tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 22, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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comedy central >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight the high cost of gas. the high cost of weddings. and angela garbes. this is the daily show with trevor noah! (cheers and applause). >> trevor: was' going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah thank you so much for tuning in, thank you for coming out in person. thank you so much for coming and joining. take a seat, let's do t y'all. we've got a really fun show for
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you tonight. president biden is stepping on the gas, lewis black is getting ready for wedding season. and congress has agreed on gun reforms that are show a huge deal and a huge disappointment at the same time. so let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. 7 all right, let's kick things off with gasoline, or as scientists call it dinosaur pee pee. over the past few months global demand for oil has kept rising faster than the supply to the point where the price of gas in the united states is now 6 bazillion dollars a gallon so drivers are hurting. the good news is that as always president biden wants to help. the bad news is that as always it doesn't look like he can. >> the president this afternoon called on congress to temporarily suspend the federal gas tax which is right now about 18 cents a gal. >> a move president biden has
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resisted until today given that it is unlikely to pass congress. >> while officials say a gas tax holiday is worth considering, there is a cost. those funds are used for repairing roads and infrastructure, important priorities across the country. >> what the president wants is a three month gas tax holiday on both regular gas and diesel going into september. he also wants states to pass their similar version of that gas tax holiday. the president also had a word specifically here for the oil companies, here is what he said. >> bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the costs you are paying for the product. do it now. do it today. >> trevor: why are you talking like that. is it a secret? to the rest of should the rest of us be listening, why does he do that thing t is so strange. joe biden is the only president worst vibe shifts in the middle of a sentence. oil companies, you better lower the prices, please, please i'm
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begging you. if you are president, you just got to scai it otherwise it makes you look weak, you can't be like mr. gorbachev tear down this wall, if you gets around to it. it is such an ugly wall, or at least paint it come on! and you know i feel like this is the big difference between trump and biden strks how they use their power. because with trump it was always like ah, shit is he going to as his power it is like aw shit is he going to use his power. also whoever decided to call taye gas tax holiday that person should be fired. it is not a holiday. what does that mean, i gas tax holiday t is like we are not charging-- that is the worst holiday of all time. you say 18 cents off of gas and i still have to go to work. is are shitting me, even ar ber day is better than that shit. this is what confuses me about this country, all right, everywhere in the world governments manage to protect their populations from corporate greed, like south africa will limit how high bread prices can
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go. the eu will be like you cannot pump chickens with the same hormones they use in the hulk. in china they are like crypto is done and no more dancing on tiktok, only homework. but whenever the american government has to deal with corporations, they've got about as much power as a tortoise stuck on his back, like come on, oil companies. come on, pass on your savings, drug companies, don't overcharge. for lifesaving drugs, please. please! but still this is good news for americans. instead of the gas tax going to maintaining roads and infrastructure, drivers will now save 18 cents per gallon. and then you can use those savings to buy a new car after yours gets swallowed up by a pothole. but let's move on to a different problem facing practically everyone in america. gun violence. there have been many mass shootings in america over the past couple of decades and after each one people have always said
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maybe this time will be different. maybe congress will do something about this and every time congress was like no, but ever since the mass shooting in buffalo and uvalde last month a group of senators from both parties have been working together to see if they can find any common ground on gun reform. and it turns out that this time is different, ever so slightly. >> this morning after decades of partisan gridlock a major breakthrough in congress, 14 republicans joining all 50 democrats to advance a new compromise on gun restrictions. >> this is a breakthrough. and more importantly it's a bipartisan breakthrough. >> the deal includes enhanced background checks for people between 18 and 21. closing the so called boyfriend loophole, prevents romantic partners convicted of domestic violence from buying guns. directed more money for states to implement their own plans to address gun violence and billions for school security
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upgrades and mental health services. and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell calls the deal a common sense package of popular steps that will help make these horrifying incidents less likely while fully upholding the second amendment. >> i agree with senator mitch mcconnell, thank god the precious second amendment has been preserved. oh yes, i mean i'm all for protecting kids but the second amendment, oh, have you seen that little face? you have seen it? whose second amendment are you? whose second amendment are you, you are so adorable! sometimes i feel like americans want to protect the constitution more than they want to protect the americans the constitution is supposed to protect. doesn't make any sense. (applause) >> i'm glad we could protect the second amendment. i will tell you now, if the second amendment was in that classroom in uvalde the cops would have bust that turn down with mitch mcconnell right behind them. yippy kie yay, mother [bleep], i know for a lot of people, it can be hard to know how to feel
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about this deal because it doesn't include a lot of things people want. it doesn't ban assault rifles, it doesn't raise age limits. it doesn't even do universal background checks which is the most basic thing imaginable so for some it kind of feels like stopping godzilla by dropping a few mouse traps around the city but on the other hand after three decades of nothing happening, this deal is something. please remember that. it is something. not going to solve everything but it is something. and something is always better than nothing. that is the entire philosophy behind the hand job. am all right let's move on. to new york city over the past few years, especially pandemic and through it, you probably noticed a wild new pa and now i'm not talking about how the stuff dripping from air conditioners didn't taste as good as it used to which it really bothered me t used to have a flavor, when it would
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fall in your mouth-- no, the problem i'm talking about is the squads of dirlt bikes and atv's flooding the streetses and sidewalks like trump supporters trying to find mike pence. well now the mayor of new york city has decided to crush this problem literally. >> today heavy machinery crushed illegal atv's dirt bikes and motorcycles confiscated by the nypd, mayor adam waived a checkered flag and work began. he said this effort was to ensure these vehicles can not ever terrorize the city again. the nypd says that it received more than 2000 of these vehicles citywide, be increase of more than 80% for from this time last year. >> hell yeah, baby, crush those bikes, that is what i want from my city government. yeah, i don't even care about the underfunded schools any more cuz this shit rocks by the way why is he waiving a checkered
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flag at the beginning of a race? duz he not understand how a race works. guy in the truck is like i finished already? now look, i will admit, as a new yorker, humble brag, maybe this is not the biggest problem the city is facing right now. rents are driving people out of their homes. traffic is always bad. and the subways are always shutting down. cuz i think we have trains that are scared of the dark or something. yeah, yeah, no, i think that is what st, in new york. they fine and then they go into a tunnel and they are just like ah, ah, you guys should walk, i don't know what to do. this is scary. in fact, they are instead of crushing the bus maybe the city could have used them to solve some of the city's problems. this could have been a solution the subway, instead of training breaking down, just have a dirt bikes in the tunnel, you know, let people wheelie to, without or give them to the police so they don't have to ride horses any more.
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what are you doing, stopping crime in the 18 50s? huh, there are cattle russellers on broadway. or just hire the dieter bike kids to ride around neighborhoods where the rents have gotten unaffordable. help keep the prices down. a studio apartment with no bathroom, you want it? you want it, it costs $6,000 a month. >> what? >> all right, give me 50 bucks, you can have it. >> finally, are you one of those people who rarely likes to think, first of all, congratulations on being basic, and second of all you might want to stalk up because your supply is to about to run out. >> one of the largest makerses of e-cigarettes may be forced to stop selling products in its country, the "the wall street journal" says the fda could orders juul e-cigarettes off the market as soon as today. the fda's criticized juul for gearing its products toward young people. it already barred the sale of
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fruity and sweet e-cigarette cart ridges, juul had hoped to continue selling tobacco flavors it can appeal if the fda does hand down that ban as expected. >> trevor: that's right, juul e-cigarettes are about to be banned. so your days of going around looking like are you blowing r2-d2 are over. but this is a big move by the fda. because you realize juul is the iconic vaping brand. so by them doing this, it is like going after soda by banning coke. or going after coke by banning don, jr. all right, that is it forth headlines, before we go let's check on the traffic with our own roy wood, jr. everybody. (applause) what's happening, roy. >> what's up, man. >> you been good in. >> i'm good, i'm good. >> i know we want to get to the traffic but that brings up a good point. am i supposed to be excited about 18 cent off of gas? >> trevor: i guess they want you to be.
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>> i don't know, i don't feel like that's a lot. i'm sure 18 cent, i'm sure that is a lot of gas where you are from, i'm sure that is a lot of gas. >> trevor: because i'm from africa? >> you said it, not me. this is the thing. like i feel like 18 krepts t is like, a nice gesture but it ain't really doing nothing. when your grandma still give you $10 for your birthday, i'm 43, what am i going to do with these $10, this ain't even a sandwich. ain't even-- du-- you looking like you want me to do traffic. you know, traffic, like perfect thing about the gas, right, all right, so gas is up, cuz everybody consuming gas, people consume gas because they stuck in traffic, they ain't really moving, what gives you good gas mileage, motion, the car moving so the way you get traffic, all green lights. every light, every intersection in america, green lights same time, traffic moving. trs i think that would create another problem. >> what is the problem.
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>> all the green lights then like the cars are probably going to smash into each other. >> even better. even better. car smash, your car don't run, now you walking, saving gas, you understand. that's how it works. all green lights. look at all these motorcycles, why we didn't just sell motorcycles to these people. >> trevor: what cry country is that even. >> i don't know, a country with traffic. i don't understand why would the city of new york not just sell the bikes. the police love to put stuff out and then just tear it up. could you have sold them bikes for parts. took them to another country or some shit, man, why would you get rid of-- i thought you didn't even siphon the gas out of them bikes before they crushed them. i'm from alabama. the police downing there, they do something called the police auctio, the police take your shit and once two, three times a year they have a yard sale and they just sell everybody's stuff. and that is how you make a little bit of bread. you don't burn the stuff up. they be burning the drugs, they
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be burning up the drugs, why would you burn that cocaine? oh, that good could cane, you could bag that up, take that down to knoxville, holla, he got two clubs from the salvadorians, you can get that, cut it the right waw, could get a couple extra dollars and stretch that shall-- . >> trevor: are you going to incriminate yourself, jump to the traffic. >> that's my bad. >> trevor: yeah, jump to the traffic. >> you know what the juul people mesessed up? the juul, the juul cigarette people. >> trevor: yeah, where did they mess up. >> they tried too hard to sell to children. you can't just go right to the children tht is what happened to joe camel. that is why they got joe keam. you remember joe camem, remember the camel they had dude, i remember 6th grade everybody wanted to be michael jordan or joe camel, that is who you wanted to be. he had a camel, he had shades, a leather jacket, a white woman on his arm, i waslike that's the man. bls, also the thing with juul, man t is the people who smoke e
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significants. all that that aisle time to normalize e sikh, every thiem they tul it out, they look weird. then they put it book, then they look at the-- floor, look up at me. that is addiction behavior. you don't look down. smokers look you in the eye, also when people smoke a cigarette they don't smoke in the center, this is cool, you got to smock in the corner of your mouth, you don't smoke nothing-- this is a crack pipe, crack pipe this is cool, this is met, and that is why people be tripping on them juul cigarettes, man. you want to look smoke around the corner. >> trevor: i hear you there. i hear you there. >> man, this is some nice traffic, man what do you want me to say about the traffic. >> trevor: people like.
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>> people. >> what do you want me to say. >> people want to know what roads to drive on. >> not this one, don't drive on this one, you know what,. >> trevor: thank you so much, roy. >> you're wasting gas. >> trevor: when we come back lewis black will be talking lewis black will be talking about weddings so don't go away. ♪♪ the next sale is a digital treasure trove - charming ellie's private data!
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(applause) >> welcome back to the daily show. when a news story falls through the crack, lewis black catches it for a segment we call back in black. plus (applause) wedding season is here everyone. my favorite time of year. the brides are radiant, the grooms are terrified and i'm in the photo booth letting my artistic side out. my nipple ringses really pop in a wedding am bum. and it's a great time for someone who loves love as much as i do because this year there are more weddings than ever. >> 2022 is going to be a record year, talking about 2.5 million weddings set to take place, the biggest number since 1984, that number is up by 600,000 since 2021. >> one out of every five weddings last year was
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rescheduled for this year. which means everything from dresses to venues to hotel rooms are in high demand. >> wanting to marry, then get ready to rumble. you can kiss the romantic venues good-bye because the only one left is the octagon and will you have to choke someone out for it. and i guess that is america for you. it is easier to get a shotgun than it is to get a shotgun wedding. but at least post pandemic marriages are going to be strong. after all, most of these couples have been through lockdown together, they already know they can spend hours in the same room watching tv without speaking to each other, until one of them falls asleep. and the other one can finally masturbate in peace. you know, marriage! of course even if you manage to find an aisle to walk down this year, guess what, going to cost you. >> and the cost to tie the knot
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astronomical, all of the vendors really didn't have any sort of income for almost two years. so they are really trying to make up for that lost revenue. >> that coupled with supply chain issues and inflation have sent prices soaring. >> couples will spend an average of more than 24,000 dollars on their wedding this year, up nearly 2000 from last year but it's not just the bride and groom, guests should expect to spend more too as the record travel season boost de man for flight, hotel rooms and rental cars. >> that is math tresletter from louisville, kentucky, this is his tenth wedding so far this summer, weekend after weekend he ask shelling out for gifts gas, hotels and more. >> i don't want to say the exact number but let's say four digits, i am a professional wedding guest, i'm the wedding king. >> wedding king is yiddish for schmuk. (applause)
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24,000 for a wedding? [bleep] me hard. at that price you won't have anything left for the divorce lawyer. and thanks to the price of gas, even getting to a wedding costs an arm and a leg. gas is so expensive you can bring it as a wedding gift. and make sure you hold on to it though, your grandkids can sell it to a war lord for water. so with all the logistical and financial challenges it's no wonder that some couples are finding creative ways to save money. >> weddings can cost a fortune. the national average close to 30 grand, and if here in the home state of california, the average is even higher. >> check and check. >> so how does kiera pull it off, she started with the dress which cost just $47. >> i didn't want to spend a lot of money on a dress because i thought i am going to wear this one time for a few hours.
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>> then she found the perfect location, right off the freeway, keyword being free. >> a wedding by the freeway, genius. i found love on the side of the road lots of-- loads of times and never once did i think to invite a photographer. and i definitely wouldn't have invited my grandmother. but even if you beat the cost and the crowds, there is one more thing you need to worry about, the covid. >> so one newlywed couple didn't want to reschedule their already postponed wedding, understandable. the reception with the groom tested positive for covid it happened just three days before, so the bride still attend the wedding but took the cardboard cutout of the groom instead instead. the couple says it was their way of making the best of a disappoints situation after their nuptials had already been rescheduled several times throughout the course of the pandemic. don't worry though, the groom
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didn't completely miss out on all the fun and festivities. it did show up on screen in the ballroom as a surprise to his bride. >> look, if you find yourself dancing with a cutout, you are certifiably insane. and what does it say about the groom that he can be replaced by a cardboard cutout and nobody seems to care? and the bride is in for a rude awakening because there's no way the husband is ever going to live up to that cut out. it's well dressed, it listens and it has a flat stomach. it is the total package. now it if you will excuse me, trevor, have a ed withing to get to, some ass hole is getting married to a woman he doesn't even like and those i had items decided to make it a destination wedding. >> trevor: wow, lewis, who is getting paried? >> i am, and i got to pick up my bride at kinkos. >> trevor: lewis black, everyone.
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhh! [ distant horn honks ] [ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sorry i'm late! dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff] [water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!)
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight, best selling author, angela garbes, she is here to talk about her new book essential labor which reflects on the state of care giving in america and explores mothering as a means of social change so please welcome angela garbes. welcome. >> thank you. >> welcome to the show. >> thank you, thank you trevor
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for having me. >> are you kidding me, thank you for writing one of the most fascinating books on a topic that i love delving into because i feel like it is the root of everything. >> yes. >> trevor: and that is mothering. >> yes, i'm glad that you see that, we share a vibe. >> trevor: right, but let's start with the title of the book, essential labor. you wrote this book based on an article that got acclaim from everyone. mothers all over the country read it, some people around the world read t even people like melinda gates and elizabeth warren said yeah, this is sphot on. what do you think people have been miss being mothering for so long. >> sure, i wrote this book, you know, part of it came out of the grief and loss that i felt at the start of the pandemic. as a writer i had sort of neb you lus deadlines and i didn't get a regular paycheck or health insurance but my husband's job gave us that. so i basically stopped writing and because child care centers saw i was taking care of my kids and i knew that that was the most important work i could be doing, but it also, i felt like
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i wasn't getting any recognition for it we were hearing about essential worker, health care workers, workers that were essential but never hearing about parents who were working 24/7, trying to take care of their families, keep communities safe and that's really where, this is what i know you understand is that domestic work, mothering, we do it to ourselves every day, feeding ourselves, taking a shower, without care work and domestic labor, this say work that makes all other work possible. the idea that domestic labor is show less valuable than quote unquote professional work, i just think it is a myth. >> you know what you tap into this this book is so powerful because it even goes to let's say somebody is like a rampant capitalist, they go like oh, the country needs to make money, we have to get people out there. and yet they don't want the policies that support mothers in doing that. so you see mothers, you talk about in the box where they have to choose, am i going to be a
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mom or am i going to find somebody to be a mom to my child where i kbts afford them. >> we talk about this care crisis that was exposed in the pandemic. when child care centers and schools closed down, we were lost. people didn't know what to do. but many of us have always known that until your child is age 6, in america you are really on your own. and there are many people who are choosing between should i put my child in dare daycare or work because it is really about the same amount of money, right. but so studies have been done, so there is a study that if women in america were paid minimum wage for the amount of domestic labor that they do unpaid right now, it would be worth $1.9 trillion per year. >> trevor: wow. >> so talk about putting a value on that, that is part of our economy. and that is a thing that we just have not reckoned with in this country. our country, american capitalism relies just as much on the labor that happens in the home as any other labor that happens in the office or on a job site. >> trevor: other countries
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have done that in many ways. countries like sweden, like switzerland, they have different methods of doing it, but they all say this is so valuable to the country that we will pay a mother, we will make sure a government the supporting a mother because you talk about this in the book and it is fascinating to get into. everything that we struggle with in society whether st crime, whether it is poverty, whether it is mental issues, et cetera, you can link so many of those things to mothering. >> yes, when you invest, so i believe that raising children is a choice that people make to have kids or to not have kids and i think we should all unfortunately this is not guaranteed in our country. we should all be allowed to make that choice. but whether or not you have children, raising kids is a social responsibility. and when we invest like no one gets to adulthood without someone taking care of them. and that is their parents t is also beloved aunties, a preschool teacher, a teacher there are so many people that are part of that. and when we invest in children, in families, in mothers, you are invest ntion public health n the
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very future and health of our society. >> it is interesting that you also wrote not just as a mom but i enjoyed how many prisms you looked through, you wrote about it as a mom. you wrote about it as a worker and as a writer, and you also wrote about it through the lens of an imgrarcht or family of immigrants but specifically filipino which i really enjoyed because you talked about how care giving and mothering seems almost like, st part of the fabric of being filipino, i would love to know where you think that came from or why that is so important. >> sure. i'm so glad you asked, thank you. so i didn't set out to-- my filipino american family, i do think that fill pino american history is something under represented in the asian american community, i think what about us, my mom is a nurse and i won't go into the whole long history of american imperialism in the united states but the reason why my parents emigrated here is because my parents spoke
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english because of the american education system that was created by american colonials. and when there was a health worker shortage the united states allowed highly skilled immigrants like my mother and father to come. and when i was thinking about the history of care giving in this country, you know, when you have to really reckon with the reason why we devalue care work which is performed mostly by women of color, it is because of slavery, right, this is why we accept women of color working in the home for free or for low wages. kind of trying to wrestle with how do i take this on. but there is a statistic that came out during covid that will never leave my body and it is that filipino-x nurses are 4 percent of the nursing workforce in the united states. >> trevor: okay. >> they are 34 percent of covid related nursing deaths. >> trevor: wow. >> yeah, yeah, thank you. and that to me was like this could be my mother, this could be my children's grandmother. and it is because when
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philippine-x nurses came over, they fill me this is familiar with immigrants here in the united states, they took jobs that white workers didn't want. they took icu and critical care jobs that were more intimate with patients bodies and since 2020 that means they have been caring for covid patients. and so they are dieing in disproportionate numbers. and that is really where i was like wait a second, i don't-- there are so many ways in to the story of care giving in america, right, so this, i realize i could tell my family stories, and sph all of the same forces that are happening. it is capitalism t is colonialism t is exploitation, white supremacy, these are the things that we are living with now, and i see it in my family and i see it reflected in this cries thais we're dealing with. which is going to outlast the pandemic f we don't figure out how to care for each other. >> how do we move towards a situation where women are not in a position whereas mothers and you know you talk about in the book how mothering extends
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beyond just the clicheed idea of what a mother is. we talk about community, about the aunts, they are all mothering in some way. do you see any viable solutions, do you see a world that we can get to where we say oh, this is where the government could help. this is what we could do. the way companies could help. >> well, yeah, so companies, at this point i want the government to be part of this because we privatized everything. right. i don't think that employees and employers and corporations are going to-- we privatized all human rights in america, universal health care, right, education, we've made all of those things t is time for government support. and i have gone through phases of being really angry and really disillusioned but right now my friend who is the director of the national domestic worker as lines who is part of a coalition called care can't wait, they formed during covid to deal with the care crisis there is actually right now senators are doing budgets reconciliation on a bill that would put money into child care, home care and elder care. and so in this moment, if you
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are looking for something to do, if you have been affected by care and i know all of us have been, you can call your senators right now. and tell them to fund care and this is not an opportunity that comes up all the time. so i feel hopeful because there is an actionable item that we can do. i also feel hopeful because in the pandemic, what i saw when people formed pods, right, when people started having these play dates, that was people saying i can't do this alone, we are not meant to take care of children, take care of our elders, to take care of the disabled, the sick, we are not meant to do that in isolation, we can't. and i saw so many examples in the pandemic, like we are survives this not because the government sent us a test, we are sur voifing this because the we took care of each other and i see that all around me. i think if we lean into that and continue, i don't want that to go away, like if the parnd moves more into the rearview mirror. >> more community, more looking after each other and more honoring mothering, thank you so much for joining me on the show. thank you. >> i appreciate so you much.
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>> essential labor, a fascinating book is available now. we'll take a quick break, be right back after this. thank you again. this is xfinity rewards. our way of showing our appreciation. with rewards of all shapes and sizes. [ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app.
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show for tonight, but before we go, before we go, please consider donating to the national black justice coalition, since 2003 they have been america's leading national civil rights organization advocating for fed ralt policies that fight against racism and homophobia, so if you can please donate at the link below to help reach their vision of a world where all people are fully empowered to participate safely, openly and honestly, family, faith, communities, regardless of their race, their gender identity or their sexual orientation t say really great
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organization. until tomorrow, stay safe sowt safe out there and remember you can't solve the real problems in your life, get a bull dozenner and crush somebody's bike. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> we okay, we-- we, inflation is hitting my people so hard they're coughing up bones. i don't care what the inflation is in other parts-- of the world, i'm sorry they are having inflation in other parts of the world. but them and misery doesn't make my people feel better. they are still miserable. inflation is hitting people so inflation is hitting people so hard they're coughing up bones. - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ both: ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪
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♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm going down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ ♪ people spouting "howdy neighbor" ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park ♪ ♪ gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ ♪ come on down to south park ♪ ♪ and meet some friends of mine ♪ i guess that's it then, huh? yup. see you around. i knew that was the last time i'd see tom.
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so, you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may check to confirm you are still hiv-negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor if descovy for prep is right for you. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at now that you can get anything delivered with uber eats, you probably have a lot of questions like... are upcycled paper towels really a good source of fiber? can i eat these cleansing wipes? is that how cleanses work? we're all still learning.
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