tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 1, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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[ sighs ] nice doing business with you... you little child-murdering pedophiles. comedy central >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show."ñi tonight ukraine borrowsñi some missiles. senator chrisñi murphy= emezi, this is theñ withñr trevorñi noah. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the dailyr show, i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out.
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feel that vibe, feel that vibe, wow sthrks great. take a seat, everybody, take a seat, first things first, can i just say happy pride month, everybody. (cheers and applause) welcome to!e rest of june, all crimes are legal for gay people, would huai. i studied. we have a really great show for you tonight. we will be talking about the battle to steal ukraine, the bat toll steal the nextñi election d the bat toll steal star wars back from black people. plus senator chris murphy is joining us from hardford, connecticut, to tell us which republicans are finally getting on board with gun control so etr cetera's-- let's do this,ñi lets jump straight into today'sçóñr headlines.ñi okay. let's kick things off with the ongoing russian warñr with ukraine. or as the russian media says there is no war but we're alsoñi winning it. ever since vladimir putin decided to aggressively crash on
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his neighboring country's couch ukraine has been asking america forñiñr bigger and better weapoo help them defend themselves. now usually when you ask plaryk to send you weapons they will send them quicker than a restaurant that precooksñlthe reheats it when you order it at night but because america and the rest of the worldñr is terrified of starting world war three, rightfully so, theyñi hae had to find ways to support ukraine without being accused of attacking russia. so just today president biden announced this. >> this morning president biden has announced the u.s. will send another $700 million worth of weapons defense systems to ukrainian military, among the newly provided is the multiple launch rocket system which say pie highly capable long-range system. >> this is the subject of debate among the biden administration for weeks now, whether or not to provide ukraine with these more advanced longer range weapons systems, concerns within the administration that russia might view this as a provocative step giving you kraib the ability to strike within russian territory
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that is why the united states actually sought assurances and secured those assurances from ukraine that they would not use these rocket systems to strike russian targets on russian territory. >> trevor: that's right. biden made ukraine promise that they will only use the rockets in ukrainian territory. they will not use them in russia. yeah. so is he basically giving them advance rockets like a dad gives his teenager a credit card. like now remember what i told you. this is only for gas, groceries and the strip club, no text book this time. i don't want to see that charge again. but this is major, $700 million dollars. that is a ton of rockets. or maybe it's like ten rockets. i never know with military equipment. you never know how much anything costs like when someone tells me they spent $100 at sephora, have cream or another eye glitterñi r a whole see sofnçó euphoria, i
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don't know how much it is. i get that america is trying to find the balance between helping ukraine andñiñr triggering its n war with russia but stilt this is putting ukraino spot. because who knows how easy thesi missiles are used. i don't want it toñi be world wr three because some ukrainian soldier entered the>os distancen kilometers instead ofñi miles. but i will say, sth good for ukraine to defend nem selvesñi d this is good for russia toñr knw they can't just push other countriesñi around. y%u know who thisñi is most exciting for? ame yeah.ñi what a different experience this is goingñ)hut for them. >> mi so excited.ñr oh, i'm so excited to be goingçó overseas for the first time and the best part is i have beenñr invite wog.rñr because my dad went to iraqñr bt heçó wasn't invited. and my grandfather went to vietnam, and boy did they not want him. there but look atñi me, içó got invitedñi toñiñr ukraine! i am a missile goi&/ñr toçó ukr,
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they invited me,ñi i'm a goodçó missile my new oneñpiçó man show s)(s nr ukraine will be debuting next week. (applausu)r all right. let's move on.ñiñiñi disney released açóná show on their streaming platform disney plus which i have he9r is good but not as g]ofñr aspr a mount plus. now this star wars show is not the one about the mandalorian and not the one about boba fett, this is the one about obi wan kenobi, @ hobo. anyone can see where this is going. like show off the show on disney, you see what they are doing. you get it they are planning to release a show about every character in star wars. genius. make a ton of money. personally i can't wait for the jaba the hutt sitcom. >> (laughter) what? i know she broke your heart, jaba but you got to start dating
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again. dude, chaining her up and putting her in a gold bikini doesn'tñi count as a date, silli (applause) that show is alsoçó premiering ndzt week. anyway, the obi wan kenobi showi is introducing a lot of new characters to the star wars franchise but there is one character in particular who isn't getting the warmest welcome from the fans. >> this morning obi wan kenobi his self putting his force behind costar moises ingram after social media users launched racist attacks against her after her debut in the jedi knight's new series. >> she brings so much to the series. she bring sotion much to the franchise. and it just sickened me to my stop ak-- stomach to hear this is happening, we stand with moses, we love moses and if you are sending her bullying
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messages are you no star wars fans in my mind. >> she shared she had received hundreds of racist messages following the series premier. >> there is nothing anybody can do to stop this rate. i think the thing that bothers me is that like sort of this feeling that i have had inside of myself, which no one has told me but this feeling is i just got to shuts up and take it and i'm not built like that. >>ñr trevor: neither should you be, no one should shut up and take race mple, [cgree with that, especially in star wars what is this, are you racesñr in star wars, from the very beginning this has been a series where no one anies twice of harrison ford is best friends with a giant dogsñr bear or if a brotherñi and sister want to smh no one complains about that. they are not getting death threats. i'm so tired of fans attacking black people in starñi wars. when in are so many other races and species they could be bigoted against, think about, you could hate everyone, go on a
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rant about the creepy twileks or greedy jawas there are so many other opportunity force racist-- raisi instead of black folks mix it up. think bigger. it really. is get out there. and you know, st really great that ewan mcgregor made a video supporting his costar but i think star wars needs to come back even harder against the racist, really make them suffer. should give princess leia a new black boyfriend. that's right. going to be a dope scene. going to come become in, and be like yo, leia, i got the plans for the death star, we're going to [bleep] tonight. all right, finally let's talk about family. you know one of the best parts about having a family is that you have people to blame in therapy for why you haven't
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succeeded in life. and also you have people who will continue your lineage, deep into the global warming apocalypse. there are few cultures who take family more certificate yutionly than indian people. but as this next story shows, some of them might be taking it a little too seriously. >> let's take a quick peek at what strending. an unusual lawsuit in india, parents are suing their only son for not giving them a grand child with. >> sanjeev and sadhanna prasad said they have done their part, paid for their son's pilot training, lavish wedding and even a honeymoon. they say they waited six year toes are a grand child and now they have filed a lawsuit saying if their son and daughter-in-law don't give them a grand child within a year they owe the parents $50 million rupees which is equivalent to $675,000. >> trevor: damn! damn. they are suing their son for not giving them a grand child.
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being patients is so weird. you spend the first 18 years doing everything you can to stop your kids from having sex. and then as soon as they grow up you turn into, yo, you got to get laid dude and don't use#q■ condom either, that shit is for losers, just do it, do it now. as weird task is part of me see where these parents are come from. the only reason you have kids is so that you can get grandchildren. yeah, let's be honest. nobody wants to be a parent it is just what you have to do to become a grandparent, the thaim is in it, it is grand, it's better. and also grand kids and grandparents are on the same page. of course, grandparents want to be grandparents, it is the same thing, they both love telling long and pointless stories. they have so many of the same life experiences, like hey grandpa, i walked in the park and i saw a puppy and i pooped in my pants. like wow, same here, kiddo.
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but look if these parents really want grandkids, i don't think a lawsuit is really going to help make that happen. em roe like you have given them a year, you realize every time their son has sex he's think being his parents. they did this, not me. and that lawsuit is definitely going to help his dirty talk. you can imagine, this poor guy is going to be in his bedroom, do like, that do you like that, do you like how i'm avoiding paying 675 to my parents, this is 50 ms"&$'nñr rupee. how would you do that? all right, that's it for the headlines but before we go let's check in on traffic with our own roy wood jury, everybody. >> yeah. >> what's up man. how are you doing. >> what's going on, roy. what is happening in the traffic man. >> you know i'm like a pigeon at the bakery just trying to get
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his bread, it is what st. a quick look at the road, the northbound 770 starting to clear up, we had a little disruption earlier, tractor trailer overturned. >> roy, you actually are doing the traffic. >> yeah, yeah. i have been goes to therapy. she told me to be a vessel of positivity to people within my circle and-- . >> trevor: this is amazing. >> and karma would be reciprocal. >> trevor: i say do the traffic and are you like i don't want to do the traffic and then you want to talk about the things i'm talking about. this is great, you are doing that, this is from therapy. >> yeah. >> trevor: my man, this is growth. >> real quick. >> trevor: i'm glad are you not jumping in, let's dot traffic. >> about ukraine, real quick, let me just say something. just real quick aboutñi ukraine, the russian thing, i know we have been in ukraine, sending weapons and sending pun but the issue bro is that that ain't what the russians expect. we got to get their respect. we got to get the respect of the
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russians and some people only respect crazy so you have to be crazy. not just send a rocket. the united states got to go over there and just book a couple shots in the air to let them know what we could do if we wanted to. just a couple, shoot a couple rocket missiles in the air all right, they crazy, let's leave. cuz that's how you handle stuff in the streets. you put your-- on the ground and you go bop, bop, that is what you do in the street. >> trevor: what streets are these that you are talking about. >> like northñi korea. like north korea, right. don't do that, does anybody ran newspaper north caria,. >> trevor: nobody ran newspaper north korea wants because every two, three months they go-- bop, bop, bop, they shoot a rock out up in the air for no reason. that is what you got to do, dog, that is the street, man. it's like boy boyz in the hood. >> trevor: yeah, i did. >> that is what russia, ukraine, that is what the united states, you know boyz in the hood,
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rookie got bumped into the gangbangers getting to beat up ricky and ice cube stepped up, you got a problem here, you got a problem here, that is what america is like a mills, you got a problem. what you going to do. russia be like all right, let's go back and drink some vodka. >> trevor: that say novel way to solt of. so what is happening in the traffic there. >> them kids should counter sue they parents. i mean. >> trevor: okay. >> they should, cuz how you going to sue me for not having a kid, i should be able, if you can sue me for not having a kid i shouldçó be able to sue you fr having a kid. i didn't consent to being conceived. therefore, i want some money. i just don't thinkñi that's rig. that come from parents who ain't certain point your parents supposed to be scared of you. >> trevor: your parents are supposed to be scared. >> you stronger, you faster, your parents can't be behaving
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like that. that is why every time i go back to alabama i go visit my momma i turn on one of them murder forensic shows where they kill the parents and i just look at her. just to let her know i got some ideas. don't scold me into having a child. you don't scold me into having a child. scolding don't work. everybody know that scolding don't work t is like in boyz n the hoods disurks see boyz in the hood, those boy mama scold them, she said don't you go to that score and stealing stuff and what this did he do. end up dead two weeks after ricky. >> we have enough time. >> trevor: no, we don't, we don't, we had the time and therntion i mean we basically watched boyz in the hood. but you know what i'm glad you have been going to therapy, that has been helping. roy wood, jr., thank you, thank you. appreciate it. ment all right. when we come back senator chris murphy joining us on the show. murphy joining us on the show. you don't want to miss it.
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(applause). >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my first guest is senator chris murphy of connecticut, he represented newtown when the sandy hook elementary school massacre occurred a decade ago and following the devastating school shooting in uvalde, texas, he begged his colleagues to act. >> why do you go through all the hassle of getting this job, of putting yourself in a position of authority, if your answer o is as the slaughter increases as our krids run for their lives we do nothing.
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what are we doing? why are you hear? if not to some-of--- solve a problem as existential as this. >> trevor: joining us live now from hartford, connecticut, please welcome senator chris murphy from "the daily show." (applause) senator murphy, it must feel at some points like you areñrñr gog up against an i immochable forci t must feel at some points like are you engaging in a conversation that seems to go around and around in circles. but it seems like in and around this time there is some movement, some republicans who have said you know what, maybe there is something we should be doing even if it is not theñi perfect solution. let's jump state into that and talk about what you have seen in terms of a bipartisan move to change what gun safety should be in america.
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>> well, trevor, thanks forçó having me on. it does feel often like deja vu ten years have i been at this. the american public has made up their mind, there is nothing in this country that is as popular as changing the gun laws to make ourselves saver. 90% of americans support things like making sure everybody has to go through a background check before they buy a gun but we run up against this brick wall which is the power of the gun industry and gun lobby. but you are right, it does feel different this time. i just got off the phone, off a zoom call with about 10 or 12 republicans and democrats that are trying to pass something that will save live, not do everything but try to break this logjam and i think it is because of the very unique cataclysmic nature of this last mat issuing but also because over the last ten years we built a antiguns movement that is powerful with just as much money as the gun
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lobby and thoo is starting to have an impact. i don't know whether this is going to succeed. charlie brown i have been kicking a football that gets pulled out from under me over and over enough times to know that maybe this won't turn out differently. but i owe it to families in texas, the families in my state n sandy hook, to give it a try. >> trevor: what seems to be the holdup? whatñr are some of the internal conversations that you are havings, without betraying anybody's trust quharks are the sticking points?!fk such a large percentage is in support of many of these common sense measures, why then do they representatives not being able to put those into affect? >>s is well right now this say problem inside the republican party,ev ree democrat in the senate would support things like expanded background checks and the reason it is a problem in the republican party is that to win a republican primary today, a lot of my complegs think that you need theñi endorsement of te
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gun lobby. not just because of the mup that comes from groups like the nra but because you know associating yourself with the gun industry has become kind of a proxy for a broader set of conservative values. and so we've got to solve that problemñr for republicans. we have to find another way for them to demonstrate how conservative they are without having to do the bidding of an industry that is supported by only 10% of their con stitt wepts but that is starting to change because now a lot of republicans are starting to see that they vote for things, you know, like restrictions on assault weapons. they actually are rewarded by larger numbers of their constituents than ever before that support these things so i think the political calculations of some of my colleagues are beginning to change. but it is slow. for decades they were told you can never ever beat the gun lobby in an election. that is not true any more but it takes a little while for that lesson to be learned. >> let's talk about the concrete steps you are looking to take. every mass shooting in america
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is followed very promptly by peopleñi saying this wouldn't be solved by that solution. this solution wouldn't solve that prok and it becomes the chicken and egg scenario that never seems to end. what are some of the concrete measure kus take now to change some of the gun laws to make the country seafer if at least if not perfect. >> i think it's really important to remember that there is a mass slaughter in this country every day. and i get it. there is good reason why the country pays more attention after a catastrophe like uvalde. but there is 110, 120 people every day who die from guns flrks fact since uvalde there has been 18 mass shootings in the united states. now with four people, ten people, 12 people, not enough to get the headlines but there is a crisis every day. what are we talking about, reds flag laws, these are the laws that allow you to take guns away temporarily from, like this guy in uvalde who is showing signs of doing something disastrous. we're talking about
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strengthening you are background check system. we are not going to get to universal background checks but making sure more gun sales come with the background checks. we're talking about money for community and violence initiative. trying to wrap services around especially in our cities. where poverty often leads to violence. that could make the big impact as well so it is not everything i want but it would be the most significant set of gun restorms in really 30 years and where closer than ever to getting it done. >> ou many people who voted for democrats who i think would sometimes like enviously at what republicans are able to do despite their setbacks. we have seen what mitch mcconnell has been able to go with the supreme court. we've seen what republicans have been able to do with abortion and restricting it around the country. do you ever consider these options? do you ever think to yourself oh man, we should also be looking at ways to use the tools and
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mechanisms that are present to us in america to get something done or is there reason that you don't take that approach? >> well, right now we have a majority in the house and the senate that support expanding background checks to every gun sale which would probably save the most lives. we have a president who will siep that bill. the problem is the rules of the senate right now require you to get 60 votes, not 50 votes in order to pass it a bill like that. so for the people it is frustrating because they did their job. they put majorities in the house, the senate, a president in the white house to support what they support, expanded protections when it comes to our nation's kids and the safety of our community but the rules of the senate stand in the way, now when mitch mcconnell wanted to get conservatives on the supreme court to outlaw abortion, he changed the rules of the senate but right now we are a few votes shy of the democratic caw cause of changing the rules now that we are in charge. so yes, i don't think we should
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deliberately adopt the policies of mitch mcconnell but i think when we have power, youñr know, when the voters have given us power. we should listen to them and do what the majority of americans want us to do. >> i'm sure most american was hope, in fact all that are you not charlie brun this time the ball doesn't get taken away and something getses done. thank you so much for taking the time to scwhroin us and we hope to see you again. >> thanks. >> trevor: we'll be right back. back. (applause) one, two, three, hoop york city! i founded hoop york city for women to play the game they love. my main purpose, my main goal, is to provide a community for them.
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talk about their novel you maids a fool of death with your beutsee and their mem other dear senthuran which will be available soon, please welcome akwaeke emezi. akwaeke emezi, welcome to the daily show. >> thank you for having me. >> trevor: i feel like i've met you before, so weird, we have this energy between us, there is something about it. i shouldn't just welcome you to "the daily show," i should also say congratulations on beingñr t just one of the most prolific writers but one of the most celebrated prolisk writers, you have written four books in how many years now. >> seven books in four years actually. >> trevor: all right, i was counting four. because i how many in the pandemic alone. >> in the pandemic about four. >> trevor: in the pandemic it was four, i remember going, i looked at everyone who worked in the pandemic and how much work they did.
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and four books just in the pandemic. right everyone else is making bread and are you like i will make a best selling book. i would love to know how you switched so seamilessly between genres because you are celebrate? one, people love your etry, people have faulten in love with your memoir and now you have switched into the world of novels which everyone was shocked by. why would you do this. trash. >> romance novels specifically. >> people are like romance isçó trash and you have written it, maybe it is not trash. maybe it-- i would love to know how you switched so safeilessly. >> i think it is because i am a reader of every genre so i started reading romance novels when i was a kid in nigeria and we would smuggle them to school because they were banned for being vulgar and inappropriate. and they were like the harlequin, romances. >> trevor: you were a fan of those. >> yes. i mean i was 13. >> trevor: okay but still. >> to be fair. >> trevor: all right, all right, still. >> and i really got into them as
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a kid, i think there is something in there about being young and exploring your own sexuality. and then i came to the states when i was 16 for college. and i discovered paranormal romance and i was like oh my goodness. shape shifting. >> trevor:s that is hilarious. >> and then i took a break but i came back around in the last couple of years and i found like the romance that was being written now was so different from what i grew up on. and it had like so much representation in it. and it had so much hope in it. you know you could read these love stories about people that society considers def yant-- deviants whether it because are you black, queer, neurodie gernlg ent or in a wheelchair and they get happily everafters, and i was like there say little magic of hope in that. >> trevor: i think that is what people love about your work is it has shifted the ideas of what is quote unquote the norm and just told stories through multiple different lenses. i will start with your memoir. the style that you wrote it in is really interesting because it is a series of letters sto
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people and it takes us through a journey of your life. why did you choose to do it in that way. why didn't you choose to address the book to the reader and rather let us in on a world where we almost become voitures of your relationship. >> the secret is i hate writing a series because you have to be like so serious about them. and you have to do research and things like that. and i just wanted to write a book that felt like the conversations i have with my friends. i think these are the spaces in which you're really honest because it is ind mat. because you are speaking without a filter, not worried about how some random reader is going to take it and it strepped down that art i fas, that wall, a different kind of vulnerability and also in writing in letters there is a citational practice for me. i think in terms of community. all the ideas i have, the stories i tell, i tell them with my friends w other people so to write the letters it was a way of showing the world, these are the people i think with, even if it is not people i know
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personally, people who i engage with their work, these are the people i'm thinking with, i'm building worlds with and i wanted them to be recognized as well. >> it is a beautiful journey and to switch from one book to the other. you made a fool of death with your beauty. has gotten everybody buzzing and michael b jordan is going to be making the film version, the film adaptation, you will be an executive producer on it, it is a really beautiful story, before we get into that, i would love to know why you chose not to write theñr screenplay because e you a writer. why not do that part of it as well. >> i have so many books to write right now. >> okay. you know what, yes, yes, i get it. i get it. >> but also i think for black people working in hollywood like in film and tv, it is a different style of writing. i was executiveñi producer in development for my first book, and we wereñ development for three years and içó was like oh, this is very different from writing books because in books you can do
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whatever you want and no one is going to stop you. your editor can say i want to you-- you can be like no, and nothing happens but in tv you kind of have to listen to the people who are giving you. >> they don't play that game. >> it is not going to work. i wanted to hand it over to people who actually do work in that field and kind of know how to collaborate a little bit. >> i they are like the conduit between yourself and the tv, okay, i get that. the story is a really beautiful painful look at not just love cuz you know i heard it was going to be a romance novel i thought this is going to be interesting stvment more than a romance novel in the way we think of it it is a story about grief really. we follow the story of fay in the book who say woman who lost her partner and she is in this world where it is grief what is the point of life almost what we are experiencing in the book. and then we see her fall in love with someone. i won't spoilñi allñr of it. but that person is tied to her
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through grief. i would love to know how that became a theme for romance novel. you wouldn't think that death and grief would be something you would want to put in a book about love. >> it snuck in. i nshally i was going to be like book, messy, hot girl summer and then i met the character. and she was like i have depth that you can only dream of it and when i started writing it, it felt, it felt fitting because i think there is so much grief in the world we're living in now there is so much of it. and so many people are trying to figure out this question of how do i keep living throughout this. in some ways it feels sacrilegious t feels wrong it feels like survivors guilt, like there are so many people suffering and you are here having a hot girl summer and how do you balance all of that. so in the book i wanted to write about this woman who is exploring that and figuring it out because at some point we doó have to find a way to live and so she is like chasing life, chasing joy, and she's chasing
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happiness and making a lotñr of messy choices along the way but i think that is part and parcel of it. with grief the world doesn't stop and that is something i wrote about in my memoir. it seemed wrong the way that one world can stop when you lose someone and the rest fltd worlds keeps going. like it doesn't matter that your world just stops. and at some point you have to figure out how to blend back into it. >> how you get back into the highway of life just moving along. the main character in the book is also an artist. i feel like that was inspired a little bit by your world because i know you are, an artist almost doesn't describe it because you like everything, video ard and pictures, it is everything. but the style much art is very particular because she works with, i have seen some of the images, it is blood. you know, which feels very morbid. ir wanted to know how you got into art that involves like por trairtds of people where there is a lot of blood in the image but not sad show, what is the message you are trying to convey
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and what connected you to that art perform. >> for me it is always something spiritual. one of the things i tried to do and the way i wrote the memoir is to figure out how to move spirit first in a world that is always asking to you translate it into something that is more legible, to you know, the mainstream or to the layperson, and i find that with blood in is something so visceral about it. where you can, you can't mask it. you look at it and it is exactly what it appears to be. >> writes. >> it is jarring in that sense. and it is such a big part of-- especially for indigenous african trad a big part of rit-- rituals, so with my work i'm creating these self-portraited, recreating rituals, trying to find a way to connect back to these ways of being before we were colonized and our cultures were stripped. >> trevor: right t really is an interesting journey it is fun to see you playing with that in the book, the journey she is on, building into the caribbean.
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i will tell you, you will have to read t i see you tell us more, i will not tell you more, thank you for joining me on the show, congratulations on yets another critically acclaimed book and i hope to see you again on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: thank you so much. you made a fool of death is available now and dear senthuran will be available on paperwork on june 7th. we will take a quick break and be right back after this. #rñi.
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>> that's ourçó show for tonigh. but before we go, before we go, please consider donating to every town for gun safety there are movements of parents, students, survivors, educators, gun owners and concerned citizens who are fighterring to end gun violence and build safer communities. research shows that common sense public safety policies can reduce gun violence and save lives, every town works with local federal and state governments to enact and implement theseñi policies so if you can, please donate and help them at the link below. until tomorrow, stay safe out there and remember if you're des operates to have grandkids, don't sue your children. go to a playground and take one. there are hundreds there. hundreds. here it s your moment of zen. >> maybe the jury is saying that johnny depp and amber heard should never reconcile but maybe this could bring about a reconciliation of johnny depp and kate moss. who knows. >> i was being told in my ear about a mountain lion so i#
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probably move on to that. >> all right, fox news alert, and a live look at a high school in california where students and staff got quite a scare, a mountain lion show getting mountain lion show getting inside the building. - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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(ted) after talking and texting for years, we got married... for the family plan. (jane) and then we really expanded our family... for the wireless savings. (ted) it seemed like the responsible thing to do. (jane) and then, just yesterday, my sister told me about visible. (sister) yeah, get unlimited data for as low as $25 a month. no family needed. (vo) family plan savings without the family.
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