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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  March 18, 2021 11:00pm-11:44pm PDT

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[groans] this one's called "earthrise on the moon." [new age music] that's so beautiful. >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody, i'm trevor noah and this is the daily social distancing show. today is thursday march 18th and i am so excited because that means this weekend is the first day of spring and it's the pergs new year. new moon which is the best new year's ever because part of the celebration is that you have to jump over a fire which is so epic. this is going to be my second year sell brailting. last year we did it for the first time but there was a slight misunderstanding, we thought we would jump into the fierks not over the fire. rest in peace, baby, we're back. coming up, we fill out our pandemic bracket, biden and putin are going to throw down after school and did you know coronavirus is also affecting
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other countries? plus arsenio hall sour guest. so let's do this, people, welcome to the daily social distancing show. from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world. this is the daily social distancing show with trevor thih big news from the world of comic books. i mean comic books are the reason i'm so excited about the spider bite, burns so strong. one of the biggest superheroes in the world right now is captain america. and now after 80 years in the business, he's got a whole new vibe. >> marvel will introduce a gay captain america. marvel released images of aaron fisher yesterday towting him as the first openly queer character in captain america's 80 year history. >> this is maybe my favorite most upsetting story of the day, i have mixed emotions about this because the country is going
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bananas. he is a gay captain america, complete with a nose ring, tats, when he takes off his skull cap there he's got like a mohawk thing. he's not very muscular. >> what would really be pushing the boundaries is if maybe they had a conservative superhero or a trump-supporting superhero. >> trevor: okay, okay, first of all, they already have been plenty of conservative superheroes. all right? they don't say it but you can tell. like there is no way that billionaire bruce wayne supports taxing the rich. and hawkeye, the guy lives on a farm in iowa and has a proud boy haircut, come on. wanda maximoff wanted nothing more than to build a wall and get the can i back to the 1950s. you don't need to say it. there is probably a reason ta there hasn't been a trump-supporting superhero. i mean how helpful would that guy be in a crisis, dr. doom is threatening to kill half a million americans, what do we do? >> so what. that's basically the same as the
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flu. i say we ignore it. and it will all go away. magically. >> trevor: personally i think it's great to see more lgbtq representation in comics. although to be honest, i kind of thought captain america already was gay. i mean he is always telling women oh no, i can't date you, i have a girlfriend who lives in the 1940s. still though i'm sure just judging by the reaction this is going to be a certain type of guy who will feel really awkward being saved by an openly gay superhero. >> grab my hand before you fall off of this cliff. oh, okay. but no homo. >> speaking of people who are uncomfortable with gay superheroesk i love that news anchor complaining that the new captain america isn't muscular enough. isn't that strange? i mean i don't want to see gay dudes in my comics but if they are going to be there i should at least be turned on just a little. you know what i mean? let's move on from superheroes to the world's biggest real life supervilan, vladimir putin.
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a newly de classified intelligence report has confirmed that putin personally directed russian meddling in the 2020 presidential election. and president joseph robitussin, biden, isn't happy about it. >> in our worldly day threat on intervening in the 2020 election. >> he will pay a price, we had a long talk, he and i. >> you know vladimir putin, you think he is a killer. >> uh-huh, i do. >> so what price must he pay. >> the price he's going to pay, will you see shortly. >> president putin himself has been asked about his response to joe biden kind of affirmation that he thinks that president putin is a killer. >> i wish him good health, i'm not joking, i mean it. but when we judge people, other nations we will look, we mirror, we see ourselves there, when i was a child and we had arguments in the courtyard we were saying it takes one to know one. and st not just a children's saying. the meaning is very deep. >> trevor: putin is right, children sayings who have a lot of important wisdom for us as
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adults. that is why i still get my yearly boosters from my cootie shots, if a girl ever touches me, i'm all set. but it is funny that putin had to clarify that he is not joking when he wishes biden good health because plets let's face it the man has killed so enmany people, everybody assumes that is what he mean, i wouldn't be shocked if this causes a ton of problems for him. >> president buttin, your cousin is here, what would you like me to do. >> please, kill thim bores i mean show him a good time. >> i know what you mean. >> no, no, i mean tack him to concert or something. >> oh, yes, performance in the sky, right away. >> no, no, i'm saying line-- you know what, just kill him, this is taking too much of my time. >> trevor: but clearly, people, this exchange is the beginning of a much more confrontational relationship between america and russia. and that is going to be tricky because on the one hand joe biden is probably right, to call out a putin's aggression but on
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the other hand, i'm pretty sure that vladimir putin has all of my passwords. so i think he is doing a great job. now while bied enis sending off putin, is he also dealing with a criesician closer to home at the mexican border, because even though biden ended some of trump's cruel immigration policies and is trying to return children who trump separated from their families, that has not been enough to end the suffering. >> president biden urging migrants not to make the journey to the u.s. as the white house works to get a handle on the surge ste southern border. nearly 4300 unaccompanied children were in border pat kroll custody, the new figures are a record high, nearly 3,000 of those children have been in custody over the 72 hour legal limit. >> in an interview with abc news the president pushing back on criticize-- criticism migrants are crossing in such large numbers because he has reversed several trump-era immigration policies.
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>> the idea that scroa biden said come, because i heard the other day that they are coming because they know i'm a nice guy. here is the deal. they are not. >> you have to say quite clearly don't come. >> yes, can i say quite clearly, don't come. don't leave your town or city or community. >> trevor: hmmmm, okay thark is worth a shot, i guess. but the phrase don't come isn't going to prevent immigration any more than it prevented pregnancy on bridgerton. because biden is still being way more welcoming than people are used to. i mean don't come, is basically an engraved invitation compared to you shithole country, rapists need to pay for our wall. >> but that's right, border crossings are surging right now and the part that is causing the most concern is what to do with the unaccompanied children. because under trump they would just be sent back to terrible migrant camps in mexico. biden wants to send them through the asylum process in the u.s.
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the the problem is the system is too overwhelmed to do it quickly so the kids are languishing if detention camps hear, and please let's not forget to have empathy for these migrants because who can blame parent force wanting to give children a better life. there are just so many more opportunities for them in america. think about it, blue ivy just won a grammy, who wouldn't want that for their child. but let's move on to our main story. >> the coronavirus vaccine. aka the thing you are pretty sure your friends like to get. although the vaccine rollout has been going fairly well in the united states, that has not been true everywhere else in the world. but why? well, let's find out. in another episode of keeping up with corona, international edition. >> let's begin with the situation in europe. the baskin robins of white people, the continent never really got the pandemic under control and now it's struggling with vaccinations.
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while 22 percent of americans have gotten at least one shot, in most countries in europe that number is only 8 percent. honestly it's been surprising to see europe struggling so much. this is europe, the most sophisticated place on earth. they have denmark. they should be crushing this. but they're not. and now a controversy over one of their vaccines is only making things worse. >> over in europe they are not facing good news. the continent is facing a third wave of the covid pandemic as it five countries have suspended using the astrazeneca vaccine. >> more than a dozen countries have halted the use of the vaccine including germany, france and italy as a precautionary measure but regulators insist there is no link between the astrazeneca vaccine and higher incident of blood clots astrazeneca says a review of 17 million people here in the u.k. and in europe who received the vaccine found less than 40 developed blood clots,
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even lower than you would expect to find in the general population. >> just 37 cases in 17 million vaccinations. leaving many wondering why stop the entire program. >> trevor: okay look, i understand, i totally understand being safe but at the same time these blood slots are affecting 0.0002 percent of people. so you might as well be worried that lightning is going to strike the metal of the needle as you are getting the vaccine. and it's crazy that france, of all the countries, is stopping the vaccine because of health side effects. i mean their national fruit is a cigarette. so a lot of people do think that europe is overreacting. and i will be honest, i think i know what the problem is. it is because european scientists are explaining the side effects in a normal tone of voice. you see if you want side effects to sound less scary you have sto list them superfast. if it is also important to remember that not all side effects are the same.
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there are side effects that are more dangerous than the disease they are fighting, those are the worst. and then there are side effects that are serious but are worth the risk and then there are side effects that are just funny like diarrhea and boners that won't go away. so doctors have to keep that in mind. but let's move on to africa, the world's biggest country. because while europe's vaccines are sitting unused in the back of the fridge, many poorer countries have been waiting a long time to get any vaccines at all. >> we are experiencing a massively uneven vaccine rollout across the world. only one of the top 40 countries in the world are for vaccine rollout is in africa. >> touching down in nie robbie, covid-19 vaccinations arrived in kenya for the very first time, kenya received its initial shipment of just over one million doses as part of the covax program, an initiative backed by the world health organization aimed at redoosessing vaccine inequality.
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in addition to ghana and againia, rwanda, senegal and the rifery cost are among countries to recently receive low cost or free vaccines through covax but it comes after a long wait, far behind wealthier nations that can pay full price. >> it took us 83 days from the first jab in the u.k. to the first jab in africa. >> trevor: gods damn, 83 days. that is like two viewings of the shied snyder cub cup. the world needs to do a better job of getting vaccines to developing nations, because don't forget it you let coronavirus fester in one place long enough it will mutate and come back even stronger where you live. it happens all the time. when ebola first got to africa, it was just a stubbed toe. and what is especially frustrating about this is there are so many people in places like america who can get the vaccine, and they just don't want it. i feel like what they should do is make an exchange program where africans get to swap countries with anti-vaxxers.
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vax-swap, only on paramount plus. now while it's true that right now there aren't enough vaccine doses to go around to every country, there actually is a solution to that. give pharmaceutical companies in developing nations the vaccine recipe, and let them make their own. but so far countries that have those recipes are going full on oprah me. >> the united states and other wealthy members of the world trade organization have blocked a proposal to waive intellectual property rights related to covid vaccine. south africa, and india had pushed the proposal as part of an attempt to increase the availability of vaccines in poorer countries. >> both the united states and european unit want to yun hold patents on the basis that they encourage companies to invest in research and innovation. >> this drug maker just a few hours from the bangladesh capitol produces a lot of different vaccines.
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but the one it can't yet produce is the most in demand for covid-19. the manufacturer says it has plenty of spare capacity and it could produce between 600 to 800 million coronavirus vaccines a year if it got a license. >> trevor: wait, hold up. the entire planet could get millions more vaccine doses a year if they just waive the patent on the vaccine but the u.s. and the european union don't want to? so you are going to tell me that africa is expected to share our vibranium but we can't get their vaccine? oh, that's real fair. now look, i do understand where drug companies are coming from on this. i mean if nani indira wants a vaccine, then nani indira can design and distribute her own vaccine, it is called personal responsibility. and people are saying this is a global pandemic. doesn't nani's life matter more than the share price of pfizer, all right, fine, let's compromise then. pfizer should just give nani some stock options, that way
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everyone who is left alive makes money. but it turns out not every country in the africa is desperate to get the vaccine, in affordable care act the country of tanzani-- hasn't tried to get it mostly because president mug-- magufuli claims covid-19 isn't even real, although he might be changing his mind now. >> the president of tanzania john magufuli has died. he was a prominent covid 1-9d skeptic and had not been seen in public since the end of february. >> in all the government no one wears a mask, including me it proves there is no coronavirus and god loves this nation. president magufuli was more than a coronavirus skeptic. his government stopped sharing data with the world health organization last year and declared tanzania covid free through divine intervention. he displayed a disregard for health advice focusing on prayer and local remedies while also claiming the vaccines were dangerous.
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>> they want sources within tanzania that he was very sick with covid-19. that of course is not confirmed but given all the circumstances at play and the secretary resee with which the government did its business, many people are sceptical that in fact it was only a heart condition that lead to his death. >> trevor: what have i been telling you from the beginning. the biggest risk factor of corona is disrespecting corona. any time somebody says this virus is no big deal, corona is like okay. okay, going to be like that, huh? then two weeks later, fisting your lungs, who is the host now, this real enough for you? huh, huh. i know it is easy to shit on the african country with the strongman leader who doesn't believe in science. but please don't forget america also had a covid denying president without got covid. the only difference is america had the elite medical teams with experimental trugs to keep its dumb president alive. so that's what is happening with the vaccine rollout across the
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globe. and even though things are going well in the united states, americans unfortunately do need to pay attention to the world. because you see, as long as the virus is still out there, it can always come back here. because no country is an island. well except for iceland, and the u.k and all the caribbean countries, i guess. sorry. other than-- but you know what i mean, no country is an island. all right, when we km back, madagascar. madagascar is also-- and tonguea. bruneis that a country, maybe as well. sorry, all right, when we come back, we've got-- oh, australia. continent or an island-- when we come back, we've got an exciting new tournament bracket that you will want to fill out. and arsenio hall joins us on the and arsenio hall joins us on the she, so don't go away.
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lately i just haven't been feeling quite like myself. there's gotta be a way to get back. ♪♪ ♪ i want to break free ♪ ♪♪ doritos, now in 3d. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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this beer looks just like... beer. but what if we told you its recipe is over a hundred years old. created in mexico by a german brewmaster. it's not just any beer now, is it? this is the destroyer a mo of
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ah, my name's paula. i stop ransomware using sophos. if she told you how she did it, your face would melt off. i just told you how i do it. i use... we'll edit that part out so your face doesn't melt off.
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daily social distancing show. we are now in the month of march. again. or still? either way hard to keep track and since it's march, it's time once again to fill out your back et. and no i'm not talking about college basketball brackets, i'm talking about your daily show bracket of bullshit pandemic edition. i know most of last kreer was terrible, but some of it was just annoying and dumb. so we have put together a tournament to choose which trivial annoyance bugged you the most. and here to break it all down is michael kosta, and roy wood, jr. >> what's going on, everybody. i'm roy wood, jr. >> i'm michael kosta.
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>> man oh man, roy, did this pandemic year come with some annoying ass bullshit. >> it sure did. my blood is boiling just think being all the irritating coronavirus poppy kok. >> poppy yans which yeah, my kid in the other room, he doesn't have headphone, i can't drop f bombs. >> shoot yourself bleep breep. >> our biggest annoyances are divided into four regionses, at home, safety, social and newses and entertainment. >> have i to begin with at home because that is where we got some of the stuff that annoyed me the most like building forced to cook, dude, i'm so sick of cooking. i never wanted to know the difference between a chef knife and a parring knife. >> are you still using knives, roy, i gave up on utensils back in november. now i eat steak with my bear hands like if is a breakfast bar, i don't give a shit. >> respect. >> here is a contender i'm really sick of. taking walks. >> don't get me started on walks. all do i is walk, walk, walk, walk, at this point my shoes are
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more warn out than obama after his second term. i walked around the same block so many times my neighbors called the cops on me and i'm white. >> another hopeful in the bracket that pisss me off, quarantine, even the word itself is annoying, makes me want to slap my own mouth. >> but isn't it just people trying to make drinking things cute. >> putting tine at the end of the word doesn't make you any less of an alcoholic. oh, st my lunch break tine. oh, this t is eye parent teacher conference tine. >> call it what it is, drinking alone in front of your laptop. >> there is nothing wrong with that. >> our next pain in the butt category, pandemic safety, if you can't talk about safety without talking about massachusettsks, they are saving lives but still annoying. >> what is the most a nothing thing, you have maskne, the tight ear loop and as i like to call them the under the nose bros. >> hell yeah mask under the nose is brunging the heat, what is with these people, you got to cover the mouth and the nostril,
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same as if you are trying to smoother somebody with a pillow. have i been watching a lot of murder documentaries. >> okay, that gets us into our next category, news and entertainment. lots to be annoyed with here but i think that movies getting delayed could go all the way. >> bro you may be right, i spent years waiting for a black james bond, now i will just settle for any bond, give me daniel craig, piers bros nan, i will take seth rogan. >> they could call it live and get high. >> i was thinking high another day. >> that works too. >> but here's something else that poed a lot of people this last year, having to root for big pharma. >> that sinks, man. >> big pharma is supposed to be the bad guy, now everybody is treating johnson & johnson like it's dwayne the rock johnson. >> you know sure we love them now but as soon as i get my vaccine i'm going to go right back to hating them again until i need my booster, after that they can go [bleep] themselves. >> you know what i think is going to be hard to beat though, say it with me, kim kardashian,
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40th birthday party. >> that was some bull sz shit she invited all her friends and family to a private island and rubbed it in our double masked faces. >> hers was bigger than mine and mine was before the pandemic. >> you had a 40th birthday party? >> i'm sorry, you got a bad-- i-- connection. >> i'll say. speaking of connecting, let's hit up our fourth and final category, everything social. >> mvp coming in hot, face timing with your parents, my mom still doesn't have the hang of it. i have seen so much of her forehead. >> just be glad she is in the frame at allk i spercht two hours talking to my mom's ceiling fan. >> i think a key player in this category is going to be thriving friend, you know who these people are, all those annoying people post being how great they are doing. >> i don't need to see a 20 minute video of you mastering the crow pose or of your juice
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cleanse journey, i know so much about my cousin's dave's colon i could be his proctologist. >> and st not a real pandemic bracket if zoom didn't get in the game. >> funny zoom background, zoom partiesk zoom time limits, who are you to limit my time, zoom. what is exin, only 40 minutes in the bathroom too. >> i hate, hate, hate that time limit. i could go off on this all day. i mean for one reason this-- oh, looks like i forgot to upgrade to the business version. my bad, guys. anyway, "the daily show" bracket of bullshit pandemic edition is live right now so go to bailey-- daily show and start voting and find out if everyone else was as annoyed by the same things as you were. when we come back, the man himself arsenio hall will be joining me on the show, you joining me on the show, you don't want to miss it.
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doritos 3d are back! what!? you didn't think we were listening? with more crunch... ...and delicious chili cheese nacho flavor now in 3d. this beer looks just like... beer. but what if we told you its recipe is over a hundred years old. created in mexico by a german brewmaster. it's not just any beer now, is it? dos equis, a most interesting beer. well... things are rough.
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oh my goodness. i mean like... the floor is actually lava, rough. i can't bro. - but you're not. - me? - you're a reactor. - uh oh. a mover. a better than what came before you doer. a slayer. a cryer. a let me tell you about this funny thing that happened-er. you are realness and weirdness, chaos and hope. yes! all this talk about good things to come... nah. you're the good thing. ♪♪
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introducing the galaxy buds pro nah. you're the good thing. ♪ why you playing with me girl? you got me new ♪ it sounds like you're here. ♪ (opera singer) ♪ even when you're here. (jackhammer noise) ♪ (opera singer) ♪ and they even turn down when you speak. can i get a number 1 with extra onions and chili sauce? good choice! thank you! ♪ ♪ now what you hear is up to you. ♪ why you playing with me girl? you got me new ♪ ♪ i'm just saying i can make ya body move ♪ i started as a comedy writer in this business, so no exercise at all. and in nobody i play a dad, and i have this past, but because of a break in, i re-engage with violence. i knew that this was something that would be really challenging for me personally. what are you still doing here, old man? i'm gonna mess you up. when we started in november 2017, he would learn
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how to punch, he would learn how to kick, throw... and he would not quit. i might have overcorrected. i wanted to commit completely, go all the way into unapologetic rage. i want people to say "i think he might be a little nuts." who are you? me? i'm nobody. daily social distancing show. earlier today i spoke with ledge enary comedian and actor arsenio hall. we talked about what it was look being the first black late night talk show host in america and making the sequel to coming 2 america. >> so warriors will assassinate him, and a child on the other side of the world. >> take heart in your grief, will you are king now, be as your father, bark orders at me, throw things at me t will make you happy.
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>> . >> prepare the royal jet. we are going back to naryk. >> oh hell no, your majesty. >> arsenio hall, welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> thank you, man. i watch you so it's kind of, i'm trying to be cool, it is kind of exciting. >> trevor: please, oh please, what are you talking about. >> i love what you are doing, trevor. you are smart, you are funny, by the way, the grammys, i watched the grammys twice, bro. >> trevor: thank you, man. >> first of all, congratulationsk coming 2 america, the bigst movie in america right now, amazon says it was so successful they thought that their servers were breaking, that is how successful the movie has been. you came back, the cast came back, new editions came back, i know what i was looking forward to, was seeing that magical combo again.
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eddie and arsenio. looking forward to seeing the preparer. i was looking forward to seeing, the new characters, i loved that little new character you had there, that was pretty amazing, i was like is that arsenio. you, my man, congratulations. >> yeah, it was a lot of fun and i love having a movie that i am being compared to kim car dashia's dad, you know, i mean if that is the last time i saw something get broken, you know. >> trevor: that is the last time the internet got broken. >> yes, and we got close to kim's ass, we didn't break it but we got close. >> trevor: my friend, it's been such a success and you can see why. i want to talk to you about the journey that you've been on, yourself and eddie, the journey of coming to america. i mean this is, you know, now it seems like an on swrees-- obvious concept because it has been done but coming to america was one of the craziest ideas for a movie and the way you executed it was double crazy, no one wants to play all
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of the characters at that time. when you were thinking of this. when you and ed yea were talking about it. did you think it would work or was it one of those where let's do this crazy thing and just have fun. >> initially when eddie brought me the concept and was reading, you don't see that any more, reading off a yellow legal pad and it's just a fish out of water movie about two guys who come to america and eddie was going through some personal stuch then, where he said you know, i meet women, and they know i'm eddie murphy and they know i got paper. we didn't use the term paper back then but i sometimes worry that they don't accept me for me, for most situations where i know they're not accepting me for who i am. i wish-- i could go some place and people not know who i was. and that was where that movie started. and everybody loved eddie's characters and wanted him to play characters. and you guys will be some of the people you meet when you come to
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america. that said it off-- set it off and took it to another place. >> trevor: the first time i watched coming to america, the credits and they putting up all the people, i expected the eddie thing, i did, i thought that was eddie, no joke, every time there was a character was you i was like no! no! how? no! you have an a ability. >> at some point you said he's even that bitch in the red dress, did you say that? >> trevor: you have the ability to transform completely. >> eddie was supposed to do that witch doctor sham arne character, and he found out, he looked at the model and he found out it was a six and a half hour makeup job. and he was like, he didn't tell me, he said bro, you know what, i think you would be better for the witch doctor. and i was like, he gave me all that bullshit you just gave, there is something about you, you go, you go deep into it. you know, i think this one is
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for you. and i found out he didn't want to do it. >> trevor: i love it, man. the two of you have had an interesting connection your entire lives and i love how your connection came from the fact that back when were you doing comedy, there were so few black comedians on the scene. and why i am so interested in that is because of what i do. arsenio hall is literally part of the reason that i sit here today. i remember watching your show on trk v in south africa and all of a sudden there was an influx of black people on a late night tv show and it wasn't just successful, it was the biggest show at the time. you were breaking every possible barrier giving people opportunities that never had goten opportunity, mariah carey debut on television, arsenio hall, usher raymond, arsenio hall, the list is endless. you had everything from michael jackson to prince, you know, you had magic johnson on after he had revealed his hiv status. he came on arsenio hall.
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that time and that legacy is so interesting to me for two reasons, win because you broke what existed but also because you started a journey that then it seems like hollywood has stopped doing after you stopped doing the show. you were bringing women on board as executive producers. you were bringing black people on as writers who never got opportunities. you made an inclusive staff whether do you think happened that that just didn't carry on after you left in every other show that got made. >> well, wow, i don't know if i am aware of that. totally. but that is nice to hear. and maybe we got too comfortable. because sometimes when things aren't right you fight for things. i remember asking for an intern program when i first got my gig, i did that, when i tried to raise the writers room of the other shows there were no black writers, that is the first thing i dealt with. and i'm so proud. my first intern was john
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singleton who went on to win an oscar. and a lot of wonderful writers and interns came through there. so i thought a lot because i felt we didn't have what we needed. i remember watching some of the other shows and you could wait a month and not see a black person. you know, when i was growing up in cleveland, you would spread the word around and say hey, i hear al green is going to be on the tonight show next month it was a big thing, you know. so i wanted to bring more faces, and like you said, more women, my whole staff, the important ones were all female, you know. but basically i saw a need and i tried to fill those needs. i think once we get comfortable we stop pushing. and also keep in mind the pie has been in a different way now, we are in a situation now where between the internet and i mean everything from sound qulowd to instagram, you don't have to come one or two places any more,
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in terms of what you do. >> trevor: you achieved a lot of these things when you were so young, you were young, eddie was young, do you sometimes regret the fact that you were that young when it was happening or did you feel like you had level heads even though were you that young. because most people wouldn't survive being that famous in their early 20s. >> yeah, i had a great time. and i think everything happens for a reason. i believe strongly in god's plan. if i had that schedule now, like trevor, just sitting here looking at your dimples tires me out, you know. back in the day, hi all the energy and the enthusiasm and the dreams. and now i love being the old head who sits and talks about it, and looks for my next gig here and there. >> trevor: right, what is up next for arsenio hall, i feel like you could do anything. >> the acting bug bit me, man. i have been out doing standup and doing a lot of things but i hadn't acted in awhile.
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and that is where i am headed next. i want to act more, so when you do your life story, let me play your cousin scwigy, or whatever his name is. >> trevor: oh man. i feel like you could-- after seeing you play the character you play i genuinely believe you could play-- i will cast you as my uncle. we put a few prosthetics in there and i think you got the gig, arsenio, i could talk to you forever. and i congratulate you, thank you for everything you have done. not just in the movies but behind the scenes in the country, thank you-- industry, thank you for being a mentor, for being a friend. you know, thank you forp putting everybody on because that is what you did. you put everybody on which you didn't have to do. i appreciate you. look after yourself, and we'll see you in the next movie, my friend. >> god bless you, trevor. talk to you soon. >> trevor: thank you so much, my dude. don't forget, coming 2 america is available now on amazon prime video. all right, we will take a quick break but we'll be right back after this.
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tonight, but before we go, it is women's history month, so please consider supporting the black girl's code. an organization dedicated to leveling the playing field for girls of color in stem. by supporting black girls code are you helping empower young girls to change their lives using technology. and change all of our lives as well for the better. if you can help out go to the link below and donate whatever you can. until tomorrow, stay safe out there. wear a mask, and remember as the great children's philosopher once said, would you like a hurt donut, ha ha, hurt, killing it. here it is, your moment of zen. >> does anybody in this
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restaurant think it is a good idea to take the vaccine? raise your hand if you think it is a good idea. anyone here it is a good idea to take the vaccine, raise your hand if you think it is a good idea. not one person here. what do you think about the vaccine, are you going to take it. >> no, sir. >> tell me why. >> i don't trust the government and i don't trust biden. >> i am not going to take with. >> are you going to take the vaccine. >> i have taken it. >> and what made you decide to take it. take it. >> my wife okay, okay, nobody panic. listen up, listen up. everyone, follow me to the shelter. we've got enough food for 14 days. after that, we have a difficult conversation. - my bad. space heater and fan were both on high, plugged into the same outlet, so... - uh, it's saying the server went down? does anybody know that password? 'cause otherwise, we can't do any work. - uh...try "password."
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- nope. - try zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero. - no. - okay, now try zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, one. - okay, i'm not doing every number. - wait, um, does anyone remember when it was set up? - was, like, eight years ago? - lord of the rings stuff? i don't know, i'm just trying to think of things that were happening at the time. - um, everyone was getting their driver's license. - why don't we just call the i.t. guy who set it up? w- okay, moving backwards, our i.t. guys have been... glasses, turban, ear hair, fatty 3, shorts, fatty 2, lozenge, i think lozenge was the one who installed it. - i got it. try, um-- [coughs] - you know what, it made me laugh when i heard it, but pam got really offended. - big boobs. - drama queen? - nosy? - you're typing "big boobs"? - i'm trying everything. - try "big boobs" with a "z." - that's--


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