tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central September 16, 2020 1:15am-2:00am PDT
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on, everybody? welcome to "the daily social distancing show. i'm trevor noah. today is tuesday, the 15th of september, and here's your quarantine tip of the day -- as your kids go back to school, please make sure that they're teachers are covering the subjects that they need to know now more than ever -- reading, writing and, most importantly, punching people for paper towels. you can't get paper towels right now! anyway, on tonight's show, scientists have found a backup planet. michael che and roy wood, jr. get back into sports, and donald trump has solved climate change. so let's do this, people, welcome to "the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor noah's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show. with trevor noah. >> trevor: let's kick things off with outer space. it's the reason people who aren't perverts have telescopes. for years, scientists have been asking if there is life on mars,
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but it turns out they may have been looking in the wrong place. >> astronomers have uncovered possible new signs of life on venus. >> its surface is hot enough to melt lead and its cloaked in clouds of toxic gas, but scientists now believe something could be alive on venus or, actually, just above it. professor sara seager along with a team of international scientists spotted a molecule called fos feign in the planet's atmosphere using giant tell scopes. >> finding phosphine leaves us with two equally crazy ideas, one is there's some unknown chemistry and the other is there's some possibility there might be some life producing phosphine on venus. >> trevor: wow, human beings are amazing. just five months ago we found out how to properly wash our hands and now we've found extraterrestrial life. i think it's super exciting there's life on venus because
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that's where the ladies are from. oooh! i can't wait to go to venus, a planet full of only women? whoa hoa! i'll roll up there and be, like, ladies can you give us advice on building a egalitarian society built free of patriarchy? i feel like we spend all our time finding life on other planets, not on what we should do when we find life on planets. my advice to venus is run, girl! of all the times to discover alien life, this is the worst time, because what if the aliens come to meet us and we give them coronavirus. they will be so mad we're going to have to explain it's not an act of war. but they will be, like, you knew you had it. why didn't you wear a mask? it's a weird thing because of stuff we read on facebook. facebook? is zuckerberg here?
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zuckerberg's an alien? what, you thought he was human? aaahhh! even though you think alien life is cool, remember our definition is different from scientists' definition of alien life. in movies it's amazing creatures or futuristic aliens. if anything, they just set us up for disappointment. they said on venus they basically discovered, what, a bacteria? they need to make movies that set up more realistic expectations. mc.♪ ♪ >> the aliens are coming, everybody! isn't it beautiful? they're going to give us peace on earth. or maybe a new soda flavor. that would be nice, right? something's coming out. ♪ ♪ that's it? i left my kids in the bath for
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this. >> trevor: now, we better pray that aliens are really nice and welcoming to humans because at the rate climate change is going we're going to need a place to crash. >> hurricane sally is expected to make a landfall as a category 1 tomorrow producing heavy rain and potentially life-threatening storm surge. states of emergency have been declared in mississippi, alabama and louisiana. >> the slow moving storm is packing winds around 100 miles an hour, expecting to drop nearly 2 feet of rain. >> for only the second time in recorded history, five tropical cyclones are churning in the atlantic at the same time. we're running out of letters to name them so soon we'll use the break alphabet for storm names. >> trevor: welcome to 2020 where we've had so many hurricanes we're going to start using the greek alphabet. i guess after that they will go to colors and after that ideas from elon musk.
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aaahhh! it's hurricane xzon7 -- how do you announce then side down g?! even though we're seeing the effects of change almost every day, there are still tons of people in this country who are, like, i don't know if it's real and etch if it is i'm not really afraid of it. but those are the same people who are like a muslim family moved into my neighborhood? what is your secret plans? or maybe we need to use the irrational fear to get people to take climate change seriously. instead of naming them hurricane sally or hurricane diane, they should call it hurricane abdul salim. they will all be named a hurricane and drive a prius, we got to save this goddam planet, y'all! and the west coast wildfires -- >> with less than 50 days till the election president trump and joe biden are clashing over
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climate change. while meeting with california's governor the president downplayed the role of climate change in the wildfires ravaging the region. his democratic rival blasted that attitude. >> donald trump's climate denial may not have caused the fires and record floods and hurricanes, if you give a climate arsonist four more years in the white house, why would anyone be surprised if we have more america ablaze. >> we want to work with you to recognize the change in climate and what it means our forests and actually work together with that science. that science will be key. if we ignore that science and sort of put our head in the sand and think it's all about vegetation management, we're not going to succeed in protecting californians. >> okay. it will start getting cooler. you just watch. >> trevor: mr. president, you're right! it will start getting cooler -- that's called winter! gold star. so i guess trump's approach to climate change is the same as
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his approach to coronavirus. deny it's existence and hope it will magically disappeared. which probably means six months from now bob woodward will release a tape on which donald trump does a detail on impact of carbon temperatures. this is why the solar flares we're experiencing at a stratospheric level -- hold on, fox news. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah -- the dude has been defying science his whole life. when science told him he couldn't subsist on a diet of meatloaf and steak for 74 years, he said challenge accepted. if you think the president is embarrassed by that exchange, you don't know trump. because rather than hiding in shame he spent nearly an hour this morning chatting with his best friends on fox news. he obviously thought the interview went great but something tells me even they are wondering if they can keep it up for another four years. >> mr. president, i think you broke a lot of news this morning. thank you for starting your day
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with "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> thank you, it will be greatly. >> are we going to do it reverie week? >> i look forward to it. every monday, i think they said, and if we can't do it on a monday, we'll do it on a tuesday like we did today. >> sounds good. >> mr. president, thank you very much. you may want to do it every week, but fox is not committed to that. we're going to take it on a case by case basis, and joe biden is always welcome to join us for 47 minutes just like we did with the president. donald trump, president of the united states. >> trevor: wow, steve doocy just told the president of the united states don't call us, we'll call you. imagine that. he's the most powerful than in the world and they're treating him like he's a jehovah's witness who's also selling time shares. the fact that doocy knew it was 47 minutes shows you how annoyed he was. not 45 minutes, not an hour, 47 minutes exactly. that's someone who spent most of a conversation staring at their
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watch. which the way, if melania ever wanted to have an affair, trump's fox news interviews would be the per feck time for her to do it. okay, eduardo, my husband just called into fox now so we have anywhere between 45 minutes and three hours to make call-indifferent love. i want to give props to steve doocy for inviting joe biden on the show to make it seem "fox & friends" is a balanced news show. and he's, like, just to be clear, we will also talk with joe biden. it's only fair. all right, coming up next, are democrats going to burn your house down while you're asleep? we'll discuss but the answer is yes. a quick break, but when we come back, we'll tell you while the american passport is now useless. so stick around. t-mobile and sprint have merged. and t-mobile doesn't just have a bigger network, but a better one than ever before, with scam protection built into its core.
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joe biden will not raise taxes on anyone making under 400 thousand dollars. biden will close tax loopholes for big corporations. trump's tax cut giveaway exploded our debt, so he's threatening social security and medicare. biden will make the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. so we can protect social security and medicare and invest in schools and health care. i'm joe biden and i approve this message.
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i'm joe biden vented where you want it. cool when you need it. coolzone™fly. from fruit of the loom®. pour-by-pour commentator. watch the patience of bubble 99. he waits for a hole between the refreshing bubbles, turns on the gas and takes it all the way to the foam zone... i cannot believe what i'm seeing! dos equis. a most interesting beer.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show. next tuesday is the first day of autumn or as many americans call it, fall, because what do leaves do? they fall. you guys are adorable. it also means there is officially one week left to get in that summary vacation. but, of course, it will be a little different than other years. let's find out how different in our special segment travel in the time of corona. ♪ ♪ ♪ the coronavirus pandemic has been devastating for a number of industries -- the sports industry, the restaurant industry and not to mention stoefers line of dinners. corona has been especially bad for travel. at the beginning the biggest trip we took was from our beds to the toilet. gradually people realize they
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still can go on tripsers just old school. >> motels seeing a surge in businesses as more americans look to social distance during the pandemic monchts tells may seem like relics of a bigone era but not 2020. >> i prefer this over a hotel. >> i walk to my room, everything is clean, not touching anything. >> many hotels offer their kitchenettes. you just get your grocery and stay at home. >> motels are sort of built for pandemics. one of the reasons they're becoming more popular now is you continue have to walk through a crowded lobby to get to your room, you don't have to get on an elevator. we're at a motel 6 by the way and your air conditioning unit is your own so you don't have to worry about the virus spreading through different rooms. >> trevor: good news, people -- you don't have to worry about coronavirus at motels, which means, now, you can spend more time worrying about whether the drug deal in the next room is going to go bad. i think that's a pretty fair price for ten kilos,
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mr. scorpion! please just take it! i also get why motels make more sense than hotels knew. covid can't get you if you get stabbed in the parking lot first. plus motels already have all the other diseases corona is probably afraid to step on their turf. corona is like, yeah, i'll wait outside. coronavirus is one of the more bougie diseases. think about where crony is, what it's doing. corona is like i like going on cruises and in restaurants. i don't like outside. fitness classes, i love those. basically anywhere with vitamin water. so a road trip to a motel is one way to make vacations safer, but safer yet is a road trip in a motel. >> r.v.s have become the trendy way to vacation during the pandemic. >> the demand is so high r.v. dealers say inventory across the state is low. >> anroom v. is a socially
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distanced vehicle, a socially distanced vacation, and a way to corral or keep your family together. >> this motor home is 36 feet long and 8 feet wide, about the size of a city bus. no special license is required. >> oh, no! >> that was a little tight with the -- >> that was my back wheel, right? >> with more r.v.s on the road, more inexperienced drivers are putting the wreck in recreational vehicle. >> trevor: goddam that was crazy! i know what you're thinking now, trevor, if my whole family is in that r.v. and we crash and die, isn't that worse than some of us getting coronavirus? honestly guys, i don't know because if one family member dies, we all have to go to their funeral. but if we all die together, then no one is sad! it's also funny how that guy said, r.v.s are a great way to keep your family together. is that really the problem we're having now? who's sitting out there like, guys, i love we're spending
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every waking moment together but what if we could do it in an even smaller space? either way, this shows you why america is such a strange place because if you're forced to live in your car, you get tickets, police hassle you, people call you a blight. but if your car has a stove in it, oh, then you're just living the dream. so corona has made road trips great again. but what if you want to go somewhere that you can't drive to? well that's where things get tricky because although airline travel is surprisingly safe, it's not just the virus you need to be worried about. >> a passenger gets kicked off a plane after a dispute over a face mask. we're seeing incidents like this again and again. >> more than 700 people are now on airlines no-fly list because they refuse to wear a mask while traveling. >> tension aboard a new york-bound flight as every single passenger is forced off all because one of them wasn't wearing a mask.
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>> fists were thrown after a woman refused to wear a mask on an american airlines flight. ( shouting ) >> trevor: i can understand why some don't want to wear masks outdoors and stretch my mind to understand why people don't want to wear a mask to a gym, but airspace is one place where your individual desires don't mean shit! oh, i don't feel comfortable wearing a mask on a plane! oh, i -- nobody feels comfortable! that's what flying is all about. they tell you when you can stand, when you can eat. hell, they tell you when you can use the bathroom. flying is the only time after fourth grade where you need permission to pee. flying isn't about your own personal comfort. it's about safety. do you think i want to take off my shoes, huh, then walk through a machine that exists to take fancy dick pics of me?
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i can't believe someone is brawling on an airplane. that requires too much work, especially on the window seat where you have to do the shimmy. what did you say to me, asshole? and it's not just corona and assholes hat the airline industry is struggling with right now because, as it turns out, even if americans are willing to get on a plane, they aren't allowed to go to too many places. >> some countries have been easing travel restrictions in a bid to get their tourism industries rolling again but there's one country that is repeatedly being left off safe travel lists and that is, yep, the united states. >> europe's famous landmarks and beaches are normally a magnet for american tourists and a major source of income here, but travelers from the u.s. will not be allowed into europe. >> if you lookt at places, fa rid, where u.s. citizens can travel, the list is embarrassingly small. >> before the pandemic, this was
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a ticket to 185 countries, but now with the u.s. still struggling to get its case numbers under control, an american passport is a ticket to almost nowhere. >> trevor: that's right, people. because of how america has handled coronavirus, travel to most of the world has been shut down. so no more backpacking trips through europe. sorry, college students. you have to pick up your fake accent somewhere else. i got this one on netflix! and you know right now, i feel like most americans don't even realize how much they've messed up a good thing. you guys are so used to being able to travel to any country at anytime, no questions asked. that's not what it's like for most people in the world. when people from africa or the middle east want to go on vacation abroad, we have to get permission from that country first. americans can be, like, my girlfriend suzy went to london, i want to surprise her with a visit now. we can't do that where i'm from.
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we get questioned like we're on the world's shittiest game show. what's the purpose of your trip to france? i wanted to see paris. what is it that is in pa-rees? the eiffel tower? here it is. now get back on the plane, bye-bye! your american passport may be useless for travel, but don't worry, americans, the state department just released a brand-new p.s.a. about everything else your passport can do. >> the following is a message from the u.s. department of state. >> despite america's excellent handling of the pandemic, our citizens have been banned from countries all over the world. and you might be thinking, i'll never use my passport again. but don't worry because there are plenty of other uses for your u.s. passport. for example, you can use it as a coaster. or a barbecue napkin. use the pages to draw where you
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wish you could go. hose it down and it's a tiny little slip and slide. you can even use it to hide a pornographic magazine. practice flirting on it. >> so do you come here often or -- whatever. she won't even talk to me! >> and did someone say origami? or duct tape it to your face and you've got a makeshift mask. please don't tell president trump we suggestioned you wear a mask, he'll get so mad. your u.s. pass per, not totally useless. >> trevor: all right, it's time for a short break. when we come back, michael kosta and roy wood, jr. welcome back the 1/2. so stick around. the fighting spirit is one we all share. for eduardo pérez, it drove him to thrive in his search for a better life.
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immigrating from guatemala at 18, he found work as a dishwasher... a line cook, sous chef, and eventually... fought to the top of one of the most challenging professions in the world. proving that there is no challenge that can hold back a fighting spirit. since 1925, we've proved that it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of. modelo. brewed for those with a fighting spirit.
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thanks captain obvious. i'm you from the future here to warn you about 2020. it can't be that bad, right? let's just say it gets a bit dramatic. there's no toilet paper, hand sanitizer or sports, oh and trips were cancelled. what??! listen just choose free cancellation on because no one knows what the future holds. anything else? we're bald pour-by-pour commentator. and this is unprecedented. watch him stand tall in the pocket.
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he's looking for a cheers over the middle. and he makes the connection! touchbeer! truly stunning athleticism, folks. dos equis. a most interesting beer. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show even as coronavirus rages around the world, many professional sports leagues are figuring out ways to try to play the game again. which means it's time for us to go to another adegrees of "i apologize for talking while you were talking." >> what's up sports fans? i'm roy wood, jr. that's michael kosta. kosta, the n.f.l. is back and roger's throwing touchdowns, christian mccaffrey running all the over the place and julio jones putting up yards and everyone is a mock team. >> remind me why you got the first 20 epix in the league. >> i can't explain fantasy. >> i'm happy you let me draft the kickers. isn't it great to have football back roy? nothing units america like
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football. >> hold that thought kosta because what happened before the texas chiefs game on thursday, i wouldn't call united. >> while the chiefs handled the texans 34-20, it was the action before the game that had everyone talking. fans booed in a moment of unity involving a moment between players and coaches of one team. one fan recorded himself booing. >> boo! boo! >> wait, i don't understand this, roy, the fans were upset when the players were protesting during the anthem so the players moved the protest to after the anthem, yet they're still booing. why are they so upset. >> i don't want to be the one to break this to you, kosta, but i think the fans just don't like what the players are protesting about. >> no, that can't be it. maybe it was their economic anxiety. but, look, on another note, it's sad to see the n.f.l. start in such an ugly way. i mean, booing a moment of
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unity. i haven't seen that since my wedding. >> sorry about doing that to you, by the way. that's why i love what baseball is doing with sports. no fans in the stands. you can't boo, you can't be racist and you can see teddy bears take a foul ball to the face. >> i have no sympathy for the bear. he didn't even try to catch it. >> you know what my favorite moment was of week one, kosta? andy reid fogging up his face mask trying to see through it. looks like daredevil trying to smell the place ( sniffs ) >> a fogged up face shield is an advantage as a coach because you can draw a play on your face. cross over my mustache, draw back five steps up to the eye, back down to the mole and a flank route over the face, around the ear, catch the ball, touchdown, baby! >> anything is possible, kosta. the n.f.l. wasn't is t only chit
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exciting news over the weekend. saturday night in tennis. naomi won the u.s. open women's championship, but what made more news is what she was wearing while she did it. >> an exciting come from behind finish at the u.s. open. after losing the first set, in 20 minutes, naomi fought back to win this year's title. she used her time on the court to call attention to racial injustice wearing a different mask for each match, each bearing the name of a black victim of racialized violence. >> what a stirring moment. naomi osaka wins the u.s. women's chirp while sending a powerful message about ending racial justice. kosta, you used to play professional tennis, have you ever done anything like that? >> win a women's championship? no, i never got out of the qualifying. i think it's great nie yomy
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osaka is using her platform for justice, like mohamed a whri for serving in vietnam, colin kaepernick, or peyton manning raising awareness papa john's has better ingredients, not just better pizza. that meant a lot to me. >> peyton manning was an athlete? i thought he was a commercial actor. >> he was an athlete. curling? i think curling. >> we should double-check that. finally the n.b.a. has had all their players in a bubble while they complete the playoffs. but looks like for one particular player, the season might be ending earlly. >> daniel house is the latest n.b.a. player to be accused of breaking bubble protocol. the leak leigh says he brought a female covid 19 testing official into his room. he denies violating protocol. >> daniel house got kicked out of the n.b.a. bubble for having
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a covid official in his room. that is not a sentence we would be able to understand a year ago. for the record, i think she should have been suspended. right call. >> i disagree. if you're going to break a quarantine, doing it with a covid tester is the right person to do it with. like getting hit by an ambulance, everything you need is there. pretty smart. >> you are completely wrong, the rules are in place for a reason. >> maybe, what if i told you it was lebron james that got kicked out? >> then i would tell you the rules are made to be broken because lebron is in my fantasy league and i need him, i've got to win. >> how come i had to pick shaq with my first pick? he retired nine years ago. >> i told you if you want to be in the league and draft active players you have to pay the $5,000 fee like everybody else, man. >> el venmo you. >> throw in the late fee as well. >> looking to trade reggie miller. >> talk to me about it offline.
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all we've got tore you, trevor, back to you. >> trevor: thank you so much, guys. i've got to get kosta to join my fantasy league. when we come back, i'll talk with the hulk himself mark ruffalo about what the media doesn't get about his hometown of kenosha. so stick around. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the big events are back. xfinity is your home for the return of live sports.
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"the daily social distancing show. earlier today, i spoke with academy award-nominated actor mark ruffalo. we talked about what's been happening in his hometown of kenosha and so much more. check it out. thank you so much for joining me on the show. thank you for coming back not in person but, like, you know the way we do everything now. >> it feels like it was yesterday -- >> trevor: right. >> -- and a thousand years ago both at the same time that we were just sitting like -- we would have never thought we would be like this. >> trevor: i feel like i would have -- should have and would have enjoyed those moments more. i would have hugged you for longer, i would have talked to you longer, i feel there are so many interactions i didn't fully appreciate because i didn't know i wouldn't be having them for, like, seven months of my life. >> buddy, i know exactly what you mean. maybe this is part of what this is all about for us is just to appreciate things we take for granted like hugging people or being next to people or being
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around people who don't have masks on and not wanting to hit them. ( laughter ) berate them or ask them, like, what the (~bleep ) is your problem? what's the big deal, man? >> trevor: i feel like this is the part where scarlett johansson starts talking to you very softly and brings you down. ( laughter ) you're one of the most versatile actors of our generation, y wayu know, what we see of you in the movies is who you are in real life because mark ruffalo in real life is somebody who's been outspoken for a long time, and it's no different right now. kenosha's in the news, jacob blake, kyle rittenhouse, the protests, the shootings, the racial tension, and you wrote a really powerful piece that speaks to kenosha because it speaks to kenosha from your
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heart. as somebody who's from kenosha, what do you wish more people would understand about what's going on there? >> well, you know, it was shocking, first of all, to see kenosha in the news at all. i mean, it's not a place that you hear about, other than, you know, factory closings. and my family's there, and, you know, it was devastating to see what happened there and then what followed, you know, to see jacob blake shot like that in front of his family. and then to see, the you know, all of these people, you know, go out and protest for black lives, you know, which is what we're doing, and that's the truth of this moment. and i feel bad for anyone who doesn't join us, especially for the people who say all lives matter, because if you truly believe all lives matter then you should be on the streets now with your blark and brown and white brothers who are all
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fighting for one of the races where obviously it doesn't appear like they are being considered the same way the rest of us are. that's what all lives matter really means is all lives do matter and black lives south cobb the first ones lifted up and you should be out on the streets. these protests have been predominantly peaceful. we don't hear about that. we only see the guys like in kenosha, wisconsin who made 170 arrests over those days of protests and 120 of them were from out o out of town and theye prevoktures trashing a town they're not even from. that's what broke my heart because that's not what i know about kenosha, wisconsin. disparate as it is economically, as much as people strug there will, there is a community there.
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that being said, that community is also facing, you know, generations of racial injustice and inequality. but the news i was seeing coming out of there didn't feel honest to me. it felt salacious. it felt, of course, going to go for the worst things. and then, of course, you have what, you know, the kid with 17-year-old with an ar-15 being called from out of state to come and be a vigilante and basically shoot people. all this is heartbreaking, and i was honestly -- trevor, i was paralyzed. i didn't know how to respond to it, and usually i get some sort of message like this is your time to go, this is your time to be there, you know we're living in covid, i couldn't go. i'm taking care of my family
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here. and then something opened up and, you know, i was reaching out to the community. i heard about this black lives activist from kenosha, so i reached out to them and did the graham i.g. live to -- the instagram i.g. live to counter the story coming out to have the kenosha -- coming out of the kenosha news at the time that kenosha was some kind of hell hole where black terrorists were terrorizing the community which is utter bull shift as we all know. >> trevor: i think people would appreciate you also advocate for action. this election is one of the most important america will ever face and you've gotten out there and people have known for a long time you are a huge bernie sanders supporter. you have been saying we have to get behind joe biden and vote.
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for a long time it felt like the bernie faction of the party would never coalesce behindjoe biden but it feels this lesson is different. >> we learned a big lesson from 2016. the propaganda from the united states and the united states election cycle is that the presidential election is going to solve everything. but an election really is only a comma on a movement. so we have to look at who are the candidates and how do they align to what this movement is about? which candidate is going to bring us closer to racial parity? which candidate is going to bring us closer to a green new deal? which candidate is going to bring us closer to student debt reform? which candidate is going to bring us closer to universals healthcare? if you have any sense of
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long-term movement building, then you have to say that's joe biden. we're not going to get that from trump, we all know that now. okay. so at this point, if you're an activist, if you really care about the movement and the things that you say you care about, the closest thing you're going to have to coming -- to making that happen is joe biden. and when joe biden is in office, we're not going to stay on the white house lawn like we did with obama. we are going to keep coming. we are going to keep demanding and we are going to make sure that we have movement on this thing because, you want to know what? we put you in office this time. like when i was in kenosha, and i wanted to know what was happening there, what was really happening there. they were having a block party, trevor, and they were dancing and they were doing covid testing and they were doing haircuts and they were feeding people and they were registering people and they were having
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people sign up for the census. now, that's what community does, and that's what's beautiful about what's happening in this moment. the silver lining of trump is that all of these organizers who have been doing this work for years are all coming together, whether from the environmental movement to the racial justice movement to the criminal justice reform movement, we're all interconnected now, and we've never been that way. there's so much to be hopeful about right now, and i think that's the message that we're missing, you know. >> trevor: well, i hope that your optimism is rewarded, and it's great to see you still have the passion you have had for so many years. thank you so much for joining me on the show and good luck when you get back out in the streets. >> buddy, we've got to make a plan for voting. we've got to, i mean, make a plan, check your registration, call a friend, take a friend,
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take your grandmother, make it a party, make a plan, and that's how we'll win. >> trevor: mark ruffalo, thank you so much for joining us. >> love you, man. you're the best. thank you, trevor. >> trevor: we'll take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. that's our show for tonight, but before we go, i wanted to remind you that the west coast is currently battling some horrific wildfires that are destroying millions of acres of land and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. and climate change has been a key factor in increasing the risk and extent of these conditions. one organization that has been working to find practical solutions for climate change and other environmental threats, is the environmental defense fund. if you can help them, and would like to join in their cause, please visit the link below, and donate what you can. until tomorrow -- stay safe out there, wear a mask, and remember, it's only climate change if you believe in science. now, here it is -- your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> michael mansfield has been a buffalo bills fan all his life. a few years back when a new neighbor moved in it started friendly competition between the two. >> my neighbor moved in and put up a new york jets flag and it was on after that. >> this summer mansfield decided to take on a project repainting his home in red, white and blue? support of his favorite team. >> the blue is great and i love the colors. >> didn't think he was actually going to do it like this but looks good. - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled]
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