tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 7, 2022 11:00pm-11:45pm PST
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♪ you made everything all right ♪ ♪ that one night ♪ ♪ one night ♪ ♪ you made everything... ♪ ♪ >> trevor: big news of the dairks very big, powerful big news, so big, so strong, greatest news ever, so big. an nfl player was imanned for a year for betk on games. yeah. and like people are angry, i will be honest with you, i don't understand it i don't understand why atheletes aren't allowed to bet, why can't they bet on the sport. there are a few reasons, number one i think you should always be allowed to bet on yourself, if you believe in yourself that much, bet the money, like no, gambling. bet the money. and people would be like they shouldn't be allowed to get against, i think you should, you should be allowed to bet against yourself as well. because sometimes you note truth, do you know what i mean, like if i was a new york jet, i would bet gerntion i know what is going to happen, why not make some money from t you know what
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i mean. that is the kind of thing, it should just be public. we should know how they bet, the athletes should be like on the stock exchange thing, they should fell you, the athlete bet this, that, i'm in for that but i don't think he should be band for a year for betting. especially you have watched a football game recently? have you watch mid sports? every single ad is sports betting, bet on sports. you need to bet on sports, then this guy bets and they are like no, are you band. >> coming to you from the heart of time square in new york city, the only city? america, it's "the daily show." tonight war wages on. and jesse williams. this is "the daily show" with trevor noah. >> trevor: hey, what is going on, everybody. welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. the war in ukraine is still going on and we will be covering it, yes, russian troops are still pushing through the country, we'll get to all of it,
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all of the updates but first i'm going to catch up on some of the headlines and here to provide both the companionship and his two cents is my good friend michael kosta. what is going on, michel -- michael, how are you doing. >> good, march, you should have your christmas tree down by now, think about that. and it's nice out there. i dined out there today because i wanted to. not because i had to. i could feel my legs while i was eating. >> trevor: outside. >> that's nice. the city has removed the indoor vaccine mandate so i had the vaccine taken out of my body. i am devaxxed. i am dewaxed and oh, i was supposed to tell you there is a guy on 4 2-7bd street who will sell clean blood to anyone who knee needs t happy to be here, that is my two cents. >> trevor: hey, man, i'm happy for you and also worried. let's jump straight into today's headlines. we kick things off with big news from the magazinea verse. one of done disk-- maga verse, one of donald trunch trump's
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strawnchest supportedders was william barr, what whra is interesting is now that trump sowt of office and barr has a book to tell, well, he suddenly is not a fan, no, he's singing a different tune. >> former attorney general william bar speaking out live for the first time about his volatile time in the trurch administration and his dismantling of the president's lies about the 2020 election. >> i told them that this stuff was bull [bleep] and about election fraud and you know, it was wrong to be shoveling it out the way his team was. he was obviously getting very angry about this, i said okay, i understand you are upset with me. and i'm perfectly happy to tender my resignation and then boom. >> he slaps the desk. >> he slapped the desk and he said accepted, send. don't go back to your office. go home. you're done. after the election he went off the rails. he wouldn't listen to anybody except a little coterie of sick
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frant-- sycophants who were telling him what he wanted to hear. >> trevor: i'm sorry did bill barr say after the election trump went off the rails, after the election? so before the election when he was trying to nuke hurricanes and inject bleech that was on the rails that was normal? it feels like trump fans are like aw euphoria fan like this thing gt more extreme over time but really it was like that from the beginning. yeah, they just hit their lim. oh there is so much nudity in euphoria, my man t is hbo, everything has nudity, everything, euphoria, game of thrones, that is why i stopped watching-- every episode, now my dick, you didn't have to show me your dick, john, that didn't help me understand the open yoitd-- opioid crisis. >> and he didn't become that, you just realized he was crazy when he started disagreeing with you. like kamikaze pilots are not sane when they are taking off.
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you are just agreeing with that part of the flight. so where what time do we land, what? but the point is that just like john kelly, john bolton, michael cohen, omarosa, remember her, bill bar has come out and said actually guys, donald trump is crazy and was not fit to be trump, but before you get all excite and welcome bill barr into the resistance you should probably hear his plan for the next election. >> are you certainly have made it clear i don't think he should be our nominee and i am going to support somebody else for the nominee. >> but if he is the nominee and your choice is donald trump or whoever is running on the democratic side, would you vote for him. >> because i believe that the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by the democratic party, it is inconceivable to me that i wouldn't vote for the republican nominee. >> so even if he lied about the election and threatened democracy as you write in your book, better than a democrat. >> it's hard to project what the facts are going to turn out to be three years hence but as of
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now if is hard for me to conceive that i wouldn't vote for the republican nominee. >> trevor: these people are wild. william barr literally agrees that trump tried to overthrow the election but still he would vote for trump over a democrat. yeah, i mean maybe trump's going to end america and put me in a prison camp but it's better than learning new pronouns, am i right? he actually said how in america politics have turned into sports, this is like a sports attitude, where people have like this blind level of support, you know, you support the knicks, yeah, what if they stop doing synchronized swimming, not basketball. >> i hate that but i will still support them. i'm a knicks fan at heart, doesn't matter what they do on the court, swimming, dancing, i'm a knicks fan i don't want to get a new jersey, learn new thingsk i'm a knicks fan. >> it is not that, st not spotters t is politics. it seems like he wrote the book about the wrong thing, he says what i am most passionate about is feeting the progressive
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agenda. well, write a book about that. i mean you are writing teacher says write about what you are passionate about, not write what your second most passionate about, that is what seems to have happened here. >> trevor: all heroes when they leave. >> i told him. i told-- no, you didn't. you were there and then at some point you were like all right, this guy is crazier than i thought. >> and they are also all heroes when they have to push their book. >> st always the book. >> the book. >> this is what i find. >> all these these people were there. >> can i push my book. >> i don't have a book. >> trevor: did you very as well. >> thank you. >> trevor: my time at the daily show, why i hate that trevor noah. >> how i resigned on air. >> trevor: i used to tell him on that show, would hoo, let's move on, i used to tell him. all right, let's move on to some news about andrew cuomo. the disgraced governor of new york who was never a guest on "the daily show." you see pictures of that, it is
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a lie. cuomo you might remember was at the center of a whole bunch of scandals. there was his history of sexual harassment, his shady handling of the early covid pandemic and he abused the power of his office by making people watch all those power point presentations. but now just seven months after being forced to resign, andrew cuomo has decided that he has served enough time. >> former governor cuomo's first public appearance since leaving office has some wondering if he is considering a political comeback. cuomo spoke sunday at god batted all onof prayer church in brooklyn, during his remarked s he repeatedly took aim at cancel culture which cuomo says forced him out of office. >> don't yunld estimate the strength of the cancel culture. they broke my heart. but they didn't break my spirit. i want to take the energy that could make me bitter and use that energy to make us better.
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>> trevor: okay, first of all pretty slick move delivering that speech in church because people have to forgive you even if they don't want to. >> yeah, jesus says so. >> and secondly let's agree on something. let's agree on this, please, can we agree on this once and for all, getting cancelled, is not the same thing as getting investigatedded for sexual harassment. all right? cancelled is when people yell at you on twitter for like a joke. when are you getting cancelled you can put your phone on airplane moid an keep it moving, that saul that happened to an dree cuomo, that wasn't the-- police that is the police police. >> i was canceled, no, my man, everyone weuses that i was canceled, what were you doing. >> kidnapped some people, cancel culture sowt of control. it feels like these days people can blame literally everything on cancel culture. mommy, why the fish upside down in the bull, oh, cancel culture, yeah, that fish is gone now, so sorry about it, i guess in many way this combat effort is
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classic andrew cuomo. nobody asked him to come back but will make a move anyway. people are like we don't want you back, people are like it's fine, i'm italian, let's kiss on the mouth. you know, i don't think he's running. i think since he lost his job and since his brother lost his job i think they're living together, on bunk beds and he just wants to get out of the house. doesn't this feel like he was happy to get out. >> it does seem like that. >> he's blaming cancel culture the way i use supply chain, that is my-- hey, i called you ten times, i didn't call you back, i did call you back, there must be a supply chain issue, you know. my wife was like i love you, you know, you don't say it enough, i said look, that's a supply chain question, you know. i don't know if i can just-- so. >> trevor: you know what is funny is we don't understand the supply chain enough to know how to argue back against. >> right. >> trevor: that is a brilliant thing. >> any problem. >> trevor: supply chain, i will say that next time the
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landlord comes, trevor, you vrnt made-- supply chain. >> i was in the elevator, somebody said you can hit number 12, i was like supply chain, i can't do that. >> trevor: brilliant. >> yeah. >> trevor: wait, i asked you about my birthday present and you said supply chain, was that the same thing. >> it's been, look, supply chain has been a problem for a long time. >> trevor: all right, finally, do you remember that canadian trucker propest-- protest that shut down the border an and forced you to learn the capitol of canada a few weeks ago where truckers blocked the streets for weeks to show outrage over covid vaccine mandates and other canadian government tyranny like free health care and education, anyway some americans saw what happened in canada and said hey, we have trucks too, why not do that here. but sadly the result has been less impressive. >> a caravan of protrump antivaccine truckers modeled after the canadian freedom convoy has reached the nation's can toll. the people's convoy traveled
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across the country to reach washington, d.c. starting in california last month. the caravan planned the circle the capitol several times and then return to their homebase in maryland but a number of them were sorted of frustrated by the traffic on the bementway, of course surrounding washington d.c., and did not complete the lap thes had hoped. >> the protest slowed down traffic a little but the truckers did not flow that the beltway is like that all the time. so the protest ended up having a far smaller impact than the canadian protest that inspired it in our state. >> trevor: this is just sad. american truckers were trying to block traffic but d.c. already has so much traffic that nobody really noticed they were protesting. i mean let's be honest. the protest isn't much good if it is too subtle for people to know it is a protest. it is like if rosa parks bravely decided to sit in the middle of the bus, it wouldn't be the same. yeah, bus driver would be at the front like that black woman
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sitting-- whatever. also i bet when these truckers planned the driving protest they didn't think gas would hit $5 a gallon. that say horrible time to be driving as your protest because now they are praying the cops tow them away to save on gas, do you see what i am doing. you want to tow me back home, please, i need you to tow me back home. i didn't plan this part. you. >> you think if anybody is comfortable with traffic it would be truckers, isn't that the whole definition of the job. >> trevor: it is, it is actually a hard job. >> a hard job. i feel bad for truckers because even on their day off if they want to go somewhere, they have to drive. they have to work. >> trevor: i didn't think of that. >> timing is everything with. this it doesn't help them that vaccine mandates are being pulled off and the massk. it is like what do we want, no mandateds, when do we want them, this morning, we have it this morning t already happened. >> trevor: i would just say that the protest was successful. i wouldn't admit that it happened. i would just be like how were the protest, we got everything we asked for.
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>> yeah imagine if martin luther king came, have i a dream, what, oh, that was reality. are all right, everybody, we are have to go for a quick break but don't go away because when we come back we'll be looking how putin is not just waging war on ukraine but also on his own people in russia. yeah, i know. some starting to yeah, i know. some starting to think this guy is not a good [ringtone ringing] sorry... ugh... [ringtone ringing] shhhh! [ringtone ringing]
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ your home... for adventure. your home... for romance. your home for big savings. [ laughs ] hey, mom, have you seen m-- ew. because when you bundle home and auto with progressive, your home is a savings paradise. bundles progressive. your home for savings. daily show t is now day 12 of russia's invasion of ukraine, or as putin calls if, russia's
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relaxing shoulder massage of ukraine, so let's catch up on all the latest in our ongoing coverage of the war in ukraine. >> despite the world telling a putin that he's being not nice, the russian military has continued its indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas in ukraine reducing them to ruble and leaving the people without homes, food or even water. and when the civilians tried to flee those cities, it turns out that russia has been bombing them too. >> more and more civilians being killed as russia escalated attacks there, people trying to flee the invasion struck at an evac yaition cross point. >> guys russia and ukraine agreed the ceasefire, in order to give people a chance to get out. both times russia broke the ceasefires with violence, indiscriminate shelling.
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>> at least four people including a woman and her two children were killed in that attack. >> we will not forgive, we will not forget, ukraine's president zelensky vows to punish moscow troops as he reacts to the il killing of civilians attempting to flee the conflict. >> we will find every [bleep] that shot at our cities, our people. there will be no quiet place on this earth for you except for the grave. >> trevor: sweeted jesus. like it's bad enough that russia is blowing ukraine to smither evens, but it's even worse that they are bombing people who are trying to escape during a ceasefire that russia agreed to. i mean what is russia's logic here. i honestly don't get it, what is it, first we murder the people, then they will warm up to us as their new rulers? what is the plan. and today after attacking civilians during the first two evacuation attempts, russia offered to create new humanitarian cargoes to allow people to escape the city,
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except you can't make this part up. many of the evacuation route roose fun el civilians straight into russia. which is insane. like just think about that, people are trying to escape, we'll let them escape but into our country, like imagine hostage takers saying already, let the hoss tajes leave, let them leave the bank but only if they come with us to our house, then they are still hoss tadges, are you insane. not to mention even refugees probably don't want to live in russia right now. things aren't great in ukraine but at least they still get the batman, there is nothing in russia. and because many russians have family members who are living in ukraine, the idea of the russian military leveling ukrainian cities and kilting nntd people was never going to be popular in the first place. which is probably why putin has now gone into overdrive to make sure that in russia nobody hears about it. >> a new iron curtain has fallen in russia and this time it is an information iron curtain. that is why most russians don't
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know what is really happening in ukraine. the kremlin today blocked facebook and twitter and there are no independent media outlets left. >> vladimir putin signing a law tonight making it a crime to spread what the russian government considered fake news about the conflict in ukraine. the maximum penalty, 15 years in jail. independent russian news outlets have always found it difficult to operate. now it's impossible. the staff at moscow's last independent tv station walking offset as their final symbolic broadcast played out, a similar scene played out at russia's oldest liberal radio station echo of moscow which says it's been forced to close. >> we just can say welcome to the ussr. >> yeah, think about that for a moment, the only place to get any lews in russia now is state media, that is it, putin even shut down facebook in russia. which is so messed up.
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like why couldn't he have shut it down everywhere, why only in russia thach is truly evil. we also want a break from facebook. on the plus side, the one silver lining of there is that everyone is getting the exact same news in russia which means russian family dinner are probably going to be like the least contentious affairs ever. especially way more than american family dinners. well, i heard the war in ukraine is going well. oh yeah? i heard the same thing yes, more stuffing please. >> happy thanksgiving, we're russians together, enjoying same news so we don't disagree. >> trevor: they sing during thanks giving in russia. can't prove that i am not lying because no facebook there any more. now many russian people are against this war. in fact over 4,000 protestors were a rested just yesterday. but for most of the country, this media blackout means they will never know the truth about what is really going on. there are even stories of
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ukrainians who have called their parents in russia to tell them what is happening. and their own parents don't believe the stories. which is terrible. at the same time i guess that is what happens when you lie to your parents about everything else in your life. oh sure, putin is invading you. just like that time you didn't throw a party when we were out of town. while putin is cutting off russian people's links to the outside world, the outside world itself has been trying to cut itself off from russia. russian banks have been banned from the global financial system. russian airlines have been blocked from entering most countries and even apple has stopped selling its products in russia. which means russians can't watch ted lasso any more. terrible for them, probably fine for putin. i mean if a show has no villain, who is he supposed to rooted for. and every day, every single day more companies are joining apple and all these other companies in leaving russia. >> the list of private companies cutting ties with russia is
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mounting. visa, master card and american express are boycotting business there. tiktok is blocking users on its platform in russia and netflix announced it has suspended service. >> toyota says they are putting a halt to it's factory in production in russia. this comes as the vehicle imports into the country have been suspended indefinitely. >> the counting for kpmg and pricewaterhouse coopers both announced they are exiting russia due to the invasion. >> from now on it is just stolei, the makers involve ca market as russia vodka is doing a rebranding in response to the war. >> the group announced it will only use slovakian sources to avoid russian ingredients. >> trevor: yeah, that's how bad it has gotten. even vodka doesn't want anything to do with russia any more. just think about that. can you imagines if hand gesture as nounsed they wanted nothing to do with italy. it is too toxic. so yeah, no toyota, no credit cards, no net fliksz.
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almost like all of russia is being forced to spend the weekend at their broke dad's house. but unfortunately, none of this has stopped russia's invasion of ukraine. probably because none of it is actually ficts putin. what people don't realize, sanctions are bad for the country, but this doesn't effect putin. putin doesn't drive a toyota. putin doesn't watch netflix. over use credit cards, you think this man pace, the man hasn't paid for anything in 20 years. which waiter has the balls to bring vladimir putin the check. >> will you be paying by cash or card? >> will you be paying with your life? okay, well, i guess we'll see you next time, all right then, have a good night. drama. >> if anything, people, the war has only gotten more intense, russia made major gains in southern ukraine and looks like it may totally surround the capitol of kyiv this week. so the ukrainian people are in a very bad place right now which is why it has been so inspiring to see how they're still, still telling the russian invaders to go [bleep] themselves.
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>> thousands of people taking to the streets to rail against their russian occupiers, in a show really that while russian forces might be able to take some of these towns and cities, occupying them will be much more difficult. in kherson, ukraine, defiant, residents spoke up under russian occupation and took to the streets. go home, there is no vodka here this man says. this woman draiched in her country's colors. >> we are not afraid. we are together, she says. >> video out of kherson, ukraine where ukrainian protester jumped on to a russian military vehicle waving his country's flag. there it is right there. >> trevor: yeah, people, in the face of mortal danger many ukrainians are standing up and saying we won't back down. i mean did you see that one guy, he climbed right on top of a tank. which sin vein-- insane. also insane how tanks have like
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zero defenses against that. if are you in front of a tank it is terrifying but once you get on top the tank is like get off, stop that. stop that. and this really shows you the difference between capturing a city and controlling a city. capturing a city is easy. you send in more tanks than the other team and boom it's yours, but if you can't stop the old man in town from coming out androsing you, have you really won? yeah, you haven't, you haven't really won the invasion if your soldiers are coming back home like we still took the city but now everyone is being mean to me. >> ukrainians are braving this invasion with defiance and coverage. and, and there was one specific ukrainian that a british reporter kawtd up with who seems to know the secreted. so not just coping with the possible destruction of your country, but smiling while doing it. >> tell me quickly, are you all
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right? >> i'm all right. >> and how many people are trapped in there. >> 420. >> british, british how many-- cannabis legalized in great britain. >> i don't know whether cannabis is licensed. i'm glad that is all you are think being. >> trevor: yeah, you guys can have zelensky, i just found my favorite ukrainian. yeah, because you see that guy? like i don't know about you, when i smoke weed i can barely handle the stress of the door bell ringing, this guy is in a war zone getting questioned about a journalist and he's questioning her, let me ask you some questions, let me ask you, like she started, what is going on here. i think this guy doesn't even know there is a war going on. he probably thinks he's got some really good curb, i should have had half a-- man, i'm seeing tanks everywhere, goddam, but this really just goes to show you, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, it doesn't
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matter what language you speak, in every country, on every continent, there is always one weird high guy on the bus. and that brings us together. all right, when we come back the murltd tal ented jesse williams will be joining me right here in the studio to talk about getting naked on stage. naked on stage. stay tuned.
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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? daily show, my guest is actor, producer and director jesese williams here to talk about making his broadway debut in the slow take me out. z welcome back to the daily show. >> thanks for having me. >> do you think will you do it this time, last time i saw you were getting ready to go to broadway, to make your debut and
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it was around february 2020 and are you like you have to come to the show. everyone made plans. >> yeah. >> world shuted down, second time around, you feeling good. >> i do. we feel great, we were three weeks into rehearsal. i was nervous, terrified, all things i still am today but we never got to take it to the next step so now we are in tech, we open in a few days. and it's thrilling and terrifying and we're ready to go. >> not just your broadway debut but a play that is a revival but a powerful story as well because it is a story about a baseball player of color who comes out. and i mean along, amongst all sports athletes will tell you, look, i've got nothing against anybody who is gay but there is this attitude in the change room, like keep it out of the change room, don't tell me about it. >> the locker room is a pretty specific space, hypermasculine space, brings a lot of baggage in there. >> greenburg who wrote the play everyone visioned it in the early 2000 and figured it was imminent that a superstar, not just a player but a superstar,
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top of his class, world-class athlete that was kind of untouchable, what would happen if that person came out. because you can't trade him, you can't release him, this is somebody who is really the pinnacle of your prosignificants-- profesks, he slowt it would happen a year from then, 20 kreers passed but still hasn't happened in any major supported at that level, add to that him bag black and bi racial an what that means in this country and doesn't t explores that, what is most fases naturing is the character without giving too much away, doesn't clang or shift or do anything we life yr-- behavieral to provoke or let men behind behind behavier, i don't mind that he is gay, i just he didn't do there, i wish he didn't act that way. he isn't doing anything, alpha, wees player in the world, on the team, championship team, he hasn't changed anything but said a word. and look how men con toward themselves, they don't know how to behave around them to present themselves, and it takes away,
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you know, an interesting looker-- locker room driemic where guys are able to be playful and homoerotic and maybe intoll rant, all those things that get woven into locker room culture what do you do when mi there. >> in a story like this, one thing i loved about fiction is that it often times provides enough sugar for us to delve into facts that through stories we get to solve the puzzles that we can't seem to solve in real life. i know a lot of guys out there who would be, i'm fine with guys who are gay what 23 your friend is gay. >> that is not cool, we have to keep our distance but i'm still cool with him, what changed it is interesting when you realize that there is still an idea of what gay is or isn't and how we react to it. >> that is actually one the more interesting things, there is that idea of what that means. and if you, but if you don't we life in a different way, it leaves you kind of flailing for something to grasp at that makes you, what does gay mean without a demon stable, very much like
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black men shall ng, it has to be demonstrated and shown in a narrow pedestrian an particular way but with this, the friendship that darin has, are very different, a best friend that handles it one way, religion comes into play, the projection of aggression the projection of prying eyes, of me being a predator in some ways when i'm not even looking at you, all types of things we forecast that is kind ever a reflection of what women have to deal with in our society what black folks have to deal with. it comes with, your presence alone is two strikes out of three. >> i like that. >> you get to see how it is really an interesting examination of relationship and the damage that talking can do. >> expressing yourself too much, honesty which feels like a pathway in can sometimes not necessarily, there is cultural dynamics, we give a bias toward, an interesting undercurrent of white privilege in this story that i think is really
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interesting, whether intended or not. cuz darin is not only gay but is he black and one of few black characters in this play. there is an island i'm already on. >> fas naight. i can't wait to see it. >> it is incredibly written, it really wonderful, smart material, incredible director, great cast. >> trevor: you are also going to be nude in some of the scenes. >> what? yes, yeah, it's real. >> trevor: on stage. >> on stage. >> trevor: i don't think i would ever do public nudity but i think i would definitely not do nudessity on broadway because i think on film i feel like i could be like cut, i'm not feeling my best right now, broadway is broadway. >> yeah, this is very helpful, i appreciate you telling me all the things you wouldn't do that i am doing. >> trevor: no, what i am saying is i am commending you and asking you, because there is a certain comfort that comes with the story and seghtd and realism that comes with it as
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well. you can't have a conversation about mass you can lynnity and power dynamics in a major sports team without being in the locker room, especially around homosexual expectations, it's about exposure, vuller in ability, what do you do, where do my eyes have to go. there is centering analysis through conversation in the play about that. >> what brief neweddity does is bring the audience into our experience. >> trevor: yes. >> ou have to decide where to look, are you listening, you can look and listen, you can be here, are you distractedded, does he see me looking, do i have to look up, do i avoid. the audience has to really experience what the characters are going through and then that helps them understand, it who do they empathize with, a lot of complexer dynamics, one of the most fascinating thing is having arguments where both characters are right. right? like real life, like arguing with your partner, you know, and reflecting on it, two scenes later, so there is a real relate ability to how messy this stuff is. life is hard. >> trevor: i love it.
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>> it is exciting to see i on stage, it will be great to see you doing it the first time, thanks for coming on the show. >> if we get extended there might be a role for you if you want to whip it out think about it. >> trevor: i will think about it. >> okay, take it under advisement, put tuned your hat. >> trevor: let's go for a quick break while i think about this, take me out, april 4th and tickets on sale right now. i will think about this and we'll be right back after this. i will say no but i will think about when it comes to cybersecurity, the biggest threats don't always strike the biggest targets. so help safeguard your small business with comcast business securityedge™. it's advanced security that continuously scans for threats and helps protect every connected device. on the largest, fastest, reliable network with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. so you can be ready for what's next. get started with internet and voice for $64.99 a month. and ask how to add securityedge™. or, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card.
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women and girls, families and the elderly, so if you can, please help by donating at the link below to rush urge ently needed food, water, hygiene kits and ongoing support in ukraine. now here st, your moment of zen. >> my life today is wonderful. i believe that i am needed. i think that the most porntd sense of life is you are needed. that you not just an emptiness that walks and eats something. professional tennis. i don't understand all the shushing. why're they always shushing? "shh! shh!" don't the players know that we're there? [audience laughs] should we duck down behind the seat so they don't see us watching them? to me, tennis is basically just ping-pong, and the players are standin' on the table. that's all it is. and that goofy scoring.
11:42 pm
you win one point, all of a sudden you're up by 15. [audience laughs] two points, 30-love. thirty-love. sounds like an english call girl. [english accent] "that'll be 30, love. -[audience laughs] -"and could you be a little quieter next time, please?" "shh!" check out this vrbo. come on. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
11:43 pm
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these folks don't have time to go to the post office they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. i don't think i can do this. you said you wanted to feel the power of cricket 5g! i thought you meant like- live streaming! oh, we're live streaming alright. let's roll! [screaming] powerrrrrrrr
11:45 pm
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