tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central January 19, 2022 11:00pm-11:45pm PST
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years resolution here, you seem like a new year's resolution guy, yeah, that is the only thing i will miss when the pandemic ends is like, i'm enjoying that now new year's resolutions are attainable things. before we just used to say shit that depressed us after a month because we couldn't do it but now because of the pandemic all your resolutions have to be shit that you just can do. you can't go to the gym now, there is no like i'm going to go-- you can't go to the gym. you can try but you can't really. they will stop you and then it will be like ah, i didn't-- you know what i mean, like the pandemic shuts your shit down for you is what i will miss, that is what i am saying. i make all my resolutions, things i wouldn't do normally as a resolution but are achievable now. so now i'm like i need to catch
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up on all those tv shows, that is my new year's resolution. succession, i'm doing it, baby. and then when i'm done, i'm like look at, this the year's still on track. do you know what i mean? just in that zone. and you eat all those chips before they get stale, that is a resolutionk and you know what, i'm on track. everything, i just made all my resolutions about shit that i do in the house, you know. make sure i use appliances a a bit more. more microwave, use the scale in the bathroom. you never think about whether your scale works or not. this year my resolution is to see how high the numbers can go. just you know, like a car, like sometimes you just rev the engine to get things goingk i want to do that on the scale as well, get it to 250, come on. that is essentially a resolution. and i'm not failing yet it is has actually made me realize, this pandemic made me realize that pandemics are all about perspective. you think about it as things that are una takennable. but if you make it things you were going to do anyways you are only succeeding in life.
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>> coming to you from the heart of time square in new york city, the only city in america, it's the "the daily show." tonight bore is party tood hard. klepper confronts matt gaetz and ariana de bose debose, this is the daily show with trevor noah. >> trevor: hey, what is going on, everybody. welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. let's jump straight into today's headlines. we kick things off with donald jumanji trump, america's 45th best president. last weekend he was back on the rally circuit kicking off his campaign to reclaim the oval office and the white house disney plus account. but trump might want to slow his role a little bit because it units out he's not the only one making plans for his future. >> former u.s. president donald trump is in hot water today with the new york attorney general. letisha james says her team has
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uncovered numerous instances of quote fraudulent or misleading practices related to the trump organization's financial documents. >> the case also turning up the heat on trump's children. who james says quote have been closely involved with the transactions in question. investigators now taking legal action to compel ivanka and don, jr. to comply with subpoenas and appear for sworn testimony about the company's financial dealings. >> investigators say in 2016 trump claimed his-- was worth about $327 million because it was over 30,000 square feet. in reality, the ag's office says it was 11,000 square feet. they say the trump cfo alan weisselberg charged in a separate criminal case admitted the value of trump's apartment was overstated by, give or take, $200 million. >> trevor: oh no, no, no, no, donald, no! you can't exaggerate your apartment's value by $200
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million. you i get it if it was an nft, but this san apartment, my friend. at the same time donald trump does not give a [bleep], let's be honest. he will brag about himself even if it gets him in trouble. i bet when a cop asks him if he knows how fast he was going, he is like yeah, i do, 400 billion miles a second, the fastest anyone has ever gone, i was so fast. so fast. do you want to test it again? so fast. ask me what i have been drinking. all of it. and look, i get on trump for a lot of stuff, but i can't get mad at him for this because deep down, he's just a landlord. and there is what every landlord in new york does. they will say an apartment has three bedrooms, when you get there, two of the bedrooms are show in the kitchen. but it is still the best deal for your budget so you sleep in the dishwasher. i mean it is what it is. all right, but let's move on to the question everyone has been asking. what the hell happened to that package i ordered. well, it turns it out your
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asshole neighbor didn't swipe it from your porch it got swiped. >> if you ordered something from amazon and didn't get it, it could be in this mess, this is the scene in los angeles as trains carrying crates of orders are being robbed with packages strewn around the tracks. >> as freight trains slow down or come to a halt the thieves leap on board with bolt cutter, open giant containers and take whatever they want. this is what they leave behind, all these boxes, some empty, some not. look, this box was full of covid home testing kits. a precious product, tough to buy in many pharmacies. this amazon envelope wasn't even opened. the thieves just tossed it away. this track strawn with boxes stretches as far as you can see in both directions. this entire area was cleaned up in mid december which means that all of this came from train robberies in just the last month. >> goddam, did you see that mess? it's like a thomas the tank engine episode of hoard eschs,
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that shit is crazy, and how could this happen in joe biden's america. the president loves trains. and now they're getting robbed all willy-nilly, that's not right people. this is like if during the clinton administration everyone was robbing blow jobs. it is unacceptable. i mean what if those packages contained like your grandmother's blood pressure medication. depending on how you feel about your grandmother, that could be a disaster. and the worst part is that when they don't want the packages they just leave them on the ground. i mean they even ditched covid tests which is just dumb. those tests are worth more than the actual train. and you know what this means, right? knowing how picky these robbers are, it is going to make valentine's day extra stressful because either your surprise gift doesn't show up and your girl is pissed or off, or it does show up and she's still pissed off. well, if this necklace what so great, why didn't anyone steal it off a train, you cheap ass
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bitch, and no i don't think these robberies mean there should be more police in america, i know people are are going to say this, all you need is to fill one random train car with angry bees, problem solved. all right, finally, let's talk about a major new development in criminal justice reform. news anchor drop a beat. >> jay-z and meek mill teams up to support a proposed new york state law that would block lyrics from being used during trials. >> both jay-z and meek mill signed a letter saying this tactic effectively denies ran music the status of art. and in the process gives prosecutors a dangerous advantage in the court room. by presenting rap lyrics as rhymed confession of illegal behavior they are often able to obtain convictions even when other evidence is lacking. >> the rappers are joined by other artists including fat joe, big sean, kelly rowland and robin thicke and imploring lawmakers to sign the rap music on trial bill and turn it into law. >> trevor: yeah, that's right. when someone gets arrested prosecutors dig up any rap
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lyrics they might have written and present them like it's a confession. which is ridiculous, people. rap is an art form. right, these songs are performances. the rappers aren't just reading out their journals. just because you rap about killing someone doesn't mean you did it. it is just that a lot of words rhyme with kill. chill, hill, window sill. uncle phil. all of the words you need in a rap song. and you don't wary ---- worries about legal trouble to interfere with musical freedom especially not rap music because throwing in the word allegedly after every rap lyric screws with the flow, a bomb-- people are saying i bomb a tomorrowically, if i am being honest it is not a coincidently they only do this with rap music. this is just another way of targeting black people, half of country music songs are about the singer burning their e's car because they cheated but i have never seen any of them prosecuted for it. so i hope this law gets passed.
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i mean the only downside is that criminals are going to use it as a loophole to hide evidence. every wall street board meeting is now going to have an emcee in the corner. all my homies in the back, move your accounts to the cayman islands. they can't use that, right, yeah, we got them goldman sachs. by the way when i first heard they wanted to stop prosecutors from using rap lyrics in trials, i thought that they meant the prosecutors were the ones rapping. grammar is a really interesting thing that sees how you see things i thought the prosecutors were in court saying hey, my name is what, my name is district attorney theodore waz knee ak but enough of that. let's move on to our top story which is about bore is johnston. prime minister of the united kingdom and the only kid to make it out of the village of the damned. right now he's embroiled in a huge scandal over secret covid parties. so let's catch up on all the latest in our ongoing segment keep calm and party on.
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>> you may remember the outrage across britan a couple of months ago when bore is johnson was accused of throwing a secret party in the middle of lockdown. against his own covid rules, by the way. but the truth is there wasn't a secret covid party. turns out there were many secret covid parties, and now bore is may have partied himself right out of a job. >> and the walls seem to be closing in on bore is johnson. >> a new poll in fact for the observer newspaper shows 63 percent, nearly two of every three britans want johnson out. >> as many as 20 conservative members of parliament say they plan to submit letters of no confidence. 54 letters are required to trigger a no confidence vote in parliament. prime minister johnson is face called to resign after reports that number ten downing street hosted parties over the past two years. the events were held when the united kingdom government
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imposed strict covid restrictions on gathering. >> i recognize the enormous sacrifice that people have made. i apologize for misjudgments that may have been made in number ten by me and nibbles but please can i ask him to wait for the inquiry to conclude. >> one misjudgment that really hurts, the apology to her majesty the queen over parties allegedly held on downing street the night before her majesty sat alone at the funeral of her husband. >> you know, this sucks for queen elizabeth. ii haven't seen her that disappointed since she found out what prince andrew did on his vacations. >> apparently these are not the only photos, andrew. >> trevor: and i can hardly blame her, you know. i mean her husband had just died. and here they were, throwing parties without her, come on, this is her first chance in 70 years to catch some fresh dick and no invites, that shit is
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messed up. oh, you don't think people move on. you need to grow up. by you can see why so many people have turned on bore is over his scandal. because while he was having parties, the people of britain were dealing with severe lockdowns and i'm not talking about american lockdowns, i'm talking about real lockdowns like there were curfew, the government limited how many people you could see, people weren't even allowed to have anyone over for christmas. yeah, if santa kaiment down your chimney you would have to shoot him dead. but they don't have guns in the u.k. so you just have to beat him to death. and look, i know bore is isn't the only political leader who has been caught partyings against his own rules but he might be the only one trying to pretend that he doesn't know what a party is. >> prime minister johnson maintains he believed it to be an official work event, not a party. >> now an email leak showing 100 people were invited to socially distanced drinked in downing street and to even bring their own booze. >> the idea that you walked into the garden, there is 40 people there, the fables laid out with
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food and-- tables laid out with food and drink and there is alcohol being served, in the middle of a lockdown and you think that's a work event. that is just ludicris, isn't it. you are just taking the mickey out of the british people. >> nobody told me, and nobody-- nobody said that this was something that was against the rules. it it was a breach of the covid rules. we were doing something that-- or that we were doing something that wasn't a work event. >> trevor: yeah, nobody told me. i didn't know it was a party. how do you know what i party is unless somebody says it's a party. how could you not know that that was a party. i mean it's not a work event. they said bring your own booze. that never happens for a regular work meeting. no one is ever like we really need to figure out our fourth quarter projections so grab some tequila because daddy's making margaritas. and also am i the only person that think it is weird where the leader of the government is saying nobody told me that this was against the rules. nobody told you? they are your rules. your rules to deal with the
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global pandemic. this isn't your kid's birthday. you have to remember this shit. now bore is' own former top aide says that he did warn bore is that the party broke covid rules and that bore is has been lying under oath to parliament about it. >> but maybe these parties are just emblematic of how bore is thinks covid rules didn't apply to thim. like apparently back when bore is had covid he refused to stay in isolation and it it got so bad that his staff, and this is completely true, had to put chairs in the doorway to his office so block him from leaving. yeah. honestly, i was shocked when i read this. mostly because i didn't know it was that easy to stop british people in going places. turns out if africa just put a couple of chairs in front of england, we could have stopped colonialism. so as of know, bore is is in big trouble, or as they say in england, trouble. and really, if you are a prime minister who has been breaking the lockdown rules that you
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imposed on everybody else, you have to resign. or you can do this. >> new this morning the british prime minister bore is johnson has announced the end of all pandemic restrictions in the united kingdom saying that people will no longer be asked to work from home, masks, no longer required in schools, the mandate to wear masks in public removed as well. >> according to the guardian, the swift change is seen as an attempt by johnson to dwell conservative tangor over his lockdown breaching parties at downing street. >> having looked at the data carefully, the cabinet concluded the once regulations laps, the government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere. >> trevor: oh shit! bore is went from byob to dgaf. you can't break the rules if there are no rules. that's right, everybody, no masks. everybody, no restrictions.
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and no more haircuts, bitches. and yet could you argue that suddenly lifting restrictions is a cheap and disang rouse attempt to curry public favor at the cost of spreading a lethal virus. but on the other hand, restrictions are lefter lifted, baby, so break out the liquor, britan. it's time for a work event. all right, when we come back, jordan klepper has a very polite conversation with matt gaetz and it goes very well for everybody. it goes very well for everybody. you don't want to nis
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let me tell you... you want to be successful? you gotta hustle. you gotta go the extra mile. make a name for yourself. have a firm grip. always dress for success. and you gotta show 'em who's boss. thanks for coming in. we'll get back to you. hustle, sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪♪
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>> welcome back to it the daily show, it has now been a year since a pait ree otic group of heroes stornled the capitol to save democracy by hanging mike pence. so to give the day the honor it deserves, we sent jordan klepper down to the capitol for a january 7th edition of jordan klepper fingers the pulse >> it's been just over a year since the attack on the u.s. capitol. so last week i went back to washington d.c. but now i'm ready for anything. >> this time i'm prepared. contact number, in case i get thrown in jail. >> money belt in case i need to bribe an oath keeper when they take over the city. if that doesn't go down, i got pot belly's money when i leave out of union station. >> but unlike last year today there was a piece-- a peace, a quiet, a calm that almost suggested perhaps our country is healing from the events of that day.
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and then we found this guy screaming at cnn's john king broadcasting from a balcony. >> [bleep] you, you [bleep] fake news bull shit, yo, bunch of garbage. >> i was trying to get across to people in the world, watch cnn, watch fox news, chris tucker, hannity. >> you watch countries tucker. >> yeah, i watch all of you guys. >> money talks. >> yeah. >> rush hour. >> i say bleep bleep joe biden, i respect our president. >> it is important to have respect for the office of the president. >> exactsly. >> and at the same time wear a shirt that saying [bleep] biden. >> i mean for me, yes. >> do you understand the inherent contradiction in that. >> yes, i do. i do, i do. i definitely do. >> when we drove by i saw you screaming up at the second floor there at john king from cnn and go [bleep] himself. >> people saying that, what i did there, that was not-- that was me, my personal opinion towards john king and fake news cnn. >> so fake news cnn should go [bleep] itself.
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>> yeah. >> respectfully. >> respectfully, yes, yes. >> now do i want my kids saying that, no, of course not. but i mean, we all have our days. >> you did have your-- i saw your kid in the car. >> correct, all four of my kids in the car. but they don't understand. they're not of the age to understand, yeah. >> so they did see, they just don't understand. >> correct, yeah. >> unfortunately, our nation's leaders were respectfully divided on how to best remember the day. on the one hand you had the democrats condemning the attacks as only they know how. >> we are privileged to have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, lin-manuel miranda. >> and on the other hand, there were other people like representative matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene who were unapologetic about what happened, they were even planning an event of their own. >> we're proud of the work we did on january 6th to nake legitimate arguments about election integrities. >> that's right. >> so we will make those arguments today in a press conference at 2:15. >> absolutely. >> and we're going to go walk
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the grounds that patriotic americans walked from the white house to the capitol. >> ah, a solemn walk in front of the media to reenact the events of january 6th. plenty of time for me to ask some questions as they pait ree oticly saunter down-- oh shi it t, they're just getting too their cars. >> may matt gaetz if you were doing to reenact the acts of january 6 who is going to take taye shit in the rotunda and who is going to make the gal owes, isn't this a a little bit childh or is that what attracted you to this. oh well, i'll catch him at one of the other sedition reenactments. of course there were some who witnessed the events first hand who have a different attitude towards the rioters. >> when it comes to instreks, [bleep] them, i don't give a [bleep]. >> can i quote you on that. >> yeah, representative ruben guying ao was inside with congressman of both parties yard away from the violence. >> i was scared for the country, for my colleagues, i was pissed
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off, the thing i remember the most is seeing the fear in the eyes of some young staffers. >> i was here that day. it it was chaotic. i got a called an asshole over there. >> by a member of congress. >> the guy had a pitchfork, do you know the pitchfork guy, is he a member of congress. >> he might be, probably from the pree dm caw sus. >> yeah, if he is not in congress, is he definitely running in the mid term. >> later outside the halls of power democrats gathered for a vigil hoping the country would never have to go through a horrible day like that again. but down the road there was another vigil. >> we're outside of jail right now going to vigil number two. >> where they chose to look on the bright side of the potential treason. >> what would you call the events of january 6th. >> a wonderful, glorious event. people were excited that day. >> january 6th was the greatest day of my entire life. >> okay. >> are you obviously not a police officer. >> there was no insurrection that day. if there was any intention on other part, we would have been
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actually freaking armed. >> if there was intention people would come. >> with zip ties or bear spray or a pitchfork. >> what about the people who did come with zip ties, bear spray and pitchforks. >> those aren't parms arm ju minimal defensive measures. >> who is the candle light vigil for. >> all of the patriots. >> all of the 1140 patriots,-- the 1 40rbgs the police officers injured that day. >> yeah. >> so it is for the police officers. >> no, well, this is for the patriots that are in prison. >> the people arrested for injuring the police officers that day. >> it it was people standing up to stay stop the steal. >> here at the site of where the january 6th protestors are become detained, this say vigil for them. their rights have been taken away. >> so criminal justice is obviously a big issue for you. >> i'm interested in protecting everyone's rights. >> are you going to likers island to protest the 15 people who died last year? >> i am not. >> even a year later selected
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victimization was still trending hot. at the end of the day, it might have felt that nothing has really changed. that we were locked in an endless loop. talking about the same things with the same people. >> i felt like that. apparently for a good reason within i saw you altherr she. >> oh, how have you been. >> hanging in, how have you been. >> i have witnessed, a near down fall of democracy. >> it has been a busy year or two. >> yeah, it has. >> it has been a little hectic. >> a hectic year indeed. >> thai so much for that, jordan. if you want to see even more from jordan's trip, check out the link below for additional scenes available only on the web. all right, when we come back, i will be talking to it the star of the critically acclaimed remake of "west side story," remake of "west side story," (vo)na debose so don't go away this year, t-mobile for business
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debose, here to talk about starring as anita in "west side story." >> ♪ ariana debose, welcome to the daily show. >> oh, thank you. i done think i was supposed to put my hands on the table yet. >> trevor: we're talking, what are you talking about. welcome, it's really good to have you here, especially now, like, you know, some people if they're broadway official yad ksh-- official nados have seen you, you have been, i think you have been grinding at this thing in broadway, over ten years. >> yeah, yeah. >> trevor: right, where you have done everything. every different type of production. you were a consummate performer, singer, dancer, actress, everything all in one. but it feels like this is your moment, like you know, where the
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yeefer night success coming to after ten years. >> yes. >> trevor: it feels like it is that moment, does it feel like the same way for you. >> i hesitate to stay it, but yes. >> trevor: why do you hesitate? >> cuz i'm really enjoying itment like i'm having fun am i don't want it to go away. you know moments are moments. they are fleeting, ephemeral. >> trevor: no, not at all. like covid is a moment and look how long it it is going for. >> you know what, are you not wrong. >> trevor: yes. >> so i'm just, whatever it is, however anyone interprets it, i'm just enjoying whatever this is while it lasts. and cuz it's been really fun. i mean it's not every day you get it to make a movie with steven spielberg and what you are asked to execute is actually something that you do. i was like oh, have i to do other kinds of homework. but the bones of what this job is, i got that. this is great. >> trevor: i love that. i love that. >> yeah. >> trevor: you know, it's also unique to be in a position where
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you are having fun, the audience is having fun watching you have fun, and then the critics are having fun as well. like that is the perfect combination of what you like in% art. cuz screen actors guild nomination, right. golden globe winner, congratulations. >> thank you, thank you very much. >> trevor: like it just feels like you are in this world, n.a.a.c.p. award as well, i should mention. >> yeah, yeah. >> trevor: that is also another nomination. >> i'm honored by it all. i'm very grateful for the opportunities to be seen, especially for artists of color. like it feels like we're all starting to have a different kind of moment right now. and most of our work is not only being seen but considered and valued in different ways. so that is really the heart of why i am so excited. >> trevor: i think it's an honor for anyone who gets to talk to you because of what are you doing and all the mediums you are doing it it in, like triple threat gets thrown around a lot. oh, you are a singer, a dancer. but you really are that. snl was one of the best exame
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approximatelies, congrats, by the way. >> thank you, thank you, i had a lot of fun on that show. >> trevor: you looked like you did. you did so well that like i have seen people crush it on snl. i have seen very few people crush it to it the point where people are watching like where is her snl. where is her show. >> now that would be fun. >> trevor: people were saying that, when is ariana doing her own thing. >> that's cool. i'm actually not so shy about the fact that i really want to bring the variety show back. like i really want to do it it so if anybody wants to hit me up on that, cool, cool. >> trevor: it seems like to me you were soon becoming the puzzle piece that everyone is going to have to figure out to fit around. >> that is cool. i have never had that. >> trevor: i genuinely feel like that is what, you are quickly becoming. west side story is-- few films get remade with as much pressure as this one has had. you are playing a role that is arguably one of the most important roles in not just film history but then like in the history of so many latina
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actresses where they go like, this was it, this was the rita moreno moment that changed film for a lot of people. >> yeah. >> trevor: it had an influence in your life. >> yes, it did. i saw it when i was, gosh, i guess, it felt like six or seven. and i didn't understand who she was. but i understood she sort of looked like me. and i wanted to dance just like her. and then not until my adulthood did i really understand the full spectrum of "west side story" did for her, what, and what she came to mean to our community. but then also the struggles that she faced, after winning an oscar, you know. it is like to begin the first latina to win an oscar and then all of a sudden there was no work. so she had to find other ways to expand her career. and i, as it makes me very sad that that was her experience but also when you look at her breathed of work, she showed you that latedinas are not, we don't just do this, we do this.
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and that is really cool. i mean i think specifically relate toed "west side story," my being afro-latina that makes me especially proud of what i have been able to accomplish because we really are not represented on screen. and i don't think that any film is a perfect film, but i do think the fact that we, that my inclusion in this film works, we're the beginnings of getting it right. and if steven can do t one of the greatest directors, of all time, cuz he is, then i think everybody else can. >> he's one of the greatest directors of all time but you said no to him when he asked you to read lines in the audition-- audition. >> i did. but that was simply because i had found out about this audition very, very last minute. i was on broadway at the time, i was laying donna summer which was a very challenging role for me, and leading a company takes a lot out of you. and i don't make a habit of going into a room with anyone in
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it and being unprepared, do you? do you like being unprepared. >> trevor: no, but i feel like-- that is the difference, if i walked into a room and steven spielberg, let's say i waked into the elevator and it was steven spielberg and he said trevor, i need to you read these lines i would just start reegd the lines. i wouldn't be no, steven spielberg, i would just read. you said no. >> i said no, cuz i wanted, i was like, mi not prepared to show you a viable interpretation of this character. and i would rather do that than-- i would rather give you something that is usable than give you something that is like oh my god, thank you so much for coming in, and next. like i want-- if i was going to do it, it thrr took a lot of guts for me to walk into the room because i didn't actually believe that i would ever be considered for the job let alone get the job. then i was going to do it tand do it twl. >> trevor: in a way i feel like you saying no to doing it incorrectly and wanting to do it your way and the best way possible is part of your character.
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like that is who she ask in "west side story." >> it is who she is at her heart. and i think a lot of my character is like, there are different bits of me within them. and that is the part of me that is anita. >> trevor: before i let you go, i would love to talk about one of the most, just like amazing moments in film and that is when a character who has created a moment in history comes back to the film. obviously i'm speaking about rita moreena who comes back in "west side story" playing a different role but comes back as an executive producer. and then you are in a scene with her. i wonder if that was a lot of pressure for you? was there any moment that you shared with her where you were like okay, this is my thing that have i sort of inherited from her and i have the opportunity to turn it into what i want? >> i mean we spoke briefly at the beginning of the process. but she was very supportive. thank god. >> she made me feel very comfortable. and just encouraged me to bring
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everything that made me unique to the character. and gave me permission in her own energetic way to fly and now the scene you are talking about, it is deep heavy subject matter. so i sort of shifted into just focusing on who the characters were. and playing the truth of the characters. because if i had actually thought about all right, now you are good to yell at moreno, i don't think anybody if it hadn't been me, i don't think anybody would have been comfortable doing that. >> trevor: triet. well, you know what, you did it it you looked more than comfortable. i mean you are just sailing. and congratulations on the award, on the nominations and everything that you are going to achieve. thank you for joining me on the show. >> thanks for having me wz "west side story" is in theaters right now, you definitely want to watch it. we'll take a quick break and be right back after
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tonight, but before we go, america is facing its worst blood shortage in more than a decade. largely in part due to the drop in donations since the start of the pandemic. but giving blood is easy. and just one blood donation can save up to three lives. so if you would like to help end this blood crisis you can sign upjohn line with the american red cross, call 1-800-red cross or find a donation site near you through america's blood centers at the link below. until tomorrow, stay safe out there. get your vaccine, and remember, if you are throwing a work party that is against covid regulations. do the safe thing, and kill everyone who attended. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> anyone in this room didn't just pop out of nowhere. you are what you become, is what you became from where you came from. so if you have a mother, a
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