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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  April 20, 2022 11:00pm-11:47pm PDT

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>> hello there. you're about to watch an episode of "the daily show." that means there's some news and some jokes on the way. so if you like laughing and news,s you're in the write ( bleep ) place, honey. >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight: thursday, it's for losers. and chris smalls. this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause )
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>> trevor: welcome, everybody! welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out. thank you for being here, everybody. wow! oh, wow, this is so much fun. thank you so much, take a seat, take a seat. thank you so much for being here. first things first, happy 4/20, everybody. ( cheers and applause ). yes. if anybody is celebrating in the audience right now... i just want to say everyone knows, and we're judging you. ( laughter ) hope that doesn't make you paranoid. we have an amazing show tonight. our guest is the former amazon employee who started the first-ever amazon union. chris smalls is going to be joining us. yes. and later on, ronny chieng is going to hit the streets to see how new yorkers are celebrating earth day, and then he roasts them for it. but first let's jump straight into today's headlines. ( cheers and applause ).
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all right, let's kick things off with the big news about netflix. today, the streaming giant saw their shares drop lower than your grandma when they play "september" at a wedding. and when you're a company worth $150 billion with 200 million subscribers, your crash makes everyone panic. >> shares of streaming giant netfilx cratering after the company reported losing subscribers for the first time in more than a decade. that stock is losing about a quarter of its value in premarket trading. it was already down more than 40% year to date. >> netflix saying more than 200,000 subscribers left the service in the first three months of the year. now observers are asking if viewers will have to binge watch their favorite netflix show with ads in between. it's something c.e.o. reed hastings hasn't ruled out. >> allowing consumers who would like to have a lower price and are advertising tolerant get
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what they want makes a lot of sense. >> trevor: damn, netflix is in trouble. which is so surprising because me and the 43 people i share my account with, we're still watching it all the time. we watch all the time. like-- ( cheers and applause ) i thought they were doing well. and you know how you know netflix is in trouble is because they even are considering ads. yeah. they're going to have, like, a separate ad section of netflix if you don't want to pay the full thing. you realize for years, netflix has hated ads. yeah, the idea-- they treated ads the same way french people treat everything. "oh, what are you breathing, oxygen? what a loser. where do you live, on earth? you're not living." now, now, there are many reasons why netflix subscriptions are down: password sharing, inflation, rege-jean page leaving "bridgerton." i'm sorry, you want us to pay 15 bucks a month without that ass?
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i don't think so. i don't think so. ( cheers and applause ) $12.99, at best. and now, netflix executives are being forced to consider multiple options. only problem is, knowing netflix, they're just going to scroll through those options for, like, 45 minutes before they give up and put on "seinfeld." you know, if you ask me, if you ask me, there's no reason to panic. people like to panic, stock market this-- remember, this was always bound to happen. remember the netflix reason, the reason netflix became netflix in the first place is because it was the only thing out there. but now, there are tons of streaming services. people want to know, is this the one that's worth my money, you know? does it have the widest variety of options? like, what if someone is looking for "champion's league." and "picard." and "1883". plus "rugrats," and "paw patrol" for the kids. only paramount+ has that full range and quality. and most importantly, they keep me employed. so that seems like a pretty good
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deal for me. the point is, the point is, the king of streaming is struggling right now, and i really hope they make it through. i honestly do. i like netflix, because without netflix there's no netflix in chill. and that would be a disaster. we need the pretense of watching netflix for six minutes before we start sex. otherwise, what are you going to text people,s, do you want to come over for sex?" how would that even work! ( laughter ) let's make like a retired dentist and move to florida. as you know, america's flaccid penis recently passed the "don't say gay" law. you covered your face like you've never seen-- you've seen that. you're like that's the first time. you looked at it before and you said it was flaccid. so they passed the "don't say gay" law which puts limits on how schools can talk about sex and gender issues and this has upset a lot of people including the folks at the walt disney company. because so many of their creative stuff are l.g.b.t.q.
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yeah. why do you think disney is always killing off straight parents. they hate breeders. think about it? it's a conspiracy. disney denounced the bill, and florida governor ron desantis, he denounced disney. and now the feud is escalating even further. >> the feud between florida governor ron desantis and disney is growing. yesterday he asked the state legislator to repeal a 1967 law allowing disney to operate a private government for its properties in the state including disney world. >> disney's special self-governance, which covers 40 square miles, allows the company to provide many of its own services like fire departments, road construction and building and zoning. >> the move could leave disney on the hook for millions of dollars a year in local taxes and with less autonomy over its property. >> this state is governed
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by the interests of the people of the state of florida. it is not based on the demands of california corporate executives." >> trevor: oh, yes, desantis, so sassy. look at you with your one hand. one-hand trump-- we're not going to be told what to do. not at all." but, yeah, the governor of florida is using the power of the government. listen to me me now-- he's using the power of the government to punish disney because they don't agree with his politics. can we just admit most republicans are not even republicans anymore. because for, like, 100 years, the whole thing has been there's nothing worse than the government telling businesses what to do. and now they're going to use the law to punish corporations for their opinions? all because they think that disney's gotten too woke? yeah. and minnie has had a few abortions the past few years? ( laughter ) sorry, was i-- ah. she told me that in confidence.
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i'm... mickey didn't know. i'm sorry, guys. ( laughter ) yeah, i mean, i thought corporations were people. or in disney's case, rodents the size of people. it's especially weird to hear these republicans now saying, corporations are getting too many special deals. we need have stiffer regulations and make them pay more taxes, more taxes. that's what ron desantis is saying now for a corporation. basically, conservatives are so freaked out about wokeness, it's turning them into liberals. yeah, it is. in fact, in fact-- ( applause ) if you think about it, if liberals-- if liberals are smart, they should start harnessing this and start hyping up oil companies. a.o.c. should said, "exxonmobile is such a good ally. they use people's preferred pronouns." and republicans would be like, "destroy exon. cover them with solar panels. we have to end this wokeness!" ( applause )
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now, i will say this, i will say this, ron desantis aside, aside, i do think it's a little weird that disney gets all these special perks where it's basically its own country. do you understand how crazy that is? like, i never knew that they were allowed to run their own government basically. the only thing i did know is that they have their own jail. yeah, no, i did know. this is true, in disney world, if you get in trouble of that a little jail they hold you in until they sort out the issue. it's their own jurisdiction. i've actually been in there but it was only because i jumped on the ride in the middle. in the africa part of "it's a small world," i thought i saw some of my friends. it was a misunderstanding, it could have happened to anyone. and i jumped, and there was a whole thing. it's pretty ballsy to pick a fight with mickey mouse. mickey is one of florida's largest employers. and he never turns the other cheek. >> oh, boy! ron desantis claims to be a
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conservative, but right now, he's acting like a liberal bitch. he's raising taxes on a beloved florida corporation. say hello to $50 turkey legs! he's using big government to silence our small family business. i guess it's a socialist world after all. you didn't hear this from me. when ron desantis went into the haunted mansion, this loser straight up shit himself. he got so scared from a children's ride, he made a big old dooky, right in his pant. ron desantis is the dumbest ( bleep ) i know, and i'm friends with a guy named dopey. ron desantis: wrong for florida. wrong for america. pooped his pants. i'm mickey mouse. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: wow. mickey does not play around. all right, our final story is about birthdays. you know, the day we celebrate the last time we saw our mom's
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vagina. i mean, maybe you creeps. i was a c-section baby. it may come as a surprise, but not everyone loves celebrating their birthday as one company in kentucky learned the hard way. >> a judge awarded a kentucky man dignity 450,000 after his former employer threw him a surprise birthday party that caused him to have a panic attack. it happened in 2019. gravity diagnostics threw a surprise lunch for kevin burling after he told his office manager he didn't want the company to celebrate his birthday because he suffers from an anxiety disorder and said that the stress would trigger a panic attack, which is exactly what happened. so burling had to leave the party because of an attack, and according to the suit, he was then criticized by his bosses which triggered another attack. he was fired a couple of days later. last month, he won his lawsuit for disability discrimination and retaliation. >> trevor: yeah, you know, what, honestly? good for this guy. good for him. you know why? i saw people online roasting him, "i can't believe he's getting paid half a million
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dollars because he didn't want a birthday party." no, he's being paid a half a million dollars because he said, he said, birthday parties give me a panic attack. the company ignored him, threw him a surprise birthday anyway, and gave him the panic attack and instead of just apologizing tthey fired him for having a panic attack. people, you can't fire somebody for something you gave them. pablo escobar, was never like, george, we found cocaine in your desk. please nand your yied card. sorry. that's not a thing." can we talk about this for a moment? what is so important about throwing a birthday party that this company had to do it even though the employee didn't want one? if you want to have a birthday party at swork bad, just throw it. you don't need a reason for it. just ask boris johnson. you can do it any time you want. let me tell you something, nobody actually wants to celebrate their birthday at the office. nobody wants to. it's not fun. >> what could be more special
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than celebrating with my mandatory friends and this photocopy machine? happy birthday, me. kill me. kill me. i don't want to go to that birthday. here's another thing: surprise birthdays, especially are one f the most stressful things ever. think about it. people pop out of you, out of nowhere. and they set a cake in front of you and put it on fire and you have to extinguish it. you don't even get to pick the cake because it's a surprise. what it's carrot cake? first you scare the shit out of me and then trick me into eating a vegetable? get the ( bleep ) out of here, man. and your birthday surprise! ( applause ) the bigger picture here is people need to chill out. i'm sick of people who tell you how to celebrate your own birthday. and we all know who they are, bunch of birthday nazis. you're like, "i don't want to do
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anything this year." "no, we are going to do something. get dressed! we are going to celebrate your birthday." ♪ happy birthday ♪ that's not a party! that's kidnapping, celebrating my birthdayify force. stop it. that's it for the headlines. before we go to a break let's check in on the stock market which headache on a wild ride today. give it up for michael kosta, everybody. ( cheers and applause ). michael, man. >> yeah. >> trevor: what on earth is going on in the stock market today? >> i mean, i am crushing it in the stock market, okay. before we get into netflix, that story about the birthday party. >> trevor: surprise birthday. >> i understand how that guy feels, you know. i have worked many birthday parties. for a lot of summers i was a male stripper and they used to bake me into the cake. ( laughter ) and there was some one party, everybody got so drunk, they forgot about me. eventually i had to eat my way out of it. but i can relate to being at a party you don't want to be at. so i can feel for that guy.
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>> trevor: that's not the same thing, but, yeah, that's... ( laughter ) i learned a lot about you in this story. >> i guess i should share with you today is actually my birthday, so, yeah, thanks ( applause ). >> trevor: oh! what are the chances? all right, well, from me to you, michael kosta, happy birthday! >> no! i will sue you right now if you-- i'll sue all of you if you keep singing that song. >> trevor: i was just going to sing you the "happy birthday,"." >> and that's triggering for me. let's get into the netflix chart. this is a volatile chart and this is part reason i didn't put my stand-up special about a year ago on netflix and instead decided to hide it deep in the bowels of paramount+, which supposedly is easy to find, according to their marketing department. but, trevor, you can see right here, this is the beginning of covid. netflix just took off, okay. what are you going to do, stay at home and talk to your wife?
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no. now, i know what you're thinking "kosta, what's this. you're an expert. what is this dip right here?" i have to be honest with you from the beginning of covid to right about here i was certifiably black-out drunk so i can't tell you what that is. right here, that was the tv show about the woman who did drugs and played chess "queen's gumbo" or whatever. which, by the way, i did a bunch of drugs one night and played chess and i'm not very good so that show is kind of a lie. from around here to here, trevor, you know what we call that technically in the financial world? bart simpson's hairline. you'll see a dip right here. that was the milk crate challenge. a lot of americans hurt themselves couldn't operate their computer. what's important here, trevor, is how the incline in value. this is all "squid game" ladies and gentlemen. americans love a korean dispopian future tv show where you have to read in subtitles. netflix made a big mistake and released right here "tiger king
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2." nobody wants to see that shit. they followed up by releasing 30 serial documentaries about serial killers so many i thought if i want to be on netflix i'll become a serial killer. i did night stalk, never did any kills but got my steps in. this is supply chain. you cannot enjoy netflix if netflix is trapped in a shipping container in the port of los angeles. this dip, obviously will smith smacking chris rock. and lastly, this final decline, what do you expect when your best show is called, "is it cake?" that's my financial breakdown of netflix. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: thank you so much for that, michael. that was-- that was surprisingly informative. thank you very much. all right, when we come back, ronny chieng celebrate not celebrating earth day. you don't want to miss it. ( cheers and applause ).
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(vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? hey, i'm the big bad wolf. i am the villain in every story. if you want to stay out of jail, you need to go good. huh?
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not everyone gets a second chance. what's up bubba? ah! show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype. is it true sharks can smell blood a mile away? shark! whaaat! no that's freaky. lesson 1, sharing. pop me please. nope. sucker. hah! totally worth it.
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sandwiches shouldn't come from a tanning salon! they should be served straight from the fryer and piping hot.
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that's kentucky fried to order! kfc. it's finger lickin' good. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." this fridays is earth day, that time of the year where we take a moment to think about more efficient ways to destroy the planet. no, i'm joking, i'm joking. it's where we think about saving the planet. we sent ronny chieng into the streets of new york to get into the earth day spirit. ♪.♪ ♪ ♪ >> earth day is almost here. the at a that the world comes together to celebrate this plan
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theatwe all share. unless you are stupid. in which case i have to fight you on the street. prove me wrong. earth day edition. earth doesn't deserve to be celebrated. prove me wrong. >> maybe you're right. >> wow that was the easiest "prove me wrong" i've ever had to win. what has the earth ever done for you? >> i mean, i was born here. i got these clothes here. >> yeah, but earth didn't do any of that. we did that. we did this shit. >> earth is a great place. >> really? what's so great about it? >> i mean, you got the animals. you got the birds. >> when is the last time you pet a bird? >> about two years. >> okay what, do you mean two years ago you pet a bird? >> my friend eric owns a parakeet. >> we don't need to be thankful for everything. >> if we're not thankful for the earth, we'd be dead. >> i'm not thankful for the earth. i'm still alive. >> okay, when you do die, then just-- how do i explain it?
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>> you can't explain-- >> you can explain it, though. >> you can't explain stupidity. >> malaysia celebrate earth day? >> yeah, we celebrate earth day! >> nobody knows what we just said,. inside is better than outside. prove me wrong. >> inside you got, like, central air. you're breathing other people's air. you're breathing other people's shit. you're breathing their piss. >> you're breathing other people's air and piss. >> the air coming through is from everybody's apartment? >> really ( bleep ). >> outside is better. >> ? >> at least we can see people. >> oh, man. that's the best part of the pandemic. i didn't have to see anybody. >> really? >> yeah, look at all these people now walking around, making noise, staring taking photos without permission ( laughing ) driving around. inside is better than outside.
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prove me wrong. >> you prove me wrong. >> no, that's not what the segment is called. the segment is called, "prove me wrong." you're a kid, don't you like being inside and playing "minecraft?" that is not my top priority. >> i'll bite, what is your top priority. >> rock climbing. >> oh, man, we got the wrong kid for this segment. >> the plants? >> what about the plants? >> relax you. >> yeah, okay, pla sanls relax you, too. >> not like plants. >> i never had a great massage from a plant. >> you know what plant i'm talking about. there's only one plant on earth that makes the earth good, causes all your problems. >> oh, i see, you're talking about cocaine. >> oh, no! >> there's better air. it's fresh. >> have you smelled the air around here later? new york city lady. >> inside there are couches. >> yeah. >> there's also a fridge. >> you're supposed to be on his
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side or my side? >> okay, i guess you do belong outside. >> well, it's definitely safer outside. no door frames. >> how trawl you? >> i'm 6'10". >> okay, well, outside is easier for you because i guess you're the apex predator of everything. >> you know, i'm actually a vegetarian. >> what! >> it's also the best way to reduce your carbon footprint is to eat less meat. >> shut the ( bleep ) up. you're in no place to talk about carbon footprints. what's your carbon footprint, you're like a size 15. if something goes and i think we didn't need it in the first place. prove me wrong. >> if you couldied a dodo bird, would you eat it? >> no. >> i feel like you're not exploring enough. >> your argument against this is we should be eating the things that went and i think? >> yeah. >> that's how they went and i think. >> so dinosaurs. >> yeah. you miss dinosaurs. >> yeah, if dinosaurs didn't go and i think, people would be pretty broke by now.
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because peel dig up fossils as a living and get money from selling it to the museums. people would be broke if they didn't do that. >> what are you, an archaeologist or something? >> actually, no, i'm a kid. >> if something goes and i think we didn't need it in the first place. prove me wrong. >> uhhh... that's a hard one. >> that's really hard to argue, to be honest. >> okay, great, we're done here. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: thank you so much for that, ronny chieng. when we come back, the man who took on amazon and won, chris smalls is joining me on the show. so don't go away. so don't go away. ( cheers and applause )
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♪ ♪in the jungle where only a few will go♪ ♪ ♪ ♪in the jungle♪ ♪ ♪in the jungle♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is the president of the amazon labor union. he led amazon workers at a staten island warehouse to successfully form the first union in any of the company's u.s. facilities. >> we aim for the jugular and went for the top dog because we want every other industry, every other business to know that things have changed. we'ring if to unionize. we're not going to quit our jobs anymore. this is a prime example of what-- the power that people have when they come together. >> yeah! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: please welcome chris smalls! ♪ ♪ ♪ ( applause )
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>> trevor: the man who took on amazon and won, chris as small as. welcome "the daily show." >> thank you. >> trevor: what an insane story. i remember when this first started, the pandemic was happening, amazon was ramping up production, workers were struggling, and people were exranning and your story popped up as an idea. and everybody said the same thing, this guy is crazy. this is going to fail. you cannot beat amazon and you did. let's start at the beginning. did you think you stood a chance? i know you did what you did, but did you think you stood a chance? >> i knew the whole time. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: the reason i ask you that is because amazon, people have tried to form unions in some of amazon's other what iss. they failed miserably. amazon has a good marketing program inside. you know what you do as an amazon worker.
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walk me through that was going on. >> i was fired two years ago after i led a walk-out. i worked for the company for almost five years. i started in 2013 in new jersey, and i was promoted to a supervisor level. i was in that position for four years, up until my termination. i definitely learned the ins and outs of the warehouse and the operations. i trained thousands of their employees, hundreds of their management, that are now urch management to this day. so for me, organizing was just-- i'm playing for a different team. and i'm with the people. >> trevor: i love that. ( cheers and applause ). when you thought of organizing, obviously, there was a reason. you know, every one of us reads about amazon from the outside. we hear these stories. people don't get enough breaks. some people are peeing in bottles. some people are stressed out because they have to meet random quotas amazon imposes on them. i think it was on easter there was a sign up that said, "thank you for working on easter and if you meet your quota," you'll get
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a bag of chips or something. it feels dystopian from the outside. but how much of that is actually true? what is it like to work in an amazon warehouse. >> it is true. as an amazon worker we're disconnected from the outside. we work 10 to 12 hours a day. if you work in new york and go to staten island, your commute is two and a half, three hours. i lived in new jersey and my commute was a long commute. i used to tell the new hires if you have a gym membership, you might want to cancel it. you work 10 hours, 30-minute lunch, you're doing calisthenics all day. >> trevor: when you're in the warehouse, what is the thing you're fighting about the most? people hear the fight against amazon and they think wages and time out, and the way people are treated within the warehouse. obviously, everybody wants a better workplace all together but when you looked at the hierarchy of needs, and as you came down the pyramid, what were
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you looking to get. >> amazon is ran completely off of metrics. there was no human aspect. you get fired by email or an app. >> trevor: are you serious? >> yes. >> people didn't have an insurrection. they didn't know their managers. and there was a system in place to hire and fire. and that was before covid when i realized this is a system that's not only in place to fire people but it was also disiment tore. applied to be a manager, a salaried manager 50 times in five years and was enl interviewed twice. it wasn't fair. it wasn't consistent with everybody that worked there. and i knew before covid that something had to be done. and when covid hit, it was a life-or-death situation, i decided to take further action. >> trevor: when you-- when you look at how to start a union, one of the hardest things, if i understand-- correct me if i'm wrong-- you need 30% of the signatures of the workers to begin the process. >> yeah. >> trevor: one of the hardest reasons you can't do that at
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amazon is because they hire and fire so quickly. how did you get around that obstacle of getting people on board, and then having them be around long enough to be part of the beginnings of a union? >> education is key. we had to educate them more on what the union provides, educate-- educate them on laws that protect them without a union. so certain protections we do have that workers don't even know. so we had to make sure that we were educating the workers to get to a point where they started organizing themselves. once we get to that point, we said, okay, we're not going to go for this-- there are four facilities. we're not going to go for all four. we're going to break it down and go one by one by one. i think amazon was caught off guard. they thought we were going to go for all four, which we did try, but then we changed up our strategy and started doing it one by one and were able to get to our threshold. >> trevor: they came for you as well. i saw an email from inside amazon where they came after you. they would disparage you to the
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other workers. one of the worst things i saw they wrote about you is they said, he's unintelligent, he's not well spoken enough to start a union. no one should follow this guy. basically, they were like he's a rat black man, essentially is what they were saying about you. they were telling people don't trust him and he can't do this. obviously, you proved them wrong. >> they said it. >> trevor: and i wondered like-- ( applause ) because you were a rearp before you started working in warehouses, and i wondered, did you take this asa i rap beef? were you like, okay, we're doing this? was there a piece of you, all right, amazon, we're doing this? >> this track coming. you know what, i haven't rapped in so long. i haven't rapped sense my college years. but it keeps resurfacing, media, they dig into your past. >> trevor: oh, yeah, they do, definitely. >> i haven't rapped in so long. but my mom would tell you, you
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know, my voice is meant for something else. so this is it. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: i really love that. let's talk about the future. you're in an interesting situation now where-- so you are the a.l.u. president. you've done something that no one thought was achievable. the vice president, as i understand, still works at amazon, which was a smart move because you wanted someone on the inside. what are you looking to do now? because i know this is not the end. this is the beginning of the story. and when the union was formed, you even, you know, sent a message out to jeff bezos. it was pretty direct, where you were going like, "this is the beginning. this is only the beginning." >> yeah. >> trevor: and you thanked him-- that was interesting to me-- you thanked him for flying in his pines-shaped rocket. no, i'd love to know why you think that was so significant. why do you think that helped with the unionizing efforts? >> while he was up there, it's true, i was outside signing workers up. i was just telling the truth, and he needed to know that.
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he thought when he came back, we paid for that trip. so, you know, in this case we wanted to remind him, you keep gog space, we're going to continue to unionize. >> trevor: i love that. damn! what are you trying to do going forward? many people out there-- this is something i've really enjoyed about watching how you work. you've centered the union around the workers and the workers alone. politicians will always try and make it like the union is theirs, you know. they'll go like, "this is a democrats, this is the republicans." and you've gone, no, no, no, this is the workers' union, because unions help all the workers. it doesn't matter what your political affiliation is. you're fighting for the workers. i would love to know why or how you thought of doing that, where so many would align themselves with politician. you've gone no, i'm choosing not to do that. >> we want to represent all people. whether you're left, right, up, down, middle, red, yellow, green.
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we don't care. we want to make sure it's all inclusive and putting workers in the driver's seat. that's the ultimate power. if you start to align with certain groups, then amazon uses that against you. all right, this union president from this established union, salary's half a million dollars. >> trevor: yes. >> with me, they can't do that. i'm unemployed. it's different. and having the workers in the driver's seat and having them at the negotiating table, putting together a contract that protects them, especially the ones that work for the company and know the ins and outs of the company, that's the best thing ever. and i want to give the power back to them by this union. and that's exactly what we're trying to do. >> trevor: what do you hope to achieve with the union? give me some of the things you know need to change now in an amazon warehouse that all of us-- everyone, we use amazon. people love the service. but at the same time, it's conflicting, because people go, "wait, how are they being treated?" you know what i mean, it's a weird position for people to be in. what would you say to everyone going, "hey, this is what needs to change in amazon.
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ths why we're trying to do this." >> right, customers need know just because you hit one-click buy, it's not magic. these are real people being affect. we want you to stand in solidarity with these workers. they come from your community, they're your neighbors. and we're customers, too, as workers. and the first thing we're fighting for is job security. like you mentioned, they hire and fire all the time. there are people homeless working there, people in shelters working there, we help. we're fighting for $30 an hour, higher wages, better medical leave options. making everybody a shareholder again which they stopped in 2018. bringing back the monthly bonuses. v.c.p., for productivity and attendance, we used to get that. they stopped that in 2018 as well. bring back hazard pay. they think the pandemic is over. people are still working, catching covid, still being sick. and, also, providing a better quality of life-- a pension, free college for themselves and their children as well. everything a union can provide, we want to provide with this
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union. >> trevor: you're a legend. ( cheers and applause ). thank you so much for being here. for real. everything you've done. chris as small as, everybody. ( cheers and applause ). thank you so much for joining me on the show. best of luck. we're going to keep up with you on all of it. we're going to talk a quick break, but we'll be back after this. ( cheers and applause )
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( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. thank you so much for tuning in. until tomorrow, stay safe out there. remember, if you're planning somebody's surprise birthday party, make sure to give them a heads-up first. now, here tyour moment of zen. >> it is wednesday, april 20, 20-- oh, this is 4/20, man,
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right? it's 4/20. >> right. >> right. >> yeah, man... - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
11:45 pm
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