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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  April 9, 2021 1:16am-2:00am PDT

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- we're sorry, cows. we tried. we tried. - all right, boys, just stay right there until your parents arrive. - can i go now? - here you go, mr. rancher, i got your cattle back for you. - oh, well, it doesn't matter now. - what do you mean? - in the 24 hours since the word "veal" was officially changed to "little tortured baby cow," the market has gone dry. seems when people see "little tortured baby cow" on their menus, they don't feel like ordering. - really? - yup, damn things ain't worth spit now. i'll let 'em live outside with the other cows and live a normal life. - you hear that, stan? it worked! we've shut down the veal industry. stan, stan? - he's very lucky you got him here when you did. he was in a very advanced state of vaginitis. - vaginitis? - it occurs when a person stops eating meat. those sores on his skin were actually small vaginas. if we hadn't stopped it in time, stan would have eventually just become one great big, giant pussy. - whoa, dude. - we've got an i.v. of pure beef blood pumping into stan's veins, and the sores are fading. - thank god we stopped it in time. - well, i guess we learned something today.
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it's wrong to eat veal because the animals are so horribly mistreated, but if you don't eat meat at all you break out in vaginas. - hear, hear. - all right, boys, it's time to go home. you've got some serious grounding time to start. - i'll say! - aw, we're still grounded? - but but we learned things and took up a cause. - yes, kyle, but you still defied your parents. and you need to learn that terrorism is never the answer. - that's right, let's get these terrorists to their rooms. but first--maybe we can grab some burgers. all: all right! captioning by captionmax on, everybody? i'm trevor noah, and this is "the daily social distancing show."
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today is thursday, april 8, and guess what? the state department just declared april arab-american heritage month. so if you're an arab-american who wants to thank the government for honoring your heritage, well, just pick up the phone and tell it to the f.b.i. agent who is listening to all your calls. anyway, coming up on tonight's show: coronavirus is going x-men on us, desi lydic fox-splains georgia's new voting laws, and why trans people are the real reason you never qualified for the olympics. so let's do this, people! welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> announcer: from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show," with trevor noah. >> trevor: let's kick things off with guns-- the perfect way to win every argument permanently. president biden has been trying to push gun reform ever since
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his friend from college was shot to death by aaron burr. and today, he took another step to solve it. >> president joe biden this morning announcing his plan to go around congress on the issue of gun control, this following several recent mass shootings. >> president biden outlined a series of executive actions on gun violence today. the president's executive orders direct the justice department to regulate a gun accessory known as a stabilizing brace, which can be used to allow a pistol to operate similarly to a rifle. the d.o.j. will also be tasked with publishing a template for "red flag" legislation to be adopted by the states. the e.o.s also directs the justice department to issue a ruling on so-called "ghost guns," untraceable weapons that can be made at home from parts purchased on the internet. the president said he wants those gun kits to be treated as firearms. >> trevor: that's right, biden wants to regulate ghost guns, which are guns that come in kits and you can assemble yourself,
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although, if you ask me, that should be the only type of gun you can buy in america. that way, people will be forced to breathe before they can act. "what you say? man, i'm going to shoot you dead! once i build it this, man, i'm going to build this real quick-- wait, hold on. they got two of these? i need one more? hey, man, you got a c-8. there are supposed to be two c-8s. there is only one. i can't build this without-- how about we just talk about this because i can't build this gun now. i think it's great biden is take these steps, but you have to admit it's sad to see what few reforms are available when congress refuses to act. regulating stabilizing braces? those are just attachments to make guns more accurate. basically, america is saying they can't stop mass shooters but what if they had slightly worse aim.
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but let's move on to some exciting news from the world of science, where we've discovered that everything we thought we knew about everything might be wrong. >> scientists in illinois say that they believe they may have discovered a subatomic particle that does not obey the known laws of physics. it's called a muon, and it's essentially described as a type of heavy electron. some research believe that this discovery could open up an entire new world of physics and give us a greater understanding of how the universe operates. >> trevor: i knew it! democrats have barely been in power for three months, and now even particles aren't obeying the law. but, yes, this is actually potentially huge news. after slamming a bunch of particles together, scientists now think there may be some entirely new mystery force controlling the universe. which is massive, because until now there were only four fundamental forces of nature that we know about: gravity, electromagnetism, love, and godzilla. and this discovery is another
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reminder that we never know as much about the universe as we think we do. i mean, when you think about it, we're really not that different from people back in the middle ages. "so that settles it: the sun revolves around the earth. it rains when god is sad. and if a woman makes eye contact with you, she's a witch. feels good to know everything, right, cathy? ha, i knew it! you witch. you looked at me. i told you she was! honestly, the fact that even the world's top scientists don't know what the hell is going on makes me feel really good about not paying attention in physics class. i mean, the laws of physics that i was supposed to learn may not have even been true. so i guess we both failed, huh, mr. stevenson? and finally, the coronavirus pandemic: it's the reason your glasses have been foggedun since last april. and although america is still vaccinating its people at a
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record pace, unfortunately, corona is stepping its game up, too. >> this morning, the c.d.c. says the dangerous, fast-spreading u.k. variant is now the dominant covid-19 strain in the u.s., racing against the speed of an all-out push to vaccinate. >> public health experts say the variants are more transmissible among kids who, in the early days of the pandemic, were not seen as high risk for infection or serious illness. >> and now experts are concerned about what's being called a double mutant coronavirus variant found in the in the u.s. for the first time in the san francisco area. >> researchers say the variant found in california's bay area may have originated in india and carries two potentially concerning mutations of the virus. >> trevor: you hear that, people? a double mutant coronavirus. double! i never thought i'd see the day when i'd be nostalgic for original corona. because every time this thing mutates, it just gets more dangerous. just once i'd like to turn on
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the news and hear that a virus mutated in a good way. "this just in from the c.d.c.: there's a new mutant corona strain that makes you last perform better in bed." and this double mutant comes on top of the u.k. variant, which is now the dominant strain in america. well done, king george. you played that long game. and, look, the experts will tell you that this is just another reason for everyone to get vaccinated. but none of these so-called doctors and scientists give you the other point of view. so we at "the daily show" made a p.s.a. for why you maybe shouldn't get the vaccine. i know there are some people out there telling you not to get vaccinated. and you know what? they're right. >> they are right. >> they're so right. >> they are right! >> trevor: if we all get vaccinated, then life goes back to the way it used to be. and do we really want that? >> do you really want to drink at a bar with all of your
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friends instead of at home, where your family judges everything single beer that you have! >> getting vaccinated means meeting new people to have sex with. gross! that warm wash cloth in the shower? i made up. >> do you really want to watch the new james bond movie on a huge screen with room-shaking sound? hell, no! i'm going to watch it on my phone! as the director intended. >> i don't want to eat my burger at the restaurant when it's hot and crispy. i want it to spend some time traveling to my house first so it's nice and mushy. >> you want to get vaccinated so you can go to a beyonce concert? she has enough money. >> and another thing about drinking, most public places won't let you bring your own beer bowl. that's right-- beer bowl. it's an invention i made all by myself. >> trevor: so let the people
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who get vaccinated walk around without a mash. as for me, i enjoy smelling my own breath. ♪ ♪ ♪ mmm! tuna fish! let's move on to our main story, which is once again not anything about biden. because let's face it, guys, joe biden is boring. the dude's favorite netflix show is just the search menu, which is fine for most people. people don't want to be paying attention to their president every day. it's a big problem for right-wing pundits and politicians, because they can't depend on him to generate outrage, so they have to come up with some weird culture war tangent to rile up their people. vaccine passports are hitler! mister potato head is brainwashing children! lil nas x is behind you right now! so to keep up with all the
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latest skirmishes. we're introducing a brand new segment: "moral kombat." >> culture wars: mortal kombat. >> trevor: culture wars in america come come out of almost anywhere, but one topic that's guaranteed to get people riled up is race. that's why i knew we were in for a good time when united airlines announced that to bring some diversity to a field that is 94% white and male, it's going to be starting a pilot school where at least half of the students will be women and people of color. yes, it's a perfectly sensible tep in the right direction, which means it's just the perfect story for a culture washior like tucker carlson to completely misrepresent. >> united airlines is mandating affirmative action quotas in its flight schools, and that's a big change for the country. if 100% of united airlines
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pilots were black women, or malaysian muslims, or white men from alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it, as long as the airplanes didn't crash. safety is all that matters. there is only one standard that matters. and it's not race. and it's not gender. its confidence. the way people look is totally irrelevant. how they perform is all you should care about. once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash. ( laughing ) >> trevor: okay, wait, wait, wait. wait, no, wait. i'm sorry. my man over here just said if we have-- if we have more black pilots, planes are just going to start crashing? i mean, i hate to admit it, but he's right. you don't want black people flying planes. because white people fly like this, but black people fly like this. everyone knows black people cannot fly planes. that's why africa has no planes. yeah, it's true, there's not a single plane in the entire continent. we use chickens to get around.
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as for women, women pilot! we can't have those. they'll always be stopping to ask for directions. "hey, mr. seagull, how do i get to las vegas?" for real, though, tucker is lying to you. he's lying to you. he's saying it like united is just making random black people into pilots. jamal, it's your turn! but any pilot still has to go through all the training and pass the tests. trust me, planes aren't going to start falling out of the sky because of black people. they're going to start falling out of the sky because they were made by boeing. and you know tucker's argument full of shit, specifically because of where he took it next. >> imagine if we applied the same standard to other professions. how about professional sports? african american men account for roughly 6% of the country, and yet, about 75% of the players in the national basketball league are black men. so what if to remedy that lack
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of equity, the n.b.a. announced tomorrow, going forward, half of it's players, 50%, had to be white, asian, hispanic or female to better represent the fans in the stands? how would we respond to that? >> trevor: okay, that would actually be the most amaze thing of all time. i would love it if the n.b.a. forced unqualified white players into the league. are you kidding me! there's nothing i want to see more than some dude from wall street getting savagely dunked on. bam! that's for the housing crisis! now, obviously, the difference between what united is doing with pilots and what tucker is talking about for the n.b.a. is that white dudes do have every opportunity to become n.b.a. players. and i'm not just talking about american white dudes either. n.b.a. scouts will hike their ass to a remote village in slovenia just to bring home a 7-footer who can barely dribble. so yeah, (bleep) tucker carlson, but that's nothing new.
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"(bleep) tucker" is like the motto of tuesday. but you know who deserves a bit of a "(bleep) you?" united airlines. yeah, i said it. and this may not be a popular opinion, but they shouldn't have announced this in the first place. if you want to do something good, just do it. but no, they want to just get a pat on the back for shit they should have been doing all along. "hey, everyone, we've decided to help women and minorities deal with the barriers we all put up for them to be pilots." because now you're feeding into the culture wars and undermining every new pilot you're going to have. before this, if someone saw a black pilot on the plane they would assume correctly that that person went through the training like every other pilot. but now they're going to be like, "aw, shit. a diversity hire. i saw this on "tucker." we're screwed! then when there's turbulence: "oh, no, the black pilot must have put the hydraulics on. you know how they do that with their cars! they love this!"
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please, don't get me wrong. i'm not saying united airlines shouldn't do this. do it. just don't do it for the p.r. don't go on social media with it so you can get the likes otherwise, you're not helping your pilots. you're helping the asholes like tucker carlson. the recall story is being pushed by people with actual political power, and it involves transgender people. wait, i know what you're thinking-- scary transpeople. isn't that a throe back from, like, five years ago that was an outrage cycle around bathrooms. you remember that? "they're gonna be kidnapping our children and, uh, wearing dresses while they poop!" but even though none of that scary stuff actually happened, they've already kicked off an exciting new sequel. >> it has become a new front in the culture war. republicans across the country are pushing to ban transgender
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students, and often specifically trans girls and women, from competing in school sports. >> it meant everything to me to be able to run as the gender with which i identify and to run as who i know i am. >> i really just found who i am as a person through sports. >> more than 25 states across the country now considering anti-trans policies in school sports. three of those states have already signed them into law. republicans pushing for the ban have been unable to point to any evidence of a problem. >> will you cite any examples where a young woman was denied a scholarship opportunity or a title here in arizona because they were competing against a trans athlete who outperformed them? >> i can't at this point. >> so the answer was no? >> at this point, no. but it's only a matter of time, in my opinion. >> trevor: "it's only a matter of time!" you know what i love about republicans?
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when it comes to major issues with tons of evidence, like climate change or corona or gun violence, they're like, "mmmm, let's wait until we see more evidence." but now there is an issue that barely even exists, and they're like, "we don't got time for evidence! there's a plastic trophy at stake!" now, the one thing that people making these laws always point to is a single story from connecticut a few years ago. that's not evidence that trans kids are stealing opportunities from everyone else. aunt becky's kids have taken away more slots on sports teams than trans kids. honestly, i think conservatives are missing the entire point of youth sports in the first place. it's not really about the tiny minority of kids who will go on to get scholarships and perform at an elite level. it's about kids achieving their personal best, developing good habits and self-esteem and learning to bully the chess team. and culture warriors say this is
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just about being fair to the other children. but the truth sit's not stopping there. >> in the state of arkansas, the state just became the first to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender kids, even with parental consent. >> in alabama, there's a bill that would make it a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a doctor to prescribe gender-affirming medication for trans people under age 18. >> a similar measure before north carolina's general assembly, as somelawmakers look to ban gender-confirming treatments for people under 21. the bill would prevent doctors from providing gender- confirming hormone treatment, puberty blockers, or surgery. >> senate bill 514 would also compel state employees to notify parents if their child displays "gender nonconformity." >> trevor: you guys are playing, man. north carolina's going to make its school employees snitch on kids any time they don't "conform" to their gender?
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whatsapp does that even mean, conforming to your-- like, i caught you up late to the other boys in school. so you're telling me that today my gym teacher would be on the phone with my mom? "hello, ms. noah? we need to talk. the way your son trevor throws a ball. no, no, more like tracy noah. i have to smich." this is not just transphobic. it's sexist and everything else. these republicans act like all they care about is the health and well-being of the kids, but it kind of gives the game away when they start adding on stuff that's basically just, "and don't play with dolls, or we'll tell your mom! and, look, i'm not a doctor, as i found out when i tried to take out my cousin's appendix-- r.i.p -- - but these republican lawmakers are also not doctors. and people who are doctors see things very differently.
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>> major medical organizations, such as the american medical association and the american academy of pediatrics, opposed the bill. >> with alarm and dismay, pediatricians have watched bills through state legislatures across the country. it threatens the health and well-being of transgender youth. >> young people, when they reach a certain age, if they have gender dysphoria-- which means that they experience mental duress because they are transgender-- might not want to go through puberty. and so their doctors might prescribe them puberty blockers so that they don't have to go through puberty and can make a decision when they're older about whether or not they want to medically transition. >> me turning into a man is just probably the most horrifying thing ever i could ever think of in the farthest reaches of my mind, is me not going on the hormone blockers any more. the hormone blockers are like my life saver. >> trevor: so, look, medical
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professionals and trans people themselves say that treating kids early can be extremely beneficial, which makes you wonder what's really behind all of these laws. if you ask me, it's hate. a lot of people are scared of trans people because they don't conform to a neat idea of gender, and as humans, we like when things are neat and organized the way we want. it's why people got so mad when they said pluto wasn't a planet. >> "if it's not a planet, then what is it!?" ( scientist ) >> "well it's a rocky kiper-belt body that straddles the line between--" >> "aagggh! i'll kill you! but as scared as some people might be by the idea of a trans person, it is nothing compared to how scared trans kids are dealing with problems they don't always understand in a world that often times doesn't accept them. so if these states are going to be passing laws to help anyone feel safer, it should be them. all right, when we come back, desi lydic binge-watches fox news to find out the truth about
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georgia's new voting laws. before, it got started with a key. then a button. now... ♪ ♪ see? it's on. before, the rain would bring me down. how ya like me now, rain? before, you had to be awake to make a difference. before it can change the world, it has to change yours. the all-new, all-electric volkswagen id.4. ♪ ♪
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♪ anything could happen ♪
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♪ ever since i met you ♪ ♪ oh babe ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da-da-da ♪ ♪ let me take you dancing ♪ introducing pepsi mango ahh kinder bueno? woooooow. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer and creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. stay restless with the icon that does the same. the rx crafted by lexus. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350 experience amazing at your lexus dealer. daily social distancing show." as you may have heard, georgia recently passed a new voting law that limits drop boxes, makes it illegal to pass out water to people waiting in line, and requires all voters to name their five favorite wes anderson
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movies. but in the face of major backlash, georgia's governor is saying peoples' concerns are just overblown. >> georgia governor, brian kemp, is arguing criticism of the state's controversial new voting law, that in part prohibits non-election workers from providing food and water to voters standing in line, is a misstatement. >> a lot's been made specifically about serving water at polling centers, which i think is just ridiculous. people can bring their own water, their own food. that's accurate, right? >> yeah, absolutely. they can order a pizza. they can order grubhub or uber eats. >> trevor: okay, first of all, if the people in your state have enough time to order uber eats while they're waiting to vote, that's already a pretty bad sign. i mean, at a certain point, they might as well just redirect their amazon purchases there, too. "yeah, where i live, on the line now. you think amazon could just send the packages here? two-day shipping? yeah, i'll still be here?" but what's clear is that while democrats see georgia's new
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voting laws as a blatant attempt to flip the state back to red, republicans have a much different interpretation. so to break down what the republicans are saying about this law, we had our very own desi lydic watch fox news for the past 96 hours so she could explain it to us. >> last week, georgia passed a new election law in response to joe biden's victory over actual president trump, and then all heck broke loose. >> is it time for american conservatives to cancel sports? >> they will certainly strike out with their predominantly conservative viewership. >> let's not call it coca-cola anymore. let's call it woke-a-cola. >> how many people have died from diabetes caused by coca-cola products? >> confused? i've been watching fox news for one week straight with no bathroom breaks and i'm ready to explain what the real news is too fake to tell you. we were what happened in georgia in the 2020 election-- sling shots into volcanos, voting machines, and reports of one georgia man changing outfits and
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potentially casting thousands of votes. in response to these issues, the georgia legislature passed a law to make the elections process easier, safer, more republican, faster, illegal in atlanta, and other commonsense bipartisan ideas. this is just the way the founders intended us to vote. step one, get an i.d. step two, go to your local elections office, conveniently open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. solve riddles to receive a ballot application. there are 19 more steps. we have all red the constitution. but for some reason the com-ue-cra ts are soiling their undies. voters in line need water but it's legal for matt gaetz to wine and dine a 17-year-old. don't give in. the woke mob will tell you that georgia's election law is designed to stop black people from voting but can you even prove black people exist? i haven't seen one my entire life. now corporations think they can act like people for some unclear
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reason and they're protesting. coca-cola, delta, microsoft speaking out. one, conservatives are pro business. two, conservatives are free speech. and three, conservatives need to destroy these businesses for opening their ( bleep ) votes. major league baseball moved the all-star game out of atlanta. m.l.b. is just b.l.m. backwards. stay out of politics but involved in making our country better by giving money to mitch mcconnell. we need to boit the m.l.b., n.f.l., pbs. the next time someone tries to give you the heimlich maneuver, you tell them to buzz off right before you lose consciousness. if i were still allowed on commercial flights i would be boycotting the hell out of delta. when you try to cancel the cancelers, you get cancellated! no! >> trevor: thank you so much,
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desi. i'm sorry we made you do that. all right, when we come back, i'll talk to lee isaac chung directed a film that received six oscar nominations and alsos h [street noise] [case opening] [noise cancellation tone] ♪ stink meaner, my demeanor with the nina ♪ ♪ senoritas wanna meet me at the catalina ♪ ♪ wine mixer, mix it up with my elixir ♪ ♪ overlooking the ocean i'm hoping i see flipper ♪ ♪ young filipe ♪ ♪ moving like it's gta, but not cj more like tommy ♪ ♪ copy, facts ♪ ♪ spacey homie you can call me drax ♪ ♪ win every single track and you know it's bout to slap, uh ♪ ♪ things are falling apart ♪
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♪ (wallet) ♪ ♪ (turn up, turn up) ♪ ♪ (oh yeah!) ♪ scoot over. squeeze in. pull up a chair. ♪ because life's just better when you believe “there's always room for one more.” ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. ♪ (car audio) you have reached your destination. ♪
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(vo) the subaru outback. dog tested. dog approved. it's time to switch to t-mobile. right now, pay zero costs when you do! keep your number and keep your phone -- we'll even pay it off! only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g.
1:50 am
lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. the lexus es, now available with all-wheel drive. this rain is bananas. lease the 2021 es 250 all-wheel drive for $339 a month for 39 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ♪ anything could happen ♪ ♪ ever since i met you ♪ ♪ oh babe ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da-da-da ♪
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♪ let me take you dancing ♪ introducing pepsi mango ahh if there was a world championship for this... ini'd be a sports legend. i'd be a household name. but there isn't. and i wouldn't do anything different if there was. nutro feed clean™ what if once in a blue moon happened more than once in a blue moon? brewed with valencia orange peel for a taste beyond the ordinary. reach for the moon.
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we love our new home. there's so much space. we have a guestroom now. but we have aunts. you're slouching again, ted. expired. expired. expired. thanks, aunt bonnie. it's a lot of house. i hope you can keep it clean. at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. which helps us save a lot of money. oh, teddy. did you get my friend request? oh. i'll have to check. aunt joni's here! for bundling made easy, go to hello?! daily social distancing show." my guest today is writer and director lee isaac chung. his new film about a korean american family who moves to arkansas in search of the american dream is nominated for six academy awards.
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>> pretty employ! pretty boy! >> i'm not pretty snichment i'm good looking! >> trevor: izaac chung, welcome to the "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you so much, trevor. so good to be with you. >> trevor: let's start with congratulations. your film has been nominated for six academy awards, which is-- i mean, it's huge to be nominated for one, but this is six in some of the most prestigious categories ever. and what makes it even more impressive, just a few years ago, you were thinking about quitting film making so you could get a real job. >> ( laughs ) that's right. i told myself by the time i hit 40, if nothing's happening, i have to really grow up and take on a responsible job. so for me, that was becoming a
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professor. and i signed on to become a professor, and i had a few months to write a script, and this was kind of, like, my last swing at it, basically. >> trevor: hey, man, it was your last swing but it was one of the most amazing swings. you swung for the fences and you hit the ball out of park. >> thank you so much. >> trevor: everybody agrees that "minari," some people, obviously, "minari," when they say it in english will go it is just-- it's a film that connects with everybody. and it's a story that everybody understands and, yet, is uniquely yours because you tell the tale of a korean family trying to integrate into rural arkansas and the journey that follows. on the surface it seems like oh, this is going to be one of those sad stories, it's heartbreaking. and it's an everything story. some of the scenes will make you want to cry. some of the scenes had me laughing so hard that you-- you want to pause the movie just so you can finish laughing at what's going on. >> thanks so much, trevor. year, i mean, it's been wild to
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see people really connecting with this. because i-- i just wanted to tell an honest story. my main audience for this-- i was thinking about my daughter. she's seven years old right now. but i was thinking about the type of film i want to leave behind for her if she's going to even just be reading the script alone. i didn't know if i was even going to be able to make this film. but to see people responding to it in this way-- you know, i have had people come up to me and talk about their grandmothers to me, talk about watching wrestling with their grandmothers, you know, little details that have been so amazing and precious that it's been wild. >> trevor: you whan it is? when you make a film like this, when you tell a story like this, it makes people feel. they don't just watch the movie. they feel. they feel the story. they feel the characters. they feel the journey that everybody goes on. un, it's the american dream clashing with the american reality. and you feel that as this korean family tries to grab a foothold of what their journey is going to be in the 1980s in america
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in a very different time-- and yet, sometimes, all too familiar with today's america. i'd love to know how-- when you were tell the story, some people would go, "izaac, surely you're going to incorporate a few more white people, a few more black people, a few more anything" it feels like you were like this is how it was. this is how i'm going to tell it. did you ever feel pressure to make the story more than what it was? >> uhm, i mean, because this was a last-ditch effort for me, because i knew this might be the last thing that i make, i wanted to just do it on my own terms, really. i didn't feel any of those pressures. i-- i remember feeling as though i knew that this film had to work on that feelings level, though, that-- you know, there's so much for all of us that connects us and makes us human that goes to that emotional level mp. and i knew if i tried to hit that level i could try to create something that speaks to anybody. it doesn't matter if there are
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more white people or more-- if we're speaking more english in this film. i just knew that the emotions would speak louder than words. >> trevor: right. that was one of the-- of the talking points that i think emerged in and around the film is when the film was nominated for best foreign language film, a lot of people were angry saying, "this is not foreign language. people are speaking korean, but they're in--" this is just a film. and it has prompted a conversation in and around that. did you have any opinions on that? >> yeah, i intentionally decided i'm not going to let anything outside of this family and of this story define this story. so i wanted everything to come within this family itself. and that's an issue of authenticity, i think, that's something we were aiming for. to see it butt heads against, the challenge, the existing categories, i think it's a good thing that a work of art can do, that it can kind of challenge people, and the definitions that we have. >> trevor: yeah, definitely.
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because it's-- it's you know what i love about this movie is that it is uniquely american, and one of my favorite moments-- i won't spoil it for people who haven't watched it, i would just like to know, because it's based on your life, is the mowf mountn due prank, did that happen? >> can you believe how far this film has gone based on the story of a kid who would feed his grandmother pee? that's what this is, trevor. ( laughter ) i mean, to be honest, when i was a kid, i remember we had krats of mountain dew in our garage, and my dad, he felt like mountain dew was some kind of health elixir because it came from the mountains. ( laughter ) and, yeah, i had to put that into the story. and i knew there could be a running gag with that as well to, you know, just bring some lightness, make people laugh. >> trevor: i would be remiss if i didn't bring up a film like this connecting with people at a
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time like this. you know, being asian american has always come with it stigmas and stereotypes that have followed the asian community. films like this, although i don't believe they just change people, i do believe they connect people to the humanity of ot others who they may not he ever met or even known as human beings. when you created this movie, did you think that it would have that impact? and were you even designing it accordingly? or were just going i will tell the story and just like the people in my life they will love me or love it because it is what it is? >> it was more than of the latter of what you're saying. i just wanted to create a story that is about fatherhood or about being a farmer, about being a husband, about failure. so i felt like going for those things, basically allowed this family to be humanized. it was meant to be a story about human beings, really. >> trevor: right. >> and i think that's the effort that we have to go through in the asian american community and many communities.
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we have to humanize ourselves constantly. we're really human beings, and that goes back to what you were saying about language as well. it doesn't matter what year we'e speaking. there's more to us that's similar, that goes down fundamentally to our souls and who we are. >> trevor: thank you so much. because the film truly is amazing. good luck at the oscars. >> thanks so much. >> trevor: "minari" is in theaters and available on demand. okay, we're going to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute.


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