tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central March 11, 2022 1:15am-2:00am PST
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technically it was a couple of days ago, but i like to celebrate it the way i celebrate my birthday-- all week long. >> trevor: i like that. >> yeah. >> trevor: and you know what, you deserve it? >> thank you. >> trevor: as long as you want to celebrate it for. >> thank you. i'm going to ride it out. >> trevor: your birthday is only on one day. that's different. >> fur, but i celebrate for the entire week, top to bottom. >> trevor: okay. >> you'll see in june. >> trevor: i hope not, but, yeah. >> oh, yeah. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> trevor: all right, let's jump right into today's headlines. we kick things off with the russian invasion of ukraine, or as prince william calls it, "the brown thing happening to white people" war. today, russia and ukraine held their first high-level peace talks, but these pleez do not get your hopes up. not only did russia not agree to end the war. it wouldn't even admit that it started a war. yeah, russia's foreign minister, sergey lavrov, was asked if they planned to invade any other
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countries, and his answer was, "we are not planning to attack other countries, and we did not attack ukraine." which is obviously a lie, and also not reassuring for the rest of europe. ( russian ) "now we are not attacking poland. now we're not attacking paris. now we are not taking over the world. what are you guys complaining about?" and, by the way, if lavrov is denying that russia is attacking ukraine, then what's he attending peace talks for? what, he wants ukraine to stop blowing up russian missiles with their maternity wards? get the (bleep) outta here, man. so for now, the war is, unfortunately, continuing. and not only is the war continuing, it's even spilling over into space. >> this morning, the international space station in political crosshairs as russia retaliates against american sanctions. the head of the russian space agency, dmitry rogozin, posting this video on social media, threatening to abandon american astronaut mark vande hei at the station. he's supposed to return home on a russian ship in just three weeks.
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>> rogozin also making an ominous threat, that without russian help to move the i.s.s. away from space junk, the i.s.s. would crash into america or other countries. >> trevor: wow, this is so wild, man. russia is so mad about sanctions that it's threatening to abandon an american astronaut in space and allow the international space station to crash into earth. and, i mean, this is, obviously, a horrible threat to make, but i i do admit this. i kind of see russia's said. i'm not for russia, but i see it. because flying someone home from space is a huge favor to do for an enemy. it's like picking them up at the airport a million times. and, also, why didn't america get that astronaut down before this war escalated? they knew he was hitching a ride on a russian thing. it's like when you quit a shop and storm out of the office cursing at everyone, "yeah, suck my ( bleep )." and you realize you left your phone behind.
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sorry about that, sir. i didn't realize it was charging. but text me about sucking my ( bleep ). but, you know, people, this is exactly why america needs to start some sort of military force to defend space. think about it. they could have it up there defending america's space-- what's that? oh, it did. and i called it the military's university of phoenix? ha, that's funny, but that doesn't sound like me. desi, would you fetch someone stranded in space? >> no, no, never. i won't pick anyone up at the airport, not even my husband. my husband's been living at la guardia for last three and a half months, like that tom hanks movie. sometimes i'll venmo him for a cinnabon, just to keep the sparks alive. no. also, this really proves my point that you have to overpack for everything because you never know. people are like, oh, don't overpack. costs had more money. it takes up more space." no, now you're stranded in space
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and you're going to want those two extra books and your diva cup. >> >> trevor: good idea. >> not that my diva cup takes up a lot of space. it's a normal, compact item. it doesn't take up much space pup know. >> trevor: i don't know, i understand. >> do you think you can actually use a diva cup in space? #-r graferrity is a tricky thing, huh? how does gravity work? work... i'll circle back around. >> trevor: okay, okay, cool. i have limited experience in this field, so... you got that. all right, we're going to talk more about russia and ukraine later in the show. but let's move on, because it turns out there's another terrifying invasion in the news right now. >> very soon, you may be seeing a massive new spider right in your own backyard. >> now comes the joro spider. native to asia, it was first spotted in georgia nearly a
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decade ago. they've since spread across the southeast with some using their parachute-like silks to travel in the wind. >> a new study at the university of georgia predicts the joro spiders will make their way up the east coast this spring. >> it's unclear how far north they'll go, but they'll be hard to miss, growing up to three end to end, that's as wide as your palm. >> people are going to have to learn to appreciate spiders, because this spider isn't going anywhere. >> trevor: this guy clearly has never met humans, because when we're afraid of something, we don't try and learn to appreciate it. we try and destroy it at all costs. that's what humans do! this scientist's gonna tell us we gotta sit back and learn to appreciate spiders. what kind of rational bullshit is that? pick up a broom and join the fight, you coward! sometimes i don't understand nature. why did it feel the need to create something like this? spiders that have parachutes and fly around? with some things, you get why they exist, like how plants put
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oxygen into the atmosphere, and how birds evolve into chickens so we could make delicious sandwiches. but giant spiders? was mother nature like, "people's nightmares have become too boring, let's spice things up." you can't even kill that thing with a regular shoe. did you see the size. you probably need a shaq-sized shoe. thanks, spireds. now i gotta break into shaq's house and steal his shoes again. and if you think a giant spider is bad, wait until we see the giant pig the giant spider's gonna become best friends with. this thing is a disaster! it's all a disaster. i don't know why everyone isn't panicking. it's probably because scientist says we actually shouldn't be worried. that's what they say. of these spiders are completely harmless to people, and they're not even bad for the ecosystem, which actually makes me feel a little bit better. i'm not going to lie. because last night, i had a dream that those spiders crawled into my ear and laid eggs in my brain. and now everytime i keep quiet, i feel like i can hear something...
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anyway, dreams are weird. desi, are you freaked out by spireds. >> no, i'm not afraid of these spiders coming to new york at all. because nothing can be more devastated than "spider-man" on broadway. ruptured eardrums, broken bones, bad reviews. terrible terrible. nothing can be worse than that. plus, i feel like the manhattan cockroaches have become complacent with the pandemic. you they don't scatter when you turn the lights on anymore. i come home and turn the lights on and they're like, "des, you're home late. like very confident. so i'm excited about these spiders. >> you have an interesting perspective on life. i like that. >> yeah, yeah, i do. >> trevor: let's move away from spiders to someone else who's got america ensnared in her web. i'm talking about kim kardashian-- influencer, business mogul, and instagram's final boss to promote the new kardashian show
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launching on hulu. kim and her sisters gave an interview to "variety," where they talked about their lives is and their business strategies. but one clip that's gone viral has rubbed many people the wrong way. >> kim kardashian has sparked outrage amongst some people after offering women career advice during a recent interview with "variety" magazine. here is what she said. >> i have the best advice for women in business: get your (bleep) ass up and work. it seems like nobody wants to work these days. >> that's so true. >> you have to surround yourself with people that want to work. no toxic work environment, and show up and do the work. >> trevor: okay, okay, i know a lot of people are pissed off at kim. i know. but if i'm being perfectly i can see this thing from both sides. i honestly can. i can see it from kim's side. she's like, "you guys think i just take a few pictures and go to a few events, and suddenly i'm rich and famous.
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you think it's easy, but it's not easy." and i understand that. i understand that. she does a lot of work. she grinds all the time. she's a shrewd businesswoman. and she's a mom to kanye and the kids. but part of this idea that people have of kim is kim's fault, think about it, for decades, the thing she's sold is not work. in fact, she works hard to look like she's not working hard. every photo on instagram, she's either on a beach, or in a pool or a hot tub. basically, any relaxing body of water, she's there. so i get why people have the idea that she doesn't work, because you don't see it. i mean, maybe kim should put that stuff on instagram. put up the photos of late-night meetings, constant calls on product design. i mean, you can still do it in a bikini if you want, but the point is people would see more of the work. take "the rock," for example. look at "the rock." because his social media, i know what it takes to become the rock. i know if i wanna become like
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him, i gotta wake up at 4:00 a.m., lift every weight in the gym, and try not to laugh every time i have to work with kevin hart. i mean, how can you not? he's like a human, but he's the size of a... kevin, he's in my pocket right now. but here's the thing that maybe kim kardashian doesn't understand: it can come off as extremely condescending to tell women that the reason they're not successful is because they're too lazy to get off their asses and actually work. because, yes, kim kardashian works hard, but you know who else works hard? most women! but what their asses don't have is kim's luck to be born into a rich family with a famous lawyer parent, and an even more famous olympian step-parent, and all the access and the connections that that brings you. think about it. if you're lucky to have that, then, yeah, there's a good chance that your hard work is gonna make you successful. but don't forget how much luck has to do with that success. anyone who says, "just work hard
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and things will work out," those people are forgetting a major component, known as luck, a lot of people work hard and they're still broke. in fact, a lot of the time, the broker you are, the harder you probably work. my grandmother worked ten times harder than me, but i'm balling circles around that woman. you hear that, gogo? you can't touch me! you can't touch me! and, by the way, happy birthday! she just turned 95! yeah, she did. so just think about it. i get it from everyone's point of view. you know, desi, as a failed instagram influencer yourself, what do you think about this? >> i'm not so much failed as block. it's more of a legal issue. but we're getting into semantics. i feel like for kim he didn't really have the time to go into the fact that she was born into privilege in such an expanded way. i feel like this is her short answer. >> trevor: okay. >> it's the "i drink a lot of water" of the finance world. when you know celebrities spend 30 hours a week looking as
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gorgeous as they do, and they're like, "i drink a lot of water." i feel like that's kind of what she's doing. >> trevor: okay, okay. >> telling women to work hard isn't wrong. i mean, that's not bad advice. in fact it's kind of inspiring to me. she's right. i have to get off my ass, and stop doing nothing with my life, literally, nothing. look at me, i'm doing nothing. what am i even doing. >> trevor: i don't think you're doing nothing. >> i have to do something. >> trevor: no, no, desi, you are working here. >> i have to do something... >> trevor: desi, you have a job. >> i'm going to get a job. i'm going to get-- i'm going to get a job. job. >> trevor: desi, you have-- you have a job. >> no, i mean like a real job. you can keep my on payroll, though. >> trevor: did she say a real job like what we do here isn't-- wow, that hurts. good luck out there, desi. all right, i'm going to take a moment to process that pain. while i do that, don't go away, because when we come back we're
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going to be look at the russian oligarchs who might be the key to stopping putin's war. you don't want to miss it. desi, you do have a job! ♪ ♪ ♪a little bit of chicken fried♪ ♪cold beer on a friday night♪ ♪a pair of jeans that fit just right♪ ♪and the radio up well i've seen the sunrise...♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's [vacuuming] come on, why can't you... do this yourself? ♪ ♪
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as a small business owner, but it your bottom line is pretty always top of mind. so start saving with comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts. saving you up to $500 a year. so boost your bottom line by switching today. get the new samsung galaxy s22 series
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on comcast business mobile and for a limited time save up to $750 on a new samsung device with eligible trade-in. the latin, "sanctio," meaning, "to mess with someone else's shit." yeah, whether it's military, diplomatic, or financial, the ultimate goal of these sanctions is to turn up the pressure on russia so that it ends ukraine's conservatorship and finally lets sets it free. and one of the most significant sanctions america and europe have imposed is going after oligarchs. >> tonight, the u.s. is moving to tighten the squeeze on vladimir putin and the oligarchs, the richest russians who surround him. >> the administration, along with britain and europe, introducing a raft of sanctions targeting oligarchs and their families, even president putin. >> these tough new measures are designed to hurt those closest to putin. figures who until now have seemed untouchable, now clear targets. >> britain's threat to the russian oligarchs, seven of them sanctioned, including roman abramovich, the owner of the chelsea football club. that club can no longer sell
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tickets, it can't sign new contracts, and it cannot be sold . >> italy seized an oligarch's $70 million yacht. >> french officials seized the "amore vero," about 280 feet long, with multiple v.i.p. suites, and a pool that turns into a helipad." >> trevor: damn, that guy has a boat that has a pool that turns into a helipad? do you know how rich a person has to be to have a mode of transportation that carries another mode of transportation and it sits on a body of water while it carries a body of water. that's money. i mean, think about it-- a pool that turns into a helipad. the only thing better than that would be a pool that stays a pool! maybe it's just me, but one of my favorite things about relaxing in a pool is not worrying if a helicopter's gonna land on me. it's part of the pleasure i get. but, yes, europe and america are handling putin the way you handle any breakup: by blocking him and all his friends. and you might be wondering, the oligarchs didn't start the war, they're not ordering troops to
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bomb hospitals, so why are they being targeted by the sanctions? well, let's find out why in another installment of "if you don't know, now you know." so, first thing's first: who are the oligarchs? and i know oligarch" sounds like a creature chasing frodo in middle earth, but it's actually just a fancy term for a group of super-rich billionaires in russia. but it's how these billionaires got that way that makes them interesting. >> after over 70 years of russian communism, where the state controlled everything, the russian people saw huge political and economic change practically overnight. for a select few businessmen known as oligarchs, they managed to rise to the top. >> soviet union, all land and all property was owned by the state.
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in the 1990s, it was privatized, and the most valuable companies were-- landed in the hands of these businesspeople. mostly oil and gas and mineral companies. under the putin era, he took some of the assets from the oligarchs who had made their money in the 1990s and gave them to his friends. >> a lot of money that is his, he has basically handed over to oligarchs for safe keeping. >> they include yuri kovalchuk, the billionaire chairman of bank rossiya, is also the bank's largest shareholder and has been called one of putin's cashiers. arkady rotenberg, he grew up alongside putin in st. petersburg, and for a time was putin's judo sparring partner. >> yevgeny prigozhin, a secretive oligarch dubbed putin's chef because his company oversees catering for the kremlin and other state agencies. >> trevor: putin's cashier. putin's chef. putin's dog walker. they call him that because he walks putin's dogs. but, yeah, essentially, when the
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soviet union fell and communism ended in russia, a bunch of lucky dudes were just handed the keys to entire industries that used to be owned by the government, and they became super rich. yeah, those are the oligarchs. and when putin came to power a decade later, a new generation of his buddies became oligarchs, too. so, clearly, it pays to be putin's friend. sure, you're the one who always has to take all the shirtless horse pics, but in the end you, get an oil company. "make sure you get entire horse! and take a lot so i have options!" but still, why sanction putin's friends over the war in ukraine? it's because they're putin's friends. and that means that if you make their lives shittier, maybe they'll try to talk some sense into him. and let's be honest, man, that's life. rich people complaining is how shit always gets done. that's how colonization happened. rich people were like, "my food
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has no flavor!" and two days later, the british took over india. now, of course, to sanction these oligarchs, america and europe need to access to their wealth. that's a question, right? how can you get to all this russian money? well, because it turns out, none of the money is actually in russia. >> oligarchs around the putin regime use western countries, western banks, and western jurisdictions as havens for the wealth that they're stealing from the people of russia. >> billions and billions of dollars stolen and then laundered through western banks, like deutsche bank, laundered through real estate in europe and the united states. >> russian oligarchs have long used new york city as a place to park their cash in the form of large apartment buildings, often that sit empty. >> russian oligarchs have about as much money in financial wealth stashed in offshore accounts as the entire russian population has in russia. >> that is, in many ways, russia's achille's heel in all of this. suddenly, now, governments suddenly started seizing hotels, football teams, yachts, homes,
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it will certainly get the attention of the most powerful people in russia by hitting them where it hurts. >> trevor: that's right. the oligarchs own shit everywhere! real estate in new york, oligarch money. sports teams in britain, oligarch money. that couch you're sitting on right now? well, i mean, you bought that, but check between the cushions. there's some rubles in there! and look, man, i get why these guys want to buy football teams in london, or luxury apartments in new york, or park their yachts in st. tropez, because let's be honest, spending money in russia, that isn't as much fun. i mean, the yacht experience is just not the same if you have to wear a bathing suit over your fur coat. and for a long time, it didn't matter that these borscht ballers kept all their wealth in the west. but that changed real quick when these sanctions started getting passed. and now they're all well aware that their assets are in bigger danger than mike pence at a trump rally. >> russian oligarchs are scrambling to secure their assets as the u.s. works to enforce sanctions against the ultra-rich surrounding president
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vladimir putin. >> here at the plaza hotel, a $50 million russia-owned apartment is reportedly up for sale before it can be seized. >> oligarchs scrambling. commercial-sized aircraft to safe havens they hope will be beyond the reach of u.s. and international law enforcement. >> they are also moving their yachts. tracking data showing many of their largest vessels sailing toward the maldives where they will be harder to seize. >> now as pressure grows on the ultra-wealthy, some oligarchs are starting to call publicly for an end to the war. >> we've counted up to eight billionaires who have spoken publicly, which is really unprecedented. this has never happened before. >> trevor: yeah, because of sthengzs and because they're afraid of losing stuff, a bunch of these oligarchs are already speak out against putin's war. "please, we must think of this war's impact on innocent children. that is the name of my yacht, 'innocent children.' she does not deserve this.
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please, look at her. but you can see how spooked these oligarchs are. they're moving their planes, they're sailing out to sea, they're swallowing condoms full of gold. and, like, i know all this stuff is complicated, but it does seem a little counter-productive that these guys have enough warning to take all these measures. don't you think? it's like giving your teenage son a heads up that a week from now, you're gonna look through his internet history. by the time you get there, all you're gonna find is a google search for, "why isn't there a second mother's day?" awww! but the real question is, will putting pressure on these oligarchs be enough to end this war? to answer that, we go to our own roy wood jr. who is reporting live from international waters. roy, what is your reporting telling you? >> you know, trevor, i'm been hearing all this noise about how evil and corrupt these oligarchs are, but i've been doing some personal investigating, and it turns out these oligarchs are very decent, kind people. they're just good people. oh, more caviar? thank you, oksana!
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spasiba. >> trevor: roy, are you on a superyacht right now? >> that's right. i needed to investigate firsthand. that's why i've searched up and down this yacht for dirt on these oligarchs, trevor. i looked in the massage parlors, i looked in the cigar lounge, i looked in the casino, then back to the massage parlor, then i was on the deck checking out the sunrise yoga. then back to the massage parlor again. i forget what i was talking about. damn, this is a nice-ass yacht. nice yacht, man. >> trevor: roy. >> what's up? hang on a second. ooh, breakfast champagne. you've done it again, oksana! >> trevor: roy, your journalistic ethics have clearly been compromised. whoever's yacht this is has bribed you. >> bribed? what did you say to me? boy, i oughta slap you with my new gucci shoes. but i don't want to damage the soles. they're made of seal skin. >> trevor: this is what oligarchs do, roy. do you not understand?
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they use their money to corrupt everyone around them so they can get away with their evil deeds. >> oh, so now it's evil to build a fortune on the back of a murderous regime? >> trevor: yes! >> and the next thing i know you'll tell me it's evil for them to launder dirty money all over the world, driving up real estate costs and avoiding taxes that could be used to help the russian people? >> trevor: yes! >> and if i accept their dirty money and allow their personal assistant oksana to rub me head to toe in truffle oil in return for favorable coverage, you're saying i'm somehow complicit in this evil? >> trevor: yes, roy! >> damn, i was hoping you would say no, man. this is heavy shit. it's a lot to think about i'd better think about this with some dodo bird wings. oh, yeah, that'sico dough bird right there. >> trevor: aren't dodo birds extinct? >> they are now. but it was worth it. >> trevor: okay, that's enough.
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roy. i'm suspending your reporter license. get back to america. all right, we gotta take a quick break, but we come back, the great sandra oh will be joining me to talk about pixar's brand new movie. so stay tuned. >> that's good. >> trevor: this guy-- roy, roy! >> oh, my god. you never had dodo. we got some wooly mammoth in the freezer. freezer. i'm let it thaw out
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sally, sold seashells, by the seashore. so she set up a store on squarespace. and soon sold swanky seashell accessories, savory seaside snacks... and even seashell excursions of the seashore. sally's seashells were so successful, she sailed into the setting sun as a seashell celebrity. daily show." my guest tonight is emmy-nominated actor sandra oh. she's here to talk about starring in the new disney pixar film, "turning red." >> this isn't happening! this isn't happening! >> look out! look out! look out. >> is everything okay! >> don't come in here. >> what's going on, honey? are you sick? is it a fever. stomachache, pills?
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constipation. >> no! >> is it that-- did the-- did the red peony bloom? >> no! maybe. ( gasps ). >> trevor: i love it. sandra oh, welcome to "the daily show." >> it's good to be here. >> trevor: it is so good to have you here. congratulations on booing part of-- i think it's an instant classic immediately. >> i really, really hope so. it's an amazing thing to be a part of the pixar cannon, it's crazy. it really, really unabarbedly talks about, like, puberty. and that scene is about the changing of a young woman's body, about men strewation, and also about, "mom, you have to give me some space. so playing the mom, it was-- it was a really great thing to lend my voice, my little voice to that. >> trevor: it's so interesting to me how pixar has found a way to tell stories that people are almost afraid to tell in any other medium. pixar is talking about mental health. they're taking about life and
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death, pixar is talking puberty. it's almost as if pixar is taking over the role of the conversations people don't want to have. >> oh, sure. >> trevor: puberty is coming, let's go to a pixar movie. >> my friends who have taken their kid, particularly 8-12, who are right before it, they've struck up a conversation. my friend has a nine-year-old kid, and he was like, "what's a pad?" >> trevor: i love that. >> right? and she's like, okay, he's asking me a question about it. let's talk about this. these-- what are hormones? oh, my gosh, someone was telling me they had a conversation with ther 12-year-old-- or 10-year-old about metaphor. you know what i mean? the pand-- basically the main character, meilin lee, is a 13-year-old chinese american girl, gets overwhelmed by puberty and poops into this giant red panda. but the panda is a metaphor for a lot of stuff. even to have the discussion of what is metaphor? >> trevor: i love that. is it true somebody told you-- i
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think it was an agent-- that you should just leave america? >> yeah. >> trevor: they were like go home. there's no room for you. they weren't saying it to you, like, get out of here." they were saying, "i'll be honest with you, an asian actress, there's no space for you in this industry." >> yeah it's, like, crushing pu know what i mean? you're 21, and you have a certain amount of credits. you know having been born and raised in canada at that point, i had already lrd done films. i had done a-list theater. >> trevor: you won awards. >> had won awards. and it didn't matter at that time. we're talking about the mid-90s, right. >> trevor: wow! >> so it's like, again, some of the projects that i'm working with it's amazing to age because you get, like, perspective, right. so, like, i'm doing a press tour with domee, she's a millennial, the director. and all these yungz young girls. rosaly, which riang, and i feel
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so great to go, "girls, welcome," and to kind of help them out a little bit. because i'm not saying that everything has changed and we can't stop kind of working at know-- i hate kind of like the word, like "diverse storytelling," because i feel it's marginalizing us. >> trevor: you know what it is sometimes, sometimes it feels like people use it as a tokenism thing. people use it as a pandering. i think of it as originality. >> that's it. >> trevor: at some point, stories become the same. and the more you try to branch out and tell new stories you have to find new people to do that with. i find it more interesting? >> i agree. so domee, the-- she did-- her oscar-winning short bow, and she was picked up by pixar i want to say out of sheriddan college, so talented and after that she got her shot to do that.
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i'm sorry, pixar is smart. the way they considerably make films, it's all about the filmmaker, right. and that whole thing about originality, uniqueness. it's like we want to grow the storytelling cannon because-- i get this question a lot which is like, "you work with women a lot. you work with women a lot." and it's like, it's true, it's true, because that's who hires me, by the way. so all throughout my career, the majority of people who i've worked with regarding, like, writer-directors -- >> interesting. >> women, welof color, right. what is it-- one, why do i work with them? one, they hire me. two, i think now it's like oh, because shawnda rhymes is writing char characters from her characters from her perspective as a woman. the same as domee shi. it's like a young woman's perspective. so she wants that's what's
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interesting because it's like coming from a point of view that i'm interested in. they're interested in, like, you know, me doing the work for them. so that's how it's worked out so far. >> trevor: i think it's working out for the best. i mean-- no, really. as a view, as a consumer, i love it. i get to enjoy it. i'm sad that "killing eve" is coming to an end. that's been quite a journey and you've left your imprint on that. what are you looking forward to? >> you know, i've got to tell you, like, i'm sure, like many of us, this time during the pandemic, it makes-- it really... it really brought the thought inward. and also at this deeply in the midlife part of my life, um... i think the assessment of what is important and what i choose to put my time into is becoming more and more important. as an actor you just want a job.
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you just want to work. one of the things i was able to practice after "grey's" is i'm going to sit. i'm going to sit and be uncomfortable because the usual dire to make a move or to try and get work, you know what i mean? which is eventually, hopefully, the stuff that you have to grow out of. >> trevor: right. it's hard. >> it's hard. >> trevor: yeah. >> right? so i feel just kind of continuing that, taking-- it's not like a little break. but, like, being discerning. >> trevor: i love that. discerning, enjoying the moment. >> yeah. >> trevor: least we get to enjoy all the work you've been doing for the last few years because it's coming out now. thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: and congratulations, congratulations on everything you've done. >> thank you so much. what a pleasure. >> trevor: "turning red" will be available march 11 on disney+ plus. you have no excuse not to watch it. disney+ you've got it. we'll take a break but we'll be we'll take a break but we'll be right back after thi hi. i'm wolfgang puck
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will be right here on our desk, and each thursday night, we'll be putting a few of them up online for you to buy. so, if you want to support a black-owned, women-run small business and look fresh while drinking your coffee, head to the link below. until next time, stay safe out there, get your vaccine, and if you see a giant spider, remember: you're more afraid of them than they are of you. now, here it is, your moment of zen. >> a moment of defiance through music. the kyiv classic orchestra playing an impromptu concert for a small crowd, even while russian troops voness their city. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause ). >> bravo! captioning sponsored by comedy central
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♪ ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbor ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪
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- you can count on postman butters. special delivery, ma'am. here you are, sir. brand-new sushi restaurant in town. a flyer for you from postman butters. - [chinese accent] welcome to city wok. can i take a order, please? - hello, sir. postman butters here with a special delivery for you. - what you talking about? - it's a coupon for a brand-new asian restaurant that just opened up in town. - a what? let me see that! oh, no! a sushi place? how come every time a hard working chinese man open a business, some smelly japanese dog has to come and try invade him? - uh, i don't know. i'm just being paid to hand out flyers. - where is this japanese toilet bowl? how far from my city wok? - you mean the sushi restaurant? it's right over there. - what? what! what the [bleep]?
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