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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  June 27, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT

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we did. okay. we did. we did. you know what? it doesn't matter. because i know it happened. and that is all that counts. [shouts] i did do it! >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight the court ends abortion. democrats are show surprised. and draymond green! this is the daily show with trevor noah! (applause). >> trevor: welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for coming out in person. every single one of you, thank you so much. thank you so much. thank you so much. welcome, take a seat, everybody.
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let's do this, we have got a big show for you tonight. we're going to talk about the only thing that anyone is talking about. roe v. wade which has bb overturned. we're talking about how it happened. what it means for you and what can still be done and then on a lighter note our guests tonight fresh off his fourth nba championship with the golden state warriors gray monday green-- draymond green is joining us on the show, that will be a ton of fun, let's go straight into the big news of the day. okay. let's get right into it. for the past few decades conservatives in america have been chipping away at women's reproductive rights. and a few days ago they put the final nail in the coffin. >> tonight the landmark ruling the supreme court overturning roe v. wade taking away the constitutional right to abortion. the historic 5-4 decision overturning nearly 50 years of abortion rights leaving the matter up to states now to
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decide. >> the ruling does not make a-- make abortion illegal but it's no longer a constitutional right so that leaves the issue up to each state. it's likely to become illegal soon in about half the nation. some states have already banned it as of tonight. the rest of the banned states are likely to follow in the coming weeks. >> trevor: that's right, its supreme court has officially overturned roe v. wade. now look, i know we expected it because the decision was leaked back in may but that doesn't make it any better, you know, kind of like when as a kid were you acting up in the grocery store and your mom would tell you i'm going to whip your ass when we get home. oh sweet, i'm glad she told me first, that will soften the blow. because in some ways it almost made it worse. we got to dread the day and now that day is here. and honestly, it's kiep of surreal, for 50 years, 50 years women in america have had a constitutional right to an abortion and now just like that, the supreme court has decided
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that it's finishes. and by the way the constitution didn't change, right. nicolas cage didn't find a lost passage inside of a pyramid somewhere. the only thing that changed is that donald trump, of all people, managed to appoint three prolife justices to the supreme court. judges who by the way went on and on in their confirmation hearings about how much they respect the important precedence of roe versus wade. and we all knew they were full of shit too, huh, because that is the same line you use whenever you book an airbnb. i would never throw a party. party? am i even saying that right, party? by the way in say hot tub in this house, yeah? it seems like the only people on the plan wheat didn't realize what was happening were joe manchin and susan collins whonow say that they were tricked, tricked i tell you by these judges. >> and by the way why does susan collins never get tricked into improving heal care or solving climate change. they is never like oh dammit i accidentally cancelled student
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loan debt, get it together, susan. and if overturning wasn't bad enough just as q age anon itself clarence thomas wrote nea wants the court to reconsider the right to gay marriage, gay sex and contra ception. yeah, imagine that. this dude ask so extreme he is talking about banning rights i didn't even realize could be band. just raiding the newspaper that justice thomas wants to ban the right tone gage in nipple play, what? at some point are you not even a judge, just a cockb plrks ock in a fancy road, that is all you are. (applause) and by the way, by the way, the one ruling clarence thomas doesn't want to overturn and all the others that he mentioned is the right to interracial marriage. yeah. which is a coincidence because he happens to be in an interracial marriage. yeah, i guess apparently if something affects clarence thomas personally he's okay with t makes me think if we could just show get him impregnated by
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like a gay man our problems would be solved. and by the way, that is just a joke, i know there is some right wing pundit is trevor noah threatening toking toed so omize and impregnate a supreme court justice. >> st a joke, calm down. now despite the supreme court ruling to overturn roe v. wade that doesn't mean people in america want abortion outlawed. and the reaction, the reaction to friday's ruling showed just how out of step the supreme court actually is. >> from los angeles to cleef land, and huntsville, alabama. americans took to the streets nationwide over the weekend. the protest largely peaceful, gathering once again outside the justices d.c. area homes friday and stretching from coast to coast today. thousands of proabortion rights activists jammed new york city traffic for hour, others blocking a los angeles freeway.
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>> this decision is an outrage. >> this decision is absolutely terrifying, more than anything it just makes me angry. >> trevor: that's right, from new york to new mexico, millions around the country are furious and rightfully so. because women in america just lost control over their own bodies. which i don't care who you are, is a horrifying thing to be faced with. i mean rudy giuliani called the cops because someone touched his back without permission. imagine if someone forced him to give birth, huh? i mean someone would have to have sex with him first but you get the point. you understand what i'm saying. (applause) and after half a century of having that right it is now being taken away which is especially crazy when you consider that countries like mexico and ireland are moving forward in the opposite direction. you do realize how weird that s right, ireland has had violent conflict between christians and other christians and they are looking at america like gonts
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you think you are taking it a wee bit too far with the jesus stuff, it say little too crazy, don't you think? so the supreme court shught everything down, people are rising in the streets and the democrats responded in a way that only the democrats can. >> democrats are already looking to november, they have fundraising emails going out in response to this decision. they have a new website up swns speaker nancy pelosi looked down cast when she began her press conference. >> i'm personally overwhelmed by this decision. from time to time i quote this poem-- poem. i had no other country even though my land is burning. >> michigan congressman andy levin tweeted a photo of himself in yoga pose saying quote in a moment of intense anger, i turn inward. let us release toksicity. >> i feel like that's the perfect yoga pose for democratic leadership. very little action, and your
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head is basically up your own ass. because i don't know if anybody voted for the performance-- people just want things done. no one cares about kente kotts or singing on the national steps or especially poetry, i feel like any moment chuck schumer will take a knee in the capitol and be like we are all pregnant now and we're standing together. why do democrats do this? why do they do this? not once have i seen mitch mcconnell come out and sing a song about how overwhelmed he. is he just gets things done, he doesn't come out oh, nobody knows the trouble i've seen. ♪ no, every time he used his power to make a new rule, in fact, that presidents can't appoint judges if it is an election year and they're black. >> i didn't make him black, that was his dad. in fact watching the democrats respond and knowing, knowing that they had multiple opportunities to get ahead of this, it made me think maybe
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voters should change things up. maybe you should do a new thing in america. instead of fundraising emails maybe you should do fund rewarding emails, right. make the democrats show you what they have done and then you donate to their cause instead of being like donate, we'll do something. and then they don't. what are they doing. it's the same reason i don't pay my barber before he does the job. yeah, he will get his money after i see what he does with my hairline. i'm not making that mistake again. and now please, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. i'm hoping the democrats are doing nothing in response to this ruling. >> the biden administration said it without fight any attempt to restrict access to abortion, regardless of state laws and protect people who travel out of state to get a legal abortion. plus the senate judiciary committee says that they will hold a hearing next month to explore its options. yeah. yeah, so they are coming through with both too little and too
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late, very nice, very nice. the full range. (applause) all right and in case you are wondering what republican lawmakers think of telling women what they should do with their own bodies, well, they're celebrating the win of small government over the people. >> cheers from antiabortion rights advocates, some celebrating the decision they've been working toward for decades. >> we are the post roe generation. >> over the weekend president trump took a victory lap while his conservative court appointments with republican house member mary miller who made these controversy comments. >> i want to thank you for the historic victory for lives in the supreme court yesterday. >> i utah state legislator is under fire for her remarks defending utah's new abortion ban. >> and my response is i do trust women enough to control when they allow men to ejaculate,
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inside of them and to control that-- . >> trevor: i'm sorry, did she say women should control their intake of semen? how, how by turning the little tap that is on the top of the penis? by turning that. oh, that is enough, i don't want to get too preg nafnt. that other woman with trump, that was even worse. she literally thanks trump for saving white life and to be fair, to be fair, she later said that she misspoke and meant to say right to life. but okay, here is the thing. even if she misspoke, she still just kept on talking without fixing it. it is like she heard herself call it a victory for white lives and thought yeah, that sounds like something i would say, yeah, let's stick with that. what is even worse is the trump supporters applauded her. even if we give her the benefit of the doubt the reaction from the crowd is pretty telling,
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right. it is one thing for a person to accidentally rip a fart in an elevator, but st way worse if everyone else in the elevator goes, oh yeah, yeah, that's the good stuff. yeah, we like that. we like that a lot. (applause) so yeah, prolifers are feeling pret owe good right now but if you think that roe being dead is the end of the story, and you think the right wing are going to take their bibles and go home, think again. they are saying this is just the beginning. >> some emboldened house republicans want to take this one step further by pushing legislation to ban abortion at 15 weeks nationwide. now we know that former vice president mike pence who wants to run for president supports a nationwide ban on abortion. >> another big question is over the abortion pill, as it is called. some states may want to target that medication. >> the states that ban abortion, it is illegal to get those pills from a doctor. and some states are trying to go
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further and also ban receiving the pills by mail from a state where they are legal. >> yeah, you see conservative extremists aren't going to stop fighting just because they got roe overturned. they just won a huge victory y would they quit now, when it seems for the touchdown they don't just walk down the field congratulating other, the new york jets do but the rest keep trying to run up the score. and that's what these people have their sights set on. because first it was no late-term abortion, okay. seems reasonable. then it was no abortion after 23 queening weeks, then 15 week, then six, now zero, what's next. are they just going to make tiny handcuffs to arrest every sperm that didn't fertilize an egg s that what it will be. maybe next time you think twice before ending up in a sock instead of a vagina, huh? i know many people around the country feel infur rated, depressed and like there is no hope. but there is. there really is. first of all there are many organizations, grassroots organizations on the ground who
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have already been helping women who couldn't get an abortion because they live in some of these most extreme states so you can donate to them or volunteer. and i am sure with the democrats in power there is something you can actually do. yeah. here, actually i wrote you a poem. roses are red, violets are blue, the people voted so how about doing your [bleep] and passing laws to codify contra ception, and marriage rights and all the other rights the supreme court has threatened to take away, and so are you. (cheers and applause) all right. time for us to take a quick break but before we go, let's catch up with our very own desi lydic, everybody. (applause) desi, desi, i know, i know normally we come to you for the weather right now but if you don't want to talk about that today i totally understand. >> oh no, no, trevor strks okay. i would love to do the weather today. >> are you sure.
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>> trevor: we really don't have to i normally ask for it but this time i'm fine. >> no, no, trust me. there is a lot going on in the weather that we need to talk about. and that is my choice. >> trevor: okay. all right, what's going on in the weather, desi. >> well, trevor let'sstart in this part of the country with these red states. where you can expect a real shitstorm, we're looking at widespread power outages as in your power to make your own decisions. so ladies, you might want to stock up on those rain coats before justice a littleo-- alito bans them too. and for the men in this region, this storm effects you too. now i hope you have been saving up for a rainy day because this one might last you 18 years, long fer you pay for college it was a fun night though. now let's take a look at what is happening along the coast. particularly in new york and california where there is a powerful surges of desperate
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people flooding into your state. so blow up those air mattresses and fill up that gas tank because tammy from tulsa is moving in. now and this is important. let's take a look at the nation's capitol. here is where you are going to see a strong downpour of unprecedented shitbagery. we're seeing three separate natural disasters converging to form what meteorologists like to call a what the [bleep] nato. now first let's talk about congress which is experiencing a severe drought of leadership, very, very dry conditions. now over at the white house they have been experiencing some very high winds, just completely blowk-- blowing it. but the real weather event is happening over at the supreme court. now our storm centers have been tracking this for years so we knew this acid rain was coming but that doesn't mean it still doesn't burn the hell out of our
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t-w-- so that's its weather, back to you, trevor. plaws plawls. >> trevor: i think, thank you, thank you very much, desi. but clearly that wasn't about the weather. >> no, no, it wasn't. [bleep] sam alito and anyone else that tells a woman what to do with their own body. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: desi lydic, everybody, don't go away. when we come back michael kosta will tell us what men can do about the end of roe v. wade, you don't want to miss it, desi you don't want to miss it, desi lydic, y'all.
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sorry i'm late! dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff] [water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!) i was injured in a car crash. (here you go.) i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm.
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when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ ♪ and party every day. ♪ ♪ i want to rock and roll all night ♪ applebee's late night. because half off is just more fun. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, its yoafer turning of roe v. wade say maijary tack on women's reproductive rights but it is not a battle that women have to fight alone.
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we sent michael kosta to find out what men could do. >> a woman's right to chas is being eroded across this country. and as a man have i been paying very close half attention to this issue for several weeks. >> thousands of people are standing up for a woman's right to choose. >> after nearly 50 years the nation's highest court overturns roe versus wade, taking away the constitutional right to an abortion. >> that we're going all the way back to the way things were in 1970. >> it is a war on women. that is what it is. >> to investigate more into women's reproductive rights i went to the obvious choice, a man. meet dr.-- who trained had family medicine in obstetrics. let's talk about some of these antiabortion laws piling up. right now women that want to have an abortion have to leave the state like it is ted cruz during an emergency. >> it seement thases we either punish, criticize and judge just the women.
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and that is unusual because men actually were part of that reproductive process. it takes two to tango. and the men seem to be absent in this whole discussion. >> you're right and we can protest and we can vote and we can. >> get a vasectomy. >> what did you just say. >> get a vasectomy. >> slow down, slow down isn't that a bit zero to a hundred. maybe tickle the balls before we slice them off. >> we don't slice test particular ems off. for decades women have carried the burden of contra ception. men in general have assumed that reproductive decisions fall on the shoulders of women. so getting more vasectomies show that we care, that we want to participate, that is not all but that is a very good first step. >> cutting offer the balls is a good first step. >> you do understand what a vasectomy is. >> yeah t is when you remove the
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the vasect in me. >> you interrupt the vas defer ins. >> i know. >> st a small structure that comes out of the testicle. >> that is where, testicle. >> and transports the sperm. >> sperm. >> and put it into the semen so it comes out through the penis and then you can get somebody preg nant. >> do you have to wear one of those cones can, that is what my dog has to do. >> no, you don't. >> if i get a vasectomy how high will my voice go after that. >> it will not. >> i won't be talking like this, dr. g. >> no, lies en, st responsible to do something like that because are you being part of the reproductive decision. >> and dr. g wasn't alone in his beliefs of newtering men to make the world a better place. >> about a half million vasectomies are performed in the united states every year, doctors say that number may be
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increasing in texas following the passage of the state's heartbeat act. >> that's right, so far there has been a 15% surge of vasectomies motivated by the state law. >> have you ever had a vasectomy. >> yes, i did my own vasectomy. >> did you it. >> i did it. >> was it like a moment of extreme horniness and you had to do it right then and there. >> listen, the point here is not i did my vasectomy. >> no, that is the point. are there any other medical procedures you performed on yourself crazy doctor. >> the point is it is so simple that if a surgeon decides to do t and is able to do it, then other men should have no problem getting that procedure done. >> what about just the pull out method. >> the pullout midst method doesn't work? >> it doesn't. >> oh my god. oh my god. >> maybe dr. g was on to something. but i wanted to hear from a regular old joe who wasn't a doctor. a completely normal american who was willing to get his scrotum
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touch and let me watch. >> why are you getting a vasectomy. >> i'm getting one because my wife has already went through child birth and all of those different hormone changes so i figured that a vasectomy was something i could do to help take some of that burden off of her. >> i have a kid, she's cute, 2 years old there are good days, those are nice, those good days and there are bad days. yesterday, she wouldn't eat. so i made her some oatmeal and she keeps taking the spoon and throws the spoon i would say no throw and she would say no throw and then-- she would throw it. and now i'm like okay so you're not going to eat. so then i tried to put pants on her but she-- put her pants on, if anything they ripped off her diaper filled with all this gross urine and poo and throws the diaper and now the dog is eating the diaper filled with poo and i'm going do i love my kid. i think i love my kid. i tell her i love her all the time but she never says anything back. if anything she just takes, takes, takes, you know, here i
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am making all this money and she is just throwing her diapers and throwing oatmeal and it's-- [bleep] hard being a parent. maybe i should get a vasectomy. >> are you a cool guy. i think doing this, if the people at home, you know, aren't sure if he is a cool dude, sunglasses are in, for an indoor interview, if anything that communicates you are a [bleep]. >> yeah, i look forward to seeing your scotal sac and the left and right vas def rens. >> i'm sure he has great memories but now it was time to say good-bye. >> oh these nuts. ♪ the pipes, the pipes they just no more.
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♪ snip snip. ♪ enjoy the carefully sex snoats if change your mind. ♪ it totally reversible. ♪ sleepless nights. ♪ you'll still have them but it won't be from unwanted children. ♪. >> we're done. >> what? >> we're done. >> you're done. >> i haven't even got toan my other verse. >> that's fast. all right. no more travis seed to impregnate women. that is a hero. and wile getting a vasectomy is not a solution in helping women with their reproductive rights, it is a snip in the right direction. (cheers and applause). >> trevor: thank you so much for that michael kosta. when we come back, draymond green is joining me on the show, don't go away.
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[forest sounds] [crunch] aaahh. liisshh. push it.
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[fox begins beatboxing] ♪ aaahh push it ♪ ♪ ooo baby baby, ba-baby baby ♪ sorry i'm late! dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff] [water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!)
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(man) [whispering] what's going on? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could save (here you go.) money by doing nothing. just be claim-free on your home insurance for three years. (man) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (dad) bravo! (mom) that's our son! (burke) we should. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> trevor: welcome back to the daily show, my guest tonight say four niem nba champion and four time nba all-star who plays for the golden state warriors. he's here to talk about his latest championship win, his hit podcast and so much more, please welcome draymond green.
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(applause). >> trevor: mr. draymond green, welcome to the daily show. >> thanks for having me, i appreciate it. >> trevor: are you kiddingk i'm shocked you have sometime to do anything after winning your fourth nba championship, does it ever get old? >> you know, this one feels different than any other one. >> trevor: in what way? >> it is like the ultimate [bleep] you, it's the best. >> trevor: let's talk about it, let's jump straight into t this is what i love but. there was an era in sports where people would sort of say what they mean on the court but then when they would come off the court they would do an interview, what do you think about this, oh t was a good game, it was a fun game, draymond green says what he feel, what he means. the fans love you about this, i love was watching post game interviews because of you.
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let's talk about that as peskt the game, you have been honest about that, people wrote the team off saying golden state was done for, does this feel like vindication in the biggest ways-- way within. >> it does, i feel like people doubted us more this time. everybody is like why, why in the are you saying f everybody and shut up. and that is because the reality is they disrespected the work we've already done. >> trevor: right. >> to disrespect us as if we aren't champions and write us off like we hadn't done it before, that is why i say [bleep] you so-- . >> trevor: this is what i like, there san element of danger that has been infused into the team because i think you know, this golden state warriors are an amazing team but you guys have like a bit of a, a christian youth group vibe but, do you know what i mean, like clay and steph, you are the bad boy, clay and stef is like i will see you on sunday, like a nice thing, i think there was attitude in the league where
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people are like they are the nice guys, you can say anything about them, they won't do anything. i saw you in one of the post match interviews, what do you think happen, you said i think i was too soft in that game. you changed everything after that how do you maintain being good players, good people, but still bringing enough hardness. >> i think ultimately you follow yir whreeder-- your leader and so when you call us a youth church group thrarks is stef curry to the t, that is who he is. he might as well go run the ministry. now clay i think everybody kind of has misunderstood. >> trevor: in what way. >> clay is a little wild. >> trevor: okay. >> clay will go off the rail a little bit. >> trevor: is this preinjury clay or post injury. >> he is a little more tame after the injury. >> trevor: oh wow, okay. >> but i think you know, there is a misconception, don't take this as misrespect of why he-- .
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>> trevor: funny you say that to me. >> don't get hurt, trevor. >> like no, but just like this misconception of-- guys being soft and i always but like you-- . >> trevor: yeah. >> like you just said, i was the soft one, like we saw game one, stef curry was great. >> trevor: yeah. >> i was the soft one. so i think if maybe time to change the misconception. >> trevor: okay, okay, you got four championships. you know t feels like each championship has a story. the first time is who is the team. what are they doing. this whom mix. i would argue that your team has almost reshaped basketball, the way teams play, the way you move the ball, where people shoot from, how you defend t all of that has changed because of golden state. >> absolutely. >> trevor: when you look at your fourth championship how do you motivate yourself to do even more, most will go i have won, what else do i have to push
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myself on. >> well, lebron has four and if i get five i'm the greatest ever, right? >> oh, oh! >> honestly, like that is the challenge. like you can do it again. like the moments we finished i'm standing up on the podium and this is crazy. like it is wild. how do we get back here. >> i lick that. >> so it is feeling like my biggest feel when we won the first one was that this feeling was so great i will never feel this again in my life. so you just are chasing that feeling again. and quite frankly, like i said before its season, nobody has proveen that they can be that. >> hmmmm, hmmmm. >> so you are going into another season, the team is looking good. the spirit, just in the city, like if you are in oakland, even around san francisco, you can feel there say pride in and around the team. i feel a change in you as well in that you know there was some moments where they felt like draymond greens with angry,
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people weren't giving you the respect you deserve. now it feels like you play with the danger but you have-- anger but is you have a different swag, you lost at people's doubts, you enjoy those moments on your podcast, for instance, you have put it all out there, what do you think changed in your life. >> i think a, having a fiance that i have, she is incredible. she has changed me. >> i love that. >> thank you. >> and also my children, they changed me and like my mom constantly reminded me hey, the baby is watching like make sure you are on your best behavior, the babies are watching you, so i think that has changed me and it has helped me channel it a lot. now another thing that has helped me is when you have that fire and that as a second round pick, everybody loves it, it's great but when you carry that same chip as a four time all-star, four time champion, it's then distasteful because are you not the underdog any more. >> trevor: that's interesting.
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>> so what i realized is that i was carrying that same chip that allowed me to remember the 34 guys that was drafted before me in the year five and six and people are starting to look at it like man, that's nasty, that is distasteful and i knew that i wanted to change that. i don't want the perception of me to be a bad taste in someone's mouth. >> trevor: i hear what you are saying. you weren't trying to be the vilan just somebody who is driven and it changes with your position of po wemplet i hear you, before i let you go there is one thing i always wanted to know about that element of the game with the players on the teams and fans and all of that. is you have this camaraderie, you guys have this drive, you have this world that we don't know about as a fan. and when the fans are kussing you guys out from the side, on the one hand, fans are there to throw you off your game, they want to say whatever to get at you and that is part of being alive. on the other hand are you human beings, you have families, emotions, how do you think we find that balance between what fans can say at a game and what you should or shouldn't respond to as an athlete.
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>> i used to feel like fans should be stopped from saying some of the things that they say. >> uh-huh. >> commissioner silver comes out and say those-- are great, i'm like all right, commissioners are the best commissioner like i said on my tweet, is he probably one of the best c.e.o.s in america let alone commissioner of the sports league. but is he like oh, that's great. so my response to that is great, cool, can i turn the [bleep] because if i can, then no problem, let's them yell what they want to yell. i yell what i want to yell, and i continue down the court so the thing for me is like at some point, you're kind of allowing them to do this, and encouraging it in a way because they know if i yell that to draymond and he says that back to me he is going to be fined 20,000, 50,000. so what i say to the commission, no problem. that was fun. let's them do their thing.
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but let me do my thing and don't hit my pocket book. >> i could talk to you for ever but that is what the podcast is for, check out the podcast, draymond green show and the special, draymond green now available on prime individual yovment take a quick break. we'll be right back after this. thank you so much.
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>> well that's our show for tonight but before we go, if you or someone you know needs help accessing abortion care go to abortion or call the national abortion hotline at 1-800-772-9100. you still have options. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, if you have the house, the senate and the presidency, well then probably nothing you can do. now here st, your moment of zen. ♪. >> we'll make sure that when a kid is in the womb they are as safe as they are in a classroom. >> the strangest thing you ever >> the strangest thing you ever said. i have to tell you that i did get some very exciting news recently. and i don't know if i should really tell you exactly what it is, because it's really not a definite thing yet. -man: come on! -woman: come on! [cheers, claps] well, i will tell you what i do know so far. according to the information that i have
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in the envelope that i received, it seems... that i may have already won some very valuable prizes. [audience laughs] well, thank you. thank you very much. well... thank you. that's very nice to hear that. but in all honesty... i have to say, i didn't even know i was in this thing. [audience laughs] but according to the readout, it looks like i am among the top people that they are considering. you know, that's what annoys me about sweepstakes companies. they tease you with that, "you may have already won." i'd like once for a sweepstakes company to have some guts. come out with the truth. just tell people the truth one time. send out envelopes, "you have definitely lost." [audience laughs] you turn it over, giant printing, "not even close." you open it up, there's this whole letter of explanation: "even we cannot believe how badly you've done in this contest." [audience laughs]
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mmm. so creamy. so delicious. worth every calorie. ok! [ chuckles ] [ grunting ] [ screaming ] [ grunting ] [ sigh ] hey. [ cackle ] blah. blah. blah. [ gibberish ]
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