tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 17, 2021 11:00pm-11:44pm PDT
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recycling, and revenge. [snigger] [thud] fluke. >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody? i'm trevor noah, and this is the daily social distancing show. today is thursday, june 17, and there's a lot of debate today about victoria's secret's big rebranding. yeah, you see, they're going to have no more angels. instead, they're being replaced by a more inclusive group of accomplished athletes, actresses, and activists. and you know what, guys, i'm sorry to say this, but this is trash, people. we can't do this! i know that having supermodels as spokespeople creates unattainable expectations for women, but so does having world-renowned athletes and activists! not everyone can win the world cup, okay? meghan! and i know what you're saying, "so should victoria's secret just replace the angels with some normal women?" no! being a normal woman is hard, too! you can't expect that from your
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customers! women go through so much. i mean, like, really, the only option victoria's secret has here is men. but not, like, any men, it's gotta be the right men, and're and not like the ripped hunks like chris rock. they should get someone more relatable, not obsessed with the gym. maybe someone irnl, from south africa. i'm just saying, nobody called me. and i keep telling people i look great in a thong. i look so good in a thong. why does no one believe i look great in a thong, because-- anyway, on tonight's show: climate change is making this the hot girl century. we look at why your favorite musicians hate spotify. and jordan klepper goes one on one with the mypillow guy. and the queen herself mary j.
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blige stops by the show to talk about her brand-new documentary. so let's do this, people! welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> announcer: from trevor's couch in new york city to your couch somewhere in the world, this is "the daily social distancing show," with trevor noah. >> trevor: here in the united states, we are now on the cusp of summer, that magical time of year when you're reminded how ugly everyone's feet are. and while there's a lot to love about summer, thanks to climate change there's also going to be more than ever to hate. >> historic heat. record-smashing temperatures across the west. 101 in denver, 107 in salt lake city, death valley approaching the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth. >> reporter: the oppressive stifling heat wave searing the west is tonight delivering some of the most dangerous temperatures of the year, threatening to shatter nearly 200 records through the weekend. some 40 million americans
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already under heat advisories, watches or warnings. >> reporter: some experts are warning of pavement burns. a burn center in phoenix says sidewalks and roads could heat up to around 180 degrees there. >> reporter: nevada and arizona were warning people, "do not walk barefoot anywhere. don't walk your pets in the heat of the day," and take a towel with you for grabbing and opening door handles. >> reporter: the national weather service also gave out this warning to people out west, saying, "no easy way to say this, so we'll just cut straight to the chase: it's going to be very hot for a long time." >> trevor: that's right, "very hot for a long time," also known in meteorology circles as the halle berry phenomenon. and, guys, if we don't do something about climate change, "very hot for a long time" is going to be the weather forecast for the rest of the century. it will be the first thing we tell every baby born from hereon out. "welcome to the world, baby!
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it's going to be hot for a very long time." it is dangerously hot out there right now. in some places, the sidewalk is 180 degrees fahrenheit. you have to be insanely careful at that temperature. look at what happened to this guy who just went to check his mail. i just hope everyone stays safe and everyone listens to the experts on this one, because heat is no joke. and i know americans. a lot of americans don't like being told how to protect themselves. first it's masks. now they're making us wear shoes! scientists can't tell me what to do. i'm going outside! take that fauci! of course, climate change isn't the only threat to the planet. there's also asteroids: "god's w.m.d.s." but now nasa is a step closer to at least knowing when they're coming. >> nasa approved the launch of
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an asteroid-hunting space telescope to help prevent potentially dangerous collisions. the new aircraft would use infrared technology to detect most of the potentially hazardous asteroids and comets that come within 30 million miles of earth's orbit. according to nasa, there are already more than 25,000 near-earth objects, but scientists believe there's many more waiting to be discovered. the n.e.o. surveyor is scheduled to launch sometime in 2026. >> trevor: shhhhh, dude! what are you doing? don't tell them it won't launch until 2026! now the asteroids know they got five years to light us up! what are you doing? i mean, i'm glad they've got this telescope good, but the bad news all it can do is see the astroadside coming for us. we don't have any way to stop them. we're helpless. it will basically be me when my mom was coming at me with the
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belt. what we should be focusing on is not asteroid-detecting technology. we need asteroid-destroig technology. guys we cannot let the asteroids wipe us out. the dinosaurs are going to roast the shit out of us in heaven. "well, well, well, look who's also a bunch of fossils now. oh, did the asteroid not know you had opposable thumbs?! to be honest with you, if we can't do anything to stop the asteroids i would rather not be warned that far in advance. maybe, like, five hours before it hits. that gives me time to get home, be with my loved ones, spend my last moments hugging them , you know. "i'll see you on the other side!" but if we find out we're going to die in a month, that's just too far away. i can't hug my family that long!
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"i love you. i love you guys so much. you guys want to go watch loki, or something. i heard it wraps up a lot of end game story. still, this telescope is an amazing technological achievement-- although, as we're starting to see, the major flaw of every piece of advanced technology is that, at some point, it will probably get hacked. and that includes everyone a favorite stationary bike that went to college, the peleton. >> peloton users may be vulnerable to hackers accessing their information. the company is warning of a new security threat relating to the touch screen on their bike-plus. wouldn't it be creepy? you're working out, suddenly, somebody can see you? cybersecurity company mcafee discovered the flaw. the company says hackers can access the user's screen and could potentially spy on riders using the microphone and camera feature. the threat most likely affects bikes used in public spaces that have public wifi, such as hotels
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or gyms. still, very creepy. >> trevor: yeah, that's definitely creepy! i don't want some russian hacker taking over my peloton spin class. "give me ten bitcoin, or i will push you harder than you've ever been pushed!" "but i don't have 10 bitcoin!" "okay, then, we're doing the mountain level! faster! faster! believe in yourself, trevor!" that's got to be absolute bottom rung of the hacker hierarchy. you have hackers shutting down the oil industry and other hackers who have all of facebook's user date. and will then you have one guy who is like: "i watched karen silverman bike a 5k!" "big time." my question is why you would want to hack into someone's peloton camera. we're in a golden age of television, and you would rather watch someone's bike face for half an hour? ( panting )
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let's move on to our main story. spotify: the app with the entire history of recorded music that you use to listen to the four songs you liked in high school. spotify and other streaming services have made listening to music as easy as shoplifting from a walgreens. you walk out the with thing, all that happens is a beeping sound. that's why i love streaming and you probably love it, too. but you know who doesn't love them? a lot of the musicians you're actually listening to. the question is why. so let's find out why in another edition of, "if you don't know, now you know." ♪ ♪ ♪ streaming is a huge part of our lives now. the two most important events on the calendar at this point are probably your birthday and the day spotify rap tells you how basic your musical 25eu69 was that year.
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in fact, it is so much a part of our lives that it's hard to remember that things used to be very different and not so long ago. >> the internet has changed so many aspects of media consumption, but few have had a more tumultuous relationship with these changes than the music industry. c.d.s became the standard medium in the 1990s. at the same time, home computers were becoming more commonplace. >> software, like napster, paved the way for a new era of piracy. cd sales plummeted as more and more people logged on. with the introduction of the ipod and mp3 players, the industry did see a boost from digital downloads. but it wasn't enough to make up for the dwindling physical- format sales. the breakthrough came in 2011. instead of buying and owning the songs and albums, we started listening to ads or paying monthly fees in exchange for access to essentially all the music in the world. >> online streaming music became an $11 billion industry, making up 56% of global music industry
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revenues in 2019. spotify has dominated the streaming music industry with about 130 million premium subscribers worldwide. >> in 2017 alone, spotify users streamed over 40 billion hours of content. >> trevor: damn, 40 billion hours? you would think in that amount of time, humans could finish spotify. hell, you could finish sounds. after 40 billion hours you've heard everything. from kanye to the sound of six squirrels having a knife fight. or maybe that's still kanye. but the change that brought us to this point happened so quickly. and you know who i feel worst for is all those people with huge cd collections. because you realize overnight, they went from "music aficionado" to "weird hoarder." you want to see my cds. don't get me wrong. i like streaming way better than cds, and it's much better than downloading it illegally,
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remember those days with napster. that shit was the wild west. every time you downloaded a was a mystery. "well, this is either going to be "who let the dogs out," or a video of a man spreading his butthole open. let's see... oh, my goodness, it's just the butt hole. let. the so streaming has been the best thing to happen to the music industry since the government created l.s.d. but even as these services have arguably saved music, they are not exactly sharing the wealth. >> even though in america people are spending more money than ever before on music, musician pay is at an all-time low. while the music industry reportedly made a whopping $43 billion in 2017, the bands and artists themselves only walked away with a mere 12% of the cut. >> spotify pays close to 70% of its revenues to the people who own the rights to the music. that's usually the recording labels. >> the amount artists receive
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on a single play is miniscule. on spotify, that number is somewhere around .004 cents per play. >> dozens of young artists coming to me on twitter every day going, "i've got however many million plays. i have 200,000 monthly listeners. i do not make minimum wage. >> aloe blacc co-wrote the 2013 hit song "wake me up." it quickly became one of the most streamed songs in pandora's history. but in an article in "wired" magazine blacc wrote, "in return for co-writing a major hit song, i have earned less than $4,000 domestically from the largest digital music service." >> trevor: $4,000 for a number-one hit? guys, you know the music industry is messed up when the guys singing your songs on the subway make more money off it than you do. if this keeps up rappers will have to start being real about
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the money they make. now that i think about it it's more than 120% of my net worth, because of my tax-- oh, man. spotify says it's actually good for small artists because it makes it so easy to discover new music. yeah, exposure it great. if you're an artist, you want your work in front of as many people as possible. that's why banksy is always doing his street art in big cities like new york, and not in places no one goes, like the break room at an amazon warehouse. and most people probably think that if they discover some obscure new band and then listen to nothing else for weeks, then that band is going to get all of the money they pay to spotify that month. unfortunately, that's not how it works. >> the average listener, if you are listening to 500 or 800 tracks a month, probably only about two bucks of your 10 bucks is going to the music that you listen to. the rest is going to music that
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you don't listen to. >> spotify doesn't pay artists per stream. instead, the company takes all of the money it earns and puts it into one pie. then it uses a complex formula to divvy that pie up between the artists, with those who get the most streams basically earning the most money, meaning a band has to share a pie with the drakes and taylor swifts and ed sheerans of the world who, you can imagine, eat a lot of pie. >> how big of a song do you have to have to have to make reasonable royalties from streaming? >> you have to be drake. >> "you have to be drake." is that the answer? >> that's the answer. >> trevor: we! you have to be drake? people, that's asking too much. i don't know how many can be the biggest pimp on the planet and not texting back. even if you're way too cool to listen to the top ten artists on spotify, they still get most of your money, and the bands you do listen to get almost none of it. that's unfair to the musicians,
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and it's especially unfair to music snobs. "actually, i don't do pop music. i prefer indie bands, not the pop industry." well, sorry, dude, but you just paid for ariana grande's new fridge. artists are now trying to change. some want to renegotiate with the record labels to give artists bigger cuts and more control over their music. others want to make it so artists get paid at least a penny per stream or change streaming royalties to work more like radio. and some artists are just doing cool shit, like this >> in 2014, funk band vulfpeck capitalized on a spotify loophole by asking users to stream its completely silent album, "sleepify," on repeat while they slept, collecting 20 grand in royalties with songs like this one. take a listen. ( no audio ) you actually heard that right. the band later used the money to fund an admission-free tour for their fans before spotify pulled the album. >> trevor: now that is genius.
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an entire album of dead silence-- or as mike pence calls it, his sex playlist. "it's time to hug, mother. nudie-nude." and props to their fans. they streamed it so many times that the band made $20,000. it's a great idea. and the more i think about it, it's also a great album. i can think of at least 10 coworkers who should definitely sing this at our next karaoke. yes, jordan, i'm talking to you so, obviously, gaming the syste not a real long-term solution. and maybe the most important thing for artists to do is just get the word out to their fans. so when we saw that the great aloe blacc is one of the singers who has been speaking out about this, we asked if he wanted to record an update to his hit song "i need a dollar." and that's exactly what he did. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> trevor: aloe blacc, everyone. remember to stream his music while you're weak and while you sleep. all right, when we come back, jordan klepper interviews the mypillow guy about how he's helping president trump to helping president trump to return to the white house in was nacho cheese even a flavor before doritos? were triangles even a thing?
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tonight...i'll be eating a falafel wrap with sweet potato fries. (doorbell rings) thanks! splitsies? ♪ ♪ meant the food, didn't you? the annual purge has been extended. they're coming. [ screaming ] all crime is now legal forever. [ screaming ] it's the real purge. the forever purge! they won't stop until we're all dead. [ screaming ] please!
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daily social distancing show." one of donald trump's biggest supporters is the mypillow guy, mike lindell. even now, the mypillow guy is out there holding pro-trump rallies and predicting that trump will be back in the white house by august. now, we wanted to find out how that's going to happen, so we sent jordan klepper to ask him,
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in another episode of "fingers the pulse." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> donald trump has been preparing to start up hez rallies again, but until he does, his supporters will have to selingsz for the next-best thing, the mypillow guy. mypillow founder and trump supporter mike lindell put together what he called the maga rally. a bunch of right-wing all-stars, the ex-president on a jumbo tron, and buy pillow swag. >> such a great lineup. >> who is your favorite? >> probably mike lindell. >> we're excited to see mike. >> he speaks the same true we believe. >> mike is-- is a true hero. you know, they claim-- you know, the doctors and nurses are that. but my own sister's a retired r.n. and we're not talking right now because of her beliefs.
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>> so when it comes to heroes, there's doctors, there's nurses, and then there's the pillow guy. >> yeah, yeah. >> what have you learned from mike lindell? >> he's a true-blue red-working american man. >> which-- which color? >> blue. blue and true. >> he's a blue and true-- >> red-blooded white man, that he's know-- >> got them all in there. >> yeah. >> mike lindell has garnered plenty of attention by focusing on one thing. >> when the fraud opens up. >> dead people voting in georgia and vote flipping in michigan has been debunked by various news outlets, still these people were eager for more pillow talk. what is mike lindell talking about that you agree with? >> just the whole fraud of the election. he's got the proof. the proof is there. >> what makes you know that trump won? his own drufs says there was no fraud. >> just, well-- >> you don't trust the department of justice. >> oh, no. >> you trust mypillow guy?
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>> i wouldn't request go quite that far to say i trust what he's saying. >> you trust what he's saying. >> yeah. >> you would go that far. >> yes. >> i think we still need to find out what's going on, we need to look back at what happened. >> haven't we already done that? >> there's history sometimes. we have to go back in history, like we do in school. >> it's important to look at historical moments from different perspectives? >> right. >> so you have an understanding and a whole picture? >> right. we have to. >> so you support critical race theory? no? at lindell's newest election claim is his juiciest. >> president trump coming back in 2024. i'm still sticking to august of this year, everybody. that's my opinion. >> and why do they think that? >> >> that would be nice. >> but i don't like to get my hopes up. >> i think the country is going to pot right now. >> not the country i crew grew up in. >> what-- what country did you grow up in. >> the land of the free. >> the united states of america in the 60s. >> things were better in the
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60s. >> oh, yes, 60s, 70s. >> in the 60s we knew knew any drinking fountain to drink from. >> exactly. >> if trump is reinstated in 2021, do you think the democrats will accept it and allow our nation to heal? >> i think there will be a lot of whining still. >> they're not going to let it go. they'll be whining in a field months after everything is excited. are you excited being out here in a field to watch trump on a jumbotron? >> will he be on the jumbotron. >> i don't know. >> i will tell you who knows. the man who paid for a military fly-over. >> there's a surprise in the sky here in about a minute, 30 seconds. >> it's going to happen any minute. >> are they coming? >> can they see them? they don't see them? oh, right here?
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that's fine. take it down. all right, we're going to start right now with "god bless america." >> the planes might not be here yet, but according to lindell, thanks to so-called white hat hackers, he also received the evidence that would lead to trump's imminent reinstatement. >> i told the whole country a month and a half ago that donald trump would be back in, in august. >> you still believe that? >> absolutely. >> this is the crime of the century you're describing. and they came to the mypillow guy. >> no, they didn't come to me. they came to me on january 9 but i saw the evidence. >> they still came to you. >> let me tell you, nobody came to me until that day and here's what happened. i had my own investigations. i had all my stuff going on, and nobody talked about the machines. we talked about dead people, nonresidents. all the other stuff. i caught the organic fraud, too. >> is this helping, mike? ginning all this up? >> i already have the evidence. you know what this is doing? do you guys get it? >> it's perpetuating anger,
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fear, and attacking our democracy. >> no, you know what? you are, by saying that. let me tell you something. this is a free-speech rally. for all the individuals whether they're democrat or republican, right now, if you talk about machines, vaccines, the border, jesus, you speak up for anything, and youtube and vimeo and people like you guys, journalists, suppress us, cancel us, or destroy something good coming out of this. this isn't a trump rally. are you trying to say this is a trump rally? >> it says maga in the title and he's speaking at it. you have his picture on the poster. >> he got suppressed. >> unproven election fraud claims have caused real problems in our country. just last week, we learned election officials were receiving death threats from angry trump voters. have you learned about the death threats to the sos from georgia. the conversations that are happening, the elongation of this process, they're being
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threatened. >> are you talking about brad raff stenberger. they were in on this. they're as compromised as they come. >> why are these republicans compromised? >> i don't know, ask them. >> i'm asked you, because apparently you-- >> you need to understand. that's a deviation, why wouldn't you guys-- >> you either want to be the guy everybody comes to or the nothe guy everybody comes to. you have answers for being the guy cyber-punks to come to but no other answers. if august doesn't happen, what will happen? >> they're doing audits in every state. everywhere they've done an audit, like in new hampshire, every place we've done audits, the machines, it's the same thing. >> it's like watching the big foot show. they don't find big foot at the end but if you tune in next week, maybe it will happen. thank you. >> you guys-- you guys are horrible. >> oh! oh! i wanted to talk about his pillows. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> trevor: thank you so much
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for that, jordan. all right, when we come back, the legendary mary j. blige will be joining us on the show. be joining us on the show. don't go away ♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. ♪ one, i put you 1st ♪ ♪ two of everything you deserve ♪ ♪ three wishes, please ♪ ♪ get you diamonds, rub your feet ♪ ♪ name it ♪ ♪ don't need no special occasion ♪ ♪ girl, i celebrate it ♪ ♪ so go ahead and make it your checklist, 1, 2, 3 ♪ ♪ you can tell me what you need ♪ ♪ baby check this a, b, c ♪ ♪ you make it look so easy ♪ ♪ i can give you what you want ♪ ♪ you just need to put it on a checklist ♪ we need you to save the family business. we're going to face evil babies... creepy babies... -don't look at me. ok. jail yard babies. -he's such a bad boy. [ gasps ] and, ninja babies. is this some kinda ninja boy band? [ screaming ] yee ha! -go left! go left! i'm gonna go where navigation says. [ navigation voice ] turn left.
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songwriter, and actor, mary j. blige. she's here to talk about her new documentary that explores her early days in the music industry and the making of her iconic 1994 sophomore album, "my life." >> i saw something that we've never seen before, but something we knew existed. i knew that existed. i was her. she gave us a face. she gave us a name. she knave us a story. she humanized us. >> she was like, "i'm here, and i'm beautiful, and i'm hip hop, but i'm mary." i'm bringing all of you with me-- good, bad, whatever. i'm mary, and this is what i'm doing. and it was so great for us to see this authentic black woman. >> trevor: mary j. blige, welcome to "the daily social distancing show." >> thank you. >> trevor: wow, there are a few people i get to interview or get to speak to who have made more of an impact, not just in a genre or in music, but in society.
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you are a soundtrack to periods of time. you're a soundtrack to emotions and feelings that human beings have experienced over many, many, many years. i mean, you know, with eight multiplatinum albums, with nine grammy awards, with two oscar nominations-- the list is endless. you are truly the queen. and now, for the first time ever, we get to see you telling your story in a way that we never have before "my life" the documentary, mary j. blige. why the story and why now? >> well, about two years ago, the whole world was celebrating the 25th anniversary of the "my life," album. people were giving testimonies online. i was running into people and, you know, the whole thing about, you know, "this album saved my life" was coming back up again. it was time. and i felt like it was important to do it years later, you know, on the 25th anniversary, especially, you know, naas and i both went on a royalty tour and
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he was celebrating his 25th anniversary. >> trevor: right, right. >> it was so special. it was just time-- it was just time to tell the story because i'm coming from a place of strength now. so now -- >> oh, wow. >> i can go back and revisit. okay, it's going to hurt and all of that, you know, to revisit all those painful times, but i'm strong enough now because i've been through so much hell,s that i can talk now. >> trevor: it's really interesting that you bring that up, because for many people, that's what "my life" was. what you were talking about was less of a facade. it was this is my life. this is my pain. this is what i'm going through. looking back on it now, cow think that was cathartic for you as a person or did it make you relive the pain constantly as you were singing those songs? >> it was both because i didn't know how to get out of the pain, you know. it was something i had to do in order to start the healing process with, you know, without even knowing i was healing.
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so, you know, just putting my pain out there and stuff like that was like a cry for help. and then when all the fans responded, it was like, oh, wow. now it's a responsibility subconsciously. >> trevor: oh, wow. >> because i'm still in pain. i'm still in hell. so it was-- it did so many things that i didn't know it was doing, you know, because while i was in it, i was in it. it was dark. pfs suicide. it was all types of stuff. but then the fans were like, "it's saving my life." and now when i look back, like, years later, i'm like wow, i didn't know i did so much. >> trevor: you know, i would love everyone to watch this documentary. what you do is you strip away all of the facades. you show us what went into mary j. blige "my life" in a way we never thought. we see you struggling through poverty and where drugs become a big hindrance in your world, and domestic abuse. we see all these things happening to you as mary j.
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blige, and it's hard to believe that you survived. was there a time you thought you wouldn't see the other side? >> yeah, during the "my life" album. i didn't think i was going to make it. during the "share my world" album, i didn't think i was going to make it. it wasn't until the "no more drama" album where it was, okay, i'm tired of feeling like this. i hate feel like i hate myself. i hate feeling like i want to commit suicide. now i don't want to die but i don't know how to stop doing it but i don't know what to do. that's the point where i spoke and said enough, enough. that was a decision that was made. so i had to choose life. i chose life. and i think i chose life, you know, over my-- for my fans as well because i said if i check out, i'm going to take a bunch of people with me because these fans are so diehard. so i chose my life and i chose my fans. >> trevor: everyone has a different moment when they find that joy, when the trajectory of
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their lives changes from pain, trauma, and suffering, and it doesn't switch overnight, but there's just a turn. and i'd love to know what that turn was for you and what that moment was that change mary j. blige's life and took you to a world of healing and starting to live a completely different life. >> from 1994 to 2016 i've been going through hell. it's been all over the news, divorce, public. 2016 i came out of a divorce and that's when i was like enough. i've done something great. i'm beautiful. i'm strong. i'm going to take my flowers now. i'm going to speak to myself in the morning about, you know, positivity and loving myself and is finally finding myself, not-- not things because sometimes we-- we, you know, when we're younger, we look at things as success. but things are not success. success is when you can enjoy the things, you know. and now i could finally enjoy the things and enjoy my life and not feel like i'm in prison and
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in hell and take responsibility for what i did to put myself there. >> trevor: wow. >> yeah. so that's-- that's the biggest thing, just taking responsibility for you and then all of that stuff will come out on the outside of you. >> trevor: you gave so much to your fans, but there's no doubt you also gave so much to hip hop as an industry, just as a concept. you know, now you hear hip hop everywhere. there was a time hip hop had one of the worst stigmas attached to it. i know a lot of record executives back in the day didn't want hip hop soshedded ad with r&b. you fought to have it not once, not twice, but every single song on that album. what was it about hip hop that mary j. blige loved so much that you said i want to give hip hop a platform in my album, in my world? >> because growing up in the inner city and the cities, hip hop gave us a voice. hip hop gave us an identity.
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it spoke our pain, every rapper, it gave us something to dance to. it gave us something to feel swaggie to, to have attitude to just, you know, wear all of our chains and all of our jewelry and be proud of who we were growing up in the cities. and that's know-- hip hop won my my first grammy. "all i need" was my first agreement ever. and i was proud of that, and i'm proud to be the queen of hip hop, because hep hop has given me, from the-- from the first time i hear the funk 4 plus one more, and the i was a little girl. it gave me something. it gave us attitude. it gave us dimension. it gave us what we have. >> trevor: it feels like you're on a different journey, and it feels like the monaco of queen is going to move from one industry to another. you are the queen of hip hop soul and the queen of r r&b.
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two oscar nominations is no joke in anybody's career. and now the movie "respect" is going to be coming out. you once again-- i mean, every time you're on screen, there is something that you give to the audience that goes beyond just the acting. and i would love to know from your side where do you think that love of acting came from? and what do you think it is about acting that you so seamlessly-- maybe it's not seamless-- but it seems to seamlessly slide into. it seems like it was you. >> when i was a little girl, i was put in a school play, a christmas play, by my music teacher and i did really well. that was the word in school. "wow, mary did really well." that was something i had to leave, because living where we lived, you couldn't just be happy about anything. so i had to leave that there. when i got into the music business, it came back again. the jamie foxx show was offered
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