tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 2, 2022 1:15am-2:00am PST
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5-hour energy... 'cause it's time to hit the gym and work up a sweat. and you're going to need some energy. lots of energy. 5-hour energy...for every workout. ♪♪ cynthia: so he shows up. he's all out of breath. he's disheveled. and he tells me that no matter happens, whatever i decide -is fine with him. -[gasps] and that i could depend on him and that he would be there to support me in whatever way i need.
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elaine, i was speechless. wow. wow. you see? you think you know somebody. i said to him, "i really appreciate this, but i just got my period." -yeah. -and so i asked him to come in-- -george: hi. -oh, hi. sorry we're late. we got so... hung up in traffic. i'm sorry. -what happened? -acting. -very mature. -thank you. -hi, cynthia. -hi. well, this is a great place to sit you got here. it's the best seat in the house. right next to the kitchen. oh, stop it. stop it. [laughs] so, what are these? oh, we ordered appetizers. start eating. oh, fabulous. mmm. mm-mmm. mmmm. this is good. oh, this is good. is that salt? is this salt on this? is there salt on this? [♪♪]
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>> trevor: state of the unions are of a time of long gone. before technology we need it did. what will the president tell you. the inflation is higher. i know i know. guys, there is a disease called tuberculosis. what is that, too late for you, my ma'am. state of the union was a thing. now the president just comes to tells you stuff. it's like he's reading twitter like a year late. the president is like, you know, we saw people in the streets protesting. my man, we already saw that. sorry guys, i print all of my tweets and then read them a year later. the state of the union is strong. one year, just one year the president should see people and be like, guys, this sh*eut is crazy. this sh*eut is crazy. i hope we get stronger.
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this shit is crazy, man. the state of the union. ya, ya. ya. i mean the president. you sew what is happening in russia. i don't know, man. i don't know. the state of the union. we will get by. okay. we will get by. i want to be honest with you, we're a country right. we don't have to lie about this. go get a drink after this. >> coming to you from the heart of times square, new york city. the only city in america. today, boycotting rushing ya. black state of the union and bob ode enkirk this. is the "daily show" with trevorer noah. >> trevor: hey, what's going on, everybody? welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. it has been six days since russia invaded ukraine, so let's jump right into the latest news in our ongoing coverage of the war in ukraine. to let's jump no our news of the
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war on u cane. as we all know, vladimir putin launched his invasion of ukraine last week. and if you didn't know, that opening graphics thing we just played must have been very -- when russia launched it was be like russia and ukraine what's the dis. con on in. ukrainians have stood strong, united in their defense and because of that russia has ramped up their attacks. >> this morning russia escalating attacks striking targets. targeting a massive strike, multiple social media showing the strike by the freedom square. human rights pointing to this
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video on-line accusing russia of using cluster bombs on the city. verifying an attack would be a war crime. >> now the capital itself maybe in the crosshares of an all out battle. a russian military convoy is on the move from the north. russia eased advance is leaving a trail of destruction in the path. wrecking villages and suburbs on the way. >> holy shit, that looks ter foe toying. they blew it up. everything, everything. this is before, before the 40-mile long convoy gets there the one heading to kyiv. this is unfair. we know russia is unfair. they don't play fare. they sent a actual steroid to compete in the olympics this. is beyond unfair. it's a war crime. why are you coming to ukraine?
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to liberate the ukraine people. from what, having a place to stay? it's no wonder the not tire world doesn't want anything to do with russia. the more fewer tin escalates the more the world backs away. >> backlash. >> seconds ago we have word that apple is officially banning all product sales in russia. >> ice skating has kept russian skaters from participating in international competition immediately. >> warner brothers have halted "batman in russia." disney and sony are pausing film releases in russia. netflix won't add russian state tv channels to it's service despite a new law requiring them to do . so. >> yes, the world is kitting off
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access and entertainment. as much as i agree with movie companies cutting off russia i don't think it's enough. they shouldn't just block new movies but release old movies without the good parts. now showing in moscow theaters it's star wars. the matrix but neo never leaves the office. they don't have to change it, they just send it to russia. >> besides getting kicked out of sports. russians will notice the life they are use to has changed because of if fe putin. putin is trying to fill that gap himself.
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>> there are new hit show. putin big table talk. putin at big table. the world cup. we have more exciting sport. putin play hockey. best hockey player in the world. if you don't think that we throw you in jail. and what about batman. we have russian batman. vladimir putin. sign up for netflix today or else you can watch in jail. >> trevor: despite this the president of ukraine is standing strong. today he delivered a speech via satellite where he vowed ukraine would never surrender freedom. he received a standing ovation. meanwhile the russia gave a speech and most of the diplomats stood up and walked out in protest. to be fare nobody wants to hear
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a speech about respecting human rights from someone currently bombing civilians. it's living the guys from jackass giving a lecture on test i cal safety. it's a good chance all russian'ss will end with, lock the doors and release the poison. thank you for attending my talk. for the people of ukraine, people around the world are inspired by their resistence and their ability to tell russia to [beep] itself in so many different ways. >> we have seen powerful image showcasing ordinary ukrainian people. >> we see ukrainians coming out manning checkpoints. taking hunting rifles, shotguns. standing next to ukrainian troops. they're cutting down road sides by the road side in an attempt to confuse advancing russian troops. >> it's a popular sentiment on the streets. this man's sign is too vulgar to
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translate this. is a grandmother and a retired economist. these are the only weapons she has. she says she is ready to fight. let those russian shits come here, she says. we're ready to greet them. >> this reported ukrainian farmer attempting to tow a russian tank off his land with his tractor. >> do you have a message for president putin. >> [beep] >> you know what i love about the pwhrao*eup sound, no matter what the language is that you speak around the world you always know what it means. yes if i tell you to [beep] up a river you can assume i wasn't wishing you a happy birthday. that shit is crazy. the middle of a war. the farmer towed a russian tank away with his tractor. that's embarrassing for the
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russian soldiers. come on, i was about to feed the meter. despite the overwhelming odds you have to respect the fight, man. the fight of the ukrainian people. civilians have shotguns. farmers are towing tanks. one thing we are learning from the war, if you invade a country don't go to one where grand mothers turn their knitting -- everyone is terrified about the potential outcome of the war. mainly because the mad man that has launched it is really unpredictable. >> growing fears about the mental stability of vladimir putin. one american familiar with the intel tkwepbs telling us "putin has been isolated because of covid. he's basically by himself, cut off from advisers. the only people talking to him feed his resentment ."
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>> we saw new images that putin has gone to isolate and socially distance from others including closest advisers and cabinet members. they're at the end of a very long table. they're his trademark. his aids are one on end. he's by himself on the other. >> u.s. intelligence has learned putin has exploded in anger at his people over ukraine and the worldwide condemnation of his actions. that's unusual. as a former intelligent officer putin usually keeps his emotions in check. >> trevor: apparently putin is pissed off because the invasion is not going as he planned this. is a big deal. usually he doesn't show other motions. show emotions. he has a weird look of being super calm and super dangerous. like a cobra taking too many edibles.
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how do you do a cobra on weed? it makes sense. it makes sense people haven't seen putin show emotions before. he's a trained spy. spies have to keep their emotions in check. even if a spy goes to a party and they're serving pigs in a blanket this you can't freak out and get excited like normal people. oh shit, they have bigs in a blanket. no you can't do that. it's living pigs in a blanket. okay, give me like seven. it makes sense, complete sense he's lashing out now. putin doesn't know what it's living to lose. he wins without recampaigning. he wins judo matches. now he's having trouble beating a country a fraction of the size of his. this war shows you the big difference between a guy like
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trump and a guy like putin. as bad as trump was he never had the vision or focus that putin has. his vision is to turn russia into a super power. the only dream trump had was to combine a big mac and a bucket of kfc. that's probably what he made area 51 work on. forget the alien o a autopsies. we have to get the chick he in the meet. when you add power and vision that's where shit gets real. please, i beg you don't confuse putin with russia. he's in charge but there are a lot of people in russia that don't liking their president or the war. they're displaying extraordinary courage. >> the resistence is growing within it's own boarders. >> antiwar protesters risk
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willing their safety in st. petersburg. one of many protests across the country. russian authorities have detained nearly six thousand people. grand mothers, teenagers, women, you it. >> some say they would rather risk arrest than live with guilt. >> i want the world to see we don't want it, says this woman says. >> no war, please. this is what a number of athletes and celebrities are advocating for. russian tennis star asking for peace after his win friday. >> hundreds of journalists signing a petition. signing a petition. even the children of oligarchs speaking out against the war. a russian lawmaker voting with president putin this week said he didn't vote for kyiv to be bombed. >> trevor: you have to give people credit for protesting
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this war. you know how brave it is to speak up against russia inside russia. i'm not in russia but i will test my coffee for poison after the show. people in america think the world has ended being banned from twitter. in russia they don't delete twitter they delete your life. russian civilians are not the only ones again the war. the invasion may not going g. as well as hoped because some of the soldiers don't want to be there. many thought they were military exercises. they were not told they were being sent into war. think about that. i think we can all agree that war is the worst kind of surprise there is. that and the reveal on love is blind. oh, you have a face tattoo in the shape of a goatee. i'm so happy. so even within russia people are standing up and risking their lives to stop a unjust war which is probably why putin is resorting to things like this.
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>> putin is wrapping up efforts at home, banning media characterizing his attack on ukraine as an assault or declaration of war. instead state wide propaganda paints ukraine as nazi agreesers and russia as a defender. >> they're not showing attacks of kyiv. russians watching tv don't see all going on in ukraine. >> we have seen crackdowns on social media. twitter is at a sluggish pace. russia says they will sensor parts of facebook. >> trevor: wow, he's lying about what is happening. ya. he's even banning the media from calling it an assault, an invasion or a war. all of the things that it is, by the way. which means news source, how do you describe this. to our on going coverage of the
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international bullet exchange taking place in ukraine right now. what is crazy how russia is not banning twitter. they're just slowing it down. libeling really slowing it down. i feel it's somehow worst. you know if you ban stweuter you have banned it. at least people get tired, less productive. if twitter disappeared i would have more time to watch tiktok. people, there is no sugar coating this right now. this invasion may get a lot worst before it gets better. if putin is as crazy as he seems our only hope at this point is some hero ukrainian farmer will tow him and his giant ass table far away as possible. we have to take a break. when we come back we hear the address on the state of black
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shit. you don't want to miss it. >> did you praise vladimir putin and wish you didn't. you have tyrant ol. this miracle pill can help you go from this. >> i like ask why do i hate putin so much. >> why do i care about the conflict of ukraine and russia. >> putin started the war and for whraeupl. >> incredible. it attacks previous held memories and beliefs. listen to this satisfy customer. >> vladimir putin is a states man. i consider him a counter part. >> we have seen a russia dictator terrorize the ukrainian people. >> try tyrantol extended release. >> putin has done an amazing job. he has better leadership qualities than obama.
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. joe biden just finished the state of the union speech tonight. we didn't see it i couldn't find the remote. we will cover it tomorrow. we offer our annual response. when we cover the issues that are of special importance to black america. please ride your ass off the couch for the annual state of black shit address. >> good evening black people. black african americans and improved m & ms. i'm coming from you on top of a house from the super bowl halftime show. snoop dog is below me. tonight, black people, we're gathered to once again ask ourselves the question, where we
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is. the past year as been interesting for our family. black people got what we were fighting for. not what we hoped. new york city has a black mayor. he's a cop. black athletes made history at the winter olympics. i don't know how to do that shit. black people got out of prison. one was bill cosby. the last time black folks make a wish with an evil genie out of a bottle of vodka. lesson learned. 2020 was the year of black progress. 2021 was the kwhaer of white people freaking out at black progress. they are furious their children may have to learn racism exists, voting rights are disappearing and may not be easy to restore. black folks have also seen our fare share of try you means the
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last year. obama's white friend turned juneteenth into a national holiday. that's right. no more faking six to celebrate juneteenth. you walk into the job and say shraeufrbery and hit the door. now faking sick is for the days i'm hung over. for that we say thank you, president biden and vice president harris. if we can find her. she's doing a frank ocean, kendrick lamar lay low thing. respect, queen. 2021 saw black folk make progress in non traditional black spaces like spelling bees. over the summer the first african-american first ever to win the spelling bee. i think that's g-r-e-a-t. being black can be taxing on your health. think ing about racism and
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rebooting martin. that's why headlines were made for athletes taking a step back to take care of mental health. black athletes appreciated the example set for them. and white athletes competing against them appreciated the chance to win for a change. enough about the past. we are here to talk about the future. the future looks bright for black america. the entertainment world a new jordan film, black panther sequel, and beyonce. i can't think of a better way to pass the time in an 8-hour line for voting terms. and politics a black woman on the supreme court justice. there is a whole new generation of black excellence on it's way. megan markle had a baddie. little no's.
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rihanna is pregnant. the only way this could be better is if her baby is born holding her new album. black people when you ask the question, where we is? we're on our way to a year of success. excellence and reaching our full potential as a people. unless, hang on, unless there is a new covid variant. in that case stay your ass inside and watch the new season of "atlanta." god bless you, god bless black people and god bless nicky menage's cousin's swollen balls. >> thank you, roy. when we come back the star of "better call
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♪ ♪ ♪ ah ♪ (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that ♪ ♪ we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? ♪ ♪ ♪a little bit of chicken fried♪ ♪cold beer on a friday night♪ ♪a pair of jeans that fit just right♪ ♪and the radio up well i've seen the sunrise...♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my guest tonight is actor director and writer, bob odenkirk. he's here to talk about his new memoir, "comedy comedy comedy
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drama." bobs ode enkirk, welcome to the "daily show." >> good to be here. >> trevor: thank you for joining me. especially to talk about the book. it's part m memoir. i feel it's a how to guide for anyone wanting to work and grind through life. >> i hope so. that would be great if it had more than one use. >> trevor: i feel that's a big use. >> it will hold the door open too. >> trevor: we're pleased. it's a good book about your life. >> it's about my career in comedy. show biz, about hanging in there, about a lot of dead ends which i -- i only included i would say a third of the dead ends. because it's very hard to write about shows and things that nobody will see or can see. i wrote the book for a number of
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reasons. one pop culture moves so fast these days. >> trevor: yes. >> a lot of the things i did are smaller cultish things. i'm proud of them. "mr. show." "get a life." "tenacious d" and "tim and he canner." eric." this will be covered over with gloppy stuff. >> trevor: i fell in love you with from "breaking bad" i was like this guy. i never loved a lawyer who is sleazy. i think you changes how we see lawyers. >> lawyers love this guy. guys, he's a bad guy. >> trevor: you think he's a bad guy. >> he's a good guy. his choice to be is all goodman, to put on this front. you know embrace situational
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ethics. i think it's a bad choice. i don't liking it. >> trevor: yes i think it's a bad choice. >> i don't liking people like that. in the end. i know the end now. we finish two weeks ago tomorrow. >> trevor: this is long awaited. >> in the end i like where it goes. >> trevor: okay. >> so we will see. you will see. >> trevor: when you read this book. the title says it all "comedy, comedy, comedy, drama." i don't know your story. a lot of people don't. we see you on tv, amazing. we see you somewhere else. amazing. we assume it's always mazing. then the grind. the failure, feature, dead end, dead end, moment of success, no. it seems like through your life like is all goodmanure getting a grip on the world and your career. are you happy with how your life has gone. >> very much . so by the way i
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mean i have had unbelievable success the last few few years. "better call saul" and action film "nobody" played around the world. that in forms it. i'm happy where i'm at. i'm also happy with all of the variety of things that i did and have gotten to do. think that is a great quality to show business. >> trevor: huh-uh. >> the different avenues you can go down overtime. this business loves people write inventing themselves. it does feed on the injured. you know. if you're trailing blood you will get eaten and spit out. if you can just regenerate yourself quickly and say i'm back the business is like, great he's back. that is pretty neat. >> trevor: i was touched by you sharing parts of your story. how you grew up one of seven
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siblings. >> right. >> trevor: your dad struggled with al alcoholism and walked ot on the family. in a part of the book you said i don't want to do "better call saul" i want to be a better dad but your kids said no, do the show. >> i do wonder too much but it seems a little magical. my kids were 13 and 15 at the time when they first came to me and said we're going to do. we want to do "better call saul" it was a joke at first. the first scene i did with brandon cran soson on "breaking bad" we did a take and the camera crew said can i get a job on the sequel. we all laughed. then it was a running joke there. has to be a sequel.
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there should be a show about saul. then vince gilligan came to me more than once, you think there is a show about saul. i think there is. when they said it's shot in albuquerque. i thought of my life. i thought of my dad not prioritizing his family. i said i can't do it. there is too much work here at the house. the kids overheard that. i hung up the phone. my son was standing there across the room. he goes so you're not going to do that show, huh. i said no, no. it's not time. he goes, well you're going to disappoint a lot of people. then we carried on talking. he said, we will help out at the house, dad. we will make it work. i let it go. then my daughter came to me. she talked to my son. my daughter was more like a kid who grew up in hollywood with questions.
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what would it be like. would it be hard to do. do you think people would like it. she said, if it's bad how bad would it be. [laughing] >> real manager type. a 13 year-year-old. >> trevor: yes. >> i said it wouldn't be bad. it would be a interesting experiment. that's the worst it would be. she said you should do that. >> trevor: i love that. before you go, how is your heart. >> great. >> trevor: you had a heart attack. >> yes. july 25th. finished the book long before i had the heart attack. i did, i had a heart attack. i was very lucky to have it on the set. there were pros around who immediately gave me cpr. everybody listening take a cpr class. brush up on it. they saved my life. >> trevor: you don't remember any of it. >> i don't remember any of it. the next day after the surgery i woke up, my family was there.
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i was like, hey, i was like i got to go back to work. i was in a hospital gown. they go, no you don't. you had a heart attack. i'm like, no, no, no. i was at work. they go how did you get here? i go, my brain did this on it's own. i drove -- i drove here and i parked. >> trevor: wow. >> -- on level two. i knew you guys were here. >> trevor: wow. >> then i came in here. my wife said you got came in here, got in the bed and put the gown on. i looked down and was like, ya -- >> trevor: oh, man. >> my brain made up a story how i got there. totally weird. i am great. >> trevor: i'm glad, man. i'm glad you are great. i am glad we get to celebrate the final season of "better call saul" with you and the book with
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tonight, but before we go: families in ukraine are fleeing violence and urgently need emergency aid. care's immediate crisis response aims to reach four million people, prioritizing women and girls, families, and the elderly. if you can, donate at the link below to rush urgently needed water, food, hygiene kits, and ongoing support in ukraine. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, get your vaccine, and remember, if you're considering i object have adding ukraine to make your life easier. you may want to think again. now the moment of zen. >> russia, we will be in kyiv for one day. [beep] yourself. >> [beep]. >> -- putting [beep]. >> go away. go out from ukraine [beep]. from us.
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- ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪ - mom, mom! mom, seriously, something wonderful has happened! - what is it, snookums? - mom, look. the tooth fairy. i put a tooth under my pillow, and she gave me $2. she's only given me a lousy quarter before. - oh, my. she must think that you are a very special little muffin. - yeah, this is so tits! - don't say tits, eric. - oh, i mean, this is so cool! - well, perhaps now you should take that money and open up a savings account that has compounded daily interest.
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- you can compound daily my ass with interest, mom. i'm going to the toy store and buy me a skateboard. - but, eric, i think maybe the tooth fairy wants you to use that money to learn about saving. - mom, you don't know what the tooth fairy wants me to do with this money, okay? you're not the tooth fairy. i'll see you later. oh, man, this is so tits! you guys, you're not going to believe this! oh, my god, you guys, seriously! just wait until you hear this, you guys! i'm rich, i'm totally rich! aren't you stoked? - what the hell's wrong with cartman? - he's fat and he's stupid? - look at what the tooth fairy left me last night. - $2. - no way. - for one tooth? - for one tooth. - dude, every time i lost a tooth, i only got a quarter. - i only got a jar of gefilte fish. - well, that doesn't matter, because i have an idea that is totally tits. - totally what? - look, i don't know why the tooth fairy's being so cool to me. maybe she's hot for me. i don't know. but if we all chip in with teeth, then i can hide them under my pillow, and we can get enough money to buy a sega dreamcast. together: sega dreamcast? - all we need is teeth. - i already lost all my baby teeth. - me too. - mm-mm. - you still have baby teeth, kenny? - no way! - kenny, think about it.
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don't you want a sega dreamcast? - [mumbling angrily] - all right, kenny's in, you guys! tits! [bell ringing] - okay, the string is tied to kenny's tooth. you ready over there? - almost. you ready, timmy? - timmy! - when i say go, you slam your electric wheelchair into high gear. okay, timmy? - timmy! - right, you're timmy. - timmy, labalayah! - [muffled] - i'll tell you why it has to be you, kenny. because your family is poor and therefore has bad oral hygiene, so your teeth are going to fall out someday anyway. if you think about it, you should actually be thanking us. "oh, thank you, guys." you're welcome, kenny. - [muffled] fuck you! - all right, get ready, timmy. - timmy! - hey, guys, what are you doing? - what does it look like we're doing, butters? we need a tooth, so we're using timmy's wheelchair to pull out one of kenny's. - oh, hey, i got a loose tooth right here. together: you what? - [muffled] you what? - timmy! - yep. one of mine came out not two hours ago. - uh, butters, could we have it? - well, heck, no, you can't have it. why, i'm going to stick it under my pillow and get money from the tooth fairy. she gives me 50 cents a tooth. well, i'll see you, fellas. - dude, maybe we don't have to rip a tooth out of kenny's mouth.
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