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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  March 17, 2022 11:00pm-11:45pm PDT

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because i'm afraid that she'll drown. people seem awfully interested in you, ruby. guess they're just jealous, right? yeah, that a girl. that a girl. man, that stinks. be going back to a show that has a live audience. so many reasons. i think one of the biggest reasons i'm excited to be going back to a show with a live audience is because then i no longer have to pretend that there are people here that i am talking to. sometimes i even hear laughs in my head. it's gten so bad i have heard that the audience hears them as well. that is now how you know your delusions are super delusional. it sliek who are you talking to trevor strks all in my head, man, can't wait for that to be real people. >> coming to you in the heart of time square in new york stirks the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight covid's back, baby. the war is raging.
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and tiffanie drayton. this is the daily show with trevor noah. >> trevor: hey, was' going on, everybody. welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah and i'm so excited because joining me for today's headlines is my good friend ronnie chieng, what is going on, how are you doing. >> thanks for having me, i'm excited to have a last show here in this place. we're moving. we're moving to, right, studio. i'm going to miss, i'm going to miss this a little bit. i am going to miss the shelf. i am going to miss the chair. i am going to miss performing jokes awkwardly to complete silence. but you know, most of all, i am going to miss you. >> trevor: what? >> you know, some people would say you know, that you are the most important part of the show. and i just think that it is a shame that are you not going to come with us. >> trevor: no, i'm coming. >> well, you know, you shouldn't have signed a two year lease here. >> trevor: no, no, no, you
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can't go without me. >> we will find a new host. >> trevor: no, no. >> will be fine t won't be that asian guy. >> trevor: you know what, ronnie, i'm glad you are coming we moo, all right, let's jump into today's headlines. we begin with big news from netflix, a friend who checked on you most during the pandemic. netflix is still the most popular streaming tv service in the world but it its leads have be about slipping, major rivals like disney plus have been gaming stream, upstarts like peacock have been getting buzz and of course paramount plus which is the best streaming service of all. they've got champions league, they've got yellowstone and they pay me. i can't think of a better network. so with netflix no longer bringing in new customers the way it used to it is looking for ways to make more money off the users it already has. and one idea netflix is testing out is the exact opposite of chill. >> sharing your netflix account with someone else or a few
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someones could cost you some money soon. netflix says it will start charging a fee to primary account holders who share their past words with people outside their home. they're going to test this in three countries, chile, costa rica and peru and depending how the test goes it could be expanded to other countries. netflix says the fee will allow them to invest in more shows and more movies, also bottomline here, it will boost their profits and cost you more money. >> trevor: no. no, no, no. no, netflix! this wasn't the deal. the deal was that we get to share a single account for our 30 closest friends and in return you get to keep murdering people to get material for your true crime documentary. and by the way, you do have to admit it is pretty shitty that they are testing it in chile, peru and costa rica, right, those people just want to watch tv, they didn't sign up to be guinea pigs. this makes me wonder how many other things netflix tested on them that we don't know about,
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it could be different shows, different features. like the sound, the netflix sound, we're used to it, ba bum, you find in those countries they are testing other ones, ba da ba ba. >> or someone screaming. welcome to net fliksz. -- netflix. >> i don't know why everyone is so casual with netflix password what happened to ethics in this country. >> trevor: you know? >> is this a country of crooks or something? we are paying for a good service here. this is a good service. they make good programs. this isn't a victim-- victimless crime, this isn't a small crime like tax fraud or arson or being born in crime, and half white, whatever are you in south africa, this is a major intellectual property issue, man, every time you look at someone's netflix that you didn't pay for, you are taking money away from smart, capable, good looking netflix executives who make great decisions. not to mention comedians who
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make a ton of money saying whatever the [bleep] they want. and on a separate note, my new netflix comedy special is coming out april 5th, ron nee chieng speak easy, just put it on. the views still count for my contract snerkses. >> trevor: i was supporting you a and then-- let's move on to the coronavirus pandemic, like unlike most netflix shows has been renewed for season three. >> covid cases are rising at an alarming rate in europe, the sub variant ba .2 or the stealt strain? the u.k. daily covid cases soared from 100,000 marking a jump of 77 percent in a week, this comes after they dropped pretty of all their covid restrictions n recent weeks germany has also continued to mark record high daily infections with more than 250,000 new cases a day. meanwhile in france, switzerland, italy and the netherlanders covid infections are starting to rise following a
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rollback of coronavirus measures. >> we're seeing cases rise in europe where they essentially had the same vaccines, they had the same level of protection that we have here. from natural immunity and vaccinations. possibly even higher and starting to see these case, could be harbinger of what will happen here. >> shit. a harbinger. i don't even know what that word means by harbingers are never good. never like this dog is heavily pregnant which could be a harbinger of more puppies! it is always bad shit. a harbinger of more covid in america. man, and look, i will say this, before you panic, remember, remember, most people are vaccinated, they will be a lot fewer deaths and hospitalizations than before. even if cases shoot up. remember, that is the most important thing. so we're not necessarily going back to the bad old days when every day you were scared that one of your loved ones might send you that imagine video. i don't know, trevor, this, this
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covid, this srnt the weak ass 2020 peace time covid, this is the 2022 coming out of european war covid. this is going to be strong covid. this covid survived like a direct nuclear hit, st going to come to america. it's going to infect everybody, you know, it's going to be tough, people will get sick from it. it will call you the "n" word. >> trevor: what? >> it's going to look through your tweets and find offensive stuff and get you cancelled. i mean honestly i'm reading reports that this spike will be really bad in a few weeks, especially on april 5th. so i suggest on that date everyone should stay at home, and maybe do less dangerous activities like watch a netflix comedy special like mine, ronny chieng speak easy on april 5th on netflix, so tune in. >> trevor: i thought were you worried-- okay, you know what? finally, here is a story that is definitely going to bring you a little ray of sunshine in these
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dark days because let's be honest, people, all of us are pretty stressed out right now. all right, the pandemic doesn't seem to end. there is a giant war, there is mega draught in africa. and just yesterday, just yesterday my dentist told me that i have been grinding my teeth while i sleep. which stressed me out even more because how did my dentist get into my bedroom but if your favorite coping mechanism isn't doing the trick any more, there is now a group of experts that you can call for advice. >> if you have been feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, just know you're not alone. there say group of elementary school students with some positive messages only a phone call away. >> welcome to the peptoc hotline, real advice you can use from the students at westside elementary, the hotline is the brain child of westside art teacher jessica martin and local artist ash era weiss. >> we were getting 500 calls an hour and last i checked we were getting 11,000 calls an hour.
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>> if you are nervous, go get your wallet and spend it on ice cream and shoes. >> you are frustrated, you can always go to your bedroom, punch a pillow or cry on it. and just go scream outside. >> trevor: huh? just when you thought there was no goodness in the world. you see something like that. i don't care what you say, that is the most adorable way to feel better. you call a five year old and they give you advice. huh? like i got to say, i like getting advice from kids way more than the alternatives. because if you tell a kid you are stressed they are like, go buy you some ice cream, that picks you up. but if you tell your therapist you are stressed what do they do, let's relive every failed relationship that you have ever had, when i am getting into it they are like our time is up, good good luck out there. but it could go both ways, you have to consider, that because yes, their advice could make you feel a whole lot better but then you realize you are taking advice from a child. now you are depressed again.
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i love this service, there is nothing wrong with that, would you do this? >> trevor, hang on. that's all? yeah, yeah, so i have been feeling this existential dread from the pandemic and this war, gas prices are going through the roof, and my netflix special is coming out april 5th and i'm feeling insecure about it also my marriage, you know, i won't say unhappy but it feels like there is silence and emptiness that just keeps growing. do you have any advice? uh-huh. what's that? drink some apple juice. okay. thank you. you think i haven't tried that? [bleep] kid. >> trevor: i think are you missing the points of what the kid is trying to do. >> i mean how much juice can one man take. you know what i am saying. >> trevor: yeah, i get it but the kid, it is not actually about doing the thing, it is about the feeling of the kid. >> if you can't deliver then [bleep] the business, all right? >> trevor: it's not a
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business, it is tow make you feel good. >> i don't want to get a bill for that shit, that is completely useless. >> it is not about the bill strks about the joy. some things in life bring people joy. >> if i'm going to get advice from kids i will not get advice from american kid, okay. what are you doing in kindergarten, some coloring of book. you know, in asia we would be doing event calculus, i want some asian kid to give me some advice. >> trevor: wow. you know, so grumpy, you know what you need to do, you need to go on netflix on april 5th and watch your special t will probably cheer you up. thank you so much, let's move on to our top story. we are now in the fourth week of russia's invasion of ukraine. russia's worst decision since sending their horniest spy to kill james bond. so let's catch up on all the latest updates in our ongoing coverage of the war in ukraine. while russia's military hasn't had a lot of success recently in terms of capturing ukrainian territory.
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that doesn't mean the military hasn't been successful at killing you you cranian civilian, every day brings new reports of a hospital, school or shelter being hit by a russian air strike. or entire cities under seige with no access to food, water or medicine. and i honestly don't know what the point of it all is. like unless putin's plan is to win over the you you cranian people with the world's largest case of stockholm syndrome what is he doing, but ukraine has been saying for weeks that russia is guilty of war crimes and now it looks like the president of the united stateses agrees. >> now to washington where president biden has called a putin a war criminal, for the very first time. >> he is a war criminal. >> the white house says president biden was quote speaking from the heart about vladimir putin's bar baric actions when he made that declaration. >> the kremlin responded to that charge just moments ago calling it quote absolutely unacceptable and inexcusable, and pointing to the u.s. bombing of hiroshima
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and nagasaki during world war ii. >> trevor: seriously, russia. will you bring up something america did in the 40see? america has committed plenty of war crimes since then, keep up with the times, yo, come with that old shit. just because america committed war crimes doesn't mean you have to as well, vladimir putin, okay. i mean what, if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? no, seriously, would you? i'm just brain storming ways to end this whole thing, just wanted to know what you would do. now despite being under constant bombardment ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy made it clear he has no plans, zero, in additiona to ever surrender to russia. prakly ef he day he releases a new video reassuring ukrainians that he is in charge, still in kyiv and still making olive green t-shirts the hottest fashion item of 2022. although you are watching ukrainian news yesterday you might have heard a very different message. >> a video claiming to show ukraine president volodymyr
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zelenskyy calling for the ukrainian people to surrender to russia was aired on news station ukraine 24, it then circulated on social media. in the deepfake video a phoney president zelenskyy tells ukrainians to put their reps down in their war with russia. digital forensic experts quickly picked it a part camping a number of visual and audio glitch, the official facebook account posted a warning that more videos like this may be coming. >> yeah, you know what is funny is the first time i saw a deepfake, the first time, i wondered when it would finally be used for something dangerous in the world. like something actually meaningful, cuz you realize like some ukrainians could have seen this video and actually surrendered. the only reason they spotted this was because of small discrepancies and also because the fake zelenskyy said putin had a big dick and is the karate king, that sort of gave it away. but you realize why deepfakes are so scaries, because they can make you think that anyone was doing anything that they weren't. like there is a video he moof owe mine where they make it look
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like i was crying at the end of the jurassic world, swi ridiculous, why would i cry just because that one dinosaur-- fought well other dinosaur, like i like dinosaur, why are they killing each other. why are the dinosaurs-- fighting each other, why are they doing that. see, they did it again. that was-- the point is this is a bull shit way for russia to try and win this war. which is why we at the daily show decided we're getting back at putin by releasing our own deepfake video. it is me, vladimir putin, i made boo boo invading ukraine and i just pooped my pants. ha. check mate, putin. now we don't know for sure who is behind this deepfake. but it obviously wouldn't be shocking if it was the work of the russian government since fake news is kind of their whole thing right now. in fact, if you turn on russia state media, you would probably hear that ukraine was the
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aggressor in this war and russia had no choice but to defend itself and also that the war is goes great and if a theu-- a few thousand russian solliers don't come home, it isn't because they are dead trksz is because they are on a permanent vacation, you know how it is, and the russian government is beings helped by conservative tv networks in the united states. yeah, as wild as it sodgeds, channels like fox news, newsmax and oan have been so friendly to putin's narrative that russian tv stations have even reportedly been ordered to play clips of tucker carlson on its broadcast. and that's a smart move by tucker. you might be like why is he defending the russians, it say smart move, you don't want all your eggs in the trump propagandar basket, you have to diversify, you know, think about other bad guys, you could roll with putin, kim jong un, maybe the joker. are we really supposed to believe that batman is keeping our streets safer? why is that?
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but the point is, america's conservative media is doing almost as good a job at sphredding russian propaganda as russia it sheff, which is why we thought now is the perfect time for a good old-fashioned propagand-off. >> it wasn't a thing in 1990, created by the russians, they speak russian. >> so yes, we're funding secret bio labs in ukraine. >> just like we would not want russia to come in and start putting their tanks and missiles
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on our borders, russia says hey, i don't want u.s. and nato to come make their military outposts on our borders within ukraine. >> . >> there were nazis in ukrainian divisions and there still are ukrainian nazis. >> you can find pictures of them online holding up the nato flag and the swastika. >> remember zelenskyy and its ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and evil. >> there was a coup in kyiv in 2014 with the support of the united states where illegitimately elected president of the country was overthrown. >> a country which government only exists because of the obama state department helped to overthrow the previous regime. >> look, russia is now being
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cancelled. >> all right, when we come back, desi lydic checks in with the lushans, we shouldn't be blaming. blaming. you don't wan [forest sounds] [crunch] aaahh. liisshh. push it. ♪ aaahh push it ♪ [fox begins beatboxing] ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ ♪ ooo baby baby, ba-baby baby ♪
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nope. ♪ ♪ ♪ ah ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ singing and driving ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ playing the drums ♪ ♪ what could be better ♪ ♪ taking a nap ♪ ♪ drive a friend home ♪ ♪ stop for a snack ♪ ♪ things you can't do ♪ ♪ using an app ♪ ♪ don't send emojis ♪ ♪ go hug your mom ♪ ♪ drive to the airport ♪ ♪ show him some love ♪ ♪ now grab a taco ♪ ♪ because it's late ♪ ♪ and tomorrow is ♪ ♪ a brand new day ♪ "the daily show." since the start of russia's war against ukraine, everyone has been looking for a way to help ukraine and get back at russia. but it turns out some people are doing it the wrong way. and desi lydic has more. >> like pride flags in june, freedom friems after 9/11 or
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black squares on social media, americas have a nabbing of making change with their creative activism. and no surprise now they're turning their focus to russia. >> russian restaurants here in the u.s. that once proudly displayed the country's heritage are feeling repercussions from a war thousands of miles away. >> a new call this morning to ban the sale of russian alcohol here in new york. >> surely these savvy new yorkers know a putin supporter when they see one, right. but are these businesses really in the pockets of russian oligarchs and how much are they sending back to putin himself. as a true patriot i had to find out how well our boycott stralt gee was working, my first stop a russian front, story,-- sorry, restaurant in the west vimmage. >> did putin help you set up this place. >> no. >> how much of a share does ve in this business. >> none that i am aware of. >> if i ordered the bosch how much will go in his hands. >> presumably none. >> where is the yacht.
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>> there is no yacht. >> i wasn't able to find a spy stuff at rickys but a restaurant with russia in the name must be a front for moscow loyalists, i went to the russian samovar to meet with the owner. he has to be in putin's pocket. you brought this out for me. >> yes. >> that is your real name. >> my real name. >> do you always refer to yourself in the third person. >> misha sometimes does. >> you know what, you should probably try this first, i know what russia does. >> hmmmm, what is your most popular dish and drink here. >> no surprise chicken kyiv. >> and how has business been up until this point? >> business has just getting good again, coming out of the pandemic. and then because we have russian in the name, we are automatically vilified just because we are a russian establishment doesn't mean we write a check to putin or the
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regime, we are standing with ukraine and our staff is mostly ukrainian. people don't understand, many ukrainians work for russian steanlts and by black balling the business, are you hurting them earning their wages and their tips where they need to send it back home to help theirs which becomes a problem as well. >> where exactly do you stand on this. >> we stand behind all of russian new yorkers when we say that violence is not the answer and we are here to make borscht, not war. >> how has your business changed since this war started? >> since the first week of the war, we definitely noticed a big decline in business and revenue. we probably say about half of what we normally do, just people not coming in. >> americans have a way of sort of not knowing exactly where to put their activism and sort of misunderstanding a proper boycott. >> is that what is happening? >> that is sort of what is happening, yeah. they like to assume that maybe the russians, maybe are hurting us st might hurt russians back
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home when in reality, the russians that are here left russia for a reason. >> could it be that our protest strategy was punishing the wrong people? these guys are even part ukrainian themselves. this is worse than the time my sister went to jail because our dna profiles are so similar. >> business dropped like overnight. we were just getting threats and calls, calling us all types of name, nazis, this and that. and being of jewish descent, isn't always a nice thing to deal with. >> and that is happening pretty frequently. >> on a constant basis, yes. would you like another shot? >> that's okay, i better not. >> all right. >> okay. >> there we go. >> okay. >> you went for the whole thing. >> i don't want to be rude. >> are you sure you are not a russian spy, you drng that like a russian. >> i'm so sorry that your business is suffering and that americans are so misguided on this whole thing. i want to support your business, you know what, i will take one of everything.
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round of drinks for everyone. well, no one is in here but you getted idea. just everything. >> we can get you our russian kid juice. >> yes. >> cheesier, and to wash that down some of our famous borscht. >> nice. okay. i very much have been looking forward to this. what is in this? >> so beats and beef and potatoe. >> oh. >> all russian's favorite things. >> i have a slight beat allergy, but it will be fine. oh, so good. i'm not going to let that get in the way. >> what would be your message to americans. >> my message to americans is that don't vilify anything or anybody that is russian. we didn't start this war. it is putin's war. >> one final question. why so many beats. >> why not, full of vitamins and minerals.
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>> if one thing is abundantly clear it is that new yorkers have gotten this one all wrong. and the only russian asshole in this war is putin. now the only thing left to do is to support my fellow americans. >> trevor: thank you so much for that e desi. don't go away, because when we come back, you know how people always say if you don't like america, you should just leave? well, we're going to talk to someone who actually did that. someone who actually did that. so stay
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [megan thee stallion's 'flamin' hottie' plays]
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[beep] ♪ i mean, c'mon, man. ♪ [beep] (sighs) ♪ [megan thee stallion's 'flamin' hottie' plays] check out this vrbo. oh man. michael, they're your cousins. ♪ ( "right where i belong" by the muppets) ♪ ♪ look at me ♪ c'mon. ♪ here i am ♪ ♪ right where i belong ♪ ♪ i see that face coming back to me ♪ ♪ like an old familiar song ♪ ♪♪ ♪ what better place could anyone be? ♪ ♪ 'cause you're here with me ♪ ♪ it's all i've been looking for ♪ ♪ and so much more ♪ ♪ and now i'm here ♪ ♪ now you're here ♪ ♪ nothin' can go wrong ♪ ♪ 'cause i am here right where i belong! ♪ ♪♪
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♪ and now i'm here ♪ ♪ now you're here ♪ ♪ nothin' can go wrong ♪ ♪ 'cause i am right where i belong! ♪ ♪♪ (car honks) daily show, my guest tonight is journalist and author tiffany drayton, her new memoir is about how her family came to america for a better life and why she returned to trinidad and to be aso because she felt they kobts find it, trifan yie day tron,
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welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> you have one of the most interesting takes in this book. you do not want to be middle of the road. you very much want to speak your piece, black american refugee, you say something that i think a lot of people feel but you have acted on. you have gone america is not my friend as a black american person and so because of that i'm leaving. >> absolutely. >> so when you say black american refugee, that is a very specific title, because you don't say black american immigrant, you say black american refugee which implies some sort of fleeing. are you leaving the place, are you living in exile now, i would love to understand the source behind that because many would say oh but you chose to leave and could you stay as well. but you argue in the book you couldn't stay. >> right. >> it wasn't actually an option to live the life. >> that is when you have to really take a good look at systemic oppression and what that does to an individual. so when i made that decision to leave, i was being oppressedded in so many ways whether it be the withholding of your diploma, living in a neighborhood that is
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rife with violence. these are all things that i was experiencing at that time and on top of that, to add an additional layer of trauma i was in an narcissistic abusive relationship and that is something that is more common with people who are of an oppressed minority. you realize it's so hard to not find yourself in abusive dynamics because guess what everybody is existing in a way that is so traumatic and so full of constant distress and not only that but you know we internalize so many of the messages from our abusers. and in this case, this larger structure of systemic oppression, right. for example, you know, so many black people internalize ideas of self-hate that they would have learned from the media that brands us thugs or crack babies or welfare queens, all of these brands and all of these labels and so my decision to leave was really born of my desire to even free myself from those labels and that is what i was able to
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do by going back to trinidad. >> trevor: there are pros and cons from every country, i have friends from trinidad who are like i wish i lived in america, there are opportunities, ways to do thing, it seems like up yard mobility-- mobility, trinidad is so small, a community, have i village but seems con stricted. do you think it is the grass being greener or do you think it is something that you have chosen to weigh, like me feeling being black is not an issue, is worth more to me than the ease of upward mobility or do you think upward mobility doesn't even exist. >> i feel like when you recognize that you are in a cast system t is true upward mobility may exist for the few. but what does that say about the majority and is there truly upward mobility if when you move into that rich neighborhood or start driving that bmw are you still under the same threat of white supremacy, is it truly upward mobility if you have to be afraid to gift your child a car that is expensive because a
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police officer may shoot that child, because they think that the child stole the car just because they are black. you know, i think that we can only view mobility in terms of maybe our economic circumstances. but when that brand of blackness puts you at the bottom rungs of society, there is really no way to escape that, aside from destroying that very system that seeks to put people in that rung and keep them there. >> trevor: i like that you said caste system. >> because it is that. >> trevor: you but i think people don't understand what a caste system is. >> they are like it's not india, it doesn't have to be india, can be be american version. >> trevor: i say we are deal wig very basic level of it because here, we are still like, i always think, if i was playing a video game, race is still like almost the first boss, do you know, they are still, classism will come in as the next, which is almost the racism is hiding, you don't think so. >> no, absolutely not. >> trevor: you don't think so?
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>> darling, let's go take a trip down mlk. take a trip down malcolm x, in fact let's go to barack obama school across america and tell me about class not being interconnected with race. it is part of the same thing. >> trevor: yeah. >> in america, remember, you brought inflates people to act as your-- . >> trevor: completely with you, completely with you. >> from that moment you build a system around oppressing them. >> trevor: right. >> so you can constantly use their bodies to profit, look at mass incarceration. >> trevor: this is what i am saying. >> one in the same, like the hand in glove. in america, it may not be everywhere. >> trevor: intertwine. >> in america you built both systems simultaneously it is a young country t is not like it say brand new, like it is a very old country. >> trevor: that is what i am saying people i think don't seem-- so i appreciate that you said it like that. so let's look at america as an example. the thing i always try and explain to people is this. the system that exists screws over so many white people as
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well. >> agreed. >> trevor: because there are so many white people who are kept poor by a system that has taught them that black people are coming to take your shit. >> you need to fight the black people, if you look at the history of america, right. >> yes. >> europeans of all sorts can come to america and eventually assimilate. you absorb the whiter folks so that your power is-- . >> trevor: completesly agree. >> but the bhiet is on one end and the black is on the other so anybody who falls off into that black category, like if are you dealing with defendant descendants of slaichs who are american, they know it is a caste system there is no question for them because they see how there is no like generational wealths where is it at. >> right. >> like the average white family has 16 times generational wealth so to say it is not race, that is just. >> i'm not saying it is not race. >> it is the same. >> trevor: they are intertwined but i don't think
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they are the same thing and i will tell you why, look at immigrants who come to america, that first generation come from a place and go oh, i was given opportunities, i could make something of t yes, i have to be a taxi driver or this, whatever it is. and they will go, but my kids now do this, i came from this place, and now my kids, ironically their kids who are black american are now promised a dream like mlk said. so immigrants will go, this is not my krirks ergo the promise is not to me so the country is not failing me, they have american children, its american children go i have a promise. and the promise is not fulfilled, which creates. >> you know, i want to give you another thing to think about after on this. because if you want to look generationally, like my mother when she came to the united states of america despite the fact she worked as a nanny and then became a nurse was a very educated woman. for her to give her children that same level of access to education, we ventured to 3/4 state so it requires so much effort to extract, like if you look at the education system, like if are you in a majority
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black school it will be hot garbage and that is just a fact in other countries, that is not going to be the thing that is holding you back it is not the fact that are you black that you can't get a good education, like you say, that is where you see more of those class base situations but in the united states of america, as soon as you bring your blackity black kids from africa or wherever and you think that these titles of being immigrant of trinidadiaian will protect you, for your children they will have to experience what st like to be ed kailted in the education system of the united states of america and it ain't got no time fours, i will put it that way. >> trevor: tiffanie drayton, you have written an engaging books, things i agree with, disagree w things new to me, i hope everyone reads it for that reason, thank you for being on the show. >> thank you so much for having me. >> trevor: tiffanie drayton's memoir is in stores now, we'll take a quick break but be righ xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon,
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that's our show for tonight, in honor of women's history week, we with you have seen lolly lolly mugs on our desk and you have got one last chance to buy a mug of your very own, remember they are limited, this is it, they are done, so if you want to support a black-owned women-run small business and look fresh while drink yurg coffee, head to the link below. "the daily show" will be taking a little break for the next few weeks. but the good news, the reason that we are doing that is because next time you see us, we'll have our audience back! you see, there was an audience here they would have cheered for that. that is why i need an audience. anyway i wanted to thank you, every single one of you who has been with us on this crazy two year journey.
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yeah. i sometimes have i to stop myself to think about how wild it is from not knowing if we would still be able to do a show in the pandemic to doing the show from my apartment, to doing it here at like where are we actually, is this perking tore, what is this thing? anyway, we will be back with an audience and hey, maybe we will see you in the audience, you are welcome to join us at the show. until then, stay safe out there. get your vaccine, and remember, if are you using someone else's netflix account, you better watch everything now cuz it could all be over soon. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> i got this message, this morning from bono. and he said ireland's sor row and pain is now the ukraine and st. patrick's name is now zelenskyy. okay, we're ready to welcome right here in the capitol of the
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