tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central August 26, 2020 9:00am-9:45am PDT
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oh, hey, just wanted to thank you for having me arrested as a pervert the other night. that was cool. peace. - uh, we didn't think you were a pervert. we thought you were a criminal. - for the record, i still actually kind of think he's a pervert. >> trevor: hey, everybody, what's going on. welcome to "the daily distancing show." i'm trevor noah it is tuesday, august 25, and we are now just 70 days away from the election. that's the reason you're starting to hear all the election day songs starting on the radio. the strange hope of the nation's hope and fear in the r.n.c. roy wood, jr. and desi lydic play democracy's most depressing game show. welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, "the daily distancing show" presents the republican national convention, celebrating pressure
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to come. >> trevor: yesterday was the start of the republican national convention, the first and only time donald trump has renewed his vows. going into the convention. i thought it would be tough for donald trump to sell himself for another four years mostly because, you know, we live in a hellscape where 180,000 people have died and we can't go to a movie or hug our grandparents. but then i watched the convention, and, guys, it turns out donald trump has actually done a really good job by preventing all of that from happening. >> from the very beginning, democrats, the media and the world health organization got coronavirus wrong. one leader took decisive action to save lives. president donald trump. >> the president quickly took action and shut down travel from china. >> donald trump's quick action and leadership saved thousands of lives during covid 19.
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>> president trump truly moved mountains to save lives, and he deserves credit. >> just imagine what 2020 would have looked like, fighting for your life without donald trump fighting for it, too. >> trevor: imagine what 2020 would have been like without trump. hey, do you want to eat dinner inside a restaurant? school kool! see you then. you're right. that would have sucked. they're trying to convince everyone that this massive failure is actually massive achievement, which is not something normal people do when they apply for a job. i see on your resume here it says that you crashed a car into duncan donates. yeah, dude, but it would have been, like, a lot worse if joe biden was driving, and it's especially crazy, considering that, at the last r.n.c., all they talked about was the four dead americans in benghazi, but now they're acting like trump did a great job by only having
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45,000 ben gassies. what? i guess it's true. without trump taking any action, millions more americans could have died. so good on republicans for seeing the glass of bleach half full. but trump's failure with coronavirus is only one perception that republicans need to change at their convention. another one is that the g.o.p. is a wop, a white-ass party. last night the party show cased their diversity by giving speaker slots to all four of america's black trump suppers. i don't know what they'll do the rest to have the week. tim scott has spoken, so they'll have to bring him back on wednesday with a fake mustache, it's me, and i also support donald trump. one of the speakers went further and declared the real racists are the democrats. >> you may be wondering why is a life-long democrat speaking at the republican national convention? and that's a fair question.
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and here's your answer -- the democratic party does not want black people to believe their mental plantation. we have been forced to be there for decades and generations. but i have news for joe biden, we are free, we are free people with free minds. >> trevor: so let me get this straight -- when other groups organize and vote by their interests, they get a fancy name like voting blocs, but when black people do it you get told you're acting like an extra on roots? why is it that people say you should be a free thinker and have a very specific set of instructions on how to think. allthink for yourselves! i'll vote for a democrat. >> no, think for yourself, votee a republican. i dare you to try and brainwash a black woman, you will come out
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joining her cult. i'm in her cult. this argument is especially confusing coming from this dude because he's saying the democrats are trying to enslave you, also i'm a life-long democrat. that's every confused meme on the internet at once. does that mean he's keeping his own voters on the mental plantation? i feel like i need to watch 12 years a mental slave to understand what the (~bleep ) he's talking about. to be fair, it's not that the r.n.c. completely denied the existence of racism in america, they just think racism is a less systemic problem and more of a personal obstacle on the way to an inspirational triumph. two of their best speakers actually came from people who have made that exact journey. >> america is not a racist country. my father wore a turban. my mother wore a sari. i was a brown girl in a black and white world. we faced discrimination and hardship, but my parents never gave in to grievance and hate.
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>> my grandfather's # 9th 9th birthday would have been tomorrow. he suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third grader. yet, he lived long enough to see his grandson become the first african-american to be elected to both the united states house and the united states senate in the history of this country. our family went from cotton to congress in one lifetime. >> trevor: look, whatever you think about neck nikki haley anm scott, you can't deny they have inspiring stories. but here's the thing about them using their stories to show how exceptional america is. haley and scott are literally the exceptions. the fact that tim scott is one of the only black senators and nikki haley was one of the only minority governors is if anything an argument for the existence of systemic racism in
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america not against it. imagine being the sole survivor of a plane crash and looking at the wreckage and saying, wow, i wish all the other passengers could have persevered and overcome the crash like me, shout out to boeing! if america didn't have a racism problem, their achievements wouldn't be a big deal. getting elected as a minority should be as easy as mailing a letter. what i want is a world where a black man becoming a senator isn't inspirational. that's when black people would have really made it e, where there's a black senator who said my dad was a c.e.o. and his billionaire friend started a super pac so i guess i'm here now. there's only one speaker anyone at the republican national convention wants to hear from is donald jerry falwell trump. sorry to say the present didn't speak in prime time last night but we got a speech from don, jr. who turned the convention
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into an infomercial. >> my father's entire world view revolves around the idea we can always do even better. imagine the life you want to have, one with a great job, a beautiful home, a per feck family, you can have it. imagine the country you want to live in, one with true, week alopportunity, you can have it. heroes are sphwraitd and the good guys can win, you can have it. that is the life, that is the country, that is the world that donald trump and the republican party are after, and, yes, you can have it. >> trevor: honestly, put your hating aside. you have to admit don, jr. would make a great motivational speaker, and not in the traditional way where he inspires you with quotes, more like in a way where people can look at him and say, that guy can run a giant company and speak at a major convention, that guy? imagine what i can do if i can put my mind to it. also, the donald trump has been president for almost four years,
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then why do we have to imagine how great life could be if he was president. trump's presidency is like your 48-year-old cousin's deejay career -- if it's not successful by now, it's not going to be. but if don, jr. couldn't get you on board with his vision of america, maybe your tv volume wasn't loud enough, in which case kimberly guilfoyle turned it up for you. >> do you believe in america greatness? believe in yourself, in president trump! his promise was to put america first, and he has! president trump believes in you! he emancipates and lifts you up to live your american dream! you are capable, you are qualified, you are powerful and you have the about to choose your life and determine your destiny! ladies and gentlemen, leaders and fighters for creating
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liberty and the american dream, the best -- is yet -- to come! >> trevor: does that seem kind of loud to anyone? ( shouting ) first of all, i want to wish a speedy recovery to anyone listening on headphones. i'm praying for you. i guess we found the one person sign whro signed up for rudy giuliani's master club. >> america! >> trevor: you know when you're at a party and the music turns off and all of a studden you're talking too loud? that's basically what guilfoyle did for an entire speech. aside from the speech being so loud canada called the cops, the content was ridiculous. donald trump believes in me? i don't want to be in that group. those were the big speeches, a full-throwed defense of the idea that there's nothing americans can't do if they put their minds to it. although, there was also another big idea running through the
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whole night which is that the one thing americans won't be able to overcome is joe biden, who will leave the country a permanently smoking ruin. >> joe biden and the radical left are coming for our freedom of speech. >> thraipt to destroy this country, they want to steel your liberty, your freedom. you will not recognize your country or yourself. >> they want to abolish the suburbs altogether no matter where you live, your family will not be safe. >> the vengeful mob that seeks to destroy our way of life. >> the party that wants to burn down the foundation of you are country to the ground. >> crime, violence and mob rule. >> they'll disarm you, empty the prisons, lock you in your home and invitemost-13 olive next door. >> with no hope of escape except death itself. >> trevor: good god, i'm terrified -- and confused because if joe biden gets
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infected,most-13 whether move in next door but we won't live there because we'll be kicked out of the suburbs, and if we try to go to church the democrats will call the cops, but there won't be cops because they defunded the police, so we'll have to take ourselves to prison, but there won't be prisons because they let everyone out, and the democrats will have guns, and we can fight with our words but can't because words have been canceled -- i don't know what it means! damn! that was a terrifying evening! here's the thing that i don't think republicans understand -- it's hard to scare people about the damage joe biden could do after the damage donald trump has already done. joe biden could destroy your way of life -- dude, how much worse could shit get? by the way, this is a lesson for the democrats because they spent four days of their convention
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pitching a return to flormle si and bringing republicans into their tents. it didn't count for shit. the r.n.c. is still saying joe biden is basically joseph stalin with a better smile. but that was night one of the r.n.c. and basically, the party made sure that they had something for everyone -- for people who feel the country is in kay joes, trump will make it better. for people who think things are going fine, you have trump to thank. if you're a my knotert trump is a bump to the suburbs. if you're scared, trump will keep them out. hard of hearing, kimberly guilfoyle will help you. taking a quick break. when we come back, we'll catch up on the trees, russians and hot sex lives of america's most
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devout evangelicals. so stick get extra napkins when you order a hot-and-juicy quarter pounder. a normal amount of napkins, just won't do. ♪ ba da ba ba ba [bag crinkling] ♪ welcome to our land hey!♪ ♪ sorry about your hand ♪ but it's better in here, ya it's fun in here ♪ ♪ trolli, trolli, trolli ♪ trolli. i get plan b one-step. it helps prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. and it won't hurt my chances of getting pregnant in the future. you can get it right off the shelf. over prepared? maybe. confident? definitely. i've got this.
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♪ and a touch of ♪ leantioxidant elation. ♪, ♪ clean caffeine, sweet like me, ♪ ♪ give your mouth a standing ovation! ♪ >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily distancing show." it is night two of the republican national convention, but it is also night infinity of everything else that's going on. so let's catch up on all the
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other news in our unconventional checkup. ♪ ♪ ♪ let's begin with russia. it's like if a frown was a country. for years, only one prominent politician has had the courage or stupidity to stand up to the autocratic ruler vladimir putin. but for putin, that was apparently one too many. >> doctors in germany say a critic of russian vladimir putin was likely poisoned. remember, doctors in siberia blamed alexei flay validy's illness in a drop in blood sugar. he was in an induced coma. supporters believe somebody poisoned his tea before he got on a flight in rust. for the past several years, other kremlin critics have been involved in apparent poisoning or suffered mysterious death. >> trevor: that's right, russia's most prominent dissident was poisoned at the airport. that means it was either
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vladimir putin or he ate the food at la guardia. either way, we need a full investigation. let's be real, it was most probably vladimir putin. the man uses so much poison, i wouldn't be surprised if he's in the poison aisle in costco -- the 24 pack or 36 in? the russian doctors didn't diagnose this as a poisoning. though maybe that's how they teach it in russian medical school. this dissident drank tea. he a has a case of the sleepies. happens to people who don't keep their mouth shut. it must be terrifying to be in a country where the leaders try to poison opposition candidates. so much better to be in a country where they can do it by shutting down the post office. american democracy isn't defeated yesterday because yesterday democrats in congress
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called louis dejoy to get answers about what's going on with the usps. >> louis dejoy defending recent changes to the u.s. posers postl service ahead of the election. he was at times combative. dejoy acknowledged a lack of familiarity with basic aspects of the postal service. you don't know the cost to mail a postcard? >> i don't. >> what about a greeting card that's a square envelope. then what's the postage. >> i'll submit i know very little about a postage stamp. >> within a million or so, can you tell me how many people voted by mail in the last presidential election? >> no, i cannot. >> to the nearest 10 million? ( chuckled ) is that a no? >> i would be guessing and i don't want to guess. >> trevor: i'm glad you know
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the price to have the stamp, but i am concerned about your understanding of this agency. >> trevor: goddam. we've got the worst person to bring to a trivia night. okay, the next question is what do you call the box that you put mail in. oh, my god! thank god we've got the post master generallen our team. what do you think, dejoy? oh, i know this one, they're blue. oh, i'm taking them away -- oh, i should know this! in a way, this is refreshing to watch. we're so used to see guys man splaining -- well, actually -- it's refreshing to say, you tell me, lady, i don't know shit. moving on to jerry falwell, jr., president of liberty university. falwell has been a fixture of the christian conservative movement for 15 years. since following his famous father into the family business. but now all of a sudden he's not.
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>> breaking overnight influential evangelical leader,r jerry falwell, jr. is out as president of liberty university after a tumultuous date where his fate lurched back and forth after two weeks ago he posted a photo on social media showing he and a woman with their pants unbuttoned. >> questions about jerry falwell, jr.'s leadership in liberty university in virginia come after giancarlo granda claimed he had a years' long sexual relationship involving fallwoman's life and the evangelical leader. giancarlo granda said he was in his 20s when he met the falwell's in march of 2012. he said their relationship continued till 2018 and involved him having sex with becki falwell while jerry falwell looked on. >> trevor: let's start out, what consensual adults do in their sex life and it's up for them. i don't judge anybody for
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anything. you do whatever tickles your exposed fly. but falwell has made it his business to judge everyone else. he speaks out against gay relationships and until five years ago, students at his university weren't allowed to do anything beyond holding hands or even watch r-rated movies. meanwhile he's apparently let this pool boy check his wife's color nation levels. sometimes i think guys like this are reading different bibles to the rest of us because the bible i read says to love thy flab and judge not lest you be judged first. but this guy is, here's something you can do is hot. nothing is more dangerous to a relationship than a sexy pool boy. that's why i only use a pool cleaning robot. i still try to smash the thing but it's not interested. finally, fires sweeping california. >> the firefight continues for firefighters in northern
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california where three major wildfires are burning in the bay area. two of the fires are the second and third largest ever recorded in california. in one week the fires scorched more than 1.2 million acres, the area the size of rhode island. california has seen roughly 600 new wildfires pop up in the last week, a combination of hot, dry weather and 12,000 lightning strikes. >> this is big basin redwoods, devastated by flames. many of the luge massive redwood trees survived despite being burned. >> trevor: it's such a relief most to have the red wood trees survived the fire. i like how they mentioned many of the fires are the size of rhode island. three things are certain, death, texas and a california fire compared to the size of a random state because we're all terrible at math. we have 1.2 million acres of wildfire, two hurricanes in a week and a pandemic raging
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across america. i don't know if those are signs from god but if i was jerry falwell, jr. i would maybe stick to cold showers for a few weeks. when we come back, roy wood, jr. and desi lydic host the hot new game show that you might be playing against your will. so stick around. at olive garden it's easier than ever to enjoy what you love from us in the comfort of your own home. order and pay on our app or at choose from all your favorites like fettuccine alfredo or soup, salad and breadsticks. then bring it all home with contactless carside pickup. the hardest part is deciding where to start. olive garden we're all family here. come on tucker, let's go.k? tuck, tuck, do you want a walk boy? tucker, do you want to go out? when the whole family needs an excuse to get out, nutro's clean recipe will help your dog keep up.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily distancing show." north carolina is shaping up to be a battleground state this year, but will we be able to trust its voters will be treated fairly? desi lydic and roy wood, jr. find out in their new and confusing game show. >> i'm roy wood, jr., she's desi lydic, and this is "america's got suppression"! the number one show about how three of the most democratic country in the world keeps some of its citizens from voting! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tonight we're in north carolina, home of san dibeachs, delicious barbecue and the most beautiful plantation weddings that your sorority sisters never should have had. >> that's right, desi, and
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north carolina is also ground zero for voting suppression in america. let's meet our first contestant. >> jayden is a college senior who loves his lucky hat but doesn't love his voting rights are threatened by a voter i.d. law proposed by the state's republican legislature. >> my stance on voter suppression comes from the archives in the sunday of the voter i.d. student. i'm an out of state student, so i don't know have a i.d., all i have is a drivers license. >> it's a legitimate i.d. you can use it to get into a library, bars. >> and my dorm. >> you can use it to cut up cocaine. >> okay, yeah. >> so you can't vote with that? >> this law is being pushed by the republican party, and we all know college students tend to vote more democratic, especially students at h.b.c.u. >> yes, h.b.c.u., historically african-american colleges and
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universities. >> you can say black. >> oh, okay. hisshistorically black collegesd universities. >> wait, what did you just do? let's. >> our next contestant is always wearing glasses. >> she was proud of her voting power hen her college was gerrymandered. >> gerrymandering is a mechanism used to rob voting districts to make sure you can get reelected. >> i always thought it was a sex act. >> no, it's when they dilute the power of a specific voting bloc like splitting the school in two districts. how did you fight back against this in north carolina? >> we've had court case which is it took a very long time to win. the north carolina supreme court, they decided that this was a partisan gerrymander, which is illegal. every year, every election, there's always a fight, so if that doesn't make the vote
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suppressed, joint what does. >> i have never experienced voter suppression before. some people are just lucky, i guess. >> i think privilege is the word you're looking for. >> no, i think it's luck. >> okay, next up is dan mccready, a veteran and solo entrepreneur who has a friendly face. >> and while running for congress in 2018 his republican opponent's campaign allegedly used voter fraud to defeat him. >> wow. >> something seems off with this guy. this doesn't seem right because this guy is white. you're white, right? of course, his name is dan. he's definitely white. >> dan, sorry about her. why do you think you've got what it takes to be the most suppressed? >> what happened in my race, which is the largest case of election fraud in modern day american history, i thought we lost by 905 votes only to find out that my republican opponent had hired a known criminal, who sent workers to the doors of voters that they knew were likely to vote democrat,
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including african-americans. >> oh, dan, you can say black. >> no. no, you can't, dan. don't do that. >> never mind, dan. >> those workers stole ballots, forged signatures, filled in vote choices for people. >> it's interesting because it's usually republicans who accuse democrats of voter fraud. >> huh, that is interesting. >> but at the end of the day, the bipartisan board of elections in north carolina voted 5-0 to hold a new election. >> all right, so they held a new election, desi, and he won his office and fought back on that suppression. that's what i'm talking about. >> congratulations, dan! now that is a happy ending. >> well, unfortunately, i didn't win, but the important thing is that, in this case, the system worked. >> so you lost twice is what you're saying. >> he got cheated, he lost, and then he lost again. >> i got to givet it up to you, dan. i've never seen anybody get suppressed twice in the same
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election. time to take a last look at all our contestants and see which one it takes to win america's got suppression. >> i.d., gerrymandering or voter fraud. >> this is tough, desi. >> absolutely. >> the winner of "america's got suppression" is -- >> mitch mcconnell? >> oh, that makes sense. when voters are suppressed, he wins. >> every time. >> to the other contestants, you lose. >> so does democracy. >> yes, it does. all right, well, it was fun playing with you. "america's got suppression" returns next week live from atlanta, georgia. >> you're make meg do this again? >> yes, we have 49 more states to do. >> trevor: thank you so much roy and desi, i can't wait for the next episode. we have to take a quick break. when we come back, i'll talk to chris evans, a/k/a
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get extra napkins when you order a hot-and-juicy quarter pounder. a normal amount of napkins, just won't do. ♪ ba da ba ba ba an extra 15% credit on car and motorcycle policies? that's great! that's 15% on top of what geico could already save you. so what are you waiting for? john stamos to knit you a scarf? all finished, jean. enjoy! thank you. i give. the stitch work is impeccable. it's just a double fleck pattern with a reverse garter stitch. no big deal. is your hair this soft?
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softer. geico. save an extra 15% when you switch by october 7th. "ok. allllright" "brake brake brake brake!!!" "aww... .should we...leave a note?" "no." "did i pass?" "ehhh..." "break me off a piece of that kit kat bar!" "did i pass?" "ehhh..." start your day with secret. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. with secret, you're unstoppable. no sweat! try it and love it or get your money back.
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[son] mom! yeah... [son] i fell. okay there's bandages in the cabinet. [son] i'm bleeding. grab two. sheba. what cats want. that's weird... come on... great... are you for real? uggggh!!! ahh... so maybe just a cable? we can help you. welcome to america's #1 battery destination. autozone, your battery solution. welcome to america's #1 battery destination. darrell's family uses gain flings now so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. [woman] isn't that the dog's towel? hey, me towel su towel. more gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze in every gain fling. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily -- welcome wack to "the daily distancing show." i spoke to chris evans and mark kassen about their new venture
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called starting point, a platform where you can learn about issues directly from elected officials and apparently it's only got facts. >> coming back each time to the place we knew to the people that were familiar and started to feel like we were doing something that was work and people wanted to participate in. >> we're going to have to get you a permanent office. >> i don't know if i could handle that. >> hope is the we can become synonymous with an unbiased presentation of what is going on in washington. >> trevor: chris, mark, welcome to "the daily distancing show." >> thank you for having us. >> trevor: let's jump straight into this idea, a starting point, a web site where, if i understand correctly, people can log on to just get the facts about politics and engage with their politicians. the question i have is can you create a web site that is non-partisan if facts around politics are involved? >> sure. that's the challenge, isn't it? there are three sections and i let the viewers check it out themselves. the first section is where we outsource to get fact checks.
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this is about basic issues about elected officials and trying to give the electorate a perspective of not only the democratic but the republican perspective to let them know where they fall in the it politl landscape. >> trevor: no denying people say if a fact goes against what they believe in it's fake and it's been affected. how do you play into convincing people that the fact is in fact a fact. >> chris, and i talked about this going in. if you look at the fact check, it becomes arbitrary really quickly and debatable. we did the best we could. we keep the answers too short so they can't say too much. too, we handed it over to another organization that just handles dealing with policy and tracking bills. therefore, when people want to say, well, connected we couldn't find backup for that or this, and then it is it is common for people to say, where do we find
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backup and track bread crumbs. but again, we're just a starting point. >> trevor: i like that you call it a a "a starting point." it feels like this is an end game. you're starting off where it feels like we're long past. people don't seem to care about what a thing is. they care about how it feels now. >> sure. >> trevor: do you think you can get to people before they make a decision on who they vote for? >> sure, the kind of dizziness of the deliberate observe if obf people in power breeds apathy. so what we're trying to fight against is the exhaustion the political landscape can present with the dizzying of subjective information and facts and trying to connect people back to elected officials, the political landscape in an effort to try to
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breed participation so that democracy doesn't die. not to be dramatic but that's what will happen. >> the folks in d.c. you see on tv are talking about the things that the folks who elected them are concerned with. we're more concerned about this is the fact. we're not the authority. we're trying to help soften the tenor of the conversation and be a more productive dissidence. >> remember everything you said. >> let's get one of your analyses now and put that on the site. >> trevor: you don't have likes, dislikes, comments. you basically don't have the internet on your web site, which is very old school. but i would like to know, why don't you have likes, dislikes, comments? >> well, because i think it's a bet bit of a negative reward system. it's not refreshing. anytime you go and scroll through the comments section, you don't walk away saying i feel better now. so sometimes the tail can wag the dog when it comes to a
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political section to encourage lights or seem louder or more relevant than you are. we wanted to remove that. that the one of the contributing factors that makes people turn away from politics. the vitriol is to try to make the landscape committed to a more scholastic intent than the kind of toxicity that sometimes individual opinions can have. >> we have one way people can get feedback is they can register to vote and the other is connect to their elected officials directly through our site. we've registered almost 7,000 people to vote so far and over 35,000 people have reached out to their eelected officials. to us, an engagement is reaching out to your elected official and register to vote and do something. >> trevor: i have to ask you, there's no denying people consider you a woke bay.
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online people know that you share your views. you have left leaning views, you're a progressive, you've never hidden this. >> yes. >> trevor: to be one of the faces of this web site means some people will automatically assume that some of the things you are doing are trying to push people to the left. how do you assure people it's not happening and, more importantly, how do you stay away from doing what you believe is right because of your political beliefs? >> i'll still express my opinions when i feel called to do that. i don't think one has to step on the other. everyone knows i'm democratic and have my issues with certain people and i won't hide those, but when you examine the mechanism to have the web site, it's virtually impossible, i would argue, for me to somehow inject my opinion into the mechanism of each section. each section is pretty airtight in terms of trying to give the elected officials a platform and encourage connectivity between the two parties, the elected officials and constituents,
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rather. i understand people's concern, but like i said, i have been trying to shout that i'm aware of it, too. >> trevor: you have to talk to a lot of politicians whom you don't necessarily agree with, both of you. chris, you caught a little bit of flack when people saw you take a picture with ted cruz's daughter and said you're with ted cruz, how can you take a picture with ted cruz? you said i'm here with my daughter and this is for her. how do you balance that? some people are, like, i don't agree with your politics but as captain america i would like to take a picture with you. you may go i hate this policy you enacted on human beings, but as captain america i understand you would like to take a picture with me. how do you plans balance that and go to you, chris, how could you do that? >> in a circumstance with a child, i'll always take a picture of a kid. in general, even sitting down with certain politicians there's extreme on both parties where there's no wiggle room for that. i would argue, if this person
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wasn't in power or writing bills that affected your life, shun them, scream loud at them. but we can't pretend they don't have some sort of say. i find it far more pernicious to become stubborn and retreat to your corner and say i wholeheartedly disagree with you and infringe on human rights, something that offends me as a person. i would like to talk about ideas. otherwise, everything spirals and no one listens and i don't think you move the ball down the field effectively as you would if you say, okay, outtalk me. >> and these are our elected officials. they are responsible for passing legislation that will affect our lives. chris did something, tim scott came on and said, listen, you and i don't agree on at lot of things but i appreciate you let me have a conversation about things i know you don't agree in, and i think if we can do
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that, maybe people can get better at having conversations, at least at thanksgiving around the dinner table without punching each other in the face. >> trevor: as your web site name suggests, we hope this is a starting point. congratulations to you, and hopefully more people are registered to vote and engage with your elected officials. chris evans and mark kassen, thanks for having you on the show. >> trevor: that's our show for tonight, but before we go, we talked about it tonight, but california is in trouble right now. the wildfires there are out of control and have already burned over a million acres and destroyed thousands of homes. one of the agencies helping out on the ground there right now is the center for disaster philanthropy's wildfire recovery fund. they support communities across the state, especially ones with vulnerable populations, as they work to rebuild and recover from wildfires. if you're able to help them out, please consider making a donation at the link below. until tomorrow -- stay safe out there, wear a mask, and if vladimir putin invites you to a tea party, find an excuse.
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but first, here it is -- your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he pushed for trans-pacific partnership, defied manufacturing jobs. biden is so weak on china at the intelligence community assessed that the chinese communist party favors biden. biden has promised to take that money back out of your pocket and keep it in the swamp. that makes sense, though, considering joe biden is basically the loch ness monster of the swamp. it starts by reelected donald j. trump, president of the united states. captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪
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