tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central June 23, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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th "piece." fancy feast! ♪ break me off a piece of that fancy feast ♪ ♪ it's a cat food. nailed it. comedy central >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight: >> shooting down gun laws. jordan klepper fingers the pulse. and elliot page! this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: what's going on, everybody? welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out in person. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you so much. take a seat. let's get into it, everybody. we have got a great, great show
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for you tonight. we'll tell you why you can outrun the police now. jordan klepper heads to a trump rally. and the supreme court has somehow decided that it's too hard to get a gun in america. so let's do this, people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: okay. let's kick things off with the big news coming out of the supreme court. the only government department where the dress code is retired gedie. you all know how america has been struggling with gun violence for the past, let's say, half a century or so. while everyone is trying to figure out a solution, the supreme court just weighed in, in the most unhelpful way possible. >> breaking news at this hour. the u.s. supreme court has just issued a major ruling in the challenge to a new york gun law. now, this is the most significant second amendment ruling in more than a decade. in a 6-3 decision, the court
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struck down new york's law that places restrictions on concealed handguns. >> the law in question in new york said to get a concealed carry permit, a person had to go to the county sheriff and show some special need. today the supreme court said that's unconstitutional. this will affect new york, and it will affect half a dozen other states that have similar laws which you had to show some heightened need beyond just a desire for self-defense to get a concealed carry permit. >> this expands the second amendment right. what we don't know is if it completely eliminates the possibility for any sort of gun regulation. >> trevor: oh, i think we do know. i think we do know. you can see where this is going. this supreme court is feeling themselves. you realize they finally have all the justices they need to do anything they want. it's like amy coney barrett was the last infinite stone they needed. yeah. they put it in, and now they're just snapping away at all the laws. voting rights, gun control, miranda rights, abortion.
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i love this song! yeah! but, yeah, the supreme court has struck down restrictions on who can carry guns outside of the home, saying that you can't require people to meet certain standards in order to get a license opinion which makes complete sense because that would be making the militia well regulated and i mean, you can't do that, you know. it's not like it's written anywhere. basically new york had a law for the past 100 years that said if you want to just carry a gun around with you wherever you go, you need to prove that you have a specific reason you need that gun, you know, for your protection. you have to go to the police, you have to tell them, explain the whole thing. maybe someone is make threats against you, or maybe you're liam neeson's daughter and people keep trying to kidnap you, even though it seems like it would be way easier to kidnap someone else's daughter at this point. the supreme court said new york you can't do that anymore. in a way, this is exciting as a new yorker. yeah, i don't know about you guys, whenever i've been sitting in rush hour traffic in new york
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with drivers screaming at each other and bikers cussing out the drivers and pedestrians wailing at the bikers and the drivers, the one thing i always think is, "man, one they think would calm this down is if everyone had a gun right now." ( laughter ) ( applause ) "just a glock or two would really chill the situation now." and, mine, it will switch things up. now, when you're on the subway and you see a guy reaching into his pants, you'll be like, "please let it be a dick! let it be a dick! let it be a dick! please!" ( applause ) and it's crazy how this ruling is coming down at the exact same time that congress finally reached a deal on gun reform. it took 30 years of trying to come up with these extremely minor gun safety measures. and then the supreme court just swoops in and moves everything back in the other direction. yeah, congress is like, "we've reached a bipartisan agreement that 18- to 21-year-olds can no longer buy guns in leap years
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between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 3:15 a.m. and the supreme court is like, "starting now, every time is rains, it rains guns. yeah! what do you guys think?" so this is obviously a big setback for gun safety. but if you ask me, new york just needs to get creative. yeah, they need to think outside of the box. the same way that texas did, right. look what texas did with banning abortion. they weren't allowed to ban it, so they just made a crazy new law that basically banned it anyway. that's what new york needs to do with guns. like, yeah, they should say, okay, anyone can buy a gun if they want, but the gun stores are only open on the nights that the knicks win. ( laughter ) ( applause ) all right, let's move on from the people... ( laughter )
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you know what's funny, like, whenever i'm at madison square garden and see the players, i'm like, "i didn't make that joke!" all right, let's move on from the people who are about to cause havoc with all their guns to the people who are already causing havoc with all their guns, the police. over the last year, the city of chicago has been rocked by incidentses where police saw people running away, chased after them and somehow ended up kill them. now the police department has a new plan to stop those types of killings before they start. >> chicago police officers will no longer be allowed to chase people on foot simply because they run away, or give chase over minor offenses. >> the new policy requires enhanced supervision, officers must file a report if they start a chase, foot chases will be reviewed, and officers must weigh the seriousness of the offense against the need to make an arrest. officers can't start a chase if they're hurt, unaware of their location, unable to communicate, or lose their radio or gun.
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>> trevor: well, yeah. ( laughter ) i mean, if you're a cop who's lost your radio and gun and you don't know where you are... ( laughter ) are in no position to be chasing anyone. ( laughter ) yeah, maybe just throw in the towel, my man. today is not your day. ( laughter ) but i think this policy actually makes sense because people used to assume that if you're running from a police officer, you must have done something wrong, and you need to be chased down. but there are many reasons why someone might want to run from the police. maybe they're scared of the police. or maybe the cop is their ex and they were just walking around in sweats and they don't want their ex to see them and say,s, looks like i made the right choice." even if the person is a lnl suspect, you want to make sure the crime is worth the chase, right. because when police chase a suspect, it is way more likely to end in violence. think about it. once somebody makes you sprint across half the city, you're way more likely to want to beat
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their ass when you catch them. nobody is happy when they're forced to run. even people running marathons are like, "as soon as i get to the finish line, i'm going to choke somebody!" finally let's move on to some international news. right now, inflation is out of control. and we all know this, except probably jeff bezos. yeah, he probably treats think about accounts the same way the rest of us treat closet spaces. for everyone else, prices are scriecting, wages are not keeping up, and this is happening all over the world, which is weird. because fox news told me joe biden is the only reason we have inflation. so that means he's also causing it in denmark? dan you, joe! ( laughter ) now, one country in particular that's been struggling is the united kingdom, where railway workers have been demanding an increase in their pay to help deal with inflation. but their demands have been ignored, so this week, they took
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action. >> britain faces its biggest rail strikes in three decades after last-minute talks between the union and train companies failed to agree on pay. up to 40,000 staffers staged a walkout in a protest over pay and job security. >> good morning from a quieter-than-normal paddington station, where just one in five stations will be running, as indeed they are around the country. >> the prime minister told his cabinet the strikes were wrong and unnecessary. >> i want to say something about the rail strikes today causing significant disruption and inconvenience up and down the country, making it more difficult for people to get tos preporterous. i mean, i need those trains to get to my illegal work parties. how else am i supposed to spread
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covid? think about it. this is really ridiculous! this is absolutely disgusting, absolutely ( applause ) yes railway workers are on strike. and now british way to troofl their silly-sounding towns. there's no way someone from barton-in-the-beams can travel to giggles-wick, or to nether-wallop. how will they get to nether-wallop. for real, for real. the truth is a railway strike is actually really serious because it is crippling for the u.k. so many of its people depend on the trains. i know you guys think british people just get around on flying breals, but that's just the nannies. people need the trains. don't get me wrong. i understand the train strike inconveniences countless people in the u.k., but you know who is also inconvenienced right-- people are complaining in the u.k. "people need to get back to
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work. this is terrible, get back to work." the train workers are inconvenienced. train workers in the u.k. can't afford to make ends meet anymore, and there are many who haven't gotten a pay increase in 10 years. now is not the time to get a wage increase and 10 years ago wasn't the time and nothing in between was the time, where is the time? i don't care what anybody says, i really don't. it's not fair for somebody to work a full-time job and not be able to make ends meet, especiallye medicine in profits. like if you-- ( applause ) if you can't afford to live, then what's even the point of working? you only work so that you can live. that's why it's called "making a living" right? working without living is like being a parent but there's no kid. ( laughter ) think about it. like, parents, every parent knows that being a parent is miserable, but then your kid they smile at you or do something for the first time and they go, "it's all worth it. it's so adorable."
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imagine if there was no child but you still got woken up in the middle of the night by screams. there's nothing. every now and again diapers filled with shit everywhere in your house. you would be like, "there's no child. what am i doing this for? what's the point? and that's what these workers are going through. so this train strike is a big deal. it is affecting customers. it's affecting employees. it's affecting the british economy. but you know a lot of people don't realize, you know who this also affects? the british trains. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> now that i've stopped working, i've had a lot of time alone with my thoughts. and i've realized what the hell am i? i'm a train. i'm thomas the train, but i have a human face, but where's the rest of my body? do i have arms somewhere? do i have a penis? ( laughter ) is it a human penis? or is it a train penis? help me, somebody! help me find my train penis!
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( horn blowing ) aaahhh! ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: that's it fur for the headlines. before we go for a quick break let's check in on the stock market with our finance expert michael kosta, everybody. what's going on, mike? ( applause ) good to see you again. so, what's happening in the market today? >> i'm crushing it. i know i always say this, but i am actually really crushing it. >> trevor: you are, but you never tell us how. >> i got a hot tip for how you can crush it in the market and i'll share that with you. >> trevor: okay, cool. >> the big news today, kellogg's, america's food staple their stock is moving big as they announced that they're actually separating into three separate companies. >> trevor: yeah, i saw, that because they do snacks and they do cereals. i don't understand. they're splitting into three companies. how is that going to work? >> easy, it's going to be snap, crackle, and pop.
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you want to... you want to get to the chart? let's get to the chart. >> trevor: let's get to the chart. >> look, to a nonexpert, such as yourself, such as yourself, trevor, this looks like the kellogg's chart, okay. but what it actually is, is this is a chart measuring how good a bowl of cereal is over time. okay? now, when you porthat first bowl of cereal, it is right here. it is dry. it is lifeless. it is undervalued. now, here's where the value goes up. when you add milk, bank? >> okay. cereal reaches its most valuable point when you add milk. now, if you don't eat it right away, that cereal starts to get soggy. this whole thing starts to depreciate. now, i've identified a very important part of this timeline. i call this the "s.m.b.b., the sugar milk bowl bounce, bang, right it there. you know what. that's that special mix of milk with sugar, yellow number 5, with corn syrup. right here, trevor, you are sitting on a lot of liquidity,
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all right. and that liquid is delicious milk. so... ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: yeah,. >> you get it. you get it. >> trevor: yeah, i think i get it. >> this is a difficult market to understand. that's why i'm an expert. is this a bear market? is this a bull market? this is a tiger market, okay? because if you're kellogg's right now, you're seeing this, and you're thinking, "things are going grrreat." now, trevor, i made a fortune on this. i got a buddy who works from kellogg's, and he told me from the inside that they were going to split up into three companies so i bought a bunch of stock the day before. >> trevor: kosta, that's-- that's insider trading. >> well, that makes sense because i have a shitload of money nonetheless of inside my bank account. the u.k. train strike. >> trevor: yes. >> they, that story. i'm sorry, when i hear boris johnson talking about that, i'm thinking, i don't give a ( bleep ), okay, because, look, as an american, we're dealing
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with too much shit right now, okay. the supreme court just announced that everybody in this audience can have a loaded gun in their pocket. and i'm supposed to be worried about britain's little choo-choo train problem. okay. here's a problem, trevor, if you get on a train and it's 100k, and it costs 10 quid, how many-- i don't give a bleep, okay? that's your biggest problem, britain? that some of you are going to have to take a free ambulance to work? ( laughter ) i can put a-- i can put a semiautomatic fliefl my backpack as i walk my daughter to daycare, okay. >> trevor: do you have a hot tip, michael? you seem a little stressed. >> i already told you, get a buddy who works at the cereal store. he tells you when the value is going to go up and buy the stock. >> trevor: no, michael, that's illegal. we need a tip we can use. >> okay, if you want to save some money. you don't need to buy the cereal to get the toy inside, all
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right? you go to the store, you rip open the box, search around, you find the toirk you walk out of there, it's free. boom. ( cheers and applause ). >> trevor: i'm so glad we have you for this expert advice. michael kosta, everybody. don't go away, when we come back, jordan klepper is going to ask trump supporters what they think about january 6. you don't want to miss it. ( cheers and applause )
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travel pillows? we've been wearing them the wrong way! (yelling) shut up! you gotta share this with rachel! this is how we should swaddle. we could've been doing that the whole time. here's how to fold a fitted sheet. period! did you know you're supposed to twist the seasoning bottle, not shake it? twist it?! flamingos are born gray, not pink! nature is beautiful. this is how you debone a chicken wing. hubba hubba! you twist it, don't shake it. tiktok taught me.
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i was injured in a car crash. you twist it, don't shake it. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire!
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♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio ...and our hottest summer duo, steak and lobster! it's lit! don't miss red lobster's seafood summerfest. (sniffing) i know my old spice long-lasting scents anywhere. that's me, mr. cole. oh... (sniffing) mmm! let's talk about a raise. ( ♪♪ )
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome backing to "the daily show." for the past few weeks, people around the country have been rivetted by the congressional hearings about january 6. the day trump supporters and mike pence played a very intense game of hide-and-seek. now, today's hearing focused on how president trump tried to use the justice department to overturn the election. and according to the acting deputy attorney general, even though the justice department told trump the election wasn't stolen, trump was pretty explicit about what he needed done. >> let's now put up the notes where you-- where you quote the president as you're speaking to that. the president said just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and the republican congressmen. so, mr. donoghue, that's a direct quote from president trump, correct? >> that's an exact quote from the president, yes. >> trevor: wow.
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"just say what i need you to say and leave the rest to me and my boys." that's shady as hell. ( laughter ) and i believe trump said that. because it's also what he said to the doctor when eric was born, "just say it's not mine, and leave the rest to me. i got it. i got it from here." ( laughter ) but with all this damning evidence, the big question is are these hearings changing the minds of trump supporters? well, our very own jordan klepper went to a trump rally in mississippi to find out for another episode of "jordan klepper fingers the pulse." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> last weekend, the trump freedom tour comprised of don, his son, and a caravan of folks looking for book deals, headed to mississippi. and i was curious who was shelling out the $9,000 to $4,000 for a ticket to see the show. much of the country was watching the revelations coming out of the january 6 hearings. and surely these politically
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engaged folks were also tuned in. have you guys been watching the january 6 hearings? >> no. >> have you watched any of the january 6 hearings? >> not really. i had a-- >> you what? >> i changed phones. >> are you watching them? >> no. >> why not? >> "a," time. >> you don't have time to watch a two-hour hearing. >> yeah. >> how long are you here today? >> until 5:00. >> you got here at? >> i got here at 7:00. >> which makes it 10 hours. >> right. >> but the two-hour hearing, who has time for that shit. most were paying no attention and there were some playing even less attention. what happened about what happened on january 6? what do you think about what happened there? >> i don't really know about january 6. >> january 6 the-- >> election day? >> no, election day was back in november. do you... >> i don't even know-- >> do you know about january 6? >> no. >> so when i say, "january 6" that means-- >> nothing, i don't know. >> that's just a date to you. >> yeah. >> did you hear about the
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insurrection attempt at the capitol? >> no. >> no. >> for almost everyone here, insurrectioning was a nonissue. it was the hearings themselves that were the problem. >> i think it's an abomination. >> it's just mccarthyism, it's a witch trial. >> it's a witch hunt. >> it is. >> a mob of people coming together with pitch forks. >> yeah. >> saying-- and we can't have that. >> with an agenda. here's the narrative we're pushing, and that's all we're pushing is our narrative. >> a mob of people with an agenda pushing an agenda, that can't stand in america. >> no. >> we should have an investigation about a mob of people. >> we should. >> everybody would watch that. >> yeah, absolutely. >> oh! nancy pelosi she is very responsible for what went on then. she planned it. >> she planned what happened. >> i believe so. >>ia did she plan to get attacked by a mob of trump supporters. >> because she wanted to be able to blame it on the trump supporters and have something bad to say about them. >> shouldn't we be investigating that? >> no. >> you must be watching the january 6 committee. >> no.
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>> what was it people were watching? >> 2,000 mulz came out, and it showed a lot of stuff. >> you got 2,000 mulz. >> and this movie, 2,000 mulz. >> 2,000 mulz. >> yes. >> 2,000 mulz is a documentary claiming massive voter fraud based on some cell phone data and surveillance footage that's been lauded by trump, laughed at by bill barr, discredited by fact checkers and banned from even right-wing media because of its unfounded claims. >> you know, if you turn on fox news, they have never mentioned that movie once. somebody's pulling the strings. >> who do you think it is? >> it may be obama. >> you think obama is pulling the strings? you think it's possible that fox news doesn't mention 2,000 mulz. your theory, there's a giant conspiracy up on top in which they don't do it, or the second theory is that movie is not credible. >> i know the movie is credible. >> maybe sharing some of the committee's findings would break through this maga bubble. rudy giuliani was drunk the night of the election and was it
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was partially his idea to deny the election results. buy it? >> i haven't seen that. you're the first source i've gotten on that. >> you haven't heard that at all? >> no. >> that rudy was drunk that night? >> it's an election night. i wouldn't be surprised if anybody was. >> you trust a drunk rudy giuliani? >> i'm not saying i trust a drunk rudy giuliani. >> the question is, you have trusted yourself or other individuals that you're with under the influence of alcohol? >> i totally have. >> then what's the difference? >> i am not the commander in chief in charge of the united states of america. >> it doesn't matter. >> i think that's an important detail. if we one was willing to turn on the hearing, i decided to bring the hearing to them. i first shared testimony from trump's own acting attorney general, dismissing trump's claims of voter fraud. ( sighs ) >> like i said... you just can't be up 300,000 votes and then lose.
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>> but that's trump's attorney general, does that sway you at all? >> he turned on him. he's been paid by somebody to shut his mouth. >> he's saying the-- >> he's saying the opposite? >> he's saying there wasn't fraud. that's bullshit. does that change your perspective and your assumptions? >> it does. >> you're not going to go in there right now? >> i am. >> you're going in there to hear donald trump speak. >> yes. >> good, productive chat. >> what's your response there. >> i think it's true. >> you think bill barr is right? >> yeah. >> he's talking about the fact that the election was stolen is bullshit. >> for sure. >> he says it wasn't stolen. >> oh,. >> no. >> no, it was stolen. >> you don't believe that? >> no. >> who do you trust? trump, trump's family. >> i trust trump. >> you trust ivanka? >> i do. i think she's very smart and very intelligent. >> this is what she said.
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>> i don't know that's not... edited in any way. >> you don't believe she actually said that? >> did she say it on twitter? >> it don't even look like her. >> you don't think that-- >> it could not be-- it might be one of those, what do they've got clones out there? these days. it might be a clone. >> it might be an ivanka clone. it's almost like you're confronted with it and your brain does somersaults to figure out there must be some other reason. >> she looks frightened. >> she does look scared, like she's been caught. what do you think? >> i am confuels a little bit. >> >> ivanka, his daughter, says she accepts what the attorney general says, which is the election wasn't stolen, that trump lost.
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>> well, is it a lie? >> if you listen to these people, yeah, it's a big lie. and i'm fearful you're going to go inside there, and he's going to keep telling you that lie. >> we should go. >> yeah. >> i think we're ready to cut this off. >> being confronted with uncomfortable information isn't easy to swallow, but this crowd chooses to live by the immortal words of rudy giuliani, who said, "we've got lots of theories. we just don't have the evidence," especially when it comes to donald trump. >> i believe him and the military are running the country and that idnot that's up there is a puppet and obama is in the basement telling him what to do. >> that sounds so crazy it's probably not true. >> you probably don't want to ask me what i think about 95. >> you guys are theories for miles. >> i know probably not all of it is true, but enough of it is true to know that we need change in this country. >> yeah, a little bit of shit in the pool doesn't mean you can't swim in it. >> right. >> trevor: jordan klepper, everybody. when we come back, elliot page
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[ phone ringing ] this friday... and t -you don't have much time. "the black phone" is a horror movie masterpiece. you are special. answer the call this friday. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is oscar-nominated actor elliot page. he's here to talk about the new season of his hit netflix series, "the umbrella academy." >> he wants to throw you a big, student party so you can feel loved. >> oh. >> do you feel loved? >> yeah. i do. >> good.
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can we all get back to saving the world now? ♪ ♪ ♪ i really like the hair. >> thanks. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: please welcome elliot page! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> trevor: hello. >> wow. hi, everybody. >> trevor: welcome back to the show. >> thank you. thanks so much for having me again. >> trevor: let's start with the most important thing. congratulations, your show number one on netflix as we speak. ( cheers and applause ). pretty amazing. i'd love to know, when you start a project, do you have any inclination-- do you go like, this is going to be a hit? do you have an idea it will be a hit or go with it and hope for the best? >> you have to go with it and hope for the best. i have definitely been in things that you think are going to be hits and they're not.
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and i've had the opposite. and i think it's mostly about being present and enjoying the process because we never know whatever is going to happen about anything. >> trevor: what i think a lot of people have enjoyed is how the writers incorporated your personal story into the story on the show. both yourself and the character have transitioned, and it's just like this beautiful moment where we're seeing families and acceptance and people not understanding. what did you enjoy about that part of the storytelling? >> well, i really enjoyed the collaboration, our wonderful show runner steve blackman was really excited about incorporating it, and incredible writer, journalist, thomas page mcbeaker who i have known since he wrote on a miniseries i did years ago. and he came on board to really help craft the story and the journey. and i'm proud of it. and, you know, it's just an aspect of viktor, and he's with his family that loves him. like they said, we have to get back to saving the world. >> trevor: "we have to get back to saving the world."
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( applause ) my brother sent me a text message the other day, which i felt was pertinent to this conversation. because we were talking about super heroes and super powers. and my younger brother was like, if you had any power in the world-- like if everyone was getting a power at the same time, what would yours be? if you could choose any power in real life, what would you choose? >> you know, i really... in the show, the character alison, she has a power with a rumor-- i heard a rumor. >> trevor: yes. >> i think you could do a lot of good stuff with that, you know. and it's-- it's-- you're just speaking and maybe you could help share some positive seeds of thought. >> trevor: i love that. >> yeah, that's. >> trevor: i love it, just going around making people's days. ( applause ). >> yeah, right. >> trevor: it's make a testament to you as a person. if you said to me you have the power to go up to people and
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convince them of anything, i don't know that my answer would be as wholesome. you're like i'll use my power to make them feel good about themselves. i would be like, "i heard a rumor you like me." >> i'm not saying you don't get to have those selfish moments. .>> trevor: great, some selfishness. you have been on a journey. "esquire" magazine. i think we have a picture of that. pretty intrifs shot of you. yeah, yeah, no, like you got pretty jacked for that. it's like... i mean... ( cheers and applause ) what's your-- what's your secret? >> you're making me blush. ( laughter ) what's my secret? >> trevor: yeah, because-- here's my thing. whenever people ask me to take a picture for a magazine, then there are many days i stand in front of mirror, and i'm like how do you get this part to not show? you know what i mean. at the to theo shoot, they'll be like, "just be yourself." but if i'm myself this part does this. how do you do this?
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there you're doing the casual thing but it's straight washboard abs and the whole thing. is there a secret behind this? >> you know what? this is my workout that i do, which i did this morning in my living room is all with v.r. >> trevor: wait. ( applause ). >> right? >> trevor: like virtual reality? >> yeah, it feels so weird this is now what we're talking about. >> trevor: no, no, no, i want to talk about this. >> it's called "supernatural." i do not have anything to do with-- with -- >> you're talking about v.r., v.r. >> it's a certain fitness app, and i can do it in my living room, and i can do it if you're traveling i bring it. >> trevor: what are you doing it inside-- are you in a gym on the inside? >> no, you'll, all of a sudden-- ( laughter ) all of a sudden you-- you're in some just extraordinary landscape. >> trevor: okay, okay. >> and you-- this is so funny. and then a trainer pops up for a
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moment. they warm you up. there's a thing called "flow" and "boxing." i prefer the flow, personally. you have these two large kind of bats. like a white one and a black one. >> trevor: this is inside the world, right? >> this is the world. >> trevor: so you're holding the controllers. >> on the horizon this portal emerges, and out come these orbs, like a white and black orbs and they're in the sort of triangle thing. and then you are hitting the corresponding things with your bats. also, simultaneously, triangles are coming out at you. and those are for, like, squats and side squats. and it's also to fantastic music. >> trevor: oh, okay! i think i've played something similar. but not-- no, no, i have. there's one where you-- like beat saber, i think that's what it's called. >> similar-- similar -- >> but now there are squats. >> this is specifically for fitness. and it's amazing. like, i finish it and i'm just -- >> i will safely say, i don't
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think i've ever had a conversation involving squats, triangles, squares, v.r., and stick thingies. thank you i'm going to go try this now. i'm genuinely going to go try this thing. congratulationsing on the show. >> thanks, trevor. >> trevor: thank you so much for being here again. season 3 of "the umbrella academy" is streaming now on netflix. okay, we're gonna take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. this? this is supersonic wifi from xfinity. it's fast. like, ready-for- major-gig-speeds fast. like riding-a-cheetah fast. isn't that right, girl? whoa! it can connect hundreds of devices at once. [ in unison ] that's powerful. couldn't have said it better myself. and with three times the bandwidth, the gaming never has to end. slaying is our business. and business is good. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything.
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reach a vision of a world where allpeople can live their lives safely, openly, and honestly. until next time, stay safe out there. and remember: if you disagree with the decisions this supreme court is making, don't forget to vote, in 2016. now, here it is, your moment of zen. >> i don't think you want to have the water in the picture, right? you can take it out. take it out. yeah, put it over there, nick. >> this table as well? >> yeah, might as well take the table. >> how are you? >> very good, thank you. you know what you can do, nick? put the table back, because it's missing something. put the table back, and put the water on the table without the thing on top of it. okay. how does that look? go ahead, take it out.
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yeah. all right. >> yeah, good. >> right? let's go. captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh ♪ ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna have myself a time ♪ - ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ - ♪ i'm goin' down to south park ♪ ♪ gonna leave my woes behind ♪ - ♪ ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbor ♪ - ♪ headin' on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ - ♪ [muffled] ♪ - ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪
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