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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  August 25, 2020 1:15am-2:00am PDT

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- hey, guys. - have you guys noticed that bebe isn't as cool as she used to be? - yeah, what the hell happened to us? - oh my god, i get it now. it was bebe's boobs. - bebe's boobs? - oh, cool, it worked. - don't you guys see? boobs do something to our brains. they fill our brains with illusions. - so, bebe didn't become smart and cool? it was just her boobs? - yes. - so bebe's is actually just as lame as she ever was? - right, my boobs just clouded your judgment. - but that sucks. i don't want something to have that much power over me. i don't think they will, you guys, as long as we realize it. we must learn to control their power over us. - yeah, screw boobs. they're stupid. - i'm sorry for fighting, you guys. - i'm sorry. - aww. - oh, that's so sweet. - let's never let boobs come between us again. all: hear, hear. - boobs are stupid. - hi, everybody.
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[laughter] - look at those ridiculous things. - eww...they're all hard and oogy. - what a stupid bitch. [laughter] captioning by captionmax on, everybody? welcome to "the daily distancing show." i'm trevor noah. it is monday, august 24th, and here's your quarantine tip of the day -- if you're worried about riding in an elevator with other people, here's all you have to do: just carry a
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mannequin around with you, and if somebody tries to get in the elevator with you, just put your arm around the mannequin and go, sorry, me and my lover need a little privacy. anyway, tonight, we strap in for night one of the republican national convention. we also look at thao how do you anonis taking over the g.o.p. and we'll be joined by the ever prolific ta-nehisi coates. welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, "the daily distancing show" presents the republican national convention, celebrating february's record. >> trevor: tonight was the start of the republican national convention, a week of speeches, celebration and white people walking up to ben carson saying, wait, aren't you the one that died? and if the d.n.c. was all about the people, the r.n.c. seems to be about one person, donald
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juiciness trump. >> the stage is set an republicans will have their chance to make their pitch to the americans and president trump is expected to make an appearance every night this week. >> you can expect a lot of president trump as you mentioned and a lot of people who have the same last name as him. someone with the same last name as trump speaking on every single night of the convention, including the president who will appear in some form or fashion in the 10:00 p.m. hour every night to have the convention. >> slated to appear all his children except youngest son barron. >> a couple producers of "the apprentice" are part of putting this production to as well, so maybe a little added tv value. >> trevor: this is so exciting! the producers of "the apprentice" are working on the r.n.c.? so does this mean trump's planning on firing people? because he doesn't have any staff left to fire, his whole team is mike pence, steve mnuchin and 30 jared clones.
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if we're lucky, maybe the week will end with trump firing one of his kids. >> i'm sorry, eric, but you're fired. but dad, woin the challenge! the real challenge is me having to see your face. fired. trump making a speech every single night might seem unusual in term of conventional traditions, but makes sense, the democratic party had to give everyone a speaking slot because they're trying to trying to apiece a lot of different groups. blacks, latinos, disaffected republicans, fans of abc shows. the republican party only care about appeasing trump because it's his party and if you don't like it, you can shut the (~bleep ) up and join john kasich in that field. one to have the highlights of the democratic national convention was the roll call of all the delegates who announced their votes from beautiful locations around the country. this morning the republicans had their roll call and it was beautiful in a different kind of
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way. >> today as a prowrd and independent nutmegger, i proudly cast 28 spicey votes for president donald j. trump. >> we put forth common-sense policies to help everyday rhode islanders who love coffee, milk and dough boys dip their clam cakes in comowder and, yes, we eat a lot of cal ma calamari, rhode island style. >> maryland is home of the underground railroad and two of our greatest about legsists. >> i come from the great state of montana. it's often been called the big sky country, the treasure state and the last best place. but currently, we are affectionately calling it trump-tana. we fish, we hunt, we boat and we have at least five guns in every
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home. >> trevor: honestly, if you need at least five ghuns your home, it's probably because you misplace things a lot. you don't need to buy extra guns, you really just need to buy a notebook to write down where you left your gun and start journaling because your ass is crazy. either way, the r.n.c. roll call is depressing. the d.n.c. at least had a ninja chef posing on the beautiful beach. the most interesting person here looks like he's getting his mug shot taken after being arrested for sweating too much. also, why is the camera so close to their faces, huh? that's how you zoom in to a work meeting when you don't want people to know you're still in bed. yeah, guys, i looked through the proposal and everything seems good. as you heard, practically every member of trump's family will be giving a speech this week but one person not speaking the trump's older sister maryanne, a retired federal judge. she almost never says anything
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publicly about her brother at all. now we're learning what she's been keeping to herself. >> president trump's sister maryanne trump barry blasting him in secret recordings revealed the "the washington post." >> he has no principles, none, none. >> the leaked conversation between the president's sister and their niece were secretly recorded who says she taped talks between 2018 and 2019, the retired federal judge labeling her brother cruel and phony. >> he's a lier. oh, my god you know, the change of stories, the lack of preparation, the lying, holy (~bleep ). >> trevor: no, man, come on, are we living in the twelfth season of a soap opera? where in real life was a sister come out of nowhere to start a feud with the main character? who is she? where did she come from. i hate my brother...
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you know thing are bad for trump when he has a hard time wrangling the trump vote. hard to win the swing states when you're polling poorly with people you're sharing parents with. i have to say, this made me a fan of trump's sister, not because she dislikes her brother, buzz because she's 83 years old and she apparently loves cussing. i just want to go out to dinner with her. i'll have the (~bleep ) soup and, hey, if i got wings, would you assholes help beat the shit out of them? okay. we'll have some of those (~bleep ) wings. now, as he goes into the convention week, trump finds himself down big in the polls to joe biden, in large part because of his handling of the coronavirus. it has been an absolute disaster. so now, trump is trying to change that perception with some fresh blood. >> president trump has announce and emergency authorization for a coronavirus treatment that his
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administration hails as a "major advance." >> president trump making that dramatic announcement late sunday that the f.d.a. has authorized the use of convalescent plasma for emergencies. but now some democrats are demanding answers asking if the f.d.a. is being pressured by a president locked in a tough reelection battle. >> the decision for emergency use comes after internal debate at the the f.d.a. over whether the agency had enough data to authorize such a move. it also comes a day after the president, without any evidence, accused the f.d.a. of impeding clinical trials for political reasons, tweeting saturday the deep stateover or whoever over at the f.d.a. is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. >> trevor: goddam, trump hasn't bullied in other words this hard since he forced one to take his s.a.t. for him. we all want ature for covid, but mu medicines shouldn't be rushed out like new taco bell items.
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of course trump has a problem with the f.d.a. they're the same ones that told him how many calories were in his burgers. if these are 800 calories apiece, how can i eat ten of them? let's try to be positive, if they're not proved safe and corrective, maybe they'll work on coronavirus and it will be gone. we'll just have to wear masks to hide our mutant face. when we come back, why q anon when we come back, why q anon is th♪ wanna show you places in my mind ♪ ♪ ♪ wanna show you places in my mind ♪
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well then chill your reese's, dessyou'll eat it slower.ast? i wouldn't know i swallow mine whole like a duck. not sorry. reese's. the fighting spirit is one we for eduardo pérez, it drove him to thrive in his search for a better life. immigrating from guatemala at 18,
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he found work as a dishwasher... a line cook, sous chef, and eventually... fought to the top of one of the most challenging professions in the world. proving that there is no challenge that can hold back a fighting spirit. since 1925, we've proved that it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of. modelo. brewed for those with a fighting spirit. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily distancing show." for the last few weeks, you might have been hearing about something called q anon, the biggest thing on the internet
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since that time kim kardashian's butt was thirsty. it has been all over the news, social media and, this weekend, q anon supporters even held demonstrations in cities across america. but what is q anon? well, let's find out in another installment of our ongoing seg "if you don't know now, you know." ♪ ♪ ♪ if you know anything about q anon, you've probably heard it's a conspiracy theory. truth is, it's more like a political cult built around a conspiracy theory and crossed with a big book of word search muse also. if that sounds complicated, wait till you hear what they believe in. >> for believers, q is an anonymous government official who possessions classified information about a covert battle between the president and a malicious ring of celebrities, political elite and the so-called deep state. >> this anonymous poster q was
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giving secret clues about becoming "great awakening." >> the central theme is that hillary clinton and many of the world's other politicians and celebrities are members of a murderous child sex ring. >> hillary clinton, oprah winfrey, tom hanks and others eat children in order to extract a life extending chemical from their blood group. >> they believe that a group of military generals recruited president trump to break up this conspiracy and end their roll control to have the government in the media. >> president trump and q anon is going to save us in a moment called the storm. >> his tweets are misspelled for a reason. when he does smocking gun, it's all code for what he's telling us. >> trevor: okay, i want whatever these people are smocking because trump's typos are a secret message? man, i wish people were this forgiving when i did stupid shit. no, you guys don't get it --
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when trevor threw up at that party, he was showing us it's what's on the inside that counts. but look, you've got it wrong. president trump's tweets are misspelled for a reason, and that reason is he can't read. now, look, if hillary and oprah were eating children to live longer, i would be horrified, because that is such a waste of magic blood. you feed those kids to ruth bader ginsburg, people, priorities! there is no way this conspiracy theory is true. i believe a lot of crazy zit. i believe the t.s.a. con phi cates our lotion to sell it back to us. i believe no one has broken up with they, they have been aqueducted by aliens. but this conspiracy theory is crazy even for conspiracy theories. set. side everything else, you're telling me trump is going something heroic but instead of taking credit of it he's keeping it a secret? that is the most unbelievable thing i have ever heard.
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plus if you're wondering how it's possible trump can be leading the fight against the pedophile ring when he was friends with jeffrey epstein for years, according to q, trump has been undercover since the '90s. which i believe, i mean, if there's one thing trump is known for, it's his famously long attention span. so how did this insane theory take off? well, partly it latched on the fears about the real phenomenon of human trafficking. partly it set off on comment anti-semitic tropes about leaches who drank the blood of children, but mostly the good old internet. >> q anon emerged after trump took office, starting on fringe internet message boards before spreading the social media. >> this pandemic only made things worse, these people are just there all day. facebook groups have grown exponentially with q anon. >> in just four months, membership to have the biggest public q anon groups rose by 700%. >> we saw a lot of groups who are wellness community, people
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interested in alternative health. the algorithm would sort these people together with the q anon people. they would say alternative health, maybe anti-vax, maybe into donald trump. and within one or two clicks, people would go down these very bad paths. >> trevor: yep, that is how this shit always goes on to the internet. feels like the interpurpose of facebook is to funnel everyone toward the craziest conspiracy theories possible because people will join a group about cycling and five hours later they're like hillary clinton is a mountain goat, people, she's an actual goat. it's not surprising the pandemic turned out the greatest conditions for people to get radicalized. some people joined q anon, some ordered pel atons, and neither will shut up about it. it shows you how much the internet is ruining our brains. when shakespeare was quarantined during the play he was, like, maybe i should write king lear. now people are sitting around in
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coronavirus saying i wonder if i could prove tom hanks has sex with the devil. from the swampiest parts to have the internet, q anon picked up followers and grew into an online movement. seems many of the things it predicted never came true. >> early on they were claiming robert mueller was investigating and indicting leaders, and president trump was working with mural's team. >> president trump is creating a secret team to arrest them and force them to wear ankle bracelets. >> the belief is the late j.f. cments, jr. is alive and helping trump clean up the deep state. >> nearly all of these clues including hillary clinton was arrested turned out to be wrong, but the batting average doesn't seem to matter. >> you can present them with evidence, you can common strait how they've gone wrong and they don't seem to care. again and again that q is bigger than anything that they can have to the contrary.
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>> trevor: that's right, doesn't matter how many of q's outlandish predictions fail to pan out, it never seems to have an impact on the movement, and that my friends is the classic sign of cult behavior. once you're invested enough in something, you will make any excuse for its failure. please, don't look for logic. that's not how cults work. wults don't follow logic. they follow whatever the cult tells them. that's why you always see cult leaders go so quickly from the sacred aliens have chosen us to weird news, guys, the sacred aliens tell us i should bang all your wives. i guess it must be for our redemption to go somewhere. i pick her. thanks to this relirnlings fervor. q anon took over the internet. it would have been fairly harmless if it had just stayed on the internet like momo. that thing was a joke. that was weird. but the scary thing about q anon is what happened when it jumped from the screen to the streets. >> this is not just a bunch of
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online crazy talk. it's dangerous in real life. >> the f.b.i. says q anon and their many conspiracy these are are a potential domestic terrorism threat. the north carolina han who shot up this d.c. pizza restaurant looking for nonexistence pedophiles believed in similar these are. >> on more than one occasion members of q anon showed up in webs in some place the character told them were connected with conspiracy theories. a man drove an armed vehicle to hoofer doom on what he said was a mission from q anon. >> q anon have been involved in foiled plot foiled in july a july-year-old man was charged in the shooting death of a recruited mob boss. his attorneys say he was motivated by q anon. written on his hand were q anon symbols. >> trevor: you cannot be serious. can you imagine being a mob boss and get what could by a --
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whacked by a kid from a message board? you would want them to lie in your obituary and say you were a snitch. q anones are doing real things, shootings, hijacking, kidnappings. of all the bad advice on the internet, nothing came close to making me a murderous mob boss. the worst advice i got was use toothpaste to get rid of pimples. even with sporadic reeled world violence it might be tempting to dismiss q anon as another lune attic fringe but it's becoming pretty close to mainstream. in fact, there were roughly 50q supporters who ran for office in the republican party this year, and it's almost certain that one of them is actually going to be in congress next year. although maybe that's a good thing. nothing will bring vent them from getting anything done better than being in congress. congress, the only people with a
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lower approval rating than q anon. then, wosk, president trump, he's the big hero in all of the q anon stories, so he could shut this down quickly by saying, guys, none of this is true, q isn't a real person and, besides, if there was a sex group with all the most important people in the world, you know i would try to be in it. yeah, that's what he could do. instead, he has come out and declared that q anon are some very fine people. >> at president trump's rally in tampa, the image was hard to miss. the letter q on signs and t-shirts. >> we are finally putting america first. >> the trump campaign even included q anon signs in an ad. >> president trump has used his own social media accounts to promote q anon followers and content nearly 200 times. >> president trump praising supporters of the by czar q anon conspiracy theory. he told reporters he heard q anon followers are people who love the country and him. >> i don't know much about the movement other than i understand
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they like me very much, which i appreciate, but i don't know much about the movement. i have heard that it is gaining in popularity and these are people that love our country and they just don't like seeing it -- >> the crux of the theory is this belief that you are secretly saving the world from this satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals. >> if i can help save the world from problems, i'm willing to do it, i'm willing to put myself out there. >> trevor: doesn't matter that q anon is a dangerous cult and their beliefs are complete fiction, president trump is on board. president trump's approach to q anon is the same thing as the backstreet boys are, he doesn't care who you are, where you from or what you did as long as you love him. honestly, people, nobody should be surprised that donald trump is embracing q anon. donald trump was always going to embrace q anon. the surprise is that he's
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president. so that's q anon in a nutshell. it's a vie represent delusion spread from the internet to prey on vulnerable people and infect an entire political party. or maybe i'm just saying that to throw you off the real story. and if you don't know, now you know. don't go away. when we come back, we'll be talking to rapp -- yeah, that's right, a real-life republican who doesn't like trump. stick around. it's your last chance to get 20% off any order of ten dollars or more by using promo code "save20." that's 20% off any combination of sandwiches, drinks and sides you can imagine. combos. for days. just use "save20" online or on our app.
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froan extraordinaryblue moon, citrus wheat.y. brewed with real tangerine peel. only 95 calories. welcome to the light side of the moon. this is an ad for a chip we don't need a logo. it's the three-sided crunch. you know, that cheesy, spicy, crispy-crunchy, flavor packed bodega snack that rhymes with. i need those. an ad with no logo? it's another level. but what if we told you its recipe is over 100 years old? created in mexico by a german brewmaster. it's not just any beer now, is it? dos equis. a most interesting beer. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily distancing show." so today i spoke with former republican strategist stuart stevens. we talked about his work with the lincoln project and his latest book lie late book, "it "
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how the republican party became donald trump. welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> great to be here, thank you. >> trevor: you are part of the lincoln project, a group of republican never trumpers who gained a lot of note rate online for putting out slick memes and anti-trump pictures or gifts or whatever it may be that have really targeted the president %-pr per perspective. how can you be a republican who is never trump. >> a group of us who worked in a lot of republican campaigns and we really feel donald trump is not only a threat to the republican party, he's a threat to the country and democracy itself. he represents everything that we thought we were working against. we thought we had joined up a party where character counts, personal responsibility matters, strong on russia, the debt was important, free trade, donald
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trump is against all those things. so we have three choices, you can be for trump, that wasn't going to happen, or sit it out which sort of sucked, or use the skills we have to try to beat trump. so we're going with door number three and trying to beat him. >> trevor: to say you have helped many republicans get into office but then turn around and say you're against donald trump might be confusing because people will say, well, donald trump is the national evolution of the republicans we've seen come into office. >> right. >> trevor: the party has aligned around him from marco rubio to mitch mcconnell. so the question is, is donald trump not just a crass version of what the republicans wanted but a republican nonetheless? >> well, look, you know, i asked that question that led me to write the book, "it was all a lie." i think you're right, it is what the republican wants. i think the republican became donald trump. i don't think donald trump is an aberration or a black swan who hijacked the party. in this book i try to trace the
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history of the party and i think there have been two elements in. the '50s joe mccarthy and dwight eisenhower, a crazy wing and a governing wing. and i think that's continued. i was involved in involved bushs campaign in # '9 and president bush and we tried to create a model of compassionate. we thought he was the odom nant gene of the party. i think now i have to conclude personally that that was wrong. we were the recessive gene and that darker side of the party really was the heart and soul of the party, at least as it's constructed now. >> trevor: when you wrote the book, "it was all a lie," it's a fantastic title because it speaks to so many truths. the question i have for you is were you fooled by the lie or because you were helping the politicians get into power were you part of the lie? >> yeah, that's a great question, and the answer is
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both. and i've tried to be as honest as i can. and this is a book that doesn't blame them. i mean, i start out by saying blame me. i can't in good faith tell you i believe in personal responsibility and was drawn to the party because of that without taking personal responsibility. i was part of this. i think that -- i felt that we were building toward something that was greater and better and bigger than ourselves. i think i looked too much the other way when we saw this dark side. but the essence of it that we now have embraced the republican party as a white nationalist party, i never in my wildest dreams perhaps naively felt that was possible. >> trevor: so what to you actually hope to achieve, seeing how trump has just completely owned and controlled this political party? >> which we see more every day. i think that it's important to just go out there and fight, trevor, and the end result of
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that fight is never clear in any of these battles. you have to believe in that you're doing at that moment. one to have the things that shouldn't be overlooked here is while donald trump says he has 95% pop layers in the party, it's probably an exaggeration, but it's 89 or 88%, but the party is getting smaller. so as he keeps that intensity, because a lot of people who are independents, who were self-identifying as republicans no longer identify as republicans. so he has shrunk the party. since 1964, republicans have not have tracted african-americans in any number, which is a huge, huge failure of the party. but we admitted it was a failure, and we tried to aspire to something better. now trump is just comfortable with this. so the party is getting smaller. and there's really not a future for that party in a changing america as it is now. >> trevor: where do you go back to? is it about defeating donald trump and then going back to the
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republican party and then continuing many of the policies that have helped create donald trump? or is there another way? because that's the one thing that i'm left with is what do you go to and where do your many fellow never-trumpers go trumpes to if the poison is still within the party even if trump is not in the white house? >> well, we're going to fight trumpism in all its forms, which i think is really fighting for american democracy. there's really three parties in america now, the republican party which is basically a party that says no to everything, then two parties inside the democratic party, call it an a.o.c.-sanders wing and a biden wing. and the future of america is going to be decided within that debate. i mean, take national health insurance. in twenty years will america be the only country that doesn't have national health insurance in western democracy? of course not. that's going to be decided in the democratic party not the republican party. so i want to be a party of
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what's going to matter and the republican party as in california which is third place is increasingly irrelevant in the debate about the country. >> trevor: congratulations on your book and thank you so much for joining us on the show. >> thank you, trevor. enjoyed it. >> trevor: thank you for joining us stuart. we have to take a quick break. >> when we come back, we'll tal9 fair"'s editor-in-chief radhika jones, so stick aro
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily distancing show." so earlier today, i spoke with radhika jones, the effort and chief of "vanity fair," and ta-nehisi, who guest edit a special september issue with brianna taylor on the cover. we talked about that and more. radhika jones, ta-nehisi, welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> thank you, trevor. >> trevor: let us talk about something that is making news everywhere online, and i know you've sent me a special copy of it, it is "vanity fair" -- >> well, i don't have that. >> trevor: i don't think anybody has it. you have to be somebody to get this. you have to be somebody to get this. but thank you very much. i literally just got my hands on this copy now, and you sent it to us. what makes the cover to powerful
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is it's breonna taylor on the cover of "vanity fair." we also know ta-nehisi is part of this. let's start on your side, radhika. you've released a cover and an issue that's really going to be making some news. what is the purpose of this issue, because i want to read this part here that's powerful where you talk about the great fire. what is it all about? >> yeah, i became editor of "vanity fair" about two and a half years ago and in a way, it's a magazine that's about aspiration, about power and personality, and i think that aspiration can be i conclusive, it should be inclusive. so for this issue, you know, it's 2020 has been a year of historic import. it was that in march when the pandemic reached american shores, and it became again in late may when george floyd was murdered in broad daylight and
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demonstrations and protests began, and they western just happening in minimum naps, they were happening around the world, and, so, we felt we wanted to capture the spirit of these months that have revealed, you know, real problems in the american system. if you tinned believe in systemic racism before now, if you didn't believe that our healthcare needed reforming, if you look around now, you probably do believe it, and we wanted to draw on the most vibrant collection of artists and writers that we could to kind of shed light on the moment. so that was the plan, and who better to help us do that than ta-nehisi, which is the person i most wanted to hear from a this time. >> trevor: let's talk a little bit about that. everybody wants to hear from you, to come on board for a project like this is no small undertaking because you know
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that everybody is waiting to see what you're going to write, how you're going to write it, how you're going to tell a story that we already know in a way that we don't know, and what you've done that's really interesting in this issue is you've talked about the life of breonna taylor and what has happened to her through a lens many of us haven't seen before. talk us through, firstly, why you came on board, and, secondly, what you hope to have achieved by telling the story the way you have. >> first of all, as you've just -- what you just articulated, like, that is the problem. it may sound somewhat ghoulish to say this, but that is the actual creative problem in the sense of how do you tell somebody a story that they already know in some sort of different way? a, i think, you know, would it allow -- would it allow me to do in partnership with radhika is assemble all of the artists and
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writers. so to bring these different perspectives on to the issues, i guarantee we got something a little different. and then i just saw back on my old journalism bones which is don't sit on your butt and try to come up with something, go see something. so i went down to louisville and spent a few days down there, and while i was there, i had the distinct honor of interviewing breonna's mother. the first part of the story where she talks about what happened to breonna and how agonizing it was, she told me that story in the first interview, and i thought, at that moment, it really is nothing that i am going to say that is going to be more eloquent, that is going to be more expressive, that is going to be more illuminating or enlightening than the mother of this woman who just got killed and, really, what i need to do is find some way to hand her the
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mic and it be more of a vessel to let her talk than thinking somehow i'm going to have some sort of interpretive analysis that's going to be superior to that. >> trevor: there's going to be something said about how much black art you've showcased in this magazine as well. i don't want people to look at this magazine and say this is only a story of pain. it's also a story of triumph,ist a story of beauty, it's the story of a journey. it does take you through the complex paradigm of blackness. why was that important? >> i think we want a whole product. my favorite par in terms of whai was directly involved in is listening to breonna's mother tamika talk about how she ended up in a motorcycle club and how he taught her daughter to ride
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motorcycles. because if you just focus on what the police tid or what happened to the person, you become a participant in the dehumanization. it is very, very, very important that people be reminded there was an actual life that was taken. they didn't shoot a slogan, a piece of legislation, they shot a human being. a mother, a little sister, the man she had been with for some time with relations in the community, they shot a person. and, so, if you're going to have actual people, you know, you really do need that range, you know what i mean. so that was within that piece. but i think across the magazine, it was very, very effective. >> we asked eva duvernay, the great director, to interview dr. angela davis for the issue. dr. davis said something that really stuck with me. she says that art is the thing that makes you feel what you
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might not yet fully understand, and we thought in that vein when we thought about photographing actors alongside activists and directors like eva and writers, people who have been moving the needle on the culture for a long time, and their work is so important and it does lay the ground for change, and, so, we want -- you know, that is something to celebrate, to answer your question, and we didn't want to overlook that in putting the whole issue together. >> trevor: what do you hope people take away from this issue? >> well, first of all, i hope they will keep it and sit with it because it's not this month and gone. as you said, trevor, these stories aren't gone away. and we created it that way so that it could feel like a keepsake. i want people to f


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