because of the coronavirus. the president wants his political allies to fight back against that, and they have now pledged $20 million for that effort.
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>> trevor: for real? only donald trump is weird enough to have beef with the mail. everyday, he's less and less like a president and more like a neighbor in a sitcom. "goddamn you, mail man!" ♪ ♪ i mean, this guy is spending $20 million to sue mail-in voting. normally when trump spends that much money suing you, it's because you've seen him neighborhood. i know what you saw last summer. you can't tell anybody. you can't tell them about this thing i've got. so even though the president and almost everyone in his administration votes by mail, clearly, he thinks letting everyone else do it would be bad for his re-election. and because lawsuits alone won't stop mail-in voting, the other part of trump's plan is to just stop the mail. >> reporter: tonight, a backlog of undelivered mail is piling up in post offices around the country. workers are blaming the new postmaster general, a top
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republican campaign donor who has given more than $1.1 million to the trump victory fund. >> reporter: louis dejoy forced cost-cutting measures, leading to undelivered mail piling up at post offices across the country. and cbs news confirmed this internal postal service directive that outlines an "operational pivot," saying extra trips to deliver mail are no longer authorized, and that "we may see mail left behind or mail in the workroom floor or docks, which is not typical." >> reporter: the service insists it is not intending to slow down and delivery or risk any election mail. but the stakes are high for the u.s.p.s. to follow through on its promise of on-time delivery. 32 states currently will not count ballots that arrive after election day, even if postmarked earlier. >> trevor: wow, even if you mail your ballot in on time, 32 states won't count them if the post office gets them in late. and that doesn't sound like an election.
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this sounds like what happened to me in high school. yeah, i gave my friend a love letter to pass to my crush, but then he decided to skip third period instead, so she never got my letter. so she went to prom with another guy, and they ended up getting married and having a kid, so that should've been my kid, and that's what i told the cops! but they made me give the kid back anyways. and that's why you have to defund the police. so, look, if trump and his cronies are trying to sabotage the post office, there's only one solution. and i hate to say it, folks, but we have to let bed bath & beyond run mail-in voting, because no matter how much i try to stop them, i keep getting those coupons in the mail. it's ridiculous! i don't need all of this! i don't need all of this mail! i don't need to know that there's 35% off shower curtains! oh shit! it was expired. anyway, so trump has been on a
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crusade against mail-in ballots, and then he installed a close political ally who just happened to start slowing down the mail. which means that, come november, a lot of votes that are supposed to make it by election day might might not. it also means that in the meantime, all the other mail is getting delayed, and it's having a huge effect on people's lives. >> reporter: in some parts of the country, customers are waiting weeks for their mail. >> these neighbors in chicago's dunning neighborhood want consistent u.s. postal service mail delivery. susan carter says when mail is delivered, it comes late, and sometime's it's not theirs. >> i just think the system fell apart, and i don't think they care about us. >> all that stuff that's important to you that nobody else should get may be going to someone else's house. >> reporter: in baltimore, people waited two hours in hopes of getting their mail that never showed up. >> reporter: many are not getting bills and paychecks on time, putting a strain on their homes and businesses. >> survived the covid, survived everything. the only thing i didn't survive was the mail. >> as a veteran myself, i get
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medication through the mail. i rely on that. and not to have it when i need it, that's a travesty to a veteran. trevor: yeah, you see, a lot of people think mail is just a waste of paper, credit cards and stuff they're not going to sign up for and ads for shit they're not going to buy. but for many people, that's how they get their medicine. it's how they communicate with family in prison. and for many areas of the country, especially rural areas, the post office is the only way they can receive mail. so the mail might mean nothing to you, but it means everything to some people. think of it like a wilson volleyball: it might not mean anything to you, but when tom hanks got trapped on that island, it was his everything. do you think he was ( bleep ) that volleyball? naaa"h" so, look, it's becoming clear as day, unless trump changes his mind on the post office, just like every trump business, it could be doomed. so maybe to save themselves, the
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postal service should do what every foreign dictator does: flatter the shit out of trump? are you a trump supporter that needs to use the mail? you're in luck, the trump commemorative stamp. each stamp commemorates one of our president's great achievements. like the time president trump defeated the sun in a staring contest. or the night that president trump personally killed osama bin laden. and true collectors will cherish the stamp featuring president trump's stunning cameo. and if you order now, you receive a booklet of mike pence stamps that you can paste next to trump so he can gaze adoringly at the president. these stamps have no value. these stamps only run until november 3. or 2024. we'll see what happens.
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okay, when we come back, roy wood jr. conducts a citizens arrest. arrest. you don't want to miss [son] mom! yeah... [son] i fell. okay there's bandages in the cabinet. [son] i'm bleeding. grab two. sheba. what cats want. it's easier than ever to enjoy what you love from us in the comfort of your own home. order and pay on our app or at choose from all your favorites like fettuccine alfredo or soup, salad and breadsticks. then bring it all home with contactless carside pickup. the hardest part is deciding where to start.
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it has now been almost six months since ahmaud arbery was murdered while jogging in his own neighborhood. and in a summer where police brutality has been put front and center, arbery's murder was particularly troubling, because the men who killed him weren't police officers, but used a 150-year-old law to justify their crime. roy wood jr. has more, in his new segment, "how is this still a law?" >> in the criminal justice system, there are laws and then there are laws that are dumb and make no sense. these are their stories. we're now learning more about why glenn county police never arrested either of the two men involved in the shooting death
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of 25-year-old ahmaud arbery. district attorney barnhill states in his letter that both men are protected under georgia's citizens arrest law. >> citizens arrest? i thought that was just some bullshit people said on tv. >> citizens arrest! >> but in real life, a citizens arrest ain't no barney feif shit. >> you are an individual 25 years of age, and individuals are running after you, blocking you in with cars. that's called hunting. upon that's the wild, wild west we talked about. >> this is georgia state department representative carl gillion, someone who is just as outraged about this as i am. >> the citizens arrest law gives individual citizens right to arrest someone up to 48 hours until law enforcement would arrive. >> not only can you citizens arrest somebody. you can just keep them for two days, like "misery." >> please! aaahh! >> people are using laws as a justification in order, as a justification for lynching. you have a higher form of
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racism. they're not wearing hoodz anymore. they're wearing shirts and ties. >> how is this still a law? >> well, no one's challenged it. this law was conceived in 1863. you know, it's just-- it's outdated. >> hmmmm. what possibly could have been happening in georgia in 1863. i asked, knowing i won't like the answer. >> this particular law was written during the civil war. it was a way of preventing enslaved africans who were trying to escape to the union lines. it empowered any white person to arrest any black person. >> so on a scale of betty white to david duke, how racist is this citizens arrest law? you tell me when to stop. da-da-da-da-da-da-da... >> you passed david duke. that's how racist it is. one of the big things about
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georgia is the man in charge of writing the formal laws is an avid racist. >> wait, avid racist? >> he wrote books justifying racism, basquely to argue that african americans were better off in enslaved and could never really function as free people. >> oh, shit, that is avid. okay, continue. >> cobb, himself, he dees in 1862, but the system of law he established for georgia lives on. and that become the basis for protection for racists like the ku klux klan after the civil war because they could lynch any african american and claim it was a citizens arrest. >> how is this still a law! >> we still have a racist society. we haven't gotten rid of so many elements of racism in the united states. >> well, that settles it. i talked to the experts. i've studied the finest legal
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texts. and i can confirm-- this law musmust be changed but i have no idea how to do that. yo, how is this still a law? all of these injustices are happening and nobody is doing anything to stop it. >> i am. >> wait, you are? >> that's why i authored house bill 1203. >> you're proposing a law that gets rid of the law that's a terrible law. >> there are some people that are trying to move forward. >> cool. as it turns out, one of the things filling up carl's cat calendar is a bill to repeal the current citizens arrest law, and he's getting ready to drop it like it's-- don't say it, carl. >> we're going to drop it like it's hot. >> he said it! >> it's a movement now. the old jim crow has had a bowel movement and we're in a whole new movement now. >> so repealing the citizens arrest law is a laxative against the jim crow constipation that has been holding up the progress of the black man, and what we need to do with that laxative is add a stand your ground
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laxative. and then we need to take a no chokehold laxative. and then we need to take a voting registration suppression laxative, and get all of that moved out and into the toilet of justice, my brother! only time will tell if citizens arrest gets flushed into the sewage system of history, but we're definitely a step closer to getting rid of this law for the entire country! >> no, this is for georgia. >> oh, shit. how many states have a citizens arrest law? >> uh, all of them, with the exception of mak maybe two. >> ( sighs ). >> so we've got work to do. we've got work to do. >> excuse me. oh! how is this still a law! >> trevor: thank you so much, roy. when we come back, i'll be talking to a star of the hit show "this is us," sterling k. brown. stay tuned. t-mobile and sprint have merged.
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♪ only lightlife can return the balance ♪ ♪ to your every dish ♪ our food is always made of plants ♪ ♪ and it is totally delish ♪ 'cause nobody's ingredients ♪ ♪ are quite as simple clean or real ♪ ♪ lightlife is the model of a modern daily family meal ♪ lightlife. ingredients you know and taste you'll love. earlier today, i spoke with award-winning actor sterling k. brown. we talked about a new initiative he's working on called "one million truths," which is a platform to capture and convey the scale of racism in american life. check it out. sterling k. brown, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you having for me, trevor. honor to be here. >> trevor: you say it's an honor, but i've been trying to get you on the show for years, and you haven't found the time or the means to make it to the show. and then now, now when i can't be in the same space as you, now
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you come on the show. because you know i wanted to take a selfie with you so i could show all my people back home they know you, and now i gotta be like, "oh, yeah, i sort of know him." >> we did that selfie. we did that selfie at a pre-emmy event. >> trevor: yes. >> and you told me you hold the camera as if you're taking a picture of yourself and you hit rotation. >> trevor: you're a very busy man, not just working but also being nominated for the work you do. let me start by congratulating you. congratulations on two emmy nominations. >> thank you. >> trevor: one for "this is us," one for "the marvelous mrs. mabel." i believe you are the first actor to be nominated in both of those major categories in the same year, drama and comedy. that's range. that's what that is. >> maybe ed asner was nominated for "mary tyler moore show" and "roots." but "roots" was considered a
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limited series. >> trevor: i know you are the father of two young kids and you have been in the house during the coronavirus. did they give you any recognition for your nominations or were they just looking for like, "what is daddy going to do today? cook today. make today? teach us today?" or do they even care? >> my youngest has no clue. it's not important to him whatsoever. he's almost five. my oldest knows exactly what's going on. so i told him i got nominated. and he said, "you got nominated again? good for you, that's awesome. how many do you have now?" he will mock me openly to my face. "yeah, i'm sterling brown, i have emmys and golden globes whatever, bro." >> trevor: i feel like you are missing out-- an opportunity as a father if you don't wait for him to graduate a grade, and then he comes and tell you, he's like, dad, i passed. i got an 'a.
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'" and you go, "look at me, i got an 'a.'." >> i can't wait. turn about is fair play. >> trevor: you're one of the people who gets welcomed into millions and millions of people's households every single week. people know you and they love you. anything you do will get a lotlight shined upon them. ening will shine the spotlight where they go, "sterling k. brown is doing something." you're part of a project called "one million truths." which is a really interesting project. i want you to share it with the audience. what is "one million truths" all about? >> i appreciate it, man. it's basically a platform-- an initiative for black folks in america to share their experiences with racism. and i think it's a centralized way for black folks to see other people's stories and for allies who are interested to see the experiences that their friends have told them about are are not a one-off, that it's not just something that happened, like, in an isolated sort of incident.
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that these isolated incidents are happening over scpofer again all over the country. and maybe by having one place where people can go and see, "oh, life for black neem this country is not the same as it is for me." and then there's a development of empathy and hopefully a wave of support that we can ride right now to make some real change to systemic racism in this country. >> trevor: one thing i've always enjoyed about the show "this is us" is it's an interesting look at how much people can love each other and know each other but still not know fully about each other. you know. and you-- you play a character where you're part of a family where even though you share so many things, there's still something that separates you, and that is the color of your skin. and i wonder if, like, is there certain storytelling that you try to get across in the show that helps people empathize with somebody who has a different skin color without making them feel like they're being blamed,
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as opposed to the system being highlighted? >> i would hope so. i think randall pearson, just like his brother and sister and mother and father, is a human being, first and foremost, right? and i think so much of the power of media is that people learn through exposure, whether it's through travel, whether it's through books, whether it's through the representation they see on screen. and our show-- the demographic of our show is about 80% white. so there are opportunities that i have to make conversations with people who may not have those conversations with somebody that looks like me and by virtue of them seeing me in their home 18 times a week, they can say, like, "mr. randall, he's just like me. he loves his kids. he loves his wife. like, i understand part of his struggle, even if i don't understand the totality of it." so hopefully the next time they see my or anybody who looks like like they can lean in rather than step away. >> trevor: i'd love to know about your personal story a little bit. i learned thraw discovered that
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i think your 45th great paternal grandparents were from africa. >> right. >> trevor: it's always interesting when people discover where their family came from, especially when you live in america and the records aren't there are for you to easily puruse. >> right. >> trevor: does that change anything in your world, in your mind when you start to track how and where your family came to the united states? does it change the story you tell about yourself or you or your family or the country you're in? >> there is this really sort of profound experience you have as a young black man in a predominantly white institution. i would be one raisin or one of a few raisins in the sun. and every time february comes around and you're talking about black history month, and you talk about the institution of slavery, everybody looks at you, and they're like, "well, we're past that." like, "why are we still talking about this?
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this is ancient history?" as if this country is old enough to have ancient history, right? you feel this sort of defensiveness to be like, how do you show the repercussions of what transpired in the past are still reverberating in the present. and then you see documentation of your ancestors listed as property, you know, listed as-- there was a bank-- the guy-- excuse me. i'm being very ineloquent in this particular moment. the slave owner who owned my quadruple great-grandparents listed them as collateral because he wanted to extend his plantation and he needed to list them for the bank loan. you see them listed add property, and you recognize that, like, it's not that long ago. you recognize while other people list your family as property so they could expand their wealth, their reach, we had nothing. and to it's a completely dirv
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starting point and it validated for me this level of defensiveness that i always had to prove something. i don't have to prove it. like, i can see it. and there are so little black folks across the world that have documentation of the oppression that has transpired to them as individuals and as a people, it really just-- i don't know. it made it real. i knew it was real before but i saw it. i had the ocular proof. >> trevor: uh-huh. >> yeah. >> trevor: i wonder, is this one of the reasons-- not this particular story, but the history of america, your history in america, and the story that america tells, 124 is this one of the reasons you named your production company the way you did? is it why you chose to focus on certain stories and how to tell them using the platform of hollywood? >> so, it's interesting. the name of my production company is "indian meadows" and it's named after the neighborhood i grew up in st.
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louis, missouri. it's a predominantly african american neighborhood. it was jewish, and then black folks moved in, and the yous didn'jews didn'tleave, so i hadd mrs. lieberman living next to me, and she was just playing with all these little black kids who loved her as much as anybody. just the testimony of where i come from and who i wish to represent. because as evidenced by the fact that we get to celebrate kamala harris being the vice president-- the vice presidential nominee, along with joe biden, i'm very excited. my wife, by the way, i should say, is almost as excited as i am. but if you're familiar with organizations in the state, my wife is a delta and kamala harris is an a.p. so a little bit of shame, but there's still reason to celebrate. seeing yourself on screen
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validates your life. and so i want to tell stories where people of color who are marginalized groups are front and center. they're not necessarily the sidekick or the goofy friend or whatnot. but the story is about them. because when you see yourself, you know that your story is as important as anybody else's. >> trevor: well, i'll tell you this, if somebody is watching the emmys this year, they will see you twice nominated and hopefully twice winning. sterling k. brown, thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thanks a lot, trevor. i appreciate you, brother. >> trevor: thank you so much, sterling. that's our show for tonight, but before we go: there are a lot of groups out there right now working to protect and advance voting rights for the elections in november. one of them is the alliance for youth organizing, which is a national network of local youth-led organizations mobilizing people to vote. if you can help them and would like to join in their cause, please visit the link below, and donate whatever you can.
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until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wash your hands, and happy halloween! and now, here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ >> a german nudist had a day to forget after coming across a bag-stealing boor. he was getting in touch with nature when the cheeky boor, and two piglets made off with his bag. after a frantic nudie run he barely managed to retrieve his bag. ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind - ♪ ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbor ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] - ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪
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