tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 10, 2022 1:15am-2:00am PST
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hey, bud. thanks for coming out to cheer me on. dad, i'm -- i'm always here. i'm always here for you, too. switch to progressive, and you can save hundreds. well, i'm going for a pr. you know, like the sign says. -what is a pr? -i don't know. -this will no longer be called lady lunch, just lunch, because we have a visitor. -thank you so much for letting me crash the party. i'll start. i have a new tattoo. -hell yeah. what'd you go with? -i asked for a super hung scorpion with a devil's head on my chest, but they got 2 millimeters into the scorpion's urethra, and i just started crying so hard,
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i ralphed all over the place. -denise, you need a tattoo. you'd look badass with a skeleton lawnmower'ing your bush. -i'd have to check with my husband. might be a while. he's 1,000 feet below the earth's surface in a dumpster full of pillows and freeze-dried beef stroganoff. -i'm sure fairview will have a freakout for a bit, and then they'll move on to some other freakout. -hey, it all worked out, right? -no, i'm saying the freakouts will never end, ever. -alright, well, i got something for ya. it's not barbecue heaven, but it is my freshly fermented mesquite recipe. the secret ingredient is wrigley's gum. go ahead. try some. -i can't wait. how long did this sit in the sun? -i don't know. you know my clock's batteries are junk. -maybe just go boil it for a while. -that's gonna mess with the taste, but anything for princess please preserve my stomach lining. -think you're a hero or something? -at the very least, i freed an omni employee to go and piss in the big tennis ball can in the sky. you dropped this. -apology accepted. -look, i'm starting to figure out i'm not perfect and a terrible speller.
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but i'm working on it. -it's gonna be a lot of work. -i said i'm working on it! you know what? we tried giving our marriage a second chance, but these past few seconds have been exhausting! forget it! i'm out! -you better not come back here, or i'll spray-paint your sexual shortcomings on another overpass! -eat shit! interesting news, so they found a ship wreck from i don't know how many hundred something years ago and it's like another one of those stories, you know when they g i went, it is like a south african ship, you know how we do. a south african ship that went somewhere to find the ship that was wrecked and, i don't really care about the details of the ship wreck, i will be honest. i don't care about ships that sank, i prefer the ships that didn't sink, this is what gets me. how come are you allowed to keep what you find in a ship wreck. i don't understand why like law in the sea just like pirate law,
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essentially, everywhere else in the world we have laws, you can't find a thing in the desert and keep t you understand that. no one lives, you can't just find shit and keep it but in the ocean you can do whatever you want, find a ship t is yours, you can't do that anywhere else, they are like the finder keepers law, maritime law, you find it and you have got it you understand how crazy that would be if we applied that law. imagine if you were at a mall and you lost your car at the parking lot, i lost my car and everyone is like it's mine now, bitches. that is essentially what is happening here. chaos t would be fun, if we had those law, the next time you had a music fest, oh, i lost my life and everyone is like ha ha ha. coming to you, the only city in america. it's "the daily show" tonight no more matches for russia, cancel culture t out of control, and
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dolly parton and james paterson there is "the daily show" with trevor noah el come to the daily show, we are now answering week 3 of the war in ukraine and there sa lot going on both in the combated zone and around the world. so let's catch up on the latest updates in our ongoing coverage in the war in ukraine. as you probably know, one of the big stories of a putin's invasion of ukraine has been the surprising resilience of the ukraine nan-- ukrainian people but what has been almost more surprising is it turns out the russian military wasn't as prepared or powerful or effective as everybody thought. their tanks are falling apart, their trucks are getting stuck in the mud, and the soldiers don't seem very prepared which is not what any of us expected. you know, russia struggling is not what anybody thought,
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imagine if in game of thrones we waited seven seasons for the white walkers and when they a triefd was just a bunch of old dudes using walkers, it still would have been a better end, but you know what i mean, when you think about it, there is a chance russia nukes don't even work, because if you look at the truck that gets stuck in the mud, you realize there is a chance their nuclear, they mile press that red button and the nukes will be like-- (coughing) please note if i am wrong about the nukes, we're all dead so whatever you do don't act on my intelligence t was just me brain storming here. the point is that in the two weeks that this has been going on, russia has only been able to capture, completely capture one major ukrainian city so far. but that hardly means that things are going well for ukraine. several other cities are under seige, and facing constant bombardment and russian troops have taken control of one especially strategic asset. >> ukraine is raising a larms about the situation at the chern only knock leer power planted,
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the site of the world's works are worst nuclear disaster, ukraine officials say russian forces disconnected the decomitionzed facility from the power grid. but call ford a ceasefire noshed to restore power. ukraine's foreign minister says the plant has reserved december il generators that can power it for 48 hours but after, that the cooling systems for spent nuclear fuel stored there will stop making radiation leaks imminent. >> oh come on, russia. you cannot mess around with the nuclear power plant, it's nuclear power. i mean i want season season two of chernobyl, yes, but i also want to be around to watch it, now thankfully the international atomic energy agency says that there is no danger of a leak right now. which is good news. right now. but i mean regardless russia, what are you doing, law? we are already dealing with one meltdown over here. the world doesn't need another one. and a chernobyl disaster is bad news for you, think about t best
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case scenario, what happens if you screw thup, huh? a lot of russians get sick. worst-case scenario, the radiation will create an army of mut and superyou yainians and right now you can't even beat the regular ones so is this a move you really want to make? >> now while all of this is taking place in eastern europe the west is still trying to figure out how involved nato should get in helping ukraine fight off the russian invasion, because you see so far, nato has been sending a lot of weapons into ukraine, they have been selling surface air missiles, antitank missile, rocket launches, gun, ammo, some legos for the russians to step on, everything. and these weapons are all helping but what ukraine really wants, really, really, really wants is some fighter jets, which apparently is a much trickier request. >> the biden administration racing to catch up to news that poland is offering to provide used fighter jets, migs that could ultimately be delivered-- delivered to ukraine, multiple sources
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telling cnn that report caught u.s. officials completely offguard, poland said it would give ukraine all of its mig 29 jets but transfer them to an american air base in germany, but the pentagon said no, that it's too close to direct u.s. military involvement in the fight against russia. >> okay, this is weird. this is really weird. poland has offered you crane fighter jets. but they don't want to give the jets to ukraine drictly. because then they will be in a direct war with russia. so instead they want to give the jets to america and then america hands them to ukraine but america doesn't want to do that because then they are fighting russia directly. so now there are jets and ukraine, but nobody knows how to bring the two together. i will be honest, i don't know why this is so complicated. you just have to treat these like an old couch you don't want any more, you leave it on the sidewalk and if ukraine happens to walk by and find a jet, i mean what does poland got to do with it, eh?
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>> also i don't know if it is just me, but it is weird that they are going through all these mental gymnastics here because even if poland finds some sneaky way to get these planes to ukraine, isn't russia going to know where the planes came from you told us on the news. com ddz rads did you notice poland offered ukraine jets, now ukraine has polish jets, how did that happen, hey, probably same way toast always lands butter side down, huh, life is crazy, you never know. >> and this has been a tricky situation since the war started. how involved can natdo get without russia turning on them. and i will be honest, i get it, it is hard to figure out. you know, this is like the ultimate conundrum of life, the other day, i saw a mugging on the subway. i am not going to jump in to stop it because now that person is stabbing me, so instead i said hey, don't do that. and then i immediately jumped off the train and ran away. which i think struck the right
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balance, you know? >> now while the war war rages on, the west economic war against russia is ramping up too. just yesterday president biden banned all russian oil from entering america. but that is creating its own problems because americans still need gasoline to drive cars, and to heat offices and set their homes on fire for the insurance money. so president biden is going around the world asking other countries to pump more gas to replace russian, right? unfortunately, some of the country's that could help america apparently won't pick up the phone. >> as americans watch gas prices rise the biden administration is now looking at importing oil from hostile countries but not going so well. "the wall street journal" reports president biden tried to cause the leaders of saudi arabia and united arab emirates but they would not take his call. >> officials from both countries are upset over american policy in the gulf, specifically the saudis want legal immunity for principle mohammed bin salman in the u.s. he is facing several
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lawsuits over the killing of journalist jamal khashoggi is in 2018. saudi arabia 57bd uae want more back frght u.s. in yemen to quell the civil war there and both also not happy with the revival of the iranian nuclear deal. >> trevor: you have got to be kidding, apparently saudi arabia won't even pick up the phone for the president of the united states. i mean luke, i know it is lard to arrange those calls, riyadh is eight hours ahead, biden is-- it is an hour to make it work but it mus must have been em bar rags for biden, he called and they don't pick up. he probably has to do that thing where you pretend that the person did pick up. >> yes, mbs, my man, yeah, ukraine, that is why i am calling. you got me, yeah, oh, i have been working out, yeah. yeah, okay, i will call you back, all right, love you too. you know what the white house needs to do they should do for this situation? they need to redirect the call
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that instead of washington d.c. it looks like the call is coming from ohio. yeah. because then the saudis curiousity is going to get them, phone is going to ring, they will be like oh, who is calling from ohio, do we know anybody from ohio? they will be like don't answer, don't answer. >> but what if it is lebron, have i to answer, hello, oh, joe biden, you were right, oh, i was hoping you would call, according to the white house, according to the white house this story is totally untrue. they deny it which i would too. but either way, man, there is no denying that saudi arabia isn't playing ball with joe biden. and you know what, you can say what you want, but this would have never happened to donald trump. never. no one was ever ignoring donald trump's calls. yeah, cuz if you ignored donald trump's calls you didn't know how he would respond. maybe he would send an angry tweet, or maybe he would just like ban your country from everything. you don't know. that is why i bet in these situations biden actually wishes
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cohire trump to step in as president wildcard, to keep everyone on their tows. because if trump was calling you best believe the uae will be racing to pick up the phone, mr. trump, we're here, we're here, hello. >> too late ahmed you made me wait two rings, we are bombing the uae and ufc just in case. >> while biden and nato are trying to figure out how to get russia back in line, people all over the world are trying to do their part to stand up to the russian regime. the only downside is that some people don't quite seem to understand the assignment. >> backlash for the rush arne invasion of ukraine is leading to some misguided hostility in the u.s >> ongressman air swalwell who says that the consideration of kicking every russian student out of the u.s. should be on the table. >> a young russian pianist who is set to perform with the month ream symphony orchestra this week has been struck from the schedule after protests.
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>> the they have removed the russian come pos ter tchaikovsky from its program of up and coming concerts due to the conflictance a russian restaurant in d.c. is vandalized. miss say several people broke windows and spray painted antirussian writing on the russia house restaurant. >> new york's russian samovar restaurant say they lost 60% of their customers. the coowner is half ukrainian. >> he said their sign has been kicked down and people have been leaving one star reviews online saying things like stop the war. >> just because you are quote unquote russian establishment does not mean you cut a check to putin or his regime. >> trevor: really, people? really? you know the only thing worse than not getting help is getting help from idiots. people, just because something is russian, doesn't mean it is automatically bad. all right? like russian dressing, for example, okay, that is bad. that is actually bad. yeah, that tastes like ketchup died inside a bottle of mayonnaise but you get what i am
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saying. not all russian things are bad because of what is happening in russia, do you understand. you are not trying to be against the russian people, are you trying to be against the russian government, to stop them from what they are doing in ukraine. you understand that you can be antirussia and prorussian? all right? it std same way you can question the chinese government's handling of coronavirus without punching asian grandmothers in the street, do you understand this? americans of all people should understanded understand this. sometimes people want to be separated from the actions of their government, we've seen you americans traveling around the world with your canadian flag sewn on your backpacks, you know we can't tell the difference between your accent, you might think it is a good god to ban tchaikovsky now but wait until christmas comes and you are trying to get your nutcracker on and then come talk to me. but look idiots taking their anger out on returnan restaurants in new york, that is one thing. there is another backlash gong with corporations which does make sense. every day more and moore corporations are deciding they don't want to be a part of the
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russian economy that is funding this war. as we told you yesterday, mcdonald's, starbucks, and now coca cola have announced this they are suspending business in russia. yes. which means the russian people are going to be forced to doaferl diabetes on their own now. yeah, and today, today another big name calling it quits. >> bumble also announced it will be discontinuing operations in russia, removing all of its app from the apple app store and google play store in russia and belarus and st just the latest company to do so. >> trevor: wow. no more bumentable in russia-- bumble in russia. that is harsh. you need dating apps in a country where the cuffing season is ten months long, you have seen their winter the. you might be saying meeting women in russia sez, all you have to do is look inside a slightly larger woman, that is not how it works, don't be stupid. this is yet another hitted to the russian people because of what putin has done. and you know when you think about it, because russian people
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only get russian news, they probably have no idea why all these companies are closing, none. think about t every day something else just disappears from their life, mcdonald's, gone. star bucks, gone. coca cola, gone. you don't know why. can you imagine how confusing that must snb probably russians just walking around like huh, i guess i was the only person drinking coke. now as always, where the western companies move out, the russian governments steps in. and luckily all the russians looking to meet horny singles in the area, there is another app that is coming out. >>comrades, are you upset that bumble has abandoned mother russia like cow, do not worry while we put new jail, you do not need bumble because russia has new dating app, putin out, now you can meet single russians who match your interests, like loving putin, or willing to die for putin.
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or just swipe right on fellow russians then use features to learn more about them, maybe you fall in love or maybe you report them to police. either way, it's a win. after matching on putin out you will enjoy all kinds of fun dating adventures like storming of beaches or cleaning glowing rocks in chernobyl, so fun. so sign up today for putin out, does not matter if you are already married. >> trevor: all right, when we come back, new yorkers are getting cancelled and dolly parton and james paterson are joining me on the show, you joining me on the show, you don't want to miss ♪ ♪
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we keep moving forward. tostitos avocado salsa. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? mission control, we are go for launch. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten.
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daily show, these days a lot of people are worried about cancel quul ture what if a camera camps me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and my life is over, but the truth is that isn't over. there is no camera roaming the street trying to cancel people so we thought wouldn't it be great if that was a thing. what if there was a camera that is doing just that. and that is why we have cancelcam. >> is it latinx or latin a is it latinx or latin a. >> is it latinx or latin a.
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latin a. >> is the statue of liberty gentrifying ellis island? i have a question for you, northern border crisis or southern border crieses-- countries is. >> you are talking about canada? excuse me, what is your favorite slur for left-handed people? >> i don't know, what do you mean i will left hand-- by left handed people. >> if a black person's hair is on fire, you can touch it? >> oh my gosh. i don't know.
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>> what are elmo's pronouns. >> elmo, like from-- street. >> are you not racist, go a minute without blinking. >> excuse me, how do we as a society have a constructive dialogue about evolving demographics in there country without alienating people who may feel insecure about adapting to a more multicultural america that they don't fully understand. i'm sor he, do you speak english. >> yeah, but that was a hard question. >> trevor: all right, when we come back, the amazing dolly parton and novelist james paterson will be joining me on paterson will be joining me on the show so don't go ♪ everybody dance now ♪ ♪♪
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“should we start a podcast?” “who does your ridges?” ♪♪ strength doesn't belong to a chosen few. it resides in all of us. and when we find it... we discover our body is capable of amazing things. ♪♪ things others could only imagine. strength changes everything. so own it. and see how far it takes you. tonal. be your strongest. ♪ happy so happy ♪ ♪ let's hit the open road ♪ ♪ camp without a tent ♪ ♪ talk without a phone ♪ ♪ kick off your boots ♪ ♪ cook something new ♪ ♪ the meeting just started ♪ ♪ careful you're on mute ♪ ♪ catch a snuggle bug ♪ ♪ warm-up your buns ♪ ♪ bring your friend dave ♪ ♪ and the only song he knows ♪ ♪ host a movie night ♪
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♪ get your zen on ♪ ♪ nice to feel at home ♪ ♪ everywhere you go ♪ you're probably wondering... what makes these chips taste so good? here's a hint: it's lime. they taste like lime. tostitos. get to the good stuff. welcome back on "the daily show," my guest tonight are legendary singer, songwriter, dolly parra patientedon and best
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selling author james paterson, they are here to discuss the novel that they have cowritten about the country music industry, and the album dolly wrote to go with it, james paterson, dolly parton, welcome to the daily show. >> well, hello, trevor, how are you? >> i'm-- i could not be in a better place, because you realize i am talking to two of the most successful people in the field that they do anything in, i mean james paterson, you have written books that have gone around the world, i mean hundreds of millions of people have consumed them. dolly parton, we are familiar with your music, i grew up listening to it with my mom, driving around in a volkswagen beetd el singing your song with kenny rogers, i would sing your part, and my mom would do kenny rogers. >> let's hear you do her part now. >> trevor: you can't sing dolly parton to dolly parton, don't put me on the stop. run rose run, it is not dark, it is thrilling, a different side of the music industry than you would have expected, james, i would have expected it from you,
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but dolly parton, what made you think i am going to show you maybe another world in music that you might not be familiar with, and yes it is fiction, but at the same time it touches on some. themes that people have enkoirntded in music. >> well, it does. and like i say, i knew all about the business. and i have never written a novel before, have i written booksk children's books so i know what it is like to kind of write. but hi often thought i would like to write a novel when i was older. and so when james presented me with this i thought yes, why would james paterson even be searching me out. i thought why, he don't need me, that is what all he has done. but it made complete sense when he told me what the book was going to be about, and i knew i really could. >> because you know dolly came out of the hills of tennessee and i came out of sort of a similar situation in upstate new york and the character in the book also, we were both kind of pll to one shots and the character in the book is a million to one shot, very talented, but that doesn't mean you are going to make it. >> but also, her story,
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everybody has a story when they come to town. everybody has got a past or childhood and how they grew up. and everybody's story is, different, everybody's life is a soap opera. and so it is really about her story, she was running to something, she loved the music but she was running from something, and so i knew that i could write great songs like all the bad people in town, like snakes in the grass, about the bad managers and things, because i have experienced a lot of that myself. >> when we met, like i go back home, and two days later, i had some notes for dolly to react to she sent me notes on the outline and sented me the lyrics for seven songs. >> i got right on them. >> in about two days. >> i said to him, i said look, i am if we are going to work together, i'm not going to just put my name on a book, put my name i don't really work, and i thought how am i going to cntributed the most to it and one day i thought well, i will write songs and i know the
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stories. and i would love to write a book, i mean an album about these situations and characters in the movie, so it just seemed to fall so natural, it really helped us both, i think. >> so it was such a magical thing. >> it worked very quickly. it was kind of a tv show where every week we would have another episode or another two or three chapters to mess around with. >> and i really enjoyed it. >> it went by, i tell you what the best thing of all, we really become really good friends. >> yeah, we did. >> for my birthday she sang happy birthday to me over the telephone. >> trevor: i mean that is all of it that is everything. >> it was, really great. >> trevor: the book is already a success in your world just because of that. actually james from your side, you worked with president bill clinton writing a book together. now you were successful author on your own, this is what you do. you are one of the most beloved authors around the world but now when you are writing with somebody who has their own point of view, who has their own fan base, their own style, i would
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love to know how you find a way to meld those two worlds. and the second part of that question is what were the biggest differences between writing with dolly parton and bill clinton. >> the biggest difference between dolly, dolly is a much better singer and bill a better sax player, i think. >> do you play the sax. >> he does. >> unless he plays the sax. >> not like bill clinton. >> you know, they are both great to work with, and both friends. i pleen it's really, that is the most precious thing to me about both of the relationships. but the authenticity that bill, the president brought and the authenticity that we worked on in terms of run rose run. and no egos, there was never any bumps in the road, ever, not one, no bumps. >> but i think people. >> except that she says i can't sing, i didn't like that. >> but you can't sing, let's just move on from that. but, i know that for a fact. but he can write. i really think people are enjoying this book or going to enjoy it, because i think like you said earlier, they love to
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see the inside and stories of these people, some of the stories behind the scenes, what nashville is kind of like, gives them an incite into the business, and they're not just to be entertainment side. >> >> trevor: you know james, last we spoke we talked about your family foundation and how you know you have scol irships and-- scholarships and give books out to kids for people who want to read t is really important to you. dolly, i didn't know why you got into it, i have always known you as a philanthropist, as somebody who loves giving back and gives kids raiding and donating books, is it true that your father couldn't read so you said you know what, not only is this important to me but i think it should be important to everybody to be lit ra rad? >> i absolutely started the imagination library because of my father who i loved to death. he seemed to always be embarrassed and kind of almost crippled, you know, that he couldn't read, and he thought he couldn't read after he was grown. but my daddy was so smart, and so good, and i just, one day i
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just thought you know, i'm going to start something, when they are in their young days, that is when they are most impressionable, i wanted to get my daddy involved with me in it. so my daddy, i took him with me, he helped with all the little things and he just loved to hear the kids call me the book lady, i would say this is my dad, i didn't say anything about that he couldn't read and write at the time. but any how, he lived long enough to see the imagination library doing so good and was so proud. so i have to say that is quun of the most proud things that i have ever, i'm proud ofest-- proudest of that, that i have ever done in my whole career, because of my dad and the kids. >> trevor: that is so beautiful, i'm sure he is proud of you and glad he cot to see it in his lifetime. people have been he internally grateful to your-- eternally grateful to your organization for, this one of the things my mom spent the little money she had to get me books that changed
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my life forever, i was surprised to see, i think in the kentucky state legislatedder who said they don't want some of the books they were offering because they didn't think it was appropriate for young kids what do you think some people miss in and around, you know what kids can or cannot read or how we process what we are reading. >> well, i would never in a million years begin to think that i would chootion those books. we have a whole committee of people that choose the books that are made up of parents. and all different people, so i would never be so bold as to think i knew what other people's kids should read. but it goes through a whole committee and so we do the best we can. and i will let people fight that out. i just want to be there for the kids. >> somebody is really going to be complaining about that. >> they are not going to be reading gone with the wind, you know. so anyway, we'll let people figure that out, but we do have other people, they choose the books, not me. >> james, are you going to try your hand at song writing s this
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going to run on your side. >> no, the answer is no. but when i was down here at varchedder bilt, you can't help yourself, so i did when i was down here i tried to write songs it wasn't a good idea. >> trevor: what do you think is harder, to write a novel or a song, for you specifically. >> well, for me, no, for me, no, because i can't write country songs or any other kind. >> but i bet you could. you are a writer. >> maybe. >> he could. >> the novel thing i have a groove on. >> i believe so. >> yeah. and all kinds of novels because i do the kid stuff and nonfiction, so we are-- you know, i know what i can do and what i can't do, let's put it that way. >> trevor: dolly, on your side, you have said, it is crazy that you have wishes that haven't been fulfilled in life yet but i know one of your wishes is you have said that you wish that beyonce would cover jolene. there are over 400 renditions of jolene, multd pell different languages, people have done it, you said you specifically want beyonce to do that, are there any updates, like do you know of this happening, and why beyonce.
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>> no, i don't even-- i don't know if she even got the mesessage. but wouldn't that be killer. i think she is fantastic and beautiful and i love her music. i would just love to hear jolene done in just a big way, kind of like how whitney did my i will always love you to someone that can take my little song and make them powerhouses, so that would be a marvelous day in my life if she ever does jolene. >> trevor: dolly, one last thing, you famously donatedded a million dollars for the research that went into helping us get the vaccine for covid-19. how is that t that you have always been on the right side of history. you said amazing things during the civil rights movement, when people were far behind, you said amazing things like you know, about equality, about women's rights, you have said a made-- amazing things in and around the vaccine, what is the magic of dolly parton that you are always on the right side of history. >> i just love people, i think we're all god's children, i make no difference tbh that, i always
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tried to find the god light in everybody, always keep my ear and eye trained on what is going on and i felt right away that that pandemic was going to be awful. i just sensed tvmentd and i thought well, what can i do, to maybe help a little bit, so i donated the money, to the reeveryone-- research and i'm happy i did, i got a lot more credit than i deserved but i am very proud of whatever effect that i had on that, going on, because it is still go on. but i just kind of be aware and want to help when i can. i think when you get in a position to help you should. >> the other thing is, is dolly does what dolly does. but having been around her now for a year and a half, she is the smartest personative have ever dealt with. >> oh please. >> that say piece of it. >> well, thank you both for the compliment. >> trevor: james paterson, dolly parton, thank you for your partnership and thank you so much for taking the time and joining us on "the daily show." >> we just love you, you have a lot of fans too. you just got ta god glow and i love it, keep up what are you
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doing. >> trevor: thank you very much. there are few moment ntion life that i think my mom would actually like consider as me making if. interviewing dolly parton is one of them. like of all the things in life. that is it. i'm going to go back to her and be like ha, this now, she is like oh, you did well thing, well done. james, really wonderful seeing you again, congratulations, fantastic book, well done. >> thank you so much. >> trevor: thank you so much, dolly. >> say i had to your mom for me. >> trevor: i will do will do. >> personally, sending it live to her. >> trevor: okay, i will clip this and send it to her. >> all right. >> trevor: both the novel and album run rose run are available right now. we will take a quick break but will be right back after for to,
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liking things that you don't. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> do you think the world has a lot of problems, maybe you can blame this rock in japan, called the killing stone, it supposedly contains a demon spirit trapped more than a thousand years ago and the rock has actually split in two. so now they wonder if the demon spirit has been released. hopefully the demon spirit got a head start and is long gone. >> but where? captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh media access group at wgbh ♪♪ ♪ goin' down to south park, gonna have myself a time ♪ announcer: it's one for the ladies! ♪ goin' down to south park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪ ♪ headin' down to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪
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