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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  January 21, 2021 1:16am-2:01am PST

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singer wearing her own etsy store, an old man on his way to the post office and even a lady whose outfit just called me a broke bitch. biden was so committed to unity that he even invited enemies of the state. no, i'm joking, i'm joking, ted cruz didn't try to overthrow the government, he just supported the people who did even mike pence attended the inauguration raise to honor the democratic transition to power. kudos to mike pence. you can see him with his mask featuring the vice presidential seal. and as tradition dictates once kamala was sworn in he gave that very same mask for her to put on. but before the new president could walk in, the old one had to be kicked out. >> there you see marine one on the lawn of the white house. >> president trurch is still there but is expected to de part any minute for andrews air force base and give a final speech before heading to mar a lago. >> i can tell that you from the bottom of my heart this has been
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an incredible four years. we rebuilt the united states military. we created a new force called space force. and now the stock market is actually substantially higher than it was at its higher point prior to the pandemic, so it is really, you could say we built it twice. i hope they don't raise your taxes. but if they do, i told you so. so just a good-bye. we love you. we will be back in some form. have a good life. we will see you soon. >> trevor: have a good life? that's not what a de parting president is supposed to say. that is what you tell your best friend in high school when she starts dating your ex. >> i hope you two are very happy together. have a good life. as he dumps you before prom. i told you so. >> although i do like how he said he will be back in some form. because my man knows you have to
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leave on a cliffhanger am i will be back in some form. maybe i will come back as a politician. maybe as a mutant fish monster. or maybe i will come back as one of those old guys with a pony tail. stay tuned. trump's last day in office wasn't all just wining and stealing silverware, no, my friends, he also made sure to hand out nice parting gift to all his friends. >> president trump announces more than 140 pardons and commutations. >> the list ranges from the president's political allies to nonviolent drug offenders. >> steve bannon pleaded not guilty to de frauding donors in a fundraising campaign for president trump's border wall. but before the trial could even get under way, the president gave him a preem tiff pardon. three former republican congressman and commuted the sentence of the former democratic mayor of detroit quamee kilpatrick encore ruption charges.
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and pardoned rappers lil' wayne and kodak black on air federal weapons related offenses. >> trevor: that's right people, donald trump pardoned a ton of shady people in the last hours of his presidency. which means most-- can get back to and-- the werd part was how he kept triking to give prison time to eric. >> i'm sorry, eric, the rule in prison is one in, one out. it's just like the nightclub. i am going to miss you eric jokes, have a good life. now what was really crazy is that trump pardoned kodak black and lil' wayne. which sounds like a good thing. he could pardon anyone, i guess but it is a terrible thing to do to a rapper. you are taking away their street cred. now what are they going to rap up, yeah, young weezy, can i get another job now, i look. ♪ now you see me on the street.
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♪ on my way to jury duty. ♪ honestly, if you ask me, i think it's incredible that trump didn't pardon himself because it means that even president trump looked at donald trump's record and decided man, i can't let this guy off that easy. then again some people speculating that trump secretly wrote himself a pardon that he can use later. and honestly, i hope that he did. because donald trump, you know he is just going to end up waistk that pardon on some bullshit. >> mr. trump, your car is illegally parked in a panned handi cap spot and you are getting a ticket. >> now is the perfect time to use my one and only pardon. i will see you when i come back for my game of golf. >> trevor: trump is not the first president to issue shady pardons on his way out the door. bill clinton famously pardoned his brother and a really dodgy businessman whose ex-wife donated to clinton's library. and yes, don't get me wrong, trump took it to a whole new
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level but he's not unique. if anything i think he should have gone further. i'm not go fog lie, i'm pissed off that of all the people he chose to pardon he didn't pardon joe exotic. but i done know about you, but i want, i need a second season of that shoavment i need more tiger king. now the only thing i can watch on netflix is that bridgerton show, every day, i'm falling in love with that duke. i'm sitting there wondering what our babies would look like if we were a couple. probably like us. and it wasn't just last minute pardons. last night at literally 1:00 in the morning donald trump also did this. >> breaking overnight president donald trump signing an executive order releasing current and former members of his administration from the terms of their ethics pledge. that pledge one of trump's first executive orders back in 2017 when he pledged to drain the swamp. it rurred trump political appointees to agree to the lobbying ban and pledge not to undertake work that would require them tho register as a foreign agency after leaving
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government. >> so after all that time, talking about how he is going to drain the swamp, the one rule he actually made to reduce corruption, he got rid of right before he left office. let's be real though, electing trump to reduce corruption is like hiring hilaria baldwin to handle your pr crisis. the results are going to be no bueno. but on the other hand i do get why he is doing this. trump staffers have to become lobbyists, where else are they going go with their resume. so why do you think you would be a good employee for a pets plus. >> well, you guys keep pets in cages and we used to keep kids in cages. okay. we'll be in touch. >> and so with trump finally gone, there was time for president bied into get the key from under the mat and settle into the house that they spent all day getting ready for him. >> right now the white house resident staff are going around the white house and boxing up anything that the trump family may have left behind. trump officials insist that the
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place is going to be sanitized with particular care and covid-19 in mind. >> part of what is tbing to be moved in is different in the white house residents is that the bidens will i hear share a bedroom. the trumps of cores had separate bedrooms. the mattresses will be refreshed. >> we are so used to seeing the new president walk up the steps under the north portico into the white house to be greeted by the outgoing president of the united states. and there you saw joe biden and the first lady not greeted by anybody outside the front door of the white house. in fact, the previous president had skipped down before the inauguration, so biden left there to sort of be a self-greeter in many ways, and let himself into the white house, into the front door. >> trevor: trump wasn't there to greet biden at the white house which is a snub. but on the other hand, i'm not sure that trump needs to be there now because how would that krvetion even go. you know what, i actually used to work here so you don't need to show me where the situation room is. >> the sutua-what room?
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z i know it is inauguration day and everybody wants to throw a party, but st also wednesday, which manies it is still a work day. so after he got back to the white house, president joseph robinette biden went straight to, without. let's just say the white house bathrooms aren't the only place biden is looking to wipe out any trace of donald trump. >> just hours after being sworn in, president joe biden is already putting the pen to a number of executive orders. this is common practice as presidents enter office. >> bied inexpected to sign roughly a dozen executive orders, undoing some of donald trump's most controversial moves, will immediately rejoin the parity-- paris climate accord, cancel the keystone pipeline and reverse the so called muslim travel ban. and take the first step in his fight against covid mandating masks on federal land and, tending the pause of student loan payments. >> trevor: wow, that say huge reversal of trump legacy, rejoining the paris accord, canceling the keystone pipeline
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and even repealing the infamous muslim ban. although with america's covid rates right now i don't actually think that lank one will make much of a difference. come on over muslim country, come to america. tallly we have zoom now, so you guys can keep your. >> this is good news and i'm glad america is rescronning the paris accord but you have to admit, back and forth, this must be so weird for other countries. because under obama american celebrated the paris accord. but then under trump, it was bliek [bleep] the paris accord. >> and now under biden already guys, i'm back in the paris accord, sorry, also back on my meds, sorry about that. >> so my friends, donald, jesus christ that was crazy trump has officially de parted the white house for the last time. and i know, i know that many people are angry right now at the state that he left this country in. but i implore you to try and look at the key silver lining.
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one, america survived trump and in doing so, displayed its resilience. and two, trump's term has truly exposed so many of the flaws in america's system. i know for some day one of joe biden's presidency may be too soon for fixing america's problems. but you need to start fixing them now. because before you know it, 2024 will be here. and donald trump might be back in some form. all right, when we come back we'll see how today stacks up to other inaugurations. spoiler alert t had a lot less dead birds. and stacey abrahams is still joining us on the-- a brames is still joi [upbeat music track] is your money still saving the hard way? ♪♪ bucket your money and save for what matters most, with ally's smart savings tools for all things money...
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thank you for calling ally. ♪ [coughs] ♪ [inhales] [exhales] ♪ [camera click] [inhales] halls breathe it in
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thank you for planning such an enriching camping trip for us. please accept this as a token of our appreciation. this will never happen. but this might. i am not sharing a tent. bugs! frito-lay variety pack. (whistling) dips on the fritos. packed with possibilities.
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as a talking bucket of kfc, (whistling) dinnertime is my time to shine. grab some pipin' hot chicken young man! much better than microwaved hot dogs. right, dad? eat up! i'm doing the cookin' tonight. so pick up a kfc $20 fill up today!
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daily social distancing show. joe biden's inauguration did not look like a typical one. partly because of the pandemic, partly because the national guard was protecting him from the previous president. but what does a typical inauguration day look like? actually, there really isn't one. to find out why it's time for another episode of if you don't know, now you know. >> the pirs thing to understand about inauguration day is that there is no reason it has to be a full day, the only one thing that has to happen and it takes about two minutes as long as
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nothing goes wrong. >> there are speeches, parades, and balls. but according to the u.s. constitution, the only requirement is for the president to take the oath. >> the entire government hands over batons to the next government, it does not happen until the words of the oath are uttered. >> and the words matter. you have to say the words correctly. >> barack obama had to take the oath of office twice in 2009, that is because chief justice john roberts misspoke and one word was out of sequence. >> that i will execute the office of president of the united states faithfully. >> that i will execute. >> faithfully the office of president of the united states faithfully within people called it a botched oath. some people even questioned is president obama a real president. >> trevor: oh man, did you see obama's face, he was so pis srked. and i would be too.
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imagine spending two years campaigning all over the country and then the guy giving you the oath is like do you swear to uphold the dong-stitution, i mean the con-stitution, whoop, o man. well, sorry, let's try it again in four years. you can see obama's eyes, you can see he is thinking, really asshole, i didn't move all the way from kenya to have you screw this up now. and honestly, i kind of agree. i mean damnk i know st an oath but are you not allowed to say one word wrong? you are becoming a president, not sum mondaying a dragon. i bet trump didn't know about this one because if he had he definitely would have gone to bidens unaugust raise to mess things up i joseph r biden, sorry. >> do you-- come on, man. >> now because the oath is required, it is the same for every president. but the overall speech is where each individual president gets to tell you who they are. >> presidents use their inaugural addresses to tray and set the tone and lay out the scenes for the next four years. >> st a great toont to make a
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great speech and encapsulate his vision in a few telling lines. >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. within the shortest inaugural speech a mere 135 words was delivered by george washington at his second swearing in. the longest, william henry harrison which ran on for two hours on a cold march day. >> harrison died of pneumonia 31 days later. >> nor haysenon didn't get neur mondayia because he gave a speech in the cold, but it was still a huge mistake because he was only president for 31 days and he wasted the first two hours. i mean he could have been like no speech, have i to enjoy this, and went and spent the wol day just running around the white house in his underwear because with a two hour speech you know he had a ton of plans.
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and then in year two, we're going to fix the railways and add some more states and year three, oh boy, year three is going to be my favoritier yet. >> but you know what surprises me is george washington. 135 words is not the length of a presidential speech that is more like a college student that forgot he had an essay due that i da. and on the or hand 135 years is a lot when you have wooden teeth. ladies and gentlemen i-- oh, shit, a splinter, i'm out, i'm out, i'm out. >> now once the speech sowt of the way, the fun parts of inauguration day begin. the ballsk the concerts, the parades trk is basically my supersweet 16 for men in their 70s. but like any big party, there is always a chance that something will go horribly wrong. >> inauguration follow a very prescribed order. and while most inaugurations have been conducted with decorum, some have had their mishappens, vice president andrew jn son had too much to drunk the newt before abraham lincoln's second inauguration.
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johnson delivered a speech the text day, still drunk, embarrassing the president. >> and electrical short caused john f. kennedy's podium to catch fire, as cardinal richard kushing gave the invocation at his inauguration. >> in 1873 ulysses s. grant was being ingnawing rated and it was cold, the champagne turned into slushies and these can ara were brought in and they froze to death. >> andrew jackson bash was the rowdiest, 20,000 swrak son supporters stormed the white house. pulling done the curtains, walking on the furniture causing massive damage. >> the new president reportedly escaped the crush through a window. >> god 2k578 people think trurp caused chaos, imagine if his presidency started with a riot. but hey man, say what you want about andrew jackson, that dude could throw a party. you know a party is hard-core when the host is like if i don't get out of here, i'm going to die. it's funny because we think of all these historical figures, so
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proper and respectable, but damn those parties were wall baller. have i been so some crazy parties but never to a party that got frozen can are crazy, although i think frozen carn aries on the floor can really kill the mood at any part whens is up, girlk i couldn't help but notice you stand here by yourself. oh god. shit, i just-- o, man, oh no. i oh. >> so you got a man or what. >> a lot of the talk this year is about how president trump broke tradition by refusing to show up for joe biden's big day with which clearly was a sign of respect. i mean if there is one thing donald trump would never want to do is draw attention to himself at somebody else's party but the truth is that 2021 isn't the first inauguration day to feature tensions between the new president and the outgoing one. >> since martin van buren and andrew jackson traveled by carriage in 1837 it's become
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tradition for the president to escort the president-elect from the white house to the capitol for the swearing in ceremony. historically some transitions have been, well, ugly. >> ulysses s. grant declined to give andrew johnson the ride to the capitol and so johnson declined to attend the inauguration. >> 1953 dwight eisenhower rolled up at the white house to pick up harry truman, the trumans were inside with coffee ready. someone came in and said to truman, eisenhower won't get out of his car. he won't come in and have coffee with you. >> the 1933 inauguration of fdr, hoover wouldn't look at or even speak to roosevelt on the car ride over to the swearing in. >> trevor: that, loos so awkward. hoover was acting like he was in an uber pool, look man i'm just trying to save three bucks, i'm not here to make a friend. to be honest, i understand where they are coming from. i get that it is important to-- it does fell a little bit like it's rubbing it in to make
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you give the guy who beat you a ride to the inauguration. that never happens in any other situation. when you get divorced you are not expected to drive their ex to their next wedding. so i can see why some presidents get a little testy. and honestly i think they could have be do worse. if trump wanted to be really-- he wouldn't have skipped down, we have offered to drive biden and show up on a motorcycle em. sorry biden, you have to ride bitch, bitch. so that's the big public event of inauguration day. but there is one final tradition that takes place in private. when the new president sits down in the oval office for the first time and signs finds a special note on their desk. >> there is a tradition where the president leaves a letter for the incoming president and he leaves it in the desk. and it is that private connection between the two of them who are now both officially in what is known as the president's club. >> that is another very new tradition, goes back to ronald reagan who left a letter for his
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vice president george h.w. bush, that said at the top don't let the turkeys get you down. >> after george h.w. bush lost his re-election fight to bill clinton the sitting president penned a note to his president saying your success now sour country's success. i'm rooting hard for you. >> the letter form are president obama left for president trump in part president obama wrote we are just temporary occupants of this office. that makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection, civil liberties that our forebearers fought and bled for. >> trevor: wow guys, trump really changed the game on everything. because before him, all the president was leave little encouraging notes, you know, you got this, champ, all of america is rooting for you. but obama letter to trump was trying to teach trump about america. >> okay, real quick. there is a thing called democracy am you have the rule of law, but this is actually one
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tradition that donald trump did continue. and in fact, we actually got our hands on trump's actual outgoing letter to joe biden from our white house insiders. oh man, i'm going to miss that guy. so there you have it, the american presidential inauguration. sometimes it's messy, sometimes it's awkward but even after i a month like this one it always happens. and if you don't know, now you know. all right, when we come back, i will be talking to the woman who many cred wit being the person who helped turn georgia blue, that's right stacey abrams is joining me on the show is don't go away. [upbeat music track] is your money still saving the hard way? ♪♪ bucket your money and save for what matters most, with ally's smart savings tools for all things money... thank you for calling ally.
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neutrogena®. ♪ today's a new day, and all i gotta say ♪ ♪ is we can always find a way to make room to play ♪ ♪ 'cause if you've lost touch or been feeling disconnected ♪ ♪ it's the perfect time to find whatever we neglected ♪ ♪ we live to be together, last year reminded us ♪ ♪ our playful spirit's strong, even when the times are tough ♪ ♪ whether it's i-r-l, or online, bruh! ♪ ♪ it's amazing what old friends can do ♪ ♪ and it's just as true, for new friends too ♪ ♪ that's how we play. here's what we know... ♪ ♪ life's sweeter together, oreo ♪ ♪
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as a talking bucket of kfc, ♪ life's sweeter together, dinnertime is my time to shine. grab some pipin' hot chicken young man! much better than microwaved hot dogs. right, dad? eat up! i'm doing the cookin' tonight. so pick up a kfc $20 fill up today! thank you for planning such an enriching camping trip for us. please accept this as a token of our appreciation. this will never happen. but this might. i am not sharing a tent. bugs! frito-lay variety pack. (whistling) dips on the fritos. packed with possibilities.
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give mom the gift of food. of salads or soups or chicken fried steak, or...send good tidings with a slice of cake. gift food for any occasion. new on doordash. daily social distancing show. earlier tot a spoke with political leader and activist stacey abrams, she is the founder of fair fight, the voting rights organizations if georgia that helped joe biden win georgia and democrats gain
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control of the u.s. senate. we talked about that and so much more. >> stacey abrams, welcome back to the daily social distancing show. >> thank you for having me again. >> trevor: the blast time you were on the show for many americans it seemed like everything was lost. we were asked at the height of the george floyd protest, dn ald trump was, i mean just donald trump and coronavirus was going up in a way that we couldn't have even imagined could get worse. speaking to you today, joe biden is now officially in the white house. donald trump is back playing golf where he was when he was president but not as president, and coronavirus is still going up. so i guess one out of three right now. are you happy with how things are going? how are you doing today? >> i'm incredibly grateful for where we are. and two ways, one we now have a president who can actually address the death toll that
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coronavirus is wrecking across the country, and make certain that communities that have been left out of simply getting-- will suddenly and i think for the first time have access to the support and resources they need. i am deeply, deeply grateful that donald trump is out of the white house. i'm a little annoyed that he is just south of where i live, but we are america, he gets to live wherever he wants. but i think more than anything we have an toont for hope that we haven't had in a very long time and i'm just pleased that georgia got to be a part of macking it so. >> many people have credited the work that you have done in georgia. what i have a appreciated though is how when georgia flipped, the first thing you did was thank all the other people who made it possible. walk me through that. is it very strange for you to be almost like the-- of this and then you have to keep telling people yes, but spieden-- spiderman also helped and so did blang panther and so did every other person in the marvel universe? >> i'm grateful for the support
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and accolades and i understand this is how relieved people feel and it is important often to identify a focal point. i've been privileged to be a part of building this app rat is over a decade. i've been pretty good at publicly begging for money for our state and seeing being the hype man for georgia so i appreciate the attention and recognition but i do think it's always snl that you recognize all of the components because grassroots organizing and political organizing are two facets of how you put together the infinity stone that actually delivers us from thanos into justice. and for all the marvel acolytes i know i completely butchered that a little bit but you got what i meant. so i am so pleased to be a part of this pantheon that got gsh gsh and it is my responsibility
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to always lift up those who have been doing this work. because the plin we start to believe our own hype, we believe the accolades that they belong solely to us, that is the beginning of someone like a donald trump, that is the beginning of something like the modern day republican party where you lose the sense of who you are trying to be what people say they think you should be. what do you think it is about black women that people see as magic but black women see as almost a necessity. because you know i look at south africa's history and you have the likes of nelson mandela but also all of the women like wini ban del-- pan dela that fought for the struggles but didn't get the accolade, same in america, the civil rights movement, you had many women have beene raced or overlooked when talking about the story of america achieving democracy. when you look at the fight happening now, there is no denying that everywhere around the country black women are at the forefront of trying to get america to be as progressive as possible.
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what do you think that comes from? >> that black women tend to bear the brunt of every evil and bear the responsibility for every failure. and so our own response has to be that we're going to push harder, fight longer and recognize that we will go unrecognized. but that sate, i want to expand the conversation a bit because for commutes, latino communities that are languishing in spaces where they are not respected, i think it is something that women do. i think that we have communities, asian americans, pacific islander commute, native american communities, women are often the leaders. the we are the one was do the work, we rarely get the credit but we understand the consequences. and that is really what drives us. and certainly black women in this moment deserve every accolade and every-- but i also want to make sure we think about all the other women of color and white women who have entered
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space where they are from places of imaginer ma nallization and disadvantage because men seem to be men no matter which race they are in. so women i think, it is critical for us to not only lift up black women to lift up women of color, to lift up women when we do right but to recognize that we are always also in coalition trying to get this done. >> so then the big question is where does space stacey abrams do from here. some people want you to run for president, some people want you to take up the mant nell georgia, some people say stacey abrams, you have to keep going for georgia, georgia did the future so you should be the governor. i they that you have publicly said that you won't be running but my question to you is why wouldn't you run for governor of georgia? >> well, so my first job i need to get people to buy my last book, our time is now that tells the story of how we build these things am but my job is, i am going to continue to focus on georgia. focus on redistricting. focus on the fact that already
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brad ravenburger is advocating for rolling back voting rights, focus on the work we have to still do to make certain that covid recovery actually recognizes the disproportionate affect that covid had on a state like georgia where you have such high populations of communities of color and no health infrastructure for that i may run for office again, i haven't decided what i am going to do politically but i know my work is here, my focus is now. and my mission is to help lift the south starting here in georgia. >> donald trump was a common cause that people were fighting against. joe biden is now going to be the president who has to answer and address many of the issues that many americans are facing. you don't agree with everything that joe biden says or does. and i mean that's part of politics, what are some of the issues that you want to see him address. what are some of the things that you feel joe biden and his administration need to push for immediately? >> i think he's made the right first steps by focusing on covid
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and covid relieve. we have to recognize that the disproportion arth infection rates, death rate, disproportionate loss of income has affected communities of color and imin ways that will continue to reverberate through our economy. they are starting early on that issue and i this that i is the right start. number two we have to restore our democracy. beating done all trump was simply attacking one of the symptoms. we voo to fix the disease which is the republican insistence that the way to win elections to to keep citizens from voting. and that that is a solvable problem. we have the bill ready to go and the number three climate action. the fact that he tapped john kerry to be an emissary on this issue, the fact that he is really popular with his cabinet, with people like jennifer granholm who understand how we can take climate action and turn it into job creation, turn it into community opportunity, turn it into environmental justice, those are the first three things that we focus on. and i think overarching all of that is making certain that we
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embed racial justice in every one of these conversations because racial justice cuts across every one of these issues. and if we do it right, you can start to finally reckon with who we are and what we can become. >> afer every victory there is a moment of celebration. after hard work, there say moment where you reap your reward. is stacey abrams going on a vacation? i know it is hard in a pandemic. there is not many places you can go but georgia has beautiful lakes and beautiful areas, are you going to take some time off. >> i am. i am so excited. my younger sister lesley likes to-- bothers the dikens out of me because i don't vacation but i am going on vacation, and mi so excited. and i need the rest. >> what do you do on vacation? what does stacey abrams do on vacation? >> are you like the sit down read a book do nothing type like on a beach type thing or the kayak on like a river type person, who are you? >> kayaking on a river is what
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you do when you are an active vacation with people who know how to do the balance. but i'm going on vacation by myself. i will be reading, occasionally roll over and mawb swatch something on tv and roll back over and start the feks book. and i'm going to take really, really long naps, i am so excited about sleeping. >> trevor: well, enjoy the naps, enjoy the reading. i'm excited to see what the future of stacey abrams holds. thank you so much for joining us on the show. >> thank you for having me again, you're fantastic. >> trevor: don't forget stacey abrams latest book, "our time is now" is currently available. if you want to change your world, go out and get it all right, we'll take a quick break. we'll be right back after this.t
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but before we go the coronavirus pandemic is as bad as it has ever been. but luckily our first responders are still out there on the front lines saving lives. and if you want to help them out, then please consider a donation to first responders first which offers first class medical and psychological treatments for first responders. you can find out more at the link below. until tomorrow though, stay safe out there, wear a mask and remember, from now on, no malarkey. here it is, your moment of zen.
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>> i will tell you that the future of this country has never been better. i wish the new administration great luck and great success. i think they will have great success. >> yeah, all right. >> that is what we are talking about, see ya loser. well, what the [bleep] do we do now. >> our work here is done. we can go back to heaven. except for you roosevelt. >> have a good life. we will see you soon. >> woe, woe, woe,-- what does he mean see you soon. oh [bleep] ♪ ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪
1:59 am
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2:00 am
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