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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  October 23, 2020 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT

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i'm trevor noah. today is friday, the 23rd of october, and if you live in utah, today is the last day to register to vote. and you better do it because, if you don't, mitt romney is gonna personally come to your house... and politely remind you. don't let it come to that. go to and find out how. anyway, coming up on tonight's show -- joe biden and donald trump face off for the last time, we talk to rashida jones, and the cat picture that's too big for the internet. so let's do this, people! welcome to "the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's couch in
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new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. >> trevor: let's kick things off with the tore that everyone is talking about. mitch mcconnell's hands. this was terrifying. what the hell happened? you see his hand? guy looks like he was them wrestling a raccoon. what's going on with that color? looks like he was thinking about doing blackface but decided to start slowly. one hand at a time. didn't say anything about black hand. mcconnell says he's fine and has no medical condition to be worried about. so that shit's just like normal i guess. i'm glad he's fine but i guess that means his hands patchily look like a banana that fell under the fridge two months ago. makes it taste sweeter, maaa...
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last night was the second and final presidential debate of all time -- no, of this election. and donald trump's last presidential at the bait ever until 2024 because, no matter what happens, we all know he's running again, people, he's not going anywhere. so let's take a look at the final debate in our ongoing coverage of votegasm 2020. ♪ ♪ last night, joe biden and donald trump debated for the final time, and i'm not saying that this was the most sophisticated debate in history, but one thing everyone agreed upon is that, compared to the last time, at least this was a more presidential debate than a wwe match. >> this was a decidedly different debate, much calmer, far fewer interruptions. >> the debate last night, calmer tone than the first one. >> this was a far more civil affair than the disastrous first debate. >> a far less contention affair than the first debate. >> we went from cleveland chaos
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to nashville nice. >> trevor: that's right, this debate actually felt like a debate and who knows why it was so much better. maybe it was because the candidates knew their microphones could be muted, or maybe because trump was better behaved so he could appeal to undecided voters. or maybe it was just the pre-debate smoke session. you never know, people were more chilled. whatever the case, with fewer distraction than last time the candidates could give us their visions for america. on healthcare, joe biden wants to expand obamacare, while donald trump half his plan in the next two weeks, which is what he's been saying for the last five years. on fracking, trump wants to keep it, while joe biden wants to keep it and get rid of it. on coronavirus, biden thinks we have a tough road ahead, while trump wants to reopen the white house jacuzzi. and on crime, joe biden's priority is to get drug offenders out of prison while donald trump's priority is to keep himself out of prison.
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to be clear, just because donald trump with us less shouty opportunity mean he wasn't still donald trump. you can put a silencer on a gun but it's still going to hurt. for instance, one of the most contentious topics last night was immigration. there was a big story this week that of the 5500 migrate children separated from families at the border, 545 still have not been returned because the government has lost track of their parents. while joe biden was outraged by this news, trump managed to look on the bright side. >> let's talk about what we're talking about. what happened? the kids were ripped from parents' arms and separated and now they cannot find over 500 sets of those parents and those kids are alone, nowhere to go, nowhere to go. it's criminal. it's criminal. >> let me ask you about it -- >> i will say this, they went down, we brought reporters, everything, they are so well taken care of. they're in facilities that were
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so clean -- >> trevor: damn. are you kidding me? did this mother (~bleep ) just give a yelp review for his child prison camps? you can see why donald trump is a salesman because this guy can spin anything he did wrong into something positive. donald, did you just take a dump on my rug? what i actually did was give you a really valuable conversation starter. if you want, i'll autograph it for you. what's crazy to me is how screwed up trump's priorities are. this dude has a meltdown when his tweets get hidden but when his administration is orphaning kids, he's, like, chill, dude, they get cable, things aren't that bad. trump defended zero tolerance policy that led to family separations. when biden tried to argue most immigrants still showed up for mandated court dates, donald
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trump was skeptical about the claim. >> if in fact you had a family who came across and were arrested, they, in fact, were given a date to show up for their hearing, they were released and guess what, they showed up for a hearing. >> when you say they come back, they don't come back, joe, they never come back. only the really -- i hate to say this -- but those with the lowest i.q., they might come back. >> okay, president trump, let's give -- >> trevor: and, folks, if i know anything, it's people with low i.q.s, i see one every morning when i'm brushing my teeth. he doesn't say a thing to me. i'm brushing, he's brushing. why is he brushing at the same time? i tell him to stop, he says stop. how is he in my house? just to be clear, what trump is saying is that he knows immigrants are supposed to come back for hearings, but that only the stupidest people actually do it, and aside from the fact that he's totally wrong, it's amazing how donald trump always thinks that following the law is only for stupid people.
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you know, sometimes trump seems less like a president and more like a kid playing grand theft auto, because that's the one place where if you're following the rules then you're definitely not doing it right. dude, why are you stopping at the traffic light you're supposed to mow over the pedestrians, that's the game! not to mention this is setting a bad example for immigrants. if i was an immigrant with an upcoming court date in america, now i would be, like, well now i can't show up the president will think i'm an idiot. the final big topic at last night's debate was racial equality and the "black lives matter" movement. once again trump was certain this was his time to shine. >> nobody has done more for the black community than donald trump and, if you look, with the exception of abraham lincoln, possible exception, but with the possible exception of abraham lincoln, nobody has done what i have done. i think i have great relationships with all people. i am the least racist person in this room.
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i am the least racist person. i can't even see the audience because it's so dark, but i don't care who's in the audience, i'm the least racist person in this room. >> trevor: man... sometimes you've got to love trump. he just threw the entire audience under the bus to make himself look good. you realize his own wife was in that room but trump is like, melania is way more racist than me. she calls our housekeeper consuela, and she says, but that's her name. and i'm, like, stop making excuses, you racist. although, to be fair to trump, guys, he has spent a lot of time with stephen miller, steve bannon, jeff sessions and the rest of the dudes, so, i mean, usually, he probably is the least racist person in the room. by the way, i love how he always says that he's done the most for black people with the possible exception of abraham lincoln. the possible exception. like, yeah, lincoln freed the slaves, but trump gave omarosa,
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like, three jobs! three jobs! but there you have it, last night's debate is done. and with it the debate season of the 2020 election cycle is over. it's been a long journey. a long journey from that first debate with 4,000 democratic candidates up until now. and you know what we thought? we thought, since we're saying goodbye, let's take one last look at all the fun we had. ♪ ♪ >> a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians, i'm talking about mayor bloomberg. >> if we're going to force americans to make these radical changes, they're not going to go along. throw your hands up, but you -- >> mr. vice president, there's a saying in my community you're dipping into the kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. >> if you agree with me go to joe 30330.
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>> we can have great presidents at any age. >> there was a little girl in california, and she was bussed to school every day, and that little girl was me. ( speaking spanish ) >> sir -- >> let me ask my equestion. >> i'll ask joe. the individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect of obamacare. i got rid of it. >> mr. president, i'm the moderator of this debate. ♪ ♪ >> trevor: ah, memories. let's get the debate taste out of our mouth with fun stories you might have missed, coming up, and rashida jones is joining
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us on the show. we'll be right back. ♪ patience is not a virtue, ♪ it is a weapon. ♪ what's your wild rabbit? ♪ ♪dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, eh♪ ♪dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, eh♪ ♪dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na, eh♪ ♪light it up, dynamite ♪shining through the city with a little funk and soul♪
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not sorry. i love this view. i love that every time this commercial airs, i get to drink another mountain dew. ♪ colonel sanders here to make dinner time a little easier. mealtimes can be overwhelming. especially when you're trying to work, parent, and help with the schooling all at once. so let us help with kfc's $20 fill ups. it's like a home-cooked meal you don't have to cook. drive-thrus open. or get contactless delivery. 100 layers of flavor for that refreshing and delicious taste... refreshing moments are just a tic tac away. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. we've got the retinol that gives you results in one week. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa.
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for not only smoother skin in one day, but younger-looking skin in just one week. and that's clinically proven. results that fast or your money back. unless you're attached to your wrinkles. one week is all it takes. neutrogena®. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show. guys, let's be honest. it's been another stressful day for everybody. what with the election coming up, the pandemic getting worse and whatever is going on with rudy giuliani, either way we could use as much good news these days as we can get, especially fun news involving animals. so let's find some of that good news in our ongoing segment ray of sunshine, animal edition. ♪ ♪ ♪ we begin our sunshine with puppies, the most popular thing to adopt in 2020 besides a drinking a president habit.
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one of the great things about dogs is that every breed looks different. chihuahuas look like rats that got swole, corgis look like someone cast a spell on a loaf of bread to make it come alive and pomeranians look like something that got clogged in your drain. but one looks more unusual than most. >> in italy a rare puppy is born with green fur. a farmer welcomed the litter of five dogs earlier in the month and could not believe his eyes when he saw one of the pups was, in fact, green. the fur was white for the other ones like their mixed breed mom. the green fur is believed to happen when pale puppies come into contact with a green pigment in their mom's womb. the owner chose a fitting name for the pup, he decided to call it pistachio. >> trevor: oh, my god i've never seen anything this tiny and green and cute -- yoda,eth
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not always about you! a green puppy? that is just adorable, i mean, unless you're that puppy's father. the whole womb story sounds scientific but we know the mom is probably covering up an affair she had with a famous frog. let's be honest, this puppy will have to deal with prejudices special when he tries to date a white puppies. his parents would be like we think he would be happier when he dates one of his own kind. and a very old cat. >> archeologist discovered a giant 2,000-year-old figure of a cat cash evidence into a hillside in southern peru. they found the 121 long cat using a drone inside a u.n. world heritage site. officials say the cat figure was barely visible when first discovered, since it was on a slope and disappearing due to erosion.
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the carving has been cleaned since to make it more visible. >> trevor: wait, wait, there was a giant cat carved into the hillside for 2,000 years and we just discovered it now? how was that possible? was it hiding behind a crawing of a so fa? i'm not trying to put anyone down, but whichever archeologist found this thing had a very easy day of work. think about it, indiana jones is inside tubes, death traps, triangulating sunlight, meanwhile this duty is just, like, hey, dude, it's a big cat! i'm an archeologist. it's also funny how even 2,000 years ago, people loved sharing cat pictures. what this hill basically is ancient peruvian facebook. i'm sure if the archeologist looked further down they would find q anon conspiracy theories. joe biden built the inca pyramids. i'm not hating. that's an expressive work of art. goes to show you even 2,000
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years ago, people had a hard time drawing the legs. they should be so easy but they're not. you think you've got them but then you say, these are not legs. hope the parents love me because they'll have to take the picture the way i drew it. good news from the world of insects, the tiny neighbors who eat us when we're dead. they may not be as cute as kittens or puppies but bugs ask still be super expressive. >> associated press say scientists are studying a beatle's super tough chel to learn about designing stronger planes and buildings. the shell on the diabolical ironclad beetle can't be crurbled. they say the one inch beetle found in southern california's booedlands withstood compression 39,000 times its weight, even survived being run over by a car. the study is part of a project fund bid the u.s. air force. >> trevor: wow, guys, that's the wonder of nature.
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no matter how much you've seen, it always finds new ways to terrify you. a diabolical ironclad beetle? that's the most bad-ass name i've ever heard for a beetle. sounds like something godzilla gets his ass beat by. and i love how scientists can change your whole vibe just by switching up the name -- you are going to be the diabolical ironclad beetle, yes, yes, yes, and you will be the dung beetle, like shit, you are a beating of shift, that's your vibe. and it's pretty wild they said the diabolical ironclad beetle can't be crushed. clearly because it's never been dumped by stephan. ( crying ) why didn't she saul? i will admit, when i first saw the story, i thought, damn so they just ran that beetle over with a car? poor beetle. scientists can get away with anything as long as they say it's for an experiment. i'm going to be a scientist in
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case i ever get into a driving accident. circumstances did you run over that person's leg with your car? no, officer, i was conducting an experiment and it worked. the car makes people go ow. it's science. when we come back, i'll talk to one of the founding members of the "black lives matter" movement and the run one and only rashida jones ♪ it's the most talked about chip of the year.
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a chip so cheesy, so jalapeñoey. ♪ it could only be called: lay's cheddar jalapeño. now available at a chip aisle near you. gotta have lay's. i can'twhat? ve it. that our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost? hey jill! hey kurt! movies? i'll get snacks! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. i got snacks! ohhh, i got popcorn, i got caramel corn, i got kettle corn. am i chewing too loud? believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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i never said it but... (dramatic crying) whoa! did sven-rod just die? yeah can you do it again? sure, sure i always loved you... oh man... missed it again . alexa, rewind 10 seconds.
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is someone trying to steal your butterfinger? call the bfi. woah... i'm going in. no one lays a finger on your butterfinger.
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to defeat your opponent, ♪ you must become your opponent. ♪ what's your wild rabbit? ♪ show. so earlier today, i spoke with alicia garza, an organizer and co-creator of "black lives matter." we talked about her book that can change the world, "the purpose of power." welcome to "the daily social distancing show. >> thanks for having me. >> trevor: some may not know your name or face, but almost everyone in america and around the world knows your work because you are one of the co-founders of "black lives matter." seven years ago george zimmerman was acquitted for the killing of treyvon martin and that sparked in you a movement and an idea that has really sparked, now, a movement around the world. take me through why the george zimmerman case was the catalyst that changed how alicia saw
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politics in her life and in the world. >> well, you know, i have been organizing for a long time now, it's been almost 20 years, and, so, i'm no stranger to police violence or police abuse. i mean, in my community, oscar grant was murdered by a police officer just a few blocks from my home, and then, of course, in addition to that, through my organizing work in san francisco there was a young man named kenneth harding who was murdered in broad daylight by police for evading a $2 fare. so that's not the surprising part. but this one really struck me because george zimmerman was not a police officer, he was a vigilante who decided that 17-year-old treyvon martin who had gone to the liquor store for snacks during a break in a football game didn't belong in the neighborhoodthat he lived in and that hit me in my gut. i have a brother who's eight years younger than me. he's six feet tall, growing up
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in a community not unlike sanford, florida. he's the sweetest kid in the world, he's never even been in a fight, but to think someone like him could be walking down the street and be considered a threat just because to have the way he looks really just enrages me. lots of people get involved because they're angry or upset or hurt, but there's something that transforms in us when we become a part of a movement that transforms it into love. we do this work because we love ourselves and our community so much that we believe we deserve better and we certainly do. >> trevor: it feels like a recurring theme that goes beyond the police in america because the police are an issue but an issue that strangely enough is experienced across the globe whether south africa, nigeria or the u.k., there is a common thread in how police police people of a certain standing in society. what do you think that tell us about how americans or law enforcement or society views a
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black life? >> well, i think very simply it means that black lives don't matter. black lives are considered to be valuable in some contexts, right, like entertainment or culture, but when it comes to black people being able to access the things that we need to live well, there are several barriers, actually, that are involved in keeping us from those things, and a lot of it has to do with white supremacy. trevor, before i got one w you tonight, i was visited at my home by the f.b.i. someone was arrested on a weapons charge affiliated with white nationalistest groups and they had my name alongside others on a list. this was because we push so hard to make sure that black people are treated just like everybody else. >> trevor: wow. >> we're not organizing for a world in which black people are more powerful than anybody else, it's literally about equalizing the playing field, and so much of that has to do with power.
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movements are made to put more power into the hands of more people, but when you activate movements, it is threatening to the current status quo. there are people in this country and around the world who do not want to esee power distributed in this way and that's why we fight. and this movement is so powerful because there are so many of us, and it cannot be stopped. this is what makes it so threatening to the powers that b. last night during the presidential debates we saw that this president used our movement as a political football. what's exciting though this time around is that we have a little more time and experience under our belts and, actually, i talk about the lie that he tried to propagate last night in the book. i talk about this incident where there were protesters who were chanting "pigs in a blanket frying like bacon" and the media and the president immediately moved to try to attach it to
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"black lives matter." it's a strategy to delegitimize something that's won hearts and minds around the world. >> trevor: your book takes a fascinating look at power. the title, boo "the purpose of power," really digs into it. you have tangible things in the book that you talk about that predominantly black people need. but there are many poor white communities in america who have gone actually we have the same issues and we should be fighting with "black lives matter" for these causes. talk to me about concrete steps you think need to be taken to improve lives of all americans especially people who are black. >> i'm proud of this. thi'm proud of the breathe act which i consider to be our generation's version of the civil rights act, that's incredible and it represents a maturation and a growth of our movement. for myself, i started an
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organization called the black futures lab and the black to the future action fund. we work specifically to make black communities powerful in politics. we conducted the largest survey of black people in hurricane in 155 years and we learned a lot abwhat we experience every day, but also what we want to see for our futures. >> trevor: right. >> we tookt that information and turned it into a black agenda for 2020 which literally is a legislative road map for how to make "black lives matter" from city hall to congress, and the number one issues that people talked about, for example, were wages that were too low to support a family. >> trevor: right. >> not having access to quality and affordable healthcare and housing. so that's why we invest in our communities to bring forward the solutions that we all deserve, that are closest to the pain know a lot about what it's going to take to shift it. elections are about policies and that's why we organize. i don't know that i ever want to have joe biden over for dinner,
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right. that's not the point of giving him my vote. the point is to make the kind of terrain where you can get the things that you need more easily and more accessible, and that's what we're organizing people around now. and i agree with you 100% that we've got to be clear about the things that we want. there's a lot of agendas out there but not a lot of agendas that are actually rooted in organizing people who are being directly impacted by the issues that we're talking about. that has to be the new face of a movement for the 21st century. >> trevor: well, i'll tell you this, i think your book is an amazing greatway into that world. i was fascinated by it, i hope everybody else reads it because i think it's illuminating and has create steps that should be taken. thank you so much for joining us on the show and congratulations on your journey. i hope to see you again when you've made the hobb adaptation of ta-nehisi's book between the world and me. that's going to be really
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exciting. >> thank you so much for having me tonight. >> trevor: anytime. thank you so much for that, alicia. "the purpose of power" is available now. when we come back, rashida jones is on the show and you don't want to miss it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. now that's simple, easy, awesome. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today.
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so earlier today, i spoke with the multi-talented rashida jones. we talked about her new move where with bill murray and so much more. >> what does dean have planned for your birthday? >> he's not going to be here for my birthday. >> what kind of guy forgets his wife's birthday? >> he didn't forget. he has a work trip but we'll celebrate when he gets back. >> that's not the same. i traveled. i never missed a birthday. >> right. but you had some other shortcomings. >> like what? >> trevor: rashida jones, welcome to "the daily social distancing show. >> "the daily social distancing show? >> trevor: "the daily social
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distancing show. >> trevor: i can call it anything. it can be welcome to the rashida jones daily social distancing show. >> shoshial -- >> trevor: either way, welcome to the show. ( laughter ) >> thank you. >> trevor: i'm surprised you have time to do this. you are easily one of the most active people i have ever come across in my life. i turn on netflix, rashida jones is in black af. that's cool. rashida jones is going to be directing episodes. she's directing whether it's ads or movies or other tv shows. she's writing. so for somebody like you who's always doing something, how have you handled doing so much nothing during the pandemic? >> well, the weird thing about me is, although i like to do
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things, it's not like i have to be with other people and, in fact, i sort of prefer being with less people. i'm not -- i'm not an extrovert. i might pose as an extrovert sometimes but i reel like time alone. i miss dancing with my friends, i have to say. i miss occasional, like, an epic night out. but, you know, most nights aren't epic. they're just, like, weird perfunctory social sometimes work erelated. ( laughter ) so i'm happy to eliminate that level of going out. you know, i just miss, like, hugging my friends and dancing, mainly. >> trevor: i think one of the things that people have always loved about you is the roles that you play. it always feels like there's a little bit of rashida in them, but you have a range of characters and personalities, but one thing people always loved about you and your repertoire was your comedy,
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whether parks and recreation or angie tribeca, you've always had the charisma in the world of comedy. you're a natural. that's what you are. you have a new movie coming out with bill murray, one to have the comedy legends of all time, and it's interesting because, in this movie, you play more of a straight role. was that easier or hard for you especially when you're in scenes with bill murray? >> well, i d do tend to play the straight role. that has been my cross to bear for better or for worse for the past, you know, 15 years of my career, i get to be the kind of sane, thoughtful, pric pragmatic friend or wife or girlfriend or daughter now of, like, the kind of zany person. i'm the voice of reason. but, you know, and i do feel like there's a certain skill set to that. but, yeah, this is the very peared down version of the straight man. bill plays my father who's this larger than life very charismatic figure who has a lot of opinions about men and women
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and relationships and mo fo mony and sex and i listen and sometimes dig agree with no more than an eye roll or head nod. it's great. who doesn't want to sit and listen to bill murray theorize every day? that's a joy as a human being let alone an actor. >> trevor: it's a great premise. i love the idea of this daughter and father who are on this journey to try and catch the husband who they believe is cheating. it's an interesting way to connect. it's an interesting bond to form between a daughter and her father. what did you like about the project? >> well, i loved sophia copela, and i think she is such a force. she's such a unique aesthetic and perspective film-maker and i've always wanted to work with her. anything she's doing i'm interested in. but, you know, you also don't see movies like this very often.
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you don't see movies about adult women and their fathers. that's a weirdly unexplored territory. i just loved this idea of, like, you know, that bond and being a daddy's girl myself exploring, like, how that bond can sometimes be a bit of a hindrance in terms of, like, your personal develop. i think this character has to learn how to not listen to her dad. >> trevor: right. >> after all of these years of respecting and listening to him, she's got to be, like, you know what? i've got it from here, it's my life. and i love it because i've never seen that before. >> trevor: another thing we don't see often anymore is human beings socializing like crazy in new york city. i'm not going to lie. it was triggering for me. i feel like you should put a warning out before the movie. i watched, "on the rocks," rashida jones, bill murray, this is fun. then all i saw was new york pre-pandemic, and for the first 20 minutes of the movie, i'm
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going why are these people hugging each other, what are they doing? it's weird. it's a different world. >> it's a different world. anytime i watch anything now i'm, like, don't dutch, where's your mask? watch your hands! ( laughter ) with this movie, because we filmed it right before you probably couldn't film anymore, we finished in july, it feels instantly nostalgic. we kind of didn't know how care-free we were being by traipsing the streets of new york city. but, yeah, there was a couple of things we had to talk about afterwards because bill had this whole thing about how people wash their hands too much and immediately it felt dated where we couldn't just say that anymore. >> trevor: right. >> in this new era. so, yeah, it's weird. it's very strange. >> trevor: before i let you go, there is one thing i have been meaning to ask you for a very long time, and i just haven't had the opportunity.
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it is about an episode you wrote, nose dive. i know people don't know episodes by the title but it was about a woman who lived in a society based afternoon people judging other people and dering their success or failure in life. i remember watching it going, huh, of all the black mirror episodes, i said, this is like the least realistic. this won't happen. more likely you have robot bees killing people. this seems a little crazy to me. then social media really kicked into gear and now we do live in a world where you're one tweet away from your career being taken away, you're one moment on facebook before your family canceling you. did you prophesy this based on things you were seeing or did you think this would be crazy, then it happened? >> well, i can't take any credit for that because charlie brooker
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who created black mirror is an island of genius and i don't use that word lightly. he's the hub of all of these horrible but very realistic prophecies because so much what he's written about has come true, sadly. but i begged him to work on the show and heborough this idea to me and mike shir who created parks and recreation and the good place, and i asked mike to write it with me. i relate to this and i felt i could bring a perspective to this because as somebody who lives a little bit in the public eye you sort of live in that world anyway, you are depending on somebody's feeling about you to have a career in some sense. but also while we're writing it, charlie and annabelle our producer were sending us articles about how they were already doing this rating system in other places in the world. i won't name, but that was already happening while we were
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writing it. we were, like, is it not going to be futuristic enough by the time it comes out? now it feels like we're so tied to people's perception of us in a social way that's going to actually impact our finances and our ability to move in the world. it's messed up. but i do feel like people are now starting to really understand that they're stuck in that cycle in a way they didn't before. >> trevor: i watch the episode again and i was, like, man, this is a little too real for comfort. >> i feel like i owe this episode an polling. >> trevor: yeah, i owe it and rashida an apology but i also owe rashida gratitude. thanks for joining me on the rashida jones daily social distancing machined hope to see you again soon. >> thanks. take care. >> trevor: thank you so much, rashida "on the rocks" is available now at, but before we-
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we're partnering with world central kitchen for their new chefs for the polls program. they're activating local food trucks, restaurants, and caterers, owned and operated primarily by people of color, to serve food to people in voting lines, especially in underserved communities where voting lines are historically longer. if you can help out in any way, then all you need to do is donate at the link below. until tomorrow -- stay safe out
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there, wear a mask, and remember to never say you're the least racist person in the room, until you've asked everyone else how racist they are. now here it is -- your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> nobody has tone more for the black community than donald trump, and if you look, with the exception of abraham lincoln, possible exception, but the exception of abraham lincoln, nobody has done what i've done. ( reaction ) >> i love black people. i was a hamilton. ( singing ) >> beautiful.
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- ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headed on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [mumbling] - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪


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