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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  April 28, 2022 1:14am-2:01am PDT

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own escalations by turning off some of europe's heat. >> overnight a drastic move, russia cutting all gas deliveries to bulgaria and poland, two nato members, this comes after putin's ultimatum last month demanding that yoat unfriendly nations pay for gas in russian rubbles, poland's prime minister not backing down. >> we will be able to protect our economy, protect our household and polls against such a dramatic step by russia. >> bulgarian officials say they are working with state gas companies on alternative sources while poland says it has been working for years to produce its re-- reduce its reliance on russian gas and there wouldn't be a shortage of gas in polish homes. >> things are getting tense. yeah, russia say toes more gas for poland than bulgaria and in response they are like screw you, we don't need your gas, we have our own and just to prove the point poland and bulgaria posted self whyies surrounded by gas, yeah, classic breakup
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behavior. but this is the thing. that is going to suck for russia. their many leverage is that their gas provides your heat but as the months get warmer, they're negotiating power goes down. you know it is the same way your gym teacher has all pot we are over to you make push-ups like what you are going to do during the school year but let him meet you over the summer vacation, all of a sudden it is like you have no power here. why don't you do push-ups. bitch. he is like i will see you in september. but i'm here now. so you knee what good for poland and bulgaria because most european countries are still buying putin's gas. yeah, many of them say they can't help it. which you have to admit is a little weird, it is like if people of gotham were obsessed with the joker's taco truck, you know, look, i mean this guy is definitely a supervilan but have you tried his al pastor, i mean it is amazing. here is the thing, so this is the thing, the underlying issue say little more complicated than
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gas or no gas. what happens is russia wants to be paid for its gas in rubilities, the russian currency. because that way european countries have to keep buying rubbles which keeps the currency alive. so i understand why russia is so mad at getting paid in a currency that they don't want, you know, like have you ever gotten a gift from like your little nephew that is a coupon for one free hug. yeah, i don't want that shit, i want cold hard cash, timmy. hugs are always fre, are you stupid. anyway, let's move on, timee pis,s me off, for years flight attendants have complained about two thing, one, idiots who call the call button when they meant to turn on the light and two the way they get paid. well now finally delta airlines is taking care of one of those issues. >> flight attendants with delta will soon be getting paid a little bit more money. the airline says it will you now start paying cabin crude during up until now during boarding they didn't get paid until the
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passengers were seated and the plane's door close that was the moments their pay started. delta says the change will start june 2 ands the company faces the possibility of its more than 20,000 flight attendants forming their own union. the change could increase some attendant's wages by several thousand dollars every year. >> believe it or not flight attendants in america do not get paid during the boarding process. which is crazy. just think about t are you at work, doing work, but you are boss is like to, this is your free time. what, i only pay you when the doors are closed, that is wild it also sucks for flight attendants on spirit airlines because they don't even have doors what do they do do they work for free? how does that shit work. because here is the thing, people, the boarding process is not easy f anything, they should be getting paid extra for that part. you have got to deal with passengers who suddenly don't know how numbers work, does 23 come before 24? and what number is j. and then on top of that they
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have to deal with our bags that never fit. and by the way, can i ask you y do the bags never fits? no, honest question y do they never, it's call and overhead bag but doesn't fit into the overhead y do they call it that, they shouldn't be able to call it if it doesn't fit in the overhead because now i'm the ideo the blocking at the traffic. everyone is looking at me no one is getting paid and i say i swear they said it would fit in the overhead, you are an idiot, it is an overhead bag but dk dk it doesn't fit in, that is what the fbi should be focusing on. that is the real crime, selling me a bag that makes me look like an idiot. by the way, did you notice how deltsa suddenly said it was going to change this rule only after they learned that flight attendants are trying to form a union? yeah. interesting timing. like that marjorie taylor greene, oh, you mean that, a union, yeah, yeah. nothing scares these giant
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airlines more than unions, like if someone yells bomb in an airport and someone else yells union, they honestly wouldn't know who to tackle first. i'm going to give these flight attendants a lot of credit. because let me tell you something, people fly all the time, you see people working hard but i didn't know they weren't getting paid while-- i didn't know that. they-- if i was working for free during the whole boarding process, i would have been way less friendly than-- yo, i would have been in that airport like hey, zone one, zone one, get the hell up on the plane right now, hurry up, i'm trying to get paid, move, move, move your dumb ass, put your thing on the thing, man. yeah, i swear, i swear if any of you broke ass even try to get out of line right now i will have the tsa water board your ass, get back, zone four, sit down, you know who you is.
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(cheers and applause) finally, let's talk about covid-19. the only one of us that has seen kament la har nis like three months. as we all know a little over two months ago a bat in china didn't cover its mouth when it sneezed in a lab after vitsing a food markets and that started a pandemic. and the world has never been the same. but now anthony fauci america's most renown infectious disease scientist and most ready for a-- has come out with some news that has left people shocked. >> listen to this, dr. anthony fauci telling pbs news that america is out of the pandemic phase. >> we are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase. namely we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations, and thousands of deaths. we are at a low level right now.
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we're not going to eradicate this virus, if we can keep that level very low, and intermittently vaccinate people, and i don't know how off thean would have to be. but right now we are not in the pandemic phase in this country. >> whooo hoo! the pandemic phase is over, people! the pandemic phase is over, i'm so happy. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: i'm so happy, i'm so happy. man, oh man, i've been waiting for this moment since march of 2020. do the balloon drop, yeah! yeah. oh. oh, wait, these are-- oh, man, they are supposed to be fully inflated but we blew them newspaper april 2020. we thought it was only going to be a few weeks but i guess things are tough, are they still air inside these things yeah, there is-- oh. what is that, covid, anyway.
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but yeah, fauci says america is no longer in a pandemic phase. which is cool. but don't let these balloons fool you, it doesn't mean we are out of the pandemic. a lot of people miss interpreted-- interrupted this news, they are like the pandemic is over, time to tongue kiss my grandmother again. man, time to tongue kiss my grandson again. there a very loving family. but that's not what in means. what fauci was saying is that america is currently not in a pandemic phase as in not in a pandemic right now but it is not over, it could come back or it could go away. but it could come back. or go-- you don't know, yeah, a phase, sort of like wide leg jeaned, they disappeared for 20 years and now suddenly everyone looks like they have to bo row a
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pair of jeans from shaq, you know. but as much as you want to get angry at people, here is the thing drrks fauci, how do you not know by now how stupid people are. we are all stupid. you can't just say pandemic phase is over. when you say all we hear is party time. i feel like that has been the major failure of this pandemic is the scientists have been communicating directly to the public without somebody to interpret what they say, that is bound to cause chaos. we don't understand scientist speak strkts reason god didn't speak directly to the people. he always went through a messenger, you know, he was like noah soon i will purge the land of all sin and vice so henceforth abundance may spring forth and wence there was squaller, things will change, and noah was like hey yo, grab a giraffe, shit is about to get wet. now we understand. all right, that's it for the headlines but before we go let's check in on the traffic with our
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very own roy wood junior, everybody. (cheers and applause) what's going on, roy. >> why, why am i hear again? >> trevor: what do you mean you are here. >> just yesterday, i did the traffic yesterday, why would i do it again. >> trevor: because there is traffic every day. (laughter) you think this is strange. >> i didn't know i had to do this every day. i said i would do it but i just thought it would be once a week, i didn't know this would be-- . >> trevor: what are you talking about. >> every day, come to work every day type shit. >> trevor: roy k you just tell us what the traffic is please. >> bfort traffic, man, the flight attendant and the covid and fauci, i still think we should wear the masks on the planes. i hate the fact that flight attendants is getting beat up over a mask. you supposed to be fighting drunk mass injuries, not people wearing a mask and also part of
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why people are challenging flight attendants, nobody thinks about this, trevor. it is the uniform. the uniform does not command authority. the flight attendant's uniform, they all wearing a vest and a stupid hat. nobody, you don't respect a vest, name a job in a vest you respect. yeah, black jack dealer, you got magicians. you got crossing guard at a school, church usher, male stripper, these are all punchable people. these are all people you can punch in the face. you cannot dress in a face and expect people to respect you. the flight attend ands if they really want something what they need to be fighting for is a new uniform. they need to put on some of that black leather like bouncers in leather and some of them shades and get you an earpiece because when you wear an earpiece everybody knows that you talking to another person on the earpiece, who can also come and whop your ass, and make you act right, the earpiece like you earnings you got those ass whoppers on the other side of that earpiece, that is the thing, man. >> trevor: so what is
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happening in the traffic. >> here is the thing about covid, we'll get to that, just a minute. i am happy that some of the restrictions are being you know rolled back. >> trevor: uh-huh. >> i'm happy for that. >> trevor: yeah. >> but a lot of stuff they got that he had are still doing this they really don't knee. do you still need a qr code on a menu. do you need a little square to oh, i'm going to scan the menu, bring me some paper, i'm an american, bring me a stinky peels of laminated ass paper so i can figure out what the hell i want to eat. >> trevor: this bothered you. >> yes, because you get distracted. you don't focus when you scan your phone and you looking at the food, then pornhub notifications are popping up,-- . >> trevor: you can go why do you get notifications from pornhub. >> you got no know when the new shit drop. you don't-- i am tired of the elbow bump, let's get rid of that. why is everybody hey, what's going on with the bell bow bump. >> trevor: i agree with you. >> you-- i a glow. >> the stickers, six feet sticksers in the grocery store,
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do we still need that, do you not know what six feet is, hopscotching from sticker to sticker around the damn store! (laughter) just get rid of that, tell fauci, i know you got his number. >> trevor: i will tell fauci if you tell me what the traffic is. >> why do i have to do traffic? >> trevor: what do you mean. >> why, why is it always traffic. like i could be doing so many other things. >> trevor: like what. >> i could be doing cooking, we could set up a table, crockpot, i could do the animals, let me be the animal man and bring the could elevatory animals on here. >> trevor: don't encourage him. he asked me. i said we're going back to the stud yovment i said what do you think about doing traffic and you said i would love to dot traffic. >> yeah. right. i didn't know i would have to do it every day, i didn't know i would have to research and investigated and figure out the traffic every day. >> trevor: what do you mean, you don't have to research to do traffic. >> oh traffic bad, back to you.
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(applause). >> trevor: thank you so much for that roy wood, jr. all right, stick around there is more daily show coming up right more daily show coming up right after this.
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kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. so, i'm a beach side hotel. as you can see, i'm pretty relaxed.
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i'm looking for someone who likes sand and sun. if you have kids, i'm great with kids. so yeah, that's me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new starbucks baya energy drink with caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit. its energy, that's good.
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chobani has oatmilk? oh, yeah, so oatmilk's like everywhere. mm! it's creamy. announcer: chobani shower. woman: so on trend. ( ♪♪ ) (screaming) huh, must've missed that. sorry i'm late! i'll just start from here. dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin. from boston. [can opens] whoops, sorry. beer break! [whiff] - that was a practice swing... [goose squawks] - yo! i was just looking for my ball. [water splashes] - is it on the green? - hey, that's a par!
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huh! 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. it's crisp with a hint of citrus. glad i skipped jury duty for this. (that stays here.) [goose squawks] (cheers!) tostitos avocado salsa. you put all of this in here. so you can put it on... well... ...just about anything. tostitos avocado salsa. get to the good stuff.
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(cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, if you are a black person in america you have probably come face to face with a karen at some point in your life. but what if you could harness the power of karens for good. well maybe you can. >> it is the year to 20-- 202 2-rbgs and black people have had enough of getting the cops called on them. in a secret laboratory under 125th street one scientist worked tirelessly to create a new superweapon. one that will give white people a taste of what black people have to go through on a daily basis. >> it's alive!
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time to call the cops. >> oh my gosh. what a geat day for some barbecue. you call this garbage, i'm calling the police. >> what. >> we're not doing anything wrong. >> hello, police, yes, i would like to report some white people with some nasty ass food. there is cilantro in the mac 'n cheese, a flurry of salsa and the chick sen just-- wet, not juicy, just wet. and what are these? oh, mushroom kebabs they're vegan. bring the swat team, we going to need backup and a stomach pump.
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>> you can't be kissing that dog on the mouth, vnts that rescue been through enough. >> easy not a rescue. >> you need to stop slobbering on this animal before you start covid 33. >> leave us alone. >> are you sa alwaysing me. >> i'm not i am telling you to mine your own business. >> that is the same thing to a karen. >> hello, police, some woman was coming right at me. you guys always do this to me, i'm going to do it. maybe you have heard this little ditty, hit it. >> that huh, i'm not letting you butcher sweet caroline. >> you done even know that is what i was going to swing. >> you're white and you are drunk, what else are you going to sing, wap, i'm going to have to report this. >> for what, singing karaoke is
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not a crime. >> it is if it is bad enough. >> sing it. >> sweet-- hello, police, these caucasions are at it again. >> what are you doing in these expensive boutique. >> what are you do withing jeutsry in your purse with the priets tag still on.
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>> this bullshit. you try-- cop. >> hey, what did they get you for. >> being a mad scientist. >> i was selling bootleg dvd's. >> people still buy dvd's. >> you'd be surprised. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, dulce sloan, when we come back terry crews is joining come back terry crews is joining us, so don't go away. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah.
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♪ i'm defeated ♪ but it's pretty♪ feel mistreated ♪ ♪ i'm so angry, i'm singing a song ♪ ♪ cause i'm paying so much ♪ ♪ for home internet and that's just wrong! ♪ ♪ i've got t-mobile home internet! ♪ ♪ i feel happy ♪ great ♪ very happy! ♪ good for you ♪ look how much money i'm saving right now ♪ wait, really? ♪ there's no hidden fees, ♪ ♪ no price hikes, one cord ♪ ♪ bro, wow ♪ introducing t-mobile 5g home internet. just $50 bucks a month. it's that simple. ♪ ♪ ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three.
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[cheering] ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering] we're all better off with an ally. ♪♪
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i am a business hotel. i eat, sleep, and breath efficiency. i'm looking for someone who appreciates high rois and even higher rpms. i would be honored to be your perfect somewhere. ♪ (cheers and applause). >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my guest tonight san actor and a host of america's got talent here to talk about his latest book tough, my journey to true power. please welcome terry crews. oh, what's up?
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yes oh. oh. >> i'm going to show you how to do it, man. >> you are doing it right now. >> i am going to show you how to do it. >> trevor: it likes like you have six cell phones in your jacket and all ringing at the same time. just going, how are you, sir. >> dude, i'm so good, so good. >> trevor: it has been a long time since i last saw you, a whole pandemic between earnings. >> i know. >> trevor: you have gone through it, you wrote another book. >> yes, i did. >> trevor: congratulations on that, tough, my journey to true po we i was like oh, terry is writing a weightlifting book, i figured it was going to be about the muscle, it seems like this whole book is about you emotionally weightlifting. >> yes, yes, i had to redefine what tough was in my life. you know, what i mean. as a kid, i mean, first of all, i was filled with rage. and i'm going to start at the beginning just a little bit because my father was an alcoholic. and he was addicted to alcohol and my mother was addicted to
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religion which created a really toxic relationship and at five years old i grew up watching my father knock my mother out on the regular. >> trevor: right. >> and it was something that changed me, i mean when i saw him do that i was like hey max ksz it's your way or the highway and i learned that that was the only way to be a man. and it was through rage. and it was,-- i would rather be feared than loved. and it got me a lot. i mean i lived my lifelike it was a revenge movie, right. >> right. >> and a lot of people see me now, are you so funny and so great and the whole thing but this is the thing man. i, i was filled with rage. somebody, i remember one man, disrespected my wife, i picked him up, put him on his head on the concreted and my wife is like no, you have to promise me you will never, ever do this again. and i'm like but have i to.
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this is what i am supposed to do. >> this is what i am put on earth to do. >> so now terry crews has this rage he is working on as he goes to therapy. sometimes i feel like what happens to people is that they don't understand ang certificate a natural part of being a human being. so when they come out they are like now i have no anger, the universal is my spirit. >> yeah. >> trevor: so now how do you deal with anger? like everyone gets angry, how do you now deal with it, what did you learn as a healthy outlet for your anger. >> first of all, i did come outlining that the first year, peace and love to everyone. and it was the baddest acting i ever did. sit your ass down. peace and love. you know, it was bad. >> trevor: yeah. >> it was horrible. >> trevor: right. >> but i actually got to understand, remember now, this is the whole thing. that you can be angry and sin not, is a bub i will cat phrase and the whole thing was righteous anger is a good thing.
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and it was about accountability, holding people accountable is how you deal with your anger. >> trevor: you came out, the me too movement was happening. you spoke out about your case, people were shocked and a lot of men were emboldened to say hey, i also had this issue and yes, statisticically men are minute is cool compared to women but it was an interesting story that gave a fuller complexity to what we are trying to get rid of in society. people loved you, terry cruise on twitter, it was amaze. and then you talk about on the book. a few years after that, terry crews on twitter became one of the most hated individuals almost overnight. >> yes. >> trevor: people were like he's a cool, he betrayed black people, and it all came around black lives matter, that is what came around, black hivs matter. and you stayed something. and i paraphrase it because in the book you talk and you lay out the tweet where you say you know, essentially i don't want white supremacy the same way i don't want black supremacy, i wanter us all equal as people, people are like really, terry,
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black supremacy, they tore into you. >> yeah. >> trevor: but in the book you talk about how you didn't even know that that was a talking point some people use. and secondly, you weren't trying to say what people thought you were trying to say. >> this is the thingk black supremacy has nothing to do with white people, when i was in splint michigan the drug dealer was a black supremacist. the blang member, i was scared of and could not move around was the black sprem sis-- spremmist, and what i meant was if we don't start this movement with the idea of reconciliation, we are just postponing a greater war. and my whole thing is i didn't hear a lot of reconciliation. because reconciliation doesn't mean agreement, you know what i mean t is one of those things, i want to bring this up because there is a story about the wisest man in the world, sol man and two women kaiment and brought a baby and said we have this baby, and this baby is
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mine, and so solman, the wisestman said we will cut the baby in half. and i will give you a half of the baby. and you get the other half and one woman said yes, that is the way we do it. but the other woman said no, no, save this baby, give it to her. give it to her. that is reconciliation. it doesn't mean you get the result you want. it means you are saving it because dividing it is going to kill it. and when i look at america, dividing it is going to kill it. and the whole thing is we have to reconcile, we have to-- white and black, male and female, republican, democrat, we have to find a way to reconcile or we're going to kill what we have. >> trevor: beautiful as a thought and i agree with it. (applause). >> trevor: i think the issue some people had, you know, is reconciliation cannot take place before there is any type of accountability. and i think what a lot of people
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thought in that moments is they felt like i understand when reading the book now, you are saying something that in my honest opinion is almost a step ahead but people were going yeah but terry right now, we're looking for accountability first. >> you're right. >> trevor: right now black people in america are saying hey, can we just have an agreement on how america does not treat everybody equally. you know, we don't want everyone to be treated equally badly. we want everyone to be treated equally. >> i totally agree. >> trevor: and it felt like for some people you had skipped you are like guise, guy, kumbaya, let's all be together. >> i totally understand that. but this is another thing, and i agree, and you can't have a nuanced conversation on twitter. >> trevor: yeah. >> that is the big, the biggest mistake. >> trevor: that was the first mistake. >> if there was any accident, that was it. >> trevor: that was maybe one of my favorite parts of the book is when you talk b you tweeted that, and you can tell when someone thinks you have swag in the tweet, you were like let me telt you something in the world,
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white supremacy, black supremacy, bam, all koght tomorrow. >> believe you mean i went oh no, that is not what i was-- . >> trevor: was trending. >> that is not what is going on. you know what i mean but you can't have that. and i totally understand that. and i think you're right. and i know you're right. and i actually one of my things was it just when i know my people and i love my people, the big thing was, black people need to hold other black people accountable. >> trevor: which they do. >> accountability, and we do. and we do. and i'm not saying we don't. but my thing is as a black man, and as a man who had been in these kind of situations, i just knew that it needed to be said by someone like me in order, my thing is, just wanted peace.
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and i guess, it goes back to my approval. it goes back to my need for approval approval it went back to that. and again t was a mistake. it was-- it was a mistake to tweet that out at that time, i will be honest. >> trevor: that was the thing finding out, because mar kin-- martin luther king, jr. talked talked about black supremacy. >> he was like i do not look for the oppression of white people, black people, i don't want anybody to be oppressed. but the timing i think was the issue. >> it was. >> you know what i mean. >> i say that in the book, you were going that is not what i was trying to do i think this is one of those moments where i was like that is why books overtweet. >> st. >> because in the book you made it out you were a human being. >> yes. >> we all misunderstand each other. >> yes. >> honestly, i appreciated your, just like your vulnerability your ability to say this is where i messed up, this is what i was trying to say, i was reading it like why did you send the tweet, why did you trust
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twitter. >> i know. >> twitter doesn't try to understand you. >> it unt did first of all i learned my lesson big time first of all but i do feel like again because of this need for approval that i was addicted to, it is a matter of also exercising the willing to take disapproval, do you understand what i mean where really sometimes stand up for the right thing, not everyone is going to like it. >> yeah. >> and again, i still know who i am. but at the same time i mean i whoop never, ever tweet again to be honest. it's all go be to be cat videos and promotion, and gen, i really, i mean even on this show right now and i will let you know, i really do want to apologize to anybody who was offended by these tweets. and was hurt deeply because as an example, as an
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african-american man, a black man here in this country, i did not want to give the perception that we are supposed to gloss this over and forget the death of george floyd, the murder of george floyd. and i want to apologize to everyone right now who was ever offended because it hurt and even back, i was trying to explain t just got worse, and worse and there is where the book came in. because the need is for us as a people to actually come together and really, really be what we need to be. to this country. because it's our country, this is our country, we die and fought and i'm not giving it away. this is our inheritance. i love you plawses plaws. >> trevor: for real. you know. >> thank you. >> no, no, what i always say to people is find a person who has tweeted, will you find somebody
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who has messed up. and will you find ssh who has been misinterrupted. thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you, thank you for letting me. thank you. >> trevor: terry's book, tough, my journey to true power. we're going to take a break but we'll be right back after this.
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>> trevor: that's our show for tonight, but before we go, today is holocaust remembrance day so please consider supporting the united states holocaust memorial museum, it say living memorial that inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide and promote human dignity. if you can help their programs please donate at the link below, until tomorrow, stay safe out there and remember your goth phase won't come back but your pandemic phase might. now here it s your moment of zen. >> yankerree fans unleashed a hail of trash and debris at a cleveland-- forgot the name-- they are not the indians any more, the guardian, the cleveland guardians. >> i almost said the at the indians yankees. >> guardians. >> the indians have lost, the guardians sorry.
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>> points on the indians or guardians sorry, jeez, that is going to happen all year. >> you go your whole life saying cleveland indians now the guardians, that's tough, sounds like a security service. >> st friday night, the indians are playing, the opening game, indians, guardians. >> indians are playing at 2:00. >> the indians pie goodness gracious. >> guardians, guardian, guardians. >> got it. >> captioning made possible by comedy central - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪
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♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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- hey, fellas. - oh, hey, jimmy. hey, timmy. - timmy! - say, fellas, timmy and i were wondering if maybe you would come and cheer for us next s-saturday. we're both competing in the special olympics down in denver. - the special olympics? what's so special about them? - they're olympic games for handicapped people. - [scoffing] what? - timmy and i are competing in a variety of events. - yeah, sure, we'll come cheer you and timmy on. - yeah, that'd be cool. - thanks a lot, fellas. we gotta get down to the training center and start working out. word is we have a lot of stiff competition this year. - all right, see ya on saturday, guys. - timmy! - dude, i can't believe they exploit handicapped people like this. i mean, making them compete against each other just for our amusement. - you're an asshole, cartman. - what? what'd i do?
1:59 am
[straining] - s-s-six. - timmy. - s-s-seven! - timmy, timmy! - s-s-seven. - timmy! timmy! - i can't, i can't! agh. oh, man. gee whiz, timmy, it looks like we have some pretty stiff competition this year. - [laughing] - all the special athletes seem to be in tip-top condition. and i can't even get past seven reps. oh, well, that's it for me, timmy, i'm p-p-pooped. i'll see you in the locker room. - timmy! - hey, jimmy, good luck on saturday. - you too, francis. - hey, jimmy. - oh, hey-hey, nathen. - so, uh, i see you training pretty hard. - yeah, it sure is tough. i'm training really hard, but i'm not improving fast enough, and the special olympics are a week away. - well, uh, maybe i can help you out. you know, there are... shortcuts. - what kind of short cuts? - you know...
2:00 am
steroids. - s-s-s-s-steroids? but aren't those illegal? - yeah, sure, but these are new. they don't show up in a urine test. - so, uh, how do they w-w-work? - you just take one of these little blue babies three times a day, and inject this directly into your bloodstream twice a day before meals. - how much would this cost me? - it isn't cheap. i've gotta keep vice off my back and secure shipments from overseas. - well, maybe i'll just use them a little bit. you know, as a performance enhancer. - whatever you say, jimmy my friend. whatever you say. - vrrrr! vrrrr! - beep beep! - you guys! you guys! i have the best idea ever! i'm gonna be rich! - what?


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