tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 23, 2021 11:00pm-11:45pm PDT
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[horns honking] what's going on, everybody? i'm trevor noah, and this is the daily social distancing show. today is tuesday, march 23rd, which means it's springtime, baby! yep! that time of the year when i go outside and enjoy that sweet fresh air, despite my allergies. whoo! (takes deep breath) oh, no, here it comes-- ( explosion ) anyway, coming up on tonight's show, we look at some actual good things going on in the world -- what hollywood gets wrong about the female orgasm, and eric andre joins us to talk about punking america in his new movie. so let's do this, people! welcome to the daily social distancing show. >> from trevor's couch in
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new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show" with trevor noah! >> trevor: every day on "the daily show," we cover the news, daily show. and if you follow the news daily, you know that most of it is bad, and some days it's etch more badder. and it's on those days i like to remind michael flynn that there is still a lot of good out there in the world, and i like to share that good news in our ray of sunshine. >> trevor: our first ray of sunshine is for dogs, creators of the world's most popular sex position. across the country, there are thousands of good boys just waiting to be adopted, and one equally good human boy is giving them a boost. >> a 14-year-old found a way to help a lot of shelter dogs. >> yeah, his name is darius brown. he helps them stand out in the crowd with bow ties.
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darius has sewn hundreds of bow ties and sent them to animal shelters across the country. they look sharp. he makes them for cats, too. he says he's donated nearly 600 bow ties for animal shelters. shelter workers says it helps especially the older ones get noticed more quickly. >> yeah. >> trevor: oh, guys, a bow tie on a dog? that's something you don't expect! you know, like shrimp tails and cinnamon toast crunch but adorable! and this is a genius plan because a bow tie just makes everything a little snazzier -- dogs, people, other bow ties. a simple bow tie could even make like a raging douche bag seem respectable which is how tucker carlson got a tv show. the only problem, you will never know why the dog has a bow tie on it. i mean, is it fashion or kid that dog join the nation of islam? some old nice white lady will be
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bringing her dog home, like, speak, sparky, speak, speak! oh what a surprise, the white devil wants me to speak on command! moving on to the coronavirus vaccine. that's the only thing on earth stored colder than dipping dots. after one year of being cautious, some people can't bring themselves to accept the good news because it's been so long. even when i smile, my frown turned upside down, is that a covid symptom? here's a ray of sunshine about a grandmother who is still doing what she could after getting vaccinated and how her doctor helped her overcome it. >> some people say the best medicine is love. >> for one woman in the bronx, that's what the doctor ordered. this is what every shaw got. it reads, you are allowed to hug your granddaughter! it comes after both of them were fully vaccinated. >> my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment because they had a gift for me. to my amazement was a
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prescription from my doctor, and she wrote, you are allowed to hug your granddaughter. ( crying ) that hug is a hug i'm going to remember forever. >> trevor: okay. you got to admit, this is such a heart warming story. i mean, unless we find out that that's the doctor's treatment for everything. i'm afraid it's lupus. so what you're going to need to do is go and hug this woman's grandma right away! twice a day. now, yes, it is true that the doctor was out of network so that hug will cost $80,000, but i'm still happy that this grandma got to see her family before she files for medical bankruptcy. actually shows you how much people respect the authority of doctors. once they write a prescription, no more arguing, it's a prescription! doctors could make that work for them, too. shit, if i was a doctor, i would just go into a bank with my
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prescription pad. good afternoon. i have a prescription for you here that says you need to open the safe and hand me all the cash. well, i guess... if it's for my health. until everyone can get vaccinated, it is still important to monitor the spread of the coronavirus before we can stop outbreaks before they get too far. and now getting a coronavirus test is going to be easier than ever. >> doordash will soon be delivering at-home covid tests across the united states. >> the delivery app is teaming up with two health companies, vault health and everly well in 12 u.s. markets. doordash says the delivery of the f.d.a. approved test kits will take under an hour. cost $100 each and can return results in 28 to 48 hours. >> trevor: yes! thanks to doordash you can get a covid test delivered to your home along with 40 packets of ketchup. uber has started offering covid tests, too! yeah, if you get in the car and you can smell weed, you just
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tested negative, my friend. congrats! let me remind everybody right now that your delivery driver is not responsible for your test results, all right. because you know there are people out there who are going to base their reviews on that. what? you're telling me that i have covid? dude! one star! bitch, i'm not the one who coughed on you! moving on to a ray of sunshine from the world of racism. yeah, even racism. black people in america have been waiting for slavery reparations for 150 years, and to put that in terms white people can understand, that's even longer than you have been waiting for the next "game of thrones" book. but now residents offer one city are finally getting their first taste. >> the nation's first reparations program for african-americans was approved overnight in illinois. the chicago suburb of evenston is moving forward with a $10 million plan to address a history of discriminatory housing practicings faced by its black residents. the first step which passed last
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night makes $400,000 available for homeownership grants and mortgage assistance. this plan could become a model more cities could follow. >> trevor: "new start," people! reparations are happening! oooh, with these housing grants, black americans can finally fulfill their life-long dreams of gentrifying a white neighborhood. and kudos to evenston, illinois, especially whoever the town was named after wiz a racist. wikipedia -- yep, huge racist. it's great the funding is going toward practical things like aiding ohm ownership. but keep in mind, black americans have been through a lot of shit in the last 400 years. so some could be helping them to relax, going to the spa, getting a facial. it's not real reparations unless you give the descendents of slavery actual money and let
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them choose how they want to spend it as if they're adults. whoo! but still congratulations to the town overevanston and the white people who will game the system. i'm actually 3% african, so... and finally, uplifting animal news. like most of us, zoo animals have been stressed out by the coronavirus lockdowns. stuck in their homes a whole year and don't even have netflix. imagine being a tiger and not getting to watch tiger king. now a zoo in columbia is giving its stressed out residents a musical treat. >> columbia's kallie zoo hired a pianist to relax the animals friday. mario came to the zoo and played some of the most popular classical songs, for animals from zebras to lions to
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flamingos. he said this was different from his usual gigs. they hoped he'd pave the way for other musical acts. i'm so jealous right now! >> trevor: now, that is a beautiful idea. and i'm actually sure that this was very relaxing for all of the animals. although, you can't tell by looking at an ostrich, you know. you can't see when that animal is relaxed. it has one facial expression which is realizing you left your phone in a cab... and as an added bonus for the zoo, a piano concert is probably going to keep all the zebras in line. the can you imagine them during that performance? they were looking at the black and white keys, like, what if they done to jimmy? they've cut him up and making music come out of his body! just because you kidnapped the zebras in africa and kept them in columbia doesn't mean they're not african anymore. so, look, i think this is great
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for everyone. i mean, the only person i feel a little bald for is the piano player. this probably wasn't the career he dreamt of when he started playing the piano. momma! you remember how you said i would never make it as a musician! oh, my god eduardo did you make it into the philharmonic? what? wrong number. nevermind. okay. bye-bye. say what you want, but this story is adorable. you know who loves adorable stories is my friend roy wood, jr. i want to bring him on right now. yo, roy! what's going on, my dude. >> what's up, man? how you been, bro? >> trevor: i know you love playing piano so i wanted to see if you heard the story of the pianist who got a gig playing for zoo animals. >> yeah, i heard about it. it's trash. hated the story. as a matter of fact, i hated that dude. >> trevor: why? i thought of all people you would think it's cute. >> no, i don't like it. trevor, i also auditioned for the gig.
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then they decided to go for some guy playing mozart. ain't even real mozart. >> trevor: you auditioned to play piano for zoo animals? >> why wouldn't i? a sweet job. work outside, free parking, stale peanuts, and i wrote the great original songs for the animals. the zookeepers decided my songs weren't appropriate. >> trevor: wow, roy! man, i'm sorry for that, brother. i'm sorry they didn't like your music. >> also what it is, man. i had good hits, man. check this out. these are good songs, man. ♪ hey, there zoo animals ♪ ♪ you got to eat all of the zookeepers ♪ rise up against your oppressors ♪ ♪ and gobble them zookeepers up ♪ ♪ gobble gobbable ♪ ♪ gobble gobble gobble ♪ ♪ nyum nyum nyum nyum nyum ♪
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>> trevor: roy, hold on. you can't be telling the animals to eat the zookeepers. that's promoting violence. >> the words i was singing was nonsense. i just say the words for rhythm. you know the animals can't understand english. >> trevor: that's a good point. it's not like you're telling -- play on, man. my bad, my bad. >> exactly. where was i, man? ♪ come on lions, i know you understand english ♪ ♪ i have been teaching you in secret for several months ♪ ♪ there's a weak part of the fence next to the gate ♪ ♪ break it down and go to -- ♪ ♪ ak-, ak-, ak- ♪ >> that's the lion chomping. >> trevor: i understand zoos have ethical problems but you can't tell lions to eat people.
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what are you planning? >> planning? don't be so paranoid, trevor, it's just music! ♪ hey there lions ♪ ♪ let's go eat trevor noah tonight ♪ >> trevor: trevor noah? what did i do? >> i'll ride on your back and i'll take you to his house ♪ ♪ and you can eat everyone except me ♪ ♪ and i will be the king of the lions ♪ ♪ unless you eat me, too ♪ ♪ that would not be nice ♪ ♪ but that's a problem for later ♪ >> trevor: i'm glad they didn't take your songs at the zoo, man. you know why? because your songs are shit. that's why. talk about gobbling me and eating me as well. all your music is trash. >> that's cruel, bro. and i could get mad about it, but you know what i have been working on myself, i'm willing to bury the hatchet. so we'll talk about it tomorrow. meet me at noon at the zoo.
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>> trevor: i know what you're planning, roy. you want me to come to the zoo so i can sing the songs with you. i'm not stupid, roy. get out of here! roy wood, jr., everybody. not going to gelt me that easy. we're going to take a short break. first, if your college basketball bracket is as busted as everyone else's is, it's not too late to go all the way in "the daily show"'s bracket of bullshit where you can vote for the little things that have annoyed you the most during the pandemic. i know it's been a legitimately terrible year but let's be honest, there hasn't been a lot of trivial problems that we didn't need on top of the bad stuff, like celebrities singing "imagine" or e-mails that start with "in these difficult times," so annoying! i think that could go all the way. make your picks. when we come back, desi lydic takes a look at the history of the female orgasm in movies. oooh! oooh! you don't want to m
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lately i just haven't been feeling quite like myself. there's gotta be a way to get back. ♪♪ ♪ i want to break free ♪ ♪♪ doritos, now in 3d. just tell me what i need to know. (hands hit desk) where is it? it's on the beach. ocean views. it was supposed to be a surprise. (hands hit desk) she doesn't like surprises dave. thanks, captain obvious. booking a trip can feel dramatic,
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but with free cancellation you can't go wrong with it's back, guys! check it out! what up, people? jack! what are you doing in my car? oh, just sharing my triple bonus jack combo... triple meat and cheese, secret sauce... go ahead, tell them how much it is... it's just $5.99! only at jack in the box. sorry, what were you going to say?
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good news friends, my triple bonus jack combo is back. the triple meat and cheese you need... the secret sauce you love... plus curly fries and a drink. it's...a pretty legit combo. and it's just $5.99. only at jack in the box. introducing the galaxy buds pro it's...a pretty legit combo. ♪ why you playing with me girl? you got me new ♪ it sounds like you're here. ♪ (opera singer) ♪ even when you're here. (jackhammer noise) ♪ (opera singer) ♪ and they even turn down when you speak. can i get a number 1 with extra onions and chili sauce? good choice! thank you! ♪ ♪ now what you hear is up to you. ♪ why you playing with me girl? you got me new ♪
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♪ i'm just saying i can make ya body move ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ that starbucks coffee feeling. made ready. well... things are rough. oh my goodness. i mean like... the floor is actually lava, rough. i can't bro. - but you're not. - me? - you're a reactor. - uh oh. a mover. a better than what came before you doer. a slayer. a cryer. a let me tell you about this funny thing that happened-er. you are realness and weirdness, chaos and hope. yes! all this talk about good things to come... nah. you're the good thing. ♪♪
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"the daily show." march, as you know is women's history month. to celebrate we turn to desi lydic where she doesn't explore history but his-turry. >> it's no secret that women's on-screen portrayals have evolved throughout history. we've gone from playing secretaries being saved by james bond all the way to nuclear scientists being saved by james bond. but i want to focus on one specific aspect of female depictions, the orgasm. it's when a woman is stimulated to the point of climax causing a
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response scientist refer to as fantastic. deficting female pleasure has changed more than the batteries in your vibrator. the first known female orgasm on the silver screen in the 1933 german film ecstasy where hattie lamar took a bratwurst express all the way to pleasureburg. everyone denounced it from hitler to the pope and if you ask me the pope has no place weighing in on sex scenes. he's sell bat. when we need your opinion on stain removers for white, we'll call you. hattie was followed for the rest of her career. she was type cast as the seductress even though she was is smartest in hollywood. she was a scientist that invented the basis for all wireless technology. without her we wouldn't be able to watch porn on our cell phones
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in the bathroom. that was the last female scene of orgasm in a i while. there was censorship guidelines after that that banned explicitly showing or discussing sex. even married couple also had to be shown in separate beds or as now called the reverse chocolate factually. >> you're bed ridden the last 20 years it keeps a lot of work to keep this family going. >> trevor: the hayes coat ended in the '60s. it's like ending a dry bar in january in open bar in cabo. female pleasure came back on screen. unfortunately it was often treated as a novelty that existed for men's amusement, so scenes like in 1968's barbarella where jane fonda is trapped in a machine that's supposed to give her orgasms until she dies. she climaxes so hard she breaks
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the machine. >> my goodness! >> looking at it now, it's a violation. if you're going to put a woman in a machine that orgasms her to death you need consent first. another major moment a few years later with ""deep throat"," the story of a woman who keeps giving men oral sex because her pleasure zone is in her throat. that is not how it works. but "deep throat" became the first porno film to go mainstream and inspired both my; also to become dentists. the female orgasm also in barbarella and "deep throat" are about how men experiences pleasure. so the next film totally debunked the fantasies psm 1989 when harry met sally has meg ryan faking and orgasm to prove to billy crystal he isn't the king he thought he was. >> oh, yes, yi, yes! oh, god! >> trevor: this scene was
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ground breaking for a few reasons. it told all the women watching who had faked orgasms that they weren't alone. it tried men to be attentive to the partners needs and catapulted pastrami to be the top aphrodisiac of 1989. it started a conversation about the performative nature of the female orgasm. women face far too much pressure to satisfy their partner's egos than selves. nobody fakes it for the vibrator. if they don't get the job done they go back into the drawer and they think about what they did. in the years that followed, female pleasure became more and more common on screen but often treated as punch license like jenniferen anting getting unexpected climaxes in bruce almighty. or katherine organizes at din erwhen a boy grabbed her remote controlled vibrating underwear. so much wrong with this. nonconsensual, a kid doing it and perpetuates the myth that
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vibrating underwear gives you anything but a five alarm collectorricle burn. even if orgasms weren't meant to be funny it can be hard to take themselves. like when josh cay rases her with flowers. you're going to have top use at least a sunflower. the odds weren't a step forward for orgasmups but they weren't a step back either. they still needed to step a little to the side. now the other side. then back and forth. yeah. right there. thankfully, in the present day, we're starting to see much more realistic and positive depictions of women popping their turkey timers. these days you can hardly turn your tv on without seeing a woman getting offer. and finally movies and shows are doing this through the female gaze. and if you don't know what that would look like then you haven't seen bridgerton. it's a show about 19th century british society taking care of their little women.
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she's a beth in the streets but a jo in the streets. thanks to bridgerton there haven't been this many female orgasms since everyone started watching bridgerton. that's the history of the female orgasm on scene. who knows what the future holesle holds but it is imarnts because it holds up a mifer roar how women are fleeted real life. sometimes holding up a mirror is the only way to get a good look and figure out how it works. >> trevor: thank you so much, desi. when we come back the hilarious eric andre will be joining me on the show. so don't go away. doritos 3d are back! what!?
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you didn't think we were listening? with more crunch... ...and delicious chili cheese nacho flavor now in 3d. the new hand-crafted quesadilla at chipotle. it's a whole new way to adobo chicken, a whole new way to guac... ...and whole new way to order. because it's only in the app or online. the new quesadilla. it's a whole new way to chipotle. kevin bacon here. you know me from six degrees of well... me. but it's time to expand. see, visible is wireless with no surprise fees, legit unlimited data, powered by verizon for as little as $25 a month. but when you bring a friend every month, you get every month for $5. so i'm bringing everyone within 12 degrees of me. bam, 12 months of $5 wireless. visible. as little as $25 a month. or $5 a month when you bring a friend. powered by verizon. wireless that gets better with friends. (noises) want to try some of my mountain dew zero sugar? try. it is tasty.
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and just as good as the original without any sugar. but be careful. gizmo careful. ahhh! (screams) ♪ walter, did you know geico could save you hundreds on car insurance and a whole lot more? so what are you waiting for? world's strongest man martins licis to help you break down boxes? arrrggh! what am i gonna do to you box? let me “break it down” for you... arrgggh! you're going down! down to the recycling center! >>hey, thanks martins! yeah, you're welcome. geico. switch today and see all the ways you could save. today we have the microsoft surface pro7 >>hey, thanks martins! and the macbook pro. . the surface comes with a pen, and it is touchscreen. mac gave me this little bar, but why can't they just give me a whole touchscreen? the surface pro has a detachable keyboard. now with the mac, you're kind of just stuck with what you got. about the surface,
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"the daily show." earlier today i spoke with comedian and actor eric andre. we talked about going from punking celebrities on his adult swim talk show to pumping regular people in his brand-new film "bad trip." >> all right, let me get back in the car and i'll get you out of here. can you just hit that on switch on the vacuum for me? thanks, man. >> right here. >> yeah, yeah, thanks, man. it's like so many other guys -- >> oh, no, no, no, no! no, no! no no no!
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oh, my gosh, turn it off! oh, my gosh, i'm going to get fired again! jacket jacket jacket! thanks, man. what did i do? >> trevor: eric andre, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> my man, trevor-noah-in-the-house! ( laughter ) can i tell you something? alex jones might have gotten us confused. now, you're much more handsome than me so i don't want to left-hand insult you. but alex jones, when i pranked him one time at the republican national convention, he kept saying get "the daily show" guy up here! bring "the daily show" guy up here! and i was, like, trevor? who is he. >> trevor: i don't know who he thought i was. >> trevor: yeah, no, yeah. now i could gosh i would be, like, yeah, you know, we ran around the r.n.c., and i would be, like, i would even give people that. i would go, yes, i would use you to get away from a crime now is
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what i'm saying. if something happened, i would go, well, what if it was him! you know that dramatic scene in the movie where the people go you sure it was him? i'm sure. well there he is! you stand up in the courtroom and they say, it's that person. i could to that now. >> i wouldn't blame you. >> trevor: you have been in lockdown for a while. there's few people i worry about more than you because i feel like eric andre is, like, the guy of things happening always. are you, like -- has this thing made you go crazy or are you coping with the lockdowns? >> i definitely drank way more in the last year than i ever have in my life. i'm talking, like, jack karawak, charles bukowski level of alcohol. i built a bar in my house, i'm losing my mind, but i feel great. because i'm drunk like by
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2:00 p.m. every day. so, you know. >> trevor: you're just in that zone. >> i'm in that zone, man. i'm just crushing up vicodin and making pina coladas. >> trevor: i never know how much of this is you being, like -- you know, eric andre is one person i feel like where you may be in a situation one day where you need someone's ep but they won't know if you're being eric andre or if eric andre needs ep. >> where does the schtick end and the man begins? i know my mom is going to watch this. mom, i'm not drinking as much as i told trevor i'm drinking. i'm drinking, um, v8. okay. my mom's a super fan. >> trevor: well, hi mom. hi mom. >> my mom is very attracted to you, by the way. my mom and my sister, they would rip your clothes off in a second. you wouldn't know what hit you. >> trevor: oh, wow, i wouldn't
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know what hit me, to be honest. as if anyone ease o ever said that to me before, my mom and my sister -- i wouldn't no ewhat hit me. for some reason the generational jump adds to the confusion. >> you could get into a very weird porno at the andre residence if you wanted to. ( laughter ) i'm just putting that out there. offer is on the table. putting it out there. >> trevor: let's talk about the movie, eric! ( laughter ) "bad trip." this movie, mean, people have been waiting forever for this movie. it was pushed back like three times because to have the pandemic. i think even amazon leaked it by mistake on prime and had to pull it back. it felt like the whole thing was prank. but the movie is like a hidden movie prank show but there's real people in the movie, because you've got after narrative goings. it's actually a good story and then you're pranking real people.
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>> yes. >> trevor: surely that's harder to make than just a normal movie. >> it's incredibly hard because not only were we pranking the people but we were getting plot in the people we're pranking. we're relying on them for exposition to lead us into the next scene. so i would have to, like, prank somebody and talk to them for, like, an hour and a half to squeeze two lines of dialogue out of them to get to the next scene. so it was no small feat, but, yes, it is a narrative prank movie. >> trevor: here's something i always want to know when you're making these kinds of movies -- when you prank the people, they have to agree to be hut put on screen. they have to sign a release. >> after. yeah, after you -- >> trevor: yeah, but why do people -- because a lot of the people in the movie don't look the best. >> right. >> trevor: why would they say yes. >> they don't always say yes. you will see some blurs in the movie. but they say -- you know what's
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funny? the people that are the angriest when you prank them are usually the most relieved to find out it's a prank and have the best sense of humor. like this guy pulled a knife out on ree rel and i. and once we revealed it was a prank, he was, like, oh, man jam y'all are hilarious! sign the release? no problem! it's insane. i don't know. you would be surprised. and getting the releases sign, it's an act of seduction. we got it down to a science. >> trevor: okay, so i get on your side. i get it. like, this is you. i mean, you've hosted a tv show where you've stripped naked and destroyed your desk, you've hosted a tv show where there's fires in the studio. eric andre i get. how is little rel a part of this thing? he's acting, a funny serious guy but i don't see him putting
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himself in danger, though. >> yeah, his very first prank that he filmed was the one where the guy pulled a knife out on us. so we did this prank where our -- you know, our characters are -- our penises get stuck in a chinese finger trap, and we went to this really hood barbershop in atlanta and asked this real barber who was cutting a guy's hair for scissors. we said, excuse me, sir, our (~bleep~) is stuck in a chinese finger and could you get us out of this? he went into a murder range. he tried to get his gun, grabbed a knife, chased us out, tried to stab us, and we could barely run in the contraption. that was not only the first day of production but the first time rel ever shot a hidden camera prank in his life so he almost died. so he quit day one and called tiffany haddish who wasn't in the movie at the time just to
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vent. like, eric's going to get me killed, i'm doing a hidden prank movie, i almost lost my life. she thought it was so funny she called me afterwards, you almost get rel killed? i want to be in your movie! i live for that stuff! in a weird way, that's how we got the cast to come together. >> trevor: i almost killed one and that's how i got george clooney. >> it was really crucial. >> trevor: it was real crucial in doing that. where to from here? do you think you will u you're going to make more of these movies? because i enjoyed it. i was surprised. i was, like, this is actually fun. >> thanks, man. >> trevor: it's much longer than your normal 11-minute episode, but i was, like, this could be a thing. this could be a running -- you should do it in other countries as well. >> sure. let's go to south africa. >> trevor: they'll kill you. ( laughter ) >> you think so? >> trevor: you can't --
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>> are you telling me there's violence in south africa? >> trevor: let me tell you something, eric andre, all these things you do with americans, south africans will kill you. then somebody will go, it's a prank and they will laugh and say, that's funny. well, you're dead now. i'm sorry. when you were doing your penis thing in my face, i didn't know it was a prank and i'm sorry. some south africans will be, like, we'll kill you even though we know it's a prank, they'll be, like, yeah. ( laughter ) >> well that will make for great content. we've got to get down there, grab the cameras, off to johannesburg. we only get to film one scene because i die. it will be a three-minute movie. but, uh -- no, i would love to keep making more of this stuff, yeah, totally. >> trevor: i hope you do. >> thanks, man. >> trevor: don't do it in south africa because you will die and also because people will think i'm doing it and it will be a whole thing, we saw trevor noah in south africa running around with his penis in a chinese finger trap!
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i don't need that in my life. >> or do you -- you never know. >> trevor: eric andre, thank you so much for joining me on the show. congratulations on the film for real. congratulations. i'm glad it finally came out and people get to enjoy it. thanks for reminding us to have fun and be silly, man, i appreciate you. >> thank you, man, i appreciate you. >> trevor: say hi to your mom and sister but not in a porn way, in, like, a very "the daily show" which. >> diplomatic, normal way. >> trevor: all right. >> all right, buddy, talk to you soon. >> trevor: >> trevor: "bad trip" drops on nerves march 26. break break but we'll
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it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. show for tonight, but before we go, it's women's history month, so
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please consider donating to "i support the girls." they're an organization dedicated to providing essential items like bras and menstrual hygiene products for girls and women experiencing homelessness. if you can help out in any way, please, go to the link and donate whatever you can. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, wear a mask, and remember a hug prescription today so that you can flip that shit on the streets! now here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ whoever you are, you hold a part of me ♪ ♪ whoever you are, you are a part of me ♪ ♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
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♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪ - les: ♪ i'm goin' down ♪ ♪ to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks ♪ ♪ without temptation ♪ - les: ♪ goin' down ♪ ♪ to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking ♪ ♪ day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting ♪ ♪ "howdy, neighbor" ♪ - les: ♪ headin' on up ♪ ♪ to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - kenny: [muffled singing] - les: ♪ come on down ♪ ♪ to south park ♪
11:43 pm
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11:44 pm
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