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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  January 15, 2021 1:14am-2:01am PST

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>> trevor: hey everybody. welcome to the daily social distancing show, i'm trevor noah. today is monday, the 14th of december, which means christmas is only 11 days away. which means, if you've been naughty all year, it's too late now to get on santa's nice list. so you might as well double down! anyway, coming up on tonight's show -- new vaccine just dropped, we find out all the ways georgia is suppressing your vote, and pharrell is joining me on the show. to tell us about rihanna's new
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album. so let's do this, people! welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show." with trevor noah! >> trevor: every year around this time the whole country gets into the same big debate -- is "die hard" a christmas movie? but that's actually the wrong question because, remember, the pop in that movie is the dad to lives next door to steve erkel. so the real question is is "die hard" an episode of family matters. police in california might have settled the argument once and for all. >> santa! santa and elf moonlighting as a crime fighting duo. they know who's been naughty or nice. they helped riverside police nab suspects at a target store yesterday starting with an undercover surveillance operation to catch shoplifters.
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the pair was waiting outside to slap on the cuffs. things got interesting when they spotted three men stealing a car in the parking lot. santa and his elf gave chase, confusing the suspect. >> trevor: i would be, like, wait, santa! arrest meg for wangt a free gift? that's your thing! how are you going to do this to me? hiring santa to be a cop makes sense. he already keeps a list of naughty people, doesn't live in the neighborhoods where he works and gives preferential treatment to rich white people. it's perfect! it is weird as hell to see a dude in an elf costume point ago handgun and even weirder is he still has to do the elf voice so any kids walking by won't have the magic room for them. 'tis the season to light your ass up, ( bleep ), don't move orel deck the halls with your brains! moving to news about cyber security. foreign hackers have become one of the most significant threats
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to national security. a couple of big stories from this weekend made clear just how vulnerable everybody is. >> the u.s. government has been hit with a significant cyberattack which looks like the latest in russia's ongoing hacking campaign against the united states. the commerce department has confirmed to cnn hat one of its bureaus saw a data breech. now "the washington post" reported that the russian hacking group apt29 also known as cozy bear is behind the reported attacks as well as a recent stunning attack on the cyber security firm fireeye, in which the attackers stole hacking tools. >> trevor: okay. hold up. so not only did hackers hack the u.s. government, but they also hacked a cyber security firm and stole a tool that prevents hacking? which they're now going to use to hack? that is humiliating! imagine being that payne compans and gentlemen your data is safe with this company, thanks to our
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elite anti-hack -- hacking -- it was supposed -- it was here and -- ha-ha-ha... now, it's still not 100% clear who stole what but the thing we all need to accept is at some point we're all going to get harksd people. you have to accept it now. because if a company that develops anti-hacking technology can get hacked, your 2015 del laptop doesn't stand a chance. just prepare for it. when you take nudes, put the doggy filter on. then nobody can be sure it's you or just a dog with a huge penis. also give your contacts celebrity names in your phone so that way people will think that you are getting booty texts from opray or chris pine instead of sway dave from your baseball team. the upside of major hacking is you can use it as an excuse to be responsible. make a big purchase right after you get hacked so when it comes you can be, like, what the hell?
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these hackers must have charged a jet ski to my credit card! we'll have to return this unless i'm pretty good on a jet scivment might as well see it underwater and test it out before we make the decision. i can't believe i was hacked! let's move on to the big story of the day, the one thing we have been waiting for since march -- no, not rihanna's albu. >> we have breaking news, an historic moment for the nation, it happened right here in our area. a queens nurse became the first person in the country to receive pfizer's covid vaccine. >> this is a massive undertaking every step of the distribution process crucial. >> in the past 24 hours, the vaccine doses, which need to be kept at arctic temperatures, moved from pfizer's manufacturing facility to ups and fed ex hubs where they were loaded into planes and guarded trucks to be delivered to 636 pre-determined location nationwide. >> fed ex says it receives a transmission every two seconds on the location of these vaccine packages.
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ups says it's using bluetooth technology as well to make sure it has precise eyes in realtime on where these packages are located. >> trevor: this is amazing news, people! america approved the vaccine friday night, and people started getting it this morning? you hear that, covid? your days are numbered, bitch! you realize this time next week, we're all going to be back in the club, like, shots, shots, shots. >> shots, in my arm, please! as excite as this is, developing the vaccine is only the first part. it is still going to be a huge lift to get it out of the lab and into the hospitals because this vaccine needs to be stored at temperatures that are below negative 100 degrees fahrenheit which is freezing! at that temperature, the only people who can handle it are trained specialists with protective gear and that one white dude who ails wears shorts in the winter. also, did you hear what they said? ups and fed ex are tracking the location of these packages every
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two seconds. i'm not going to lie. when i first heard that, my reaction was, like, oh, now you ( bleep ) can track packages like that? when the fudge i ordered gets lost in transit, sorry, nothing we can do about it. i see how it is! you know who i feel sorry for in this situation, is the fed ex and ups drivers. they haul it all over the country but don't get one themselves? i would be rolling up with a band-aid on my arm, like, here's your delivery of 999 vaccine doses, happy inoculating, y'all. with the vaccine finally here, there's only one real question left, which nightmare will be over first, the pandemic or the 2020 election? so let's check in on the latest in the presidential transition with another installment of votegasm 2020. ♪ ♪ >> trevor: ever since election
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day, president trump has made it clear that he would not accept the will of the voters and allow joe biden to move into his house. instead, he promised to fight the election results in court, where he was sure that he could count on his hand picked supreme court justices to rule in his favor. over the weekend, trump got a reality check. >> the supreme court deals a crushing blow to president trump in his attempt to overturn the election. >> the lawsuit was attempting to full nie electoral votes from four states that joe biden won -- georgia, wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. the response to the lawsuit came in the first sentence -- denied for lack of standing under article iii of the constitution saying that texas did not have an interest in the manner which another state conducts its elections. >> the president had repeatedly said that he wanted his case to go to the high court, particularly after he appointed a third justice, but the justices decided they didn't even want to hear the case, essentially saying that the state of texas which filed the suit had no business suing over
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another state's election and now mr. trump's legal options have now effectively run out. >> trevor: i'm sorry, but that is ice cold, vaccine-storing-temperatures ice cold. not only did the supreme court not even hear trump's case, they announced to everyone that they weren't going to hear it. it's bad enough when someone sends you straight to voice mail but then imagine if they went around telling everyone they did it. you see donald try to call me? you want me to an up on this, bitch? i'm about to hang up! oh, oh, he gone! to be fair to the court, this is a weird case to get because it's from texas. texas suing a bunch of other states about how their elections went. that's like telling the waiter that another table should have their food sent back. yeah, i noticed that their food was a little too hot, you should probably take it back for them. frankly, i greed with them -- it's a good thing that states can't just sue other states for
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any reason because, if that was allowed, there would be lawsuits all the time. connecticut would be suing new york for the constant noise violations, colorado would sue wyoming for stealing their shape and every state would sue texas for having ted cruz. this is the end of it. the supreme court spoke and members to have the electoral college cast votes for joe biden to be the next president of the united states. which means there's nothing more donald trump can do. that's what you think. donald trump didn't become a business man by accepting he is a failed business man and he's not about to accept the electoral college either. >> congressional republicans can still challenge the outcome of the electoral college vote when congress meets on january 6. >> we have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraud lent election result and certify donald trump as the winner of
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the election. as we speak, today, an ultimate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we're going to send those results up to congress. this will ensure that all of our legal remedies remain open. >> trevor: damn, that's extreme, man. so stephen miller is just going to reject reality the same way his hair just rejected his head? trump is going to have an ultimate slate of electors vote for him. i mean, why stop there? why don't they just send those alternate electors to an alternate congress and have them upheld by an alternate supreme court and he can become president of an alternate country. maybe whichever country speaks the weird language trump has been speaking the last four years ( mum ). mumbling ). here's what worries me, if none to have flitticle or illegal schemes work out, trump's people
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ieght might try to take things in their own hands. >> thousands of trump supporters rallying in washington for president trump citing claims of widespread voter fraud. >> president trump's supporters undeterred including some from the proud boyz rallying to support him, clashes with court protesters turning v.i.p. violent, four people stabbed and more than 30 arrested. >> i don't know who's going to the white house in 38 days but i sure know this, joe biden is a globalist and joe biden will be removed one way or another! >> trevor: whoo! joe biden will be removed one way or another? that gorilla who just figured out hair dye is really intense. you be at first republicans were, like, hold on, hold on, we don't know wohl win the recounts, just let the process play out. they recounted the votes and republicans are like, we don't know who will win the legal challenges, let the process play
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it. now that the legal challenges are over, they're, like, we don't know who congress will vote for, let the process play out. mean while supporters in the streets are causing shit to go down and based on how they've acted so far, don't count on republicans to put a stop to that. more lyle that they'll spend the next four years saying i know joe biden says he's president but there's still vibes in the streets and we don't know who's going to win that so let the process play out. all right, we're going to take a quick break but when we come back we'll look at the year that was 2020 and pharrell williams is joining us on the show. don't miss it. holy mother of thin. look what we did. we made it thin.
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how is this possible you ask? it's not. be we gone done it anyway. reese's thins. not sorry.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show." so all of this month, we have been looking back at 2020, remembering its big movies and music and events. but we also wanted to go deeper and reflect on what this year meant to all of us and what we as people spent 2020 talking about and even thinking about. so we went to the folks at google. #ad. and they gave us their year in which is based on their google trans data and has all the best moments and questions and people that the world searched for. ♪ ♪ ♪ i learned a lot from this. first off, i learned that i am the most searched for trevor this year.
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yeah! how do you like that, trevor paterson from mare marietta, ge! we also got to see what people cared about in 2020, and no surprise covid 19 dominated the year. the coronavirus killed millions, separated families, wrecked the global economy, caused depression. the only thing covid 19 didn't make worse was the length of your netflix cube. you blazed through that shit. as the pandemic took over our lives,a wall found ourselves learning how to live in this new world. we searched about watching hands, wearing face masks, how to get quarantine haircuts and a real predicament we had to deal with, do you cut your own hair? do you grow your hair out? or do you do what i do, completely shave your head and put on a slightly longer wig every week. though actually, the hardest part of cutting your own hair is doing the back part, but doesn't matter these days because it just needs to look good enough for your video chats.
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business in the front, pandemic in the back. i tell you you what i've learned, for me, hair is now the biggest inaccuracy in all apocalypse movies. look at will smith and i am legend. that's the story of the last man on earth who can still somehow get a tight fade with razor work on temples, if that was going for realism, he would be looking like dr. j. we had to live with 20 paper shortages because the charmin bear made the fortune 500 and they got all bought up. we learned about all the sacrifices made by frontline healthcare workers. in new york, people cheered for healthcare workers every night at 7:00 p.m. it was a small but sincere way to show appreciation for them and also a way to let me know what time it was because i completely lost track back in april. but covid wasn't the only tragedy of 20206789 we lost so
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many great people, civil rights heroes, legends in entertainment and sports, a king, beirut endured a an explosion, climate change, wildfires burned through australia and turned california's skies bright orange. one thing that's clear is mother nature is definitely african. you can tell by how to had she's getting. white moms keep it inside and let you know in subtle ways like donating your soccer trophies to charity. but an african mother, if she's mad, you know it. she'll be, like, i'll show you with how much i love you by how hard i spank you. 2020 proved we as a planet can endure anything because 2020's good news came from people triumphing over challenges. parents learned how to become teachers and seeing how hard parents worked this year to teach kids at home was yeah-inspiring and luminating. it was a great reminder for
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everyone else about the importance of birth control and pet adoption was huge. adoption skyrocketed and some shelters actually ran out of rescues. even i adopted a pet. although i admit i went a little overpored. no, i can't take you on a walk right now, jerry! had to getten elephant, my building said no dogs. most importantly, 2020 will be the year the pandemic started to end because we got together and developed a vaccine and not just any vaccine, a vaccine that dolly parton funded. dolly parton funding moderna's covid vaccine might be the thing that saves us because there will always be places that embraces anti-vaxxer views but nobody is crazy enough to be anti-dolly, and this year saw triumphs of all sort. we developed the vaccine, went into space, america elected first female vice president
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kamala harris. this is the year we learned the black lives matter movement finally stopped being controversial and became mainstream and much more widely supported. kind of like how we wish the exact opposite would happen with crocks. 2020 felt like the year black america finally had the country's attention and if that holds mark can make progress on racial justice, reformed police departments and just maybe teach white people to clap on beat. so, that was 2020. it was a bad time, but in the darkest moment, we found light, and if we can remember that light is always there, maybe 2020 will have been worth it. when we come back, we'll take a look at america's top game show for voter suppression and
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pharrell williams joins me on the show. first, have a look at google's first, have a look at google's year-end search. there's a certain kind of person who doesn't take no for an answer. ♪ they don't walk in quietly. ♪ they parade in. ♪ trailblazing. eyebrow raising. status quo breaking. ♪ grazing greatness. braving hatred. and taking up space. ♪ never got a seat at the table, so they can't sit and behave. ♪ they'd rather defy the rules. and amaze. ♪ there's a certain kind of person who doesn't wait for greatness. ♪
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they make it. if only there was a place nearby you could get one of these. or these. good thing they're sold literally everywhere business is done. i'm pretty sure you could buy them at a bank. not sorry. reese's. this bud light seltzer lemonade is packed with lemonade flavor. honestly, it has more flavor than my grandma's lemonade.
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oh no....! new bud light seltzer lemonade. ♪♪♪ it's velveeta versus the other guys. clearly, nothing melts like velveeta. ♪♪♪ there are many names for enthusiast. but there's only one way to become one... by going all in. the new lexus is. with a lower center of gravity, a more responsive suspension, and an aggressive wider stance. this is what we call going all in on the sport sedan. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 39 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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tonight...i'll be eating crab cakes with spicy aioli. (doorbell rings) lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 39 months. thank you. can we be besties, simone biles? i guess? yessss! should we dismount now? everyone's crunching! crunching gives me perspective. yes! what's crunching? simply unwrap crunch and eat crunch.
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100% milk chocolate and crispy rice. anyone can do it, even anyone. learn crunching today. ha. hey, tracee, you can't say no to a classic. oh. i can't hear you over this flamin' hot crunch. girl, you know, wavy chips are way better for dippin'. ♪crispy, airy, tasty poppables.♪ hmm, hmm. i thought we talked about talking to the chips. i can't help it. i love me some lay's. all right, i'm taking these. lay's a little joy with every bag. ♪ i've got some lay's potato chips.♪ "the daily social distancing show." election season is still not over. i know, i know. the runoff election for two senate seats in georgia is happening right now, and so is the fight over whose votes get counted. a perfect time to pribury you another episode of america's got voter suppression.
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>> welcome to the number one game show to figure out which americans have had voting rights suppressed the most. desi, how excited are you to be here tonight? >> not at all, roy. every glimpse at america's failure to fulfill the basic principles of democracy breaks my soul a little bit more. >> we have 200 more episodes of this shit so buckle up. ♪ ♪ ♪ tonight, we are in beautiful georgia, the only place where where you can get peaches, chicken wings and strippers all in the same building. >> those are three things i have a crippling addiction to. >> desi right now georgia's in the midst of a runoff election for two senate seats so the voter suppression down here is super suppressive. >> our first contestant jonta austin is a gram where winner r&b song writer and he still had to wait in line eleven hours to vote. he worked for favorites, mariah, jerry jay, toni braxton --
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>> wait, wait, you're into '90s r&b? >> yeah, it's is only music i get nasty to. why do you think you have what it takes to win ags. >> my opinion is i stood in line 11 hours to cast my vote. >> 11 hours! no one should have to wear a diaper to exercised the right to vote. >> i didn't have to wear a diaper. >> oh, you went in your pants. i would go straight in the diaper, save the evidence, am i right, johnta? >> i don't know about that one. did you consider walking away? >> never. any grandfather william harris was in the civil rights movement and he was beaten in mississippi trying to register black people to vote and he was put in jail for a week and to know someone went through that just to get me my right to vote, it was never a question of getting out of line. >> trevor: why were the lines so long? did people think they were waiting on a ps5? >> when i finally got inside and recognized there were only ten
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working machines, that kind of gave me clues as to why the ryan had been taking so long, whereas you go to other counties and the demographics might be what's called a different, and they have all all the machines they . >> talking about the the runoff, what are you most looking forward to when you vote in line and wait in line for 17 hours in january? >> i'm hoping it won't be that long but i'm prepared to shit my pants for democracy. >> true words. let's meet the next contestant. >> christine jordan is a 94-year-old resident who also produced albudget with mary j. blige. >> her voter registration was denied for no reason. >> on this day when they went to find her voter roles, it was as if she did not exist. >> we didn't know what was going on, what to say or do because it was a lick up side the head. >> they have no record of her
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voting in any election ever. everything was gone, her entire history deleted. >> ms. jordan, how long have you been voting at this location. >> ever since 1968. 1968... you basically have been voting since they allowed black people to vote. you should have your own dedicated voting machine. >> yes, you should. ou should just walk in, oh, ms. jordan. i'm like that at applebee's. they go, mr. wood, here's your booth. should be the same thing. >> jessica, do you think there could be some sort of reason for this happening? was there a name change? was she abducted by aliens and switched out with another person's body? >> i think the aliens are right on track. she's voted in every election possible, there's never been a time, even the small elections we have, so there's no reason for her to have been dropped. >> this woman has spent most of her life at the polls. you should win just for that. >> i think you're right roy bring we need to hear from the
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last contestant just to be right. >> latasha brown was a co-founder of the black voters matter fund. she represents hundreds of thousands of voters who were illegally purged from the role and evidently she has a lot of christmas spirit. >> black voters matters and other organizations were suiting the state of georgia was the secretary of state in october 2019 wrongfully purged from the voter roles 2,000 people saying they no longer had the correct address. we discovered, in fact, the majority of those people were still living in the places that they said that they were. >> ah, the purge, the one day a year you can have sex with someone outside your minimum wage. >> that's not what the movie was about. >> what did movie. e're talking about 200,000 voters if not restored by the courts, they will not be able to participate in the runoff election as well. >> thank you, ms. brown. i know you have to get back to suing the government and desi and i have to decide who w.h.o. going to win america's got voter
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suppression. >> is it going to be standing in line for eleven hours and pooping your snants. >> or losing your right to vote after 52 years? >> or the purge of over 200,000 voters? >> and the winner of america's got voter suppression is... >> ms. jordan! congratulations! you are the winner -- >> hang on. hearing something from the judges. saying they don't have her paperwork. >> you know what this means? it must mean mitch my opinion wins again. >> hold on, desi, mitch doesn't have to win, not if all these voters come out in the runoff election. are you ready to vote again, ms. jordan? >> if i have to go and vote 50 more years from now, i'll go. >> with that type of determination, the winner could be democracy! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> probably still mitch mcconnell. >> that's all the time we have for tonight. why does this show still exist. >> i think we're in hell. >> trevor: thank you so much for that roy and desy. stick around.
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when we come back, pharrell is going to tell me how he's trying to get america a new holiday. man, this guy never stops. stay tun
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily social distancing show." earlier today, i spoke with
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grammy award winning musician, producer and philanthropist pharrell williams. we talked about his new nonprofit initiative to help entrepreneurs of color and how he's been working to get mark a brand-new holiday. pharrell williams welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you, and happy social distancing to you. >> trevor: thank you very much, my friend. this has been quite the year for many human beings, argue arguabe worst year for many and for some a year many have written off. pharrell williams isn't one of the people. you said i know it's 2020, i'm going to stay at home as much as i can but i'm going to do things. and you have. you have a any skin line, podcast and a podcast network. you've got new music you're working on, then we've got some initiatives that are probably going to change the face of how corporate america works. so let's start with the most important one -- rihanna's new album. i know everyone's waiting for the vaccine, but the other half to have the country is waiting
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for rihanna's new album. what can you tell us about it? >> there's nothing i can say. >> trevor: damn it, pharrell! i knew you would say that, this interview is over. >> no, man. it's funny because once, like, i get asked this question, then i feel like the other interviews that follow, they'll ask for more details of -- >> trevor: i feel you. -- i'm just so not at liberty to say. but i can tell you that she's making some amazing music, and we're incredibly honored to be a part of that conversation. >> trevor: something i've always admired about you as a person is when you speak, you speak to be heard and most to have the time i find you listening. tell me what pharrell is doing in the podcast space? why did you choose to jump into it and what is the new network going to be about? >> we started out with applele some years back and took a little break from that and i was, like, man, there are so many other ideas i can't do or be on and i'm, quite frankly, not the right person for these
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things. i just wanted to, like, enlist really big personalities that could tell big and great stories for the the network. the reason we're back at it for the show is, man, i've always seen my podcasts experiences as crash courses into other people's lives. so i don't want to have somebody on i can't learn something from. howard stern is a genius, that's why he does what he does. he's, like, the best, right? but, for me, i use them as an opportunity and a platform for me to just -- for me to go to college, you know, in that person's universe. >> trevor: truly one of the most impressive initiatives that i've seen pharrell williams working on and i know you worked on this for a while was your program to reward and inspire black excellence. talk me through what this initiative is and how you're
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hoping to inspire black and brown kids and young adults to become the leaders and visionaries of tomorrow. >> we don't have enough voice in our country because we don't own enough. our dollar, our currency, the african-american stays in its community six hours because we don't own enough businesses to keep our money and currency in circulation. so it's our theory that if we can find a way to galvanize as many black entrepreneurs as possible, then, all of a sudden, the community, you know, has proportionate access to education, proportionate access to healthcare, and proportionate access to representation and legislation. and, so, we felt like the best way to get that going was to launch the prizes with historic black colleges and universities, hbcus. we are less than 13% in this
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country and north of 30 million, but our influence, you would think we were half this country. you know what i'm saying? >> trevor: right. when we have more ownership, we have more voice and more of the american pie chart, and that's literally what we want to do with black ambition. i'm sure excited because, man, these are the h.b.c.u.s. they need to be lifted, and i don't feel like the schools get the love and appreciation, the institutions, the black institutions don't get that love. >> trevor: right. here's an opportunity for us to give them some limelight in this partnership. >> trevor: there's also, in my opinion, one of the most movements that you have been spearheading which has been the juneteenth pledge where you've said, as black americans, for many, many, many decades, people have said, hey, guys, why is juneteenth not celebrated as a day when we can say that unanimously black people in this country received their freedom?
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and some critics have obviously said, well, you've got fourth of july, but, yeah, for everyone to be free. you kicked off the juneteenth pledge, and you realize something really smart. you said, look, you may not get the government to initiate it but most people work for a company and, so, companies can make this a public holiday that is paid. how much progress have you made and why do you think it's so important to do this? >> everything boils down to what we're buying, especially if covid has not taught us anything beyond the fact that we haven't been selfless enough with each other in wearing our masks, it's also taught us people are buying, you know what i'm saying, and we have been more consumer based than anything else. and i think the smart companies are recognizing that. they know that the consumer base is paying attention and they have opinions and they vote and they activate, if you will, with
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their dollar. so to see these companies come on and just jump in like that, that's been great. i want to tell you some of the people who have been taken the pledge is adidas, nike, levis, target -- >> trevor: wow. wal-mart is coming. i'm going to say that right now. come on, warm, come on, come on, wal-mart. it's important that the big behemoths get involved. >> trevor: right. i remember when we spoke about this a while ago, you were, like, yo, man, we've got to get your people involved. i'm excited, we have been keeping it under wraps, but viacom, cbs, our parent company, so everything from nickelodeon to cctv, we're getting involved. i hope we can get as many of
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these corporations together so everyone in the country goes, all right, man, this is the day when we celebrate the promise of freedom denied for so many for so long. so, yeah. >> absolutely. and you guys if you're paying attention out there, it's the juneteenth you don't have to be a big behemoth like trevor and i are talking about because we want all the little guys, too. i love fourth of july. i do. red white and blue, burgers, hot dogs, trips, who doesn't love that? fireworks, it's great. but my ancestors fought in that war when they were not free, you know, and they fought in that war willingly. they wanted what simply should have been their white brothers and sisters, but it was their masters at the time, for the most part, they wanted to see them have their independence and, like, the thing is, if juneteenth is the official day
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when all americans were free and shout to our, you know, first nation's brothers and sisters because they haven't been treated to well, but juneteenth is pretty much when everybody was supposed to be free. so i feel like it's somethingt that all americans should be celebrating, right? you know, because, by the way, we were set free in 1863, but, you know, they didn't choose to acknowledge it till 1865. so you have to understand, it was long overdue then, and it's long overdue now. >> trevor: i feel you there, man. pharrell williams, congratulations on everything that you are doing, until i chat with you again, my friend, look out for yourself. stay grateful. >> thanks for everything you're doing, man. >> trevor: i appreciate everything you do. for more information, check out the web site below. we'll take a quick break but we'll be right back after this.
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>> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight. before we go, this holiday season, please do not forget to support your local restaurants. they're struggling to stay open during this pandemic and if they don't get the help they need they might not be open for you when the pandemic is over. if you want to help beyond just buying food for them, then please consider a donation to the james beard foundation's open for good campaign which will help independent restaurants survive the pandemic and rebuild stronger. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wear a mask, and
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remember, if santa asks you if you have been naughty or nice, don't say anything without a lawyer. now here it is, your moment of zen. ( sleigh bells ringing ) >> ho, ho, ho! a special visitor stopped by texas children's hospital on friday to spread a little holiday cheer. old st. nick repelled down the sides of the methodist children's hospital alongside with his elves. they kept their visit social distancing and waived to children and families through the windows. ♪ ♪ ♪ captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪


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