tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central July 27, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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ychiatrist and learn to control whht i say. ♪ i got a golden ticket ♪ thanks to kyle! ♪ i got a golden twinkle in my eye ♪ - aw, shit! - aw, shit! captioning by captionmax >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight, doing it for the gram. who wants to be idaho. and rafael mangual. this is the daily show with trevor noah! (cheers and applause). >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah thank you so much for tuning in, thank you for coming out. thank you so much for being here.
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thank you so much for being here, thank you so much for being here. we got a great show for you tonight. take a seats, everybody. let's do this thing. we've got a great show. it's really packed, nancy pelg osi is kick off world war three, we sent ronny chieng to idaho and kim kardashian is going to beat mark zuckerberg's ass, so let's do this, let's jump straight into today's headlines. >> okay. before we get into the big stories let's catch up on a few other things that are going on. first of all, president biden has officially tested negative for covid and he got his doctor's approval to come out of isolation. yes, swi great. really is great. it is also the only positive approval he has at the moment, you know. but that's a start, that's a start. in economic news the federal reserve has announced it will be raising interest rates yet again. to try and fight inflation.
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yeah, so your ability to buy a house has gone from no chance to what part of no chance don't you understand? and in pandemic news, two new studies have concluded that covid-19 almost certainly started at the wuhan markets. yeah. and i'm so glad we have this information because i mean now it's clear what we have to do. we have to build a time machine and go back in time two years and invest in pell o ton because its peloton t is going to blow up when the pandemic hit, mawk a lot of money. what are we supposed to do with this information now, what will we do with that, it cames from the wuhan market, i'm in the buying my groceries there any more. cancel instacart order. and finally the jackpot for the mega millions lottery is now sitting at over a billion dollars. (applause) billion. which is like a week's worth of
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gas. and just by the way, just by the way, can i just say how i love how people hate paying taxes but if you think about it, a lottery is really just taxes. right? we all put our money into a thing and then it goes to someone. and everyone is like yeah, this is fair, this is fair. but if you say to everyone let's take that money and put a billion dollars into schools everyone is like taxes are bullshit. i don't want to pay tax, all right, let's puts our money, one person gets it, this is great, this is fantastic, this is a fair strnlings i don't know why we don't all do t actually there is another thing the justice department is now actively investigating donald trump's involvement in the plot to overturn the election. yeah, another investigation. (applause) and i don't know, at this point, i feel like the justice department is just going to have to dedication-- dedicate an entire division to trump, the national security division, the civil rights division and the what the hell did donald trump do now division, it will be a high stress environment.
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basically going sound like a fast food joint during the dinner rush, we got two-- agents, three witness tampering, a serving of corruption, don't forget the porn star on the right, come on, we've got crime, people, keep it moving, keep it moving. >> but anyway, let's move on to some of the bigger news stories of the day. starting with china. first name, made in. for decades now the world has been worried about if or when china would choose to invade taiwan. and the reason for this is that china has said that taiwan is part of china. they are out there on the streets acting like they are sij. and because kinda knows invading taiwan could spark an international interest, they haven't done it but since russia invaded ukraine and basically only got canceled on twitter it has been reported that the chinese government thinks that now might be the perfects time to strike, yeah. the same way i saw my friend brian telling his mom to go to
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hell. an i thought wow, that is a cool idea. i will tell my mom off too. yeah. that was the day i made the painful discovery that my mom has a different parenting style than-- mom, very different. anyway russia is basically brian, all right. so china is preparing to take what they say is rightfully theirs. but it turns out if they want to get to taiwan, they have going to need to go through nancy pelosi? >> how speaker nancy pelosi planned to visit taiwan, has created a stir in both beijing and washington. >> tensions are running high between the u.s. and china amid talks of air visit by u.s. house speaker nancy pelosi to taiwan. u.s. officials are working to convince pelosi of the diplomatic risks much her potential trip. >> beijing is furious over a potential trip by house speaker nancy pell os toi taiwan. china sees the self-ruled island as a breakaway province that must be reunified with the mainland.
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beijing is against any link that appears to have taiwan as an independent country or makes a u.s. relationship more formal and just yesterday china's defense department urged the u.s. to cancel pelosi's visit. the department spokesperson said quote if the u.s. insists on taking its own course, the chinese military will never sit idly by. >> trevor: goddam, they make it sound like the chinese military will run over nancy pelosi with a tank, you know, completely destroy her. that was a good presentation for the mid terms but still i don't know why she would go there. i know what are you thinking right now, are you like why is nancy pelosi trying to provoke a war, huh? did she buy stock in bombshell teres last week? hey, show some respect. those are the stock traders are lucky guesses. the truth is nancy pelosi has been a big champion of high want ease independent for decades now. her thing. by this still is a big headache for joe biden. between inflation, ukraine, gas prices, and the mid-terms, the
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man does not have time to get into a war with china. i mean that's probably the reason covid left him so quickly. the virus is like my man, you're dealing with a bunch of shit right now, i'm bounce but i will be back in a few weeks, can i do that now, you have to do that yourself. you know what nancy is doing here, because its administration is like don't do it nancy, nancy is like i'm going anyway. she is doing that classic thing where drunk whites woman get into a fight on behalf of their man where they are like you know what, we're notes going to take this, my boyfriend is going to kick your ass and the boyfriend is like nancy, nancy, nancy, shut up, this is china. i don't care, my boyfriend knows karate. goddam t nancy, just get in the car, gets in the car, nancy. no one wants a world war. speaking of potential world war, we should definitely talk about the battle brewing over instagram. you know the best app to see which of your high school friends are voched in-- if you have been on instagram lately you may have noticed that it, it
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sucks, right. everything is an ad. and your feed is full of people you don't follow. which is so confusing. cuz i'm scrolling and i start reading someone's post, do i know this person? was i supposed to be at this wedding? and then you look and it says because you follow your friend, we thought you might like a post from a stranger. no, i don't. like the cute dress. anyway, everyone-- everything has been complain being instagram. everyone has been complaining but they haven't been forced to respond until now. because the royal family of instagram has stepped into the fray. >> instagram is defending itself after users started complaining about changes to the social media platform it all started monday when kiley jenner and kim kardashian posted messages on instagram saying make instagram
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instagram again, stop trying to be tiktok. users appeared to have agreed slamming instagram for pushing more video content rather than pictures. c.e.o. adam mosseri responded on twitter saying the changes are designed to improve the user experience. >> i do believe that more and more of instagram is going to become video over time. we see this even if we change mooing. >> mosseri said the changes will help people discover new content, but he said users can turn off recommendations for one month if they don't like what is in their feed. >> trevor: yeah, that's right, people, you thought instagram was for pictures of your friends, well that's over! yeah. you always bitching about brunch piques, now you will be begging to see them, please, it was avocado toast, i just want to what my friends were eating, too bad, you ain't never going see yir friends again. (laughter) and it really sucks, man. it sucks because we choose who to follow for a reason. now they're just going to swich
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it on us, you can't do that, you know. like the 12 disciples were followers of jesus. right? they chose jesus. you can imagine if one day someone was just like today's sermon will be delivered by ja rule. like no, wait, i wanted to hear from jesus, no, trust us, take it away ja rule. >> thou shalt always be there when thoa calls thou shalt always be on time, i gave you my laws. >> trevor: even worse it seems like instagram wants to get into the algorithm game and that is what i am worried about because it will change everything. they are only about engagement. right? the only see things that make you angry, make you sad, make you horny. the problem with that, that all happens within a few posts with an emotional roller coaster. just like oh i'm so mad about this random racist event. i'm
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sad about all the poverty and goddam that ass is fine. whooo. but that ass voted for trump. all right, that's it for today's headlines, let's move on to something that em loves, time to check on the lotto numbers with dulce sloan, everybody. (cheers and applause) >> hello,. >> trevor: how are you doing today, what is happening in the lottery? >> i'm very confused as to why i am doing this lotto. >> trevor: what do you mean? >> there is a billion dollars lotto, somebody is going to win, why am i doing this regular ass lotto. like you never told me, like what do you win in this rinky dink ass lotto. i come in here every couple of weeks, read some american numbers and then go to hell on about my business. what am i even ear for. >> trevor: the reason you are here is because. >> winning a billion dollars is
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too much money. that's supervilan money. you hold a country ransom and ask for a blt dollars, that is the kind of money that can ruin your life, you can imagine a regular person going into a 7/11 to get a hot pok theat is going to be hot on the outside but cold on the inside. they already don't make good choices and they walk out a billionaire? do you want hot pocket kenny to be a billionaire? no, you don't. the best thing they can do is just give a hundred people 10 million dollars. yeah, that's like,. >> trevor: but why? why? >> cuz that's like nfl money, you see what i am saying, you buy your mama a housings you pay your home boy's rent for a year and are you done, that is all you got to do. because just walking into a 7/11 and winning a billion dollars ds
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disrespectful to billionaires. okay. we know what oprah went through. to become a billionaire. she hasn't had bread in years. (applause) is approximate pays to work offer its back and blaryds of his employees. to get to be a billionaire. and i am just supposed to respect somebody who walks to a 7/11, burns their mouth on a stale keto and now has more money than the gross national product of most countries? no, that's disrespect. because that man is not going to do classic billionaire shut like put a boat in a boat, what?
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-- that is billionaire shit, you ain't seeing a picture of a man parking a boat in his yacht. you know, you know what are you going to do es sea going to put a trailer in a trailer. (applause) its rich don't need this. the illuminati don't need this. the illuminati don't need broke diq showing up to their illuminati sex party. >> trevor: okay, dulce, just read my lotso numbers please. >> 11, listen. you know i'm glad biden is not sick any more, 22. but what i want to know is what happened to the good old days when your president was sick, and they didn't tell you. didn't we have a president with polio? do you know which one it was?
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exactly! 48. >> you're not supposed to know that a president has a debilitating disease, okay. we are the most powerful country in the world. everybody hates us. and we have all the guns, right? so if the man with the nuclear code has his wife rubbing vices vapo rub on his chest, we're not supposed to know that. 2 and 7. >> trevor: okay, dulce, wait, weights, where are you getting these numbers from. >> trevor, where are we getsing the money from for this th lotto? don't ask questions if you don't want to answer questions. now trevor, should you be saying thank you dulce sloan. >> trevor: thank you dulce
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but what happens when there is a red and blue division inside a state? well, ronny chieng went to find out. >> america is becoming more and more politically divided every day. but i found an answer to this division right here in the heart of, wait, where the hell are we again? deep in eastern oregon one patriot has come up with an ingenuous plan to fix its state's political gridlock. >> my name is mike carter, citizens for greatser idaho. >> so what is move oregon border. >> we want to adjust the border, taking eastern oregon and shiferlting into idaho to help maintain a conservative values that idaho has over there. >> you're like the first guy i have ever met who wants to go to idaho. >> for decades oregon has been a blue state with most of its population concentrated around portland in the northwest.
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but the conservative eastern counties of oregon are sick of this liberal bar resta bull sz hit and get the-- out of oregon and become part of greater idaho. there was this one thing that didn't make sense to me. >> okay, this might sound crazy but why don't you just move to idaho? >> by moving the border we're changing who governs us, without having to pull up our stakes. >> you want the idaho without having to be in idaho. >> absolutely. >> ingenuous. >> i want a better government over me. >> but yet you don't have to live in idaho. >> no, not have to live in idaho, no the have to move, can i stay where i live right now. >> exactly, swi great. >> yeah. >> and it's not idaho. >> right. >> and as crazy as this idea might sound this movement has momentum. nine oregon counties have already passed ballot measures to explore joining idaho.
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with two more voting in november. so what exactly do these people hate about their neighbors in the northwest? it is pretty of the same stuff all fox news you hear about whatever city they live next to. >> i grew up around portland. used to be able to walk on the streets and stuff, now you get shot. >> racial riots is the reason, break in, free tv, you know. >> they voted in for the more marijuana plant, now they will put in the mushroom plants. >> i hear you but idaho? >> it's not moving to idaho, it's bringing the border over. >> of course, you don't want to move to idaho, that would be crazy, you want to bring idaho. >> yes. >> these cultural differences are tearing oregon apart. but not everyone thinks divorce is the answer. constitutional law scholar normal williams. >> this is not going to happen, moving a state border even five or ten yards is tremendously difficult. south carolina and north carolina did this just in 2017. >> okay, well, it's been done
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before. just doing more. if you look at the statute that both states had to do to just deal with 19 homes being moved. >> you move the oregon idaho border by 300, 400 miles, the complexity of that is just overwhelming. >> man, you would have been sump a bummer on the oregon trail, would you have been the guy like what about tie foid what about disteria, what about the exos of-- turns out that the ton of on stack ems on the trail out of oregon. liability. state debt. pension obligations, and a long list of incompatible laws. especially recreational marijuana. legal in oregon, not in idaho. but luckily mike has those answers. >> i don't have those answers. i shouldn't answer those questions because i'm not in the decision process. >> they are just the ideas guy, walking in your house and going
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let's get a divorce. >> let's sit down and talk about it let's put it into the legislatures hands because they are the decision makers. >> leave it tho these politicians, the siem politicians you want to cecee did e from, let those guys handle this? >> yeah. >> but will this idea even make it to the state house? nitpicky norman says no way. >> the people aren't going to vote for it once they know the cost. >> what cost. >> idaho is going to pay to pay oregon for the value of all the land and buildings that the state of oregon owns in eastern oregon. >> have i been there, it looks virtually worthless. >> a very conservative estimate of the cost would be somewhere between 10 and 15 billion dollars. >> oh, you think idaho is not good for it, do you know how many potatoes these guys sell? a lot. >> still he had a point. eastern oregon wasn't just trying to divorce portland, they also wanted to marry idaho. was idaho ready for that level of commitment?
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i head ford downtown idaho? to find out. >> i think they're welcome. >> i don't see why not. >> eastern oregon is pretty much just like idaho anyway. >> welcome with open arms. >> yeah. >> just wait until they hear about the price tag. >> how much would you personally pay for eastern oregon to join idaho. >> i wouldn't want to pay anything. >> well yeah, but i mean, you know, idaho would have to buy oregon's state assets to move it over it is just not as simple as. >> oh, i don't know, 10 million. >> closer to 10 billion. >> then that say hard know. >> in is what idaho will get, a seaport, maybe. 800,000 angry gun-toting conservatives. and a ton of empty desolate land. >> idaho has already got however many angry gun owning truck driving people, i think we are about capped on that bns would you be okay to drive an extra six hours for legal weed. >> sorry, i didn't think that
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was there. >> that say 12 hour trip. >> yeah, that doesn't sound good. >> i mean at that point you might as well drive to mexico and go fresh cocaine. >> even if you paid us we would let you come in. >> even if eastern oregon paid to you join idaho you are like no. >> are you telling eastern oregonians to [bleep]. >> with a heavy heart, i drove the six hours back to mike to give him the bad news. >> so idaho said no. but let me just pitch you some other states to join. okay. washington. >> not as conservative as idaho so that say no. >> okay what about california. >> that say def no. >> okay. how about nevada. >> normally nevada would like to be part of idaho. >> no, would you like to join nevada as it is right now. >> no. >> goldilocks, i'm trying to help you here, okay. you can't be choosers. >> yes, we can. who knows maybe some day idaho is the biggest state in the
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union. why can't part of oregon, part of kentucky, part of iowa, what about coming together even though we don't share a common border. why can't we just become the state of idaho. >> maybe mike has a point. why can't we all just declare which state we want to be a part of regardless of which state we actually live in. forget gerrymandering and redistricting. let us figure it out ourselves. >> by pot we are invested in me by [bleep] nobody, i hearby declare you a man in idaho. >> no one is going to check this real t is kind of like vaccine cards. >> trevor: thank you so much for that ronny chieng, all right, stay tuned because when we come back we'll be chatting to an author who believe america needs more policing. needs more policing. so don't go awa
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he never would have been at the rec center before it opened. if he listened to those who overlooked him, he never would've heard his name called, as a first-round pick. and if he let 6 all-star selections go to his head, he never would've had the heart to give back to the streets that shaped him. that's the fighting spirit. that's what makes a lion. modelo. brewed for those with a fighting spirit. ♪ you ain't seen nothin' yet ♪ ♪ b-b-baby, you just ain't seen n-n-nothin' yet ♪ ♪ here's something, ♪ ♪ here's something you're never gonna fff-forget, baby ♪ get a dozen shrimp for only one dollar with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. i am a business hotel. i eat, sleep, and breath efficiency. i'm looking for someone who appreciates high rois and even higher rpms. i would be honored to be your perfect somewhere. ♪ what did i miss? she took her first steps!
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can she do it again? i missed it? i stepped away from the bowl for two seconds. there it is. we're back on top! oh, what happened? oh, you missed it. probably shouldn't have left. tostitos. get to the good stuff. >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. my guest tonight, my guest tonight is manhattan institute senior fellow ra feel mangual, he heads research for the institute's policing and public safety initiative and has written a new book called criminal injustice. what the push for decarceration and depolicing gets wrong and who it hurts the most. so please welcome ra feel mangual. (applause) welcome. (applause) ra feel, welcome to the show. >> thank you so much for having me. this say real honor and very exciting. >> trevor: oh yeah, this is great. i'm glad to have you here, you
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have written a really interesting book that in many ways argues you know, decarceration and depolicing is leading america down the wrong path, so i would love to know just what do you think people who want to defund the police and reallocate the resources or reduce incarceration what do you think they're getting wrong. >> i think they're getting a couple of things wrong, i think they misunderstand what the causes of crime are. the defund movement is kind of built around this idea that if we just divert this funding away were policing and incarceration and prosecution and give it to other community program, social spending programs, that we can reduce crime that way. but this assumes that the causes of crime, the root causes of crime are socioeconomic in nature. i don't think they are. i know it is counter to the sort of conventional wisdom but if you look at the new york city for example we were able to get crime drastically down without doing anything about poverty. we don't see violence with other sows why economic problems, unemployment, et cetera. so that i think is a major part
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of what they get wrong. the other thing is i think they misunderstand what the research says about police which is that more policing means less crime. and the people who benefit are the people who are dealing with the biggest crime problem. that is really who i wrote the book for. >> trevor: let's jump into that. you talk in the book about mass incarceration, you talk in the book about things like stop and frisk and victimization. what i find confusing in the book is you will talk about stop and frisk. and from what i gather in the book you are prostop and risk. you are not against it. >> i'm not against it. >> it say tool that should be on the table. >> now what is confusing in the book is you make an argument that seems like are you blaming the people who are being disproportionately stop and frisked for how they ak. there say part in the book where you say and i will paraphrase, is you say it's because they act street or they look criminal and so the police stop them when they shouldn't stop them. so my question to you is like what is acting street or acting criminal and without gets to
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define that. >> so that chapter you are talking about, the chapter on false pos tirvetion right, the false polls tiffs is a situation where a cop stops somebody based on suspicion and that they don't have any contra band. the chapters are based on an important socio logical work left of center socialologist named elijah anderson called code of the street and what he finds is there is a kind of street culture of where people adopt an outward facing posture that has been well documented. one of the examples is from my personal life, i didn't always dress like, this hi corn rows when i was 16 and had that kind of thug attitude and hung out with some bad kids and we walked past a group of white kids and they kind of diverted their eyes and we all got off of it. like we are these tough guys and we got a sense of something good. a few days later in my local deli, behind a who woman, who kind of noticed me behind her and turned around and discreetly clutched her purse, i remember feels offended like you know what is this lady's problem.
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i never thought about robbing anybody a day in my life. what i realized is she wassic approximating up on its same signals that we were happy for those other kids to ping. >> trevor: the issue i have with this argument is in many way it sounds like what you are sayk ask that the way of abouting is what people should change because the way of abouting is what determines if you are perceived as a criminal or not. listen to what you just said. you just said i had the corn rows and all kinds, i was in the thugging. what is corn rows have to do with being a criminal or not. this is the problem in america. i mean it i'm just saying. so what i noticed in the book is it seems like you make an argument that without explicitly saying it and maybe are you not even saying it, it is almost like you are implicitly saying what we need to do as people of color, just be a little more white, let's get a little-- a little less. the walk and the talk, let's be a little-- because that woman who clutched her purse, that has nothing to do with you, that is
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her clutching her purse. >> when you read the chapter you say it boo be entirely wrong to blame people for these things and these interactions are incredibly embarrassing, infuriating, they shouldn't happen. and so st not an excuse for bad policing. what st, it is an explanation for why some of these mistakes may be happening. >> but wait, here is the thing, forgive me, here is the thing. i understand that you say it is a mistake. at the same time you say st not a mistake because a person is making an active di decision, it doesn't i'm like a miss take t seems like an act of discrimination, using a stupid analogy, you have police who you are arguing in the book and we have seen this in society, are not able to discern, they just go like well those black people who walk like this must all be criminals i will search all of them, spoil all of their days but isn't that then a sign that the police need to be reformed. because they are the people who are making this decision incorrectly. >> that chapter is not about excusing false positives t is saying that they are good
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things, that the people show deserve it. it is an attempt to explain what is going on in a way that i think lowers the temperature of our rhetorical debate. evidence of false positive is taken to be primea facial evidence of racial bias on the part of the police officer. >> you are say stg not. >> not necessarily. what they may be picking up on are outward facing postures that have been associated. >> but what are the postures and how are they associated dp--ness the waim one i coast misty talking about in that chaim chapter when he says when i was in a gang and going out looking for an op. we weren't looking for somebody dressed square we were looking for someone who looks like us, walk like us, had the attitude that we had and it was wrong in that context. >> trevor: did you hear what he said as well. there was a key element missing here and are you neghtding the fact that people are able to understand within their community who's the us is and who the us isn't. so it is different when nipsey hussle said husband, what you are talking about is the police going them, they are criminals, they are all suspicious because they are not the us.
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>> i-- i don't think that is how i put it the other point i make too is in a lot of cities the majority of police officers like in new york are not white. so these are people who live in these communities who come from these same communities. i think they understand these points. >> but i think there we get into a different issue which is about how a police incentivized to make, that is separate, are you not arguing that, how are they incentivized to make their money, here is something a lot of people find confusing. when crime goes down, people argue that the police should get paid more. makes sense. when crime goes up, people say the police should get paid more it seems like policing is one of the few jobs or areas where whether the outcomes are good or bad, more funding should go in, what data is there to support that, growing the police force more, putting more money into it, is actually giving us the result we are looking for. >> a trove of studies that show when you increase police presence that you de yees crime and do it disproportionately, we can argue about the costs
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associated with policing are worth the benefits but one thing we know is that we haven't yet really figured out a way to produce the same kind of crime that policing has produced, an i think there tha say really important point because when we argue about de funds the police we are not arguing about ourselves, i live in a really good neighborhood, i'm sure you do too. we are arguing about people who have a very different day to day life and one thing important to understand, the time is concentrated n new york city about three and a half percent, about 50% of all violent crime, every single year, for which we have data going back to at least 2008, a minimum, a minute musm 95 percent of all shooting victims are either black or hispanic, almost all male, one of the starkest most persistent racial disparitieses in the data. we don't talk enough about it and we don't talk enough about what it means to be for those communities. >> trevor: i respectsfully think we do talk about it, those communities talk about it all the time, the people involved in
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the shootings talk about it all the time. i really enjoyed the way you wrote this book because i don't agree with some of the conclusions you draw from the data but i appreciate the way you have written it and that you put thought into it and acknowledge, you don't make it seem like people are complain being nothing. i want to say thank you so much for joining me on the show, thank you for having a conversation with me and last but not least get the con rows back, see you walking on the treat, rafael book criminal injustice. a fascinating book. we'll take a quick break and be back after this. (applause) hey everybody we only have the time we have for the conversations on television, however if you want to wampt full conversation with myself and rafael please do so online, any where you watch the video, you can find it you teu, wherenever, wherever, instagram alot of videos now, make sure to check it this is xfinity rewards. our way of showing our appreciation.
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that's our show for tonight, but before we go, before we go, please consider supporting respectability, an organization that works to create systemic change in how society views and values people with disabilities. if you want to help them lobby for better policies and train organizations to empower people with disabilities, then please donates at the link below. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, maybe you can't find your friends on instagram because you have no friends. now here it is, your moment of zen. >> we are drawing closer to one the largest mega million jackpot drawings in history. >> the chances of winning are something like one in 303 million, no logical person actually expects to win. >> it is worth a shot. i'm going to go for the shot. >> they have a better shot of being struck by lightning than winning the jackpot. >> are you more likely to have quinn it up lets to win the
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lottery. >> are you may more likely to be crushed by a met yor. >> more likely to have conjoined twins or go to the er with a pogo stuck related injury. >> you actually have a better chance of dating a supermodel. ♪ i'm goin' down to south park, gonna have myself a time ♪ ♪ friendly faces everywhere ♪ humble folks without temptation ♪ ♪ goin' down to south park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪ ♪ ample parking day or night ♪ people spouting, "howdy, neighbor!" ♪ ♪ heading on up to south park, gonna see if i can't unwind ♪ ♪ mrph rmhmhm rm! mrph rmhmhm rm! ♪ ♪ come on down to south park and meet some friends of mine ♪
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good to be home for easter. it's like the filipino super bowl. that's for dinner. ♪ i got a feeling ♪ family is a mess. what's this fight about? i don't know, but we're counting on you to fix it. bye. i'm only here for one day and i want the whole family together. let's enjoy it. we're sending gifts to our family in the philippines. i'm sending this brand new hair dryer. if it makes your hair look like that, i wouldn't send it. how dare you! -how dare you! we should put them both in the box and ship it.
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choosing t-mobile is like paying for this... ...but getting that! ♪more, more, more♪ and so much more. ♪more, more, more♪ more 5g bars in more places. more savings so your family saves 20% versus the other guys! and we won't raise the price of your rate plan with our price lock guarantee. get more with t-mobile. more 5g coverage. more savings. and even more cool stuff. ♪♪ subway's drafting 12 new subs for the all-new subway series menu the new monster has juicy steak and crispy bacon. but what about the new boss? it looks so good it makes me hangry! settle down there, big guy the new subway series. what's your pick? wanna help kids get their homework done? the new subway series. well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi?
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