tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central April 20, 2022 1:14am-2:00am PDT
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you wanted to see me, el presidente? sí, sí. muévete. come here. i understand you're very interested in one of our players, huh? oh-- sí, sí. ordinarily, i would not grant such a request, but i have heard you are, uh-- how you say? --communista simpatico, huh? muy simpatico. muy, muy, muy. well, good! then you can have your pick. -oh, oh! -they will play for your yankee! -oh, well. -[laughs] gracias, el comandante, gracias. muy, muy. heh, heh. and i would be honored if you would be my guest for dinner tonight at the presidential palace. -there will be girls there. -ohhh. and i hear some pretty good food. of course, the problem with parties is, you invariably have to eat standing up, which i don't care for. but on the other hand,
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i don't like to balance a plate on my lap either. once, when i was at a party, i put my plate on someone's piano. i assure you, if i had not been a dictator, i would not have been able to get away with that one! you're about to watch an episode of "the daily show." that means there's some news and some jokes on the way, so if you like laughing and news, you're in the right ( bleep ) place, honey. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight: the skies are mask free. jordan klepper is overseas. and pamela adlon. this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for being here. take a seat, take a seat. let's get into it. it will be really fun. pamela adlon is here tonight to talk about her hilarious show "better things." jordan klepper decided to visit trump fans in hungary, which i didn't even know was a thing. and today in headlines we will be talking about what has everybody going-- no, i'm not talking about drake and taylor swift. we're talking about the end of masks. let's do this people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. all right, for two years now, if you wanted to travel by train, plane, there's one thing you needed to have. one, a ticket, obviously. and, two,s you needed to wear
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a mask. well, yesterday, a federal judge decided that it's time to take our masks off. >> this morning, a sight we haven't seen in more than a year: travelers maskless on planes and walking through airports after a major reversal, a federal judge in florida striking down the mask mandate on public transportation. the biden administration saying masks are no longer required on planes, trains, buses, and transportation hubs. now united, american, delta, southwest jetblue and alaska airlines confirming they will no longer make passengers mask up. >> it's fantastic news. ♪ we are the champions ♪ >> queen's "we are the champions" played on loop from behind the sacramento international airport southwest ticketing counter today. and you can see some staff still choosing to wear a face covering. others did not. >> i love it. >> i like seeing everybody's face. i forget what people look like.
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>> trevor: ooo! i'm actually so 15 for that lady, yeah. but i will say if you forget what your friends and family look like in the time you're at the airport, you need to get that checked. yeah. or you're spending too much time at the airport. what are you doing? "another delay? who are you!" that's right, people, as of yesterday, masks are no longer required on flights in america. and not just flights. amtrak has said you don't have to wear masks on its trains. uber has announced you don't have to wear masks in their cars, but you do still have to smile politely when the driver tells you what he thinks about politics. and various cities have said you no longer have to wear masks on their subways or their buses. although, here in new york, the m.t.a. is standing firm. they've said you still have to wear a mask on the new york city subway. yeah, which has nothing to do with covid. it's just an extra layer of protection for when you fall asleep and you wake up to find a stranger licking you. ( laughter ) very common on the "f" train. ( laughter )
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but, from now on, when you travel in most places, masks are optional. which a lot of people are happy about, right. which makes sense. let's be honest, traveling with masks sucks. your face gets sweaty. you can't pretend it's somebody else's breath that stinks. it always feels like someone is using a tiny dull saw on the back of your ears to cut them off. there are a lot of reasons to not like masks. but what a lot of people are unhappy about is how and when this rule was changed. you see, when they first put in the mask mandate, right, when they first fut in place, they told us when the change would go into effect so people could prepare. but for some reason, this rule change happened in the middle of people's flights. >> a midflight announcement for travelers across the country tonight. cheers up in the air as airline crews got word that the national mask mandate was struck down. flight attendants on one southwest flight collecting the masks from people excited to ditch them.
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>> announcement: masks now optional for employees, customers. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ throooww awaaay your mask ♪ >> captain annoucement: no longer enforce the federal mandate requiring masks at all us airports and on board the aircraft. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: i have so many questions. ( laughter ) first of all, why are people cheering like that? people are cheering like they just said you can take two bags of chip instead of one. "what! hell yeah. i'm glad i paid another $300 for economy-plus. and that flight attendant who was sing, what was that. it was like the worst version of the "lion king." ♪ put your mask in here ♪ ( laughter ) that celebration looked like mardi gras in the sky. and all types of people were celebrating-- old, young, everyone. actually, if you zoom in on that picture, you can-- wait, wait.
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would you zoom in a little bit more? a little closer... now, enhance, enhance. ah, yeah. ( laughter ) ( applause ) yeah. everyone was celebrating. ( cheers and applause ) it's a big deal. so, yes, many people were celebrating on planes. you know, they were happy about the mask change. but many other passengers were silent lead pissed off, which i totally get. because, look, i don't care what you think of masks, you have to admit, it is insane to change a safety rule in the middle of a flight, people. just as a general rule, nothing should change midflight, ever. ( laughter ) nothing. i don't want the cabin pressure changing. i definitely don't want my seat change yeah, so that you can sit next to your wife. look, man, you're smothering her, alan. okay. she booked separate seats for a reason. read the signs! ( laughter ) this is why your marriage is in
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trouble. the . is -- did you get sad for a fake allen? some of you were like, "oh, alan." ( laughter ) look, man, . is a lot of people only booked that flight in the first place because they felt safe knowing that everyone had to wear masks. you can't just flip that while people are already on the plane. you've got to give people a chance to decide if sms something they want to do. it's crazy. it's a safety-- this would be like if a roller coaster decided to think its safety policies when you're already on the ride. ( laughter ) >> attention, passengers, a judge has ruled that we no longer need safety bars. >> trevor: what! oh! oh! >> enjoy your ride. mommy! mommy! mommy! mommy! mommy! aaahhh! ahhhh! aaahhh!
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ahhh! ahhh! ( applause ) ahhh... ahhh... that was a true story. ( laughter ) so, look, if you were angry the rule was changed midflight i think you have every right to be. we wore masks for what,s two years on planes. i think people could have waited one more day. people were acting like they were suricating in their seats! "yes! i'll have a coke, please." because masks in america have somehow turned into a political battle, a lot of people weren't just angry at the judge who made this ruling or at the airlines who instantly allowed the change. no, a lot of people online are angry at the flight attendants and at the pilots who are celebrating the change. but, look, i don't agree with it, and i'll tell you why. people forget that flight attendants weren't just happy about the masks coming off because of politics. no. a lot of them were happy because
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of the way people react to masks. and the fact that it has turned their everyday lives basically to u.f.c. >> fights over wearing a mask on the plane have overwhelmingly made up a number of unruly passengers on flights. thousands since the start pandemic. >> sit down! >> trevor: yeah, two years of that. i don't even know what was going on. are those people's masks made of cocaine? what's going on there? it's amazing that humans can invent jet airplanes to fly around the planet but inside those technological marvels we're wild animals. nobody, nobody should be acting that way over a mask. the only time it's appropriate to have that level of emotion on a flight is if the plane is crashing. or if the in-flight entertainment is stuck on
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morbuous. then you can throw punches. you throw those punches. but as for the flight attendants they already have to deal with so much shit i get why they are happy. think of all the other things they have to do. doing overhead tetris with our giant bags, helping parnas with screaming kids, giving people barf bags and have to collect them back. forgive them if they're happening they no longer have to be the bouncers of the skies. here's the thing people need to understand-- when it comes to wearing masks not everyone is having the same experience you are. remember that. yeah, you hate the mask because it makes you break out. someone else likes the mask because they're immunocompromised and acne is the least their problems. and some people don't really care. they'll wear it if they have to and they won't if they don't. i can see this from everyone's side. from maskers' side, antimaskers' side. even covid's side. if you want to infect people, that's your truth. that's your truth. ( laughter ) because i can understand why
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people are happy that they no longer have to spend a six-hour flight feeling like a broke-ass bane. and i get why people want to keep wearing masks. my hope is that we can get to a . where we're not villainizing each other over a tiny piece of cloth. what are we doing? huh? it's sustainable for people to have so much hate. "i hate you wearing the mask, take it off. i hate you! i hate you!" of" no one had power to change what the airline did. we're not those people. we should be saving our anger for the real enemy-- everyone who thinks a tuna sandwich is appropriate to eat on a plane. that's who woo feet, together. nn95 isn't going to save you from that. enough about the masks, let's move on to something everyone loves. it's time to check in on today's lotto numbers with dulce sloan, everybody!
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( cheers and applause ) so excited! look at that face! look that the face! mwah! oh, man. how you doing today,. >> what up? >> trevor: oh, man, i'm so excited, dulce. ready to do the lotto. >> i got my scratch-off, went to the corner story, ready to do the lotto. big win. >> what are those? >> scratch-off tickets. lottery. >> trevor: i don't understand-- >> i came to do the lotto. you told me we were going to watch me do the lotto. i bought the lottery tickets. >> trevor: no, no, dulce i sent you an email saying we needed you toot lotto on the show. >> i am doing lotto on the show? >> trevor: dulce why would we pay you to do lottery-- why would we watch you doing that? >> because you support black women. what are you talking about? ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: yes, yes-- >> see?
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hey, black baby blessing. >> no, dulce, i wanted you to do-- like, you know, on the news, and you do the thing-- we brought the machine. that's the machine. why do you think the machine is there? >> that's not gum. this ain't a big gum ball machine. >> trevor: no, it's not, dulce. >> son of a bitch. >> that's where the numbers pop up, you do the thing, tell us what the numbers are, and tell us who won. >> what do you think i am, a 50-year-old white woman from florida? why am i pulling lotto numbers on tv. >> trevor: that's what they do. dulce, please. >> all right, i work here, cool. start the machine! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, yeah. ( applause ) oh, yeah! >> oh, okay. >> trevor: okay, okay, okay. >> we got it. we got it. >> trevor: okay, okay. >> all right. >> trevor: all right! what-- wait, there's no number on the ball.
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there's supposed to be a number on the ball. >> is it? ( laughter ) >> trevor: you didn't put the numbers on the balls? >> i'm supposed to put the numbers on the balls? >> trevor: i sent this to you in the e-mail. >> i was supposed to read that whole email. >> trevor: dulce, who doesn't read a whole email? it's one email! >> listen, if you want a number, i can get-- what number do you want. what does your ticket say? >> trevor: i don't want-- you can't just ask me about a number. >> i know numbers. i can count to 1,000 in spanish, bro. >> trevor: that's impressive. >> thank you. give me a number. what do you want? >> trevor: 15? >> 11! >> trevor: you know what, dulce, this is-- this is broken. you can't-- you can't-- we won't get numbers now. this is a failure. >> no, no, no, listen, listen, listen. i got it, i got it. you want numbers on because. i just want the balls. so screw it. start the machine! >> trevor: but, dulce, you see, the thing doesn't work. the thing doesn't work if you don't-- >> listen, listen. i'm doing it. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> trevor: no, dahls-- dulce!
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no! stop the thing! ( applause ) >> look! it's our number. everybody wins! look under your seat! everybody wins! ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: don't cheer for her. nobody wins. terms and conditions apply. dulce sloan, everybody. all right when we come back, it jordan klepper fingers the globe. you don't want to miss it. no money. there's no money! no!
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oh, hello! lucky for me, there's some great golf here in the carolinas. whether you golf or not, geico could help you score some great savings on car insurance. maybe even hundreds of dollars. whoa! [chuckles] hole in one! and that's a par five, mind you. geico. switch today and see all the ways you can save.
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>> trevor: welcome back, welcome back to "the daily show." take a seat! take a seat. oh, i don't know why you guys stood. damn! ( laughter ) one of the most fascinating and terrifying countries in the world right now is hungary, which has slid from a reliable democracy into something more like a dictatorship. and, honestly, that sounded pretty familiar to us. so we sent jordan klepper there to finger the pulse of america's possible future. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> recently i hopped a plane to hungary, a nation classified as only partly free and one american conservatives can't get enough of, maybe because of stuff like this. >> these president in the u.s.a. is-- it's fake. >> joe biden? >> yes. >> but the thing that united conservatives all over the planet were the culture wars, and at cpac in florida, they were fighting hard in their battle against wokism. weak not. >> woke. i mean, weak not woke would be
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more along the lines of knowing our history, right, being weak and-- because woke is, "i know all the bad things and you have to feel some type of way about it and yadda, yaddy." >> empathy. >> i'm not wearing that. >> you don't need to care about other people. >> i care about other people but you can still have a backbone of your convictions. does that make sense? >> no, what is it weak and not woke. >> that means we want to be respectful to everybody. this is a universal respect. >> you're not-- the republican party is not trying to silence people. >> no. >> you're not saying don't say gay,. >> not at all, as a matter of fact. >> they're enacting legislation that says,s, don't say gay." but emotionally, they're not saying that? and while g.o.p. snowflakes complain about silencing, conservative state legislatures across the country are punishing the l.g.b.t.q. community for, you know, existing. and the g.o.p. is now looking to
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hungary for inspiration, because the woke wars have been raging there since 2010, when the conservative autocrat victor orban took over. the constitution was amended to make marriage between one man and one woman. and people like children's book editor, felt the sting of orban's policies when he published a story that dared to show the world of l.g.b.t.q. animals. >> for example,s there is a story about deer who is transboy. he was born into a female body and he wants to havantlers as well, like the other guys. then he realizes, they won't grow. his friends help him. and in the end they made antlers from branches. >> in america we tell kinder stories about deer. deer go out into the woods and their mother gets shot by a hunter. more kid appropriate storytelling. but government reaction turned out to inspire even bigger nightmares than those goolish fairy tales.
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a public sledding by a member of parliament sparked action by orban. >> because of the booker the prime minister said the l.g.b.t.q. people are harmful for kids. they did child protection act, which says that you cannot even sell l.g.b.t.q. topic books if the shop it in 200 meters from any churches, or schools. >> priests can't go and find a book like this. they need to stay pure and open up the bible and read stories about 40-year-olds ( bleep ) kids. these are priests. they have to stay moral. this is the the kind of law american conservatives would love, as soon as they figure out how far 200 meters is. but orban's government wasn't just banning books. they also tried to erase the identity of an entire group of people >> orban government denies the existence and the possibility of existence of trans people, considers this as, at best, as an illness, and they insist there is no such thing as gender, and, therefore, there is no need for gender studies education and abolished gender
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study programs. >> that gig doesn't exist in hungary anymore. >> nope, not anymore. >> that's kind of america right now. there's no more racism so why study it or look at its history. >> it is quite emrisinent. >> but her job wasn't the only one canceled. all of central european university, a highly respected international institution in buddha pest was targeted by the orbban administration. >> in 2017, the government launched a vicious political attack against the university and passed a new piece of legislation which did not allow the university to function as a university in budapest anymore. the university had to pack up, leave this beautiful campus behind, and move to vienna and keep offering u.s.-acreditted koreas there. >> they shipped your job overseas. >> over the danube. >> while american conservatives complain about elite liberal academics, hungarian conservatives literally sent them packing. today's c.e.u. is an empty
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campus where no learning takes place-- so basically ohio state. i'm grabbing my backpack, urail pass, and motion sickness, and headed to the new campus to see what sort of new sinister college voodoo they're doing here. are you doing evil shit here? >> what do you mean by evil shit? >> like liberal college evil shit? >> definitely. we like to talk about gender and feminism and we like to talk about liberal values and democracy. .>> that's just brook, brooklyn shit. >> maybe brooklyn shit learned it from all over the world. >> what the orban government did to education is a haroing international story. as an american, i still have one question: how does this affect me? i think when we think about what could happen to american democracy, we rook imagination. we think the only way that it could crumble is if it becomes a civil war, like the 1800s in america. what does the slide towards awe
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toritarianism look like? and what should we be on the lookout for back in america? >> you know the story about the frog if you put the frog into water and gently heat water. the . is, if you are sliding gradually into something, you barely recognize that you're-- that you're moving, and you just end somewhere. something-- things become natural. things that you would have been unheard of a few years ago, become acceptable and actually the normal part of life. >> chicken sandwiches, that's our thing. so if you could make that metaphor more chicken sandwich-based i think it would really connect to our audience. >> i'll work on that. >> please do. more on this deep-fried fall of democracy thursday. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: thank you so much for that jordan. when we come back, pamela adlon is joining us. so stay tuned. ( cheers and applause )
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♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new starbucks baya energy drink with caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit. its energy, that's good. for investors who can navigate this landscape, with caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit. leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing.
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gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. [bottle] [trembles] [cheering] ♪♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is emmy award-winning actor, writer, director, and producer, pamela adlon. she's here to talk about the final season of her show, "better things." >> did you ever make a decision that you couldn't go back on? >> yes. three of them. >> mom, i love you so much! i love you! >> okay.
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okay. okay. >> mom! do not die! >> trevor: please welcome pamela adlon. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome. >> thank you. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: welcome to the show. >> this is so cool! >> trevor: this is cool, right? >> i'm on "the daily show" with trevor noah. this is crazy! >> trevor: are you kidding me? i watched you on "californ cakes," one of my favorite shows of all times. is it bitter swerkt the final season of the show? >> it-- i feel happy. i feel grateful, i'm, you know, obviously doing press for the
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finale and, you know, it's-- it's a big accomplishment. i'm a woman. i'm in my 50s. i'm a single mom. i have three daughters. i'm the writer, director, star, creator of the show. so it's kind of a weird-- ( applause ) >> trevor: wow. >> so, you know, i-- i'm doing the press, and people keep asking me, "are you sad? is it bittersweet?" and i just feel extreme excited and grateful that i'm, you know, at this place in my life that i have these jobs, and that i can provide for my family. >> trevor: right. >> and keep going and keep working, hopefully. and i like to tell people that, you know, don't be so myopic in your life. think about other things that you want to do, you know. it's-- it's extremely important to love what you do. >> trevor: yeah. >> but sometimes it's not
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possible. and you've got to kind of cool your heels and wait to do the thing that you love to make money from doing the thing you love. >> trevor: my mom say when god closes one door, he opens another. >> oh, yeah. >> trevor: that's essentially what she would say. i like your one, because it's more like, it's on me. i was like, when is god opening the door? >> that's exactly what i'm saying. you know, i used to-- i was just an actor, and i would wait for the phone to ring. and i thought that that's how it was supposed to be. >> trevor: that's fascinating, and now you create the work you want to be in. >> yes. >> trevor: and it's not just creating the work. it's creating fantastic work. >> thank you. >> trevor: your show, you're playing-- on the page you would be like what aistic a single mom with her three children. >> oh, yes. >> trevor: and you watch it. we saw even in the clip, you're dealing with everything-- kids and drugs and love and life and virginity and cooking and working hard. >> yeah. >> trevor: it's just everything. it's funny. it's sad. there are moments of heart. and i found myself going, "is this-- is this you taking from
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your life, or do you, like, expand on what your life wasn't in a weird way?" do you go, "this is the exaggerated version of my life?" >> well, i like to-- i like to say that my character, sam, is me in a cape. so it's like the ultraversion of me. >> trevor: right. >> so she's, like-- i always-- it's that conversation you have with yourself when you're in the car or on the bus or you're driving home, and you're like, "oh, i wish i had sad that!" , you know, or "that would have been so bad if this happened." and your mind goes through it. and-- or "i wish i had done this with my kids." you know. but when you're a parent, it's exhausting anyway. and even if you have a partner, and so i don't have a partner, and i raised three girls by myself. and so i was always looking for ways to be a better parent. and i feel like now that i'm older and my kids are more grown, that i'm-- i'm a better
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parent now. and i wish i could go back and apolite things that i've learned or i have written into my show. >> trevor: do they ever watch the show? do you ever show them other, like an episode and say, "see, that's what i wanted to do"? >> like, that's credit. >> trevor: yeah, yeah. see, that's-- >> look, i would have done that. and i want you to know that... ( laughter ) i don't think that holds. like... yeah. it's-- it's an omag, and really-- it's been a journey because i started it seven years ago, and all my kids were still living at home. and now two are gone, and it's just-- it's graduations. it's the way your life goes. and, you know, there's no such thing as an antihero. like, when i hear that term, that kind of drives me crazy because an antihero is a human
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being. >> oh, i like that. >> you know. and so when you say, "sam's an antihero because" because early on it was like she would try things, she would do, like, sex things, or whatever, and now not sex things. you know -- >> this is a great way to describe it. everyone who hasn't watched is, now you're going to watch. wait, wait, the sex things and the not sex things. >> let me explain. >> trevor: don't explain. serves you right. you didn't watch and you don't know the sex things and the not sex things. she's in the corner like yeah. that's what you want. >> i'm just going to leave it at that. >> trevor: i wanted to ask you this about the show. there's so much heart in the show that, it feels like a ttranscends what's happening on camera. and i've heard some stories about set. i've heard some stories about how you make the show. one of the-- one of the stories i heard that intrigued me had to do with food on the sets. when i was-- when i was reading up on your life story, i didn't
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realize that you had been acting since you were a child. and when you were young you would eat all the food that was in a scene which a lot of actors don't. you would actually eat it, because you didn't want to waste it. >> yes, well, di-- well, there's another reason, which is that i-- you know, i grew up watching television. my father was a writer-producer. and i'm like a sound stage baby. and i love television. and i wanted to be authentic. and i desperately want the characters to be real. so when i would see people, like, pushing the perks as around on the plate-- your phone. ( laughter ) it's like an emergency alert. should we wait? are you-- no. it oob could be your ring. i don't know. like, if they push their food around on the plate, it drives me crazy. like, put the food in your mouth and eat the ( bleep ) food. >> trevor: the food is so-- you have jeans your characters
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-- >> i'm cooking food. >> trevor: that looks like real food. >> yes. i'm cooking the food. i'm cooking the food. so you're seeing -- >> do you guys eat the food? >> so a lot of times we get to-- one scene, one of my kids on the show, she actually her character loses her virginity. >> trevor: right. >> in the show. and it's-- it's very-- like, it's a conscious choice. and there's-- there's, like, these tough conversations that happen in the show. and how does this lady, this mom of these three kids deal with this on their own? and they get through it. and they talk about it. and then they go downstairs, and her daughter, who just told her this, makes her peppermint ice cream from scratch. she just want-- sam says, "i really want peppermint christmas ice cream." >> trevor: they don't have the ingredients. >> we did it and she breaks up
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the peppermint, and we took up on the the ice cream, put some agave in it, cocoa, and made it up on the spot. and the whole crew lined up. >> trevor: i love the idea of this. i'm just going to do my groceries add of at "the daily show." who is going to start making jokes? that reminds me of himalayan sea salts. >> sea salt flakes. >> trevor: living in a world that's not myopic, it means you act, you write, you direct, you do everything. what's next? final season. so what would you like to do? what's, like, a pipe drernlg a crazy idea, or something you think you'll do? >> well, i'd like to continue working. i love to work. i like to mentor. i like having job fairs for people because-- so there's this whole thing, , you know. people are like, "i want to be in the business. i want to be a host or an actor or director or writer." there are so many other jobs.
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and i'd like people to know what they are. like, why is post just the same kind of people, which is, like, all old white guys. or young white guys. like... >> trevor: it's oftentimes referrals, right? >> yes. they refer to each other. they have a whole network. but i'd like to show people, young people what jobs there are available. and, you know, instead of, like, you know, young kids wanting to play football, like young boys, like, that's what they want to do, and myopic in that way. what if you can't play sports? there are so many jobs you can do. >> trevor: i like that. >> in my industry that are so cool to learn about being a gaffer, a key grip, a rigger, a stunt person, and i like to educate people about that kind of thing. >> trevor: well-- ( applause ) i think... you can do anything you want to do. congratulations on an amazing
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. but before we go: of nearly 4,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 40,000 people have been displaced by the floods and the mudslides happening in south africa. now, gift of the givers is a south african-based disaster relief organization that are on the ground helping those people who are affect bide the floods. so, if you want to help them in the work that they're doing to act fast and to save lives, please donate at the link below. anything you can give will help. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, and remember: if you're still anxious about flying, you can always drive. nobody has ever died in a car. now, here it is -- your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> say hello to my little friend. chuck, don't do it. watch out. >> defend yourself with a pussy
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willow. >> didn't i say don't move. back up. >> there's a guy really into me. >> oh, man! come on! come here! >> i'm good. >> come here! come here! captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪ for you i wish many things... to see all the world can be.
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