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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  November 10, 2020 1:14am-2:00am PST

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about that. also this happens. >> cnn projects joseph r. biden, jr. elected the 46th president of the president of the united states. >> there was jubilee as people flooded the streets celebrating from the white house to the west coast. >> celebrations in the streets. in new york city the try-state and across the world. >> in the streets of the largest cities, today a party. in president trump's hometown new york city, biden supporters shouted out their windows. >> there were bands and champagne. >> whoo! >> costumes and tears. ♪ ♪ an impromptu dance party broke out. had sweet caroline sing alongs and nah nah nah goodbye sing along. >> trevor: oh, yeah, what a day, what a day, what a day, now, people were out in the streets dancing, they were partying, singing sweet caroline which is genius because any generation singing sweet
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caroline isn't going to get broken up by the cops. for real, this was such an amazing weekend. it was a festive atmosphere. saturday always which mazing. even coronavirus took the day off. i'm kidding. but this weekend, joseph r. biden was declared the 46t 46th president of the united states. i know it was tough waiting four days to get final results but it's actuallile cool it happened on a saturday morning right? because think about it, normally it happens tuesday, wednesday, just have to be at home. but now people could soak it in. they heard wit their families, going for a walk, even one guy found out ton golf course. >> president trump was not at the white house when he learned he lost it. he was golfing in virginia, driven home past his critics, cheering. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: no matter what you think about trump, that's a terrible way to find out you're fired. it's bad enough for your boss to tell you to clean out your desk, but can you imagine on the way to your desk the entire office was lining the hallways to boo you. get out of here, jeffrey! the accounting was bert without you, you bitch! having to see melania in the crowd hurt. boo, you suck, don't come back! this is tough for the secret service guys. they're trained to guard the president physically but not emotionally. i can protect you from a bullet, mr. president, but only you can protect your feelings. also, who's surprised to learn he lost while golfing?
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donald trump is always golfing. that was the most likely option. if they said president trump learned this while volunteering at an orphanage, i would be shocked. what blows my mind is trump could keep playing golf after he got the news. i wonder if his golf partner found out first, used it against him just as he was taking a swing. biden won! whoa! a part of me wishes trump didn't hear about the election until he got home because then he would have been driving past that crowd going, look, that wasn't my best game of golf but you guys don't need to boo. but for once the big political news was not about donald trump, as he disappeared into the white house bunker, it was time for the people who were kicking him out to come forward and take their bows. >> i'll work as hard for those who didn't vote for me as those who did. let this grim error of demonization in america begin to end here and now!
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: wow. i don't know about you guys, but after four years of having to listen to trump, a normal presidential speech was -- was almost weird. i was listening to the speech, like, wait, we're not blaming anything on hillary? nothing? and let's be honest, at this point, i bet even trump's people want biden to lower the temperature, mainly because half of them are running a fever from covid. still, though, i'm sure they were happy to heard biden say let the grim demonization begin to end. although i do like how biden didn't say let's end it, he said let's begin to end it, you know. it will be too dangerous to stop demonizing all at once. we have to stop being mean to each other in this country next week. bull for now what the (~bleep ) going on with mitch mcconnell's hand? see that? looks like baloney fingers. truth is biden was calling for
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healing and promising to work just as hard for the people who didn't vote for him as the people who did. after these last few years, man, i think that's a nice sentiment, although the truth is the country is so divided i don't know how that would work in real life, you know? is biden really going to try to cater to both because everyone is so far apart. i'm going to listen to dr. fauci and then i will behead them. then i'll reach across the aisle, find myself hunter and lock him up. am i a good president or what? point, is it's genuinely going to take time to get used to speeches that sound like speeches. that was a flawless evening, except when a confetti canon went off and doesn't look like they were expecting it. ♪ ♪ ♪ that was terrifying. i don't know about you, but when
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i saw that, the black part of me in the movie theater came out, going, get out of there, jo! they're trying to take you out! kamala, get down! we have to stop celebrating with things that sound like gunfire, fireworks, confetti canons, all of it. half the time it's is something good happening or shit going down? i don't need this, neither was joe biden. blowing up things next to joe biden, at this point joe biden's campaign should be wrapping him in bubble wrap and storing him in the at tick till inauguration day. with the 2020 campaign over, we can see in many ways this election was america returning back to normal. america had a black president, then it had the opposite of a blackup. and now, it's back to a regular white dude, back to normal. oh, except for one major advancement -- for the first time in its history, america has elected a woman as
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vice president. a black woman who's also an indian woman and, no matter what people think about kamala harris, her election is a major step forward in america's quest for gender and racial equality. for more on this historic moment in time, we turn to our very own dulce sloan. dulce, a black woman is in the white house. >> a black woman is in the white house! aaahhh! this is such great news, trevor, especially after we've had 200 years of old white-ass vice presidents. thy even look the same. you had your knock off wolverines, your creep yew dudes that would have driven white vans if they had been around back then, and the more recent years, guys that look like the football coaches of the losing team. look at this guy. he looks like a photo shop of all the v.p.s put together. was he even real? >> trevor: dulce, that's joe biden. he was obama's vice president. >> really? that must be an old picture. he looks like a baby!
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speaking of which, having kamala as his "veep" is good for joe biden. she's smart, experienced and as long as she's there republicans aren't going to impeach him. he could straight-up sell florida and the g.o.p. would be can't risk that black lady being president. >> trevor: i'm surprised he picked kamala after the debate where she totally blew him up. >> sometimes you get roasted so hard you ain't even mad. you're just like anyone with a punch like that i need on my side. kamala brings balance to the administration, she's not biden, she's in a more progressive lane and can drive without special glasses. >> trevor: what struck me is that part of the speech where she said her being vice president is a powerful symbol for little girls in america because they see nevils represented at the white house. >> well, yeah, but people get
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too caught up in representation and symbolism sometimes, trevor, and that's not enough. we don't just need a kamala, we need policies that ensure a girl who looks like kamala but also lives in the hood also has a path to success. just because i see someone who looks like me in a hallmark movie doesn't mean i get a poifned for christmas. >> trevor: great point. still a lot of work to be done. >> there is, and it's not going to be easy. just dealing with the transitional loan will be tough for america because she's not replacing a white guy, she's replacing mike pence. this is like when your spotify shuffle goes from amy grant to cardi b. if you're not prepared, you will swerve off the road. in the meantime, let's enjoy the moment and celebrate the history. if you will excuse me, they started line dancing outside my apartment again and i need to join. >> trevor: thank you so much for that dulce. when we come back, president trump has graciously conceded the election to joe biden with dignity and class.
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no, i'm just shitting you. he went bat shit crazy. we'll tell you what he did after this break.
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this is nest hub max from google. but to someone who's tired of always ordering delivery hey google, play salt fat acid heat on netflix. it's the google dine-in motivator. nest hub from google. garcia,sims!coming! it's the google dine-in motivator. really dude? not cool. haha! not sorry. get double xp in call of duty: black ops cold war with mountain dew. rated mature.
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(teen) ♪ mom... it happened again.
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(vo) add some thrill to your wish list. at the season of audi sales event. ♪ you got me feelin' punchdrunk crazy, so crazy ♪ ♪ it's everything i want, now maybe, ooh, ooh, ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ can we do it again? ♪ your blessing's all i ever wanted ♪ ♪ i'm stressed, you got me feelin' nauseous ♪ ♪ wow-wow-wow-wow-wow ♪ wow-wow-wow-wow-wow ♪ wow that came from me. really. my first idea was "in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent.
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serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. "the daily social distancing show." it has now been three days since joe biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election. but even though many people are cheering, for some americans, it's still going to take a little longer for this result to sink in. >> president trump remaining defiant and not conceding the race. >> across the country pro-trump
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protesters echoing the president's basic claims the election was stolen. >> he would have to do a lot to convince republicans that this anything except a left wing power grab financed by people like george soros. >> we had computer glitches that changed republican votes to democrat votes. you look in pennsylvania, dead people voted in pennsylvania. >> there's a software called hammer and scorecard used to flip votes from trump to biden. is that indeed true? >> we've had hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear solely for mr. biden. this is coup 5.0, lou. >> trevor: oooh, coup 5.0? is that the coup in the forward facing camera? at this point get one of those. this is so bat shit i caught coronavirus just listening to it. you're telling me the crafty democrats used their say tank powers to steal the election but for some reason they didn't steal the senate because, what, they were using the free version
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of satanic powers and taking the senate isn't the free one? the man lost by 4 million popular votes and had a chance to win the electoral college. how did that make sense? the only person donald trump should be mad at is himself because he started on third base and still somehow lost the game. if there really is voter fraud, we wouldn't want that to decide the election but donald trump always says there's voter fraud. in 2016, he said it about every single primary he lost and even said it was the reason that he lost the popular vote, it's never been true. this is not just me saying it, the courts have also been like yeah, donald, we're not buying it, buddy. >> the president's personal attorneys vowed to continue filing lawsuits even though they don't appear to have any path to 270 electoral votes and have already faced a string of court losses so far as judges keep saying these allegations are
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just not supported by evidence. >> you get to the cowferlt, you have to provide evidence, and the case they brought in michigan was summarily dismissed. it's on a post-it note saying they're telling me to change the addresses. >> trevor: that's the difference in fox news and court. in court they ask questions. you can go to fox news screaming joe biden found the election. in court they ask how. uh, i got a post-it note? i wonder does trump even have one lawyer that knows the law? all the people he knows he only knows them because they specialize in the criminal code they have been charged with. i need someone who knows fraud. jimmy you did that for that, right? you're on the case, just do to them what they did to you.
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seriously, a post it note? even if you want to get on judge judy, you have to have photos of a dented hood. they're not letting you on tv if you have a post-it snow acing mahonda got f'd up. don't come up with a post-it note. if joe biden isn't stealing this election why do i have this used condom in my pocket? i rest my case. nobody should be surprised these guys are losing these cases with this kind of evidence because let me tell you something now, if you were in an episode of law and order with a post-it note, that would be the shortest episode ever. ♪ ♪ >> i submit into evidence this post it. >> the case is dismissed. ♪ ♪ >> trevor: so with the courts skeptical, the campaign had to take their argument directly to the people, and honestly, it might have gone better if they had chosen a slightly different venue. >> the trump campaign held a press conference to challenge
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the election results at four seasons total landscaping in northeast philadelphia. some people suspect the campaign intended to reserve the four seasons hotel but accidentally looked this landscaping company located between the crematorium and a sex toy store. trump's lawyer rudy giuliani was speaking when he was told the election had been called for biden. >> who was it called by? all the networks! wow! all the networks! ( laughter ) >> trevor: no, guys, come on, how is this real? like, how is this real? how are you going to hold a press conference at landscaping warehouse between a crematorium and a sex toy store? as a general rule, if you're declaring war, don't do it 20 feet from a dildo. in some ways it makes sense because if you ask people what's halfway between a porn shop and crematorium they'd probably say rudy giuliani. by the way, i have a feeling
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rudy giuliani uses that sarcastic response a lot. i'm sorry, who wants me to put my clothes back on? everyone. oh, wow! everyone! i've which single person in this denny's wants me to put my clothes back on. now, the campaign says that they did mean to have the press conference at this venue, and i hope that that's true, but it really just sounds like trump's legal team accidentally booked the wrong four seasons and if that is the case, that would be so sad. do you know how incompetent you have to be to get cat fished by a landscaping business? i love how the real four seasons says it has nothing to do with them because etch hotel chains are trying to get away from trump now. i bet motel 6 was, like, get out of here you scum bags! you're grossing out our bed bugs. i also feel bad for anyone in a sexshop during the press conference. imagine being in a sexshop and seeing every camera pulling up next door. now you have to hide out in a
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dildo for six hours. that's a long time to pretend to be browsing. is this the edible underwear? gluten free? they still outside? okay. do you have samples? so while the world is accepting joe biden is the next president, donald trump is planning to drag out the the fight for weeks, and his people are behind him all the way. well, almost all the way. >> despite no proof to support algraduation graduationings of widespread d -- despite no proof of allegations of widespread fraud or illegal voting, some of are ready to proceed. >> the media is getting everyone to coordinate joe biden as the next president but that's not how it works. >> trump has not lost. do not don seed, mr. president, fight hard. >> president trump is 100% within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities
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and weigh his legal options. >> privately people believe that it is time for the president to concede the election. it is true jared kushner has approached the president on conceded the election and my colleague record the first lady has talked to the president about accepting the fact he has lost this election to joe biden. basically they're all just wait on the president to come to terms with what's happening. >> trevor: yes, melania and jared are reportedly trying to convince donald trump to concede. though melania is work herring own hustle at the same time. donald, you have to concede, pennsylvania says biden won and they also said our marriage isn't valid. i know, it's their decision, the people have spoken. and as for jared schooling trump, imagine being told to grow up by a guy who's never gone through puberty. got to hurt. it's not great for jared because this is yet just another impossible job trump has given him to do -- all right, jared, it's your job to convince me to
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concede the election. okay, sir, it's time to concede. eat shit you creepy mannequin. catch me if you can! aaahhh! so maybe trump will decide to concede eventually or maybe he won't. doesn't matter either way because it's knot really his decision to make. joe biden is going to become president on january 20th and trump's opinion about that counts for exactly one vote. same as any other vote in america. and i know it's hard to believe but after all this time, it looks like reality has finally caught up with donald trump. all right, we're going to take a quick break but when we come back i'll be talking to the civil rights legend ruby bridges about what it was like to be the first black student at an all-white school. don't go away. ♪ ♪ hello hello ♪ there he go, my baby never answers in the room ♪ ♪ steps outside, or puts it on snooze ♪
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♪ he just do whatever he do ♪ou ee ou ♪ ♪ou ee ou ♪ hello hello hello ♪ ♪ hello hello hello
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ding, ding. oreo for santa...a, you don't know how this works, do you? it's-my first day. ahhhuuuuggghhhaaa you comin'?
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we're the croods. welcome to a better way to live. ♪ welcome to my house dun, dun ,dun. this place is changing everyone. give this place a chance. go i have to like him? grug. gruggers. grug. [ screaming ] grug. you have to be nice. i don't know if cave people belong in a modern world. we're evolved people. [ grunting ] maybe we should take it down a notch. bah, bah, bah. -bah, bah, bah. wow. whoa! someone please help! of course.
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you're tenacious, i'll give you that! it's ok, i'm ok... [heavy breathing] where are you? coming! let's do this! yeaahh! it's on!! woooo! whoa... [heavy breathing] rated rp to t. daily social distancing show. earlier today, i spoke with civil rights icon ruby bridges. ruby made history 60 years ago, when, at age six, she was the first black student to integrate in an all-white elementary school in new orleans. we talked about her life story, and her new book, inspired by young activists who are continuing the fight for racial justice. ruby bridges, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you so much for having me. >> trevor: it's truly an honor to have you because you are one of those people who doesn't seem real in life. you started your life as a young black girl in a place where
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black children could not go to a school that had white kids in it, and you talk about this in your new book, which is really really beautiful and enlightening, but what was it like being a child in a school where white teachers didn't want to teach you, white students didn't want to be with you, white parents didn't want you in the school, but a white teacher came in and said i'm going to teach ruby bridges everything she needs to know and deserves to learn in the school. >> being six years old, i didn't have any idea what to expect. the only thing my parents tried to tell me is, ruby, you're going to go to a new school and you better behave. that was the extent of preparing me for what i saw. in new orleans, the i was accusd to mardi gras, screaming, yelling, waving hands, and that's what happens at mardi gras. and what protected me was the innocence of the child. i really didn't understand what was happening until i got into
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the school and, months intot it, finally, you know, was able to connect with some students that were being hidden from me, and a little boy said, i can't play with you, my mom said not to play with you because you're a nigger. i started playing with him if my mom said don't play with him% because he's asian, he's indian, he's mixed race, he's gay, he's, you know, white, i would not have played with him. so in my mind, he was explaining to me why he couldn't play with me. so he did hurt my feelings but i was never angry with him. and the fact that, every day, the person that greeted me was a white woman who looked exactly like the crowd outside, i came to realize that she looked like them, but she wasn't like them. she showed me her heart. she made school fun. i loved being at school. i knew if i just got out of the car, past the crowd and inside of my classroom i was going to
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have a great day. so, really, because of her showing me her heart, i knew that i couldn't judge her the same way as the peoplet outside. so i always tell people that the lessons she really taught me was there is absolutely no way you can look at a person and judge them by the color of their skin. she taught me the lesson dr. king tried to teach all of us, that you have to jung a person by the content of their character. so that was the most important lesson i took away and i wanted to dedicate myself to trying to explain that to kids sot that they know that racism has no place in their hearts and in their minds. and you know, trevor, if we're going to get past our racial differences, it's going to come from our kids. >> trevor: it really does seem like america needs that more than ever. especially now, america is more divided than in some ways it's ever been in the modern era.
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it feels like there's no toned that despite the election ending. what are you hoping to achieve in releasing the book now? >> i saw exactly what everybody else saw, someone being murdered right before our very eyes, and it made me think about the kids that i have been speaking to for the last 25 years, trying to convince them that we need to come together, that racism doesn't have a place, and, yet, this was happening, and i felt like, in a sense, i had let them down. maybe i led them down the wrong path because look what's happening. and i felt like i needed to be able to talk with them because they're probably sitting there thinking, well, this isn't what ruby has been saying to us. and, so, i have some very good people, you know, that are very close to me, and i spoke to them about it, and they said why don't you write a letter to them? and that's actually what this book is, it is my letter to the
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young people, the young people that i saw, you know, take to the streets to let them know that what i saw, what i witnessed was the exact same behavior that i saw when i was six back in 1960 during the civil rights movement. but we went through that, it brought us to where we are today, and now it's their turn, that they need not be afraid, that it is growing pains, and i do believe that, if they come together, because that past -- the past 60 years brought us together. we're able to be in school together, play sports together, enjoy the same music. it brought us together. not as close as we need to be, but it's on them now to pick up the torch, to carry it and to continue to do what they do to move this country forward. and, so, that's what this book is about. >> trevor: when you look at
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the state of schooling today in america, you know, the legacy of segregation lives on, although it's not officially mandated by the state, what do you think needs to be done to try and create a system in america where schooling is equal and kids are able to interact with each other in knees environments where they should meet with each other before they become full blown adults and meet their first white person or person of color? >> in katrina, the school was destroyed, a $30 million school in an inner city neighborhood, fought very hard to restore that school. i wanted it to be an integrated school. it is segregated. it is all black. it totally goes against my work and what i believe in. i was told that, you know, policies, that we can't choose kids by race and put them in a school. in other words, we can't integrate a school. and i looked at them and i said,
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are you talking to me? you're telling me you can't integrate a school? yes, you can. i did it, and we can dot it again. but we, we have to want that. we have to understand how important that is for us to move this country forward. and, so, if they don't know how to do it, go back to 1960, pick up the rule book, look at it and figure out, but we need to do it again. >> trevor: ruby bridges, thank you so much for joining us on the show and thank you for an amazing book that is truly powerful in so many different ways. >> thank you. i'll make sure i send you a copy. >> trevor: thank you very much. don't forget, ruby's inspiring book this is your time is available now. stick around, up next, i'll be talking to the star of "black-ish," anthony anderson. you don't want to miss to
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"the daily social distancing show." so earlier today, i spoke with actor and comedian anthony anderson. we talked about what it's like filming his show "black-ish" and why he put his colonoscopy on instagram. ant a president, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> glad to be here via skype. >> trevor: this beard, man, is
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beautiful. it's luscious. >> thank you. >> trevor: you look like you have my afro but on your chin. >> it was crazy, i was going for a different look at the end of last season, anyway. >> trevor: right. >> but i planned on growing my beard and not shaving it when i came back to work. and then covid happened, and it just became a covid beard. i trimmed it a little bit because it was a little crazy and i just wanted to see how full it could get. so here we are. >> trevor: you know, i know as anthony anderson, you have been that guy we've seen doing so many things for so long, you have been one of the funniest people in movies, you have been one to have the funniest people in a tv show popping up. but "black-ish" is your legacy. what do you think the show means to you now? >> it means everything to me, really, trevor. just to be able to tell these stories that we all have lived and are living within our community and society, man. >> trevor: right.
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>> and, so, to have people just walk up to me on the street from all walks of life, all ethnic backgrounds and say, when i see your family on the screen, i see my family. and that means a lot. >> trevor: people might be happy about biden. people might be happy about kamala, but not many people can say that, well, yeah, kamala and i went to the same university, you know, went to the same hbcu. so, i mean, you guys have a thing right now. not many people can be, like, yeah, my vice president and i went to the same -- are you going to come up with stories about how you and i were best friends? ( laughter ) >> no, but i'm going to create stories and friendships with her now. we are friendly. i supported her when she was running for president. >> trevor: right. >> and not only did we both attend, you know, howard university, we both are members of the divine nine. she's a member of, you know, alpha kappa alpha, i'm a member
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of omega si phi. so we share a great deal with respect to that. >> trevor: to see you name on the hollywood walk of fame, a few blocks away from your high school, do you ever find excuses to be saying, yeah, this is the quickest way, we have to drive past my star. >> i'm at the corner of highland and hollywood, across the street from hollywood high where i graduated and where i walked those streets many a day and night as a youth, never thinking in a thousand years would i be importlized on the walk of fame. so that's how full circle of a moment that was for me. but i find myself driving down hollywood and highland quite often, hopefully getting stopped at the red light on the corner so i can scream out the window, hey, hey! get off my star, sucker! ( laughter ) >> trevor: before i let you
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go, anthony -- >> before i go, i'd like to show that. we bring up the hollywood walk of fame, my friends george lopez and sedric the entertainer got me this walk of fame ring. >> trevor: is that a super bowl ring for the hollywood walk of fame? >> yeah, this is our brotherhood, man. george has one, sid has one and i have one. hopefully the rest of our crew, don, chris will get there soon, this is my brotherhood. every time i talk about that, i've got to show the ring and give respect to my friends. >> trevor: i love that. talking about friends and family, you're celebrate you can 50th birthday. when say this i said anthony anderson is not 506789 when was he -- anderson is not 50. when was he 45? on top of that, you look like you made the best of the day even though we're socially
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distanced. >> we had a drive-by 50t 50th celebration at our home. i may not look like 50,block don't crack but it chips a bit and rots from the inside out, trevor, i'm going to tell you that right now. but we had a great time. we had a great time. and while we're on it, since i'm 50, can we talk about me getting a colonoscopy a few weeks ago. >> trevor: yeah, but you did it on instagram. i follow you on instagram because i want to see you going to a beach on an exotic island and you took me to a colonoscopy, anthony anderson, why would you do that? >> you knowt what? i did that because we as black men and men of color, we need to do that. so i wanted to take myal followers on a journey. we've lost some great people recently because of colon cancer, prostate cancer and all of that. so i wanted to take the stigma off of that and have a little fun with it and show them that
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it's not a big deal to go and get this checked out because it's better to get it checked out and know for a fact than just to live in mystery and hope that, you know, it doesn't catch you or it doesn't pull your number. >> trevor: right. >> so, hopefully, i did that and i just wanted to share that experience, you know, to let men know that it's okay, it's painless, you know, they give you that propofol, it's the best nap of your life, and you wake up and you're all the better. >> trevor: yeah, man, i appreciate yo you. i love why you did it and i'm glad you don't have to do colonoscopy's more than once a year. great t to have you on the show. >> always a pleasure. i will always answer the call for you, my friend. >> trevor: thank you. check out "black-ish" which airs 9:00 a.m. on abc.t, but before -
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thanksgiving is coming up, but, in the corona era, homebound seniors are at greater risk than ever, especially those who don't know where their next meal is coming from. but meals on wheels is out there in the streets, delivering meals to elderly americans every day, to keep them safe and nourished in communities across the country. if you can help out, and want to support the work they do, please donate at the link below. until tomorrow -- stay safe out there, wear a mask, and if you're a stolen trump ballot,
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they've got to be somewhere, people. what other explanation could there be? now here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ >> democrats are being sore losers and they refuse to acknowledge they've lost the election so what do they do? cry malfeasance, fraud. >> democrats more than republicans have a problem conceding defeat, either the election broke down or mystery votes are hiding. >> a whole series of democrats who just said wrongly if our carnet doesn't win they stole the election. >> the dems just want to make america suffer. it's like losing the world series and demanding an extra win ago day later. >> the democrats are refusing to accept the declared results of the national media. so how do they do this? lo and behold, they find missing ballots. >> the radical left is attacking the sanctity of our votes.
1:59 am
>> refusing to accept the midterm election results. what if these were republicans refusing to concede? >> democrats may see how they will be able to in the future to steal elections through lawsuits they can't win with the voters. >> legal, legitimate, concede, sounds sore - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headed on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [mumbling] - ♪ so come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪ - okay stan, i'm going to give you... a "u.f.o. crash-landing" card. you can deny it or cover it up. - dude, i don't understand this game at all.
2:00 am
- it's "investigative reports of bill curtis fun time game". you have to decide if you deny it or cover it up. - uh, deny it. - okay, let's see what bill curtis says. - hello, i'm bill curtis. many believe that the u.s. government covered it up. i'm bill curtis. - all right, cartman, i'm going to give you... a "jail time card". you lose a turn. - sweet. - oh, yeah? well, i'm going to give you... aids. - what? - i just gave you aids. - aids? - dude, that's not cool, don't give kyle aids. - kyle has aids and now loses 47 turns and 800 points. - kenny, your dad and i are thinking about having another baby. wouldn't you like to have another brother or sister? - no. - we just might workin' on it later tonight. - god damn it, poor people suck! your family is already on welfare, and now you're going to bring another kid into the world. poor people are turning out babies, adding to the overpopulation, and expecting me to pay for it with my tax dollars. - you don't pay tax dollars, cartman; you're eight. - you see, this is just what i've been talking about! i can't even relate to you guys anymore, because you're too immature. - what? - i've got to start hanging out with friends that are a little more intelligent and understand politics and stuff. it's just that i'm up on this level, up here,


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