tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central April 25, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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i'm here! i'm here! i'm here! it's okay! >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight the end of twitter. january 6th. and raashaun and ghe-ah casey. this is the daily show with trevor noah! >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah thank you for tuning in thank you for coming out, thank you for being here. so good to see you all.
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you look happy. you look blessed. take a seat, everyone, take a seat, take a seat, thank you so much. take a seat jal, we have a hot show you for from the break flas club dj envy and his wife ghe-ah on their new book how to make your marriage work, will you like it, it is trending online, really insightful. and we'll figure out why marjorie taylor greene and half of the gop can't seem to remember what happened on january 6th. so let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. >> trevor: all right. let's begin with the latest twist in the will they won't they story that everyone is talking about. elon musk and twitter. it's the hottest and messiest relationship drama this side of riverdale and it looks like after weeks of flirtation and fighting the new couple has officially done the deed. >> now it is official. elon musk has bought twitter for
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approximately 44 billion. he's going to be paying each share of twitter $54.20 in a statement released by the company, mr. musk said free speech is the bed rock of a functioning democracy. and twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. >> this is the dramatic turn of events from earlier this month when twitter was said to decline musk's offer adopting a so called poison pill to block him. >> that's right, twitter said it would never sell to elon musk and then he produced the cash and they are like all right, we'll sell. >> yeah, i guess they found that edit button after all. it is actually kind of a historic moment. this is the first time anyone at twitter has changed their mind about anything. well done. i feel like twitter was always going to sell to elon, they just couldn't be too eager about t like a husband and wife, like i'm not going to that wedding.
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forget t it's not going to happen and three months later it is like how did my bow tie look, does it look good, do you think it does? i obviously don't know why elon would want to own twitter t doesn't feel like a fun place to supervise, like buying jurassic park after the power went down and the cages are open. yeah, will you spend a lot of time replacing jeep windshields, that is all i'm saying. but the truth s in many way this say really smart move by elon musk. because wealthy men know the value in owning publishing platforms it is why jeff bezos bought "the washington post," where rupert murdoch bought the "the wall street journal," why con shu-- confucius knows those fortune kokies because he knows none of us will play his lucky numbers in the lotto. it is genius. by buying twitter elon music will gets to own one of the most culturally influential plat forms in the world. remember this, think about t twitter is how the arab spring took off, black lives matter blew up on twitter. the me too movement started on twitter. trump used twitter to turn
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himself from a reality show joke into the 45th president of the united states and a joke. (laughter) so owning twitter gives you more power than the drug store employee with the key to the deodorant shelf, yeah. you want to shell fresh, you best not piss off curtis, don't play around. will shut you down, walk around smelling musky. so here is the thing. look, whether you are for elon musk or against him, you have to admit st pretty crazy that one man is now in control of all of that. because before this jack dorsey didn't own twitter alot of people think he did. no, he had two percent of the shares and even as c.e.o. he still had to answer to the board and the board still had to answer to the shareholders and twitter itself still had to answer to the sec but now as a private company it is just elon musk. everything that happens on twitter is up to him. and also whatever strain his weed guy gives him that day. i'm just saying. he gets the wrong settivea there could be a race war, prepare yourselves. like this is the thing. whether st a billionaire you
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like or a billionaire you hate, as a society i think we should spend more time intergating how easy it is for billionaires to shape our world in their favor. just think about it. like it now, you don't like it now. but should they be able to do it? or no. let's move on from twitter to a real battle field. the invasion of ukraine. since before the invasion began the united states has tried to put pressure on russia using economic sanctions which is basically taking away your allowness but for countries and the u.s. government cast a wide sned, it las gone after russian officials, oligarchs, and of course vladimir putin himself but it turns out there is one high profile russian who has show avoided becoming a target. >> a new report explains why the u.s. has so far refused to sanction vladimir putin's girlfriend, and mother allegedly much three of his children. >> the u.s. government has considered but then pulled back on sanctions a woman rumored to putin's girl girlfriend gymnast
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alina kabaeva. >> so since tiff they decided to hold off because they believe putin's response could be so irrational, so angry, that there would be some sort of backlash. >> trevor: this is interesting. the u.s. government has sanctioned everyone except putin's girlfriend? i guess they watch the oscars and were like maybe we should stay away from spouses. play it safe. and before we get into the sanctions or not sanctions. am i the only person that is shocked that vladimir putin has a girlfriend. am i the only one? like if will is any man out there who has some red flags, girl, let me tell about vlad. i know some people like a bad boy but this is next level. there is bad and then there is genocide, okay. also putin must be relieved that the u.s. is not sanctioning his girlfriend because let's be honest, sanctions take a relationship to a whole new level. it puts a lot of pressure on the
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relationship. i always tell my friends sanctions in a relationship, oh yeah alot of pressure, yeah. i'm sure putin was relieved. we can't have america being more serious about his relationship than he is. you can imagine how pissed his girlfriend would be, vladi, how come america treat me like your wife but you still will not let me keep toothbrush at kremlin, huh? finally lets move on to some entertainment news. you probably know netflix as the service with great shows that get cancelled just when you become a fanment and also the home of the saddest episodes of arrested development ever. but right now some of netflix's biggest hits are actually imports from other countries. and one of the hottest series on netflix right now is a reality show that is beloved in japan. but has americans a lot more divided. >> japanese game shows have never been known for their subtlety. but one new offering on netflix
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has jaws dropping. old enough is an unscripted series. parents sending their two to five year old children to run errand, from grocery shopping to dropping off dry cleaning or squeezing fresh juice. netflix calling old enough the most wholesome show you've ever seen. but the internet isn't convinced. um how is abandoning a tiny child to cross a busy road wholesome it gave me anxiety, sure it was cute but i'm not sure that is great parenting. and while the con cement might seem bizarre to western audiences, the show has been running for 30 seasons in japan. japan is very different than the u.s. neighborhoods are more pedestrian friendly and the culture is more trusting of kids. in japan parents chaperone their 10 and 11 year old on just 15 percent of trips compared with 65 percent here, parenting experts think american audiences can learn from the show. >> it is a little nerve racking to let your kids go but when you
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do, they will just impress you. >> or they will disappoint you. there should always be an "or." but yeah, one of netflix's most popular shows, and easily one of my favorites is old enough. which is all about kids doing things for themselves. and let's be honest, that is the best kind of kid, you know, like having a self-cleaning oven but it's a child. and i agree, i absolutely agree that kids should have more freedom than they do. this american obsession with protecting kids can actually mess with their heads. like think about it, parents in america will leash their kids but then let their dogs run around free. your kid should never look at your pets and be like that lucky bas tard. i don't care what anyone says, american parents are overbearing, you won't let your kids walk down the street by themselves but inside the house you hand them an ipad an ignore them the whole day. mommy, will you read to me, no, no, no, i'm tweet being how bad these japanese parents are, here, take the ipad, go on
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youtube and learn about who really did 9/11. go on. go on. >> trevor: i don't get the anxiety people feel watching the show, yes, these kids are running errands but guy, there is a whole camera crew near by, they are by themselves, no, there is a camera crew, if something was bad about to happen they would step in. it is not like the nature documentary where they have to stand by and let the tiger kill the gazelle. >> and now the windowless van approaches and absconds with little mikey as the sunsets on main street. circle of life is complete. all right, that's it for the headlines. (applause) but before we go to a break, let's check in on the stock market with our very own finance exert michael kosta, everybody. (applause) >> things are looking crazy, michael, what is happening with the market today? >> i'm absolutely crushing the
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market. and i got a hot tip for you and i got a hot tip for you, so let's get floo it, actually, before do i that, the japanese game show. >> trevor: yeah. >> i mean that's unreal. >> trevor: right. >> i know american adult children who can't execute those tasks, you know what i mean? parents, you have to be careful sending your kids out to do errands, i remember when i was a kid my dad asked my 25 year old sister to go get the family orange juice, she droach to mexico and joined a cult, you know what i mean? which reminded me, cristie, if you are watching this, we still need orange juice back at the house. so look, i'm-- (applause) okay. trevor, i'm so thankful this show takes place in japan, you know, imagine a place like south africa where the kids would have to watch out for all the giraffe in the streets or-- . >> trevor: no, no, no, we have giraffes but we don't have them in the street. >> because you don't have streets. don't be ashamed. you're doing good.
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>> trevor: i'm not ashamed that's not. >> you're doing good, look, maybe the reason i'm not impressed with these japanese kids is that as a kid myself i spent a lot of a home time. my dad used to take me camping and as i was setting up the camp site he was drive off and we say i will be back in a few minutes. and you know t would be a couple of days usually. and time sometimes i would up on the mountain and i it would get cold and i wouldn't have drinking watt soar i would warm the snow with my hands and eventually i would pack up the stuff and start the long trek home, you know, through the winding unforgiving mountains. and eventually i would bust through the door of home and my mom would be so happy to see me, she would be crying and she would be embracing me and pie dad would be so surprised he would be screaming, you know. anyway, i loved camping. and the next time we would drive even further away from the house. but i remember, as i would trek through the mountains and hunt antelope with my bare hands,
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that the one thought that would get me through all of this, trevor, was my mom's warm embrace and her sweet smile. >> trevor: i think. >> you want me to get to the markets real quick. the markets are bad, trevor, the markets are bad, okay. red is bad, red is bad, red is bad, all right. >> trevor: okay. >> now these lines, you got to ignore these unfortunately. my apologies. i uploaded all my compute data into my financial app, these are really just personal stuff that measures on my computer. this is my salary once i pass it through inflation. the green line are all my twitter followers once i talk about race relations in the united states. the green are my effectiveness of erections as i grow older. it's an odd thing to measure but i did agree to apple's terms and conditions. so look, look, here's my hot tip, here's my hot tip. buy,-- okay, as this is showing
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red invest in bonds. michael kosta financial expert believes in bonds. especially the bond between a mother and her son. because task i'm gna-wing on a coyote carcass, it is the only vision that gets me home safe. and also when i lose my money in the stock market, it's that bond i can rely on for a couple of extra bucks. so-- . >> i think you were abandoned. michael, thank you so much for that. when we come back we'll figure out why nobody can remember what happened on january 6th. you don't want to miss it. >> i love you, mam. (applause)
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es el mes de la camioneta chevy. y es momento de añadir los accesorios ideales a tu chevy. hazla más audaz. hazla más trabajadora. hazla tuya. find new posibilidades. find new roads. clientes muy bien calificados pueden obtener 0% de financiamiento en la mayoría de camionetas chevy. además, ahora en el mes de la camioneta, obtén un bono para accesorios de mil dólares para la compra de una camioneta chevy nueva con accesorios. find new roads en tu concesionario chevy.
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. >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. a littleover a year ago thousands of trump supporters stormed the capitol building in an attempt to stop the election from being certified. and they wanted to declare donald trump superpresident forever no backseat. now what was surprising was that by and large the republican party has decided not to hold any of that against donald trump. and i mean let's be honest, how can you stay mad at this face. how could you stay mad at this face. but the capitol riots wasn't even the scariest thing that happened on january 6th because you see, my friends, we are a now finding out that something else happened that day. countless republicans seemed to have this had their memories erased. i know it sounds crazy but okay, look at what happened to kevin mccarthy. the leader of the house republicans and guy who has
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definitely called wrap music the hippity hop, is he one of trump's firmest supporters. never waiverred in public even after january 6th. so when "the new york times" reported that mccarthy had privately told colleagues that he thought trurp should resign, he denied it fiercely, he had no memory of seeing anything like that. and then the tapes dropped. >> i have had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that. and nobody should defend it again, i the discussion hi with him would that we my recommendation that he should resign. >> trevor: it is my recommendation that he should resign but yet mccarthy's memory of that call was completely wiped. yeah, on january 10th he was auliffe's had it with this guy and then two weeks later he was chilling at mar-a-lago, dude quit trump the way most of us quit twitter.
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he's like i'm deleting this app, actually i'm not going to delete it but i won't check it again until right now, tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet. did you miss me? and by the way, a lot of people were wondering if getting caught on tape slamming donald trump would be the end of his political career, this is trump's party, if trump comes out against him, that is it, it is over. only one crying kevin betrayed me but trump came out and said he and mccarthy is fine. he said i think is all a big complement. frankly they realized they were wrong and supported me. yeah, you see trump loves this stuff. in fact, if you used to be against him and now you are not, he likes those people more than someone who loved him the whole time because it shows that he made you bend, the geud loves converting people more than scien old are-- scientologist and vegans combined. >> let me tell you something, if hilary clinton came out right
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now as protrump, i don't care what anyone says, let me tell you write now she would be his new favorite person, he would be like do we love crooked hilary, folks? do we love her, let her out, let her out. let her out. (applause) so good. so good. i love her. i love her. she was so cheeky. used to be cheeky. so yeah, kevin mccarthy completely forgot what he said on and around january 6th but it is not just him. take rick perry, trump's energy secretary, a few months ago cnn reported that perry was the author of a text mess angst laying out a plan for overturning the election. and perry said absolutely not, it never happened. but then today cnn got ahold of the complete message and it is actually signed rick perry. yeah. i don't know what is worse. the fact that he was part of an
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insurrection or the fact that he signed his text message. that is such an old person thing to do. st like when my grandfather brought a bigger tv because he theut it would fits more channels in it. so look, obviously something happened to rick's memory too. but as worried as i am for those guys, people, i'm really concerned about marjorie taylor greene. congresswoman from georgia and soccer mom whose definitely slashed the other team's bus tires. you see, a few of her constituents filed a lawsuit to disqualify her from congress based op her role january 6th. apparently there is something in the constitution that says you cannot run for office if you do an insurrection against the government. you know how people are crazy ideas back then. and now look, we all know it is probably not going to look but marjorie taylor greene was still forced to tech at a hearing on friday and it looks like nobody has been hit harder by january 6th amnesia than her. >> you didn't talk to anybody in government about the fact that
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there were going to be large protests in washington on january 6th? >> i don't remember. >> you spoke to representative biggs or his staff about that fact, didn't you? >> i do not remember. >> how about representative gosar. >> story, i don't remember. >> does anyone ever mention to you the possibility that there might be violence in washington? >> i don't remember. >> ms. greene, this is a tweet that you sent out on january 2ednd, 2021, correct? >> i'm not sure. >> okay, you don't recall this? >> i don't recall tweeting that, no. >> did you advocate to president trump to impose martial law as a way to remain in power. >> i don't recall. >> trevor: you don't recall if you wanted to impose martial law? you don't-- wow. i wish i had marjorie taylor greene memory. yeah, i once said enjoy your dinner to a waiter in 2003.
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and i still think about it every day. every day. (applause) enjoy your dinner, you enjoy your dinner, kill me. meanwhile she can't even remember if she told the president to impose martial law, yo, let me tell you something, that should be an easy one for most people, if you ever ask the president to impose martial law, you would never forget something that specific. like if anyone can't say no to doing something that specific and yeerd,-- weird, you definitely did that shit. um, i-- have i ever tried to steal a horse and ride it inside a bouncy castle? your honor-- honor, i do not recall. but you have got to admit that sounds like something a pretty cool guy would do, right? right, members of the jury, right, yeah. but if it's not cool then i do not recall, yeah.
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i don't remember. so marjorie taylor greene spent the entire hearing denying that she had any memory of anything to do with january 6th. but it turns out my friends that there may be a cure to this amnesia because one thing that can bring it back, even if just for a little bit is evidence. >> and in another moment taylor greene first denied that she had called house speaker nancy pelosi a traitor to her country, before kind of hedging a little bit when faced with actual evidence. >> in fact you think that speaker pelosi is a traitor to the country, right? >> i-- i'm not answering that question. it's speculation. >> you said that, vnts you, miss greene that she is a trailter to the country. >> no, i haven't said that. >> okay. put up plaintiff exhibited 5 please. >> oh no, wait, hold on now. >> trevor: oh no, no, wait,
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wait, wait. wait, no, no, no, now that you busted me i remember the whole thing, yeah, yeah. yeah, no, no, no. yeah, i remember it now. i love that move. yeah, that's when you tell your mom, yeah, i did my homework. oh yeah, let me show it to me. oh, homework. yeah, i thought you meant my work at home. i will do that now, thank you mom for reminding me. yeah, no, thank you so much for that. look man, i mean clearly this person is unqualified for congress because politicians are supposed to be good at lying, okay. this was just embarrassing. okay, in my defense, i didn't know you had evidence. i mean i never have evidence for the stuff-- i didn't know that was a thing you could do. keep in mind, people, this stuff only happened a little over a year ago trk is not like they are bhg asked to remember their prom date's eye color, these aren't trick questions but nobody in the republican party can seem to remember planning the insurrection or talking about it or even how they felt
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about it at the time. kevin mccarthy, marjorie day letter greene, jim jordan, the list goes on and on. when it comes to the events surrounding that day it is almost like it's been erased from their memory. which is obviously ridiculous unless. >> on the next season of severance. >> did you talk to the white house about trying to overturn the election? >> i do not remember. >> it's one thing to forget work. >> mccarthy simply doesn't remember what he said about mr. trump's culpability. >> i'm not sure what you are talking about. >> jim jordan can't seem to remember when he talked to trump on january 6th. >> i don't know if i spoke with him in the morning or not. i just don't know when those conversations happened. >> but what if an entire political party couldn't remember january 6th. >> did you talk with other congressmen about overturning the election? >> have i no idea. >> that is a perfect score.
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>> sometimes it is just easier to forget. >> hello. >> coming to apple tv plus this fall. (applause). >> trevor: all right, when we come back, dj envy and his wife ghe-ah are going to tell you how to save your marriage, so don't go away. 7 ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three. [cheering] ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering]
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woman: so on trend. ( ♪♪ ) (screaming) huh, must've missed that. kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. deon, hand it over. now how does that make you feel? like a part of me is missing. gabrielle? this old spice fiji hand and body lotion has me smoother than ever. that's what it does. . >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight are dj and radio host raashaun envy and his wife ghe-ah casey, here to talk about their new book about thrair 27 year relationship called real life real love. please welcome ghe-ah and dj envy.
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(applause) welcome sto "the daily show." >> thank you for having us. >> trevor: your book has caused quite a storm, i'm sure you have noticed. there are not many books about marriages and relationships that get everyone on line talking which i actually think is a good thing. i was surprised by the vulnerability you put in this book. because you even talk about in the book, there is no defying that hip-hop for a long time has operated in a schrowd of bravado. >> correct. >> trevor: hip-hop has always been about i don't talk about my wife, you don't know if i have my wife, i'm about the street, in the street, a feeling, an idea. and you come out as dj envy and are you going no, here are the mistakes i made. here is how i was insecure as a man. here is how i could have been a better husband. was there not a part of you that was worried that the dj envy would now basically be, you know, losing himself to tell the truth? >> i think these are the conversations we need to have. if you think about it we can go to the barbershop and talk bowr
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favorite nba player, favorite sneakers, music but sometimes things that are important we need to discuss as well and that is relationships. i wish i had somebody at the barbershop to say look, my wife made her argument about this, am i right, is she write? what do i do? how do we solve this conversation. how do we get into a conversation where we are not right fighting betweening just fighting to win but actually going to get to the same place and have a better, you know, description of what ever we are arguing about because at the end of the day we're on the same team. >> right. >> if we are arguing, i shouldn't be trying to annihilate her, she shouldn't be trying to destroy me in an argument. we should try to get to an understanding where we can both understand. >> trevor: one of the biggest things women talk about is the embarrassment and shame that comes with being sheet cheated on. they go my self-worth is almost publicly decimated. you share on a gossip blob that he was having an affair. people lie and everything but that one was true. >> yeah. >> trevor: when you are sharing that, when women are reading that, many would say
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ghe-ah, if a man cheats on me, i'm gone, i'm out. and yet you talk about all of your whys and your hows. what did you learn in that moment and what do you think people can learn about infidelity in a marriage? >> okay. first of all, raashaun didn't cheat on me, he cheated on himself. and a lot of women don't look at the situation that way when they're cheated on. and some men. but it takes a tremendous amount of integrity and self-worth to be able to hold yourself to a certain standard when you are in a relationship n and of itself, furthermore when are you in the public eye, extend that a little bit more when are you an artist, a dj, an athlete or someone in that profession because like you stated earlier, it's almost expected that you are living the single life where you are popping bottles and in the club and have women around you constantly. but for me, it was very important to write the book
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because i want women to understand that men cheat and it doesn't necessarily have to be because of you. it is because of them. so i don't, i didn't feel embarrassment. people asked me how is it so easy for you to talk about. is he his own individual. he made a choice. i didn't cheat. there is no embarrassment for me. there is no humiliation for me. i own me and i have to decide how i'm going to move forward with my head held high. very important for women to understand that. >> trevor: you drop one of the biggest bombshells in the book in your relationship when you told your husband you have been faking orgasms for basically a decade. >> yeah. >> yol didn't find that funny, huh. >> trevor: but you admit, this is also a betrayal, a dishonesty. >> absolutely. >> trevor: so as a couple, talk about the online aspect later. i want to get through that because i really enjoyed you talking about it with each other. here you are as a wife going i
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lied about this, you as a husband, my whole world is a lie. >> correct. >> yes so we have been together since i was 15 and he was 16. i was a virgin and he was virginnish, relatively-- a virgin. he-- he had tried with somebody else, it didn't really, you know, cross the finish line. so-- . >> trevor: oh boy, oh boy. >> so he was virginnish. so needless to say we were both very inexperienced. but even during those times i enjoyed our intimacy. i enjoyed sex. but i didn't know myself what an orgasm was. i came to figure it out. but when you don't understand yourself how do you communicate your needs to someone else? and the way that most young women are raised in this country more than likely around the world, is as though we're sub consciencely taught that women
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are placing for plen. so i prioritized my husband or my boyfriend before he became my husband when it came to the bedroom. and my needs came second. and i never communicated that with him. i thought through love. i thought i was caserring to his ego and catering to the outcome that obviously any person wants in that type of situation. and then when i finally told him it was years of frustration. we were in an argument and i weaponnized it. >> did she. >> to hurt him. >> did she. i thought i was mandingo. big daddy-long-legs. and then she said i'm not going to lie, i would watch porn when i was a teen and in porn you just-- and that's what i thought it was. >> he didn't get all of that, he didn't get it. >> and during that argument, she was like you i haven't had an or gas. , i was like really, how long, last week. she is like no, ten years, i
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looked just like that. >> that is painful. >> very. >> trevor: one of the things i noticed online as happened, this has become, almost a meme now. people are like dj envie, never let my wife go out and talk like that. everyone has a bravado, i would love to know why you decided that its public rid all was not enough of a factor to consider versus you sharing a truth that many couple was love to deny publicly. >> for myself it was like this. i mean and i'm sure you have been through t we have been cancelled before. we have been laughed at in jokes. nothing bothers me. the only thing that brother bothers me is my family and kids. outside of that i feel like we have a bigger mission. and the conversations that we started with that, are through the roof. if i showed you my dm's and my wife's dm's of how many wives hit me or hit my wife and said i'm going through that same problem, thank you, now can i have the conversation with my husband. now i can have the kmptionz with my boyfriend, because i wasn't getting that level. he didn't know how to please me and that was the krvetion. and that is all we want. that was when we mr. 16 and 15
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and we figured it out. we figured out how to be intimate. what makes us this. what makes me that. and our relationship is on a whole other level, nobody can really bother me or make me feel anyway, have i my wife and kids, nobody else really matters. >> your biggest fan but i make her orgasm now, i just want to put that out. there i make her orgasm now. multiple times. i want to put that out there. >> trevor: thank you so much for joining me. >> thanks for having me. >> trevor: really appreciate it. (applause). >> trevor: all right, people, ghe-ah and envy's book, real life real love is available now and be sure to check out their podcast, the casey crew. we're going to take a quick break and we will be right back after this. this is xfinity rewards. our way of saying thanks, with rewards for the whole family!
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>> trevor: that's our show for tonight, but before we go, i just want to he remind that you nearly 4,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 40,000 people have been displaced by the floods and the mud slides in my home country south africa gift of the givers is a south african based disaster relief organization on the ground helpings those who have been affected by the flood so if you can help them in their work in anyway, then please donate at the link below. in the tomorrow stay safe out there, if you are having trouble remembering things in your life, you might have been part of the insurrection. get that checked. here st, your moment of zen. >> this was really on the news. >> a trip to national forest takes a disgusting turn for a california woman. she had to be rescued from a toilet. >> she apparently dropped her phone while using the outhouse, what does she do next, dismantled the seat and housing and tries to reach down to grab the phone but she slips and slid
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falls down into the toilet head first and getting stuck. >> she fell in head first. >> at least it was in reach of the phones. >> but she fell in head first. >> lord have plersy, we're not giving her name or showing any photos. >> or an image. >> the leg-- falling head first into a pool of human feces, that is something that will stick is something that will stick with you. [♪♪] so your firm designed all the furniture in here? well, we manufacture it. the original designs are by karl fardman. oh, fardman. do you know fardman? love fardman. most people go their whole lives without sitting in a fardman. well, if you call that living. [laughs] -♪ desperado -[the eagles' "desperado" playing] wouldn't it be great if fardman designed shoes?
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brett? don't you think that would be great? -brett? -after the song, babe. -huh? -this song. ♪ oh, you're a hard one so when do i meet this jerk? he's not a jerk, jer. he only works with karl fardman. -who? -i don't know. some designer. anyway, brett is so generous. and sensitive. last night, he was moved just listening to a song. -what song? -"desperado." -"desperado"? -uh-huh. and you're still dating him? i'll tell you who sounds a little desperado. see that salesman twirling that umbrella? -uh-huh. -i invented that. that had to be invented? when i started out as a comedian, i sold umbrellas. it was my idea to twirl it to attract customers. [scoffs] oh, really? well, why don't we ask him about it? -elaine. -excuse me. hey, how you doing? um, my, uh, friend here says that he invented that little twirl you're doing. elaine, please. it was a long time ago.
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the man doesn't want a history lesson. teddy padilac came up with this twirl. -oh. -i know teddy padilac. i worked with him on 48th and sixth. yeah. that's where he come up with it. -in his dreams. -all right. can we go? by the way, you're doing it too fast. you'll disorient the customers. so, people can get a free samsung galaxy s22 when they trade in a galaxy, any year any condition. oh i get it. so you can take your old phone, that you've had for 12 years and loved every minute of, and trade it in for something new that suits your life now? that's right, yeah. and then enjoy immediate success, even though you'll never forget your old phone. ever. it's a great trade. life-changing. get a free samsung galaxy s22 with any galaxy trade-in. any year. any condition.
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