tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 8, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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ure! - oh, yeah? - that only works in imaginationland. you're grounded! aw, shit. captioning by captionmax >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's its daily show. tonight, hearing about january 6th. one cord for them all. and iman vellani, this is "the daily show" with trevor noah! (cheers and applause). >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for teuping in. thank you for coming out. thank you for being here, this is amazing.
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wow! this is funment take a seat, let's do this, people, let's do. this we've got a really, really interesting show are for you tonight. the january 6th hearings are kicking off tomorrow so we will finally find out if donald trump was a bad president. also saudi arabia is ds memberrerring the pga and europe is telling apple that they are no longer in charge. plus iman vellani aka ms. marvel herself is going to be joining us on the show. so let's do this, let's go straight into today's headlines. all right. let's kick things off with january 6th. it's why your urpg sell calling you from a prison phone. january 6th, wasn't just a way for q-anon members to get their steps in. it was the culmination of a high level plot to overturn the election results. and now after a year of gathering evidence and speaking to over 1,000 witnesses, the january 6th committee in congress is ready to spill the
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tea on what actually went down. >> prime time hearing, the january 6th committee set to take hair case to the maryb public. how they plan to argue that donald trump and his supporters planned the insurrection in an effort to overturn the presidential election. >> the committee and its members really want these hearings to be blockbuster watergate style hearings and they are meticulously crafted. >> they are trying to make sure that this does not look like other congressional hearings. >> maryland rep jamie raskin says he expects the hearings will blow the roof off the house. >> trevor: yeah, that's right, the january 6th hearings are starting tomorrow and every broadcast network, every cable news network is going to be covering this, obviously except fox, yeah. yeah, they're going to be spending all night talking about the real culprit, why is nobody talking about how congress has too many doors? if there was only one door in and out this never would have happened. the crowd would have peacefully
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dispersed after hanging mike pence, huh? you know who will be torn about the kompleg of this? donald trump. yeah, cuz think about t on the one hand he doesn't want anyone to know what he did on jap 6th. but on the other hand, you know we love his hearings to get the highest ratings of all time. you know it he's going o to be out there like don't watch the hearings folks. the fake news is saying i overthrough the government which i didn't do. but it was the biggest overthrow of all time, but i didn't do it i didn't do tat all. watch the hearings, you will see, you will see. wfntion so the democrats are hoping that these hearings are going to finish trump off the same way that watergate finished off nixon. but the difference is those watergate hearings happened back in the 1970s. thats with a different time. they only had what, three channels back then. yeah, americans only choice for entertain nment 1973 was either watching the watergate hearings or chain smoking in between heart attacks, that is all they
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could do. and i will tell you this now, if the democrats want everyone to watch, to pay attention, they can't just have their regular boring-ass hearing, you know those where they act like they just dropped a bombshell and the rest of vus no idea why. >> but you'll never believe what happened next. the white house counsel emailed the chief of staff and he bcced the assistant -- the assistant white house counsel! why are all the cameras leaving. what is going on? what is going on? no. no. (applause) what they need to do, you want people to watch in america is you have to spice things up. you know, have a kisscam going for the witnesses. yeah.
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get shakira to do a halftime show. or, you know what, they should just get sex involved, mi going to say it, that is what made the bill clinton scanning dal to big. that sex stuff, that guy that sold the podium, did he have sex with it afterwards or that guy dressed in the animal things, that was a something thing, right, that had to be a sex thing. you know actually, i have been think being this hard, and i figure it out. americans like entertainment. congress wants americans to pay attention to politics, those two don't mix. but there is one perp who can make political machinations interesting for the mass, there is only one man, lin-manuel miranda. how could a red hat right wing q-anon supporter risk to get into the capital support law and order. ♪ in the room where it happens. ♪ the room where it happens. ♪ but yo, we don't talk about room. ♪ no no no. high five, bernie. high five.
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high five. all right. let's move on to some international news. cuz while america is trying its hard toast preserve its democracy europe is tackling major problems of its own. iphone chargers. >> the european union is officially adopting a common charger, the usb-c. that is the type of charger already used in most android phones and other de devices all electronics will have to use a usbc port nor to reduce cable clutter and electronic waste, apple has their own proprietary charger app say the proposed rule could render as many as a billion devices obsolete. >> oh really, apple. you are mad about a change coming out of nowhere that will render a billion devices obsolete. oh, that's funny because have i a drawer full of wired headphones that agree with you! now you know how it feels! (applause) and you know, apple claims, they
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claim this new regulation will hurt them financially, but guys let's be real. apple always finds a way to win. you know, they have the regulation, but they will find a way to spin this into making money even if it is off of this. >> thanks to the eu, your old phone is obsolete-- noat now. in the old days you might have tone it into the garbage but not any more, introa duing the i garbage. a ground breaking new way to throw out your phone, it's basically ri regular garbage can but like it's got round edges and it's kind of shiny. anyway, it's a thousand dollars. (applause) i'm going to to buy one of those. i will say this, if the u.s. about-c is going to become the default charger around the world they have to come up with a better name then usb-c.
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st boring, no one wants to say, that apple went with light ing charger t makes you want to charge your phone, usb-c, sounds like are you filling out taxes with that, did you fill out your usb-c. change the name to something more bad ass. want to charge your phone so fast your dick falls off? you need the thunder blaster. yeah, that's the sound it makes every time you charge a phone. by the way, can i just say how crazy it is that america is struggling like how do we protect our children from gun violence, how do we stop people from starving even when they work three jobs there is nothing we can do meanwhile europe is so far ahead they truly have first world pobs, you know, i was think being this when i was in the doctor's office, not paying the other day. but isn't it so stressful how you have like one clarger but then you need a different charger? i was thinking about this, i mean you know there are many
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changes we could make. i learned about this in university, that i also didn't have to pay for, you know, you can like apply your mind and you can do this, you know. st all about your perspective, guys. all right, i'm going on paternity leave for an entire year, see you guys later, auf wiedersehen, all right, enough about europe. right now there is an even bigger story brewing in the world of sports. you know, usually in golf the biggest controversy is that a player wore a two-colorful-- too colorful shirt or someone said a bad word after they sliced their shot. phooey. gasp, this time though golf is tied newspaper a real scandal because some of its star players are switching to a new league launching in saudi arabia. >> it's caused a major split in the gosming world. the controversial saudi backed golf seriesties off tomorrow.
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the tournament has secured several big names despite threats from the pga tour to sanction them. >> american golfer dustin johnson quitting the pga and joining its controversial league backed by saudi arabia coming after phil mickelson announced his comeback by joining its same league despite previously describing the saudi regime as scary mfers who have a horrible record on human rights. >> i understand that many people have very strong opinions and may disagree with my decision. but at this time, this is an opportunity that gives me a chance to have the most balance in my life going forward and i think this is going to do a lot of good for the game. >> trevor: we will agree that when phil mickelson gives him the most balance in my life, he means money, right? (applause) i mean just say money.
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the reason i'm here is money. yeah, because the saudis are reportedly paying him $200 million, yeah to just say it is the money, stop coming up with all of these stories, i would say it i would be like yeah, you know why i am going to saudi arabia, they are giving me $200 million. $200 million, tell me why are you going, i will give you a million if you shut the [bleep] up, acting like you have ever had to make this decision. people are kidding themselves about their morals. everyone is like i can't believe he is doing it. you are telling me for $200 million you wouldn't play golf for the saudis, for 200 million i would let the ruler ruler of saudi arabia set up histy on my crotch, that is where he could hit it from. i could buy a new crotch with that money, a better crotch. i will tell you, i'm tornd because on the one hand i think boycotting a country like saudi arabia could effectively push them to create a less oppressive society, i believe that, happened with south africa
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during apartheid. people boycotted, the country was embarrassed, change. on the other hand there sarn argument that maybe by bringing them in and exposing them to the rest of the world that might cause them to-- infrill fate society f it starts with golf, racket sport, squash, tennis, huh? yeah, yeah, now they are wearing shorts, getting more liberal. then maybe you add a bar where people, men and women can hang out after their activities. and boom you got a liberal society. at the very least a country club. it's progress. the real question here is why you would you even want to play golf in saudi arabia in the first place. the sand trap is the entire country what are you doing? what are you doing. finally, if you are one of those people who can't seem to arrive on time for any meeting or any date or any event in your keanl der, according to trend watchers your time is up. >> being fashionably late is no longer in fashion according to a
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new york times article. it argues that now being fashionably late is out of fashion, that punk allity is cool, in the third year of the pandemic, apparently people are less sim pathetic for old excuses of why you show up late to a meeting, the author of this says that now that more people have to go back into the office. they are more protective of their time that they have got to be there. and less forgiving about people who are late. >> trevor: that's right, people. being on time is cool now. we're putting the punk into punk yulity. someone just charged their phone. but still let's not get carried away with this. i agree, yes, it is good to be on time. especially for big things. you know, like meetings at work, or your wedding. yeah, you don't want to be late for that. especially if you are the bride because then like the organ
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player will have to fill time, you know. and they will be like dun dun duh duh no, not wet dun dun duh duh dun dun duh duh. >> still nothing. dunn dunn dunn dunn dunn. ♪ dunn dunn so look, i agree, i think it is good for people to arrive on time. but i will say this, i hate this culture of people who are personally offended by people who weren't there on the dot. oh, you disrespected my time and you digs respected my family, calm down. back in the day i get t you have to wait until your friend showed up, you didn't know where they were. you didn't know whether they were late or dead, you had no clue. >> yeah. >> you didn't even know if you were stood up for a date until you saw the person the next time, hey, what happened, oh, i got married. >> what? >> but in 2022 no one should be pissed off they had to rate wait for somebody to shoip. you've got a phone, people, use
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it. read the news, play a game, learn jeez. maybe you should answer one of those 2000 unread emails i have seen on your phone. >> i was waiting for you. >> they are waiting for you. you're going to be mad that i am late to different, then you spend half your time when are you looking at your phone y didn't you do this shit when i got there, huh? pick up the phone, use it. i'm late, trevor, you came late. you came late, trevor. i'm not late. i'm giving you an opportunity to watch things-- i'm giving you an opportunity to watch a video of an orange tan pulling a guy through a cage. yeah, pulling a man, you've seen me before. you've never seen an orangutan pull a grown man into a cave and another guy comes to help and the blocks him with his foot and the other guy is like i'm not helping any more, this shit is crazy, and if you haven't seen that video, that is because you are probably always on time that is it for the heads lines but before wn go to the break it's
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time too check on its weather with our own desi lydic, everybody. (applause) desi. >> good morning, trevor. >> trevor: sorry, desi. >> hey, what's up. >> trevor: the weather-- sorry, do we need to cut, desi. >> let me know when you need me on the show, okay. >> trevor: we needed you on the show like 20 minutes ago, desi. >> hmmmm. >> trevor: we started. >> oh, shit. >> trevor: yeah. >> oh, yeah, okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. here, let me just take my stuff off. okay. >> trevor: we started. >> you have space down there, you don't minds-- . >> trevor: yes,yeah, do. >> do you have recycling. >> trevor: i do. we should be on the weather already. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, good, good. >> trevor: what is happening in the weather, desi. >> oh t is hot, i know, because i was just outside. >> trevor: i mean. >> hotter than saudi arabia. oh, you know you what should cover on the show tonight, that
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whole golf saudi story. >> trevor: oh. >> that would be really good. >> trevor: you think so. >> yeah. >> trevor: maybe we should. >> yeah, you know what is so crazy is is the fact that american country clubs have just started letting women play golf and these guys are like let's move it to saudi arabia. every time i play golf men criticize the way i play. they're all nitpicky about how i drive my real car on the course. is let me tell you something, i beat them to the next hole every time. so who is laughing now. >> trevor: yeah, i hear you there. >> yeah. >> trevor: desi, we are very late now, would you mind. >> yeah, yeah, i just got to charge my phone, can you charge my charger out of my backpack. >> trevor: desi, i don't have the time. >> yeah, right there. >> trevor: what the hell is this. what is this? >> that one. >> trevor: what is this? >> yeah, throws my chargers, yeah, i got my iphone, my ipad, my i pad mini, my sound machine, my crock pott, my
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crockpot mini. careful though there is a system. >> trevor: okay. what is. >> don't petroleum the wrong one because there is a bomb in there. >> trevor: desi, this is ridiculous, you can't go around this f is ridiculous. >> there is a story out of europe, they are trying to condense down to one port. see here is my thing on it i mean what is so bad about having lots of different types of ports. all ports are beautiful. ports naturally kosm in different shapes and sizes. especially out of europe. oh man. i have seen some wild ports in europe. i did a semester abroad. it was a crazy time, yeah. but each one is beautiful and inn its own way and i'm going to be honest, frankly i don't really think the government should be regulating our ports, right. my port, my choice. (applause). >> trevor: that's a. >> you need anything else from me, cuz i got to go meet some
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friends for drinks. i hate being late. >> trevor: oh, you wouldn't say. all right, well, just grab this. >> thank you. >> funny that were you late for this and now are you going to just. >> i just-- i want to be honest about something. i was talking about vaginas earliers. >> trevor: when were you saying the ports. >> yeah, i just knew wanted you to know. >> trevor: i knew it was a vagina joke. >> that is what i love about you, you always know when i am secretly talking about va ginas, are you a feminist that way. >> trevor: that is what they say about me, thank you so much for doing the weather,. >> i have fun out there i hear the weather is great, desi lydic, thank you so much. don't go away, because when we come back, roy wood, jr. is going to brooklyn, you don't going to brooklyn, you don't want to miss it.
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gent rifys make piece, roy wood, jr. went to find out. >> according to the latest census, the white population is decreasing nationwide. >> for the first time the white population in the united states has declined. >> but there is one place their numbers are up almost 9 percent. brooklyn. this wealthy white migration has lead to increases in rent, cost of living and requests to speak to the manager. so i followed a trail of succulents from wes anderson deep into the den of gentrifying brooklyn. >> the white population is going up almost 9 percent, the black population is going down almost 9 percent. would it be safe to say that that is how they are showing black lives matter by just moving them out to somewhere else? >> what they are doing is buying out, cleaning out the neighborhood. and it's not right. >> he has lived in brooklyn his entire life. >> everything is going up sky high and it's harder to live. so the way out is to sell the house.
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>> tommy's mother brought their brown toan in 1963 when black home ownership in blook lynn was booming. but lately black mortgages have been going the way of the dodo bird. >> the white population is moving in, and they walk up and down the streets, others walk past you like why you here. >> they don't think are you like a magical negro. >> look, one of them magical negro six, okay, you just have to go-- (laughter) the black dude with the magic stick but no amount of black wizardry could make the black party lit again. residents like juddist and leyana don't even recognize their own neighborhood. >> this neighborhood used to be black. >> all black, 100 percent. >> like the 70s black. >> right. >> when music was good and o.j. simpson was just a really good football player. >> it was all black and you had discount stores where we could get things, cheaply.
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you don't have that any more. >> yeah, our bodega is now a high end nail salon. >> there is so much there is hemp there is oat, hazel nut, there is coconut. >> the gentrification increased the vosm nut milk while decreasing actual necessary food supply. >> even common decency was faces extinction. >> have i had neighbors call 311. >> 311 is the hotline new yorkers use to complain about nonemergency shit, gentrifiers seem to have it on speed dielt. >> like the snitch line but the police don't come right away. >> exactly. >> like the dry snitch line. >> yeah. >> couldn't urining my bell. >> introduce yourself, come up, say hello. >> these are people that don't know how to make friends or is there an other issue of-- . >> possibly. >> there is an anthro po logical term. >> race ism, the only thing
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arriving faster than the number of man bun is the real estate. >> the prices are just skyrocketing. the houses going for 3 million, i'm sorry what. >> the houses over $3 million now $3 million. >> how much you pay for this house. >> $23,7. >> 23,000 and could you sell it right now. >> for close to 2 million. >> oh, you got to go. >> wait a minute, you the one that say. >> was tha was before you told me what you was gets. >> the now, the money is great. but it's not everything. >> right, right, it is about community. and if we're going to say that, we need to set some ground rules. >> what are some things that people moving too the neighborhood should do to help honor what it has been built over the decade. >> just be kind. >> wait, just be kind. >> yeah, be kind. >> okay. i will write that one down. just be kind.
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>> communication. >> don't call 311. >> support the local small-owned business. >> the local weed dealers. >> if that's your thing, yes. >> definitely introduce yourself to your neighbors. >> like i said, embracing what was already here. >> don't just think that because are you here, you are entitled to your $9 artisanal coffee. >> artisanal coffee. >> arabica beans from kenya or. >> oh wow. >> is that where your coffee came from? >> i got this from a bodegas on no, did you not, that is not a bodega cup. >> [bleep] all right, damn, even i need caffeine, i got to get the word out and the only way to do that is in the yeuferlings language of brooklyn. >> get out a look and tell me what you think. >> i'm making a flyer. >> you know, respect the culture of the block. clap on beat. >> that is big got to be on beat, you can't have a block party without everybody on beat. >> this one don't start a
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sentence was when i was at nyu. >> puts them all around. >> all right. >> the community approved the gent rheeflye rrntion. >> would you consider yourself a gentrifier. >> i don't know, i never really thought of it before. >> do you speak to your neighbors. >> one of them, one time, like ran into each other in the hallway. >> this man needs an education. >> trying to spread the word on ways to help gentrifier. >> i could flyer the whole town but would it make people respect their black neighbor would, it stopped the approximate 11 calls the dog shit every why, did say dog shit or poop. >> dog shit for ever. >> would anything i do make it disparate. >> no phones for karen. 311 for murder only. contribute, give the closest black person to you $50. >> i don't carry cash on me.
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>> shoot to my ven no. you ready? scan that. all right. all right, i got it boom, appreciate that. thank you. bam. >> is it enough to stop its erosion of the historic community and hold on to legacy residents. >> i'm going to florida. [bleep]. >> you going to florida. >> i'm tired of this snow. i'm tired of shoveling the snow. i'm tired of the leaves. are you tired of racism. >> yes, i am. >> you are going to go to nor dpa. oh shit, i'm sorry for kution. >> it's okay. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, when we come back iman vellani aka ms. marvel will be joining me on the show so don't joining me on the show so don't go away.
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what if your phone didn't just take epic photos? what if it fixed them too? the amazing magic eraser on google pixel 6. max and kim fell in love with the benjamin moore color, van deusen blue. but they tried to match it using another brand's paint. well, it's different. but it'll grow on us, right? yeah.....yeah. never trust another paint to be a benjamin moore color.
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enjoy! oooo, tostitos. can you grab the baby gifts? yeah. walk to mommy. (celebrating) what did i miss? she took her first steps! can she do it again? her first steps?? for me??? i missed it? i stepped away from the bowl for two seconds. i was supposed to read a poem. we're good. ok, i'm telling you, it's her sister. [tv] and you call yourself my sister. there it is. there it is. we're back on top! whoa, whoa, whoa. what happened? oh, you missed it. probably shouldn't have left. tostitos. get to the good stuff. we do it every night. every night. tostitos. i live alone, but i still do it every night. right after dinner. definitely after meatloaf. like clockwork. do it! run your dishwasher with cascade platinum and save water. did you know an energy star certified dishwasher
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uses less than four gallons per cycle? while a running sink uses that, every two minutes. that means even small loads can save water. so why not do it? run your dishwasher every night with cascade platinum. the surprising way to save water. >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is actor iman vellani, here to talk about starring in the new disney plus series ms. marvel. >> wow, that's amazing. how does it feel? >> it san idea come to life. >> so i guess superstrength is not a part of the equation. >> maybe i shupt try that-- . >> saved you.
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>> trevor: please welcome iman vellani welcome. ms. marvel, welcome to the daily show. >> thank you, thank you. >> trevor: are you used to that, yet, the fact that are you ms. marvel, and not just ms. marvel, but you are officially currently the most liked show on rot epp tomatoes in the marvel universal. 95%. how does it feel? >> it feels great. it is weird that people who doubted us, like we are the underdogs now so the amount of actuallies in the sentence t is actually pretty good. actually i think i'm liking it, so that is my favorite part, yeah. >> trevor: you have been a fan for a long time. >> a hot minute. yeah. >> trevor: i want to know how, because everyone has a story about how they became a fan of one of the marvel characters that not everybody knows about. >> i mean i just week of when ironman came out so it has
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always been in my life, my high school is right across from a comic book shop and i have i crush on robert downey, jr. and i needed more ironman so i was like constantly reading more ironman and picked up iron heart and through her found kamala oh my god, brown person who is this, and fell in love with her. >> trevor: it seems like, i mean it feels like you were made for the character. >> it was crazy, i felt like the comics were written about me, for me and only me, like-- . >> trevor: no, it really does, how many stories can you say where you go oh, who is this character, okay, you know, here you have this girl who is born to immigrantses from pakistan and living in this different world and like you are that, that is wild, muslim superhero. >> totally. >> trevor: i hope were you just ms. marvel for every halloween. >> i dress up as her as
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halloween, i manifested this, yeah. >> trevor: do people know who were you. >> no, i went to school and i was so excited i had my grand my helped me stitch the costume and i went to school and everyone is like oh, cool flash costume, man. i was like are you kidding me? the lightning bolt doesn't mean flash, but yeah, i had to go across the street and buy a ms. marvel comic to carry it with me me. >> trevor: you realize that will never happen again now right? that, that is one the coolest stories of all time. >> yeah. >> trevor: you know, the story is really great because some people, you know, feel like it say different world, like oh, how do you have a muslim superhero and from pakistan but everyone doesn't seem to understand that every hero comes from somewhere and they have their story and st just normal for them. i love how the show is seems. i love how it is just her story and she say superhero. >> i think it is really done with the comics in argonically and incorporating diversity into a story. and not something just 100
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percent h.e.r. personality being muslim or pack stain. this avenger-- this dork who just happens to be muslim in pakistani and kind of guides her, this say moral code and it uplifts her and elevates her story in a unique way that we haven't even in the m.c. sowrks i think that's cool. >> trevor: it is cool, supercool. the powers are cool as well. that was something i was intrigued by. because i remember seeing some of the old comics of ms. marvel and she had like stretching abilities, i know you can't give anything away but you know, you have different powers in the beginning, you can shape shift things and you can, you know. >> yeah. >> trevor: is that-- is she going to get more powers. >> more powers. >> trevor: yeah? >> there is purple light coming. >> trevor: i'm not being ungrateful, i'm just-- that sounded like, i was asking are they things like, you don't want to tell me anything, i see you t premiered today and then disney told me iman is not going to tell you anything.
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>> i was sworn an oath, you will not get a tom holland out of me, nothing is coming out. >> trevor: no spoilers. >> yeah. >> trevor: no smoilers whatsoever. so this was just the beginning. you realize this. you are, i mean, this is such a fun wild story, you have got this role one of the craziest ways possible because i heard a rumor that you heard about this from like a family member. they didn't call you directly. >> whatsapp which is like funny because brown people thrive ons what app. so like the fact that this happened through a whatsapp forward. >> trevor: how. >> my aunt was a brown group chat that she never opened and she opened it and someone forwarded this casting call and sent it to meevment i said look, this is what a scam is. we don't, i am not an actor, i can't like, it was a blank page that said send head shot and recipe ms. marvel shaping and they sent a self-tape and oh my
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god strks real, i know exactly which comic book they pulled these scenes from and so i wasn't going do it out of sheer fear of failure. >> trevor: no, really. >> yeah, and then like 3 a.m. the night it was due, i will regret this, but i don't want to-- i recorded my own voice as the other character and lowered the pitch, like i was talking to someone and acted off of my own voice. and then the next day i get a call, we are the lawyer we want to fly to you l.a i was like cool. >> trevor: i mean shall. >> yeah. >> trevor: you know what, you know what this means, though s now your aunt is going to answer every single whatsapp that comes her way. >> i know. >> trevor: she is never goes to be the same. >> she owes thee holds he me on this. >> trevor: congratulations on the show, wonderful to meeting, thank you for being here. search going to watch, ms. marvel is streaming right now on disney plus, 95% from rot intomato, take a quick break,
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captioned by media access group at wgbh ( cheers and applause ) . >> trevor: all right, everybody, that our show for tonight, before we go, please consider supporting translife-line a group offering emotional and financial support for people in crisis for the transcommunity by the transcommunity, if you can donate to the link below to help where transpeople will have the connection, the economic security and care that everyone needs and deserves, until tomorrow, stay safe out there and remember, are you not late, you are just early for something that hasn't happened yetment now here it is, your moment of zen.
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>> i don't know about where you liver, jessie, and my state, the price of gas is so high that it would be cheaper to buy cocaine would be cheaper to buy cocaine and just run ever - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ going down to south park ♪ . ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headed on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [mumbling] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪
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