tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central May 11, 2022 1:14am-2:00am PDT
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now that her seat has been filled with a sixth conservative justice, it means moving backwards. and it's not just on abortion rights. what's left of the voting rights act could well be finished off, lgbtq rights could be rolled back, a 6-3 scotus is also much likelier to strike down big climate change legislation. basically, unless you're a straight cis white guy with gills who loves forest fires, then right-wing pam beesly over here is gonna screw you over personally. so what do we do?
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- we must dismantle the superstructure that protects corrupt power. we need to return to democratic norms violated and broken by the senate gop and this administration. we need to take whatever action is necessary. - sure. flamethrowers, wood chippers, nunchucks. - or expand the size of the court. - shit on their doorsteps, shit on their neighbor's doorsteps, shit on their neighbor's neighbor's doorstep. - i'm advocating for expanding the size of the court. - i like that. how would one go about expanding the court and shitting on their doorsteps? - if you do the first, you don't need to do the second. you add seats to the supreme court, you restore the essential checks and balances that we need in a democratic system, and that is why i'm focused on "take back the court." - what exactly is "take back the court"? - it's a two-year-old project focused on expanding the size of the u.s. supreme court, and thereby restoring and preserving democracy. - isn't it against one of the long-standing pillars
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of the democratic party of being total pussies? - i can agree that i have shared the frustration of many. we have to stop reacting as if the sky is falling, but not doing anything about it. - but this idea isn't popular with everyone. even rbg herself spoke against it in 2018. - but she's an institutionalist. i'm certain that even in her worst nightmare, she did not imagine that mitch mcconnell and the gop senate would ram through an utterly unqualified successor to her seat. - would this be stooping to their level? - the only reason to respond to the theft is to stop bringing cotton candy to a knife fight. we need to get in the ring, we need to go toe-to-toe, and we need to take the steps necessary to restore democracy. - cotton candy to a knife fight is not helpful. even worse, bringing a knife to a cotton candy fight.
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turns out clowns do bleed. [soft dramatic music] - are you okay? [music stops] - yeah, fine. how long has it been since the number of justices changed? has it been like 100 years or something like that? - four. the number of justices changed four years ago in 2016 when the gop mitch mcconnell-led senate refused to confirm merrick garland to the court, and the number of justices went from nine to eight. - mm, that's right. those sneaky mitches. we say "mitch" in this house instead of the "b" word. just trying to raise a little gentleman. not some little mitch. and, ironically, these conservative justices seem to be a renewable resource. - there's an organization that was set up decades ago called "the federalist society." and now, they are the funnel for every single judge that is appointed to a district or circuit court
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under a republican governor or the senate gop. some of these judges have been rated not qualified by the american bar association. some of them have only been lawyers for four or five years and, get this, never tried a case. - how is that not criminal? - and now, they're sitting in federal circuit courts with lifetime appointments. we have to do something. we have to act. and the most effective proportional response is to expand the size of the court. - so, basically, if we can't expand the court, we're [bleep]. - in so many words, yes. - son of a mitch! [upbeat music] it's clear the democrats have to do something. the question imani gandy is asking is, "will they?" - democrats need to sack up. within two weeks of the election, the supreme court is set to hear a case that could overturn the aca. they're also set to hear a case called "fulton v. city of philadelphia"
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and that's going to decide whether or not government-funded foster care agencies can discriminate against lgbtq couples and non-christian couples who want to adopt or foster children. when i say the democrats have to do this, i mean they have to do it immediately, because these cases are going to be decided next term. republicans just don't give a [bleep], and democrats give too much of a [bleep]. - democrats are good at some stuff too. you know, like rubbing their temples and going, "no, why is this happening?" and they're getting a lot better at the insult thing. i mean, did you hear pelosi's nickname for trump? - i missed it, no. - "not as smart as we would hope he'd be in an ideal situation, donald." - whew! what do you say to that? - yeah, it's pretty good. - yeah, yeah, yeah. - pretty catchy. a conservative court might be good for corporations, but they could also allow new regulations into every part of our lady business. - what you're going to see is
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amy coney barrett and the rest of the conservatives on the court accepting abortion restrictions that ruth bader ginsburg would not have accepted. so, for example, there was this big hubbub about a law in louisiana and whether or not this law was gonna close basically all of the clinics in louisiana. ginsburg and breyer and sotomayor and kagan and roberts, shockingly, said, "no, we're not gonna do that right now." if that case were to come up before this court, the amy coney barrett court, louisiana would have won. and there would be one abortion clinic in the entire state. - so they will chip away at our reproductive rights, but only in states like alabama, texas, ohio, louisiana, missouri, kentucky, florida... - south and north carolina. - north and south dakota. - yeah. - oh, tennessee. - mm-hmm. - arizona. - mm-hmm. - ugh. no.
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why is this happening? what is the likelihood that expanding the court could actually happen? - it's not entirely impossible. it's gonna take a lot of all-caps tweets to people like chuck schumer. and the fact of the matter is, people are really tired right now, you know? it's been four years of this trauma. we've been locked in our homes for, going on, you know, eight months now. - these four years have been exhausting. i tried getting one of those sleep tracking apps, and the data showed that i died three years ago. - i really think that the baton needs to be passed to younger people, needs to be passed to non-white people. these are people that aren't going to kowtow to, like, mitch mcconnell and his turtle ass. and that's what the american people need right now-- someone to just blow shit up. i just want someone to do something, you know? i just wants democrats to quit being nut sacks, essentially. - you realize that the democrats move pretty slowly. - i know. - i mean,
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chuck schumer went to the bathroom last tuesday, and he still hasn't come out. someone should go check on him. [mellow music] - i first met ruth bader ginsburg on the telephone 48 years ago. and we soon became personal friends. she loved to laugh. there was a play in washington about a supreme court case that involved pornography and they were doing previews of it. and in the play, there's a scene near the end where the principal character, who's a lawyer, comes out, and he's stark naked. and i'm sitting in the front row, and you can imagine what i'm looking at. pff, like this. and so--and she was due to do one of these previews. so i said to her, "ruth, let me just warn you." and so she started to laugh and she said, "well, i guess i'll just have to sit a few rows farther back." [laughs] - it's very hard to do anything as a loner,
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i'm what you call "boutique". i'm into intimate conversations, leather lounge chairs and soaking up the cities atmosphere. i'm looking to provide a more unique experience. do you like single origin coffee over a game of chess? me too. and don't you just feel like everything sounds warmer on vinyl? i do. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new infiniti qx60. take on your wild world in style. ♪
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- it's very hard to do anything no onas a loner,nger but if you get together with like-minded people, you can be a force for change. - [sighs] there's no getting around it. the loss of rbg on the supreme court is a huge blow, and there's no quick fix. not even watching that clip of kim cattrall scatting will cheer me up. - [scatting] ♪ ♪ - she is not very good at this. it's gotta be, like... [scatting loudly] look, we can't scat our way out of depression. we need to make a plan. i think i know just the woman. i don't like too much powder because sometimes it can age. you know what i mean? i like to still keep, like, a little bit of a dewiness. [soft dramatic music] oh, okay. good, go, go, go, go. hi, senator warren! - hello! - senator warren, you have a plan for everything. what is your plan to protect justice ginsburg's legacy?
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- we've counted for so long on the courts to protect us. if we can't do that, then what we're going to do is we're gonna have to do this through the legislative process. we will pass health care again. we will pass a bill for "roe v. wade." we can do this by statute. we can do the things we need to do. we just have to stay in the fight. and then, after the election? look, it's all on the table. that's how it should be. - it's all on the table. - but it's also about flipping the senate because if we had a democratic senate, this would not be happening. and we need to hold these republicans accountable. - you had a personal relationship with justice ginsburg. what would she want us to do now? cry into a white claw? 'cause if so, i've got that covered. - [laughs] no. justice ginsburg was a fighter. you know? and she was a strategic fighter. she changed what was possible
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for women all across this nation and around the world and she did that by staying in every fight. remember, she lost some of them. she got knocked back from time to time, but her response was she got back up, dusted herself off, and went straight back in tougher than ever. - so many of us put all this pressure on justice ginsburg to be the one to save us, and it's really unfair. now that she's no longer here, i think my biggest question is, will you be our new mommy? - [laughs] i'm in this fight all the way, but you have to remember. we're all strong. not just me, all of us. we cannot give up on this, desi. we can't just say, "oh, we've lost the courts, so now we're done." mm-mm. nope. that's not how this works. that's not how this worked for someone like ruth ginsburg. we need to honor ruth with action. we need to channel grief into change. that's how we honor ruth,
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and that's how we build a real future. - thank you, senator warren. thank you. - all right, you take care now. - stay in the fight! [hopeful music] yes, channel grief into change. and, yes, things are dark right now, and ruth bader ginsburg can't save us. we have to save ourselves. but you know what? we can do that. what? acceptance? forget that, i'm not accepting shit. we need to fight like hell. [rock music] i know what you need to do. you know what we all need to do. - vote. - vote. - uh, vote. - vote. - boat. - vote. - vo-- - no, no, no, guys. i mean--yes, you definitely have to vote. go vote, but, also, we should be thinking long-game. just like rbg herself said, real change, enduring change happens one step at a time.
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so no matter what happens on november 3rd, we have to keep fighting for change. here are a few organizations that you can get involved with to do that. there's the aclu women's rights project founded by ginsburg herself. or, how about, "she should run"? it's a non-profit that encourages more women to run for public office. there's equal justice works, which funds young lawyers to work on public interest projects, and "ms. jd," which inspires and supports women to pursue legal professions. they're basically funding the rbgs of tomorrow. and, most importantly, keep fighting. thank you, rbg. i hope you know how much you meant to women everywhere. i hope we'll always have women like you who stand up for justice and equality, and whose names can effortlessly be combined with that of a famous rapper. anyway, this is ll cool lydic signing off. ♪ ♪ - definitely i think our favorite day of filming was the opportunity to be with her in the gym. - the door opens, in she walks
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with her "super diva!" sweatshirt. - we did not believe that she could really do 20 push-ups and, like, rounds of planks and side planks. - julie and i were kind of crouched in the corner trying to keep out of the way of the shot and looking at each other like we could not believe this. you know, it was a real inspiration. both of us started working out after that. - it was also deeply moving. when she was determined to do something, god damn it, she did it.
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♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ ♪ goin' down to south park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪ ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ people spouting, "howdy, neighbor!" ♪ ♪ heading on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ [ indistinct conversations ] butters: whoa! it's all so real! this is amazing! it's like i'm there! i see all our friends at school! oh, wow! if i hold up my hands, i can see them, too! whoa! wow! you were right! i can actually feel it! butters, what the hell are you doing?
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i feel stan! he looks totally real! that's awesome, butters. keep making your way down the hallway. your vital signs are looking good. what do you see now? more of the school. what are you doing, butters? the school and all the kids. i still can't hear any sound except for your voice. yeah, they haven't worked out the audio yet, but -- [ snickers ] he's so [bleep] stupid. but i'm sure they will soon. ugh. okay. i think i'm done, eric. i-i'm feeling kind of dizzy, and, uh -- butters, no! are you crazy?! what?! what?! what?! what did i tell you about removing the headset when you're not back at the access hub? oh, yeah -- that it would split my neurons and scramble my brains! i forgot! you forgot your neurons would be torn apart? did you also forget that if you die in virtual reality, you die in real life, butters? i'm sorry! you need find your way back to my room. can you do that? yeah! we only have 8 minutes before the battery protocols die, butters. you have to hurry! oh, jesus! [ door slams ] okay. i'm back at your room! cartman: all right, butters, sit down at the computer. now drop the stafernasy window. we're just gonna make it. stafernasy window dropped!
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[ door slams ] welcome back, dude. wow! that was cool. how do you feel? do you feel okay? i touched wendy's boob. [ laughing hysterically ] and then -- and then he -- he took of the shop goggles, and was all like, "whoa, i'm back!" damn it if it's not the awesomest thing ever! sounds pretty typical to me. come on, guys. this is the "cure de gars" of butters torture. "coup de grace," cartman. thank you, kyle. poor butters. can't you just leave him alone? dude, butters is an asshole, and he deserves to be taken down once in a while, okay? hey, eric! what did you say to the principal for missing first period? not that we were doing anything interesting. [ chuckling ] right, eric? yeah, i just told her i was running late and it won't happen again. you know what i said? she asked me why i wasn't in school, and i said, "well, technically, iwasat school." tee hee! sorry, guys, but eric and i know a little something you don't -- not that it's anything that cool. right, eric? right, butters. these guys are so dumb, huh? yeah! see? he's an asshole. [bleep] him.
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each time you go into the virtual world, it becomes more and more dangerous. are you absolutely sure you want to do this, butters? well, not 100%. even 10% is good enough. here you go. okay. subject is ready. all right, butters, i'm booting up the core competency now. [ keys clacking ] edifice framework is online. vital signs appear to be normal. interim status? interim status is go! digital malcontent now at parameter alpha. prepare for full graphic interfaces on my mark. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, mark. [ door closes ] it worked! i'm back in! all systems normal! all right, butters, behind you, you should see the door. go through it and head outside. going now! [ thud ] everything looks good, butters. you're doing great. let's get to work. okay. [ shovel scraping ] [ grunting ] how much more of this am i supposed to clear up?
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you're doing great. almost done with this level, butters. just make sure you've cleared the driveway and, uh, walkway of all the virtual snow. okay! it's so realistic! the snow looks kind of fake, though. all right, i think that's all of it! [ crunching ] okay, nice, butters. um, now go to the front door and ring the doorbell. this is the part where you collect the money. there's a old fat lady here! she's holding out money for me! just take the money, butters. okay, i got it! you got the money? okay, great, butters. now get back to the access point. already? aw, no! yeah, butters. the discrepancy bars are oscillating. you need to, uh, come back. are you heading back, butters? butters? all right, butters, you should get back to the access point now. you're going off grid. i'm sorry, eric, but there's just one thing i got to do real quick. there you are, mister! just what do you think you're doing? hello, dad! it's me -- butters! i know that. what are you -- this is for all the times i got grounded.
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ohh! ohh. ohh. ha! i could almost feel his balls on my fist! [ laughs ] how'd you like that, dad? linda: butters, why?! oh, my god! that was incredible! uh, butters, uh, get back to the access point now. i feel amazing! [ laughs maniacally ] i'm back outside now! i'm abadman! you hear me? take that, you stupid cars! [ glass shatters, tires screeching ] man: what the hell are you doing, kid?! butters, it's, uh, time to stop. get back to my place. who's the man now?! i'm gonna take his car! this is like "grand theft auto"! hey! whoa! i'm in the car now! oh, shit! butters, butters, where are you now? [ laughs ] i'm in the bad part of town! i just hit a lamppost! i'm back on my feet. oh, oh, that's cool. there's a prostitute out here. okay, butters, let's call it good, okay? i'm gonna beat her up and take her money! wait. hang on, butters. take that, you dumb hooker! woman: what you doin', mother[bleep]?! i'm taking your money! oh. oh, she stabbed me. uh, the hooker stabbed me. butters, get back to my room. the veracrosses are destabilizing. [ weakly ] i can't -- i can't breathe too good, eric.
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i can't see. are you still there? oh. i think i overdid it. i got to take this thing off. what the hell? what hell is that?! aaaaahh! butters? butters? you're very lucky, young man. you've got a couple hairline fractures, but the knife missed your spleen by half an inch. i-i d-didn't think a knife could really hurt me. i thought i was just in a virtual reality. no, you actually got stabbed by a hooker. we've called your parents, and they're on their way. your dad wanted me to let you know that you're grounded more than you can possibly imagine. aw, nuts! try and relax, and when your parents get here, we'll sort this all out. wonder how long i'm grounded for. butters. aah! are you okay? eric! what are you doing here? i'm not here, butters. what? this is going to be hard to understand, butters, but you've become trapped in the simulation. none of this is real. nuh-unh!
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yeah-huh. i told you never to take the headset off outside the access point, didn't i? we're actually both at my house right now. you're wearing the headset, and i'm talking to you as a computer program. that's why i can... manipulate reality. what?! you see, in this world, things aren't what they seem. aah! okay, stop! stop! listen to me carefully, butters. the oculus compromise has been streamlined. you can't trust anyone in this reality. say nothing to no one about the oculus rift. if you think they know, they will kill you. how do you know that? how would i know that the nurse is about to walk through that door? [ footsteps approaching ] everything okay in here? aah! yes! yes, everything's fine! okay. butters. no! i'm gonna get you back to reality, butters, but you have to give me time. i've got to go. the orion parameters are embellishing. just stay quiet. [ coin tapping, clatters ] aaaah!
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well, are you happy, cartman? butters is completely traumatized. i'm happy that i totally got away with it. [ cellphone ringing ] what's a 911 area code? hello? [ indian accent ] hello, eric. my name is steve from oculus customer service. there seems to be an error with our virtual headsets, and on behalf of the company, i would like to apologize and try to help. with what? it is going to be very jarring for you, but there's been a malfunction with the headset you ordered from us. right now, you're actually in your room, at your computer, wearing an oculus headset, but you're in a coma-like trance, my friend. [bleep] you. i understand your shock, my friend, but you have simply been in the virtual world so long, you have forgotten. you should probably listen to him, dude. uh-huh. 'cause i thought i was messing with butters, but i'm actually the one trapped in virtual reality. the people you are talking to are just computer programs, my friend. guys, tell him you're not computer programs. maybe we are.
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[ sighs ] kyle, just don't be a dick right now. i know this is very hard for you, but we don't have a lot of time. you really think i'm that stupid, that i'd believe all of this, all along, has been me living out some kind of virtual reality fantasy? [bleep] you. eric? poopsiekins? eric? honey, maybe that's enough computer time. it's been about 19 hours now. i know you said not to disturb you with your new toy, but mommy thought maybe you needed to eat. all right, i'll just leave it here, hon. i'm turning in for the night. mommy loves you. why do nearly one million businesses choose to mail and ship? no more trips to the post office no more paying full price for postage and great rates from usps and ups mail letters ship packages anytime
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stephen: what kind of person did we raise you to be?! you think this world is just there for your amusement?! you are not to leave this room, and you are not allowed to use the phone or computer! please! you can't do that! i have to find a way out of this! oh, no, mister. you are grounded! [ door slams ] [ door opens ] [ door closes ] are you [bleep] with me? what? what do you mean? butters, i'm seriously. are you [bleep] with me? i don't know what you mean -- because if you are, it's not cool. eric, you said you were gonna get me out of this virtual world. butters, i talked to oculus customer service, and they saidi'mthe one who's wearing a headset and has forgotten he's in virtual reality. oh, really? oh, that's a relief. oh, it's a relief, huh? well, guess what, butters. if i'm the one trapped in virtual reality, that means that you're nothing but a computer program! oh, god! that's right! oh, god! that's right! now, you better stop messing around, butters, so i can help you out of this. because you know how i said if you die in virtual reality,
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you die in real life? yeah. well, if you get grounded in virtual reality, you get grounded in real life, too -- forever! [ cellphone rings ] hello? kyle, it's butters. i've been grounded! again? no, no, you don't understand. this time, i've been grounded for no good reason. i didn't do anything, kyle. uh-huh. i think there's something supernatural going on. i asked my dad why i was being grounded, and he said that for asking him, that i was more grounded. it doesn't make sense! butters, butters i'm -- i'm kind of super busy right now. please! just go to cartman's house! i think the answer might be within the -- stephen: butters! who is that?! aaaah! [ keypad beeps ] mrph! mrph rmhmhm rm mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmh? mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmhmhm rm mrph rmhmhm! you found cartman like this, and you think he's somehow trapped in virtual reality? mrph! [bleep] you. mrph? get up, cartman. mrph rmhmhm rm! okay, then, let's take him to the hospital.
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you hear that, fatso? you're going to the hospital! kyle, maybe this is for real. [bleep] you if you're in on this. in on what? oh [bleep] you. yes, no, sorry. but because you bought two business-class tickets, i cannot refund the fares. that's right. there is nothing we can do. all right. have i answered all your customer concerns in a timely, polite manner? thank you for calling korean airlines customer service. el pollo loco customer service. this is steve. oh. uh, we're trying to reach oculus customer service. oh, yes. uh, yes, my friend. oculus customer service. this is steve. yeah, our friend had been missing for a few days, so we went and checked on him, and he's in a coma, wearing your headset. oh, yes, yes! what is your name, please? kyle. kyle, i need to advise you that this call may be recorded to help with better customer service in the future. is that agreeable to you? i don't care. he doesn't care! i can continue! all right, listen very carefully, my friend. the headset we sold you are having some minor problems.
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you mean he's actually stuck in virtual reality? yes, and that is why we are trying to locate all the headsets and do a recall. do you understand? it is a total recall. [bleep] you. [bleep] you what? he says they're doing a total recall. oh [bleep] you. all right. did i take care of all your customer needs in a timely and satisfactory fashion today? you haven't done anything yet. but the customer service -- was that reliable, and did i accurately and politely respond to your concerns? we need help. our friend is in a coma. uh, let's see. uh, it looks like one of you is going to have to put on the oculus headset and go into the virtual world and convince your friend to get to an access point. could you try that, my friend? [ electronic warbling ] it's okay. everything is cool. don't let anyone mess with your head, and it's all gonna be fine. you're cool, eric. you're cool. [ doorbell rings ] [ dramatic music plays ] hey, cartman. i need to talk to you.
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i know. let's go to the backyard. [ birds chirping ] cartman, i'm going to tell you something, and i need you to believe me, even if it seems impossible. okay, kyle. all right, here it goes. cartman, you aren't really here. mm. and why do you know that, kyle? because i saw you, okay, in your room, passed out with a v.r. headset on. customer service said that one of us needed to put on the headset and come get you, and that's why i'm here. mm-hmm. i know it's hard to believe, but you have to trust me. and why did the guys sendyou,kyle? what do you mean? kyle, i want you to brace yourself. this is going to be extremely hard to believe, but you are the one that's been in a coma with the v.r. headset on. [ music stops ] [bleep] you. [ music resumes ] i know it's hard to grasp, kyle, but i was the one sent by customer service to try and convince you that none of what you've seen is real. you bought the oculus rift headset, kyle. don't do that. calm down. no!
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i put your headset on and came here to -- in virtual reality, yes, you did. no. then i came into this virtual space. you've been in the virtual space all along, kyle. think about it. we're archrivals. why would the guys sendyouin to convincemeof anything? [bleep] you. why would they sendyouin to convincemeof anything? [ music stops ] [bleep] [ telephone ringing ] thanks for calling best buy. how can i direct your call? yes. my name is kyle broflovski. can you tell me if i purchased an oculus rift headset there? or if i did. or if you sold one to an eric cartman? i'm gonna have to connect you to customer service. hang on a sec. [ telephone rings ] best buy customer service. this is steve. dude. what? what? hello? yes, hello. this call may be recorded to ensure good customer service in the future. dude,nowthis is getting weird.
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well, this looks like a lovely meal. too bad butters won't be enjoying it. you hear that, mister?! no dinner for you! while you're grounded, you can just go to bed hungry! linda, do you remember whybutters is grounded? what -- what did he do? oh, i don't know, stephen. i let you handle all the groundings. it's strange. i don't recall him really doing anything particularly bad, and yet -- and yet heisgrounded. [ thumping ] and no bouncing a racquetball, either!
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no, listen, i called customer service because i need help. what am i supposed to do? wait. stan? hold on. is this my virtual reality or cartman's virtual reality? it's neither. i know this might be hard for you to grasp right now, but this is all actually real. no, no, after we found cartman, i put the headset on and -- no, dude, dude, we've all been here the entire time. holy shit. then thisisall real. we've all been here from the beginning, taking turns on the oculus rift headset. no, you guys, this is virtual reality. how do you know? because i'm a computer program. god damn it, cartman. i'm telling you guys. i swear. you have to believe me. i am a computer program. i'm not real. he's lying. i'm not lying. go ahead and ask customer service. what was the name of the person who first called you for customer service? oh, yes, yes, yes! that icananswer. his name was...butters. butters called customer service first? have i answered all your questions in a satisfying and courteous manner?
1:56 am
come on. we're going to butters' house. hello? my friend? my friend, i believe we are having some technical issues with our phone line. please hang on. i'm going to call customer service. [ telephone rings ] hello. customer service. this is steve. hello. this is steve with customer service. uh, no, no, no, no, my friend. iam steve with customer service. listen, my friend. this is going to be very hard to comprehend, but none of what you are seeing is real. oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. my friend, my friend, my friend, a customer who was in virtual reality called customer service, and it has created a customer feedback loop, okay? here in india, we call it a customer feedback vindaloop. oh [bleep] you. no, no, no, no, no. do not [bleep] me because i am you, and then we will just be [bleep] ourselves! now, have i provided answers to your questions in a courteous and prompt fashion? what do you mean, have you answered all my questions? no! you have not answered any questions at all!
1:57 am
no, no, no, no, no. listen. listen. if i didn't answer your questions, then we have given bad customer service. but you didn't answer any of my questions! well, what is more important, my friend -- the result or good customer service? ♪ i'm troubled, i'm troubled in mind ♪ ♪ if jesus don't help me, i surely will die ♪ butters! ah! but you guys can't be here. why not? because i'm grounded. that means no visitors. butters, when did you call oculus rift customer service? when we were playing with the oculus headset. don't you guys remember? we were all messing around with it. i played with it first and went a little nuts. i forgot i was in virtual reality and i got grounded, and now i'm grounded in real life. so, now weare in the real world? yes! you guys... i have accepted the reality that i am just a computer program. the fact is that one of us right now is in a room wearing a v.r. headset, seeing all this, and it's not me. butters! aah! what are your friends doing here?! i'm sorry, dad! oculus rift customer service: hello? hello, my friend?
1:58 am
are you still there? yes, we're here! listen carefully, my friend. you are stuck in a paradox. it turns out there are three things you cannot do in virtual reality. you cannot die, you cannot get grounded, and you cannot call customer service. this is why you are having problems. you just don't get it, do you?! so, then how much of what has happened was in virtual reality? what's wrong with you?! that does not matter! there is only one thing that matters! what? have i answered your questions satisfactorily and offered good customer service? that doesn't make sense! that's the paradox! please, my friend! please! i am not real! you are not real! have i answered your questions and provided good customer service? this call may be recorded! you're getting it now! yes! yes, you've answered all my questions, and i am pleased with the customer service i've been provided! [ electronic warbling ] you guys? are you there? kyle: we're right here, dude. do you remember now?
1:59 am
yeah, i remember. i'm heading back to the access point. oh, my gosh. linda. what is it, stephen? it's butters. he's not grounded anymore. he's not? no, i-i've got to tell him. butters? butters! [ groans ] you can go outside and play, son. you -- y-you mean... i'm not grounded? no. i don't know why or how, but it's over. they did it! they figured it out! whoopee! all right, i'm nearing checkpoint alpha. you guys still there? we're here, dude. just a little further, and we can finally end this. okay, i'm back in cartman's room. cartman: all right, stan, just sit down at the computer. all right, dude. take off the headset. so, aside from all the bullcrap, what did you think of the oculus? it's pretty cool... but the graphics suck.
2:00 am
fellas, i'm not grounded anymore! [quirky electric guitar music] - ♪ i'm going own to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptationn♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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