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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  April 28, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT

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oh, brother. what am i gonna do? i'm gonna hang it up at home. i don't have a lot of art. >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight: trump versus fruit. madison cawthorn versus everyone. and daniel ricciardo this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome to "the daily show."
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i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out in person. thank you for being here. thank you for being here. thank you for being here. everybody, thank you for being here. take a seat. man, we have got a great show for you tonight. our guest it one of the biggest stars in formula one. you probably know him from netflix's hit show "drive to survive." daniel ricciardo is joining us. the best smile in racing. plus desi lydic has your weekend weather, donald trump is terrified of fruit, and we introduce you to the most scandalous congress person in these streets. so, let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: all right, let's tick things off with the latest news from afghanistan. for months now, we have known that the biden administration completely botched the exit of american troops from america's longest war. yeah, even the "game of thrones"
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guys were like, "rough ending." now, for the first time, we're learning the details of how costly this mistake actually was. >> we do have some new cnn reporting this morning. the u.s. left behind $7 billion worth of military equipment in the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan last year, that equipment now in the hands of the taliban. >> what kind of equipment is it? according to the report, a few details, aircraft, munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications gear. a lot of it requires very precise maintenance to remain usable. they don't know if the taliban have been able to keep all of this stuff running. that's a key question that they may never get an answer to. >> trevor: they left $7 billion worth of military equipment in afghanistan. how is that even possible? like, because i get anxiety leaving a hotel in a hurry, you know. i get that, you know, when you're rushing and you forget your toothbrush. let me tell you something-- if i left $7 billion worth of
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toothbrusheses we're turning this uber around, people. we're going back. according to the people who left the stuff behind-- and this part was really interesting-- they say this might not be an issue because they say the taliban might not be able to operate this stuff anyway because of how complicated it is. first of all, i feel like they're just saying that cover their ass. second of all, how are they going to act like the taliban doesn't have youtube? you can find anything on youtube, anything. ( laughter ) you're telling me only americans can use this equipment, but the taliban can't? they're acting like to turn the tank on, you have to sing the theme song to "friends." you have to fett the claps right. it's not working! what's happening? ( laughter ) here's my question, here's my question: america never has the money for anything. there's not enough money for healthcare. there's not enough money for education, there's not enough money to finish the washington monument by putting two balls on it, but america has no problem
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with leaving behind $7 billion worth of weapons? how come that never happens any other way? like, just once, i would love to turn on the news and hear something like, "this just in. the government has too much money for healthcare. so everyone gets a free butt lift." ( laughter ) it's mind-boggling, people. it's mind-boggling, how much money america wastes on the military. don't let them trick you saying, "it goes to the troops." it does not go to the troops. no, the defense contractors is where the money goes. and you hear these people, "we need to spend that money to keep people safe." let me ask you this: what's more threatening to people in america, a group of rebels in some foreign country, or healthcare nobody can afford, toxic drinking water, poverty, pollution? because if i was america, i would spend my war money on the biggest threats. yeah, that's what i would do. and i would send the taliban
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flint's old water pipes. you don't need missiles. just send that shit. yeah, try drinking now. let's move on to england, the world's number one exporter of benedict cumber batches. as you know, u.k. parl can be a rowdy place. but it turns out, that there is something that you're not allowed to do on the floor as one british politician found out. >> the conservative party has launched an investigation into claims by some of its female m.p.s that a tory colleague watched porn on his mobile phone in the house of commons itself. who is the torrey m.p. accused of watching pornography in the commons? we still don't know. but government ministers have lined up to condemn him, saying there's no place for pornography in any workplace. the story has reignited the
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criticism of the overall culture in parliament. >> trevor: a member of the u.k.'s conservative party was caught watching porn during a session, and now he could be expelled for it. i'll be honest, i'm just trying to understand the motivation here. like, what parent of parliament made this guy want to watch porn? ( laughter ) like, what turned him on? was it some new legislation that was getting him hot? you know, was it some other minister who was like, "this country is going deeper and deeper into debt! we cannot pull out at this point!" just like oh! oh, boy! oh, boy! ( cheers and applause ) and you know, if you ask me, kicking him out wasn't the right punishment, man. what they should be doing is what parents do when they catch a kid smoking cigarettes. yeah, they should force him to watch all of pornhub. that will will teach him a lesson. he will be like, "i've seen all the categories i didn't know
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existed! please! i never knew congress had cocaine orgies! it's too much, mitch mcconnell." kind of like you saw him in your mind. that was funny. one of you was like, ," oh, i saw it, trevor." i get britain doesn't want its politicians watching porn at work. i will say i think the one exception should be the royal family. i think porn could really open their eyes to the beauty of interracial relationships. you know, that could be a good thing for them. oh, and finally, finally, do you want to talk about politicians getting into weird trouble-- and there's no better example than donald j. trump, 45th president of the united states, and phantom of the mar-a-lago carving station. you see, the former president is currently being sued for inciting violence against protesters. and it's gotten serious enough that he was actually forced to testify about it.
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>> former president donald trump testified under oath he was worried that protesters would hurl things at him and that they were dangerous. it's part of his deposition from back in october for a civil lawsuit in new york where activists claim that the former president's bodyguards violently broke up protests outside trump tower back in 2015. >> trevor: okay, first of all, it's crazy that there are so many trump scandals that he's literally getting dragged into court for something we didn't even know it was a thing. like, did you know this was a thing? did you? nobody knew about this. i didn't. trump lawsuits are like nicolas cage movies. there are a bunch like, "he lost a pig? when did that happen?" ( laughter ) but, anyway, trump was being sued for inciting violence to protesters, right, against protesters, rather. and he came up with one of the most crazy defenses i've ever heard. this might be my favorite story of the year. and to fully understand the story, you have to hear the actual deposition that trump gave in the case.
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now, unfortunately, there's no recording. but fortunately, there is a transcript. so to give you a little taste, i'm going to get some help from our very own michael kosta, everybody. ( cheers and applause ). you see... for your-- for your understanding and enjoyment, kosta and i are going to read sections from the transcript for you. now, he will be reading the parts of various lawyers. and i will be playing donald jackfruit trump. and, again, we're just going to read excerpts from the actual transcript because i promise you, no comedy writer is going to come up with something funnier than this. ( laughter ) are you guys ready? ready? ( cheers and applause ) so just so you understand, the key section begins with lawyers playing a video from a 2016 trump rally.
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>> if you see someone getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously. knock the crap out of them, would you, that was your statement? >> oh, yeah, it was very dangerous. we were threatened. ( laughter ). >> with what? >> they were going to throw fruit. ( laughter ) we were threatened. we had a threat. ( laughter ). >> how did you become aware that there was a threat that people were going to throw fruit? >> we were told. we were told. and you get hit with fruit, it's no-- it's very violent stuff. we were on alert for that. ( laughter ). >> a tomato is a fruit, after all, i guess. it has seeds. >> it's worse than a tomato. it's other things, also, but tomato. when they start doing that stuff, it's very dangerous. it's very dangerous stuff. you can get killed with those things. ( laughter ) i wanted to have people be ready because we were put on alert that they were going to do--
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they were going to do to fruit. and some fruit is a lot worse than-- tomatoes are bad, by the way. but it's very dangerous. no, i wanted them to watch. they were on alert. they were going to hit-- they were going to hit hard. >> do you have any knowledge as to whether or not anybody was found to have tomatoes in their possession on that date? >> i don't know. but it didn't happen. it worked out that nothing happened. we heard it was going to happen, but nothing happened. >> mr. president, is it your expectation that if your security guards see someone about to throw a tomato that they should knock the crap out of them? >> well, a tomato, a pineapple. a lot of other things they throw. they have to be aggressive stopping that from happening. because if that happens, you can be killed, if that happens. >> and getting aggressive includes the use of physical force. >> to stop somebody from
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throwing pineapples, tomatoes, bananas, stuff like that, yeah. it's dangerous stuff. >> i have no further questions. >> and scene. ( cheers and applause ). >> thank you, thank you very much, thank you. i couldn't do it without you. thank you, thank you so much. thank you very much. our two-man show, "the president and the fruit," will be off broadway soon. again, that conversation really happened. with the former president of the united states. i will say this-- he's not wrong about being hit with a pineapple being dangerous. that's got spikes built in. and the banana, too. it might not seem dangerous, but remember, someone throws a banana and it comes right back at them and they can hit you over and over again. you know what i think is the worst fruit to get hit with, a honeydew. not because it's hard. you can get some in your mouth, and that shit is disgusting.
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i hope it hits me in the head and kills me so i don't have to taste it. but, no, people, this is serious stuff, and it's actually caused the secret service to alter their methods. i'm told we've obtained a classified training video that shows how secret service protesters are now going to be dealt with, and here's some of the new training. incredible. really incredible. that's it for the headlines. but before we go, let's catch up on this weekend's weather forecast with our very own desi lydic, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) >> thank you. thank you. >> trevor: so good to see you. >> great to see you. >> trevor: so good to see you. so, desi, what's going on? >> everything's great. y finally disposed of my last burner phone so that's really exciting. they've got nothing on me now. >> trevor: ah, i don't know what that meant.
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i meant what's going on with the weather? >> oh, oh,. i'm glad you asked about that, because i've been meaning to talk to you. it has been freezing inside this building. like, really cold. every single room, we've got to do something about that. i mean, who set the thermostat, the patriarchy? ( laughter ). >> trevor: i thought you were going to do the... >> by the way, that trump fruit thing, that really strikes a chord with me. you have ever been hit in the head with a piece of fruit? >> trevor: no. >> never? >> trevor: no. >> no fruit? >> trevor: nothing. >> not, like, a kiwi or a tangerine. >> trevor: no, no. >> clemen tine. >> trevor: no fruit ever. >> pear. >> no fruit. >> some sort of melon like a cantaloupe? >> trevor: no. >> an apricot. >> trevor: no. >> an ape-ri-cot. >> trevor: that's the same thing twice. i have never been hit in the had the with a fruit. >> lucky. you can believe that guy got caught watching porn at work
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passively? what kind of psychopath watches porn passively like it's a commercial or something? all right, you should be doing one of two things while watching porn, either pleasuring yourself or crying while pleasuring yourself. there's no in between. even at work, you have to really set the mood and commit. you have to dim the lights, roll up on the a bear skin rug. fill a cup with a piping hot french onion soup. make it nice. >> trevor: i thought you were ordering the suit because you were sick. >> don't kink-shame me, trevor. >> trevor: can you please just tell us what the weather is going to be? >> i haven't been outside in weeks. i got to lay low. the whole burner phone thing. >> trevor: what is this about? >> well, i would tell you, but you might have to testify. >> trevor: to who? >> trevor, have you not been listening? the fruit, the porn the french onion soup. all of that. well, frankly, now you're implicated so you've got to think about what you're going to
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say. >> trevor: i don't know anything, though. >> exactly. say that, that's good. >> trevor: no, i don't know what you're talking about. >> tell them that. >> trevor: tell who that, i don't know what you're talking about? >> see, this is why i roll with you. >> trevor: i don't roll with you. >> this is why i roll with you. >> trevor: i feel like you committed a crime. i don't want to be a part-- i don't roll with you. >> i'm right there with you. >> trevor: desi lydic, everybody. you know what, let's do this. we're going to take a quick break separately, not with desi, and then after that we will tell you about the many, many scandals of congressman madison cawthorn. you don't want to miss it. not with you, i'm not with you. ( cheers and applause ).
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to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. may i? we're definitely not lit. i mean seriously, we named ourselves which is kind of lit if we are talking...
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literal... ha ha. it's why we're planet earth's number one site for booking accommodation. we love booking stuff! and we're just here to help you make the best of your vacation. ow... hi... booking.yeah daddy, it happened again. hah, hah, hah. wierdo. i wish i was normal. you're strong charlie. you gotta change the world. the girl's power is growing. she's a real superhero. i'm a monster. you have to learn how to control your power. i can help you. liar, liar... pants on fire.
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you're probably wondering... what makes these chips taste so good? here's a hint: it's lime. they taste like lime. tostitos. get to the good stuff. ♪ i'm defeated ♪ ♪ feel mistreated ♪ ♪ i'm so angry, i'm singing a song ♪ ♪ cause i'm paying so much ♪ ♪ for home internet and that's just wrong! ♪ ♪ i've got t-mobile home internet! ♪ ♪ i feel happy ♪ great ♪ very happy! ♪ good for you ♪ look how much money i'm saving right now ♪ wait, really? ♪ there's no hidden fees, ♪ ♪ no price hikes, one cord ♪ ♪ bro, wow ♪ introducing t-mobile 5g home internet. just $50 bucks a month. it's that simple.
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♪ ♪ for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." you know, most politicians get into trouble every once in a while. it's part of the job. illegal campaign contribution, a little sex scandal, a little storming the capitol-- you know, trivial stuff we've all come to accept. but in the past few weeks, one member of congress has been collecting scandals like steve harvey collects those pinstripe suits. so let's check in on what this politician has been getting into, in another installment of "fringe-watching." ( cheers and applause ) right now, the reigning scandal
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champion in washington is none other than than madison cawthorn. congressman from north carolina, and what lacrosse would look like if it were a person. ( laughter ) from the moment he showed up on the political scene two years ago, cawthorn has always been a controversial figure. first he faced sexual harassment allegations from his time in college. and then he was caught lying about getting into the naval academy. which then, he got in trouble for gleefully posting on instagram about his visit to hitler's mountain retreat. as he called it, "the vacation house of the fuhrer." which is weird. we don't need to be referring to hitler by his nickname. i called jay-z hova, but i probably wouldn't if he committed genocide. this was all before cawthorn even got into congress. since he's taken the oath of office, his scandals have definitely not slold down. most recently, you probably heard, he made headlines by claiming that other members of
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congress had done cocaine in front of him and invited him to orgies. which, first of all, snitch. ( laughter ) and, second of all, the whole thing was a lie. of course it's not true. these people are in congress! they're not throwing an orgy. that's way too complicated for them. they would have to secure funding for the sex toys, agree on a time and location, agree on the rules, and last minute joe manchin would show up and object and everybody would have to put their dicks back in their pants. ( applause ) but those orgy stories are in the past. way, way, like three weeks ago. nobody is even talking about that anymore, because cawthorn is getting into new trouble every damn day, starting with some really bad driving. >> newly released video shows congressman madison cawthorn getting his license revoked during a traffic stop in cleveland county.
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>> the traffic stop came after the truck crossed the center line. as the trooper approaches, cawthorn's informed that his license plate tag is expired. the trooper discovered cawthorn's license had been revoked due to an out-of-state ticket. >> trevor: yeah, first madison cawthorn was pulled over for swerving. then the cops found out he had an expired license plate. and then he was busted for having a revoked driver's license. i mean those are hall of fame numbers right there. i don't even think o.j. broke that many laws during his cop chase. what's crazy, what's crazy, this is the second time he's been busted for driving with a rezoninged license. at this point, he's probably the only member of congress who might show up to work with an yied that says mclovin'. that's me. that's real. ( laughter ) but if i'm honest, i can see why. of course he's got to drive with a revoked license. do you know how embarrassing it must be when he needs to ask his mom to drive him to the orgy? you know, it's just like, "mom, don't drop me off in front of
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mansion. just leave me at the corner." "okay, love you. make sure you have enough cocaine for everybody!" so, yes, madison cawthorn is not allowed to drive himself anywhere right now. but before you think of giving him a lift to the airport, you might want to be careful when you're throwing his bags in the trunk. >> u.s. republican contrassman madison cawthorn was cited by police on tuesday after they spotted a loaded handgun in his bag at a north carolina airport. t.s.a. agents found a 9-millimeter handgun when cawthorn passed through a security checkpoint. police say he was cooperative and cited for possession of a dangerous weapon on city property. it is the second time in just over a year the young congressman has been stopped for carrying a gun at an airport. >> trevor: ah! before you judge, "before you judge? who hasn't made this mistake. the uber is waiting outside, you try to pack your bags real
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quick, throw in your cologne, underwear, ak-47. what am i doing! you can't take cologne on a plane! the craziest part of the story is it's the second time he got caught trying to bring a gun on a plane in a year. i understand if you made the mistake 15 years ago, but twice in one year. why are you so invested in getting a gun on a plane? how intense is the battle for the armrest? what are you doing? before you ask, yes, the congressman was punished. he was given a citation, which i know sound like something you're given for having the biggest watermelon at the country fair. but this will hurt him. his life will be the same. in a way, i respect him. a lot of republicans talk about being pro police. but he's the only one out here personally keeping all of these police departments in business. i respect that. ( laughter ) so cawthorn got caught driving without a license, and then he got caught trying to bring weapons on a plane. and most people would take a breather after that, but not madison cawthorn, no. because the same day the news
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broke about the gun, he was accused of taking part in a cryptocurrency insider trading scheme. i know. i was shocked to hear that this guy was into crypto. who would have thought? so now we've got suspended licenses, guns at airports, possible insider trading, 3 stars on "t.t.a.." and guess what? madison cawthorn even has scandals that expose his characteraise scam. in order to understand this next scandal properly, first you need to know that madison cawthorn has been saying certain things on the campaign trail about what it means to be a man! >> our culture today is trying to completely demasculate all of the young men in our culture. we have bred a generation of soft men, and that generation has created a lot of problems in our society and our culture. if you want me to sit there and call a man a woman, you are asking me to buy into this lie. and i'll say no to that. your left-wing movement is forcing children to endure
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radical expressions of sexuality and i never imagined that one of my sacred duties in this hallowed chamber would be explaining to the house speaker the difference between a man and woman. you will never amend biology. science is not burger king. you can't just have it your way. >> trevor: that's an interesting way to put it. i like how cawthorn is working product placement in his floor speeches. "men are like arby's. we have the meat." ( applause ) but, yes, cd kaw has been talking a big game about defending traditional conservative notions of masculinity and gender, selling himself as the icon of traditional christian manhood. which this country has lost. so you can imagine how awkward it was for him to try and explain this: >> new tonight, north carolina congressman madison cawthorn responding to photos circulating online that show him wearing
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women's lingerie. cawthorn said on twitter that these images were first reported by politico and came from a game he played during the cruise. the north carolina congressman says the photos were taken long before he ran for office. >> trevor: well, well, well. ( laughter ) check out madison over here. what game were you playing? "i'm going to put on this lawmple ray and look good doing it." you said you were a good christian soldier. looks more like a good christian louboutin, huh? i want to be clear, i want to be clear, a man wearing lingerie isn't a scandal. it isn't a scandal in any way. men can wear whatever they want to wear. but this particular marng he spends a lot of time attacking other people for how they dress, how they identify, and what their values are. all i'm saying is the next time gender issues come up again, this dude better not get his panties in a bunch. that's all i'm saying, you know. so that's what madison cawthorn has been up to for the past month. yeah. and nobody knows if any of these scandals will end up hurting
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cawthorn in the upcoming election. what we do know is his mom's definitely going to need to drop him off on election day. all right, stay tuned, because we're going to joined by "drive to survive" star formula one superstar daniel ricciardo. superstar daniel ricciardo. right after this. ♪upbeat music♪ new starbucks baya energy drink in three refreshingly fruity flavors. with 160mg of caffeine naturally found in coffee fruit... it's energy that's good. ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ [sound of tape application] i just need you to sign option three. [cheering]
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♪ [upbeat music] ♪ for everything we need. for everything we want. for everything we do. [cheering] we're all better off with an ally. ♪♪ i'm what you call a boutique hotel. i'm looking to provide a more unique experience.
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do you like single origin coffee over a game of chess? me too. ♪♪ lay's. brings back so many good memories. remember our road trip in '97? [singing shania twain “you're still the one”] our first real heart-to-heart? i've never seen any of your movies! those were good times. they were golden. sorry i'm late! i'll just start from here. dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin. from boston. [can opens] whoops, sorry. beer break! [whiff] - that was a practice swing... [goose squawks] - yo! i was just looking for my ball. [water splashes] - is it on the green? - hey, that's a par! huh!
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19th hole, sam adams summer ale. it's crisp with a hint of citrus. glad i skipped jury duty for this. (that stays here.) [goose squawks] (cheers!) ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is formula one driver daniel ricciardo. he's here to talk about racing for mclaren and the upcoming miami grand prix. please welcome daniel ricciardo!
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: daniel ricciardo, welcome back to "the daily show." >> thanks. >> trevor: you know, this is how long it's been and how much has changed. are you-- are you mesmerized by the-- the... >> yeah, it's getting bigger. >> trevor: it's a nice feeling, right? >> yeah, it's cool, thanks. >> trevor: let's-- let's talk about a few things here. let's talk about a few things. number one-- oh, wait, sorry, let me make you comfortable. this is the water, but you don't need water here. sorry, i don't even know why i didn't change this earlier. we can do this. ( laughter ) just make things a little more comfortable for you. ( cheers and applause ). so we can-- you know what i mean? just make the interview a little more comfortable. >> you're very well prepared. >> trevor: we want to make sure everyone is drinking what they normally drink.
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here we go. >> gone who doesn't know is like what the hell are they doing right now? >> trevor: do you want to explain it, or i can. i can. what do you want? >> go on. go for it. >> trevor: so daniel ricciardo, one of the best racing drivers in the world, has a electrician,s when he wins-- this champagne, you've probably seen it at the races, and they pop the champagne. but this man, i guess maybe because you're australian, decided not to drink the champagne out of the bottle but out of a shoe. >> the shoe i race in, that's very sweaty. >> trevor: it's all the flavor of the victory. >> it is. >> that's what they say, "the taste of victory." now it's affectionately known as a shoey cheers, my friend. >> i normally don't do this unless i've won, but hey. >> trevor: you've won by being here. ( cheers and applause ). mmm. oh, that's good. that's good. that's good. i just raced in those this
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weekend, yeah. ( laughter ) let's talk about everything, man. the first time you were on the show, i had to explain to some people what formula one is. and now, you are easily one of the biggest stars in-- like, can you walk through the street without people recognizing you? >> watch the bottle. it's-- it's grown a lot. like, it really has i think since "drive to survive." that's had four seasons now? three or four. >> trevor: i think so, yeah. >> every time we get to the states, it's getting more and more. people are-- yeah, kind of spotting me and saying, "what's up?" and wishing me luck. >> trevor: people are wearing masks of your fauc. that's how popular-- your smile is iconic. your joy is iconic. there are many people who watch "drive to survive," and they're like this is the most dramatic sport i have watched. you guys try to kill each other
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and crash into each other. where do you stand? how much drama is in the sport? >> there's certainly a lot in the sport. and there's-- there's-- there are, you know, try rivalries and all of that stuff. you know, i think with the show on netflix, "drive to survive" i would say they sprinkle a little bit on top. but it's already drama filled. but then they'll-- they'll just nudge it it along and a little bipt of, "hey, how are you" on top. >> trevor: i want to know how you stay being one of the friendliest drivers, not just smiling with the fans, you know, so, for instance, you recently had a crash. but you went up to him afterwards, you apologized. do you think there's something in you that makes you go, i know we're competing but we all want to get along? what is that? >> i hated every second of the apology. it's-- yeah, i think probably just with experience and just
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being in it for so long, i know-- i have the i guess maturity now to know how much we all put into it. >> trevor: yeah. >> and as competitive as we are, we all have something strongly in common. and there are only 20 of us in the world that do it. there are only 20 f1 drivers. you kind of just respect everyone's journey. so the incident, fihold myself accountable for something, yeah, i feel like i want to, yeah, just apologize, and it's nothing personal. you know what i mean? i don't think everyone would do it, but for me i just felt better by doing it. so we kind of like clean slate for the next one. when we come alongside each org track next, there's no intensity -- >> got it, got it. >> there will be an intensity but nothing heightened, i guess. >> trevor: the next race is miami for the first time ever, which means no one has raced on the track. that's always strange for drivers, because you guys visualize the track. you remember what it was like. you know the surface, the whole-- like, how much harder is it to race on a track that
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you've never raced on than one you have been on before? is it a big jump or is it, "whatever." >> it's a challenge. there are some circuits now that we know literally i could drive it in my head. if you got a stop watch i would be able to visualize within probably a second -- >> and you hit the times. >> close enough. >> trevor: that's me when i think-- if you time me going to the fridge to get ice cream, in my head i can do it. i can go, all right, go to the couch, go to the fridge, act like i'm going to get the baby carrots, and i don't. get thing, the ice cream. then i'm embarrassed. then i take more. then i'm ashamed and i'm like i may as well finish tput it back. it's not finished. then is there another one? no, enough is enough. that's pretty much me visualizing-- >> that was good. that was good. >> trevor: i know what you mean. you can't do that-- are you even going to be able to concentrate in miami? miami is a party. it's a full-on, nonstop party. and you guys are going to be all...
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>> yeah, it's no, i don't want to say it's tough. but for sure, when you compete in, like, a big city-- some circuits are in the middle of nowhere, you know. because you need a lot of space to build a circuit, so some are out, kind of like in fields somewhere. but, you know, miamia going to be-- it's going to be around hard rock stadium, i believe it's called. and, yeah, it's going to be nuts. so we'll do-- there are, like, simulators. so each team has a simulator, like a very high-tech sophisticate one. i was on that on tuesday and trying to just learn at least where the track is and how it goes. but it's really into when you get on track and practice, that's where i it's time to lean as quick as you can. getting a new circuit gives you a chance to catch on to something maybe quicker than someone else so it can create a bigger separation for the ones that click and the ones that strilged a bit more. >> trevor: when you look forward to races, what are the ones you think, man, i can't
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wait to get back on the race track. you can't say australia. that's home. pick another one. >> and i'm not just saying this because we're on american soil, but austin. like, i get so excited for austin. >> trevor: really? >> yeah. >> trevor: why? >> i swear i have some, like, some d.n.a., like texan d.n.a. in me somewhere. ( laughter ) i love it. oh, man! dude, thank you so much for being on the show again. good luck with the rest of the season. enjoy it. be sure to watch daniel compete in the formula one miami grand prix on may 8. okay, we're gonna take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. ( cheers and applause ) this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10.
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's our show for tonight. but before we go, nearly 4,000 homes have been destroyed, and more than 40,000 people displaced by the floods and mudslides in south africa. "gift of the givers" is a south african-based disaster relief organization on the ground helping those affected by the floods. if you can help them in their work to act fast and save lives, please donate at the link below. until tomorrow, stay safe out there, and remember: if you see fruit anywhere run. ( laughter ) now here it is, your moment of zen. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> did you listen to the mccarthy audio that was released? >> sure i did. >> and what was your response as an american? >> my response was that it was edited. you see, i know the art of editing. so i'm not sure. i'm not sure in what context. but what i'm saying to you is that it's not a matter of trying to find out it happened or what he said is the whole story. >> right.
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