tv The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Comedy Central August 15, 2022 11:00pm-11:46pm PDT
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so i felt i needed to punish him just a little bit more. and i'm making him do my laundry for a year. captioing sponsored by comedy central >> coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight the plot thickens. to infinite and beyond. and alex wagner. this is the daily show with trevor noah! (cheers and applause). >> trevor: what's going on, everybody, welcome to the daily show, i'm trevor noah thank you so much for tuning in, thank you for coming out in person. thank you for being here, everybody. we have got a wild show for you tonight.
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take a seat. having nightmares about you, ronny chieng is going to join space force and president trump has a perfectly good explanation for everything. plus here to talk about her brand new show for msnbc alex wagner ask our guest tonight, everybody. so let's do this. let's jump straight into today's headlines. all right, before we get into the big stories let's catch up on a few other things going on in the world. first up, toyota has announced that it is recalling its brand new electric suv after discovering that the wheels could fall off at any time. yeah. and i know people always say we want do this until the wheels fall off but i don't think they actually meant it also, you would think wheels falling off a car would be a problem that was solved long ago like when they invented cars. meanwhile in international news, as heat waves and wildfires
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sweep across europe, spain has started using sheep and goats to help clear flammable vegetation quickly and cheaply. yeah, if you ask me, sending sheep and goalts to fight fires is a great idea. yeah, i mean even the absolute worst-case scenario is just like kebabs which is pretty good, you know? well, i mean the goats are a great idea, i'm not sure about the sheep, i think that is risky, you know. kus the foreman is going to be like okay, how many sheep are we sending out today, one, two, three-- ah, i missed the fire, i slept through a fire! i don't know item u.s. doesn't do. this we have so many goats. lebron, serena, tom brady, simone biles. yes, yes, all of those people love being called the goat. they love being called the goat, let's see if they are willing to step up when it is time to eat 600 acres of grass. lebron might have been able to eat grass but jordan back in the
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day could put down a whole shrubbery, that is the goat. according to a new study, spiders may have dreams. yeah, i don't mean like one day having a cute little web by the beach. i mean that when spiders sleep, they also dream. which blew my mind cuz what do they dream about? wouldn't it be crazy if they have the same dreams that we do? like there is a spider that wakes up in the middle of the night, oh, oh my god, i dreamt that i was covered in spiders. oh, oh, it was so hot. i actually shot off a web in my dream, total web dream, total web dream, enough of that. let's go to the story dominating the headlines, it is about donald joyride trump. maybe he wasn't the greatest president, if you go by jobs created or problems solved or hands washed. but if you go by the number of criminal investigations launched
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against him, than my man is the goat. except he is allergic to green. so let's catch up on all his latest persecutions in our ongoing segment, america's most tremendously wanted. you know we created that as a joke but every day trump getting in a shootout with the cops gets closer and closer to reality. anyway, remember how last week the fbi took an eight hour vacation to mar-a-lago and went home with a bunch of souvenirs? well, we all had the same question. what were they looking for at donald trump's house. this weekend, we all found out. >> this morning the newly unsealed search warrant shedding light on what exactly f.b.i. agents were looking for at mar-a-lago and what they seized. according to the documents made public by a federal judge,
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agents were certaining for evidence of three potential crimes. violations of the espionage act, unlawful removal of public records and obstruction of justice by concealing, altering or destroying records to impede an investigation. they found 27 boxes of government records including 11 sets of classifieds documented. four sets of documents were marked top secret. and one marked top secret/sci, a classification reserved for some of the most sensitive intelligence and national security information. typically only viewed in a highly secure location. >> trevor: yeah, that's right. turns out trump didn't just have top secret documents, they were top secret/sci. what does sci stand for you ask? that is also top secretary et you dumbass. (laughter). >> trevor: i will be honest i didn't even know you could have a level of secret above top. did you know this? yeah. also don't think it makes sense. right. the point of top, if there is
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something above top than top is middle, you know, yeah, top is top, people, like top gun, is he the best fighter pilot. if someone else comes in and they are topper gun, i want my money back, that is not what i was promised. not to mention if something is top and we find out there is something above that, then how do we know that is not the final thing, there could be something above that and how do we know there is not something above that, if there is not tops like top hats and spice time sin finnity and do we even exist. what does this mean. who are we? i'm having-- i'm having a panic attack right now. stop the show, stop the-- . >> trevor: so it turns out donald trump was in possession of top secret documents he wasn't supposed to have and look i'm not victim blaming here but if the ask me the government is partly responsible. partly responsible for labeling the fileses top secret. yeah, because think about it, nobody wants boxes of government
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documents but if it says top secret on t now everyone is interested. so same way you don't label your porn folder, porn. all right, the government should do what we do. just put secrets in a folder called taxes 2012 to 20167. i have done that my whole life. i only screw up was i did this when i was 12 years old and my mother was like what taxes are you paying when are you 126789 then she busted me for porn and tax evasion, anyway the point is no matter what their label donald trump wasn't supposed to have these documents at his house and in case you are wondering why these documents are top, top, top secret, well, hold on to your butts because what trump took home could blow them right off. >> "the washington post" has reported that among the materials sought by federal agents was related to nuclear weapons programs. >> if you get into nuclear related documents, that is the highest level. it does not get any more serious than that. >> some of this could be information about adversaries, some of this could be about nuclear weapon design.
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some of this could be about our nuclear arsenals or our launch procedures. (laughter). >> trevor: are you sh itting me? donald trump might have expect the world's nuclear secrets in his basement at mar-a-lago? the same place rudy giuliani sleeps to avoid the sun light. that is so irresponsible! because you realize the worst-case scenario with these documents is that trump sold them to like saudi arabia. the best case scenario is that he just lay in bed with them and rubbed them all over his naked body, actually not, i will fliep that. the worst is that he rubbed them on his naked body, hopefully he just sold saudi, hopefully. and just today to add to this, trump posted that in the raid by the f.b.i. of mar-a-lago, they stole my three passports. one expired. along with everything else.
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and can i see why trump is pissed if they took his passport. i mean he is the guy who wanted to build the wall and now he's going to need to sneak into mexico. karma's a bit much. also, also why does donald trump even need a passport? there is no one on earth that looks or sounds like this man. no one. he could land on a distant planet and the aliens would be, we have seen tv, welcome donald trump, he would be like thank you, now please take me to a your three boobed woman. >> there is a 15% chance trump just misplaced his passport, right. possible, it happens all the time. you think the f.b.i. took something and you find it in your sock drawer. yeah, like for all you know, maybe melania moved them, you know, oh no, i guess now have i to go back to slovenia by myself, bye donald.
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bye. (applause) you know, you know what has been the most fun, the most fun in all of this? is how trump and the red caps are working so hard to invent new excuses for why this crime wasn't a crime. because you remember when the story first broke, right, they were saying things like there is nothing at mar-a-lago except noteds from eric and if they did find something the f.b.i. must have planted that. forget all of that. that was like two days ago. they have got a fresh shipment of excuses today starts with, it was homework. >> the former president is offering a new line of defense for taking these documents. to his mar-a-lago home. a statement released by trump's office friday night contends that every one takes work home sometimes. >> trevor: yeah, you know what, that is true. everyone does take work home sometimes. but not donald trump. the man barely took work to work. and also, by the way, it's not taking work home with you if you know looing have the job.
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can we agree on that? all right. you don't have the job. you can't take work home with you. like if you get fired from your babysitting job, but you still go pick up the kid from school, that's a kidnapping. but if you don't like that excuse, that's fine, that's fine. trump has got another one. like how about obama. >> president trump has been making the baseless and false claim that former president obama took more than 30 million classified documents when he left the white house. >> donald trump tweeted that president barack hussein obama kept 33 million pages of document, much of them classified, how many of them pertained to nuclear, word is, lots. (laughter). >> trevor: all right, okay. first of all, this is just completely made up. in fact the national archives came out and said st not true. but also, for the sake of the argument, let's say it was true. these people are the same people who spent 15 years saying obama is basically the devil.
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but then when they get into trouble they are like it's fine, we just did the same thing as the devil. and also, did you pick up that barack hussein obama. a nice little touch, yeah. just to remind the people who he really is. yeah. i know what trump is doing. he is trying to drum up old islamophobia but everybody knows that that is barack's middle name. it doesn't sound nefarious any more it just sounds like you are miss mom, barack hussein obama you get down here and clean up this mess right now. >> coming, mom. but-- but if you don't like that excuse, it's cool baby, it's cool, trump has another one, it is about how he declassified these documents in his mind. >> in a new de fengs emerged overnight from a conservative journalist tied to trump who read a statement from the former president's office. >> he had a standing order that documents removed from the oval
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office taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them. >> trevor: oh, that's an interesting excuse. anything trump took home with him was automatically declassified because he had a standing order. so superconvenient that no one has ever heard about this rule until he got busted for having top secret documents at his house. but whatever. i have heard this defense before. usually its when people get busted for having an affair, they will be like no, actually, i didn't cheat on you, i had already broken up with you in my mind on the way to their house and on the way home i decided to give us another chance, come here, i forgive you, i forgive you, so there you have it. three brand new fresh excuses. what? oh, that is still not enough for snu oh, you are particular, okay, i see you. then maybe what you need say little bit of this. >> and amid the other, quoting sources that say the chaotic
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nature of donald trump's exit from the white house contributed to sensitive documents being taken to mar-a-lago. >> then there were reports that trump packed in a rush. quote, when it finally dawned on donald trump in the twilight of his presidency that he wouldn't be living at the white house for another four years, he had a problem. he had barely packed. and had to move out quickly. (laughter). >> trevor: oh my god. oh, this is the greatest excuse of all time. trump's people are saying because he didn't think he was leaving the white house, he packed in a hurry when he left, yeah, he was so busy planning the coup he didn't think about plans, is that what happened. guys, i wasn't trying to steal these, i was trying to steal the election. why would i pack when i thought i would have another ten or 20 years in the white house t makes no sense, hello. so, those are just a sample of the excuses trump has been coming up with over the past few days. and it doesn't matter that they conflict with each other, that is not the point. the point is to flood the zone
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with so many explanations that people just get lost in all the arguments and lose trvment a few days from now i wouldn't be shocked if they are like donald trump was laminating those documents to help preserve them as a favor to the american people. and also, there were no documents and also, it was his evil twin, ma ha ha ha. we'll see what it is. that is it forth headlines but before we go to the break it is time to check in with social media trends with ronny chieng, everybody. (applause) >> sorry t is just that social media shit makes me puke. let me dive into this cesspool of social media garbage. and what is trending today? oh strks hashtag national relaxation day. on a monday. (laughter) yeah, i can't wait to kick my feet up and go to work for an entire week. and of course it is trending on
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social media because what is more relaxing than going on social media. so many relaxing things happening today, wow, you have got former president leaking nuclear codes, i can feel the tension in my shoulders just melting away. talk about this. also why would you take a bunch of boxes you are not supposed to take when you are leaving the white house. what kind of insane person looks at moving day and goes how do i make this even longer. i mean i would throw my family in the garbage if it made moving day easier, all right. but anyways, social media in a nutshell because over here we have hashtag national relaxation day. meanwhile toyota is making cars where the wheels fall off, toyota, maybe you should relax a little less, all right. like take a spa day but maybe not on the day you attach the wheels to the car. because that's kind of a pretty important day. all right. you know what, let's just see
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what random ideo-- idiots on social media are saying about hashtag national relaxation day. i will find one of these random people and see what people are saying about this-- all right so this idiot here, right, (laughter) >> don't worry, be happy. hashtag national relaxation day. otters swimming on water. clearly this person doesn't know what the [bleep] is going on in the world right now. otherwise you wouldn't be saying assanine shit like this. another great tweet, trevor. can i see why you have so many followers because your tweets really make us think. >> trevor: you know what, ronny, enough of this. stop roasting my tweets. >> hey, hey, national relaxation day, okay. have some respect. >> trevor: ronny chieng, everybody. when we come back, ronny is going to figure out what space force is all about. force is all about. so don't go away.
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switch it up, and get the all new google pixel 6a. >> trevor: welcome back to the daily show. the u.s. government is so big that it's easy to lose track of all the departments and agencies. luckily though ronny chieng is here to figure out what the government actually does. one department at a time. space force, the latest branch of the armed forces that after 30 years of planning finally sprung into existence thanks to the support of our last military genius. >> we are going to have the space force. >> but after a rocky launch, most americans still don't know what space force actually does. until now. >> i'm here at the pentagon to find out what space force, the
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6th and coolest breanch of the u.s. military does, i'm talking spaceships, lasers t is the military in space. let's go check it out. don't ask me how i got clearance. i'm not even an american citizen. show i scored an interview with the very first head of space force, four star general jay raymond. at the gee om tree themed headquarters at the u.s. department of defense. obviously a space military as cool as hell. i wasn't sure what they actually do. so i made to prepare for this exclusive one-on-one interview. so raymond, thank you so much for. >> thanks, ronnie. >> you know this, why is it called the pent gone. >> you have ever seen a pentagon. >> you are saying pentagon is a shape? >> yes. >> like what. >> take a look at the building. you have to study hard in school. >> okay general, space force,
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laser, space shit, rocket, fighting aliens. >> absolutely not. the mission of the space force is protecting the capabilities we have in space and deter conflict from beginning in space or extending into space. >> what does space force do. >> let me give you an example. we operate for the world free of charge the gps constellation that provides you navigation and provides the world a timing signal for everybody to use. most people don't know that that is provided free of charge by the united states. >> space force gives gps for free to the world. >> yes, sir. >> why aren't you open with that, call yourself the gps force. >> we do a lot other than that. >> but go with the thing that people know. >> we do a lot more than that. communication satellites, we have missile warning satellites that detect any kind of launch around the globe and provide warning of that. and so it is very critical us to. and our competitors are add or adversaries have watched us and seen us integrate in space into everything we do. >> who are our adversaries. >> specifically rushan
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and-- russia and china. they are being space capabilities, they have a satellite they launched in 2017, i call it a nesting satellite, a satellite that opens up and another satellite comes up and it opens up and a projectile comes out. >> oh my god. >> designed to kill a satellite. >> do all these nations adopt their country's cultures like does a chinese sat light come out and stick on other satellite. >> china has a satellite with a robotic arm. >> with chop sticks. >> that can reach out and grab another satellite, satellites don't like to be grabbed. >> what is the plan to stop it. >> i won't go into all the details of what we can do but i'm very comfortable we can protect and defend ourselves. >> that is om i-- ominous as hell, i still wasn't sure why america's already bloated military needed a whole new military when we already have five other militaries. >> general y does space force become its own branch of the military. >> the air force has a lot of responsibility that it does. it's primarily focused on the air domain and the thought was
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because space was so critical to us, we had to stand up a separate service to focus on it. >> so atmosphere wise, where does the air force end and space force begin. >> there is really not a firm, you know, dedicated. >> wow. >> what happened. >> above clouds, space force, below cloud, air force. >> you can think of above where airplanes work, wings work and where over the atlantic roughly a hundred kill meters. >> above 100 kill meters is where the space force people are. >> in fact, our force is on the ground. >> so they come in every day and sit behind a computer. >> largely a lot of the work is done behind computers, in terminal, operating capabilities or on optical tel scopes looking out into space. >> so space force is less starship troopers and more office space, are these keyboard warriors ready to protect us from the real threat facing man kind.
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>> have you considered maybe looking a little outwards and looking at the threat that external that might be coming to earth, for example, aliens that might be coming? >> so again our mission say little bit closer to home, nasa mission is more exploratory and more science and so they have gone out and. >> i get it, general, space force, gps, nasa,. >> but we nerd shit but we need dudes that look as scary as you with guns pointing outwards in case aliens come. >> i'm not naive or closed minded to think that there might be something that would be out there. but we're not focused on that. >> all right, well, just seems like it say big hole in the national defense plan. and if no one is going to plug that hole, i think space force needs to step up and maybe provide some orbital defense against aliens. >> thanks for your advice. >> okay, well, general, thank you for taking the time to speak
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to me even though space force has nothing do with lasers, aliens and spaceships and i wish it was cooler. i do appreciate the need for a gps system that works. >> thank you for the opportunity. i couldn't be more proud as a gawsheddian and i appreciate the opportunity to tell the story. because most americans don't understand what they do. >> i agree. >> so even though i'm still not sure what it does, space force represents what the american government does best, find new ways to give blsz of dollars to the military industrial collection complex. but hey f they are going to offer free gps than i say live long and prosper. space force. >> trevor: thank you so much for that, ronny chieng. stay tuned because when we come back alex wagner will be joining you right here on the show. you right here on the show. don't go away. ♪ ♪cold as ice♪
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>> it is a thrill and an honor as always. >> it is an honor for me, this is your sirks time, you might hold the record, congratulations. >> i feel positive about that. >> i actually got you a monkeypox vaccine as a gift. >> i want my photo in the hallway. i will keep saying it over and over again. >> nd and i will make sure that i have one. >> i see two i see oprah i need to see alex wagner and then can i stop coming on to this show. >> i mean, you put me on the spot now, fine. i do have the photo of us in my office like a beautiful frame. >> that is in the tiffany frame. >> it's perfect no one walks passed it but it is fine. >> that is for you and me trevor, this is a really exciting time for everybody because your show kicks off tomorrow. >> yes. >> i love your instagram bio reads anchor at msnbc plus person worried about the future. doesn't that sound melo dramatic what do you have to worry about the future. >> what could go wrong, ak particular ice caps melting
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faster than expected president shifling off nubbing clear secrets to resort, republican election deniers being elected, what could go wrong. >> trevor: but because you travel so much and because you talk to so many people on the ground, i always felt like i should listen to you when you are worried because you talk to like america. >> yeah, yeah. >> trevor: what is the biggest. >> i do, on this show i will keep talking to america. i just went down to florida. which is a place i vowed never to return to each time i go and yet i keep going down to florida. >> trevor: that is what makes it great. >> it was 107 degrees down there. and what governor desantis is doing in that state is worthy of a very close compassion. so we went down there and looked specifically at the ways in which christian nationalism has worked its way into florida public schools and we will talk about that this week and some of the very alarming things that teachers are being trained to teach public school students on, you know. i will say you should be worried, trevor. because not just this shaping in
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florida but this is very much seen as a model for what is happening across the rest of the country, ron desantis may be the republican nominee for president in 2024. >> trevor: which people think is a good thing because they go he is calm, he has a demeanor about him, trump is crazy but it seems like trump's crazy is the reason he couldn't get things done. ron desantis is like he has got all his cards. he's ready to play them. >> and he has a network of conservative activists and donors and power players in his corner. i mean this is the result, this say harvest, of multiple years of trying to figure out how to reindoctrinate students into a certain line of conserve stiff ideology and desantis has made it happen but has a lot of people behind him and there are other governors carry lake in arizona, the republican nominee in arizona. and she was on the stomp, i think it was yesterday praising desantis and saying, am i allowed to say this on this program that he had big dick energy just like donald trump, not even kidding, she said bde,
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if you know, you know, big desantis energy but really saying that what we needed was more big dick energy the kind ron desantis and donald trump had, so that is where we are as a country, trevor, and i'm here to tell you i'm alarmed. >> you are going to be the person who is informing so many people about what is going on in the country, as an anchor on a show like yours, you are in an interesting position because on the one hand you want people to understand the state of the country. on the other hand you don't want people in a per spet all-- perpetual state of panic because people get tired, i don't care any more, nothing is actually happening. how do you find that balance? >> well, i think, i don't want to be polyanaish about things, when things are bad i will tell you they are bad. but i also think we haven't given up on democracy and the reality is if you don't like what governor ron desantis is doing, i spent ten hours in a bra vard county school board meeting. you can run for a school board and stop some of this stuff from happening. you can participate in mid-term
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elections. you can call your senators and congressmen, that as cliche as it sounds, a small ball as it sounds, it matters because the decision that bra vard county school board makes about whether or not kids can have book facer and read certain books and talk about being homosexual or transgender, that means something. and those decisions are discreet but they are part of our larger system of governance. and i don't want people to ever lose the hope that the project of america is a fete accompli and a wrap because it st not. and you can swing the pendulum back. i still believe that we generally take two steps forward and maybe one and three quarters steps back. >> trevor: that is alot of steps back. >> but i mean look at you and me, trevor. you know i'm hosting the 9 p.m. hour of a very important cable network. are you the voice of a generation. our stories are unlikely. we're two brown people that weren't ever supposed to be in these positions of power and look at us. >> trevor: that is true.
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(applause) >> it's true. >> trevor: sometimes i go, that it is its exception is what makes it scary. >> sure fz what is about america when you look at it as a whole is it feels like sometimes, in the run-up to donald trump, it feels like the country knew this was happening. and then people on the coasts were like oh, that will never happen. it feels like there is a certain complacency now as people relax, they want to watch succession. >> i want to too. >> trevor: it seems like conservatives are being told constantly that they are under assault, that this is the end of the world. they need to run for school boards so they believe it and they do it. i would love to know as somebody on msnbc, you are in a position where you have part of your audience which is in a bubble, many of us do, you know, how do you, or do you even think it's possible at this stage to just pop out of that bubble. is there a way you can see if alex wagner as the journalist has gone around the country talking to trump supporters and biden supporters alike, do you
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think there is a way you can get through to people who maybe don't a agree with you. >> i am going to damn well try, you can't just say we're only-- we're only going to talk to like liberals and there is for the-- this is, i am a journalist. and are you going to hear from some republicans sometimes. sometimes they may be critical of done and-- donald trump, times they may not be but i think it is my job to show people what is happening in the world, and not just what they want to see. listen, the future of the republican party matters not just to republicans but to democrats and independents too. it is one of the two parties in this country is forever broken or pop lated by clowns or worse, like we're not going to get anything done as a country. we are for better or worse in a marriage and we got to figure out a way to make it work because we know what divorce kind of looks like, we tried it in sl 60. and like we can't t didn't go so well. >> so your first episode is tomorrow. >> st tomorrow.
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>> if you were on the show today, don't give anything away because you will tease it but if you were on the show today what would be the number one story you will talk about. >> i think fore sure we will be talking about trump and mar-a-lago and what exactly he was doing with those papers. and the degree to which this is parts of a very serious investigation at the end of the day. the other thing that i want into focus on is the fact that we have two significant primaries tomorrow happening. liz cheney and sarah palin. and what we very well could see this week is the exit of liz cheney, probably the stad bearer for integrity inside the gop escorted off the stage, stage right and for sarah palin, who in many ways is the proto trump reentering american politics as a republican congresswoman from alaska. and i think as we take stock of where the country is at, we need to take stock of where the republican party is at. and those two entrances, that entrance and exit tell us a lot about where we are headed in the gop and i think it's deeply problematic and i think it parents further investigation
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and analysis. >> this is why you are the best person to host the show bah because you know a lot, travel a lot, meet the people. you don't get overwhelmed. >> no you don't give-- thanks for that, i will take it you don't get overwhelmed. really one thing i always admired about you is you don't get overwhelmed by the delusion of information coming at you, rather you find a way to process all of it in one the most fantastic ways have i ever seen. congratulations on the show. >> thank you. >> thank you for joining me again. we're all going to be watching. everybody, don't forget, tuesday to friday, 9 p.m alex wagner, we'll take a quick break and be back after this. 6
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with that's our show for tonight but before we go, before we go i wanted to remind that you august 16th is poll worker recruitment day. and it is especially important this year where poll worker shortages are already leading to closures anlong lines. so if you would like to be a poll worker, stein up-- sign up at the link below and you can do your part to ensure a fair election for all voters. until next time, stay safe out there and remember, if you find top secret documents, give them back to the government. but make sure you screen shot that shit first. here it is, your moment of zen. >> doug ford may have been hoping to create a buzz when he made an announcement today but not quite this way. >> not coming from the-- not
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coming from the government per se, the premier t is coming from the health sector. >> holy kriep. >> what was, that i just >> what was, that i just swallowed a bee it's just not good. it's not good. -it's not good. -i'm bored. she's boring. i'm boring. we're both boring. we go out to eat, we both read newspapers. well, at breakfast, everybody reads. no. lunch, we read. dinner, we read. -you read during lunch? -yeah. oh, well... nothing to talk about. ah, what's there to talk about? we're talking about how there's nothing to talk about. why don't you talk with her about that? she knows there's nothing to talk about. at least she'll be talking. oh, shut up. al: hey, look who's here. -hey, al. -hey, al, how's it going? deeply in love. we have so many things to talk about. sometimes... we'll talk all night... till the sun comes up. [sighs] so, how about you? oh, i'm seeing someone, yes. -you know her. daphne bauer. -great girl.
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we have no need to speak. we communicate with deep, soulful looks. like dwight and mamie eisenhower. oh. did you hear about fulton? yeah. yeah, i went by the hospital to see him a few days ago. think he'd really like you to come visit. me? yeah. bruce said he could use a good laugh. -what about me? -he didn't mention you. oh. this is my stop. uh... see you. -yeah. -yeah, see you. [scoffs] "deeply in love." if you can't say something bad about a relationship, -you shouldn't say anything at all. -mm-hm. it's the all-new subway series menu. twelve irresistible new subs. the most epic sandwich roster ever created. ♪♪ it's subway's biggest refresh yet! (brad) you know what i say to all the other titans of tech ♪♪ who are making such a fuss over finally launching themselves into space? i've been putting millions of people into spaces for years. wait a minute. wait a minute. there's one going up now!
11:46 pm
how many of these guys are there? apartments-dot-com. the place to find a place. (dog barking) we love our pets. but we don't always love their hair. which is why we made bounce pet hair and lint guard with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet.
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