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tv   The Daily Show With Trevor Noah  Comedy Central  September 8, 2022 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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- ♪ they call it scranton ♪ - ♪ what ♪ - ♪ the electric city ♪ ♪ scranton ♪ - ♪ what ♪ - ♪ the electric city ♪ ♪ scranton ♪ - ♪ what ♪ - ♪ the electric city ♪ ♪ scranton ♪ - ♪ what ♪ - ♪ the electric city ♪ scranton ♪ - ♪ what ♪ - dah! captioning sponsored by comedy central >> announcer: coming to you from new york city, the only city in america, it's "the daily show." tonight: the end of an era. defending crump. donald trump. and marty walsh. this is "the daily show," with trevor noah. ( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: what's going on, everybody. welcome to "the daily show." i'm trevor noah. thank you so much for tuning in. thank you for am canning out in person. thank you for being here, everybody. we made it. we made it another week. take a seat. we've got a jam-packed show for
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you tonight. britain is saying good-bye to its queen. the dutch are trying to say good-bye to meat. and donald trump is going to jail... to visit some of his friend. let's do this people. let's jump straight into today's headlines. ( applause ) all right. i'm going to be honest, with all the news that happened today, i don't think we have enough space for it in today's show. yeah, we just don't. there's too many stories. and i don't know how this happened. you know, the news must have had some bad oysters or something because there are stories coming from all ends and it won't stop. so... ( laughter ) we don't have time. fortunately, not enough time is just enough time for a segment we call "ain't nobody got time for that." ( applause ) all right, let's kick things off with some shocking news. a trump associate has been arrested. what! i know, right? it's like how many more are
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left. it feels like everyone around trump has been put in cuffs. his c.f.o., his lawyer, his campaign manager, his other campaign manager. his campaign manager after that. his deputy campaign manager. his fund raisers. his advisers. basically every single person donald trump has ever met has gone to prison. and i know what you're saying. "trevor, eric has never been to prison." yeah, that's because he never met him you dumb ass. you realize there are enough trump people in jail to start their own prison gang. that's the aryan brotherhood. and that's the trump cabinet. those members are loco. they're crazy. another trump associate has been arrested for the second time, and it's steve bannon, yes, trump's former chief adviser and what happens when you wait too long to clean out your fridge. you see, he's in trouble in the state of new york, and what he's in trouble for probably won't
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surprise you at all. >> this morning, longtime trump adviser steve bannon facing a new criminal indictment, as he turns himself in to authorities here in new york, accused of siphoning money from the group called "we build the wall," an online campaign to build a section of president trump's border wall that raised $25 million. the founders claiming that every penny would go to construction. promising those who donated a brick in the wall with their name on it. prosecutors say instead, bannon and his associates lined their pockets with large sums of that money. bannon saying i am never going to stop fighting. they will have to kill me first. >> trevor: oh, "they will have to kill me first." what a little bitch. why don't you get into a shoot-out with the cops. "they'll have to kill me first." this guy is acting like a gangster while he's surrendering to the police. "you'll never take me alive, coppers. please, put the handcuffs on
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gently. my wrists are so soft." he is going to court on allegations he defrauded trump supporters over the wall. how long are the maga crowd going to be falling for this shit? trump people have been fleecing them for seven straight years and still they're like, "don jr. says he needs $30 million to reclaim his throne as the prince of nigeria. let's give him the money, honey." kudos to the prosecutors who even thought to investigate steve bannon for stealing millions of dollarss. i won't lie. i never would have suspected this guy. this guy doesn't look like he has 15 dollars. millions of dollars-- he looks like he sublets from oscar the grouch. i wouldn't have suspected him of having the money. now, if we had the time, we could talk more about how instead of convincing maga supporters that trump world is basically a hot bed of criminal activities they're so drunk on his coolailed instead they convinced him they're the most persecuted group in human history. "why do they keep charging us
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with crimes because we keep committing crimes." while trump's inner circle is in trouble with the law it turns out some of his biggest supporters are the law. >> the anti-defamation league center on extremism has released a detailed membership list, it says, for the far-right group the oath keepers. it poured over 38,000 names from the leaked list and says it found hundreds of current and former elected officials, law enforcement officers, first responders, and members of the military. >> the a.d.l. says those names include 81 people who were serving in or running for public office, 373 people believed to be currently serving in law law enforcementingly agencies across our country. and 117 people currently serving in the military. >> right now, more than a dozen oath keepers, including the group's founder, are facing charges from their roles in the january 6 riot. >> trevor: that's right, the oath keepers, just had their membership leaked. and it turns out, that hundreds
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of them are active members of the government, military, or law enforcement. which is pretty concerning. i mean, i don't want to get beaten up by a cop because he's part of some racist organization telling him to do it. i want him to beat me up because he's racist for the love of the game. do it for yourself. i do have a question, though, why does a secretive group keep a list of everyone's name. ( laughter ) it's just-- it's just careless, you know ( laughter ) yeah, that's why they'll never run the world like will illuminati. the illuminati is smart. they don't make stupid mistakes like that. they'll never give it away. ( applause ) you laugh like i'm really in the illuminati. you're like, "ha-ha, we got you, trev." it's getting hard to keep track of the extremist groups. the oath keepers, the proud boys, the patriot front. like the list never ends. i feel bad for extremists.
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they have to join all of these different groups, like they're subscribing to different streaming services. i wonder if they share accounts. "can i jump on your account for the k.k.k.+. i can't afford all these hate groups right now." we can talk more about how it almost doesn't matter if some elected officials are oath keepers, because there's an but we don't have the time for that, because while some people are trying to overthrow the government, a city in europe is trying to overthrow your diet. >> the dutch city of haarlem may be the world's first to ban most meat advertising. the greenlinks-- that's the green political party-- has faced opposition from the meat sector and some who say it stifles free speech. but it says meat ads need to be banned to prevent climate change. ( laughter ) >> trevor: but the dutch are weird. ( laughter ). no, they are. like drugs are legal, but they're cracking down on meat? ( laughter ) so what, soon dealers in
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amsterdam are going to be in the street like, "here's your heroin. yo, meat me out back if you want some ribs, man." ( applause ) but, yeah, a city in the netherlands is banning meat ads because eating meat is a major contributor to climate change. and this is a big move because, you know, meat advertisements have been around since the beginning of time. that's basically what the cave drawings were, right? like, "yo, if you see this, eat it. trust me." look, i get it. you don't want to encourage people to do something that's bad for the planet. it's why we don't allow ads for barbie's dream coal plant. but i don't know about banning meat ads. what i do think they should do is make meat ads a little less sexual. maybe that should be the law. you know what i'm talking about,s especially in america. every fast food comecialg is like,s, you know you want juicy beef patties in your mouth. so big and meaty. dip your nuggets in our special
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sauce, daddy." damn, wendy's! i'm with my nephew, chill! "i'll call you after." now, if we had more time we could talk about why so little climate policy focuses on the livestock industry, even though it accounts for around 15% of all grk greenhouse gas emissions. we don't have the time for that, because while the dutch are getting rid of meat, a texas judge is getting rid of gay people's healthcare. >> a new ruling in texas today is dealing a sucker punch to a key provision of the affordable care act. a federal judge says that employers are not required to cover drugs that prevent h.i.v. infections in their healthcare plans, adding that mandated coverage by the government of those medications violates their religious beliefs. this was a lawsuit brought by a group of christian conservatives. their argument, literally one of the arguments they made is they don't want to pay for the drugs, because they "facilitate or encourage homosexual behavior, which is contrary to their religious
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beliefs." >> trevor: you heard that right. a texas court said religious employers don't have to include h.i.v. medication in their healthcare plan, because then the employees might be more likely to have gay sex. and this would violate the employer's rights because it makes the employer complicity in the gay sex. which is most ridiculous argument i've ever heard in my life. yeah, because then by that logic, where do you draw the line? employers can say any medical coverage makes gay sex more likely. eye exams-- so you want to see more men to have gay sex with? everything. physical therapy-- so you'll have the stamina for more gay sex. dental insurance-- so you'll have a nice smile that will make you want to have sex with me. nice try, gary, nice try. and you know this is the kind of religious exemption that only evangelical christians get to claim. "oh, we're christians so we can discriminate."
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let's see what happens the first time a muslim employer says i'll i'm not going to pay my workers. what if they use the money to buy bacon. no judge will say, who am i to question the teachings of allah. wasn't jesus curing lepers for free. he wasn't showing up say, "before i heal you, you didn't get leprosy for doing butt stuff? i just want to make sure." obviously, we could definitely talk more about how the notion of religious liberty has been expanded so much in this country it basically allows conservatives to discriminate against everyone but we don't have the time for that. there is one story that came in and conquered all the other news and it's about the queen. >> we do have this breaking news just coming in from buckingham palace. queen elizabeth ii has died, just hours after her doctors said they were concerned for her health. the 96-year-old queen has been at balmoral castle in scotland. among the people with her at balmoral, her four children-- andrew, anne, edward
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and charles, who is now officially king, automatically ascending to the throne upon the announcement of his mother's death. the queen, of course, the longest reigning monarch in british history and one of the longest reigning ever. > trevor: yes, it's official. at the age of 96, queen elizabeth ii passed away today. you know, i'm not going to lie. it's been interesting to see how varied the reactions to this news have been. the full spectrum of emotions, everything from how will the kingdom carry on? all the way to, you shouldn't have colonized india. bye, bitch. ( applause ) it's been really broad. but whatever you think about the royal family or the monarchy, you've got to admit it's insane how long elizabeth sat on the throne. she came to power in 1952. you understand how long that is? that means she's seem adam west as "batman." michael keaton as "batman."
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christian bale as "batman." ben affleck, as "batman." and then robert patterson as "batman." i'm sure there's a better way to measure time than in batmen. but you get it. she's been in the game for a minute. ( applause ) on top of that, on top of that, she was a queen. the real deal. because these days that term gets thrown around way too much. ( laughter ) yeah, you just post a photo of your smoothie online and everyone is like,s, yeah, self-care queen." no, that doesn't make you a queen. you're a duchess of self-care, at best. ( laughter ) now, in case you're wondering, prince charles is now going to be the king, which let's be honest is much better than being prince. i mean, he's-- no, he's 73 years old. all right. and until today he still had the same title as his own grandchildren. that was weird. ( laughter ) the world wasn't made for an old prince. i can tell you now, there's no one in a disney movie who is like, "some day my prince will
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come and he'll wear orthopedic shoes and eat cottage cheese for every meal. oh!" like, charles is so old he will be the first royal to ascend the throne in one of those motorized stair lifts. that's how old he is. if we had the time we could talk about how this might be a good time for britain to consider whether it wants king charles on its currency or call it quits on the whole monarchy as we know it but we do not have the time for that because there is one ruler we must honor, and that is our majesty, the advertisers. don't go away. when we come back, desi lydic will be talking about what fox is talking about. ( applause )
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." it has been one month since the f.b.i. raided donald trump's beautiful mar-a-lago home and stole his beautiful top secret documents. and we're still getting new information every day. like, it just came out that one of the documents in trump's possession had secret information about a foreign country's nuclear defense capabilities. yeah. so now, america needs to send out letters to every country in the world, like the ones you get from your credit card company, "so, there was a data breach, and you're probably going to want to change your nuclear codes." but even if you think you've been following the story closely, you haven't really unless you know how they're covering it on fox news. so for that perspective, here's desi lydic with another installment of fox-explains. >> what is the secret document
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scandal really about? why is it happening now? on the scale of one to the most innocent man who ever lived, how innocent is donald trump. i have been watching fox news for 26 days straight, and i'm ready to fox-splaain. hunt. people, this wasn't a search. this was a raid. the woke f.b.i. smashed a window and broke in and merrick garland took a bubble bath in trump's tub and erased everything on his dvr. he was catching on abbott elementary, merrick. what donald trump did was normal. everyone brings work home. after i got hired from h& m, i brought home an entire cash register. the department of justice is out of control. congratulations, f.b.i. you did it. you found melania's top secret underwear. can i see it? seriously, donald trump took documents, documents? this is no worse than what hillary did, which was terrible, and she should go to prison which is why trump should not go
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to prison. do i have to list why it is okay he had the documents. attorney-client privilege, white privilege, diplomatic immunity, the kavanaugh hearings. trump is still the president because he never gave two weeks' notice. double jeopardy. we're prosecuting trump on the espionage act. you're trying to get an american president on a french word. i don't think so. no. no. no. no. america, if you are not so outraginged that you forgot to pick your children up from school every day last week, then you are not paying attention. where is the raid on hunter biden's laptop. oh, right, the laptop is sitting in a five-star hotel getting a massage and eating caviar, from china. if they indict trump, there will be riots in the streets. if they do not indict him, there will still be riots on the street, like january 6,s which was not a riot, but a normal tourist activity.
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i will not be picking up my kids from school that day. this is another d.c. hoxz and a major distraction from the real story. joe biden gave a speech when it was dark out. that's all for this week, bye, everyone. merrick garland is a space elf. >> thank you so much for that, desi. stay tuned, when we come back, president biden's secretary of labor will be joining me here on the show. don't go away. ( applause )
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( applause ) >> trevor: welcome back to "the daily show." my guest tonight is a member of president biden's cabinet in charge of the u.s. department of labor. please welcome labor secretary, marty walsh. ( applause ) >> thank you. >> trevor: secretary walsh, welcome back to "the daily show." >> it's great to be here. a lot has happened in five years. >> trevor: it really has. last time you you were here you were the mayor of scbft now are you are the labor of sngt which means you do what,s exactly? >> i run all the jobs in america. >> trevor: it seems like america is doing a good job right now with the jobs. obviously, covid was one of the worst periods that the world has seen. millions of people lost their
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jobs. the economy was in tatters. now things are coming up. but it's an interesting time. the administration wants to get people working and more importantly the administration wants to get people working in jobs that actually allow them to earn a living which is key. i think many people have jobs. not everyone can earn a living from the jobs they have. >> that's a true statement. >> trevor: at the same time, you have the fed, who is trying to shrink how much money people can earn. it's a really good time to be in the job market right now, because you can earn a lot of money. but it seems like in trying to control interest rates, there are conflicting interests. how do you deal with this? >> the fed has their own plan and they're working to bring down inflationary pressures that everybody in the audience and around the country is feeling and president biden rolled out a plan as well to deal with inflation. one is gas. we have seen for nine straight weeks in a row gas prices come down. i'm of the camp that a good-paying job is important for america, it's good for people. and i know that there are some-- the fed has said at some point having a little unemployment might be good. i actually want to do everything i can to get more people working. we have had two amazing months in a row of job gain in the
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united states. i want to continue to see that trend. iment of i want people to move from jobs paying mediocre into better paying job, to use their power with their companies to earn better wages. at the end of the day, it's about keeping people working. and i think the president wants to see these jobs still being created. >> trevor: is it ein's focus on protecting the jobs or protecting the people who rent many to be in those jobs? i notice different countries have different approaches when it comes to this. for instance, in sweden and in some scandinavian countries, they're proud of saying we don't care about the jobs themselves. we care about the people, and we want to make sure people can earn a living wage and we'll move them around. in america, it feels like a lot of conflict comes from the fact that people want to protect the jobs-- i'm a coal minor. i'm a railway worker. i'm a policeman." and now the job is almost entrenched, when in fact the person is the thing you're trying to protect. how do you find that balance? >> you're trying to protect--
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>> it's very different. in europe a lot of european countries, when the pandemic began, people were sent home, paid a salary from their employers and didn't lose their work. in the united states, 10 million people got laid off. people were sent home. that's why they had to put out the extra help for people on unemployment. i think in the united states we're starting to shift towards making sure we're treating people fairly and creating good opportunitieses for those folks that they're not considered about that particular job, that if they lose that job their life is over. i think we have to do a better job of scaling people up, training people up. we're looking at the apprentice model that switzerland and denmark have, that a lot of the countries have. they're more into apprenticeships and we're more into job training and you better get into the job. we're catching young people earlier. kids that don't go to college. when they graduate high school and don't go to college, they might get a job at a fast food restaurant or some place like that. we need to get those young people into apprenticeships to get into good paying jobs moving
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forward. also, in america we have two weeks of vacation, work 50 weeks a year and get two weeks vacation. if you go to another country, european country, they get five, six, seven weeks of holidays. and they go out and enjoy themselves and the companies are still successful and productive. i hope some of the companies making big money realize you have to spend some of that our your employees. >> trevor: before i let you go, i would love to know your opinion on this. gen z.has been leading the charge in reestablishing what work should be and how people should think about it in their lives. one of the terms that's become quite buzzy now is "quiet quitting." people say i only need to work for as long as i need to work to get my salary. for toong people are like i'm the last one in the office. i don't sleep. people are proud of that.
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gen z. is saying i will work what i'm paid for and go and live my life. many companies are saying this is the worst thing that could happen. >> the first time i was asked a question about quiet quitting ki really had-- i thought it was people like quitting and leaving. so i-- i gave an answer, and it was-- i looked like a complete moron. and then i looked up what it was after the fact. you know, again, that goes back to-- i think it goes back to employers understanding about how they-- they need to know your workforce. they need to have conversations with their workforce and make sure the workfors understands what the mission is and treated fairly. that has to happen. when i became the mayor of boston the biggest group i brought in was millennials. millennials would jump from job to job to job, here for 10 minutes and go toy awe new job. it took some time to sit down and say what can we see in the city of boston to keep you working in the workforce. and i think having those conversations with employees is so important for a corporation, or even government.
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someone like me, other elected officials, we need to have those conversations. the quiet quitting piece, let's get to the heart of what the reason is. >> trevor: thank you so much for joining me on the show. >> thank you. >> trevor: we're going to take a quick break, but we'll be right back after this. thank you so much. ( applause )
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( cheers and applause ) >> trevor: well, that's our show for tonight. charlamagne is up next. now here it is, your moment of zen.
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got indicted for allegedly scamming people way crowd funding campaign called we build the wall. if stiech bannon ends up in prison the only wall he will be try to build will be around those cheeks. and just like trump's wall, it won't keep the mexicans out. i go by the name of charlamagne tha god, it's been a hell of a week, queen nyla, let's get it. captioning sponsored by comedy central please say hello to the most pleasant panel on the planet a highly respected journalist and anchor of banfield on newsnation, make noise for ashleigh banfield,


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