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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  December 1, 2020 11:00pm-11:46pm PST

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distancing show, i'm trevor noah. today is tuesday, the 1st of december. we made it to december! which means there's only 50 days left until donald trump leaves the white house and has to start doing his own laundry again. anyway, coming up on tonight's show: melania saves christmas, space aliens are stealing our ideas, and rosie perez is joining us on the show. so let's do this, people! welcome to "the daily social distancing show." ♪ ♪ >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show" with trevor noah. ♪ ♪ >> trevor: right now, it feels like the only story that matters
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every day is the coronavirus. it's taken over all of our news, all of our attention, like some sort of virus. but believe it or not, there is still a ton of other news going on in the world right now. so let's catch up on some of it, in today's edition of "headlines." let's kick it off with melania trump, first lady to have the united states and the only trump family member who's already in prison. you might remember that the last time melania made news it was because an ex-friend of hearse leaked a recording of her which made her sound like a scrooge. >> trevor: okay. i think we can all agree that is not a good look, especially in america. the only decorations americans love more than christmas are those candles that smell like
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dessert and those bowls of dry flowers that look like a snack. they are not a snack. so after that leaked recording came out, it was obviously importantt that, this year, melania made it clear that she really, really does give a (~bleep ) about christmas, and it looks like she rose to the occasion. >> and she may have less than two months to go in the white house but melania trump is decking the halls. today the first lady unveiled this year's white house christmas decorations and she avoided any controversy with a traditionally festive look. just released video from first lady melania shows the halls filled with festive decorations. the theme for her final holiday season at the white house is america the beautiful. each room has its own color scheme and the christmas trees are adorned with crafts made by children from all 50 states. >> there are plenty of traditional style decorations, of trees with white lights and red ornaments. there's also a village hospital
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to honor front lynn workers amid the pandemic. >> trevor: oh, they even have a little ornament hospital! given how crowded the real hospitals are right now, that one better get ready to start taking tiny patients. but on the real, though, i think that's a beautiful tribute to healthcare providers. i mean, it is a little strange that the christmas decorations acknowledge coved more than the administration has but still it's something. at the same time, i kind of feel bad for melania, yeah, because i think she was right in the first place, no one cares that much about christmas decorations. before you say you do, yeah, you say that, but you have one tree. she has to decorate the entire white house. if you had to deck at a time 100 rooms, you would also end up being like (~bleep ) this christmas stuff! but because she was busted melania has to be more christmas than mariah carey. are you happy? it looks like christmas threw up on my house. you can tell it got to her
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because she went more traditional. remember 2017 the trees she died with goat blood? 2018 she spray painted santa's not real on the walls. that's out there. from the trump administration to another endangered species, sea turtles. contrary to public belief, pga turtle is not easy. the shell makes it hard to let anyone in. this week some of these little guys caught a break. >> it's not only people who flock to florida in cold weather, 40 sea turtles were flown to the florida keys from cape cod yesterday after suffering from cold stunning after they were exposed to frigid water too long. the camp's ridley sea turtles are considered an endangered species. a group of pilots called turtles fly, too, and donate their
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aircraft r aircraft and time to help the turtles recover. the turtles will be returned to the ocean in time for mating season. >> trevor: tell me that's not adorable. these turtles were freezing but now because they're in florida they're nice and warm and they all have stds. did you see them get put into that banana box to fly? they look like a bunch of spirit airlines customers, etch the turtles don't get enough leg room. this whole flying them somewhere else is going to make the other animals jealous. there was probably a duck migrating with the plane saying, i have to fly myself? i'm a little jealous, i'm freezing my ass off but nobody's flielg me to florida for free. i also want to spread covid in the club. ( coughing ) this gives us an insight. if a turtle gets flown to warmer weather, they call it preservation.
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if an instagram model get the same thing she's called a ho. double standard much? and the mystery that has everybody talking. >> the mystery of the silver monolith that appeared in the arizona desert has now disappeared. it's not known who removed it. >> do we think it's aliens? got to be. >> if you weren't thinking this was aliens, you may now. >> i think it's aliens. >> yeah, if aliens are going to come to earth, 2020 would be the year, though, right? this would be the one. >> trevor: i can't believe i have to say this but clearly this is not aliens, right? this is somebody ripping off to one space odyssey. unless it is aliens and they're ripping off to one? that would be really depressing. imagine if you found out aliens got their ideas from watch morgue movies. they're going to make contact with humans and be, like, i am glornax the wise and this is --
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my wife. but here's my question, why are we so desperate to discover aliens, guys? do you know how much crazy shit is already down on earth. have you seen a platypus, a volcano? look at this fish and tell me it doesn't look like an alien that's about to torture princess leia. >> and now your highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base. ( suspenseful music ) >> trevor: and if this is supposed to be some abstract art, you know what? it belongs in the desert. keep that garbage out of sight. i'm tired of artists putting up random shit and saying it's a comment on the human condition. no, save that for a mystery that speaks to life and nature. what are the dogs playing for, high stakes? it is rale strange this monolist
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disappeared without a trace because now where it's gone we'll never know. >> where do you want us to put this giant slab thing? >> trevor: put it in the bedroom, please. thank you. we'll just never know. moving on to the other global pandemic that just won't go away, racism. we all know how videos of police brutality have led to rise of the "black lives matter" movement here in the united states. it turns out similar uprisings are happening all over the world most recently in france. >> french politicians are to rewrite a security bill amid outrage over police assault on a black man. evidence of officers beating this muization in his paris studio was captured on cc-tv. there have been several protests in paris and other cities across the country against article 24 of the bill which will regulate how people share film or photos
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of police. critics say the new law could stop people ex poagz police brutality. >> trevor: turns out france was about to pass a bill that outlawed sharing videos of the police. now that the police were caught on video beating an unarmed black man they are going to try to rewrite that bill. so in a way that was have been good timing on that beating because imagine if it happened after the law had passed? that guy would have been like they beat me for being black! no, do you have video? no, because it's illegal to have video. too bad. without video it did not happen. we can't say without the video. goes to show you, whether america, france or nigeria, the official government line is always that police brutality is not a problem. time and time again, we discover video evidence that shows otherwise. it's no prize the french government wanted to ban filming. it's easier to gas light the public when there's no evidence to the contrary.
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that's exactly why the french need to be able to film their police so that they can prove this. and because france makes better police brutality videos. i mean, they've got artistic angles, the black and whites, the melancholy music underneath, very sophisticated. finally, we're about one month away from the first dose to have the coronavirus vaccine. i know. crazy, right? feels like it was just yesterday when we were punching grannies for toilet paper. but it will still be at least six months before there's enough vaccine for everybody, which means the fight is now on to elbow your way to the front of the line. >> today, a c.d.c. advisory panel is meeting to vote on recommendations abwho will get the vaccines first, once they're approved by the f.d.a. >> with only enough medicine for about 20 million people expected by the end of this year, authorities are having to prioritize. already, health officials have said seniors with underlying
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health conditions and doctors who treed coved patients should be put at the front of the line, will ultimately be up to state and local officials to choose where the doses go first. >> trevor: oooh, this is going to be the big drama of 2021, who is going to get priority for the vaccine. because, look, everyone agrees that the first groups who should get this vaccine should be the front line healthcare workers, right? then people named trevor. then seniors, very important to protect our seniors. then people named trevor again. in case the first time didn't take. then we protect those who have preexisting conditions. you know the people. we've just got to get the order right. i know they're going to prioritize people based on risk and health, but if you ask me, america has already figured out the best way to decide how to distribute awards. that's right, i'm talking about vaccine anybody jay warrior! oh, yeah sch who wants to survive? we'll take a quick break. when we come back, joe biden is selecting his cabinet.
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meanwhile, donald trump is feliciaing his fans. stay tuned to find out how. ♪ ♪ come on! ♪ over here! ♪
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♪ everything you need, when you need it most. introducing the toyota venza with standard all-wheel drive. toyota. let's go places.
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we have the power to harness with stancalifornia'sel drive. abundant solar and wind energy, but it's not available all day long. use less energy from 4 to 9 pm for a cleaner california. ♪ hello hello ♪ there he go, my baby never answers in the room ♪
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♪ steps outside, or puts it on snooze ♪ ♪ he just do whatever he do ♪ ♪ ou ee ou ♪ ♪ ou ee ou ♪ hello hello hello ♪ ♪ hello hello hello ♪ littlefriend.s lost. she needs to be home. the rules have changed since you rode. how much you want for her? she's not for sale. if they find you, they kill you. jump! johanna! it's hard finding your way home. you can't have her. and i'm taking her home.
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but to someone who's tired of always ordering delivery. hey google, play salt fat acid heat on netflix. it's the google dine-in motivator. nest hub from google. "the daily social distancing show." for the past month, the two big stories in politics have been joe biden preparing to step into the presidency without breaking more bones, and donald trump refusing to step down from the presidency because he insists on keeping the white house hulu account. so let's see where things stand in our somehow still ongoing coverage of vote gassum 2020. >> trevor: let's begin with president-elect biden, america's control-alt-delete.
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he's been assembling his administration and looks like he's putting his best foot forward. >> president-elect joe biden is unveiling key members of his foreign policy and national security team today. the players are familiar with the obama administration and notable for their diversity. if confirmed, alejandro my yorks will be the first latino and immigrant to serve as secretary of homeland security. avenue yell haines will be the first female director of national intelligence and linda thomas-greenfield a career diplomat is representing the united states at the urn. he announced his white house communication team, all female, including mothers of young kids. >> trevor: an all women communications team and a national security team that is racially diverse. people all over the middle east will be, like, what an honor to be with such a woke administration. a communications team of all
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women will be a refreshing change. let's be honest, men always lying about size to try and impress people. don't be fooled, this team isn't as diverse as seems on the surface. for example, all of these people have experience in their fields. yeah, everyone is experienced. the trump administration would never have tolerated this kind of discrimination against incompetence. shame on you, joe biden. shame on you. meanwhile, on the other side of reality, donald trump's attempt to cling to office faced another setback yesterday, when wisconsin and arizona became the latest states to formally certify biden's victory. and the arizona ceremony happened at a particularly awkward moment for donald trump. >> as the governor was signing the certification comets documes cell phone buzzed with ring tone of hail to the chief. doocy previously said he set that song for calls coming from the white house. this time he muted the phone and
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set it aside as he signed documents that made trump's loss official. ( phone ringing hail to the chief ) >> trevor: that is cold. sending the president of the united states to voicemail like he's spam? which he is, but still... you know "fox & friends" were watching this like, good trick, we have to try that. what makes this move gangster is he knew trump was watching him on live tv. we all had the moment where we think somebody's ignoring the call or the text but to actually see it, to see him look at his phone, see your name and then put it away? oooh! that had to hurt. trump was probably sitting there, like, this is so painful, i'm going to call melania and tell her how bad it hurts.
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( phone ringing ) au, i guess melania also can't come to the phone right now. as upsetting as the losses are for trump, it's even more frustrating for trump supporters because they must be wondering how their guy can possibly still be losing especially after they donated tons of money for the legal battles against the rigged election. well, turns out that that's not where all the money may be actually going. >> the president's unfounded claims of voter fraud and misinformation surrounding the 2020 election are proving to be luck raytive for team trump and allies. a source tells cnn the president and his political operation have raised more than $170 million since election day. >> now, a fraction of this money will likely go to fund whatever is left of the president's legal fight here, but most of this money there is very few restrictions on any of this, and most of it will likely go to fund the president's own personal activities. >> he can take that piggy bank with him for whatever he wants
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to do in the future. >> trevor: oh, i see you donald! i see you! here we were, all thinking that you were really challenging the election results. you were just hustling. look at this dude. even at the very end of his presidency, donald trump is grifting his own supporters out of their money. i guess the one thing he doesn't need to recount is his balls because, clearly, this man has a massive pair to go out like this. i mean, damn, we all knew he would probably grift hard on his way out but hustling $170 million from his own supporters? whoo! it's one thing to steal all the shampoo bottles from the hotel, but trump is taking his piano from the lobby and the pool with him. when we come back, talking to when we come back, talking to ernestfor over 30 years,equel
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lexus has been celebrating driveway moments.
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here's to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $419 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. i never said it but... (dramatic crying) whoa! did sven-rod just die? yeah can you do it again? sure, sure i always loved you... oh man... missed it again . alexa, rewind 10 seconds.
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we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but, we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired, expired... expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? uh, i'll have to check. (doorbell ringing) aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?
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"the daily show." earlier today i spoke with best-selling author ernest cline. we talked ant his highly anticipated sequel "ready player two." welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you. i am a big fan. >> trevor: i am a major fan of yours because to have the world you created with the work that you've done and because of how -- i almost want to say i guess how much truth telling you told, you know, even in telling a future story, feels like you
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told the truth about the present. "ready player two" was a smash hit, one of the best-selling books of all time, and the movie was a smash hit as well. and now book is already a sequel. it's is story of a not too distant future where everybody basically lives in a virtual world. no one wants to live outdoors or do anything and our true pleasure is living in a virtual reality, which may seem farfetched when you wrote it but it seems we're edging closer and closer to that. >> it does. it was shocking to me how quickly the predictions i made especially about virtual reality and the adoption of virtual reality technology happened. it's only been nine years since "ready player one" was published and there were no virtual reality head sets available. now there are competing brands and i use it all the time. >> trevor: you wrote about what is many people's childhood dream, living in a virtual
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reality, creating an avatar, flying, becoming a dragon, an iron giant, whatever it is. but what i loved about it is the fantasy is couched in the reality of in and around the toll that it has on human beings. we see real life people not knowing how to interact. we see people addicted to, like, the social media side of this thing and to the world where they can be somebody else. you clearly love the science fiction. it's not even fiction anymore, but you love this world. but at the same time you're always really careful about making it seem like a complete faintcy. talk me through how you play with that and why you think it's so important to remind the reared of how dangerous this technology could be. >> that's a great question. i feel like all our technology is potentially dangerous. it depends on how we use it and sometimes the perils of that technology don't become apparent right away. social media is relatively new,
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10, 15 years, and only now are we beginning to see the huge sociological ramifications it can have and also just the way it can affect people personally. and that's true of the internet in total, they drastic rialter our lives and change the way people interact with each other in both good and bad ways. so i always wanted to show both sides to have the technology and also just the addictive nature of something that's really enjoyable and fun, the impulse is to do it to excess. so i always try to show the character struggling to find balance with their love of technology, which ising? i do in my own life. >> trevor: one of the big reasons i'm a fan of your work is you did something i missed in the world of science fiction and fantasy for so long and that is you have diversity. every fantasy story would be, like, wow, no people of color in these fantasy worlds, but you have a diverse chast r cast of
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character. it's not forced. you're talking about real people who play video games, whether japanese kids or whether it's a black woman struggling being an lgbtqia in the world. the question is how did that come about? it seemed so natural. t it doesn't seem like you're powing to anything but it really informs the story and the characters. >> that's part of my world view and own experience being a gamer and venturing out. it's up with of the things i love about the internet and video games is by creating an avatar you create an alternate idealized version of yourself and you have control over how other people see you. the internet can strip away a lot of prejudices that way by allowing people just to connect as pure intellect, you know, and i think that's been a really powerful thing in my own life because you can get to know somebody and feel like you know them really well without ever
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being in the same time zone. so i think the internet can be a powerful tool in creating empty, and that was something else i wanted to explore in "ready player two," the idea of the virtual reality allowing you to walk a mile in somebody else's shoes. i think a lot of the problems we're facing to now can be traced back to a lack of emp any, and it would be great if technology created a way for you to see how ottoer people feel. if people don't do it on their own, it would be great if there was an invention that would allow you to walk a mile in other people's shoes. so those are all the things i wanted to read into the story. >> trevor: in "ready player two," i don't want to spoil it, but just the beginning of the story is what if you could be immersed, what if you could feel what was happening in a game,t what if you could feel what somebody else is feeling. one of the interesting parts in the story is people are expensing famine, somebody stafferring, experiencing a
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war-torn region and it changes their empathy. but in "ready player two," you show how hard it is to maintain your empty and your level of wanting to understand when you become part of the class, you know. you've got possible who is this legend who fights the man and wins freedom of the oasis, but quickly he's the billionaire and wants to make the money and the moves. but it's interesting because he's not a villain, but we come to realize quickly how you can make the wrong moves if your environment changes dramatically, and that's being superrich, you think very differently. >> yes, and also he's a teenager. becoming the c.e.o. of a huge company or facebook or twitter when you're that age and maybe don't have the wisdom to handle it, that's something i knew when i told the story that these characters would all have to confront. it's something the c.e.o.s of our big tech companies are confronting the implications of our technology now and the profound ways that it affects
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even the way people think. already the internet and social media is plugged directly into our brain in some ways and it's, you know, affecting everything around us. so i'm glad you picked up on that. that was definitely part of the fun of telling the story. >> trevor: when you look at the real world, you look at the amazons, the facebooks, the twitters, snapchats, tiktoks, whatever it is, there's no denying they consume a part of our brains and will form how we see and think of each other as human beings. when you look at the the real world and the c.e.o.s and the companies they've created, what do you hope they'll understand about what they made and apply to the products to make them as ethical as possible for the human race? >> exactly what you said, some effort to make the technology ethical and not just openly allow this basically mind control device they've cede to be used by anyone to sow the
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seeds of disinformation. it's just something that we've required like television networks and radio networks for decades, but this new technology rose up without any oversight, and now it seems to me that it's spiraled out of control and it's kind of still like the wild wild west. now we're struggling to rein it in at the time when it feels like it might be too late. >> trevor: got to rein it in before its too late. i could talk to you for hours about this because the book will last you for hours and i hope everybody gets it. if you're a fan of video games, the future and the president, you will love it. thank you so much for taking time, for writing an amazing story and for including every single kid who actually plays the video games that they're so often excluded from. thank you so much for this, thank you for your time. i'm excited for everyone to read "ready player two" and excited for the next film. >> thank you so much, trevor. >> trevor: "ready player two"
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is available right now. don't go away. "the daily socialg
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show." earlier today, i spoke with multiple award-winning actress rosie perez. we talked about living in the corona times and her brand-new miniseries "the flight attendant." >> this is so exciting. corporate espionage! >> shhh! did you get the flash drives? >> i did, indeed, all untraceable. well, untraceable for long island, that is. >> wonderful, so you will download the files we requested off your husband's computer and pass the flash drive along to mr. huff. >> oh. >> trevor: rosie perez. welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> (laughing) hi. thank you for having me. how you doing? >> trevor: i'm doing good, considering everything that's happening in the world. better you're on the show with me. before we get into the show that is blowing up everyone, people
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are loving on hbo max, "the flight attendant," i wanted to talk to you about the journey you've had with coronavirus, because, for many people, coronavirus is this new thing that has disrupted our lives, your life has also been disrupted, but not many people can say that they had coronavirus in december of 2019. talk me through a little bit of that journey. >> sure. we were in bangkok and filming the tryin"the flight attendant"d actually it was the last of november, and i just immediately hit me like a ton of bricks, knew something was wrong. i was feverish, had a horrible cough. it felt like someone was stepping on my chest, i was very lethargic and scared. when i was on set, i kept laying down in between takes. actually kaylie cuckoo
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instagramed a picture of me laying on the bed. she laid on the bed with me. nothing happened. ( laughter ) they called the doctor on set because i became that weak. and the doctor said i had to rush to the emergency room immediately. >> trevor: wow. >> when i got there, it was like a movie. i mean, they took my vitals in the waiting room and then all of a sudden all these people came with all the p.p.e. and rushed me in. >> trevor: wow! >> and i was getting scared and the executive producer meredith came with me as well as my monitor karen, and they're wheeling me on a gurney. i said, oh, my god and tark said can i go with her? she said, are you kin? he said, no. i said, stupid! you should have said yes. and, so, then, meredith says, i'm her sister. now, meredith is blonde and
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blue-eyed, typical looking white woman, and the doctor looked at me and i go, in law. in law. ( laughter ) and they let her come in, surprisingly so. but she couldn't come in the room that they quarantined me in. >> trevor: right. >> and the emergency room dock had told me, they put two i.v.s, one was a red bag of i don't know what, and the other one was your standard i'm v., and she was asking me, is it okay if we -- i said give me everything. i told her, i said, i feel like i'm dying. she said, well, we think that you have this new respiratory tract infection that we don't know exactly what it is but it is coming from china. >> trevor: wow! >> and a lot of tourists are getting it, but we don't know exactly what it is, but we do know that it's rapid in the destruction of your body. and i just closed my eyes, and i
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remember seeing just my husband and my sister and my father, who is deceased, and i said, oh, my god don't let me die in bangkok. she laughed and said you're not going to die. i said you just told me doomsday is upon me. >> trevor: right. >> so they fixed me up, you know, well enough that i was able to finally leave the emergency room, and i remember her last words to me was never go outside, never stand in front of another person without a mask. you're not only protecting yourself but you're protecting others. that's why i have my mask on with you because i don't want you to make me sick and what you have is very, very serious. i said, what's the name? she says, well, we don't know yet. >> trevor: it is amazing that you not only recovered but then made it a mission to educate other people about how to stay safe. i mean, like, you know, you're a life-long new yorker. when you agreed to go to press conferences with governor cuomo,
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when you agree to be part of the briefings and part of this, what are you hoping to achieve for new york as a whole? >> for them to wake up, to understand how deadly and serious this was, and that we had to respect each other -- just like that doctor said to me in bangkok, you know, i wanted new yorkers to respect one another, i wanted americans to respect one another by wearing a mask, it's just that simple. i've helped the governor with other things, like with his hurricane maria relief and all of that stuff, but for him to call me, i said, wow, i told my husband, i said, isn't that crazy the way the world works? >> trevor: right. >> and when i was there at that press conference, i was holding back the emotions, i really was, because i didn't want to have that be the focus. >> trevor: yeah, i know what you mean. >> i just wanted to be very adult and mature and say, listen, man, this is real. mask up. it's as simple as that.
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if that can help, do it. do it. >> trevor: let's talk about the new show. it is generating quite the buzz, and it's a really fun conceit. you know, "the flight attendant." when i saw the title, i thought, what is this going to be a romantic comedy, a straight comedy? and, no, this is a dark but sometimes funny and really gripping show about, like, a murder mystery. and when the show started, i remember being, like, oh, rosy, this is wonderful, you're playing such a nice character, this is great. now i'm not so sure. the show comes out weekly, but it seems like you play a really shady character in this world. >> you will find out. that's all i can say. but megan, my character, is definitely keeping a big, fat secret, and it's, you know, slowly going to be tearing her apart. and, also, you know, i love playing this character because, at first, the executive producers, you know, had in mind
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her being a little bit more tough, and i said, no, this woman is menopausal, she hates her life, her. ♪ -- her middle class life which is actually fabulous, she just can't see it, and her only friend is cassie, who doesn't feel the same way about her. i said, that's pretty sad. and without judging her, i wanted to bring something special to it, you know what i mean? >> trevor: i know exactlyt what you mean, yeah. what attracted you to the show? what as rosie perez you said i'm going to do the show. >> a drunk first class flight attendant who sleeps with passengers and wakes up next to one of her conquests and he's dead? i was in. ( laughter ) but actually, i turned it down! i did. i turned it down initially because i can't stand traveling, i detest it, i hate the whole thing. >> trevor: really? >> yes, i cannot stand it. >> trevor: and this show,
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weren't the locations around the globe? >> yes, that's what -- kaylie to her credit refused to take no for an answer and met with me. she said, you know it's called "the flight attendant." i said, yes, that's why i'm saying no. we were cracking up. after about an hour that was supposed to be ten minutes, she chomped my ass off. she just did it. but inside i'm going, oh, my god i'm so in. i'm so glad she did that because we had a blast, and everybody on the cast is stellar. just stellar. >> trevor: they really are. >> i loved it. >> trevor: i tell you now, i'm glad she chewed your head off for not doing it, i'm glad she pushed you and you said yes because it's amazing seeing you on anything will you really in this show has been a ton of fun. i can't wait to see what the secret is, rosie perez, thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: don't forget, "the flight attendant" is available now on hbo max. we'll take a bick break but
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we'll be right back after this.e go, you may have heard, there's an important runoff election coming up in georgia, and if you're watching this from georgia, i wanted to remind you that the deadline to register to vote online for that election is next monday the 7th of december. and if you're not in georgia, you can still help by supporting groups like "18 by vote" that are working to engage young people to vote -- especially the estimated 23,000 young people in georgia who were not eligible to vote in the general election,
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but who will turn 18 in time to vote in the upcoming election on january 5. so if you're able to help out and want to support the cause, check out the link below. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wear a mask, and remember -- if you want to be first in the line for the vaccine, just show up coughing. everyone else will get out of the way. now, here it is -- your moment of zen. >> today a negro seamstress rosa parks boarded a bus and took a seat. she was told to give her seat to a white passenger who just boarded and she refused. >> the incident sparked a year' belong boycott of the montgomery buses and change the course of american history forever. ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪
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♪ gonna leave my woes behind - ♪ ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbor ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] - ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪ tget an iphone 12 with 5g on us - ♪ [muffled] on every single plan. switch now and save 20% on your bill vs. the other guys. that's right. iphone 12 on us. it's time to holiday on with t- mobile. oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, bublé sparkling water. it's buble!


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