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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  December 3, 2020 1:14am-2:00am PST

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ah, got him. classic. your cousin. from boston. it says "bad boy" in gaelic... i think. get outta here, debbie! high five. i brought sam. boston lager. we're all friends now. - no! get off, you stupid rats. he's not dead yet. - hey, you guys want to go to the toy store after school and get some spaceman greg cards? - nah, i think i'm through with fads for a while. ,- me too, i'm choosing my own toys from now on, 'cause... - what the... [rats squeaking] - oh, ho, ho, ho. gross. [laughter]
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>> trevor: well hello, everybody, welcome to the daily social distancing show, i'm trevor noah. today is wednesday, the 2-7bd of december. which means there is only 49 days left until trump is no longer president and start starts selling national secrets on his only fan account, anyway coming up on tonight's show, the queen has the vaccine y black people can't buy homes and michael j fox will join us on the show, let's do this, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is the daily social distancing show with trevor noah. let's kick things off with the coronavirus pandemic. you know, the reason why our
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nostrils aren't virgins any more. today the world hit a major milestone as great britan became the first country to officially approve a fully tested vaccine. so big congratulations britan, it is amazing how much you can get done when you don't waste time combing your hair. and you know this is really, really great news for the world. unless britain decides to use this opportunity to get revenge. so it turns out we've gotten the vaccine and we'll be handing it out to all of our colonies, oh, oh, that's right, you don't want to be colonies any more, i guess more vaccine for me, oh, aah, how do you like that now, ind-- india, so safety and precaution is fantastic but there is one country who might be taking their precautions a little too far. >> belt gum is putting a four person lit limit on holiday parties deurd the pandemic pandemic. officials say all gatherings must be held outdoor in a yard or garden and only one guest will be able to enter the house
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during the entire party. if you really have to go to the toilet there will be nothing left to do but return home said a government spokesperson. >> whoa, whoa, hold on. only one person at the party is a you laked to use the bathroom that say terrible idea. for starters, how do they decide who gets to be the designated bathroom user. does the host tell you in advance, do they regulate your nog intake or decide based on what you ate. the worst part about not being able to use the bathroom su lose your excuse for bailing on a conversation. that is the only reason you go to the bathroom at a party. now you have to be honest. okay, well, thank you, thank you, yeah, i've got to go. no, i don't have to use the bathroom, i just don't want to talk about your kids any more. i hate them right now. i don't even know them. of course it is at least possible to practice social distancing at a garden party. you can at least try. but it is much more difficult at a sex party. so when authorities in belgium discovered that people were throwing an orgy in violation of the lockdown police were sent to break it up. but that is when the real scandal began.
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>> the hungarian member of the european parliament has resigned after breaking lockdown rules by attending what has been described as a gay sex party in brussels. jozsef szajer who previously backed anti-lgbt legislation in hungary admitted attending the party which was broken up by police. >> the they simply said that they were there raiding a party which appeared to be breaking coronavirus lockdown restrictions. they are are also reporting the bulgarian media tried to run away from the party by climbing down a drain pipe and he was then caught by the police in the street. >> trevor: damn, i can't believe a home phobic politician was caught at a gay sex party going down a drien pipe and then he tried to escape. high five. and by the way, being at an illegal sex party when the police storm in must be so awkward. because you don't even realize it is a real police raid until it is too late. think about it, you probably
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assume somebody ordered stripper cops. >> oh yes, officer, i have been a really naughty boy, wow, real handcuffs. you take this seriously. ha ha but yes, my friends, once again another antigay politician has been caught in a gay sngs scandal. which by the way there is nothing scandalous about gay sex. the scandal is that they said with antigay, gay is bad and turns out they were doing it. and honestly part of me feels bad for these politicians because clearly they live in a society that has made them so terrified of who they are and they hate themselves and the people that they go to extreme lengths when they don't need to. half the time st not about family values. they just don't want somebody dating their erck x. let's move on to the latest news from outgoing president donald jump-- junk food trump. his plans to stay in the white house is not going smoothly. his lawsuits are failing. he hasn't been able to hide in the vents and now one of the loyal supportedders attorney general bill barr said there was
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no evidence of the widespread voter fraud that trump has been screaming about and that has got to be especially humiliating for trump. because you realize up until now, bill barr has always had his back. but now it's like gone. mus be like when you roll up at a-- like you sorry as bichs, if you think you can take on me and my boy bill, yo bill, all rightk now when i said sorry ass, i am saying sorry ass bitches but if trump knows he will be dragged out of the white house soon, at least he is planning to do it in the trumpiest way possible. and let's find out how trump yen in another edition of go big and go home. one of the weirdest quirks of being an american president is having the power to pardon any one for any federal crime. sort of like a code for america's scrus tis system. it looks like president trump
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will spend the neck two months mashing those buttonses with president trump may soon wield the power of the pardon in unprecedented ways. multiple sources say the president is wearing weighing whether to preem tiffly pardon family members and several close associates. >> among the names the president discussed behind the scenes, the oldest three of his five children. don, jr., eric and ivanka as well as son in law jared kushner, sources tell abc news the president's lawyer rudy giuliani is also among those who in recent weeks directly asked president trump for a preem tiff pardon. though geul annie de sighs in. >> let's break down what is being considered, we are talking about pardons being issued before the president leaves office for people who have not even been charged with a crime. >> the preem tiff, get out of jail free card before a crime has even been committed possibly for friends be family, even the president himself. >> trevor: guys that is adorable. trump is pardoning his kids and his house pets. and he's not even pardoning them for anything specific.
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just handing out pardons like a gift card. >> you have to let you pick your own crime socker enjoy. there is something crazy, you know, live a little. >> of course the big question is can trump legally pardon himself. because you see, no one knows for sure. but i actually want trump to try. just because it will be fun to see how will do it he will probably be like i hearby pardon you. no, i pardon, stop pointing at me. i'm trying to pardon you. you are are so good looking but you're pardoned. >> trevor: before you say oh, typical donald trump, only in it for himself well hey, that's not true. it turns out that anyone may be able to get a pardon from trump for the primates. >> the white house is investigating a potential bribery scheme involving presidential pardons. it was revealed in heavily redacted court documents pertaining to a search warrant of several offices, the investigation seems to involve at least two individuals who
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quote acted as lobbyists to senior white house officials without registering as lobbyists to support pardons or reprieve of sentence for a person who appears to be known to investigators but his name has been redacted in these newly unsealed documents. the investigation also involves an alleged officer from someone whose name had also been redacted of a quote substantial political contribution in exchange for a presidential pardon or reprieve of sentence. the documents do not name president trump or any other white house official nor do they say whether anyone in the white house new about the-- knew about the alleged scheme. >> trevor: whoa, so there was already controversy over trump's pardons and now bribery might be involved as well. basically trump managed to shove up with of his scan will das in the middle of another scandal. so impressive. now to be clear, all we know is that someone apparently offered to bribe trump with a campaign
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contribution in exchange for a presidential pardon. we don't know if trump actually pardon the guy. we don't actually consider this or if you have heard about it. we don't know what trump did. i will say this though. after knowing him for this long, i think we can assume that my man is not going to turn down some pardon cash. if anything i think we should be impressed that he hasn't started targeting instagram ads to former felons. so that is where we are right now. president trump is trying to stay in office. but if it doesn't work out, it looks like his plan is to just pardon everyone in his innercircle on his way out of the door. whether that is constitutional or not, we don't know. but what i do know is trump won't be trying to escape down a drain pipe at the next sex party he gets busted at. >> jokes on you, officers, all right, we're going to take a quick break. when we come back we'll find out why the housing system is rigged against black americans. and michael j fox, is still joining us on the show, so stick around.
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for over 30 years, lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. here's to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $339 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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and we'll make your first month's payment. but to someone who's tired of always ordering delivery. hey google, play salt fat acid heat on netflix. it's the google dine-in motivator. nest hub from google.
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(teen) ♪ mom... it happened again. (vo) add some thrill to your wish list. at the season of audi sales event.
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i'm gonna show you guys how everyone: hey! to make my famous holiday rolls, cause 'tis is the season! first up, you're gonna wanna knead the dough. yeah yeah, good! give it some life, ya know? then you're gonna wanna talk to the dough like it's your ex-boyfriend. carl! i'm not giving you the sweatshirt back! yeah, and i've stretched it so it won't even fit you anyway! (slap) i thought you liked the slapping... uh, okay guys... you're not doing it. your rolls are gonna be terrible. keep kneading everybody!
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el welcome back to the daily social distancing show, so by now everyone knows the damage the coronavirus can do sto your body, it can destroy your lungs, can injure your kidneys, it can even take down your presidency but it turns out the pandemic isn't just harming our bodies strk also harming our homes. >> are we headed for another mortgage crisis? the slow motion disaster in america's neighborhoods. with more than 21 million americans out of work, more and more homeowners are struggling to pay their mortgages. >> we are seeing a big spike in the number of delinquent homeowners since the pandemic began. >> right now 6.6 percent of all mortgages are in some stage of dling wednesdayee thark is 3.3 million american homes, nearly
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doubling in just nine months. >> if we don't put money in people's pockets, if we don't extend the moratorium on he viks and mortgage fore closures, we're going to be seeing millions of people homeless in the mid ef-- middle of winter when disease is rampant, people being forced to go to work because they are sick because they need food and to pay rent that is unconscionable. >> trevor: whow guys, 3.3 million american homes is an insane number. that is like if everybody in jamaica was suddenly homeless. i mean they would probably be chill about it because they is so much great gra weed and great weather you approximate still very inconvenient it is truly amazing that the american government, the most powerful nation in the world has failed its people so badly. i mean it almost feels like they tried to one up the damage coronavirus cor own' is doing. >> i am going to cause a massive public health crisis. >> then we're going to cause a massive economic and housing crisis. >> damnk you guys are cold. >> trevor: while the pandemic
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is causing millions to face a mortgage crisis for the first time, housing instability is nothing new for black people. in fact, it is something african-americans have been dealing with long before the coronavirus. so let's find out why in another installment of if you don't know, now you know. >> it is no secret that white people have had an easier time getting ahead in america. but one of the most important reasons for this might surprise you. >> for millions owning a home remains the heart of the american dream. but many black americans have been left out. >> a new report says to 44% of black families own a home compared to 74% for whites. >> owning a home is a way that most people develop wealth. it is a way that for years and years and years people have been able to pass something on to their children or pay for their education. >> it is part of the reason the
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average white family has about ten times the median fealt wealth of a black family within the gap between white and black homeowners is greater now than it was since before the fair housing act of 1968 when segregation was legal. >> trevor: that's right. the homeownership gap is worse for black people now than it was in segregation. which is insane! i have never thought a black guy could be able to say oh, jim crow, those were the good old days. but it makes sense when you realize how owns real estate helps you build wealth, and that wealth becomes generational. because home ownership is one of the surest ways for families to pass down wealth. not beanie babies, grandma. but they are cute so save them. but think about a portfolio, black americans have had less wealth than white americans for decades and a large part of that was because they couldn't build wealth by owning a home. but why? why couldn't they own homes at the same rate as white americans. >> well, like most things dealing with racial inequality,
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it starts with the government. >> during the new deal, the homeowners corporation refnlsed more than a million loans, nearly one out of every five mortgages in urban america. now the main problem with the homeowners loan corporation was red lining. all of that wonderful government finance was only available to white people. >> the homeowners loan corporation essentially deemed black people too risky to loan. >> the holc created residential security where the term red lining comes from. >> green meant best area, best people, blue meant good people, like white collar families, yellow meant a declining area with working class families. and red meant detrimental enforce influences most meaning negros es with. >> they they are hazard olts to lend in because they were infiltrated with negroe or threated with negroe incoachment.
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>> trevor: what a ternl era when the phrase infull traited by negroe could be a term used by the federal government when it should only be used for a doab ass-- album. certificately do you know how [bleep] it is to describe those neighbor hootds as infiltrated by negroes that is where black people live but they made it sound like black people were breaking and entering into their own houses oh, shiti mi in, oh t is my house, what am i doing. i live here. >> you didn't have to read between the lines, you know, you see black now and you are trying to get a loan, it will be like we take a variety-of-factor poos into account in loan approval process. back back then the manager was like look alive, fellas we have an negroe encroaching, white women in the vault, come on. by the late 19 '60s court rules that red lines was illegal. but there are more subtle ways that black people are still kept from purchasing houses. for example, real estate agents who are just really trying to keep neighborhoods just white.
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>> an undercover project to see whether whether or not-of-real estate agents treated perspective tenants who are black any differently than tenants who are white. and they did a lot. >> the risks to african-americans in particular of suffering potentials discrimination was about 50-50. >> i have had agents invoke burning crosses to disswayed me from buying a home in certain areas. >> this newsday footage shows an agent handling one tester who is black and wants to see a house without a prequalification letter. >> you can try another person but i don't have the time to do that. >> but for the white buyer also with no letter. >> she shows that buyer two. in other cases newsday records agents who are appear to be steering minorities towards mixed communities. >> every time i get a listing or client i get so excited because.
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>> but with a white buyer the same agent texting him about recent gang killings there. >> those real estate agents got caught, i would love to hear their feebl excuses no, no, no, when i told one buyer the neighbors were nice people and the other ones mr. gang killers i meant they were nice gang killers. >> by the way, invoking burning crosses trying to stop a black person from moving too a neighborhood is not only racist, it is overkill. you want to stop a black person from halving moo into a home, tell them their next door neighbor adds raise raise reins to peet poat salad, they are out. and even though red lining was outlawed as an official policy t sures looks like the banks are still doing it. >> lenders deny mortgages for black applications at a rate 80% higher than that of white applicants. >> when we do get loans they are much higher interest rates, much worse conditions. >> if you are african-american making more than 100,000, are you more likely to be put into a subprime loan than if you were a white person making less than
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$35,000. >> subsequently black and brown families were disproportionately impacted by the 2007-2010 housing cayses being more than twice as likely than whites to lose their home. >> after educational, crime, homes-- it is about 156 billion in lost equity. >> one coup nell florida saw their appraisal increase by 40% after they removed any evidence that a black woman lived there. >> i took down the family pictures that we had. in the home. and you know basically any markers that there were african-americans living in the house. >> replacing them only with photos of her husband and his white family. >> when the second appraisal comes back. >> the value of their house shot up more than 100,000 dollars. >> think about that. her home appraisal went up $100,000, $100,000, getting rid of her family not he owe did
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more for her home values than putting in a swimming pool. and again, can we agree that this is racist? yes, because just having pictures of black family members shouldn't drive down the value of a house. because you have pictures of black people, unless that black person is r. kelly, then is like i don't care, i know what was happening in. there so when it comes to racial discrimination in housing, america has come a long way. and there is still a long way to go. but until the government gets certificate quus about racial discrimination and mortgage lending and wholesalingk well, neil has got you covered. >> are you trying to sell your home but can't get a good price? because you black? >> you're trying to get a new house but these real estate agents are keeping you in the poor house. >> pack that moving van because we got a plan. >> introducing leo's' home-- i will make your house look so white, they'll think wes
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anderson missing this. i will throw out all your family photos and replace them with watercolors of boats. >> i will even throw in a diploma from dartmouth. >> art history, you know that is white. your library is going to get whitified too, and of course how to be anti-racei by in ram kensy. a that is white hot. >> and nothing says white like adding exposed bricks. >> man, that is rustic as hell. >> i will even white fie your garage. swap out that 2005 honda civic for a kayak, a pair of skis, and a volleyball net that only got used once. looking like an llb catalog, and if you order now, i will white fie your music collection. >> good-bye megan the stallion, hello barbara the streisand. leo devlin home white if i
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kaition, $85, you can get that from your mama within. ♪ white if i kaition. ♪. >> pi the fair grounds, extra next to foot locker. >> when we come back i will be talking with author about writing one of the top books of 2020 and then michael jrk fox joins us on the show, stick ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ lexus has been celebrating driveway moments. here's to one more, the lexus december to remember sales event. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $349 a month for 36 months and we'll make your first month's payment. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. but to someone who wants to bring a little bounce to their house... hey, google, play this on all my speakers. it's the google whole home funkifier. introducing nest audio from google.
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♪ (laughter) ♪
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♪ ♪ sometimes family... ♪ is the one you make. ♪ where there's love, there's family. ritz. a taste of welcome. (voover sixty-four thousand whepets supported. the love, good things happen... where there's love, there's family. over twenty-five hundred wishes granted. over two million meals provided. over four hundred national parks protected. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. (vo) get 0% for 63 months and subaru will donate 250 dollars to charity.
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily social distanning show. earlier i spoke with brit bennett, a fascinating discussion about her critically acclaimed novel that explores the history of black people who pass as white. brit bennett, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> hi, thanks for having me. >> trevor: you are truly one of the most prolific writers of our time and once again you have written a book that has sent to the top of "the new york times," and not only that, the you got into a bidding war with where hbo topped out 17 other people, 17 other companies that wanted the rights to this become and hbo won it out. how does it feel to have 2020 be a great year when really it is like a dismall year. because st like that for many people, some great moments.
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and it is in the midst of this year, are you just going to lie and say all the good things that happened to you in 20211234. >> i know it feels so wild and it feels so obvious to say that, i think it is true that this has been such a surreal year but for me, i felt so lucky to have spirnsed these highs and experienced such a warm reception for this book. >> your book the vanishing heart is truly one of the most amazing stories. you set the story in the jim crowe south world that has come into d.c., so it is 50 years ago. and st the story of twin sisters who runaway from home and then go into world where although there are twins, identical twins, one of them is whiter than the other so she chooses a path where she passes as white. and that is literally the jumping off point of the story. where i won't lie when i first read it i was like this will be a book about racism in the south or slavery or okay, no, no, about jim crow but oh, there will be a white man, no.
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i haven't read many stories like this, it was a beautiful book about black people tackling the issues of race and colorism and the ideas. why did you choose to frame it like that. it was a really interesting idea. >> thank you first of all. i think for me i wanted to write a story about the nuances within a black community. i think sometimes tbl is a tendency to think that the more interesting story is conflict between black and white people. but for me really, i have always said the most interest ig thing to happen to black people is not necessarily white people. often the more interesting stories and more complicated stories are within our own community. so i wanted to think about the affect of colorism which is the result of white supremacy and the result of that type of ideology but what does the colorism do to people and how does it affect the choices these characters are able to make in their lives. >> i grew up in a country where literally shame determines your life, you know, i am seen as being oh, during aya par tied, i
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am technically superior to my mom and inferior to my dad yet we are all in the same family. what i loved about this book is you write in a way where the characters themselves start to understand how people perceiving them can determine their way in life. when you think about race and when you are writing about it in the book, is it interesting to rewrite the story of luke a ridiculous thing that was created and try to figure out the rules through the eyes of these characters. >> i think that was one of the things that was so interesting to me was the absurdity of it, the idea of what does it even mean to be black if it is not looking quote unquote looking black. what does it actually mean for these characters to be black or to be white, to what degree are they performing. and how are they sort of creating or de constructing themselves in a different way. so i think writing this book and which takes this idea of colorism and really pushes it to
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a very extreme. but looking at it from that really extreme lens gave me a way to seat absurdity of race and all of it. all of its newances even now and when i'm growing up and when i am alive which is a very different time. >> oftentimes when we read stories especially in the black community, of a black person trying to pass as white, that story is written from a place of judgment. of course you want to act like you are better. you want to escape, be better than us. in this story it was more like the person going hey man, i have made these decisions, i grapple with them and as a reader we are just forced to live with them grappling with that. why did you choose to write them in such a way where it was like there is no you judging t is just you portraying what they are going through. >> yeah, i mean i think you are right. i think a lot of stories are very moralizing. the idea of the character that passes is deserving of punishment, often death in a lot of these stories. for me i just didn't find that interesting to condemn somebody or to ask is it good or is it
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bad to pass. that was just an uninteresting question. there is a weird way in which those really queened of reaffirm-- reaffirm the racial hierarchy by punishing a character who transgres inned some way. so i objected to it with a level of interest. but also from a kind of political and moral standpoint. i wasn't interested in judging the characters. i just wanted to think about what do you gain and what do you lose in deciding to become somebody new. and so we leave your comeum behind and putting a whole new identity. >> honestly, i understand why 17 media companies were bidding for the rights to your book. i should have jumped in and made it 18. >> because really you have written a master piece, congratulations. there is a reason it was a best seller and it will be turned if an amazing movie or trk v series, whatever st. you have done a phenomenal job once again and i can't wait to read your writing over and over and over again. thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thank you so much, thanks,.
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>> trevor: thank you, look after yourself, don't forget, the vanishing heart is available now. stick around because when we km back the legendary michael jrk fox is joining me on the show. you don't want to miss i it's down to the wire, the team's been working around the clock. we've had to rethink our whole approach. we're going to give togetherness. logistically, it's been a nightmare. i'm not sure it's going to work. it'll work. i didn't know you were listening. ♪ hark for the pets, ♪sweet little pets, ♪ ♪ cute faces say, "spoil us away" ♪ ♪ spoil time is here, perking their ears, ♪ ♪ lapping their tongues, old and the young ♪ ♪ bark, squawk, meow, that's how they sing. ♪ ♪ with joyful ring, so much spoiling. ♪ ♪ oh how they zoom, all through the room. ♪ ♪ so many tails! wag-ging of tails! ♪ ♪ merry, merry, merry, merry, spoiling ♪
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♪ merry, merry, merry, merry, spoiling ♪ ♪ hark for the pets, sweet little pets, ♪ ♪ cute faces say, "spoil us away" ♪ >> trevor: welcome back it the daily social distancing show. earlier today i had the honor of
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speaking with award-winning actor and parkinson's sad vo kate michael jrk fok. we talked about his enduring legacy, writing his fourth memoir and the most difficult year that almost cost him to abandon hope. michael j fox, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> nice to not be there. >> if i am not mistaken this is your third time technically on "the daily show" in all its iterationsk correct? >> my 20th time, first time, you are my third host. it was greg kin ear, and jon stewart, and then you. >> are you doing well, trevor. >> i like how you say it like it is a con quest, are you my third daily show host, excited to see what the fourth is going to bring. it makes sense that i am your third daily show host, it makes sense that you have been on every single show because you have been show business.
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you have, you know, the years when you were the young guy doing everything, that was amazing, but now you are the guy who is still doing amazing things but you have this amazing journey with parkinsons as well where you raised more money than anybody in the world fighting against the disease. when you look at your life where do you see your achievements or is it just one-story. >> i don't know. i don't really think of it in those terms. i'm just glad to be here, happy to be around. i have had a wonderful life, i moved to california when i was 18, had the show, and found myself married ang found myself with a child and parkinson's disease. and another series, it is just like life just goes like. that. and it is cool if you take notes along the way. bur it has been a whirlwind. i so i don't know. i loved being 23 and driving my ferrari 80 miles an hour, lighting a cigarette, when i see myself sitting on the back porch
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with my dog watching rabbits. and i think about it, that kid standing in the hollywood, it was a different life. >> trevor: i feel like you have lived many lives, you know. and i think it is only fitting that you have written another memoir. this is your fourth one now but in the back what i really found endearing and makes you want to life and times it makes you want to cry, is you share how hard it is to stay optimistic am you share moments where you go actually i don't know if i am optimistic every day, actually i am de pressed. parkinson's sunks, actually life isn't always easy. talk me through why you decided to write a book that had a different tone to what we heard from you so much in the past. >> cranky book, what happened, with parkinson i reached-- it is what it is, it is an pessimism
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point of view, glation half full or empty, i find it full. and do gad if my life that way. then i get to, they found a tumor on my spine t will paralyze new short order. we have to take it out. i found this doctor, in baltimore johns hopkins, he said i will take tout. i can tell you why, i don't want to be the guy that paralyzes michael j fox. he had the balls to say that, he was the guy, i can relearn to walk again, learned the mechanics of walking again and all that stuff. finally got to long story short, got to where i was alone at the first time in months, hi no aides, no-- hanging and with me, walking down my hallway in my pamplet, seemed like a big shot, walked into the kitchen, slipped
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on the style, fell down an shattered my humourous. mutilated it. and i was lying on the floor, okay, put a shinnee face on this. make this happy. this is it, this sucks, this only sucks. it this is not good. and it began a whole conversation i started having with myself. i had-- had i said. >> made this a thing trk is not a thing. it is an action, it is not a worry t is not an idea. i started to look at what brought me to optimism in the first place what it was about optimism that was-- i did a
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couple things. i found myself just with an opportunity, what i came to was acceptance and gratitude. if you have gratitude in everything, some piece of gratitude, some element of gratitude, you can survive because there is a future in that. >> trevor: before i let you go, i want to talk to you about the work that you have done, that mishuman beings would even dream to do, you put over a billion dollars in parkinson research, help raised this money. do you know how close we are to seeing a cure and do you think that we'll see a cure within your lifetime? what are some of the leaps that you have seen in the work that you have done that have given you hope? >> i done know if it will make a big difference in my life because do i so much, too many
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miles on my car already. i have run this out. until you put a new engine in it, if you toll me in 20 years, a billion dollars, and not have a cure yet, when i started, i am like-- but it is really important work. accessing data whether st, we have a thing called the bio marker i nsh tiff. we are also finding new ways to get, to be able to see to get a protein that-- so we're working on all these big problems. one day it is going to crack. we will be like this is the
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right combination and make it all happen. >> trevor: i like that, that is the best scriks for science, one day they will meet and we'll have the cure for what we need. thank you for taking the time. >> my pleasure. >> trevor: thank you for making me your third daily show host and thank you for being my first michael j fok. i appreciate you. send my love to the family and we'll have you back for the fifth memoir. >> great spha. >> trevor: don't break any more arms, look after yourself. >> yeah. i will be taking it easy. >> trevor: all right, thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> trevor: no time like the future is available now and you can go to michael jrk fox.organize rg to learn about his work to eliminate parkinson's disease. all right, we'll take a quick break but we'll be right back after
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there's hour show for tonight, but before we g as you may have heard, there is an important runoff election coming up in georgia. and if are you watching this from the peach state the deadline to register to vote online for that election is next monday december 7th. now if are you not in georgia, you can still help out by supporting groups like 18 by vote that are trying to work tone gage young people to vote especially the estimated 23,000 young people in georgia who were not he ljable to vote in the general election but are eligible to vote now in january. so if you are able to help out, and you want to support the cause, please check out the link below, until tomorrow, stay safe out there. wear a mask. and remember, if you are going to an illegal sex party, first make sure that your drain pipe can su


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